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/g/ - girl talk

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No. 391273

Please keep posts focused on women and female homosexuality! If you want to talk about attraction toward males it probably belongs in the bisexuality thread or questioning thread (check the catalog, they're usually not on the front page but I promise they exist!). Please ignore obvious bihet/troon/tradthot/fujo/etc rage bait as well. Remember that when we take the bait and infight the trannies win! If you suspect a poster is XY pls report and ignore instead of shitting up the entire thread with accusations. Newfags pls lurk and read the site rules before posting, and be careful to stay safe and anonymous (use a VPN, incognito mode, be wary of external links/discords, and be very cautious about the personal details you include in your posts).

Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
>first crush?
>what’s your local lesbian scene like?
>cute stories about your gf
>favourite lesbian media? lesbian media you hate?
>coming out stories
>are there any cows you’d uhaul with?
>bitch about being lonely
>tips for coping with being lonely
>butch? femme? how do you feel about labels?
>top? bottom? how do you feel about those labels?
>what's your type?
>when did you know you were gay?
>f/f fanfic and book recs (pls)
>which lesbian stereotypes do you fit? which ones don’t fit you at all?
>what were you like as a kid? tomboy? girly girl who made her Barbies kiss?
>what do you wanna be like as an old lady lesbian?
>get mushy and describe your dream relationship/date/etc
>best date/match? worst?
>how homophobic are your family/friends? is it woke homophobia or oldschool homophobia?
>dating app horror stories
>everything we hate about every other online lesbian community
>lesbian friends, role models, or family members you appreciate
>lesbian history, literature, and politics

previous threads:
#1- >>>/g/132141
#2- >>>/g/174105
#3- >>>/g/200981
#4- >>>/g/247377
#5- >>>/g/273508
#6- >>>/g/296902
#7- >>>/g/321065
#8- >>>/g/350481
#9- >>>/g/377964

No. 391300

I’m the person who posted this.
This girl who keeps causing problems, since I noticed that it’s hard to distinguish when I’m talking about her or the ftm girl I like, so let’s call her S. I’m going to try the gray rocking method from now on, but my therapist said to tell her directly that I dont like her behaviour. (She does a bunch of other stuff too, like act like I’m stupid, said that no one takes me seriously because of my voice and in general putting her nose in my business for no reason). But idk, I’m a zoomer, and I just hate this kinda fakebian hasbian crap idk, the fact she was so obsessed with being a lesbian and even bought a flag just to continue to act likes she “soooo gay” after having the ugliest fucking boyfriend and FUCKING HIM. Idk I just hate this kinda stuff because it puts this idea in people head that one that I’ll date a dude and fuck him because all these other girls said they’re lesbian only to date dudes. Also met another girl who was literally “lesbian until graduation” she said she was a lesbian throughout highschool and RIGHT AFTER she starts dating one of her male friends. I’m super paranoid so sometimes I wonder if these people actually know they’re faking or if they 100% believe their lies? Like I know I’m a lesbian, but I should kill myself now if I’ll grow up to fuck a moid. Idk I just hate this kinda crap.

No. 391304

Sorry for gramatical errors or missing words btw, I’m posting through mobile.

No. 391325

skimmed your prev posts, I think you should distance yourself from that friend without making your dislike of her and the whole situation obvious. I'm not your therapist and again, I only skimmed, but drama-mongering tards like that only feed off of genuine feedback to start more shit and paint themselves as victims. Let her go and let her drown in the mess she made lol. Sooner or later insecure fauxbians like that pick the bottom of the barrel moids to shack up with, she'll get her dues.
Meanwhile, I don't see why you can't get friendlier and have more 1-on-1 time with your crush. Sucks about the gender koolaid though, I don't have advice that isn't "keep her at arms length."

No. 391355

thanks for making the new thread!!

No. 391448

I've never been with a girl. I've been more attracted to girls than anything else but I feel like it's so hard for me to reach out to them and not look like a weirdo. Maybe it has something to do with my elementary trauma where every other girl considered me awkward to be around but even though I'm young myself I feel like I've been missing out so much on living the lesbian experience. Any advice?

No. 391449

Additionally I crave so bad to be intimate and have innocent fun with my best friend but she's painfully hetero and very awkward herself so I don't want to hurt her or scare her off by trying anything with her. I respect her feelings more than my own desires but it's even a joke within our moid friend circle that she will never be into girls and that I will be continously rejected by her.

No. 391472

Go to the club girl, surround yourself with other dykes. Getting over a straight crush can be hard but it will be near impossible if you continue to hang out w/ her and never meet with anyone new.
If your fear of approaching is what's stopping you then more reason to go to a gay space, a lot of lesbians feel comfortable taking the first step.

No. 391484

Lol S found out who I like, but it’s okay because she said I was just a “bisexual with a genital preference” because I told her it’s more about SEXOOOO LMFAOOO but it’s okay it didn’t lead to anything bad.

No. 391503

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I cant take this no more I should’ve done the whole grey rock thing day 1 I’m fucked it’s over for me.

No. 391517

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Does anyone else despise the pink sunset flag? It just seems shallow to me as the colors carry no real meaning and, in conjunction with the "gay" toothpaste flag, feels regressive as in "pink is for girls and blue is for boys".
The Labrys is much cooler, carries a lot of meaning in each of the elements and is a lot more original yet I literally NEVER see it used, why?

No. 391520

i think the lesbo flag is pretty minus the white in the middle. but the labrys is def cooler. as for why it's not used, lefties are afraid of it because it's been used to, gasp, exlude men (aka trans women) and is seen as a terf dogwhistle

No. 391524

Could you use an app?

No. 391547

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I’m butch but I liked the pretty pink andpurple lipstick flag the best (for some reason this doesn’t have the lipstick in the corner because whoever made it is a faggot)

No. 391573

I like the lesbian flag minus the white stripe as well, but I think the labrys flag is way cooler. It feels like lesbians are warriors.

Middle looks the best.

No. 391581

ayrt. Bro just drop both retards and start fresh. The more you try to find some hidden virtue of theirs to make up for everything else, the clearer it becomes that the infection runs deeper. Sorry that happened, I've gone through a similar thing myself. It might help if you talk to yourself out loud about all their faults and every bad thing they did (whether they ~meant to~ or not). Get yourself so angry that it helps cauterize the hurt. And then don't respond to anything they say for a week (say you're super busy if they're no-life NEETy losers begging for attention and validation) and see how that feels.

No. 391608

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Too fucking based that's why undesirables had to replace it huh. They also seethe so fucking hard whenever it comes up in anything.

No. 391622

I really love the axe, but the purple color on the most common iteration of the flag is so eye-bleeding. I'd love a version where the purple is darker and/or less saturated like in the first image linked.

No. 391645

All the explanations are cringe

No. 391681

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Come on nonnas, this masterpiece is obviously the best lesbian flag ever

No. 391694

How do you meet lesbians in real life and look approachable to them? I'm femme and it makes me worry that I just look straight. I've heard weird suggestions like to wear a scissor necklace or a lot of rings (for some reason?) but nothing that I'd actually want to do. I feel like if I saw someone doing the things people have told me to do in the past I'd just think they were emo or something. Any tips that might apply to me better?

No. 391740

Is it weird that I’ve suffered from anorexia (and still kinda do) but have idk a “fetish” for chubby women? Also should I not see sexual pictures and drawings on twitter and abstain from sexual stuff because it’s weird, idk twitter is filled with sex stuff anyways so it’s hard to avoid.

No. 391755

Fuck this, I’m not going to. Now I feel dirty forever and wish to shower with the lights off fuck this fuck this fuck this. I want to go back when I avoided sex at all costs. I don’t want this anymore I don’t want this anymore I don’t want this. Idk what to say.

No. 391758

How old are you? Maybe just wear a rainbow accessory like a bracelet or one of these bad girls

No. 391760

Every thread has a post asking where to meet wlw. Why do lesbians not know how to use dating apps?

No. 391771

I wish we had an app that was truly FOR lesbians… even a hookup app. Her and Lex both suck. I would develop Triblr, but I’m not familiar with Java/Kotlin or Swift. My last fling, which ended terribly in March, has left me horny and neurotic and honestly suicidal! before I ended my dry spell with this girl who I met through my roommate, I honestly thought I had a pretty low sex drive. But now I feel like a FUCKING FREAK. I haven’t seen her irl in over a month since we broke things off, but it’s like she awakened some dormant libidinous demon in me that won’t go back to sleep!! It is intolerable. She basically relegated me to the fuckzone, and I told her I wasn’t interested in being Concubine #3 because she meant more than a hookup and I had caught feelings and to save my dignity I just I couldn’t see her anymore. But I lowkey regret my decision. What good is dignity when you are alone?! And horny and miserable all the time. She took what I said very literally. Not only is she avoiding me, she’s avoiding our entire friend group. I think maybe she will continue ignoring all of us, and I will probably graduate and move out in June and never see her again. I just can’t believe it! I still think about her everyday. I wouldn’t call it love, but maybe a fixation. I wish I’d move the fuck on. But I don’t think I will unless I can redirect these obsessive feelings onto another girl I am seeing. I simply cannot go back to how I was before. I smoke like a chimney, and I masturbate like 4 times a day to my memories of the fling, or fantasies based off those memories. It’s just so sickening. It’s like, now I know. Now I know what I don’t have. What I might never have again, because of how I was born and what I was born into…

No. 391794

Any app that is unapologetically anti-trannies is going to be taken down from App Store and Play Store and most normies are too braindead to go to the dev's website to download the apk (plus applel users can't do this as they are cucked). In other words, it's gonna be dead as fuck because of the Jews.(racebait)

No. 391802

several hundred miles and approximately five days away from the conversation where she admitted her mom doesn't know we're together, no, actually, I am not okay with being a long-distance "eccentric close friend" in the eyes of her family. I PLANNED MY FUCKING CAREER SHIFT AROUND MOVING CROSS-COUNTRY FOR THIS WOMAN AND SHE CAN'T EVEN TELL THE FAMILY SHE'S OUT TO THAT WE'RE DATING? WHY THE FUCK DID I SAY I WAS OKAY AND UNDERSTOOD STAYING CLOSETED AS AN ADULT

No. 391803

what happened??

No. 391804

okay that was very much not the video I intended to have accompany that text but it's horribly funny to the point where I'm not deleting. this is what I meant to attach.

No. 391821

I can’t offer you advice… but I can express sympathy for the libido thing. My libido was perfectly average until I met this one girl, and then boom, the horny demon awoke and never went away, it sucks. I’m lucky to have a good amount of bi and lesbian friends so honestly I hook up with them but it’s definitely messy and caused some drama.

No. 391844

Would you say this happened because she was super good at sex or what?

No. 391861

I think I just lost a friend to the autistic lesbian to trans pipeline. It seems like now that she's dating women she feels like she has to be a man. Once she met her TiM bandmate I had a strong feeling she'd convert to the dark side, like it was only a matter of time. This feels like a betrayal because we used to talk about the culty side of the trans movement and how fucked up it is, and she said she'd never go down that path despite always having weird gender feelings (which I think is just her tism + childhood trauma) but in a matter of months she cut her hair and started T… despite having a phobia of being perceived as male. I just don't get it. She even said that if she ever transitioned, she'd be super feminine which makes it even worse.

sage for blog post. Wasn't even sure where to post this.

No. 391864

Your friend sounds retarded and will likely join all other detrans retards in a couple years, maybe even sooner.

No. 391867

I think so too. She's on a very low dose of T for now, apparently less than the amount they give to post menopausal women. She got on it for period issues but I think that's just an excuse tbh.

No. 391922

I use them, they just really fucking suck. It also sounds nice to meet someone in person, even though it's probably a little unlikely.

No. 391951

No this happened to me too. I wouldn't call it a fetish but I love love curves and get sad when women lose weight, I was just thinking this

No. 391978

This happened to a lesbian friend of mine, and it was crazy because she even said it was because of her autism and trauma and religious upbringing. She was so aware of why she was doing it, but she's still on T and it's crazy because her non-troon gf is more butch than she is. Sucks, but there's not much you can say or do aside from quietly distancing yourself.

No. 391987

Sounds like she just wanted to try out and see if trooning out would solve some of her problems. Also likely to find out soon that it doesn't.

No. 391996

Idk it’s not even a fetish I just tend to feel more sexually attracted to women on the chubbier side.
I feel like that too, but I guess it’s in general combined misogyny (growing up online LOL) + homophobia. But I still pretend to be a guy online because I’m ashamed of being a woman.

No. 392344

here me out but any lesbians here tried dressing in lolita to meet women?

No. 392352

No but I like lolita fashion.

No. 392355

There are lesbian lolitas? Only one I know is that polish lolcow obsessed with drawing that one historical nazi dude

No. 392433

I hate how lesbians spaces still enforce oh you like pink and cute shit? So you must always like receiving or some retard assumption and play the feminine role of the relationship just because cute things make you happy! It’s so fucking annoying please stop with this shit. I can like pink and dress a certain way because it makes life enjoyable for me and still not do most of the feminine things in the relationship or like giving more than receiving. This is so stupid.

No. 392438

What Polish lolcow? I think I never heard of her but please tell me who she is, I want to laugh too.

No. 392468

I knew a lesbian lolita with a very normie butch wife. They were really cute and I think they have a kid now.

No. 392501

Stop hanging around zoomie gendie lesbian spaces

No. 392512

Wait, you guys have spaces?

No. 392656

if we do they're for 'lesbian' bands that suck or they're "queer femme and nonbinary femmes" spaces where you have to walk on eggshells around the tif women and hope and pray no tims realize it exists and try to butt their way in

No. 392663

My girlfriend wears lolita and quite a few women in her local comm are bi anad lesbian. It could work.

No. 392664

There are very few since they get shut down or swamped immediately by trannies who cry that they're not included or feel "unwelcome/unsafe"
The somewhat sane ones seem to be lesbiangang and justlesbians, but both are a bit dead

No. 392674

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Thank you Nonette your answer GMH.

No. 392707

How did you guys meet your girlfriend?

No. 392715

I used to go to /cgl/ a lot and I used to read there that lolita communities are full of lesbians but it strikes me as another case of jailhouse gay similar to fujos where they just want someone who is into their hobby and the het moids into lolita seem like creeps so I kinda understand but it's just funny.

No. 392716

No. 392717

Roleplay forum.

No. 392723

Through a mutual friend on Tumblr.

Funnily enough the ones I've seen aren't dating women that are also into lolita. Maybe there are comms where that's more commonplace, I'm sure many women would be overjoyed to have a partner that shares such a relatively niche interest.

No. 392728

I am very curious, how did you manage to do that on an anonymous image board? Was it through the friend finder thread? Did one of you leave an email address while talking in a milk thread? What do you tell people when they ask how you met? I need a farmer gf, lesbians in my are very libfem and I dream to have a terf farmer love

No. 392734

Seems a little presumptuous, I knew a lesbian lolita and she ended up dating an athletic normie. I'm not into the hobby myself, so I don't know how common that is. But more than that, it is pretty normal to be interested in dating someone who shares your hobbies and interests, no? Why would two women dating because they met via a niche fashion hobby indicate feigned attraction? Maybe I'm just missing something because I'm not that into lolita.

No. 392756

I saw her sperging out about lesbian fujos on a Mongolian basketweaving forum and I thought "this is the one"

No. 392761

No way, did she already find a new girlfriend?

No. 392771

I shitposted in the thread. She's my gf >>392756(yuripedo antifujo ban evading)

No. 392772

>What do you tell people when they ask how you met?
Always curious about this when I hear about nonnas meeting their girlfriends here. Easy enough to come up with a lie though, sounds fun tbh.

No. 392821

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Why is it so hard meeting women on dating apps. Everytime I match with someone we have a short convo that goes no where. I've been on a total off 2 dates off hinge and they never went anyway. I'm on bumble too but that went nowhere I don't feel like giving tinder a try.
Mostly because the queer scene in my city is small and I see the same people across apps anyway.
I have some mutuals on ig who are on hinge and they are pretty but it feels weird liking their profile on a dating app. If they were interested in me wouldn't they just dm me? They're all in the same friend groups/social circles too so I don't want to come off as a creep/thirsty.
I tried following someone who I matched with on hinge but the convo went nowhere but she never followed back, it's crazy cause I run into her on our college campus all the time and she always stares. It's like why do you keep staring at me, you ghosted me twice I don't get it.

No. 392822

Samefagging but I was supposed to go to this event on lesbian day of visibility to meet some people but my bank account is fucked. So I can't transit to the address and asked for a refund.
If they don't refund i guess i'll go there anyway.

No. 392836

I use dating apps to get an ego boost from having my profile swiped on.

No. 392854

Figures someone actually told me this before during "an apology"(I bumped into them irl and said cause we're mutuals. They still stalk all my stories).
Gonna stop liking profiles on hinge kek

No. 392869

Remember that the vast vast majority of matches wont' go anywhere, and the majority of first dates won't go anywhere either. At least, that's been my experience.

No. 393011

No, I'm butch. If I were dressing to attract women I'd dress more femme because literally every young lesbian my age is exclusively femme4femme.

No. 393082

Lesbian lolita/ouji here, I would give my arm for another lesbian lolita. My local comm only has a few genderspecials.

No. 393085

>what’s your local lesbian scene like?

Nonnas I feel like the world is healing. Last weekend, I went to a "queer" speed dating event. It was pretty amazing that the largest group of participants were lesbians and they could even get a stamp if they just wanted to pair with biological woman, which wasn't an issue because there weren't any tims there either. There tifs, but far less than I expected. I haven't felt this happy in a long time.

No. 393179

>are there any cows you’d uhaul with?
Nobody is answering and I’m prepared to have tomatoes thrown my way. I thought Paki-Chan would be a lot uglier than she is, but she’d be my type if she was less spergy.

No. 393189

someone please link me to pakichan face reveal

No. 393216

please pray I don’t get my period in the two day window im hanging out with this girl who I might sleep with

No. 393219

i'm a lesbian but i can only cum if i pretend to be a guy fucking a girl. not comfortable with it but don't know how to fix it.

No. 393297

so is everyone here a repressor

No. 393323

i don't have any desire to actually be a man and i never have, i like all my female body parts and wouldn't want them gone. this is the only issue that i have, and it only started this year

No. 393330

yeah i guess i'm kinda a reverse agp in a sense that instead of being an ugly loser man who fantasizes about being a hot woman i am a hot woman who sometimes fantasizes about being an ugly loser man like i just have this fantasy of being some pathetic ugly manlet being bullied by women kek

No. 393339

stop watching porn

No. 393432

i have never watched porn and i think some of you polilezzies could lighten up a little fucking tiring when you always gotta act your sexuality as a woman is hands holding tier lest some pearl clutcher loses her shit can't even write tongue-in cheek shit around here before someone who's read andrea dworkin guotes on tumblr comes at you

No. 393477

AAP is a heterosexual fetish. You're bisexual.

No. 393490

i'm not attracted to my fake self or my body though, and simply thinking about being a guy doesn't arouse me at all. i'm attracted specifically to the woman i'm having sex with.

if it changes anything, i loathe myself for being a lesbian, and am ashamed of my attraction.

No. 393497

>i loathe myself for being a lesbian, and am ashamed of my attraction
That explains everything, at least you're self aware of these perversions (both pretending to be a moid and being a lesbian kek).(bait)

No. 393499

why? if i am not attracted to males or my ugly loser male self, why? also i can too admit i have lot of internalized homophobia tbh

No. 393502

like seriously this >>393432 post applies to you too, can't post shit around here or hysteric bivestigators lose their minds

like if i am serious for a moment, for me the thought is all about how freeing it would be some ugly gremlin, what is my life and sexuality if not constantly being clouded by harassment and fetishization both as a woman and a lesbian? because of how fetishized lesbian sexuality is, it feels like there is always some invisible third party watching me, even during my private fantasies about women that robs me of my own sexuality in a sense, as if i can never truly exist just for myself but someone perving on me. the constant living under the male gaze is tiring and annoying so to me it is interesting to imagine myself as complete opposite of that, someone who is out of being fetishized and preyed upon. so yes i sometimes like to think what it would be like if i was an ugly fat loser man no one is attracted to instead of a woman and a lesbian.

No. 393503

does anyone else here have a really hard time imagining themselves married and sharing a home with someone? not from a lack of options, but from liking being alone. i feel like i love my alone time so much that i'm not cut out for a serious long term relationship.

No. 393507

I feel something in a similar way. I'm confident in my homosexuality, but I am so bad at continuing relationships with people I don't see everyday that I feel like I am destined to be alone. A part of it stems from me just not wanting to see people after I get off work because I need to recharge after acting like a nice lady for 5 days in a row. I like spending my time alone for the most part, and unless I'm imagining my life with my fictional crush I legit feel to autistic to fall in love with a real woman.

No. 393508

Used to be, I no longer feel dysphoria

No. 393511

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Same, I'm a person who likes being alone and needs time to recharge from other people, but I also remember this occasion a couple of years ago when I was talking to a friend and he mentioned the same thing.
>"I don't see the point of constantly being with someone(a romantic partner), seems annoying and like a waste of time"
But at the time I was down BAD for a girl, like constantly thinking about her and smiling at the sight of her down bad, so I responded with something along the lines of:
>"When you actually like someone any time you spend with them is not a waste but a joy, you look up to the time you see them and actively want to spend time together"
And that's the truth, when you fall in love your entire personality and way of thinking just changes like that. Currently the idea of living with someone and constantly spending time with them seems unclmfortable and annoying to me because there's no one I'd want to do that with.
You'll find love some day nonnie ♥︎

No. 393518

Don't mind the anons obsessed with spotting out the bisexuals occupying their head around the clock, it's pretty clear they're compensating for whatever. But to tell my personal story, my brain is completely broken by the internalized homophobia instilled upon me since my childhood spent in a small town in a conservative family, I've always been butch and wanted to troon out specifically because I couldn't even imagine being sexual with a woman being the way I am since lesbians are disgusting predators even if she enjoys it at the moment she'll probably turn on you tomorrow and tell everyone you raped her or bodyshame you. Just look at all the posts on places like Lchat where they won't settle for anything less than superstar level actresses with a house's worth of plastic surgery done and a personal trainer and stylist making sure they always look unnaturally perfect.

A lot of butch lesbians and lesbian FTMs I've met have the same feelings, they absolutely hate their bodies and being judged on the standards women are given. You have to be thin, beautiful, hairless, shapely, but if you are, people will think you're after men. I don't know how to put it, I guess sometimes it feels like admitting your female parts is the same as admitting men an access to your body either visually or physically so trying to erase them is like denying them access. I'm rambling here but maybe someone understands what I'm trying to say.

No. 393521

Anyone else in denial that they are lesbian and grasping at straws for evidence of straightness? How do you come to terms with it?

No. 393537

Kek it's comforting that imagining yourself as an ugly moid is so common because I used to do that all the time. For me I felt really guilty about wanting to receive pleasure or orgasm during sex because it feels like the majority of 'wlw' are terrified of pussy so I felt like a gross predator for wanting anyone to touch me. But even the ugliest man in the world gets to orgasm during sex and it's just normal, it's a totally normal expectation.

I touch grass and try to meet women irl but for my location/age my options are depressing and it just reinforces my insecurities. Primarily women self-describing as bottoms and pillow princesses so I have no idea how anyone in my area is getting laid when 90% of the dating pool only wants to receive.

Being terminally online actually kind of helps my confidence because sometimes women here and on Tumblr are openly thirsty for like, androgynous or GNC women. I've stopped fantasizing about being male because through the female fantasies thread and Tumblr hornyposting I've cobbled together a fantasy world where sex and relationships are reciprocal and I'm not automatically shoved in the boyfriend-lite/'top' role.

No. 393539

>the majority of 'wlw' are terrified of pussy
Please stop having "sex" with confused Twitter zoomettes.

No. 393541

90% lesbian issues would go away if everyone stayed offline

No. 393543

Lesbian spaces have been infested with heterosexual polilezzies since the second wave, nona. It's not a new thing. They're even the ones who birthed the idea of butches being predatory moid lites to begin with as to them wuhluhwuh is two conventionally attractive women making out because they still want to seem attractive to men.

No. 393544

>For me I felt really guilty about wanting to receive pleasure or orgasm during sex because it feels like the majority of 'wlw' are terrified of pussy so I felt like a gross predator for wanting anyone to touch me. But even the ugliest man in the world gets to orgasm during sex and it's just normal, it's a totally normal expectation.
Nonna, are you me? Damn.
>I touch grass and try to meet women irl but for my location/age my options are depressing and it just reinforces my insecurities.
I’m sorry this has been your experience, nonna. I’ve had several gfs and flings, but I still struggle to receive in all of those encounters. Some of the women I’ve been with self-described as “bottoms” which fueled my own insecurity, like you said. But even when women have wanted to reciprocate, I stop them after a couple of minutes because I get into my own head too much and worry they’re not really enjoying themselves and they don’t honestly enjoy eating pussy in the way that I do or whatever. I’ve never orgasmed with another person ever. I’m so jealous of women who don’t worry about these things, especially straight women who know they’re desired

No. 393546

NTA but
>especially straight women who know they’re desired
Goddamn this hit hard lmao. I sometimes feel like posting workout selfies showing off my gains for all the SSAs out there but then I remember that I'm disgusting and predatory for wanting to feel genuinely desired and attractive by other women.

No. 393547

Whats wrong with wanting to be conventionally attractive? I love being feminine for myself, even women in prison will try to make themselves look feminine, are we all doing it for men? Why are lesbians so critical of each other?

No. 393550

That's the conclusion you made out of that statement? Are you serious or trolling?

No. 393551

Watch people on this site accuse women of being bi for liking one moid weeb character that looks exactly like a woman meanwhile irl women zoomies will say lesbians can love men and troons. Why is our community like this. Both sides are insane.

No. 393552

Ayrt, I love seeing women post their gym gains, it’s the hottest thing ever. I’m sure you’re desirable, nonna ♥

No. 393553

Oh no please don't summon her I'm begging

No. 393554

Sorry I'm mentally ill. Ignore me.

No. 393565

I know I'm desperate because I would let any woman grope/molest me even if I don't want it.

No. 393566

Unfortunately it's not just confused Twitter zoomettes. The breakdown for dating apps in my area is:
>40% bi women who openly call themselves 'bottom', 'pillow princess' or 'experimenting'. (I don't hate all bi women but these ones are obviously red flags).
>20% unicorn hunters.
>15% AGP.
>15% asexual kinky nonbinary poly AuDHD spoonie settler #fuckJKRowling she/they.
>5% normie he/him men who never get banned for some reason?
>3% blue collar butches who are really cool but get deeply offended when a non-hyperfemme woman hits on them.
>2% regular homo/bisexual women with no pronouns and no 'teehee I'm a clueless widdle bottom pls be gentle uwu' crap in their profile.

I'm actually not a zoomer so that's probably part of the problem, most of the actual dykes are already married.

No. 393571

I can see the character posted by that anonnete in the other thread being male, if that's what you're referring to. Still, if you're okay with the idea of a male, then you're probably bi/het.

No. 393574

how is this pearl clutching? not liking aap doesn’t mean anyone thinks lesbians should “just hold hands”, kek. it’s not an ultimatum… i’m concerned for how you view sex. honestly i’m kind of just fucking exhausted of all the subconsciously wanting to be men shit, it’s in ftms and it’s even in lolcow users god where can i escape? i just want to be around women who want to be women. it’s like everyone’s lives revolve around men, hetties and dykes alike.

No. 393586

That's sadly the crux of being born as a woman. Being a lesbian doesn't shield you from misogyny, sexism or being made to center men in your lives. But because of our lack of sexual attraction towards them the experience lesbians have regarding sexual behavior molded by being made to center men and consequently, heterosexuality in general, is very different from straight women and it's sad that a lot of (especially gnc) lesbians can't talk about it without everyone suddenly calling them repressed hettie betties when 50% of the general population with their greater social power somehow affect their lives and perception of themselves every day. If you're exhausted with hearing about it, imagine how it would be for the one who literally can't have an orgasm due to homophobia making them feel undeserving of it. And like said, ehen anons talk about "wanting to be men" it's an issue with heterosexuality-defined norms rather than "centering men".

No. 393597

There is also an issue of certain users elevating lesbianism as the most enlightened orientation, which isn't helpful to anons dealing with internalized homophobia, especially those who feel like they're not "good enough" to be with women as women. I had to accept that sexual orientation is morally neutral and involuntary to start getting over all the weird baggage lesbianism is saddled with.

No. 393605

Yeah. The "lesbians are enlightened and based radfems" rhetoric is still politicizing lesbianism and making it an ideology and implicating that it's a conscious choice. It's just a continuum of the control people want to exert over female sexuality and make it into something more than it is, just a different flavor. A ton of young lesbians identify simply as "queer" because they're made to feel on both sides that it's not enough that you're a woman exclusively sexually attracted to other women, you have to make it into a performance. We don't have any room to figure ourselves out because there's both an excessive amount of ideological puritanism and also sexualization attached to lesbianism to the point the term "lesbian" sounds more either like a politicized subculture or porn category to so many young people.

No. 393657

> i’m concerned for how you view sex

wowie gee thanks never crossed my mind that perhaps living in this shit het world could have caused my sexuality to get fucked up by me being surrounded by male supremacy and homophobia but that of course is flaw of me instead of a flaw of the environment i am living in!

No. 393714

well i’m sorry but you’re not going to hear any sympathy from me.

No. 393729

then seek out a therapist instead of telling us your gross paraphilias. we all live in a homophobic, sexist world, but personally I think the lust I feel with another woman overpowers the shame… stop overthinking.

No. 393736

Shes allowed to complain about her unique lesbian struggles in the lesbian general you know

No. 393740

>Literally the lesbian version of the dudebro "stop being depressed you just need to get laid lmao!" mindset

No. 393741

shut the fuck up. this shit's always so infuriating, as a lesbian you're never allowed to have any flaws or whatever not in the het world, not among other lesbians even on a freak central website like this. and >>393729 in particular, you have no comments on this >>393502 post of mine or is it too depressing so you just focus on my first tongue on the cheek post because you just gotta have your fix on shitting on other women because we're not perfect with dealing with the trauma of sexism, sexual abuse/harassment and heterosexism? you have no actual insight to put out there

No. 393743

speaking of insight, perhaps you too suffer from the same problem as me though in different way, ie it feels like there is some sort of imaginary third party always watching and witnessing you and others as lesbian, because i genuinely don't know what exactly could be your problem about me or other anons venting about our issues with homophobia in this thread if not thinking that we're supposed to perform to some unseen audience? better not post about any delicate issues here or seem like a freak, or someone might see that not every lesbian is enlightened forever conscious super woman but there might exist insane and weird little goblin women in our midst? am i ruining your personal reputation as a lesbian with my posts? what? what is the need for this kind of policing if not keeping up some performance for someone just in case?

No. 393750

Maaaan. Shut the hell up

No. 393792

does anyone’s “type” of woman stay consistent or has it morphed for y’all too? I’ve pretty much always been into nerdy, introverted women who are booksmart and feminine but suddenly I’m ONLY into muscular, sporty women right now. I don’t feel attracted to my old “type” of women anymore idk why

No. 393835

oh boo hoo. is this really that deep? you sound like, twittermad. you just have a weird fetish like the FTMs do, nothing too common in today’s society. nothing special.(infight bait)

No. 393844

Why do you love to hate and bait lesbians in the lesbian thread?

No. 393847

Because every time she does it we reward her with attention.

No. 393849

You've seen pakichan's face?

No. 393853

like i said, no insight. who are you performing for?

No. 393878

I remember she posted a pic of herself with her grandmother but her face was censored. She seemed cute though.

No. 393915

Actually agreed. Take your trannyshit to /ot/.

No. 393920

lol based on the reaction it sounds like several anons here have complexes from growing up as a lesbian in Muh Society, like I do too from homophobic girls bullying me in high school.. but to imagine yourself as a gross man? like keep that gooner tranny shit to yourself.(bait)

No. 393922

sometimes this is literally true sorry!

No. 393929

Ignore bait

No. 393957

File: 1714185466653.jpg (146.48 KB, 720x717, nowords.jpg)

>match with girl on tinder
>cute, no pronouns, we work in the same field, ignore that bi women aren't my preference
>talk for 3 weeks
>btw im poly and in a long term relationship

No. 393958

No. 393961

I don't get why straight people are allowed to thirst for some anime character or supermodel of the same sex and still be straight but lesbians can't. Anime isn't real, being attracted to one anime boy isn't the same as wanting to date and marry men.

I've been fantasizing about something similar lately. I think I'd put out for literally any woman right now.

To chime in on viewing yourself during sex, rather, don't. Don't think about yourself during sex. Men definitely don't. It'll kill your arousal for sure. I try to focus on the other woman and the pleasure and eroticism of the situation. Don't use sex to be voyeur to yourself. Give your all to your partner. That's how I feel.

Also, would you be put off by a woman calling you "shawty"? She's hot and my type but it's so off-putting.
>is my type of woman someone who says "shawty"???????

No. 393971

Bihets on tinder every gd time

No. 393978

Anyone straight wouldn't be ATTRACTED to an anime character of the same sex, just like anyone gay wouldn't be ATTRACTED to an anime character of the opposite sex. If you're genuinely ATTRACTED to male characters in a sexual way then you're not a lesbian. If you're not actually attracted to them then stop throwing that word around as if it meant nothing you fucking stupid tard.

No. 393979

I'm sorry but I think it's so funny that so many women on this website are sexually confused due to their feelings about anime characters and so many furious debates rage over the sexuality of people attracted to anime characters. I mean this with love and sympathy but it's just such a tragically hilarious weeb problem

No. 393980

So which side do you support? Is getting off to drawn male bodies or imaginary male bodies lesbian behavior just because they're not real? Is getting off to you getting fucked by a dude lesbian because the dude in your head is not real? What's the logic behind this?(fujosperging bait)

No. 393984

Who tf is saying anything about getting fucked?

No. 393987

Ignore fujosperg-chan

No. 393989

If you find a character sexually attractive you either
>get turned on by them
>have enjoyable sexual thoughts of them
>masturbate to their body and/or you doing sexual things to them and/or them doing sexual things to you
Please tell me which one of this is gay to do with a male character if you're a lesbian.

No. 393990

Based on my experience I honestly trust a lesbian who likes anime men more than a lesbian who likes coomerized moidgaze anime girls.

No. 393991

I would trust a lesbian anime husbandofag over lolifujospergchan

No. 393992

Are you cucked enough to take the obsessed husbandofag as a gf though?

No. 393993

Every single time someone says the weeb freakouts over fictional men are funny someone crawls out to "WELL ACTUALLY" it with their own viewpoint like it doesn't just make them look even funnier.

No. 393994

There are options other than obsessed husbandofag screaming about wanting to impregnated by husbando-kun you know, my girlfriend is a gigantic fujo and only likes male characters but she never husbandofags for them. Meanwhile the pornsick yurifag lesbian I know started dating men KEK(fujo derailing)

No. 393995

Nice fanfiction, fujolard.

No. 393996

Stop replying to her

No. 394002

This thread is the last place where I'd expect to see fujos. Why are you here

No. 394016

this thread is made up of
who ironically accuse everyone who doesn't want to see their retarded shit in the lesbian thread of all places of being a polilez or the lolisperg

No. 394033

ayrt, it's honestly impossible to say because it's so difficult to comprehend someone having so little experience with liking real life human people that you can let cartoons that are drawn cutely confuse you. again said with love
you get it kek

No. 394040

There are already several threads to sperg about fujocoomery, keep it out of /lg/.

No. 394071

>it's impossible to say if it's gay when a woman gets off to imaginary male bodies
You people are so fucking spineless. Do you think lolishit is pedo? Then getting off to drawn/imaginary scrotes is not gay. Simple as.(continuing infight after farmhand post)

No. 394102

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I don’t go to gay bars anymore because 9/10 times, I end up being approached by a couple who looks like this. It’s always something along the lines of “I think you’re hot and I want to spend the night with you, my husband will be there but we have a cuck chair so don’t mind him.” Why does this happen so much?

No. 394107

Why were white moids psyop'd into becoming cucks and trannies. It's pretty baffling.

No. 394112

Slimy shitbags who try to score FFM threesomes are not poor little white men who are being psyop'd into anything, anon.

No. 394113

Sorry for you nonna but I find Anisa so hot in that pic

No. 394120

KILL bisexual women and their gross scrotes(alogging)

No. 394126

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No. 394185

There’s a coffee shop on a corner a block away from my house. I’ve always driven past it until our lesbian neighbours mentioned it. I went in and it seems to be run by lesbians who immediately recognised me as one of their own and were so sweet. I now go in there all time, it’s like a nice WLW pocket of the world and an antidote to being amongst straight people all day and their straight problems. It’s how I imagine lesbian bars used to feel.

No. 394217

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I’m really tired of seeing all these memes about how lesbians just love fictional men. I’m so damn tired of people trying to shove men into our attraction. The women who I’ve dated like this would say they’re “hardcore lesbians” and then when a man would come they’d drop everything. I know there’s a difference between liking a character and fancying them. And I’ve liked many male characters and related to them, but I’m so so tired of it being “oh ya lesbians LOVE men they want to FUCK them” because it tells men they have a chance and weird hetero women give that to them.

No. 394218

Nonnas of a certain age. Do you find it easier or more complicated to find someone as you get older? I have the impression that the lesbians on the apps are all 18-20 years old and in the bars over 40 years old. No middle.

No. 394219

I don't even understand how this is thing. So many exquisite women characters and you chose a man to have a crush on ? Ew. Thats why I always side eyes girls into anime, Kpop boys group (or One Direction/Justin Bieber at the time)

No. 394223

it's all because of that comphet doc which was made by an admitted bisexual

No. 394239

Kek I knew a girl (and kinda had a crush on her) who swore she was a lesbian up and down and could never imagine dating a man or being with a man. Said she loved women. Had a few fictional husbandos though which I didn't think much of at the time. But then within a few months she grew out her hair, started wearing makeup and more feminine clothes, because she got a boyfriend KEK. Thought she was a lesbian and could never imagine herself with a guy….Damn. She even changed the way she acted and spoke to appeal to him. You know, that retarded tiktok typing style and posting unfunny ass "silly" memes. Kek kek kek. I hate these fake lesbians that deep down just want a man. The most 'attraction' to women they show is posting a picture of some botched kpoop girl and saying "I love women!!"

No. 394243

I find it more complicated. The dating pool is already small and I feel that at my age (29+) you are already an established person so making comprises can be more difficult.
I stopped dating a few years ago because like you said, the apps seem to be mostly young adults and I don't like bars (not that any lgb even exist here)

No. 394250

Disclaimer: live in a big city where people don't get married as young as they do in the midwest or south. I feel like up to about 30, there is still a decent amount of women who are dating and on apps and out in the bars and at events because of late bloomers, unserious relationships ending, lesbians having a hard time meeting each other and other things like that, and you're also young enough that you can reasonably date women in their mid-late 20s, but at 35+, most women have settled down and it's all nasty poly people. Also, there are lots of lesbian dance events and bar events and ladies nights that attract the 21-30 range here in the city.

No. 394254

I’ve given up on dating years ago (32 now). Am happy to be a virgin forever. It’s never been a better time in history to decenter romantic relationships from your life.(what does this have to do with lesbianism)

No. 394258

Am I going crazy or is this thread being derailed by a straight moid. What is this blackpill shit?

No. 394281

Sorry but if you use strap-ons you are probably a latent bi (or AAP if you are on the giving side). You are literally simulating het sex dynamics and LARPing as a moid if you give. You are putting a fake dick inside. It's homophobic to insinuate otherwise. Just use fingers if you need penetration so bad.(bait)

No. 394282

It’s just in: having sex with an object is now STRAIGHT!
this thread is something, it really is.

No. 394283

Yes unironically. If being into fictional moids aka fake moids is straight then so is being into fake dick aka dildos/strap.

No. 394286

Bait used to be believable

No. 394288

And gays who do penetration are straight because they simulate hetero sex ^^

No. 394291

No because they're only using their natural parts. Why are you bringing faggots into this?

No. 394294

By this logic, fucking ftms makes you straight. Some of you are so fucking paranoid about what is and isn't lesbianism, you sound like straight moids who won't wash their ass because it's gay.
Anyway, what's your favorite position for using the strap? It might sound dumb but I really like missionary, I like being able to look her in the eyes while we fuck.

No. 394295

Except ftms have a pussy. But tbh most people who fuck troons are bi. Go on tell me this - how is fapping to gross art of moids any different to fapping to fake dicks? It's both equally bi. Dildos are literally fake peens.(infighting)

No. 394299

Lol so you're a butthurt fujo/yume. Keep coping, hettie.(infighting)

No. 394300

I just said fujoshit/yumeshit is disgusting, what are you talking about? Just say you're het

No. 394305

Ngl shes right, dildos are even advertized by their manufacturing as being "flesh-like", they are literally designed for hetties. You sound like a coping bislut.(infighting/samefagging)

No. 394313

you troll-feeding retards are making me embarrassed to be a lesbian. every day i come here i feel like an absent father finding out that the neighborhood witnessed yet another screaming slapfight from our nest of government benefits-receiving sped sisters

No. 394315

mtf pussy is designed to be "flesh like" as well, by this logic they are true and honest women. Penetration feels good regardless of orientation. If you can't tell the difference between a woman with a toy and a man, then that's on you.

That's so sweet nona! I'm glad there are still spaces like that. There's a lot of places in my area with those hideous new pride flags in the windows, but I guess it's better than nothing.

No. 394319

Any continuation of this retarded infight will result in a much longer ban and ban evading posts will be deleted. Just stop.

No. 394472

today I learned that I have an abnormally small clit, like not even a visible hood. smaller than a pencil eraser.

No. 394474

Mine is really small too, and I think it makes it harder to orgasm from oral - never actually done so. All the women I’ve been with had larger ones and came really easily.

No. 394475

File: 1714384205890.png (706.85 KB, 1037x1807, Screenshot_20240429-054809.png)

God this really chaps my ass. If I match with one more scrote I swear to God. Was worth it to get a premium trial at least I'm actually getting matches

No. 394499

I really don't see better apps developing until you're allowed to discriminate against trannies without getting your app taken down.

No. 394502

oh, i guess mine is also very small then (i think i’m a grower though), but i have absolutely no hood and this makes tribbing feel amazing so. i’m definitely not complaining. i never understood how people didn’t enjoy it until i realised most people have hoods and that must decrease sensitivity a whole lot.

No. 394538

I'm insecure as fuck about my voice. It's kinda deep (and I sound like a pre-pubescent cartoon boy kek). Would you nonas be turned off if a girl had a voice like that?

No. 394543

Hey nonna, another extremely deep voiced lesbian here. On the phone and out in public I usually get sir'd.. being extremely GNC doesn't help. It may be a turn off for some, but if you're secure in being a female (not a troon, regardless of how you express yourself) and your lesbianism I find that there's a large percentage of women who will actually be really into it. You can't help your voice. I personally really like my deep voice and I hope you'll come to do so too.

No. 394577

if you are tall and kinda boyish in addition to the low voice then don’t worry because lesbians salivate to that kind of dyke in my experience

No. 394583

Deep voices are beyond sexy

No. 394590

Thanks nona, I hope so too. This gave me some hope.
Kek unfortunately, I'm actually pretty short, but I am kinda boyish.

No. 394592

File: 1714434232539.jpeg (175.51 KB, 956x750, IMG_3129.jpeg)

I think the “old couples that hate each other” must be a straight thing. What do you mean you hate the woman you married 40 years ago? I’m in a lesbian support group with these two old ladies who have been dating since the 80s, and they are so happy together, it’s super cute. I hope I find love like that one day.

No. 394593

I think heterosexuals (specially men) just settle for the person they find attractive enough to fuck somewhat consistently. Since most men inherently hate women and femininity they keep looking down on their wives and their interests, so they end up treating them like trash and resenting them once the sexual attraction is gone. Likewise, women obviously don't enjoy being treated like shit so they end up hating their husbands. In same-sex relationships people often have similar interests, values and expectations of each other. Having a misogynistic or misandrist partner is also less common if they're of your same sex as well.

No. 394644

Are you dating or trying to date right now? How's that going for you? What was your last date like?

I'll start. Mine went well, except for at the end when she said "we should kiss" and then let the silence go on too long. I didn't want to and was trying to be polite about it. I feel like I should've just done it to avoid the awkwardness.

No. 394646

>Are you dating or trying to date right now?
I’m not dating and not trying, but I’m still sorta talking to the last woman I dated, which may be the issue. We broke up 4 months ago.
>How's that going for you?
Lonely, but peaceful. I’m also a bit sexually frustrated, ngl. Unfortunately, I’m not interested in a ONS because I don’t really experience sexual desire for another person until we get to know each other well, and I’m hesitant to actively look for a relationship because I feel way more unhinged when I’m actively dating. I probably have a disorganized attachment style.
>What was your last date like?
It was really nice. Had me feeling hopeful about love kek. But in the end, it just led to more disappointment

No. 395090

Is anyone else extremely degenerate for a woman and suffering with guilt about it as a result?

No. 395122

how do I stop feeling guilty and like a homosexual freak after I fuck my girlfriend… I haven’t talked about this with her because it’s such a bummer. I love making her come in the moment, but afterwards I feel like I’m going to hell. Or I’m going to be like disowned by my family. I haven’t gone to mass in like 8 years idgi.

No. 395123

I don’t feel this way when I just receive

No. 395139

i am also degenerate and it’s normal, look at the straight nonas here. female socialisation just teaches us that we have to be perfectly pure.

No. 395148

I saw another nonna brought up The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer. Good read to help accept your sexuality

No. 395188

What do you mean when you say you're degenerate? Just, very horny/fantasizing?

No. 395201

Different anon but also want to learn to overcome religious trauma so I can get a gf.

No. 395214

second anon, essentially. nothing moids can’t get away with.

No. 395539

Nonas with girlfriends, how did you both meet and fall in love?

No. 395578

Our mutual friend introduced us to each other. My girlfriend had a crush on this friend who introduced us, and I had a crush on another girl from our group. We started talking more, venting about our unrequited love, turned out we have the same dumb sense of humor and quite a lot in common. Over a few months we talked, hanged out, we both started catching feelings, but she was still holding on to the crush for a bit, before one day, when they had a talk and our mutual friend made her realize that it's a dead end, and she doesn't like her that way. We then, after a month, started officially dating. It was such a stupid period of our lives, although I'm glad we met. And, honestly, our love grows stronger the more we are dating. At the start she might have still been a bit on the fence with the crush and everything, but I've been able to take over her heart, I've been more open and serious than her previous relationships, that never really went anywhere, just online with bi girls, that tried to make her their bf due to her being more comfortable with masculinity. It's been almost ten years at this point, we grow and make each other better people, i'm glad that she is my girlfriend and soon to be wife ♥

No. 395671

Sorry for being a baby gay here but I ate another woman out for the first time ever last night and it was life-changing. It’s all I can think about today and I can’t wait to do it again.

No. 395685

I'm so jealous. I would get on my knees and eat out literally any woman if I could.

No. 395691

I have gross fetishes and would let any woman use me. I also sometimes get turned on by myself (I swear Im not a moid).

No. 395697

ntayrt nona, this is beautiful! I wish all the best for you and your soon-to-be wife!

No. 395704

Thank you! ♥

No. 395708

How old are you ?

No. 395716


No. 395726

>>395716 is a troll and not me. I’m mid twenties and a bit late coming out.

No. 395777

Absolutely fucking hate how I have the worst taste in women, no joke. And what I mean by "worst" is that I keep being infatuated with terminal BPD-chans because my huge, huge weak point is assertive femmes. I'm currently pining hard for a (genuinely diagnosed) BPD sufferer with problems with self harm and anorexia and being in recovery from a long relationship with the previous similar kind, I know I shouldn't get involved at all but I'm smitten so hard I actually have sexy dreams about her and turn into a blubbering, embarrassing mess when she's around. She's genuinely the sexiest and funniest girl I've met in my life, ticks all my boxes, she's clearly flirting with me which only makes my love sickness worse. But I know I would probably end it all if I had to deal being a BPD-chan's favourite person one more time especially because she's bi and has had boyfriends in the past. Anons what do I do, how do I get rid of these feelings, how do I talk sense to myself? It always seems like the female dating pool is either semi-conservative turbonormies or genuine nutcases who you can never be sure of if they're SSA because they're mentally ill or they're mentally ill because they're SSA. I fall into the second category so don't yell at me

No. 395794

I wish I had any useful advice to give you nona, but as a late-20s lesbian who since 16, somehow, always, a-l-w-a-y-s, manages to fall madly in love with bisexual fujos and then get into messy relationships with them just to suffer again and again with them becoming trasmen, changing pronouns to he/him, worshipping 2D dicks, and wanting to roleplay gay male sex (and getting mad at me when I obviously refuse), I'm afraid I'm not in the place to give anyone any piece of advice. But I wish you strength nona!
>always seems like the female dating pool is either semi-conservative turbonormies or genuine nutcases
this, and barely any lesbians at all. Gosh, I wish lesbians weren't so hard to find, I just wanted a nerdy lesbian gf to enjoy nerd hobbies with, but every SSA woman I meet on nerdy spaces is either a woke lesbian who calls herself pansexual or a bisexual fujo, and dating apps are all normie women, BPD-chans (almost always bi) as you said, and trannies. It's complicated.

No. 395815

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Has anyone else created their ideal gf to cope with being terminally single. I write stories about us going on dates, inserting us into anything I read or watch, I make us in picrews. I'm so lonely and there is no 'lesbian scene' near me. I feel like I'm doomed to be alone. The only girls who have ever shown interest in me run away when my stupid ass starts to sperg about my interests. I'm not even too weird I'm just a weeb and kind of intense and retarded. The only women I've met with my same interests are gendies or coomers it sucks. I'm not roleplaying yaoi or playing a stupid scrote porn game with a woman for scraps of affection.

No. 395832

Can we not post cringe weebshit itt? Gee I wonder why some of you get no pussy.(infight bait)

No. 395833

What are you even referring to? The picrew anon posted? Stop seething over nothing and check what site you’re on

No. 395834

This isn't an anime website.

No. 395835

interesting conversation happens, anons talk about their feelings and experiences as lesbians, then some retard comes along and starts blowing her entire ass over idiotic shit like posting anime pictures, typical lesbian thread experience

No. 395836

Weebs are one of the many reasons I stopped checking this thread regularly. They're beyond help.

>blowing her entire ass
It was a glib remark, calm down.(infighting)

No. 395837

>Weebs are one of the many reasons I stopped checking this thread regularly. They're beyond help.
Good. Normies fuck off.

No. 395838

Right? The speds are always looking to infight here over the dumbest shit imaginable. Imagine having so little going for you in life that you’re that easily triggered kek

No. 395839

Anime is mainstream, just cringe.

No. 395841

It was a picrew, calm down. Take a deep breath and close your browser

No. 395842

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No. 395843

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Nonnies, this could be us…

No. 395844

>posting the normiest of gifs
Predictable kek. Can you not make it anymore obvious you came from Reddit/twitter/tiktok/tumblr? This is a website for the the mentally ill foreveralone nerdy women(infighting)

No. 395850

Why would I need to close my browser and take a deep breath because I said “anime is mainstream, just cringe” kek

No. 395852

>It was a picrew
Because you and/or other anons having a melty over a literal picrew. Do you not have any friends? It’s ok if you don’t. Loser NEETs are still welcome here. But be honest. Even my most normie friends who have never watched an anime in their life like sending picrews in our groupchat

No. 395853

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So sorry for posting a picrew of me and my imaginary girlfriend it won't happen again I didn't know it would offend the anime haters so much. Should I use nonoffensive justgirlythings images to appease the normies instead?

No. 395855

Don't have an account for any of those websites. Just found your posturing amusing. This is why us dreaded "normies" who leave the house and have relationships need a separate lesbian thread so we can leave this crab bucket.(infighting)

No. 395856

>This isn't an anime website.
>on an imageboard.

No. 395857

making this website a radfem central was a mistake

No. 395859

Are you me? I don't know why I am so attracted to women like that. My working theory is that I probably have some sort of deep, unresolved issue myself that I find unstable women who play mind games so appealing. I also think that it could be a probability thing–if you are a passive person, then the types of women who will approach and pursue you and figure out that you are kind of a pushover are women with severe issues. I've personally taken a vow of celibacy for at least two years in the hopes it will reset my brain. Good luck nona.

No. 395863

Does anyone have cunnilingus advice? Or if there are any chadbians here how to be good at sex in general. Maybe a bit cringe but I’ve got a bi girl who’s only ever had shitty sex experiences with scrotes and I kind of want to blow her mind.

No. 395864

I am unabashedly attracted to unstable women. I kind of become one when I like someone, that’s what love is to me, if I’m not crazy for her I just don’t love her much. I seek a level of depth or entanglement that might be insane to some but I guess we’re just as bad for one another as each other.

No. 395871

Second ayrt and I'm the same way, but the thing is that the type of women I'm attracted to will almost inevitably betray you. My issue is I'm drawn to mutual obsession, but it turns out BPD women who derive satisfaction from keeping you on your toes never give you what you really want, which is devotion so enduring that you never have to question it. I wouldn't even mind being bad for a woman who was bad for me as long as she was solely fixated on me and couldn't live without me (since that is how I am). Instead, these women tend to cheat on me with men or split and then ghost and then come crawling back years later. I also recognize I sound insane which is why I'm taking a break kek, I can only assume I am at least half the problem.

No. 395875

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No. 395879

Yes I’m a weeb. Yes I have irl sex with women. We exist
First, start with broader licks before narrowing in on her clit. Going straight for the clit can be a bit painful for some women. Not every woman likes penetration, so see what she likes first, but making a “come hither” motion with one or two of your fingers (pointing up to her abdomen) while you eat her out has been very well received for me. Another tip I have is to push up a bit on her lower stomach while you eat her out. A lot of women like the pressure, and it’ll pull her clitoral hood up so you can apply more direct stimulation. Lastly, be enthusiastic and tell her she tastes good. I know I often stress out about that myself (even though I have good hygiene and taste myself to make sure kek), but hearing that will help your partner feel desired and turned on

No. 395891

AYRT, thanks for replying, your thoughts resonated with my feelings pretty well. I've always been like this, ever since childhood, my type of woman has always been the same to the point it's like an obsession. I hate the mind games and the splits so much and my last BPD girlfriend made me genuinely suicidal from her destroying my self-esteem so bad but I can't help being attracted to the type and I don't know why. I'm not really a passive person myself and the energy of those women match my passion, it's like adding oil to the fire. I feel inspired being around them. But I'm also extremely self-conscious, so if I were to theorize, the extreme love I receive from them makes me feel needed but I also get some kind of a power trip out of being "the more stable one" in the relationship. Maybe I also draw a bit of comfort from "being the victim"? I don't know. Like you, I'm also trying to recover and relearning what healthy relationships are which is why I'm desperately trying not to make the same mistake even though the carnal desire is driving me mad.

I don't judge you, nonnie, I know how bad a relationship with a BPD woman can fuck up your personality and how you perceive love, it's truly a poison that sticks until, as you said, your brain resets. I was lucky enough to have stable best friends who helped in reminding me that it's NOT normal to have someone split and ghost you over no reason at all, but I still have a lot of pieces to pick up. I've decided to stay single until I can work my personal issues out and not constantly fall to the same traps I should've seen coming.
>it turns out BPD women who derive satisfaction from keeping you on your toes never give you what you really want
This is true in many ways. I wanted to feel needed and appreciated, but it takes just one bad day for her to completely demolish my self-esteem and feel hated and discarded.

No. 395896

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Nonnas I’ve been tormenting myself over this girl because I can’t figure out if she’s actually gay or spicy straight. Part of me thinks she’s a lesbian but there’s a lot of conflicting evidence and and I’m afraid she’s just like picrel.
>Pink split dye hair
>Nose ring + septum combo
>Wears lots of rings
>Wears a lot of jewelry and stacks necklaces, mixes metals
>Lots of tattoos
>Relatively short nails
>Most of the men she interacts with are gay
>Super close body language with women (head on shoulder, faces pressed together, hugging, almost kissing/touching tongues)
>Only explicitly gay thing she has on her page is following a local ‘Dyke Event’ account but it’s a painfully libfem one where pretty much anyone can go.
The thing that throws me off is that she was extremely religious at one point and may still be now?
>Went to multiple religious colleges where gay relationships weren’t allowed.
>Did an internship at a church but is now working in bars.
>Used to do a fuckton with her religious friends but hangs out with the non religious gays now.
>Still interacts with a lot of people she went to college with on socials
>Main posts aren’t explicitly religious anymore but hasn’t scrubbed her old photos either
>Seemed to be really close with other alternative Christians, one girl in particular who is still openly religious. She looks super butch but is apparently dating a man.
>Still wears a lot of merch from her old schools.
This has really gotten under my skin. I can’t ask directly because I feel like the religious element could really be fucking with her head. Is she closeted? Is she bihet and just fake flirting? Maybe she’s just awkward around moids? She’s very endearing but isn’t the type I think most moids usually go for. She seems to be really getting close with one girl in particular and I don’t want to fuck anything up by being nosy.

No. 395922

see how she reacts if u sit next to her a lil more closely than usual.. if you smoke or vape and you're kinda sloshed ask to shotgun smoke. because it's like a kiss without the pressure of a kiss. if she leans into u a lil or it lingers… she want you

No. 395924

for YEARS lesbians online told me i was a tranny because i was afraid i wouldnt be able to find the clit. and then i actually saw pussy multiple times irl and realized i have like a microscopic clit.. tbh just straight up ask her to direct u when u go down on her. some girls like pressure, others dont. some like tongue swirlies, some want you to suck it and give them like a hicky almost. dont overthink it. she'll probably let you know if you're hitting the sweet spot. or youll be able to tell that you are from her breathing, moans, etc.(integrate)

No. 395946

This picture is so real, but I wonder why exactly this is the case

No. 395975

Straight women are really fucking confusing for this reason. It's funny because many women who are actually attracted to other women are scared of scaring them off and being inappropriate but straight women are often happy touch you and make inappropriate comments.

No. 395977

do you feel like STD prevention is not talked about often enough amongst lesbians ?

No. 395986

It's not, and it's quite worrying how most young lesbians just don't have a clue how to have safe lesbian sex. Especially the ones hooking up with bisexual women who arguably need it the most.

No. 396036

Sure but it’s extremely unlikely to get something like HIV from cunnilingus. When I was in college, our RAs would give out dental dams and I had to wonder if anyone was actually using them. Feel free to flame me for this but if I was about to hook up with another woman and she pulled out a dental dam I would leave

No. 396038

For real, a dental dam would honestly be way too goofy for me to get in the mood and I don't really know how effective they would be as a form of prevention anyway. The worst I've heard of lesbians getting has been a UTI from dirty fingers anyway.

No. 396042

I met her via a former friend I briefly had on Tumblr for a short time. I had a falling out with said friend that ended in a mutual block and leaving her circle entirely, but at least I got a best friend and later girlfriend from it.

No. 396046

You can get gonorrhea and hpv in the throat from eating pussy

No. 396057

Yeah I don't understand the point of a dental dam, if there was an STD concern I would just skip oral. Same with women who use gloves. I get that some women are paranoid about it (and I get it since HPV is transmissible between women, that's the only one I actually worry about) but I would just either not have sex or use toys/dry hump clothed/whatever. Gloves and dams remind me of a gyno appointment, not sexy.
>The worst I've heard of lesbians getting has been a UTI from dirty fingers anyway.
My biggest safe lesbian sex tip would be to wash hands WITH SOAP and rinse mouth immediately beforehand. If we've been eating I don't want your food tongue all over my pussy.

No. 396067

>Same with women who use gloves.
Ayrt, I can’t even imagine what I would do if a potential hook-up pulled out GLOVES kek. That’s just… so unsexy. Like you and that other anon said, you just need to wash your hands first
>You can get gonorrhea and hpv in the throat from eating pussy
True, but somehow I’ve never gotten a single STI from having unprotected sex with women. We need to normalize getting tested regularly, of course. But using dental dams just defeats the whole point of having sex, I’d simply rather not. Like sorry to be crude but if I don’t even get to taste pussy or feel her tongue there, what’s the point? I love fingering pussy too, so gloves would take away the amazing feeling of the heat and wetness inside her. I’d never pressure a woman into having unprotected sex like a moid, but I would also lose interest, though I’d be more than willing to get tested first

No. 396068

>Yeah I don't understand the point of a dental dam, if there was an STD concern I would just skip oral.
Same. Personally I wouldn't do oral with a one night stand anyway, it's too risky and kind of awkward to do with someone you don't know at least to me.

No. 396149

>Ugly, pansexual (spicy straight) girl from uni get dumped by her disgusting, toxic scrote
>So devastated that even mentioning the incident makes her cry
>Start uploading random TikToks a of alt girls in her stories, talking about how hot they are
>Starts calling herself a lesbian
I'm so tired, she'll be dating another ugly scrote in a couple of months

No. 396175

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how do you feel about the topic of gold star lesbianism? is there some truth to the mindset that only women who have never had sex with men before can be actual lesbians? could there actually be lesbians out there in the world who have had sex with men because maybe they refused to believe themselves to be lesbians, or are they just some other orientation instead?

No. 396178

I feel like you posted this to troll because you tried to start the discussion with the equivalent of "how can a woman be a lesbian if she's never tried men to know she doesn't like them." What's wrong, getting bored with posting questions like "so what do we REALLY think of affirmative action, ladies" in the black women thread?

No. 396179


what black women thread? and sorry if my post seemed weird but i was just wondering and wanted to hear some opinions

No. 396181

There is no "topic of gold star lesbians," the term is just a little joke that people make that some people get mad at because it doesn't apply to them. all women who live in the real world know that some lesbians never sleep with men and some slept with men before figuring things out or because it wasn't ok where they lived and it's always been like that throughout history and across different cultures and there's literally nothing to discuss or debate about that.

No. 396185


reason why i ask is because this topic is a huge debate in some lesbian circles to the point where if they ever find out a woman has had a bf or a husband or just sex with men in general, she is no longer a lesbian in their eyes and she needs to change her label to something else. admittedly most of this is online, but i've definitely met at least one lesbian irl who says that only gold stars can be lesbians so that's why i just wondered. i for one think that in the end, the only hard line requirement of being a lesbian is if you are a female homosexual and that's it.

No. 396189

Not everyone has sex with men by choice nonnie

No. 396196

Nta but rape and sex are different things. Someone realising they were a lesbian after a consensual relationship with men that they didn't like isn't the same as someone being literally assaulted by men, and those hyper militant gold star accounts on tumblr and Instagram do go out of their way to include rape victims in their definition of lesbian because certain non gold stars do distastefully like bringing up rape victims as arguing points whenever a gold star thinks someone who had a string of boyfriends before coming out as a lesbian is a fake.

No. 396208

This is one of those topics that's just not fun or productive to discuss so you should just use your brain like a reasonable adult and not waste time debating it. Obviously someone can date a man and not enjoy it and then stop doing that, obviously someone actively dating a man who calls herself a lesbian "with an exception" is a dumbass, obviously lesbians living in Uganda aren't just cowards if they aren't out and proud. When people get really invested in debating the definitions of simple words, it's pretty embarrassing.

No. 396214

Agreed, this conversation comes up every fuckin thread. Sometimes lesbians try to convince themselves they’re straight/bi bc the world is not kind to us, but they realize how much they’re torturing themselves, and finally come out. Maybe I’m just too old and tired, but I genuinely do not care about a woman’s past dating history, as long as it’s not insanely recent. A lesbian who divorced her husband 5 years ago and has exclusively pursued women since is a lot more trustworthy to me than a “lesbian” who broke up with her scrote 5 months ago and wants to try something new.

No. 396250

i have never met an actual lesbian or anyone in the real world beyond a computer screen who cares about gold star lesbos.
it only comes from self-hating bi women and straight girls who larp as lesbos online.

No. 396364

anyone else have experiences with female friendships that felt more like relationships? i feel like i’ve experienced more “breakups” with friends than with actual girls I’ve dated and it’s hard to navigate because technically… you were just friends. but a little too close to be friends really.

No. 396367

Anyone else here black? I'm a black lesbian.

No. 396368

>Gloves and dams remind me of a gyno appointment

No. 396376

I feel like this is a quintessential lesbian experience tbh

No. 396443

No. 396491

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I've all of a sudden become fascinated and obsessed with lesbian culture, history, and art and I can't stop reading lesbian books and magazines. I always viewed being lesbian as this kind of mundane feature of my life, just my innate sexuality and nothing more, but man, the picture these women paint in these books of lesbian life and the lesbian canon is so colorful and rich that I regret having never been curious about this before. I've spoken to an older dyke on the phone who participates in these magazines and she was absolutely darling, and I'm thinking of reaching out to more. I will say though that a lot of the older magazines are rife with polilez shit unfortunately, but I try not to focus on them. Overall it's all really inspiring, and makes me want to write some stuff of my own. I'm so lucky to be a part of a group with such a diverse and amazing, talented, bespoke pool of women.

No. 396548

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Why is it that butch characters are always depicted as men or trannie bait? All I want is a good lesbian comic that isn't misogynistic, but it seems that doesn't exist.

Does anyone have recommendations?

No. 396685

Weird question but would you guys date a Drag King, obviously not in Drag but someone with that job. I find it a weirdly attractive job, maybe because the only drag kings I've seen have been incredibly attractive women in their own right, idk.

No. 396696

As long as they’re not a gendie, sure.

No. 396697

Probably not. I think Drag Kings are cool, but from my understanding it's mostly a nightlife thing, and I like to be in bed by 8pm kek. Maybe if she only performed at brunches.

No. 396708

I love drag kings. I love creative women of all types and love female masculinity so drag kings are perfect. Probably wouldn't date one though because I'm a homebody nerd and I feel like they go for other cool nightlife lesbians kek. Also too many of them are gendies.

No. 397021

I prefer living alone even when in a relationship. Is this type of alternative lifestyle more common among lesbians than straight people?

No. 397030

Butch death is real and so tragic. So many amazing butches/gnc lesbians being convinced to troon out because they’re told that they aren’t women, they’re actually men who are stuck in women’s bodies. It hurts more because they specifically prey on gnc lesbians with body dysmorphia by convincing them they’d be happier as men. Truly tragic.

No. 397064

No. 397067

I think it must be because I know like three or four other lesbians who don’t ever want to live with anyone, even their partners.

No. 397094

Is this a red flag in a relationship?

No. 397114


Please god no. I don’t want to hear anymore conversations over who’s really gay or who’s really lesbian. Stop asking

No. 397118

I’ve been reading this book from the 70s and when discussing their relationship, the lesbians interviewed said they liked that their partners had their own separate lives. Moving in might just not be a heavy expectation like it is in heterosexual relationships. Also no one thing is gonna be a red flag

No. 397120

Good point, I grew up thinking that moving in was the final step after getting married.
>lesbians interviewed said they liked that their partners had their own separate lives
I’m intrigued. What’s the title of this book?

No. 397140

In my area it’s the opposite, the running joke is that lesbians always move in together super early in the relationship when compared to straight couples or gay men

No. 397190

This picture is accurate.

No. 397227

I feel the same and I've found a few lesbians who flatout agreed or went
>never thought if that way but it does sound nice

No. 397275

but… cuddling at night and breakfast together in the morning…

No. 397289

Right… what the fuck guys.

No. 397292

I think this has more to do with my unrelenting autism than being a lesbian, but I want my partner to live with me and have her own room, or maybe live next door. Sometimes we can sleep over in each other's rooms if it is planned in advance. Cuddling at night always makes me feel claustrophobic and overheated.

No. 397366

you get it, nona.

No. 397370

I'm so unlikable in the morning though, at the very least sleeping in the same bed would get grating..fast.

No. 397441

No. 397505

I'm sick of being so damn lonely and I'm sick of not being able to find lesbians. My last few dates have been with women who ended up being the "I'm mad at men so I'm deciding to call myself a lesbian for this month", types.

Where I live there only 2 monthly lesbian events and they're always swarming with queers and jaded straight women.

Has anyone found anywhere in the states/Canada/Europe that has a thriving lesbian community? At this point, I'm will move to find it. I've been wanting to move for some time.

No. 397522

>Has anyone found anywhere in the states/Canada/Europe that has a thriving lesbian community?
Lesbian culture in the west has been dead since the 2010s. Go to Taiwan to experience it.

No. 397528

Attitudes towards Lesbianism by Dolores Klaich

No. 397541

Okay I’m still being an obsessed retard about this. I’m leaning towards lesbian who is extremely repressed. I feel like if she was bihet she’d have a disgusting scrote she’d show off but she doesn’t. She also has a ton of armpit hair, follows barely any moids who aren’t gay, and follows a very explicit female cosplayer. Her female “friend” also has a hickey in their photos and I can’t be 100% sure but her manicure is long but two of the nails look much shorter…

No. 397579

I'm tired. There are no purely lesbian spaces in my city anymore. Gays have their own bar and events, even going as far to specify 'bear/daddy or twink' only. Everything else is for queers which ends up being half hetero couples and women with their friends who identify as bi. We don't have any real clubs so they come to party while making a spectacle of actual lesbians. Add on it's a mostly white city filled with femmes and me being a POC soft butch -I should just see myself out of the scene. I have a great career, good health, beefcake bod, and my own home. I have no reason to be sad. I should just stop and take care of myself.

No. 397580

Has anyone dated women with ADHD before? What are they like?

No. 397592

They always leave the milk out and talk a lot without realizing, from the outside they're indistinguishable from any other preppy and extroverted girl

No. 397596

>white city filled with femmes and me being a POC soft butch
I thought the lesbian community known for being inclusive of POCs?

No. 397599

nta, but I'd say that's true. I'm a POC butch and live in a diverse city, but white women pursue me waaay more aggressively than other POCs. I didn't expect this at all when I first came out.

No. 397600

Pretty annoying. Very forgetful, quite inconsiderate (but will swear they don’t mean to be), very wrapped up in themselves and their own issues, find it hard to listen or empathize with others, will do shitty stuff out of boredom and impulsivity. They don’t tend to be as bad as ADHD scrotes though.

No. 397652

I don't recommend it unless they're in treatment and/or can manage it well. I can barely handle housemates who have ADHD.

No. 397763

Is anyone watching the new wlw dating show? It includes bisexuals but I'm still gonna watch it. I love trashy dating shows but they never have proper lesbian relationships so this is a nice change of pace.
nta but I did not have much luck on dating apps as a POC femme but it was more of a style thing. I did get some dates but it never went anywhere, it always felt like people didn't think I was taking dating serious because I didn't look "queer" enough. My city leans hard towards indie/alt women in general with both butches and femmes. I've started getting hit on by women as soon as my style got more quirky KEK. Only women exclusively too, so I guess I'm started to get read as lesbian now even though I'm still femme.
So they are inclusive to POC but very picky about aesthetics.

No. 397765

What comic is this? the black character is qt.

No. 397775

Cosmoknights by Hannah Templer
You can read the first two volumes free on her website
>the black character is qt
She is, but her character only exists to cheer on the white guy "butch" she's married to and fly the spaceship. The story is a complete mess IMHO. I wish there were more lesbian comics written by lesbians to choose from, but I can't find any.

No. 397824

>I've started getting hit on by women as soon as my style got more quirky KEK
Do you have any examples of femme yet dyke coded style? Do you have a interesting haircut?

No. 397897

Read this and your follow ups and it sounds like you like her a lot, so being skittish and waiting for something to pan out between her and some other girl is just going to break your heart, isn't it? Why not just ask her out on a date and see if she's interested in YOU?

No. 398268

Kek you just described me. But honestly, I don't mean to be forgetful, inconsiderate or wrapped up in my own issues, it's just that my mind goes a mile a minute all the time and it's hard to focus. And because I keep fumbling my girlfriend keeps getting mad at me and it makes me depressed and even more anxious.

No. 398338

I've been exasperated with this woman who will not stop coming onto me despite the way I'm outright rude to her at this point trying to get her off me. The whole thing was baffling to begin with because I've never liked her and thus have never been very nice to her, but today one of her friends mentioned to me offhand that she's historically been into massive bitches. I don't know what I'm supposed to do at this point kek please stop using me as wish fulfillment for your mental illness.
IDK what the point of being out even is these days when all that information attracts for me IRL is the attention of maladjusted creep women and trauma dumping from chronically online thembies I met 5 minutes ago.

No. 398388

same only because i dont want her to hear my loud farts

No. 398513

No, I don't feel guilty over shit like that. Straight anons do it all the time, it's only "shameful" because they have false ideas of what a woman is. Part of adult sexuality is being horny about people you find attractive kek
I know many people are not confrontational, but sometimes in life you need to be confrontational. Just tell her to leave you alone.

No. 398522

I normally would but I can't be as outright here because she's my landlord and I don't want the situation to get more complicated than it is. The gall to act like this in her position is insane to me.
My lease ends soon so I'm just going to hard ghost her once her only excuse for contacting me is gone.

No. 398525

>she's my landlord
Well that changes the conversation completely. If your lease is ending soon, I would still recommend at least talking to her about it if it's making you so uncomfortable.

No. 398539

I really don't see the point of bringing this up with somebody who doesn't get a clue even after being told multiple times that I'm currently completely uninterested in getting into a relationship + receiving nothing but stonefaced silence every time she hits on me. I can tolerate it a while longer and will enjoy blocking her and hard cutting her off after I move out, I just wanted to vent about how retarded this situation is.

No. 398544

kek sorry I find this kinda funny. i totally get being into bitches. maybe start treating her overly nice instead.

No. 398570

>maybe start treating her overly nice instead.
This or show some vulnerability. An ex of mine started losing attraction to me when I cried because of an animal charity advert on TV. People into "bitchy" women or women with bravado typically see us as one dimensional and their pussy will dry up like the Sahara once you show them you're human.

No. 398596

Yeah I honestly think I'll find this whole situation funny once I'm properly out of it too kek
Interesting proposals nonnas… I'm gonna keep minimizing contact but the suggestions are entertaining. Your ex had no taste though SMH

No. 398616

Are you me? I got a sad video on TikTok about orphaned kittens and my gf at the time told me to man up??? Butch does not mean man, these girls do not know!!!

No. 398618

kek i was a big fujoshi until someday i thought that it would be nice if those dudes were butch lesbians then fell for all women and here we are

No. 398665

Were these women with a retarded double standard who would themselves have teared up but wanted you to be an emotionally stunted man? Or were they dead inside?

No. 398679

Lovely. All my closest friends and girlfriends have ended up getting diagnosed with ADHD at some point in their life. I'm not sure why I gravitate towards them but we always find each other. They fill my awkward silences and pull me out of my shell to try new things. Our conversations always flow well and we can explore any old rabbit trail together in a way that makes me feel like we can almost predict each other's thought patterns. I love the "chatterbox" stereotype that some people find annoying. I've heard a lot of "I'm sorry I'm so loud" in my life and my response is always "I love loud". I was raised alone in a quiet house, the change of pace is nice. Idk, maybe it's just the women I know and their quality of character but I've never found them to be self centered or inconsiderate. Forgetful yes, but never in a way that made me feel like they don't care about me.

No. 398715

Why would a wlw dating show not include bisexuals? It'd only be weird if they'd never been with a woman before.

No. 398738

Any tips for coming out if you’re from a religious African background?
I want to try dating I’m concerned about losing ties to my culture in the process.

No. 398744

What country are you based in? If you genuinely worry about your future or safety if you come out, make sure you have a strong backup plan first in terms of your living situation, education, employment etc.. Do you know how your family feels about lesbians?

If you live in any big English-speaking country you'll be able to find other lesbian Africans from Christian backgrounds, Muslim backgrounds, anything.

No. 398745

I can’t help much because I’m a 1.5th? generation immigrant and not particularly tied to my cultures. But my family is extremely homophobic funny and kinda sad since one side is Ugandan which were apparently a pretty lesbian crew before the British came along so I plan on coming out once I’m ready, financially and mentally stable and if they don’t like it then I’m cutting them off for good. I’m not sure if my feelings would be different if I was more connected to the culture or was religious too. What are you concerned about - by ties to your culture do you mean family or cultural practices?

No. 398746

I live by myself in a western country. My mother and my stepfather are very homophobic despite the latter having a PhD from a reputable German university.
>What are you concerned about - by ties to your culture do you mean family or cultural practices?

Not very religious but I will miss the being around people I can speak a foreign language with, attending cultural events in the community. I don’t even find non black women that attractive physically so I’m worried about setting myself up for struggle by coming out.

No. 398747

You are bound to be able to find people then. I went out with a Somali girl that's part of a whole international online group for gay Somalis. No matter what community you're from there's hope. If you live on your own, I would say you have nothing to worry about from starting to date. You can look for people with similar backgrounds. I hate Reddit, but maybe look on there and see if anyone from a similar background and living in a similar place has shared similar sentiments? Check Meetup for groups too, lots of overlapping minority groups tend to do shit on Meetup.

No. 398749

Sensitive butches unite! If I see anything about animals, cats in particular, then I'm blubbering and there's no stopping me. My problem was dating a bisexual who deep down wanted a man but also wanted to keep her kweer street cred.

Little bit of both and also just seeing butch women as pseudo men.

I will not get myself banned for a-logging. I will not get myself banned for a-logging. I will not get myself banned for a-logging…

No. 398776

it's so over for me

No. 398847

Thanks for the advice

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