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No. 355199[Reply]

A home to post your nerdy crushes here. Whether he just wears nerdy glasses, or if has nerdy hobbies, or is just, a plain nerd.

Previous Thread: >>287864
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No. 399111

Nonnie I would not call this hair part pristine…also where does his real hair end in this photo and where does the wig begin? I guess I’m not wigpilled enough to notice

No. 399183

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The fact that it's so straight and dense gives away the fact that it's a wig topper, especially when you can easily find pictures of him as a teenager with this actual hair (you can see scalp). This is not minoxidil use because hair growth with minoxidil is thick and scraggly (users typically complain of "witch hair").
Compare his fake-ass hair part in that picture to this picture of him in 2009. In this picture you can see his natural hair before it started thinning, and as you can see, his hair isn't naturally so thick that you can't see his scalp. It never has been. You can see parts of his scalp (which is normal) and you can see the sort of jagged natural parting of his hair.

Vinny Vinesauce is a fucking wig wearing bitch.

No. 399184

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The wig topper ends at the highlighted area. You can tell because it literally looks like a whole new hairline starts at the back. The wig topper's hair part is a bit too big and bulky to blend seamlessly.

No. 399233

Do you think he wears the wig during streams too? No wonder he doesn't do webcam.

No. 399260

Kek it's probably the reason why he's so depressed and constantly sounds like two lost follicles away from killing himself.

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No. 220643[Reply]

A thread for the loners here (all of us). Venting, how you deal with it, how you spend your time etc.
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No. 399097

Struggling with the fact my friends and even the guy I'm dating live with someone and I'm all alone, my family is all the way on the other side of the country. My friends have their boyfriends and husbands. My guy has his family. I know there's a reason why I'm so clingy.

I also went to a concert by myself recently. I had some fun, but I did preoccupy myself with the fact wishing I had someone to come with me.

No. 399158

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i feel like i missed out on developing social skills in my adolescence and me being so comfortable isolating myself from the world after school/work has made it difficult to feel or be 'normal' around other people. even though i am only 24, which i know is still young, it feels like i am too far gone and will never be able to break the cycle. whenever i try to reach out to someone or make an attempt to meet new people (online), i realize it usually doesn't make me feel better at all - just exhausted. it has gotten to the point that even when i go visit my brother, all i can think about is how much worse i've gotten at having generic conversations and it genuinely makes me want to die because it's so terribly pathetic that i can't even talk to my family and not feel like i'm doing a bad job at it. i don't know who i am and nothing brings me joy, so i don't have anything to talk about with anyone. i'm currently unemployed which is not helping, but even when i did have a job i still felt like this. it truly feels hopeless. maybe i'm just having a quarter life crisis after realizing i wasted the first 5 years of my 20s doing nothing besides working and sitting in my room kek.

No. 399162

I don't drink when I'm going somewhere alone, people at shows tend to stay within their own groups and most concerts I go to are moid dominated anyway.
I've had fun but not having anybody to talk about it is kinda sad. I have a pal who I sometimes used to go to shows with but he has a crush on me so I prefer to keep him at arm's length.

No. 399166

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My last friend turned out to be a full blown socipath whom shelved me for a month. (discovered she was a sociopath through her ex she had introduced me a month prior, who was just a date at this point) I give up

No. 399310

I go to concerts alone and at the beginning it really depressed me because I was sort of expecting to meet people, even if it was just a small friendly exchange. and the fact it never happened made me feel lonely. but now I only go if i'm planning on just enjoying the night alone, no expectations. i actually love my own company, and the only times I don't, are when I have expectations socially, so I just… try not to have those anymore. but at the same time, i know the only way to meet people is to get out and join groups, go to events etc. so I keep doing it, I just make sure I enjoy it for myself first and foremost, otherwise it's heartbreaking.

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No. 335170[Reply]

for anyone dealing with sexual problems that may or may not stem from sexual trauma. no active thread specifically for this topic. a place to vent and/or discuss, to feel less alone in these struggles.
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No. 399108

When I was 5 or 6, a girl a few years older than me threatened to tell on me for cursing and said the only way she wouldn't was if I went with her to the bathroom and let her have sex with me. I complied and tried to forget it ever happened. I kind of leaned on that event as I got older as an explanation and excuse for why I was so sexually fucked up (masochistic tendencies, attraction to older women, crying after sex, etc.), but if I'm honest, I could never really draw a direct emotional line from the event to my actions. When I look back on it now, it almost feels like a dream. I know it happened even though I never told a soul, but I can't summon any actual emotional reaction to it. It doesn't feel like something that happened to me. I couldn't even tell my therapists about it, and I don't know why, because it's just a list of facts in my head that feel pretty disconnected from me. The only emotion I can connect with anymore is how afraid I was of getting in trouble with my dad (he hit me a lot as a child over very minor offenses) and a lingering resentment that my fear of him put me in that situation to begin with. But even then, I feel more indignant on behalf of a child that I can't integrate with my current self. Even recalling the events factually now, I just feel nothing about it. I can't tell if I'm seriously over it or if I'm really fucked up about it deep down and can't tell. I replicated sexually inappropriate behavior with female friends when I was young, like kissing and touching, and I do feel some guilt about that even though it was never forceful. I don't know what the point of this is, I just wonder what it all means. Maybe it doesn't mean anything. I can't even remember that little girl's face anymore. Sometimes I wonder what became of her.

No. 399126

I went through something similar too, don’t hate yourself for this- you should be more forgiving on your child self. You didn’t know any better. It’s normal to feel so conflicted about the amount of mess that came after it too. I think you should not feel shame in telling a therapist unless your therapist already sucks (maybe gage her reaction to other similar topics). Maybe even tell someone else.

No. 399142

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I was raped at 3 multiple times and they are unfortunately my 1st memories. Even though what happened to me is severely traumatic I think watching the same man rape babies in actual diapers fucked me up more. Because of this I have always had a fear of older men. So many men tried grooming me when I was younger but none of it worked because deep down I have always been disgusted with men. Now as an adult, I only go for younger men but I’ve still been extremely conservative when it came to dating. I started seeing a guy 4 months ago and we recently had sex. This was the 1st time I was willingly having sex. Of course after we fuck he says he wasn’t sure he could do a relationship but still desperately wants me in his life. I’m retarded and fucked him 4 more times because despite my trauma, it felt really good. I ended up having my 1st panic attack in years after the 4th time. I never told him about my trauma because I’ve learned to keep that shit to yourself. Why did it turn out this way? I want to kms so bad.

No. 399177

It's much, much worse ofc. The very nature of the act is also relevant. I was going to point out how 11 years old is already different from being 8 or 9, but this also happens with smaller children sadly. Happened in my country recently, a bunch of 8yo boys did what you described to a girl in their school.

No. 399230

Nona, you do not need to feel ashamed, regretful, or dirty that you had sex a few times without a relationship on the horizon just because it felt good. As much as anyone else out there, you deserve to have consensual sex that feels good. (I am guessing that what you're thinking is: 'it's manipulative libfem talk to say it's empowering to have sex that goes nowhere.' But the flipside of that is that it truly is hateful, incorrect, and regressive to think that having consensual sex degrades you in some way, and you don't deserve to carry that shame.) You deserve to explore and be curious and do selfish, silly, care-free things like that. One thing any scientist can tell you is that experiments fail and end poorly or inconclusively all the time, but you need to take risks in order to learn and collect more information and experience. I also think that when all of your experiences are bad and traumatic, it really helps to satisfy that curiosity and put less-traumatic experiences between you and the past, even if you don't swing immediately into a perfect relationship (in this way, you are simply like all of the millions of women who did not end up marrying their first high school sweetheart). I hope you can try to look at yourself with the same empathy that you would look at any friend of yours who tried dating around, slept with someone, and found out it didn't work before moving on to the next guy.
It sounds to me like you are a smart, thoughtful, and cautious woman, and I completely believe in your ability to balance protecting yourself and yet exploring the world and taking the risks necessary to find fulfilling romantic and sexual experiences. I'm proud of you for being so careful in the dating world as an adult, and I'm proud of you for taking a risk now, even though it didn't work out. Also fwiw I don't think it's always productive to tell people about the trauma too early on (and he wasn't the one, so does he even deserve to know you that deeply? no).

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No. 203417[Reply]

thread for talking about and celebrating (or simply being willing to accept, if that's where you are) our bodies in their natural form. completely unedited and unflitered. all bodies welcome - skin conditions such as acne, body hair, stretch marks, fat, lumps and bumps. you name it! all is welcome here.

picture and video editing is becoming more advanced and detecting what is real from what is fake is getting harder. posting of truly unedited pics is highly encouraged. if you know of any online accounts focused around the idea of embracing of the natural self, please share!
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No. 378637

That style looks a bit frumpy on any shape unless you're very thin or very tall, and you're underestimating how thin she is on that picture. You wouldn't look pear shaped at her weight. I most definitely start losing the pear shape once I get to like bmi 17.
Not saying you should do that, just that you're basing your expectations on a person who put a lot of effort onto having that body because that was literally her job. You can't expect to just happen to look like that naturally.

No. 380886

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How would you define this? She's Andressa Soares btw

No. 380898

Dr Miami body

No. 399141

I don't shave, but usually I still keep my pits covered up for the most part in the summer. Tomorrow I'm going to hang out in the LGBT district with them out in a cute outfit and not care. Baby steps IG

No. 399159

2 months late to the party but this isn't pear shaped. Pear shaped is when your shoulders look smaller than your hips, being bottom heavy basically. She is more like a V shape or top heavy hourglass, her shoulders are the widest point.

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No. 361134[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/g/339130
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No. 399072

This isn't a fetish you retarded virgin.

No. 399075

How is that any different from the anon above tho, you retarded virgin hater. It goes in my retarded footfag interests.

No. 399078

I am the anon above and I think wanting my toes sucked and kissed while making love is quite different from having my face stepped on on the floor by moid feet but you do you

No. 399080

Yeah it is, they're quite the opposite but that wasn't the point.

No. 399114

Okay, this is super degenerate but this is what the thread is for. I want to insult a (cute) moid while he’s age regressing and tell him how much of a fucking retard he is for acting like a baby and hopefully make him cry and hyperventilate as I tell him to shut the fuck up and slap him. I also wanna ruin his pacifier and burn his blanket in front of him so he has no way to cope while I relentlessly mock him for larping as a baby. Do I need help? Yes. Is this just a fantasy especially because moids aren’t really capable of being sentimental? Yes.

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No. 249630[Reply]

Find your body type and what suits you best!
>it is not based on weight or height and curves so much as height and bone structure and your limb length and proportions
>Aly Art has some good videos on all the body types
>r/kibbe is a good place to reference and find your body
> if you do post your body, make sure you do not include your face and not include background.
>kibbe body type applies to men as well as women.

please do not accuse anons ITT of being troons or insult their bodies

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No. 373949

>naked pics
>wearing bikini

some girls are as bad as the moids, their mind goes straight to porn when they see skin.

No. 373992

that's not what i asked, i asked why you consider undressed women porn you misogynist

No. 374013

Yeah I thought it was a 3D render of a video game model at first. Anons here are so easy to fool

No. 392898

Why are most of the clothes recommendations so dated or cheap looking? It’s either millennial-tier fashion or screenshots of cheap shein cottagecore clothes but no in-between. I’m SN

No. 399098

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There was already the story of a girl trying to track her weight loss online then she had so many guys chasing her she just made money off Onlyfans and gave up trying to lose weight and had kids.

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No. 180309[Reply]

I noticed we have a lot of ladies on here who struggle with drinking problems so I decided to make this thread.

>Talk about your relationship with alcohol, negative or positive

>Are you an alcoholic, how much do you drink and how often
>Healthy coping mechanisms
>Brag about sober streaks and encourage other anons
>Tapering, rehab etc discussion

If you're happy and drunk go to the drunk thread. >>>/ot/204765 This is for more critical discussion of drinking once you're sober.
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No. 398927

I just learned that at my peak alcoholism I was drinking over 1200 calories a day. Holy shit. I have no idea how some alcoholics stay thin. Already lost 15lbs just from not drinking. Stay strong, nonnas, especially if you have weight and fitness goals.

No. 398949

I don’t want to come out of the closet so I’ll have a drinking problem to mask that issue.

No. 398994

What makes you postpone your coming out? Do you think there's a possibility the closest people around you already suspect it?

No. 399024

>What makes you postpone your coming out?
I don’t want to be a lesbian.
>Do you think there's a possibility the closest people around you already suspect it?
My family don’t suspect anything. I have no friends. I got bullied for sounding ‘gay’ when I was at school.

No. 399040

They don’t eat. I used to know some very late stage alcoholics who were thin, their digestive systems were fucked by alcohol, suffering from constant nausea so they just drank. Like daily, never sobering up because then they would get sick. But this is a road to hell, no nutrients, avitaminosis, fucks up the whole body and the brain too. The alcoholic psychosis is literally caused by this.

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No. 121656[Reply]

Hey ladies, can we get a breakup support thread for anons who don't want to clog up the relationship advice thread? We can share stories and advice for moving on after a breakup.
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No. 396296

yup. unless they are not dating anybody or flirting with anybody, "too busy with work" is just a bullshit excuse

No. 396411

The worst feeling is being pumped and dumped

No. 396418

nayrt but a relationship where your deepest insecurities/secrets are twisted against you to abuse you is so much worse than a hookup who ghosts you after

No. 398973

I disagree. If your ex seethes at you it shows they still are bothered by you and still care about you in their own weird way. Being completely discarded by another person is way worse because it shows they don't even feel strongly or hate you enough to have contempt for you.

No. 398996

(ntayrt) I’m pretty sure you’re extremely super wrong. They’re not talking about a messy breakup they’re talking about abuse. Maybe you’ve never been abused so you don’t know? (That’s a good thing though obviously, not mad at you or anything.)

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No. 317231[Reply]

For anything skincare related.

Previous thread >>>/g/225928
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No. 398456

I just wanted to echo this advice. I had really bad bacne and keratosis pilaris for years until I sprayed this stuff.

No. 398903

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ayrt, I bought the ordinary ga and amlactin lotion as soon as you replied. I've been using it daily since and I'm already noticing a reduction. Bless you.

No. 398938

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I always have acne in the exact same little zone on my left cheek. I also have discolored skin and a bit of scarring there because of it. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing it? It's only on that side of my face. Maybe I need to try sleeping on a different type of fabric? And yes I wash my pillow cases frequently.

No. 398940

Use differin on it and sun protection. You should also look into a different fabric probably, yeah. I would also suspect my pillow if I was you.

No. 398954

Do you habitually touch your face? Or maybe something else habitual like a hairdryer held on that side, a hair product that touches your face on only that side because you have a side part, a driving habit, sun exposure through the window, etc. If it’s not your pillow it’s probably something you do all the time only to that side

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No. 300321[Reply]

A thread to talk about everything related to your menstrual cycle and ovulation! Please don’t be creepy or make any sexual posts about period “fetishes” that’s gross however discussion of sexual feelings during different times of your cycle is acceptable as long as you’re not being egregious or overdescriptive
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No. 395992

Is it normal to experience cramping while feeling horny? It feels as if I am ovulating but that's not possible since I am on hormonal birth control.

No. 395994

I sometimes get tired as FUCK. I sleep like 15h straight a day and have no motivation to do anything else.

No. 398280

Gonna meet a doctor about my PMDD again soon. I've tried SSRIs to help with the mood swings with very little help and most recently I went on hormonal birthcontrol but it didn't work out either. Is there anything I could suggest to the doctor that might be helpful?

No. 398941

I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible cramps. When I got up to take some advil I decided to change my tampon because I expected it to be full. When I started pulling it out I felt a little nauseous but by the time it came out my vision was dark and I had to brace myself against the counter to not fall over. I managed to make it back to bed but I had ringing in my ears that kept getting louder for a few minutes and I was sweating like crazy. I considered calling 911 because nothing like this happened to me before but it got better after around 10 minutes. Could this be caused by an iron deficiency? I'm going to call a doctor today.

No. 398950

A long time ago my old psychiatrist recommended taking large doses of B vitamins during my pre period week (so for me about 9 days before my due date as mine are ULTRA to the day regular) and it has worked pretty well for me provided I remember to do it and that I also have a normal level of it to begin with. B6 and B12 especially. I use these little lozenges just one or two a day like a hard candy and I definitely notice a dulling of the worst symptoms like my insane mood swings and ultra enhanced BDD kek

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