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No. 913498[Reply]

If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.

Previous threads
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No. 932158

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>>932157(wrong thread)

No. 932164

Found the answer on >>>/meta/ and it's to delete cookies. I did and the page went back to normal.

No. 932165

You can also just hit “show saged posts” at the top lol

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No. 932342[Reply]

Meet "Triagonal" AKA "Tynan Laird" and "Valentina Celestina Iscariot" https://archive.is/Ybi1c

He is not only a confirmed pedophile who lusts over a 14 year old boy, but he has a small, cult-like following of white-knights and are known for doxing, stalking and impersonation too. Also a genuinely bizarre individual in general who has lied about every aspect of himself. Claims to be from Pitcairn, claims to be a woman, and pretends to have DID as well. Also made up the "Lairdian" time system which rivals TimeCube.

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No. 819689[Reply]

Coverage of Miranda Constable / Mira Nagayama / Lina / Miriam Al Fas / Kanadajin3 / whatever else she can think of continues.

> Is still against anything to do with China at all costs.

> “Is totally still in Japan, guyz!”

> Is always most holier than thou, everyone else is haram.

> Is slowly turning to an Alt-Right. I foresee the Muslim fading in a few months to a year.

> Now openly homophobic and antisemitic.

> Saudi Arabia is now too haram to move to.

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No. 931981

canadians say both.
source: i am canadian

No. 932050

He already had a gf and had for some time. Miranda kept trying to thirst-trap him and he wasn't having it. So she decided to go super-muslim and win him that way. It was bonkers.
Even better, he wasn't even that devout and fell off while she was left sitting around in a burqa KEK.

No. 932222


So, no class pics, I guess?

No. 932281

Reminds me of the “I totally made a porno video with her in her hijab” loser who kept coming on here when there was no posts.

I call bs. Just another bait story to entertain what’s left of this dead thread. You go way too much into detail dropping names and explicit events just like “golden leopard hijab” guy did for all we know you are the same guy.(learn to sage)

No. 932338

I forgot to check when I was over, texted my mom to see if she could find it, not sure If I have one from that school because I joined late into the school year at that school. Just waiting for her to get back to me. If she has one she is going to send me a copy. So kinda just waiting right now. Any other recommendations for proof If I can't find a photo? Looked through some photos I got from high school, none with her in them unfortunately, and I don't have a year book from my high school. I can maybe ask around to see if anyone has a copy of our year book.

>>932281 I don't care if you believe me or not dude. You can believe I'm a bullshitter if you like.

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No. 927314[Reply]

Remember to visit https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting; anyone failing to do so will be exiled to The Hovel to think about what they've done. Each miserable, grimy plushie in Luna's pile contains the eternally tormented soul of an anon who forgot to sage.

Previous Thread: >>920554

The Basics:
>Luna is a 27 year old “sober” heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on/off “sex worker”
>Claims to have overdosed 9 times
>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides make shitty art and write cringeworthy “poetry”
>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun; the most noteworthy illnesses include BPD and an elusive eating disorder
>Started dating her (now) 43 year old “fiancé” Matthew (also known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”; they’ve now been together for 8 years and he clearly has no intention of marrying her
>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but spergs on the internet about how vile it is to do so
>Loves to share her grimy life with all and sundry, including awful photos of her (now dead) cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, layers of dirt and mystery stains on every surface of her home, et cetera
>Constantly buys cheap garbage on Amazon with her dad’s credit card while complaining about being penniless

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No. 932337

What an absolutely disgusting picture. Why she post that

No. 932339

pity points + setting up a new grift

No. 932341

Still in street clothes and she's wearing jewelry and piercings. What the fuck

No. 932343

What a gross, sketchy hospital.

No. 932344

There’s no way this would be permitted in any hospital in my country, she’s a walking biohazard. Is this typical for an ameripoor public hospital or is this one especially disgusting?

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No. 930240[Reply]

>Previous three threads:
Boring Repetitive Cycle edition >>304747
Carve A V Edition >>294375
Doxing And Stabbing Zaddy Edition >>286668

Venus Angelic Summary:
>Venus Isabelle Palermo aka Venus Angelic is a washed up has-been Swiss Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. Her momager Margo created the Venus Angelic brand, dragged her around the globe evading taxes and stirring up drama among the living doll and makeup vlogger community. She married and cuckolded a Japanese fan named Manaki who doesn’t appear online anymore (because they are now divorced after she cheated on him with her zaddy ken who she started seeing in 2018, she broke up with her zaddy this year though). Venus faded off into internet irrelevancy for the most part and tries to recapture some amount of attention by uploading random videos every other month, thotting on OnlyFans or threatening suicide.

Recent milk:
The boring repetitive cycle continued, but then Venus disappeared from the internet for 2 months.

Most recent milk:
Venus wants scrotes to pay for her boob job and "bimbofy" her >>304775
Suicidebaiting continues >>304834
Venus posts and deletes a manic post of her bruised legs and a rambling caption about being overmedicated >>304913 >>305224
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No. 932240

Venus is below average when it come to her appearance but fuck me that man is hideous. She can’t even justify fucking him for money or status.

No. 932290

does anyone else find it strange that there are literally protests going on in the states with people trying to secure their basic human rights and venus has been absolutely silent about it on her social media when she should be using her platform to get messages out and coordinate?(abnormally retarded post, not even saged)

No. 932292

No, because believe it or not no one gives a fuck about dumb Americans. We have our own problems.(sage your shit)

No. 932295

no one cares about this bullshit.

No. 932326

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Oh ffs shut up.

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No. 931666[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>>/pt/914105
Onision Thread Archives: >>511709
Onision Drama Crash Course: http://www.lifeofonion.com

Onision/Greg/Gregory Daniel/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been declining ever since. He has a fetish for underaged alternative girls and a good portion of his milk comes from his attempts at grooming these unfortunate victims. He also likes to distract from controversy by faking mental breakdowns and suicide baiting. After over a decade of this pattern of behavior, he eventually came to mainstream attention through a documentary, and YouTube subsequently demonetised his channel. His wife/spouse/fellow groomer, Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson/Lucas Jackson is a transtrender who has abandoned her Youtube channel and locked down her social media presence to hide away from allegations of sending nudes to underaged girls and helping to lure in new targets of Onision's abuse.


>Regina's jury trial is set for Nov 1, 2024 >>914714 Sarah's jury trial is set for Sept 30, 2024 >>916344
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No. 932299

So stop sperging about it, the damage is already done and our main concern is Sarah’s case.

No. 932311

everyone could see that coming a mile away. the grooming of her and regina didn't even happen on youtube, it happened on twitter. so i don't get why lawyer mcwowie didn't go after twitter instead. would make a nice case for child safety or whatever.
plus i feel she should also sue her own mother for neglect.

No. 932312


Fuck didn't think you could suck someone's dick over the internet. But you sure do have onision's dick all the way down your throat. Enjoy.(sage your shit)

No. 932315

Not sure why you take issue with this, since I am discussing the case. The fact that the lawyer failed to do something this simple to argue a very easily arguable reality is a concern to the case itself. It should bring concern about the lawyer's abilities. Maybe he/she is more focused on the suit against Onion and is happy to let the YT one slip for the sake of allocation of resources, but this dismissal is still brings up points of concern for Sarah's case.

No. 932336

Yet you’re the one who’s bitching about why YouTube wasn’t held responsible for the shit Onion did on and offline, everyone already knew this was going to happen regardless of circumstantial evidence. The only time YouTube will care is when he’s finally in the slammer.

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No. 914454[Reply]

If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting

26 year old “family friendly pet mom” YouTuber, her insane controlling mother, and her obsession with mental health and addiction recovery advocacy.

Previous thread: >>890095

The basics:
>Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Many pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after “rehoming” them. Fails to give proper enclosures to many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.
>Taylor left sober living after rehoming around 12 of her pets to be “back with her animals” living at her mother’s house, her animals all seem to be crammed into one room and taken care of by her mother.
>Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.
>Taylor has established a pattern of promising to upload, and making terrible excuses relating to poor internet connection or tech issues, or flat out vanishing for weeks to months, returning to announce another come back video which is totally coming

Taylor’s Social Media Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/taylorndean
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taylorndean/
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No. 932206

but how will she feel purposeful and needed if she doesn’t use her narcissistic god complex to fuck with nature?

No. 932216

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That bird is atleast 7-10 days from being a fledgling and still very much needs its parents. In cali they wont take doves period because they are a pest. (I rehab birds as a hobby) It would be an easy raise and release case but knowing her she will turn it into a pet that she will probably kill.

No. 932228

God, if we had TND bingo, getting another animal would be the free space.

No. 932235

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Do we believe her?

No. 932277

This is written like a textbook Taylor lie and has me tinfoiling. She was setting up the 'no shelter would take it! I had to raise it and keep it' story yesterday so I doubt she'd call the shelter herself and go out of her way to drop it off. She's lazy and also an animal hoarder, I think she'd rather have animals die in her care. Either her mom took the bird away from her and found a shelter (then Taylor took credit for her mom's actions), or it died from stress because she was fucking with it for social media.

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No. 864707[Reply]

Jess is a cam star/abdl porn star who constantly makes fun of fans and is overall a bitch. She cheated on her partners and practically copies her partners personalities .she suddenly has an interest in being a mom and even considers herself one to her bf kids despite handing them over to their real mom multiple times a week.(shit thread)
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No. 931291

She might take longer than her current record considering she has clemmy around, but it would not suprise me if she or honestly if HE cheated on her

No. 931402

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Praise for a man who’s bound to leave you like he did his ex-wife

No. 931480


Couples who post massive paragraphs like this have the worst fucking relationships in real life. Why post this message on social media, just say it to him or text it.

No. 931546

She has to prove a point that they actually DO have a good relationship and that she isn’t worried he’s gonna cheat on her like he did his past wives.

No. 931547

well she had (one of) his (many) babies, he’d never do something like that. right? right????s

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No. 926623[Reply]

New thread since old thread is about to lock

Old thread: >>>/pt/res/918599



>Previous thread developments:

-Still spergs out over misgendering
-Still insists she's being raped by a ghost
-Confirmed from the cow's mouth that she's taking over the counter, Walmart testosterone
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No. 932214

Fucking kek. Didn't realize "urethra" is a female gendered word. Never change, Ashton.

No. 932258

She's so strange. Like, it's important to anyone that their eyes work. kek. I wonder where she will be in January 2025?

No. 932259

She realizes men have urethras too, right?? School has really failed her in Texas.

No. 932286

i swear she’s just peeing standing up cuz she’s a “man” and not wiping. ugh

No. 932340

i mean according to her, she gets withdrawals after 48 hours without soda and when she gets a UTI, she deals with it by dehydrating herself further on purpose

is there really any need to speculate

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No. 927094[Reply]

>New “Viper Model” pic, same old crusty cumrag clothes, ratty polyester extensions, abysmal editing and shitty plastic backdrop >>875718

>Vicky to the rescue, how generous of her to offer up time out of her hectic schedule to replace Amber Heard in Aquaman >>876397
>Another one of her tattoo victims stops by, 10/10 delicious, absolute flavourtown >>876506
>Clearly back on the booze, immediately after the surgery she had that definitely wasn’t fabricated >>877404
>Icky Vicky now available in HD wallpaper, praise the lord >>878142
>Imagine being proud that you’re a misogynistic piece of shit, at the brown age of almost 40 >>878496
>Nobody, especially surgeons, thinks you’ve had surgery >>879918
>More excuses for not working, just give it up Vicky >>880301
>Claims she dumped her boyfriend of 1.5 years, immediately starts fishing for scrote attention on Facebook but is totally happy being single >>881791
>You don’t have any clients or close friends, Vicky >>884157
>The projection, my fucking sides >>884977
>Icky’s new hobby while “recovering” seems to be leaving rambling, grammatically incorrect and ultimately pointless reviews of doctors and restaurants on Google >>887268
>Makes some random old dude’s death all about her >>887606
>Announces taking a break from social media to “heal up”, we’ll see how long this lasts >>889047
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No. 932242

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This guy posted that she was doing a tattoo for him from her Hamilton shack a month ago around the same time she stopped posting.
She also has been claiming to be too sick to work but she’s keeping deposits since 2021.
I’m not a lawyer, but that sounds like fraud to me. I’m sure she’s been taking deposits, or at least has been keeping some. People seeing her going out to play pool, go to raves that have their money being held hostage are probably starting to ask for their money back.
I’m sure she’ll come back saying she was in the hospital again to scam more people

No. 932253

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Vic larping as her assistant always makes me reminisce on the first thread. God will never give us a greater online meltdown

No. 932269

I yearn for the days of cows passed.

No. 932279

She just can’t help telling on herself can she, kek

No. 932298

God that's was amazing. She pretended to be several dudes who saw her irl and talked about how hot she was and how everyone in the thread is jealous.

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