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No. 342272[Reply]

I know Adam Driver gets a lot of controversial lust because his face is cartoonishly ugly, but look at that STUPID body my god, those fat tits and huge shoulders every man’s body should look like this imo.

ITT post a sexy man body, do NOT post his face tho
That’s what the irl husbando or attractive men you wanna fuck thread is for
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No. 399381

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(no faces itt)

No. 399382

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No. 399386

Extremely good taste.

No. 399400


oops just realized I was supposed to block out the face. I accept my red text with grace and dignity.

No. 399409


Hopefully mods make an exception, this is nice

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No. 348009[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/174637
Talk about sex toys, stimulation, techniques, etc.
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No. 399323

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As an ex-turbocoomer who shlicked most nights without fail I can confidently tell you that my coochie turned out perfectly fine and functional. Yes you can get "desensitized" where it just takes a bit longer but if you abstain for a few days/a week it'll "reset".

Scrotes are genetically inferior so no need to compare yourself to their pathetic weak phallic appendages.

No. 399391

>JAV subculture of "ikemen" guys who starred in softcore videos.
I think that's Girl's Channel (GRCH)

No. 399392

you have to remember that the dick is constantly outside the body, rubbing against clothing as well as being over-worked by their hands, whereas our superior anatomy is internal and protected

No. 399393

I think that's it nonnie! Do they hold fan events? I vaguely recall watching clips from one and it fascinated me so much it stuck to me kek.

No. 399395

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>censored penis

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No. 394660[Reply]

Discuss family planning, birth, pregnancy, conception, fertility, and any other baby-related topic in this thread.
Refrain from posting if you dislike children or are childfree.
Old threads
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No. 399185

Holy shit, this made me kek. I'm so tempted to buy this for my wife as a gag but I'm pretty sure she'd throw it at my head (understandable). Ngl I'd be tempted to try it myself. Can it run Doom?

No. 399237

Not yet but some enterprising coder could probably hack the sensor and make pelvic floor doom a real thing. What I really want to see is a pelvic floor fighting game with tournaments to see who has the mightiest vagina.

No. 399275

I want this!!!!

No. 399280

>What I really want to see is a pelvic floor fighting game with tournaments to see who has the mightiest vagina.
Catch me training like Rocky to beat all the lolcow girlies at coochie Tekken.

No. 399389

I have the Elvie. It’s far less exciting and definitely a chore. Maybe I should have gotten the perifit.

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No. 344673[Reply]

Unsure if you're actually straight? Actually gay? Anything in between? Ask for advice here.
Previous: >>153246

Also welcome are "late bloomers" who realized their true selves long after their teen years who'd like to share their experience and tell others what signs to look out for.

Please be kind to questioning anons, no matter how "obvious" it might seem to you what they are.
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No. 399038

I'm the same except older (31), I've never had a crush and nobody is attracted to me, I just feel like some kind of asexual blob and nobody can understand, always saying cookie cutte lines like "you just haven't found someone, you'll understand finally when you meet the one uwu".

No. 399087

You can be any orientation and nkt care for having sex. You're bisexual.

No. 399115

I must just have a low libido then and not be particularly romantically-inclined. But this doesn't make me not bi… Sometimes it's nice to have someone confirm it, even if it's kind of obvious. Thanks.

No. 399385

Can a lesbian have autoandrophilia? I don’t ever wish to have PIV sex with my own vagina, but sometimes I think it’s hot to imagine my strap is attached to. I’m not attracted to the penis itself, but I like the fantasy of having one to have sex with sometimes.

No. 399424


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No. 391531[Reply]

This thread is for women who chose not to date "real men" (aka 3DPD) and instead have chosen to devote themselves completely to their husbandos. Talk about your daily life with your husbando, and discuss why you chose this lifestyle.
Lesbians/Bi women into waifus are welcomed too.

Previous thread:>>>/g/296708
63 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 398350

It actually does, dalle on bing at least does. I used a website that gave me the name of the color as "rose gold" so I used "dark rose gold" and it gave me a decent result, funnily enough, it's the eyes it can't get right kek.

No. 398411

That's a nice idea. It helps with picking items with his colors too. I'm planning on getting a jewerly with his eye color so I'll work os a similar swatch.

Your posts reminded me of something about my husbando. I have this pet peeve that people get his hair color wrong. The fandom universally sees his as a blonde right now, but he isn't. His hair is a light brown, and you can really tell so when you compare him to other characters. He's just a mousy brown. I guess some people think that's blonde in some places, which is fine, but they draw him with super bright yellow hair sometimes. I know why they do so, but they're wrong and I could go into a long detailed explanation about this, but I feel like an obsessed autist so I keep it to myself. Even if I explained in detail about this, it's not going to change anything, The fandom and the general public will still see him as blonde. I just internally rant when I see it wrong or preople making blonde jokes about him. I don't know why this bothers me, but it does.

No. 398451

It's okay nonna, I noticed in some fanart someone made his shoes the wrong color and it bugged me. Fake fan!

No. 398635

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keychain of my husbando came in, i am so happy nonnies. i can now bring him everywhere with me.
i would probably get too nervous and chicken out kek. lovely idea though. this reminds me of that scene in blade runner with joi and that woman, forget her name.
thank you nonas. i have learned to accept my yume lifestyle, as lonely as it can be sometimes. dating nowadays seem so shit, i mean men were probably always disappointing but this generation of men seem so awful and shallow. i like to think that my husbando came into my life to save me the stress of being with a 3D guy.

No. 399383

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Made a little cover image for his playlist. The stupid gallery app that I worked on won't let me add more than 10 stickers so I had to save a copy of the image to add more stickers, and it nukes the quality to match the image I'm putting stickers on, but whatever, it looks cute and ~aesthetic~. Might work harder on it when I have enough free time and make something decent. I got the idea in the shower and decided to do it before I forget it. I love this image of him even though he was depressed in this scene, but he's just sitting there on a rooftop, it's kinda cute.

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No. 397215[Reply]

What women are you ashamed to say you'd fuck or crush on for any reason?
>unconventionally attractive?
Share your thirst, farmers.

Last thread: >>>/g/158895
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No. 398394

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No. 398395

what??????? i thought casey mongillo was a TIM. wtf

No. 398396

samefag i found a post on his twitter where he mentions being born male, so i was right, he's a tim

No. 398699

Jojo Siwa

No. 399380

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For some reason I love women who are heavily tattooed even though I have zero tattoos or body mods myself

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No. 314525[Reply]

Share tips, vent, advice, similar experiences, how to get out of such a rut, what can be changed, what helped you personally, where to meet women you can relate to.

This thread is for:
-those of us who spent our formative years on 4chan/other male dominated spaces and got internet poisoning from it
-those of us who realised men aren't your friends but are now alone
-gender dysphoric women especially socially dysphoric
-ex-TIFs who have come to terms with being female but are now adrift
-those of us who are gender non-conforming in personality, not only appearance
-assorted spergs/speds who have difficulty understanding social norms, unwritten rules, tone of voice, and reading between the lines
-low-empathy or low EQ women
-general loners and NEETs

This thread is NOT for humblebragging about how cool and rational and edgy you are. Please.

For example, I find it difficult to tell lies, even white lies. When I lie it's so obvious it makes it worse. All my friendships with men ended for obvious reasons. I would genuinely like to make female friends so hopefully we can help each other.
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No. 399181

I’m the opposite, I think I’d rather hold on to the friends I have. I’ve only had a dramatic fallout happen once.

No. 399190

Do you have hobbies that aren't as popular with women? Of course the guys are just trying to fuck you too, but if you don't have shared interests with the average woman it's hard to become friends with them. A good amount of the woman I meet IRL are very moid-pandering as well, if you don't do that shit they'll likely feel uncomfortable around you and avoid you. And as an added "bonus" guys will think you're more approachable if you don't seem high-maintenance.

No. 399227

Good luck nona, ayrt and she just responded to me.

No. 399359

I think its stupid that as a woman I'm expected to side with prostitutes and sex workers, OF whores etc and if I dont I'm an evil woman hating antifeminist. Those women are not my allies and never will be, if anything they make life harder for other women. I also cringe so hard at their tryhard pickme captions like 'Did your gf send you nudes today or will I have to' like kys you nasty bitch, stop throwing other women under the bus for $15. Liberal feminism is so braindead but I dont necessarily agree with the common radfem take that all women in sex work are victims, because many of them really do willingly engage in it and get upset when restrictions and laws against it are put into place. I think Julie Burchill was right, they are traitors to other women. The stuff about them 'preventing rape' or doing some kind of other service for women is also nonsense, rape cases keep rising despite prostitution being increasingly commonplace and accessible.

No. 399378

The anon here. Honestly, no. My hobbies are witchcraft, embroidery, growing shrooms, lifting weights, and collecting records. I also love history and reading. I feel like all of those are stereotypically female hobbies except weight lifting. I think women can just tell I'm desperate to be loved (in a nonromantic way) and I'm lonely and it turns them off to me. I think I don't show that to men at all because I hate and fear them so ironically getting friendly with them is easier as I'm not vulnerable to them in any way. I guess I'm just confused because I always thought women were the ones who wanted a deep connection in their friendships yet the fact that I want one seems to be what makes it so hard. I know my personality has a lot of "sterotypically" masculine qualities but if anything women used to like that about me and girls I was friends with thought I was cool for being tough

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No. 381978[Reply]

Post your relationship issues and get some advice.

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No. 399363

This. If your bf is demanding nudes it means hes either a) physically apart from you, b) a porn addict, or c) both. In case a its pointless in general to exchange nudes with a moid long distance, statistically you wont even meet anyway. Just wait for irl sex or dont even bother. And in case b or c, hes a coomer cumbrain anyway, and at best youll end up a footnote in his massive porn folder full of other girls. In any case, its completely pointless and stupid and youre also endangering your own privacy by willingly handing over blackmail material to a coomer. And moids ALWAYS share nudes too. Half of /b/ threads are dudes sharing nudes of girls they talked to online.

No. 399374

I hate men so much. How the fuck he just gonna make me cry and insult me and then go to sleep while I'm literally sobbing next to him. I understand why women kill their husbands. I feel like I'm going fucking INSANE.

No. 399375


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 399376

Piss on him

No. 399405

just leave jfc

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No. 378416[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>>/g/363824

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Avoid infighting, report and ignore bait.
774 posts and 104 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 399361

I've found I'm a lot happier when I'm avoiding any YouTubers who fixate on color. I get that being on either extreme is rough and comes with stereotypes, but there's too much anger and insecurity going on. They make it seem like being light or dark skinned can respectively put you on top of the world, or ruin your entire life. I don't believe either to be true in reality.
Some of the things the "exotical" ones complain about are relatable to me, but I feel like they have a lot of personal trauma they haven't resolved, and now they take it out on monoracial, dark-skinned black women as a whole. The dark-skinned YouTubers are much the same, which is why I don't watch them, and I don't like how either group tends to pigeonhole "black features" for their own given agendas. It also just seems wrong for them to be airing out all these digs at eachother in public spaces. Like, you didn't need to make a 1 hour 30 minute video because some nobody on TikTok said something stupid and rude about dark-skinned women, and the same is true vice-versa. Start a diary, make a private group, get group therapy, post somewhere anonymously (jk).

No. 399366

Not all cultural practices are worth protecting. In fact, the opposite is often true. If violence and hypersexuality are core parts of your identity in any capacity, you should definitely be shamed. Only racists would want an entire race to be represented by the most regressive, destructive aspects of their underclass.
>And people who enjoy rap aren't listening for the lyrics anyway, they just enjoy the music
If this were true, they wouldn't be writing disgusting and misogynistic lyrics to this day. You can really rap about anything, but it's only the garbage that's "allowed" to hit the mainstream. Only women who degrade themselves and talk about dick end up skyrocketing to fame. Funny how that works.

No. 399370

nobody thinks that hip hop represents black culture. It's just music

No. 399372

>nobody thinks that hip hop represents black culture.
nta but if that's the case then why is it "racist" to call out the misogynistic culture, lyrics and the men who write them?

No. 399373

Then it isn't racist to call it what it is (misogynistic).

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No. 86956[Reply]

Goth music, makeup, fashion, literature that you love. People you're admiring, gossip, news etc.
502 posts and 96 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 398221

>Diva Destruction coming
Ahh that's amazing. You're in for a treat anon, going off what I've seen in videos of them performing live, they sound just as good in person. Have fun!

>Freya is gonna be there
After all the controversy going on with her that's being discussed in the altcows threads ,all I can muster is an eye roll but kudos to those who still like her content.

No. 398222

Oh for sure, I'm very aware that we don't have to look stereotypical 24/7. Hell at my age (early 30s), I don't really go all out on a daily basis like I did in my early 20s because I know that clothes don't make the goth, it's the music and I still enjoy it. Besides the dark boho look is so fun and forgiving for the summer time so you can't really go wrong there haha.

No. 398420

I wasn't a Freya fan, sometimes I watched her videos but never kept up with her life. After she had children her content became boring. I've seen the alt board. Agree that Freya's malingering diagnosis was to fund WGT tickets. It was called and not a surprise when she announced she was going. I still think she doesn't represent the goth community, I just mentioned to nonna that she will be there.

No. 398529

Oh okay anon. I admit I used to be a fan of hers in the beginning of her channel but I grew bored of her content before she even had her kids when most of what she would do were just Killstar and Dark-In-Love shills. She's good at displaying clothes but the clothes itself got boring to look at (I prefer thifts tbh) and that was most of the only thing she'd talk about and I eventually got bored and would only watch on occasion.

Ever since she had her kids though, she has gotten so shameless it's embarrassing and I agree, in no way would she be a good representative of the goth scene.

No. 399334

>Besides the dark boho look is so fun and forgiving for the summer time so you can't really go wrong there haha.
I agree. At the moment I'm fixing the straps on a thrifted cotton dress. It's a perfect flowy number, but they twisted the straps and it rubs my shoulders. I've been unpicking threads to unwind them and sew them back on. I think I'll add some black lace around the skirt part. Just to make it 'mine'. I love thrifting but kinda worry someone will recognise they donated it. I add different things to it so it's more personal and it gives me something to do.

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