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No. 113303[Reply]

ITT:Just brag about your boyfriend or husband and what he does for you
mine does the cooking,cleans the bathroom,does the yard-work,works out so he's fit,cares for his sick grandmother and loves me unconditionally even when I'm not as fit as I used to be
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No. 393348

My cat was sleeping on his desk chair so he accepted his fate and just worked standing up

No. 393475

>doesnt want gross porny misogynistic things.
>Asks to keep my used panties so he can smell them.
>Wants me to skip showers so he can smell my sweat and lick it.
>He likes kissing my feet and sucking my toes.

Doesn't he though?

No. 393498

By gross and misogynistic I meant things like anal, stragulation and humiliation. But yes we're gross, youre correct.

My ex was overly concerned about my smell, taste and body hair. To the point where it made me insecure and turned off. My pleasure used to be entirely dependent on how I saw mysleld trough the mans eyes. It was all about me being youthful, hairless, submissive, kinky and willing to serve. Animals don't ruin their chances of reproducion by worrying about such. Just the smell of a female ready to mate is enough. Human males say they have preferences but they're actually just varying degrees of impotent.

I needed a gross man who gets turned on by the smell and taste of an adult woman. Like a caveman. A man that never gets bored of foreplay and vanilla sex. For me its a huge turn on that hes addicted to my smell of my used panties. Im the one with a reverse foot fetish, he is just turned on by pleasing me.

No. 393505

How are those things porny or misogynistic? It's completely normal for a man to be attracted to how his girlfriend/wife smells and tastes, if not he's probably fucking gay. All the porn-addicted men you see aren't actually attracted to woman and are prissy losers turned off by any scent and body hair.
>Human males say they have preferences but they're actually just varying degrees of impotent.
I've never seen it said this way, but this so fucking true.

No. 393509

I'm happy for you nona

Kek sometimes i wonder if the 'leave him!!' anons cruelly lack experience when it comes to relationships and sex. Smell is a crucial part of affective bonds and lust. Women can be like this too

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No. 347288[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/306284
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No. 393425

The weather there is terrible imo but I have a strong hatred towards heat and earthquakes so idk it depends on the person

No. 393426


Kek yes I definitely want to pass through socal since its basically most of the famous parts of CA anyway so thank you. I think I can live with the fact that its car-centric because its also like that here in PA, so I guess nothing would change in that way.


At this point, I think I'm done with the cold. If I ever do miss the cold, I can just vacation out to Oregon or a nearby northern state to chill out. You've ever had to live in a cold, damp place like the UK or Ireland? I have and it made me want to off myself.

I've been through earthquakes before so no biggie.

No. 393428

If you are going from PA to the west coast be prepared for some work-culture shock. Maybe in California people are cool but I massively preferred the work culture in Pittsburgh to that of Oregon. It was like people do not understand the function of a union on the west coast, they have it completely confused with the job of management. I really disliked this aspect of living there.

No. 393439

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I was born and raised there, and just six months ago moved out to another state (had to move closer to my sister after she was widowed young) but I think about moving back every single day, I miss it so much. I’m biased because I was raised there but not even “cool” states like Colorado compare

I’ll be upfront with you though: cost of living is insane. I clear 80k a year and I still wouldn’t be able to afford a one bedroom apartment by myself, unless I want to live somewhere gross like the inland empire.
Buying a home in a beach accessible city is impossible unless you have a budget of $800,000 or more. In fact, if you don’t make at least 6 figures, you’re either going to have to live inland, have roommates indefinitely, or live in a really rundown, possibly dangerous area.

No. 393440


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

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No. 391276[Reply]

What would you say is the best thing you learned as as a woman that you would tell another woman? What do you wish someone told you earlier?

Can be a word of wisdom from a woman in your life, a piece of media, a band, anything that moved you or you learned to be true

Just nothing detailed about killing men I think we all know about that.

For instance:
Be fully conscious about the feelings someone gives you and make sure you really want them in your life.
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No. 393236

Stay away from the self-conscious types, it spreads. If your friend is publicly ashamed about her nose, you will be about yours too in no time.

No. 393240

This applies to insecure men too. Don’t date men who constantly nitpick themselves and self hate all the time.

No. 393254


No. 393331

lmfao vavav-vased.

No. 393375

Nonnies tonight I bring you a beautiful song that I found made by a stunning woman.

Opportunity knockin'
A nigga was out for coffee
Inadequate like my window
The Grammy's is way too lofty
And I could stay here forever
I could die here
I don't have to try here
Can I get my two sugars please?
Jesus made an album
I'm still waiting in the line for cream
She dream in techni-color
Live black and white
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No. 386550[Reply]

>What is this thread
By popular demand, we have created the retarded shitpost thread which talks about husbandos and/or horny shit about fictional men in general.
>Why was this made / what is the difference
The difference is that here you can be retarded about your fictional 3D (as in characters from live action movies or shows) and 2D crushes so you don't clog /ot/. Post memes, be frisky, whatever. Be as mild or as spicy as you feel like.
>But why
Farmers are some horny bitches
>Examples of posts that go here
-I want the Jojos to gangbang me raw
-I love me some man tiddies
-I want to cuddle Reigen
>Examples of posts that DO NOT go here
-actual real life men hornyposting
-Your husbando is trash/ugly/cringe/moid-tier etc
-He's gay/belongs with me/other character instead
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No. 392875

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Aw thanks nona, this made my day! And don't worry, all is forgiven kek. Have fun with the guided tours, they're super fun.
Arthurfag! I had a feeling it was you, but didn't want to say in case I was wrong KEKK
London is awesome! I went there last summer and I'm going again this summer. Both my childhood bestfriends moved there a couple years ago, Lucky them. It's fun thinking I'm exploring Arthur's body, ooh la la. I hope you get to visit again soon!
I'm so glad Hima finally created Ireland too, he's perfect. Our Lord and saviour Hima never disappoints. And damn, nona, you always post the cutest pictures ever kek. I love em all. It took me ages to notice Alfred in the back though, KEKKK He's so DAMN CUTE. I love how Americans celebrate St Paddy's so enthusiastically

No. 392878

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just joining in

No. 392903

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I have a new interest, unfortunately. My taste just gets worse and worse.

No. 392939

every gen Z nonnies first experience with crushing on a gay guy was spongebob lets be real

No. 392997


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No. 156622[Reply]

A thread for anons who do not want kids in any context, whether biological, adopted, or step. Discuss anything relevant to a childfree lifestyle here.

Some topics for discussion to get started:
>miserable parents we know and their nightmareish lives
>the wonderful world of having expendable income
>how much better women without children age
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No. 389422

I do believe my grandma and mom when they tell me this, but I’ve never been super into wanting kids. I really didn’t want kids until I met my current partner, just because I think he’d be such a good dad. I feel like I would have the kids and just be absent then, like my dad who worked a lot and didn’t spend much time with us. My man would do all the child rearing. But then I just think of all the time I would miss out on with him, and all the time we’d waste on these kids, which sucks. It’s such an insane choice, to give up all your time and energy and make it someone else’s who doesn’t even have a fully developed brain.

Recently family has been visiting with two young kids and it’s been awful hanging out with them. They don’t listen when you want to chat, they want to watch the same YouTube meme videos over and over and over and over, they have terrible attention spans, and they whine and cry because they have no patience. We went to a theme park and they didn’t even want to ride the rides. I love their parents so it’s weird to have this struggle, like seeing them give their kids unregulated access to the internet when I know what’s on YouTube and what they are likely stumbling across. I like to think if I ever had kids they would love to be outside and we would have a lot of fun, but kids are people and they might hate all the things I like. Not to mention if I’m cursed with one of those born-violent moids that make your life hell until they run away from home and are in and out of jail for the rest of their lives. I couldn’t forgive myself if I brought that into the world.

I also feel like being pregnant would be horrible. I would love to be doted on and treated gently, but I don’t like that fetish moids would get off looking at me, or that people would still be fucking rude anyway because people are assholes, or that basically everyone who looks at me is just recognizing me as a uterus. When I think about it, it feels like being pregnant in public is like being at the gynecologist in public. It’s hard to explain, maybe somebody else knows what I’m talking about. It’s like your uterus walks into the room before you do. I just don’t know if it’s worth it, maybe I’ll secretly change my IUD and just tell my moid we’re infertile. I am also terrified of having post-partum psychosis. I think PPD is a guarantee for me.

No. 390130

Kek yes please come to The Villages, we can be old lady nonnas together

No. 391425

after struggling relentlessly with different forms of birth control for the last decade i’m finally scheduled to have my tubes removed next month and i’m so excited!!!! i can’t wait to never be scared of being pregnant again and there’s a part of me that feels so empowered by this decision, like i can’t be dictated by the miserable politics surrounding women’s reproductive rights anymore

No. 392766

this. I always found other kids too loud (any surprise that i'm autistic), and it only got worse. My mom dragged me to informal church playgroups with kids half my age and I was expected to babysit them, because guess who was responsible when they misbehaved?

My parents are shitty even without that aspect of my childhood.

No. 392835

my trashy mother forced me to take care of my younger brother starting when i was six so she could sleep all day. he was seriously disturbed, not least of all due to our dysfunctional home environment. sometimes he would scream and break things and hit me and i'd just have to deal with it because waking up our mother meant her flying into a rage of her own. i remember one afternoon i came home from school and saw that her arms were covered in bloody scratch marks because he had clawed at her while she was holding him. because my mother is retarded she would laugh off incidents like him trying to stab our goldfish or beat him with a belt, which in turn made him act worse. the thought of giving birth to an unhinged child like that and having to deal with him for the rest of my life (after i moved out she had no choice but to actually parent him herself) terrifies me.

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No. 83058[Reply]

We have a general fashion thread, as well as one for J fashion, makeup, etc.
How about a shoe thread!
Any shoe lovers here?
Any brands you recommend?
Any shoes on your wishlist?
Any you think are absolutely ugly?

Shoes are the one area I personally fall behind in. I’m tall so I usually just wear flats or vans. Trying to wear more sophisticated and interesting shoes moving forwards and I’d like to hear your opinions! I did search in a case a thread like this already existed and nothing came up
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No. 392688

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I hope it's okay to bump this thread.
>How many pairs of shoes do you own?
>Would you buy more shoes or do you think you should get rid of some?
>What's your favourite pair of shoes right now?
>Do you prefer summer shoes (sandals, flip flops, slippers..), medium weather shoes (sneakers, moccasins…) or winter shoes (boots and other warm shoes)? Why?
>Do you own any heels? What are the tallest and shortest heels you own?
I own about 17-18 pairs of shoes and I actually just bought 3 more. I buy a lot of second hand shoes at a very reasonable price. I really don't mind if they're a little bit worn out or dirty because I own specific cleaning products and shoe deodorant, and sometimes I risk putting sport shoes on the washing machine. I am (hopefully) selling some of my shoes because I don't want to own that many. My favourite pair of shoes are these Gel Galaxy 9 black and purple Asics I bought for 6€, I use them when I go running but I also wear them with jeans and informal ourfits because they are super comfortable. I'm a winter person, I absolutely prefer my wardrobe for colder seasons, including footwear. I own a simple pair of flat leather black boots, no zippers, no lacing, just wide cut leather. They become my everyday casual shoes once the temperature is cold enough. I very much prefer boots than sandals. I also own one pair of platform boots with a 9 cm heel, that's the tallest shoe I have right now. They are thigh-high boots and the heel is square-shaped and heavy as fuck, so these are perfect candidates for the a resell because I have only used them twice in one year. Some years ago I was really into kitten heels and I still own two pairs, 3-4cm tall each. I don't wear them anymore but they are authentic leather so I'm not sure about selling them.

No. 392691

i've been wanting to try asics so thank you for the rec. i mostly wear skechers since they're insanely soft and comfortable so i'd love to find a pair that feels as nice but is less ugly.

No. 392695

I own 2 pairs of sneakers I regularly wear and like 3 pairs of heels I haven't worn in 5+ years, that's it. I need to get a pair of sandals. Idk where I'd store 20 pairs though.

No. 392696

I’ve always hated heels due to how uncomfy they are. Then I bought a pair of 6 inch heels from Japan, just to experiment with walking in I guess. And they were sooooo comfortable wtf. Like super cushioned sole. And a slight platform to reduce pressure on the ball of the foot. I have no idea where those heels are now but every pair of western heels I’ve tried since hurts my feet so bad since.

No. 392702

I'm really happy with all the shoes I've bought from that brand, although I always look for 1 size more than I'd normaly use. I guess it's because it's a Japanese brand.
I have a big shelf in my closet full of shoes (in boxes). It really is a waste of space.
What brand, anon? Would you post a picture of a similar pair?

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No. 48533[Reply]

Please feel free to vent or ask for advice in this thread pertaining to sexual abuse or harassment, etc

I'm looking for advice on how to build a healthy sexual relationship with my partner after my bad past. We've been married two years and he's fantastic. But my libido is very low and I have a feeling it might be tied to poor sexual relationships I'd had before. Starting at 8 years old and then on out. I'm not really bothered by the past but I think my mind is instantly associating sex with bad times, which shouldn't be the case since my husband is lovely. But my brain instantly is telling me that I dont want to do this or that its just a hassle. Often times when we begin fooling around I get stomach aches that will go away basically instantly when we stop, like he can tell I'm not in the mood so we wont continue. I never thought much of it, I always thought it was just something I ate. But today I figured out maybe it could be anxiety related.

I just want to be able to have a normal sex life with him where we can fool around and have fun, but I feel so bad for having something -wrong- with me. If anons have any advice i'd love to hear. I'm too poor for a therapist and I've scoured the internet for advice as well
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No. 392630

children don't know stuff like that is wrong when it's a trauma response (if it was) they're just doing monkey-see-monkey-do

No. 392643

Still if she had any braincells left she wouldn't abuse other children like the nona who posted it, if she experienced pain. If such children or teens can't stop it they should be isolated too. I don't care. Trauma can't excuse everything.

No. 392644

TBH that kinda supports my theory that sexual abuse victims should be able to receive euthanasia, either to not suffer or to not hurt others because sadly some become monsters too (not all of course and most often moids than women).

No. 392677

Today I saw a man trying to take a little boy. Initially a bunch of other men intervened and separated him from the boy, but then they just fucking left. The guy kept following the boy and they just left. I told two other women next to me to call the police and one just said that they didn't pick up and didn't try again. They were so nonchalant about it. Then they left once they saw the boy get on a bus. Nobody did anything. I was the only one who stayed and called the police and followed the man for as long as I could. I don't understand how they can just not care about a grown ass man trying to force a boy to go with him. He was struggling so hard to get away. He was shirtless. He was saying he didn't know this man, but didn't want me to call the police. This man could have been a pedophile trying to rape him and nobody did anything to get the man in trouble. He could've been a sex trafficking victim and nobody helped him. Why tf didn't people care??

No. 392733

I've noticed this a lot online. People will have massive SJWs about stuff like this, but in reality a lot of people won't actually interact in case they could be wrong and then they don't want to be shamed and have the police called on them instead. It could be a situation like yours where you said the boy made it known he did not know the man, but depending on who the guy is too, some people are too intimidated to do anything. It's really sad how crazy they get with how they will act online, but when the situation happens, nothing. Crickets.

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No. 305399[Reply]

Post and discuss all of your sexual fantasies! Don't turn this into "fetishes you're ashamed of #2" though.
Old thread: >>>/g/182352
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No. 392180

He's wearing a DBZ shirt too and the purple RGB lighting signals to me, this guy is a basic nerd.

No. 392403


No. 392419

It feels like I’m watching my kid graduate college. Congratulations nonnie, from one horny bitch to another

No. 392548

I'll never get to fuck a cute manlet. It's awful, I got so close. He has little wrists and small legs and we wear the same shoe size uggh. AND I was madly in love with him. Fondling isn't enough I'm going to fucking die, anons.
I just want to compare the sizes of our body parts, completely nude. I want to hold a little guy down with my body weight just by sitting on him. I want to pin him to the wall and gaze down at him, and feel how perfectly he'd fit in my arms. It would be a dream to be able to lift and carry him and toss him around. I'd condition him so he knew that when I called him "cute and small" it is the biggest compliment I could give, and pointing out his height is always because just thinking of it turns me on. He'd be my little prince but he'd also be a bit scared of me (because I'm insane).
It's not fair. Statistically there are fewer men who are shorter than me than are taller, and out of those only some are my type, then out of those again only a few would be attracted to me. It feels impossible for me to ever experience this fetish but I don't know if I'll ever be sexually fulfilled otherwise now that I've gotten a taste of what could be.
Yes I'm samefagging and I'm still autistic and ready to fuck. Don't want to haunt the vent thread with my horny because it's stupid.

No. 392551

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God I want to fuck this guy in my college class so bad, he is super skinny, looks like a borderline twink with messy brown hair, is autistic about menswear fashion, makes obscure french movie references, I want him so bad it makes me mad. I would peg and ruin him so hard he wouldn’t be able to function afterwards. I sometimes imagine myself, him and this other really pretty-feminine looking guy from my class having a threesome and making them kiss each other while I fuck them.

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No. 391232[Reply]

Thread 1 >>47022
Thread 2 >>63152

We've got plenty of underrated dudes on lolcow but are there any men that you're ashamed to say you'd fuck for any reason? Men who are ugly, unattractive, average-looking, creepy, weird or just plain shameful? It doesn't have to be a big reason that you're ashamed, just say why.

Admit your thirst, farmers.
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No. 392305

I don't know why but this man with leaf wreath

No. 392404

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I can't respect a man who would date the mother of Elon Musk's children, and he seems like he's probably into transhumanist bullshit, but still, I would.

No. 392413

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No. 392470

I watched the clockwork orange for this and he appeared on screen for 20 seconds. Feeling conned. Fuck Kubrick

No. 392877

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I wish he was ugly, it’d make me so happy if he was just ugly like the others

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No. 159633[Reply]

For anyone who is anti-porn, a recovering porn addict, or wants to lower their usage.

>Why are you anti-porn?

>When did you decide to quit?
>Did porn make you depressed?
>Are people around you supportive of this choice?
>and whatever else you want to say
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No. 357342

This is about the anons infighting in the dumbass shit thread and the unpopular opinions thread, isn’t it?

No. 357351

Does anyone have suggestions for quick resources that summarize why porn is bad? I'm hoping to get through to a friend but I don't think she'd have the patience to read a wall of text from me or listen to me ramble, so I'm looking for an image or short video that might get the main points across visually, maybe with some humor. I saw a great visually striking infographic with citations and stuff on it once but I can't find it anymore…
At this point a selfish "here's all the ways it affects you negatively as a viewer" would probably be more effective than the "here's how it's trafficking women" argument…

No. 357358

No. 392359

No. 395636

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