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No. 86956[Reply]

Goth music, makeup, fashion, literature that you love. People you're admiring, gossip, news etc.
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No. 395675

>When she was in Germany, she didn't really go to local goth scenes to share the music (along with the experience).

That's because she didn't learn the language and didn't have a German crew. If she integrated she could have done those videos, talked about the difference between Kiwi goth culture and German goth culture. Gone into Germany's evolution within the scene. She missed out on a big opportunity to expand her knowledge and fan base. I know most goths listen to other music or different genres in the subculture, but Freyja is now the typical shallow Instagoth.

No. 395678

Depeche Mode, kek. Her outfit looks like she searched Temu for 'goth clothing' and bought all of it. tbh she didn't match it well and it appears to be a costume. You're right, the makeup style is copied from Pinterest. These people show no originality or effort. She said she's into romantic goth. There's a world of difference between 2000s romantic goth, and today's 'interpretation'. This generation takes their cue from Killstar. She doesn't talk about music, it's just the fashion and prob. done to shock her Christian family.
I'm annoyed people can be 'goth' for the look because it's edgy. Goth started out as a music-based culture and these weebs can't even acknowledge that.

No. 395703

Given the amount of introverts in European scene bonding with new people may not be that easy even if you speak their language. People contemplating floor or walls for hours finding the process as interesting as talking to others is not rarity.

No. 395735

And her refusal to actually learn German so she could truly take in the culture really showcased how lazy she was and how she clearly romanticized Germany. Let's be real, she only moved there to be closer to WGT and Germany's rich gothic architect, she didn't actually care about integrating into German life.

No. 395737

AYRT and yeah, "Temu" is the best word for this look. When you look at people who are actually into goth, they tend to be a little more creative with their looks because they are actually investing time into the music and taking inspiration from musicians but also mixing that with other quirks that they personally like. They don't tend to go for a full-on "goth in the box" kind of look compared to people who clearly only do the look for attention and buy from Temu, Aliexpress, and Killstar to where it looks like a costume and they film TikTok videos in.

>You're right, the makeup style is copied from Pinterest.

It's just so obvious. The makeup just all looks the same and I had to put two and two together of where I've seen it which was Pinterest lol.

>She said she's into romantic goth. There's a world of difference between 2000s romantic goth, and today's 'interpretation'.

As someone who loves Romantic Goth, I've gotta be honest that there's been a long-time of misappropriation of what Romantic Goth is. To me, when I think of "romantic goth", it's mixing trad goth with romantic elements. Incorporating ore lace and/or crushed velvet paired with winklepickers and big teased or intricate sharp makeup. Simply throwing on a black gown with lace trim and slapping on a corset and black heels is not "romantic goth" to me but I digress.

It's clear it's more of a shock value thing to her family and she'll either actually get more into what goth is truly about or she'll drop the whole thing and move to the next thing.

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No. 78523[Reply]

>Think you have a great guy freind.
>later reveals that he wants a romantic relationship.
>basically just spoke to you so he could fuck your pussy.
>When you decline he never speaks to you again.

I have lost contact with most of the guys who I thought were genuinely my friends this way.

This is the worst sort of betrayal. I've come to find that a lot of women think they have male friends when, in reality, there is always an ulterior motive.

Do you think there is even a point in making friends with men?

Do you think men and women can be friends?
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No. 394818

I don’t think he was shallow, he didn’t call me ugly or anything in that nature.

No. 394822

You didn’t do anything wrong. I just want to reiterate that. I read the whole story and there wasn’t a mistake or a bad thing you did in there. I guess I could say getting involved with someone faceless online was a bad idea on your part but that’s kinda beside the point now since it already happened.
FYI there’s an online relationship thread that might be better for this since you are in love with him and this isn’t really a friendship thing anymore >>>/g/271193

No. 394907

He might as well have. You stopped existing to this guy the moment he saw you and you don't think he's shallow? Stop with the delusions ffs. No one here is going to advise that you kept begging him for more

No. 394994

Nona you're overthinking it way too much. And it seriously makes me sad you're worried your face "ruined" something… (and actually, what? you're just talking online). Like you feel sorry for the way you look and not matching his expectations. Who the fuck is he? Just some guy. He's not better than you, not more important than you. You just talk online and you already describe this relationship like you're codependent. You're not responsible for his moods, you don't have to figure out the reasons and make him feel better. You don't need to be his ideal, you don't have to attract him. And sorry nona, but it's not love, it's more like limerence. I'd recommend you looking into it, and some self-help books/videos/etc for improving your self-esteem. I'm sorry if I come off condescending or something, didn't mean to, it just reminded me of something personal and I really felt bad for you. I hope you overcome these feelings.

No. 395160

i love my bros personally (no hetero though), theyre real ones

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No. 158895[Reply]

We have threads for men, but how about our bi and lesbian farmers on /g/? What women are you ashamed to say you'd fuck or crush on for any reason?
>unconventionally attractive?
Share your thirst, farmers.
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No. 394929

wait what??? i've never heard that about yurika before. spill the tea in full detail I beg. Does this mean that in the investigative report that 'actress A' that burned the victim with a curling iron was Yurika?

No. 394930

You’re really out of the loop. It’s hard for me to relay all the details and complexities in one post, I recommend going through the “takarazuka incident 2023” threads on 5chan (lavender.5ch.net/siki) which have been running since the incident. There’s a lot of retardation there (as there is on all imageboards) but it’s the best way I know of to see the course of the full scandal.
The only other highlight I didn’t mention was that after all of that, her and Sushi both refused to apologize when the rest of the troupe did. Just to really rub salt into the wound, I guess. Manato has gone radio silent on makaze too, even after initially supporting her last year, which is telling. Only one Sora OG came to see Makaze’s debut concert and attendance was very poor, they couldn’t even sell tickets when the price was halved. Huge fall from grace.

No. 394968

Are you into Takarazuka, nonna? Or just this actress?

No. 394988

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I don't mind her being much older than me but it makes me ashamed because she reminds me of a classy version of an elementary school teacher i hated kek

No. 394995

I used to be into takarazuka, but only got into the cosmos troupe (and yes, makaze was my very favorite). After this, I can't look at any of it the same way anymore. I liked it far too much, and this hit me far too hard.

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No. 280759[Reply]

A concept generally related to disfuncional families, toxic family bonds, lack of boundaries with parents, infantilization in adulthood, the mother wound, growing up too quickly, and much more.

In enmeshed families, members are emotionally fused together in an unhealthy way. More than one member is codependent of the other and individual goals are discouraged. A lot of shame and guilt happens when you try to become independent. You can read more here:

As this is something I very much struggle with, I wanted to see if more anons here have gone through similar stuff, and how were you able to overcome it (or maybe just like me, you are in the process of recovering from). Please share your own experience with family enmeshment here.
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No. 282084

No. 282113

might also be helpful

No. 283807

bell hooks mentioned going through a time in her life where she was severely depressed and suicidal and how the only way she got through it was through changing her environment: She surrounded her home with buddhas of all colors, Audre Lorde’s A Litany for Survival facing her as she wakes up, and filling the space she saw everyday with reinforcing objects and meaningful books. She asks herself each day, “What are you going to do today to resist domination?” I also really liked it when she said that in order to move from pain to power, it is crucial to engage in “an active rewriting of our lives.”

No. 284365

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No. 394987

Decenter your mom.

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No. 141299[Reply]

previous thread: >>>/g/49363

Discuss your shitty brain here.
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No. 393607

Great job! Maybe look into dance or team sports as well. It sounds retarded but it's actually a great way to do problem solving and information retention without having to sit and stare at a screen or page for ages. Plus if you get bored of running you have something else you can do.

No. 393614

Your experience may vary but i went off my meds for 6 months to try it out and i did not like my personality off them. The original symptoms i had returned but i was also too lazy to find other ways to mitigate them (exercise? sleep more?).

No. 394768

I can't help but compare myself to other people with ADHD and seethe over how much they have their shit together. One friend has it and she's a ruthless career lady, another has it and she's working on a PhD in a hardass field, tons of other ADHD people online shit out brilliant art constantly, and so on. Meanwhile I'm in my mid-twenties and I feel like a terminal dilettante. I can't even call myself good at anything because I keep dropping the projects I'm not forced to work on and half-assing the ones that I am. I constantly feel sleepy or depressed or like something's wrong with my body, unless I'm doing the handful of things that I like (which are unfortunately not monetizable). My meds just make me feel crazier so I don't bother taking them anymore, especially because of the shortage. Everyone I know keeps telling me I'm underselling my capabilities but I think they're just being nice and trying to encourage me so I stop moping around and doing nothing to fix my situation. Life just feels like a zero-sum game at this point and I would much rather not play anymore.

No. 394954

im afraid my eating disordered behavior is resurgent since my med requires me to take 350 calories to activate it and I've incidentally become more self conscious about what I eat. but I also literally think my stomach shrank after being on a multitude of meds that fucked up my digestive system. it's almost subconscious because I'm not trying to not eat or lose weight at all, it's just like I'm on autopilot that my hunger has significantly tapered down from the gi issues. It scares me, actually.

No. 394984

hahaha pretty sure i've developed an ED after four months of ozempic and not losing weight as quickly as i wanted. better thin than obese ii, i guess.

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No. 152993[Reply]

Post your favorite examples of men who have aged like milk. Discuss the “men age like wine, women age like milk” cope meme, common amongst undesired men
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No. 394741

what else do you expect the celeb crush of "Britney" ManSon to look like?

No. 394765

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I feel like underneath the disgusting styling he aged ok. But we'll never know, because he makes sure to dress horribly, cover himself with the worst tattoos possible, and keep the most disgusting mustache I've seen.

No. 394862

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Guess who’s decade older.

No. 394876

I wouldn’t even hate the msuctache if he actually dressed like an old timey British gentleman to match. But instead he dresses like an awkward mid life crisis think haggot fairy who just got thrown out of a gay bar. I hate his aesthetic so much but maybe it’s not his fault since he’s severely mentally ill. Also I’m 100% sure he’s gay.

No. 394916

this moid should just lose the weight, shave that disgusting beard and get a wig. moids who bald in general should be forced to get wigs just like how a lot of women end up getting them due to societal pressure to not be bald as a woman. facial hair should also be seen as just as disgusting as women are made out to feel for ours
not that bad compared to the other monstrosities in this thread

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No. 378181[Reply]

Not everyone can be beautiful, and for some, even "average" is out of reach. If that sounds like you, how are you coping in this looks-obsessed world?

I'm reviving this thread series since the last one has long since closed and I think it's a topic a lot of women could use a place to vent about.

Previous thread: >>>/g/114320
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No. 394700

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99% of males are hideous so there's not much difference between what a 6/10 and a 3/10 will pull. There are too many gorgeous women so the majority of them will have to date males WAY under their league. Not even beauty can save you. Males are never truly disgusted by women because their whole purpose is to chase us and settle with any woman who will take them. All of the looks-shaming is for show. You could approach a 10/10 and he'd still fuck you if he's horny enough. It's all about timing. Unless you've got supermodel looks we're all stuck in the same hell hole. And even then you'd probably be getting raped by Harvey Weinstein. You should prioritize your education as having a high income will permit you to date wealthy moids and hire gorgeous whores. Or you could pay for your ugly scrotes' plastic surgery. Usually rich people only marry other rich people and looks don't matter too much. At the end of the day, uglies win. Men have liberated themselves from beauty standards by collectively being hideous and doing nothing to fix it. Life is unfair, one can only accept it or kill herself. Acceptance doesn't mean awaiting your demise like a sacrificial lamb, it means doing whatever it takes to achieve your goal. It's a fighter mindset. It's not the 1800s anymore and you're not being sold to the highest bidder. Believe it or not, you're still more beautiful than any given male. Women have neoteny and males don't. Our futures are inherently loveable and God's light shines through our eyes. Think about it like this, an "ugly" cat can still be cute. Because it's a kitty cat! This is also true of "ugly" women. Don't see yourself through the eyes of someone else. Look into the mirror and see this:

No. 394745

nta but I love you for this post.

No. 394754

not trying to be an asshole but moids that go after average looking women are often plagued with issues worse than the average chad or normie moid. If some average moid doesn't care about your looks you still end up in a shit situation. Everyone is fighting for the 1 in 1000 moid who has a good education, looks presentable, and has a properly balanced life. If you are ugly you are less likely to get that moid, and if you are less attractive than your moid be ready for every homewrecking retard to be tempting your moid 24/7. Looks matter but not for the reasons people think they do, the true benefit of being attractive is being able to be more selective.

No. 394857

>Our futures are inherently loveable
This was truly sweet, nice post nonna

No. 394860

This post was such a wild ride and ended on a surprisingly sweet note, thank you anon

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No. 215207[Reply]

Post men who are shilled as attractive but you think are ugly/overrated. Timmy was posted frequently last thread.
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No. 394234

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No. 394320

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Why he was ever cast in romcoms or shilled as a sex symbol confuses me

No. 394601

Same nona I hate his fugly Neanderthal face

No. 394678

I think he was attractive as Rust in True Detective in a rugged way (in the flashbacks) but I don’t see why he was casted as romcom lead for so long, he doesn’t have the face for it.

No. 394679


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

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No. 366897[Reply]

A place for Asian women to chat, vent, offer advice, discuss Asian culture.
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No. 393986

Fake or not, I wish SEA goverments would just perma ban single White men from entering the countries. But they're too White-worshipping (except maybe Vietnam?) to ever to do that. The next thing we need is another Peter Scully or Richard Huckle on the loose.

No. 394148

I completely agree with you.

No. 394600

I believe this. I’m only 1/4 Asian and quite white passing. I’m 3/4 Polish. I remember my ex moid was really upset when he learned I wasn’t Russian mixed with a bit of Siberian and was actually just Polish and Chinese. I found out (only later in our relationship) he’d been fetishizing Russian and Asian looking Russian women for years and years, and was just ‘settling for me’ because I was the closest he could get. I even caught him on intervals talking to random women from Siberia and Russia. When I confronted him he blamed me and said I was the ‘wrong’ kind of Slav and that he found my mix of nationalities boring. Men like this really do exist unfortunately.

No. 394627

are you in Poland, nona? very strange of your ex moid. There are some Polish Tatars of Siberian/Mongolian/Turkic/Polish ethnicity, so I wonder if he had a fetish for women adjacent to this specific ethnic mix. he's a loser either way.

No. 394723

My ex also had a Russian woman obsession (ugh). I found his porn folder once while borrowing his laptop and it was full of thousands of videos of Russian fetishy content with blonde blue eyed Russian girls while telling me that he 'hates white women and prefers Asian girls' which was another red flag. Its always a specificlaly loser type moid who is a Russiaboo.

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No. 297242[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>215102

>Don't forget to stay anonymous. Don't give key details about you like your real name or address. Have basic cyber security common sense.
>Don't organize any type of discord/telegram/etc group in this thread or anywhere else on lolcow. Organize it elsewhere.
>Don't get discouraged if you get ghosted or don't immediately click with someone, shit happens. Keep trying.
>This website is 18+ only, don't post here if you are a minor.

Guidelines to consider:
>How long this contact will remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>How would you describe yourself?
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 394516

I love this picture

No. 394537

There's cool people but then again think of the average lolcow user and think if that's really what you want?

No. 394548

I dunno, I love all my nonnies. (The only people that have similar thoughts and tastes to me.) Except for the weird personalityfags like pakichan etc, and the crazy ones that are always starting infights and all that shit. But I like to think there are more good people than bad people here.

No. 394560

Love how you think nonna

No. 395588

I added you about a week ago but you never accepted.

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