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No. 181093[Reply]

A thread for those who are interested in either adopting a vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian lifestyle or just less meat in general.

Please feel free to discuss
>challenges you've faced
>brands you recommend
>alternatives you recommend

Please refrain from turning infighting about ethics
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No. 390876

nta and genuine question as a meat-eater, how can eating produce kill more animals?

No. 390883

monocropping kills a massive amount of small animals and when you add up all the insects, worms, rodents and birds that get killed, you end up with a vastly higher bodycount than you get from raising something like beef

No. 390895

Additional to what >>390883 said, when it come to environmental concernsz the stress of overproducing a specific crop or transporting it thousands of miles to meet demand is often much more detrimental than the impact of raising animals. You can also factor in that certain crops are directly tied to human rights abuses which you'd assume should also be an issue for those so concerned about animal welfare.

No. 390896

Most crops go into feeding livestock. Less livestock, less crops

No. 390908

This doesn't make sense to me - meat eaters also eat crops? Nobody is eating only local meat. By this logic, they're contributing to both kinds of animal death.

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No. 170405[Reply]

This thread is for everyone who is struggling with pornography, sexual frustration, and masturbation addiction. Post sources and information or your personal experience on how to quit or lower your usage.

Antiporn thread (por a more serious discussion about pornography): >>>/g/159633
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No. 385727

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Well, looks like I relapsed. I've been so proud of not lookin at hentai or real people shit for years straight. I don't even know why I watch them—the moids are hideous and the women go through fucked up scenarios… I don't even masturbate to yet I still get wet to it??? what does this mean?? it I just stare blankly at the screen and think "how did I get here" once it ends. Post-nut clarity hits me like a truck and I fucking hate it. I genuinely wish I was asexual—I don't want to be a slave to my coochie and fantasize about fucked-up scenarios I want to be pure again aaaAAAAAAAAAH.

No. 389019

I was exposed to porn at a really young age, and quickly developed sadomasochistic preferences. I have been trying to unlearn this and just be normal. I haven't been looking at porn, or at least trying not to. When I look at it, though, I touch myself without any thought or consideration for my sensations, but literally just to get off. I actually feel like a sick degenerate when I look at porn. I at least don't feel that way when I read vanilla erotica, but there's so much brain rot I have to heal from to fully enjoy it physically. And even with vanilla erotica, I find myself going on to look for more fucked up stuff.

No. 389025

Is it IRL porn? Maybe find a medium before going straight to vanilla. Josei smut/ecchi might be that; inching towards even tamer stuff like shojo as well?

No. 390364

i have many porn- and sex-related struggles, and i identify a lot with the nonnas posting here. i'm going through a particular slog right now that i guess could be considered superficially humorous/silly but the fact that i'm married (newlywed) makes it a lot more serious and frustrating.

so i was the type of girl who had fictional crushes before i liked any moids IRL. there have been a handful of fictional characters i've gotten stuck on throughout my life, but 2 in particular more intense than the others. one when i was a dorky little middle schooler and then the second one is current. like, ongoing for a while. i think it started several months ago while i was in the midst of enjoying a particular tv series. i wasn't actively trying to invest myself in this character at the time, but after a bit i started to recognize the familiar feeling. idk if you're a husbandofag you know what i'm talking about, it's a weird breed of dull heartache. it's very frustrating just trying to wait it out. i know it will go away eventually, and i'll get over [redacted], but i'm not sure how long it will take. i stopped reading the manga/watching the show to facilitate the process of "recovery" (if you wanna call it that lol) but having been a porn addict prior, the porn has been a lot more difficult to stay away from… like. obviously i love my husband, but we've both previously struggled/are struggling (me) with porn and our sex life is kind of shitty because i'm not even sure we're that physically attracted to each other rn, and this thing with [redacted] definitely playing into my end… i'm just feeling hopeless right now… might go back to journalling so that whenever i start feeling those feelings i have a healthy outlet for them. even just writing this is a bit therapeutic so i think that might be a good place to start.

No. 390832

I feel so fucking disgusting. Even though I had managed to not watch porn for a long time, I would still get off to fantasies of the most fucked up shit, like I deserve to be put in the electric chair type shit. Recently I relapsed pretty bad. Fuck. Even though I haven't looked at any of the pictures I have saved in like a year, they're still there, I'm still hesitant to delete. But I'm fucking sick of this I feel so gross I'm getting rid of all this shit. Is there a way to reset my brain? I've been like this for so long. Why am I so fucked up.

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No. 65399[Reply]

Can we talk about body hair?

Here are some questions to get the thread started

>How often do you remove (shave/wax/epilate) your body hair?

>What's your favorite and least favorite method? Do you have a routine?
>How do you deal with hair on sensitive areas?

Post opinions, problems, horrors stories, anything
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No. 388879

I know for a fact you’re tired of hearing “it’s a great litmus test and any good moid wont care” but I’m someone who’s been around the block and can assure you it couldn’t be more true. The hottest and most put together men I have been with, looks and life wise, couldn’t give an f. The only 2 times I’ve had men point out my hair, the perpetrators actually had real hygiene issues and they were just people I saw cuz I was bored and now I’m ashamed to say I ever dated them. So again, it’s a GREAT litmus test to see who’s a loser and who can hang.

No. 388910

Here's the thing, I'm bi and I find it hot on women too, but it makes me depressed that half of the people I'm sexually attracted to would be revolted if they saw me naked. I guess I'm an involuntary febfem which is alright by me considering how shit most moids are, but it still fucks with my self esteem a lot.
thank you anon. I'd love to believe this is true but I find it pretty hard to believe as my legs are legitimately hairier than most men's.
It just sucks having to live life on hard mode just because of how I was born. I hope it gets better tbh. but seriously thank you for the kind words, i'll just have to keep remembering this whenever I feel like dooming too much.

No. 388936

This 1000 percent. I'm pretty sure it's because the handsome and successful men are probably out living their lives not looking at porn and airbrushed women all day. And also they are secure in themselves and not nitpicky (as they know it's their role to impress women, women are not there to impress them). Even my very handsome (and mostly hairless) ex who was a virgin loved that I had a full bush, underarm hair, visibly hairy legs (didn't fetishize it, just thought it made me look womanly). Only pathetic men who have been brainwashed by porn think hair is gross on a woman and women should be completely smooth. Needless to say, nobody should be having sex with those men and they should be left to die alone. The more of an ugly insecure loser a man is the more nitpicky he is about a woman's body

No. 390294

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Why not use electric clippers and stop at that?

No. 390299

This nona is right. Introverted ugly loser moids just sit at home all day wanking to porn and dreaming up scenarios, living selfishly with zero reality checks. As a result they become way more pornbrained, nasty, selfish, entitled and deluded than attractive normie men who are out living their lives and interacting with people irl who keep them grounded. Normie men and Chads are usually way less picky too because like I said they haven’t grown up solely on porn nor expect real women to look like poreless hairless silicone sex dolls. The worst mistake of my life was thinking that an introverted nerdy unattractive moid would be a better person than the outgoing handsome friendly guy I knew irl. I found out for myself how wrong I was.

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No. 271193[Reply]

I find it really confusing when nonnas post in the relationship advice thread as if they were having real relationship and then it turns out it's just some dude on discord they are talking to. Usually this information is not divulged until much later.

I propose we have two threads, one for real relationships and one for online relationships. Talk about your discord-kitten problems in this thread and get help from other discord-kittens. Leave the relationship advice thread for people who actually have to deal with moids face to face.
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No. 390092

>I'll help him with education afterwards if he likes.
Nononono dont help him out, if he is a grown ass man ready to move in with you, he is grown enough to do his homework without you being his mommy 2.0

No. 390268

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I met mine in final fantasy xiv (which is pretty common I guess based off how many people got engaged at fanfest last year), but the other nonnie is right, LDR can be hard. but the truth that a lot of ecouples dont like to face, is that the only reason LDR's are ever hard, is because one of you isnt willing to put in the work to meetup irl quick enough. If you can't meet within 1 year? You need to end it immediately. This is true of all online dating. You need to know that both you and he are ready to meetup asap. I've edated a few duds who kept putting off meeting, and had to dump them for taking too long, which sucked, but it was well worth it, because eventually you DO find someone who isnt dicking around and thinks nothing of coming to see you (and doesn't pressure for sex immediately either). Always keep filtering. Don't let them have any excuses for not meeting within 1 year. Don't send nudes to these guys, and don't settle for "we'll meet someday"'s. They need a career. No, not even just a job. A career. Huge difference. God forbid you ever give a NEET the time of day-under no circumstance do you ever edate a guy with no job. I dont care how lovely he is, that means you'll never meet, and just like that other nonnie, he'll be happy as a pig in slop fapping to pics and fantasies of you, all while you daydream about stuff that'll never happen because he's too lazy. Subscription based mmo's usually weeds out NEETs since they have to pay every month to keep playing, but even so, ask where they work to be sure. If they dont have a career? Stop talking and move onto the next. Also, try not to date outside of the country. Sometimes it works, but thats very rare. That takes a level of seriousness that will be even more hard to find.
Risky. He needs to have a job and career of his own first. Way too many horror stories on reddit of NEETs moving in with their gfs and then just coasting off her income while saying "yeah yeah, ill get a job, im searching" for months to years at a time-not to mention the poor saps who get impregnated by these types and end up royally screwed raising TWO babies

Also there's a thread going around on twitter right now that's righPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 390286

It’s hard for me because I’m literally only attracted to foreign men. Men in my country are 99% ugly, violent and generally absolute pigs and any foreign bf I’ve had was always far superior in looks, personality, etc. And unfortunately not many foreigners come here for tourism so it’s very hard to meet quality foreign men except through online stuff, even though I kinda hate online dating/LDRs and find them very frustrating. I’m hoping one day I can just move from here.

No. 390356

Whatever you do, finish your college first. Don't worry about him, in all likelihood things will change or you will find someone else.

I forced myself to choose between relationship or uni, chose uni but it fucked both our lives up and I ended up dropping out after getting my associate's. Trying to start/finish college while in a relationship ends up detracking things unless the person in school is extremely set on finishing.

No. 390428

I understand what you mean. Prior to the bf I have now, my best experience e-dating was with an Australian man believe it or not. He even flew out to see me, but the reality of one of us having to move to a different country was just too much. No way in hell was I going to AUS. But if it's a country that you already love, then I do believe you can make it work. Let's say it's someone in Europe. I'd just look at spaces where they gather online, or if its an online game, pick the European region/server. Stuff like that. I would heavily discourage anything like a penpals app or anything though. I've seen what those types are like on 4chan's /int/. If you're pursuing something overseas, then either you will have to move there first, or be somewhere online that they naturally go and wouldnt be there for weird fetish reasons to begin with, like the penpals aps, if that makes sense. I have known online friends who did move across borders (USA→Canada/AUS→USA/USA→Netherlands), so while it's rare, I do know that it can happen too.

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No. 196243[Reply]

This thread is for girls who thought were fully homosexual growing up. Most of us actually dated girls, were in the lesbian scene, and had homophobic remarks made to us, so to not derail the lesbian and bisexual thread here's a place where we can discuss our past experiences. This thread is does NOT approve of conversion therapy. Try to not be judgamental of the posters here.

>When did you realize you weren't a lesbian, as you thought?

Discuss anything pertaining to it.

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No. 390169

Is there a reason you think you can dictate to others what their sexuality is nonnie? Retarded train of thought that people's sexual orientation and sexuality in general doesn't evolve over their life

No. 390170

i wish it was bait. its completely ridiculous

No. 390173

How did you unironically think that a twink was a girl? They have different voices, different bodies, etc. you're such a liar. Probably a troon.

No. 390177

NTA but every story I've heard about people "turning" straight irl were obvious closet cases in denial who thought jesus cured them lol.

No. 390178

I saw him for a few weeks in my class and he was 5'1" he wore makeup and feminine clothes like long skirts or baggy dresses and coats that covered his body. i never heard him talk until i asked him out. Then i noticed the voice and realized he was male. He wasn't trans, just a crossdresser. I had recently gotten cheated on by a bi girl so i was having a bit of a "ill date a male and show them all" moment.

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No. 285054[Reply]

This thread is for talking about the trauma girls get from losing a best friend. Stories, advice, and venting welcome
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No. 388342

More of a confession than anything. I’m the traumatic person in this story.

I had it bad for my BFF of like 7 years, maybe longer. Middle school to college. I don’t think she knew, but lots of people thought we were secretly in love. I could still probably be friends with her if I wasn’t insane. She often told me that no one made her laugh the way I did, and she always told me everything.

Needless to say I hated every man she had a relationship with. I expressed this overtly with her first boyfriend who later cheated on her in Sophmore year(she dumped him thankfully) and kind of learned to just tune out the others even though it killed me inside. I had an abusive home life and developed an alcohol problem.

Eventually first bf came back into the picture. He fell madly in love with me. I fucked him to keep them from getting back together (I was black out drunk but I do remember at the beginning of the night sabotage was on my mind). This supposedly crushed him, apparently he’d been in love with me since even before dating my girl. I didn’t give a single shit but she did, and they got back together and even had a kid. At first she forgave me; I was still in her life, drove her to maternity appointments, helped her adopt a cat - but I guess she still resented me because she eventually told everyone we knew (even non mutual friends of mine) everything that went down between us. I wouldn’t have really cared but my religious family caught wind. I moved away and we never spoke again.

It’s been over a decade and I still miss her. We lived in a boring podunk town but even after moving to a crazy city with so much to do with a million new friends who share my interest and love me, I’ve never had a friendship like that again. We’d stay up for 48 hours straight just to be with each other, play around in grave yards, go skinny dipping at 3 AM, even yaoi role play haha.

inb4 b& for Reddit spacing I’ve never used that scrote ass site I just type like a retard

No. 388418

The best friend I've ever had was this girl I met online when I was 16. We were both into weeby hobbies and did everything together. I would stay up until 3 am just talking to her all night on Skype. Then my father died to cancer and I fell into such a deep depression in my teenage/young adult years that I probably trauma dumped on her too much. I remember being pretty suicidal at the time. She started hanging out with other people more than me and eventually replaced me with others. I got so jealous I would ask her about it constantly and badmouth her to our only mutual friend saying stuff like "how could she just abandon me?" Eventually, she just ghosted me. She intentionally privated all her socials so I couldn't even see her tweets. I sent her one last long ass message on her YT back when YT still had PMs asking her to please answer me because I love her so much and she never replied. I remember I would refresh her twitter constantly trying to find any update on her, I would look up her friends and try to see if they mentioned anything about her. I bought her an art commission one year of her favorite OC and had our mutual friend send it to her hoping she would come back to me but she just said "Thanks."

I've never had a close relationship with another woman since. I legitimately had nightmares and thought about her nonstop for years and she was why I dropped out of college. I couldn't think of anything but her. I think it was the lack of closure that hurt me the most. Ghosting someone without telling them why is such a horrible thing to do. Anyway, I googled her the other day and found her on Linkedin. All her siblings are also very publicly googlable. She doesn't post on social media much….I wish I could just ask her why.

No. 388420

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>Do you ever wonder if your former best friends think back on you fondly in the same way you do?
God, I do. I think my ex bestie must not even think about me. To her, ghosting me was just another Tuesday to her. She's so charismatic and likeable and I'm a dime a dozen depressed woman with autism. I obsessed over her for years and stalked all her socials and I doubt she even thought of me.

No. 390153

my best friend died last november and i dont think ill ever be the same

No. 390172

My condolences nonnie. That is horrible. I hope this wound will heal in time and you will be able to think of her without pain.

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No. 85316[Reply]

Do any of you guys have any tips for how to deal with insecurity?

Share ways to cope with body dysmorphia, general insecurities about appearance, or about anything.
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No. 374297

doesnt work btw

id add a picture of i am a girlboss i am a war criminal anime character but idk if i have that image

No. 374342

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here you go nona

No. 389989

here's some milk Abt me ig I'm struggling with everything Abt me. I have anorexia and weigh little but I still see myself as fat. what do I do?

No. 389993


No. 390064

Sign yourself up to an outpatient program at a clinic for eating disorders before you get worse or hurt yourself. Do what they say. You have other problems or stressors that are manifesting as an eating disorder, only you can find out what those things are and address them. The anorexia is giving you a false sense of control because you lack control is some other important area of your life, but making yourself thinner will never make you happy because it is merely a symptom of a larger problem.

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No. 385442[Reply]

This is a thread for stay at home wives to discuss the stay at home life and related topics.(OP is a bait poster)
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No. 389931

Her Nigel is a unicorn nonny he would never pull any moid antics. Sorry to those other women who get mistreated by scrotes but she’s different

No. 389957

The idea of being a stay at home wife is scary, but I think if I ever have kids it's going to be a (temporary) inevitability. My main fear is that if I stay home to raise my hypothetical kids then the blank space in my CV is going to severely reduce my chances of being independent later in life. My mum was a stay at home mum through most of my life and I think she really lucked out by getting a job and becoming a manager after my youngest sister was in her early teens

No. 389962

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also nta but same

No. 389981

In my case Nigel has a really good job. If it was the other way around he would be the stay at home parent although honestly, he doesn't read the baby's cues nearly as well as I do so I would be a little worried. There's just something about scrotes and babies.. even when it's their kid, bonding almost always seems harder for them than it is for mothers.

No. 390028

I know you're going to get shit on for this but we have a similar situation. We have a decent house, okay neighborhood, not a great city for sure, but neither of us are exceptional anyway. Life for the average person is a constant climb. Also most cases where there's enough stability people are late 20s or 30s but what's stopping a single woman from getting a bachelor's degree while staying at home initially?

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No. 308124[Reply]

A thread for the discussion of robots and robot husbandos.

Will realistic robot husbandos ever become available in our lifetimes? Would you marry one?
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No. 389458

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Necroing to post this image

No. 389469

Ariana Grande's brother if he was straight and didn't dye his hair blond

No. 389491

Does anyone else not experience/enjoy the uncanny valley? I want my robobando to actually feel mechanic. Being able to see it's not really a man makes me feel safer and ironically makes it more human. Also, where do you stand in the silicone VS hard surface sculpted face debate? Would you want a hyper realistic, soft face? Or a single piece metallic thing? And most importantly: How would the latter be able to eat pussy?

No. 389492

Is it be possible to make a realistic pussy eating machine that's actually wet and sloppy? And not a glorified vibrator? Males have a decapitated woman that sucks dick but that's a fairly mechanical and simple process. Literally a glorified fleshlight.

No. 389852

Same I kinda enjoy the cyborg aesthetic

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No. 146601[Reply]

A thread for everything vintage fashion related

>What decades and subcultures of the past are you interested in?

>How did you get into collecting vintage?
>Do you go for authentic vintage or vintage inspired clothing?
>Who are the style icons you like to refer to when putting together a look?

And of course, questions from novices are welcome as well
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No. 386368

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It's so weird how some aesthetics just die. No one has looked like this in decades.

No. 386379

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Miami Vice is peak

No. 389584

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I want this thread to LIVE omg….but this is all I have to give

No. 389585

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This isn't an image made to sell fashion, but still.

No. 389591

This is late but if you have any idea the stretch of some fabrics and your own measurements and how you fit into clothing sizes, ask seller's the measurement of the clothes, (also keep in mind vintage sizes are typically smaller but….just ask seller's the measurement if they're not listed), you will be able to tell how an item of clothing fits you. It's pretty simple once you get into it.

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