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No. 391531[Reply]

This thread is for women who chose not to date "real men" (aka 3DPD) and instead have chosen to devote themselves completely to their husbandos. Talk about your daily life with your husbando, and discuss why you chose this lifestyle.
Lesbians/Bi women into waifus are welcomed too.

Previous thread:>>>/g/296708
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No. 394024

I have the same hair colour as my husbando, I ended up cutting my bangs similar to him. Unlike him though I'm short and awkward.

No. 394339

I have seen so many waifufags go schizo and end up claiming to have merged with their waifus but this is the first time I have seen a husbandofag wanting to do it. Why do you want to be him?

No. 394999

I'm full autistic coomer at this point like before I go to bed I hump my pillow pretending it's him and pretend I'm both myself and him finishing. It helps me sleep though

No. 395336

I'm taking all those personality quizzes and personality type readings for compatibility, not because I have a moid irl who I want to pursue, but because I must change and devote my personality entirely to fit my husbando's love!

No. 395438

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>Why do you want to be him?
Because I love him. It's as close as I'll get to bringing him into this world. Tbh even though I feel this way I don't really do much to imitate him I just think it would be a nice way to be closer together and I don't appreciate that anon thinking I'm gonna troon out, wtf
Anyways our very first anniversary is coming up and I wasn't too excited at first but now I can't wait because I actually have a small plan for the day and I just wish it was here already!! I LOVE YOU STUPID HEAD!!!!!! ♥

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No. 208345[Reply]

Since /cgl/ has been invaded by scrotes and trannies, let's discuss general things about the fashion here, from new releases to your dream dress. Share makeup looks and diy's, or your favorite coords. Talk about the comm you are in and your lolita friendships. Ex lolitas and newbies are welcomed too. Etc.
For drama, check out the tread on /w/: >>>/w/143376
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No. 395402

>He says it makes women look like they’re ‘dressing up as big babies’ and he finds it odd/creepy.

Good. The reason a lot of us like lolita is because it filters the moids and it's intentionally not sexual or male gazey at all. You need to break up with your discord boyfriend

No. 395406

You're right. That anon probably doesn't even wear the fashion.

I have some baby sandals that I wear with cotton jsks without a blouse or a miniskirt with a camisole on very hot days. I'm still wearing my burando at the end of the day even if it's not lolita.

No. 395496

42lolita is a decent taobao reseller. It's definitely better than similar sites like devilinspired for sure. Whatever you do, make sure you avoid devilinspired like the plague.

No. 395497

>Now unfortunately I discovered that my new bf hates lolita fashion too. He didn’t know I was into it when he started dating me. He says it makes women look like they’re ‘dressing up as big babies’ and he finds it odd/creepy.
I would normally not be the person advising "dump him" at any sign of disagreement, but honestly, this is a huge red flag and you should dump him. It's pretty normal for men to not "get" lolita fashion, but even if he doesn't "get it" he shouldn't be so dismissive of your interests. I think there's a huge difference between having different tastes and him not even attempting to understand why you like the things you like.

No. 395740

I'm so sorry, nonny. Dump him, like… yesterday. Being that rude over something you like that's harmless is so cruel, and I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate it if you treated him similarly. It may just be aesthetics, but that makes it even worse. Imagine gagging when your partner shows you something they like visually. Imagine how they'll react when you're at odds over more important decisions. Your bf is tearing you down.
I have experienced exes who were clearly unnerved by lolita, although they didn't seem to care for any of my alt fashion. But none of them were ever that rude about it. That being said, you can do better than a partner who simply tolerates it. My current bf supports all of my alt fashion fascinations, including lolita. He's even bought me big name brand before. He loves seeing me in it and tries to pay attention to pieces and brands. Any good partner would do the same. They pay attention to their partner's interests, and try to engage and support them in it. A good partner loves seeing their partner wearing what they like, because they know their partner is confident, comfortable, and happy. I know it can be hard to find someone who is enthusiastic like that (without being fetishizing), but a kind, worthy bf will be happy because you're happy.
If you think it'll make a difference, you can bring it up with your bf as to why what he says is hurtful. But if you don't think it'll go anywhere, take this as a red flag and flee.

Cotton blouses and skirts. Hoop skirts, I've been told, are excellent to replace petticoats, but I've never tried them myself.

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No. 363202[Reply]

Post conventionally attractive men that you have no shame admitting you'd fuck.
previous thread: >>>/g/360893
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No. 395338

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No. 395363


No. 395374

who dis

No. 395378

I think that's toshiya from dir en grey.

No. 395744

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No. 387880[Reply]

This is a thread for women who fit the UN definition of indigenous:

"Indigenous communities, peoples and nations are those which, having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing on those territories, or parts of them."

This includes Native Americans, Australian Aboriginals, Samoans, Maoris,Sámis, Chukchis and Palestinians among others.
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No. 392681

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Why do only Americans have these brainworms though? Colonization happened all over the globe but there's no spicy Spaniard x native Phillipino romance novels.

No. 392684

Nonna Americans own Hollywood and are the wealthiest, most "popular" nation on earth. Of course you hear about their brainworms more often.

No. 395364

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Mattel made the Wilma Mankiller Barbie a young, thin half African looking woman because they think a 40 years old overweight white-passing Native American isn't marketable or something. So much for body positivity.

No. 395368

it does use the fat doll model though

No. 395461

>So much for body positivity.
It's a company, they were never genuine about body positivity. They'll use body positivity if it makes them money and they won't if it doesn't.

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No. 291804[Reply]

previous thread >>187179
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No. 395263

I have an incredibly hard time cumming from just PIV sex, I always need to rub myself in order to actually get off. I feel like it wasn’t always this way, when I was younger I’d get off from just using toys or having sex with someone but now it’s like my vagina just doesn’t care and I need clit stimulation or nothing at all. Is this weird??
I also wonder if I masturbated too much when I was younger because it takes me a million years now

No. 395264

It could be anything from dryness to irritation from your laundry detergent or body wash/soap. I had a similar issue and I had to switch to the “free and clear” laundry soap with no fragrance and that seemed to help

No. 395267

At least 75% of this thread is women using "cum" in place of orgasm, there's a reason why you chose that anon specifically for your scrotefoiling

No. 395298

my nails are cut, and I've been masturbating for years but whenever I use my two fingers, I bleed. Am I just being too rough? What is causing the bleeding?

No. 395350

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Has anyone had surgery to remove (large) ovarian dermoid cysts? I'm terrified of possibly losing my ovaries.

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No. 348009[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/174637
Talk about sex toys, stimulation, techniques, etc.
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No. 392382

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im someone thats not into penetration but I enjoy receiving oral. are there any toys nonnies can recommend to me that isnt just a womanizer or its clones?

No. 392943

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Something like this? Still, I recommend to use some lotion before so it doesn't hurt you at first.

No. 392973

what else would they be shaped like?
There's actually a lot of more abstract ones out there, but it sorta has to be cylindrical and tapered to be comfortable.

No. 395304

was fucking myself with a dildo today and squirted for the first time, holy shit… i think it was the first time i've ever actually cum hard from penetration lol. kinda insane to think about how no guy has ever lasted long enough to make it happen T__T i think what helped was watching porn in order to match the thrusts, it made it feel a lot more real tbh. i just realized how much i actually like penetration, and how bad guys are at it….
(no emoticons)

No. 395606

I have spent copious amounts of emotional energy this last month fretting that I’d broken my clit from jackhammering it too frequently - went from up to 6 orgasms in 30 mins to unable to get off after like 15+ mins on my vibes highest setting. Turned out all i needed was to change the batteries kek 20 secs on lowest setting boom feels good man i love the clitoris

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No. 395302[Reply]

since i got with my bf i blocked and removed all guy friends (never had really any close online gfs) and i’m feeling rlly lonely. i always found girls rlly intimidating to talk to and/or not understanding of my humour so i’d tend to mask heavily around them (felt fake) and i haven’t found any like me and i wish i could just have girlfriends to call up and ft whenever i want. how do i find gfs that r into gamering and have the same typical incel fag humour i do ??????? i came to lolcow to maybe have some luck. also is there like a discord or something(newfag retardation)

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No. 315174[Reply]

To the lesbian anon with a 2D crush, here is something to consider:
>think of your husbando
>really visualise him
>remember all the things you like about him
>now… ask yourself
>what if there were boobies under there?

Welcome to the Lesbian Hornyposting Yumejo Thread, the illegitimate daughter of the Retarded Husbando Hornyposting Shitposting Thread and the Female Fantasies Thread. Here you are free to imagine your favourite fictional woman in any scenario, sexual or otherwise, and post about her to your heart's content. Even better if, in her source material, that woman is a guy.

Example posts
>I just know Komaeda's pussy tastes like battery acid
>I want to fuck Goro Akechi until she is too overstimulated to monologue
>(3 paragraph description of a romantic date with Neku TWEWY which ends in passionate tribbing)

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 395191

I've never seen black lagoon but I may have to watch it now… think I'm in love

No. 395204

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Damn, now anons also have me ready to rewatch FMA. Riza's short hair was so cute to me especially.
13 year old you was onto something. Currently downloading Black Lagoon.

No. 395234

im in love also

No. 395247

Oh my god i forgot about the short hair, thank you so much.
I don't like to use this word casually because it's very retarded but anon i think that you were based from birth.
Yeah, i'm pretty sure that any sort of media is fine as long as it's not real women like Youtubers or stuff like that.

No. 395277

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More Balalaika sperging

>Her underlings really like you, because you are her tranquilizer. She will be seething mad, about to murder whoever talks to her next, but when you appear, she softens up a bit. You just have a secret power of lowering her blood pressure, which means she doesn’t lash out as hard at the people who accidentally got on her nerves.

>She thinks it’s cute when you get protective of her back, and stand up for her when people are overly flirty with her as well. What you don’t know is that when you’re giving that asshole a piece of your mind, Balalaika is standing right behind you with that terrifying glare, and she has a look that says “you better act scared, because if you make her feel weak, I will make your final moments hell”
>She’s not afraid to go hard on you in bed. She won’t do anything to grievously injure you, but she’ll give you her scary soldier voice, and tell you to kneel for her and beg for pleasure. (1:22 is just golden https://youtu.be/w7QkLIz_vfI?si=lSsh2kYVl2xkr5r4)

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No. 392562[Reply]

Post conventionally attractive women you'd want to fuck and have no shame admitting
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No. 394404

I'm sure she was the lesbian/bi awakening of many women, many HP fans have talked about crushing on her and I've seen a lot of Harry Potter anon confessions that were just JKR thirst posts kek. Being openly TERFy while also not bending the knee to right wing losers like Matt Walsh makes her even hotter tbh.

No. 395179

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I don't know if she is conventionally attractive, but I'm obsessed with Petra Kelly (died unfortunately in the 90s). I love her face and lanky body and her ideals, especially fighting for the criminalization of marital rape. Not sure of her views on abortion, that's still unclear to me, but we could have talked it out.

My fantasies are kind of tame, I want to just lean on her and talk about all kinds of stuff and kiss her. I don't go too far because I don't think she was bi/lesbian so idk if it's disrespectful at all. I just think she's lovely and her natural look is perfect.

No. 395244

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no wonder she was always getting it on the show (six feet under) i'd let her do vile things

No. 395276

she’s so beautiful, my type in women.

No. 395312

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Is it just me or is this kind of like kristen stewart's eyes, mouth, eyebrows, and facial proportions with princess diana hair?

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No. 369903[Reply]

A thread for discussing hair care, hair problems, hair styles, and hair product recommendations.

Previous threads:
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No. 395221

I am having a really hard time with hair products. Idk when they changed but most of them are now giving me a weird reaction when in contact with hot water or sweat when they didn't used to. I get red itchy skin with little bumps, they disappear after I wash it all away but it's really annoying because this happens even in contact with sweat! And a live in a very hot country, I can't just stop sweating kek, it's making me so mad I am fucking paying money for that poison and idk what to do or where to ask. I looked up on the internet and couldn't find anything that helps me and I feel like I'm going crazy. What component could be causing it? Will I have to completely ditch conditioners and combing creams? I don't think I can survive that.

I wanted to wear my hair like that for the longest time but I've been bullied for having a big hair and it looking "unkept" despite me actually spending time and money caring for it (and all these hair products suck so much and smell weird), it did shit to my confidence when it comes to my hair. I'm trying to resist the urge to cut it short again because it is so frustrating taking care of it, I really want to grow it long, but God I am so tired of the time consuming perfect little curls, especially when my hair is a freaking mess with different types of curls mixed with straight hair… I might just go "fuck it" and wear it like that, this is what freedom looks like, I can legit "wake up like that".

No. 395225

Hairdressers just don't know how to cut short hair, I've yet to meet one who can do it properly. I had to learn how to cut mine at home so I don't end up with the Karen special. I used to get unintentional bowl cuts as a kid because they especially failed at cutting thick hair with lots of volume.

What one anon said about some people suiting a certain length is also real. I love long princess hair but I've had short hair since my mid teens because long hair looks terrible on me. It grows into an unkempt mane of Indian hair that's painful to brush through and impossible to style because it's so heavy, so it just ends up being messy Hagrid hair with no volume on top and too much volume below the chin. It makes me look dowdy and matronly whereas short hair on me is cute, playful and flattering.

No. 395230

I have the same kind of thick, heavy (but healthy) hair, though I'm not Indian. I wore it long, to my waist until around 25, then I had someone cut it into an Audrey Hepburn-style pixie. It's so much more flattering for me than long hair (though I also don't regret having long hair).

You need to find the right person to cut it and then never leave that person. That's all i can recommend. idk I think short hair on me looks much cuter than long hair. I did have to change how I posed for pics though, just needed to understand how my profile looked if that makes any sense. I think I was so used to draping my hair around my face that I didn't really know how to pose in the right way for my profile.

No. 395260

(Posted this in stupid questions thread because I forgot about /g)
I need advice and recommendations for what to do with my hair, it’s been a long time since I’ve had more then a trim. It’s down to the top of my butt and my appearance is an olive toned Jill (pixielocks). My only preference is that it be long enough for me to put up in a ponytail.
I’m looking for hairstyle and color recommendations, I have no idea what Im looking for when I google and everything I find looks the same, and treatment suggestions to keep an eye out for. Money is no object so throw whatever suggestions/recommendations.

What would you all have done if you could do anything to your hair?

No. 395308

I have a similar thing with my hair. Had it to my lower back till I was 23, then cut it into a short bob. I always worried short hair would make my round face look even fatter, but it turned out my doughy face actually needed the definition from short hair. I keep it around chin-length to just past my shoulders these days.

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