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No. 91535[Reply]

I can't seem to find the astrology thread, so let's make a new one! I hope everyone is having a lovely Leo season. Post PDFs and book recommendations, your favorite sites, youtubers, and advice etc.
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No. 395644

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This is my actual chart with my actual ascendent. Finally got it right.

No. 395693

Leo rising (1st decan); MC in Aries; Sun combust Mercury and Moon in Libra (4th house); Mars in 6th house; Saturn in 11th house; Ascending opposition Neptune; Sun opposition MC; Moon opposition MC; Mercury opposition MC; Mars square MC; Sun square Mars; Saturn opposition Pluto

-exposed to the dark side of human nature from an early age
-strict father who didn't give emotional support
-paranoid regarding authority figures
-shy, modest, self contained; not outgoing or friendly; dreamy and melancholy
-dislike the spotlight
-vivid dreams and psychic powers
-estranged from father; very close with mother; lot's of conflict with siblings
-lash out with great cruelty when angered
-soft, feline face; small and broad forehead; widow's peak; large almond eyes that are wide set; thin eyebrows; thin, button nose; low cheekbones; round chin; upper lip is thin but bottom lip is full; thick hair
-great posture
-aristocratic and intimidating
-very lazy
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No. 395694

samefag, also:

-angry person who makes a lot of enemies
-always in debt
-problems with either digestion or appendix
-use illegal/immoral means to make money
-very lonely

No. 395746

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Could anyone check this one?
Hi! Could you please read this one?

No. 395774

Leo rising (2nd decan); MC in Taurus; Scorpio Moon conjunct Mars in 4th house; Capricorn Sun in 6th house; Mercury in 7th house; Saturn retrograde conjunct Jupiter retrograde in 10th house; AC square moon; AC opposition Mercury; AC square Mars; MC square Mercury; MC opposition Mars; MC opposition moon; Saturn retrograde opposition Mars

-oblong face, soft and feline; narrow forehead; curved eyebrows and hairline; big almond eyes; slim nose; low but prominent cheekbones; round chin; thin upper lip, full bottom lip
-excellent posture; strong presence
-thick, luxurious hair; striking fashion sense
-difficult home life as a child, featuring frequent moves
-bubbly, sunny personality with sudden bouts of intense moodiness
-difficulty making romantic connections; you connect well at the intellectual level but not on the emotional level
-aggressive and intimidating
-strong need to fight for the underdog
-bad at romantic relationships; too arrogant and domineering
-bad at articulating yourself; struggle to find the right words and this causes people to misunderstand what you are attempting to say; this is especially true in professional settings or with authority figures
-mother had a powerful, not always positive, influence on you as a child and you still have serious mommy issues; still really love her though and are totally emotionally dependent on her
-quarrel a lot with your siblings although you remain close with them
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No. 288268[Reply]

Welcome to to the divination thread. Here we discuss our experiences with tarot or any other form of divination, be on the giving or recieving end. You can also use this thread to practice reads and ask questions to readers.

>Info for people seeking a reading

If you want to get a reading, please leave a post here with your query and general details about it. It's optional but you can include your age, sex, sign, a picture, a song, or any other info you might feel is relevant, anything that might help the reader pick up your energy better. Some readers may ask for distinct requirement according to their reading style. Although you may post your query here, it is not guaranteed that your post will be picked up by a reader quickly, but it may still eventually happen.

>Info for readers

You can come here and offer readings for anons, how many spots you offer and how many questions you'll answer is up to you. You may also pick up any query from this thread and answer it. Remember to disclose what your requirements for a reading are (age, sex, sign, lenght of the question, etc) and what method of divination you're using. If there's certain questions you won't awnser (death and sickness related for example) be sure to disclose it as well.

>Info for people seeking a trade

As a reader, you may come here and ask to trade a reading, meaning you leave your own question and then wait until another reader picks it up. If that reader answers your question, be sure to reply back as soon as possible. Always disclose what method of divination you're using. Try to match the lenght of the other anon's response, don't leave them hanging or reply with a shorter text than theirs.

>Info for people learning any divination method including tarot

Feel free to come here to practice your skills. You can ask for advice, tips, and feedback. Even if you're not actively learning and are just curious about it, please don't shy away from posting in this thread.

Have fun!
Last thread: >>>/g/144816
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No. 395299

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ok first the other reading I did for you it would be advised to stay away from them for now, because I got the feeling its this dynamic where you’re always left out and they have way more history with each other so it feels like a tight little clique where you’ll always be the outsider compared to this person and their other friends. i also feel like for some reason they were exchanging information about you or inside of this little group of friends they were closest to other people than you and trusted them more. the situation is simply put they would probably do the same thing to you again if you tried to fix things and it’s best leaving the situation where it is at now and reassessing why you desperately want to be around them. in terms of clarifying, i drew ten of cups, three of cups, judgement (clarified with two of swords and the sun reversed), six of cups, nine of pentacles, ten of swords reversed. again finding people from different communities, also again urging you to go through and analyze repressed memories to break out of a cycle and recover a lot of your spiritual strength that has been worn out, they are desperately telling you in the nicest way that I can to calm down, stop thinking about those people, leave them alone and stop walking around like a zombie running through life without caring for you and the state of your mind first. i can’t really tell you the specifics but you should fix the way you approach decisions so they can bring good opportunities in your life so you won’t fuck it up again and they’re waiting for you to focus on yourself. also with shadow work would recommend researching what its about or you can just try therapy nonna, pretty much the same thing

No. 395300

>If you do want to read more though I do have other questions I think, but no pressure

You can give me more questions, there’s no burden

No. 395358

>urging you to go through and analyze repressed memories to break out of a cycle and recover a lot of your spiritual strength that has been worn out, they are desperately telling you in the nicest way that I can to calm down, stop thinking about those people, leave them alone and stop walking around like a zombie running through life without caring for you and the state of your mind first.
Thank you so much nonna I actually have been feeling very spiritually off so to speak, I've been told that I have great manifestation power but I don't know how to tune myself again. As for more questions, I guess I will have to think further, I did start therapy today though

No. 395719

Can someone pull for my love life in the next year? I’m a Taurus sun, Scorpio moon and rising. Ty.

No. 395742

Hey nonnies, could somebody do a reading regarding my love life in the near future? 26, Cancer sun/moon, Virgo rising

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No. 393926[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>347288
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No. 395023

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>I'll start out by saying that I am insecure and a people-pleaser.

With that said..
I got someone a thank you gift Friday, and they never mentioned it again
>(as in thanked me after opening it or even a comment referencing them opening it)
this week. I got other people gifts, and they all thanked me through email or in person. They all seemed pleased and appreciative. So, was my gift that bad? Was what I bought online a dud? Did he throw it away lol?? Oh, I hope not kek. My friend laughed in my face when I told her what I gave him kek. Very discouraging.

I don't want to pursue a relationship with them, it's not my intention. I truly am not in the headspace to date right now. But it hurts because I was excited to express my gratitude. Instead things now seem
>(at least I perceive it to be)
a bit tense and awkward.

I mean in my eyes we both gave off awkward energy when interacting this year
>(frequent uneasy, nervous laughter),
but the kind that was amicable. Now it's just plain uncomfortable. I tried to act a bit more mellow this week so I wouldn't amplify the weirdness. I just didn't want to be the one to bring up the gift because I don't want to seem…idk how I could say this…like I want to advance things in a romantic direction..no not that..maybe like… seem that this "grand" gesture had some (emotional?) importance on my end. Idk maybe I just had this underlying desire to use this opportunity to cross a boundary in hopes of opening up a bit and getting to know each other a bit more.
In summary - Was it inappropriate?
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No. 395623

how to deal with a father that constantly brings up the worst parts of your personality while never acknowledging the good? and what to do when he's always saying shit like 'youre going to end up alone' 'everyone will leave you if you dont get your shit together' 'how long are you planning on remaining helpless' etc. theres a ring of truth to it in how i do have problems w escapism, running away, and procrastination, but he makes it sound like im always begging for scraps and hand-holding. it doesnt matter to him that i do 3/4ths of the housework between my brother and i. i really really need a salaried job soon but often, between my part time job and chores and wanting to not think about the job searching process im exhausted and frankly scared by, i havent made any progress in a month.
he might just be awkward and/or forgot about the gift for a bit and thinks he missed the timing to say thank you. personally i'd guess that he would already have a scientific calculator that he just doesnt bring/use in front of you. the calculator + oil misted gift bag combo is kinda odd to me though i can understand your line of logic.

No. 395650

> gray rock him
> spend more time outside the house
> confront him then cut off contact. Avoid him in the house.
> move out

No. 395655

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can I get some tips on powering through even if you're boggled down by health, physical, appearance (I am hideously ugly) and social issues? I have pretty much shut down to the point where normally the only times I feel ok is if I am completely alone and I'd be agoraphobic if I didn't need to go out. the less I'm perceived, the better I feel.

however, a while back I ran into my childhood best friend at the store - we even had sleepovers into our early 20s - who I have grown apart from bc of my recent downward spiral. it was the first time I have felt ok around someone in years. yes, it's been that long since we last hung out! I made her laugh a few times - it might not seem like anything but I really thought I lost my ability to even make a joke - and she hugged me at the end and said how much she missed me. at the time it felt good but it made me feel very conscious and disturbed by the flow of time. I do miss my friend but I want to hide so much. and to clarify I've always been pretty lethargic and brick wall like so that I somehow got even worse is pretty impressive. the event made me feel like I will really revile myself in a few years for not trying to live my life in spite of what and who I am.

No. 395710

>at the time it felt good
chase that positive feeling and do whatever you can to get more of that, and treat the future you're dreading like something you have to run away from at all costs

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No. 333126[Reply]

second thread is finally due to be locked, so here's the new one to discuss bisexuality.
thread #1 >>56468
thread #2 >>199767

if you're still extremely unsure if you're bisexual, the questioning thread is likely a better fit. talk about your gender preferences, how you discovered you were bi, what's your type in men and women, how you feel in the community, any struggles you've had with bisexuality, etc.
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No. 395649

You can believe that if you want I truly dgaf. But I’ll just say, you’re misunderstanding what I meant by embarrassing. The person herself is not embarrassing, I meant my situation is embarrassing.
But anyway, I think trying to make fun of me and turn me into a meme to be mocked when I’m clearly having a hard time is a real asshole thing to do. It’s not like I’ve posted about this every day or something, you just happened to connect like 4 posts over the course of months (as I’ve been working through this) and now decided it would be a fun time to bully me about it, I guess because you’re just that bored or something.

No. 395672

Honestly, tall women who are physically fit are so hot that I don't even hold her cringe tragic reality tv history against her. Get it girl

No. 395676

nta and kek but don’t be insensitive, this is clearly bothering her and it doesn’t seem to be jojo siwa anyway.

No. 395687

I'm a terrible detective but is Makaze Suzuho your secret crush? She's hot

No. 395757

I'm just going to assume this is a troll attempt, but it's a pretty good one for once and genuinely kinda funny. But really it's completely okay to be attracted to Jojo nonna, none of us are free of cringe and Jojo seems very energetic which makes me think she'd have a good amount of sexual stamina.

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No. 342272[Reply]

I know Adam Driver gets a lot of controversial lust because his face is cartoonishly ugly, but look at that STUPID body my god, those fat tits and huge shoulders every man’s body should look like this imo.

ITT post a sexy man body, do NOT post his face tho
That’s what the irl husbando or attractive men you wanna fuck thread is for
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No. 395674

It looks like a healed bullet wound.

No. 395677

It looks like a giant tried to pick him up off of a snack plate by the toothpick stuck in him but dropped him

No. 395686

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I hope this is not too NSFW but these abs were just too chiseled not to post

No. 395696

i agree

No. 395698

2,3,4,5 rest is ugly

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No. 378416[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>>/g/363824

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Avoid infighting, report and ignore bait.
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No. 395563

And they are race cucked, always bragging about their supposed Arab ancestry and being the best bulldogs for their causes. They jump on you for even a single mispronounciation, they praise God if one of their family members marries an Arab, they beg God for pale skin and straight hair like an Arab, etc. meanwhile actual Arabs smoke and drink and look down on non-Arabs Muslims, for they will never know the “joy” of being able to read the Quran in their native language i would know because I had the rotten luck of being born into such a family that’s why I prefer hanging out with black Americans, they have actual pride and would rightfully mock their members for even treating a white person the way black Muslims treat arabs

No. 395645

>Like she was othering me on a subconscious level.
how so? ngl I probably come across this way but it's because I'm a sperg and black people are the first ones to pick up on it and roast me for it so I'm a bit guarded with everyone. Not all my friends are white tho

No. 395673

why do black women handle singlehood so well compared to other races of women?

No. 395688

Ehh I think Asian women do it the best if we’re generalizing

No. 395731

Small pickings and maybe the fear of being a baby mama, which I find to be even worse

The few who are, are doing very well thanks to their education and high paying jobs

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No. 394891[Reply]

A thread for butch lovers, by butch lovers.

>Post images of butches you find cute please

>Opinion on the terms butch? Masc?
>Vent for troonism within the community?
>History with butches or current crushes?
>Butch Lesbian Scene?
>Media with butches?
>Are you butch4butch, butch4femme, or butch4both?
>Are you stone, switch, or a bottom?
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No. 395667

Frankly worded but I can't help but basically agree. That line of thought needs some serious self reflection. Unfortunately women are socialized very unfairly but as a lesbian and especially as a butch/bull/masc lesbian it's a gift to yourself to try to dissolve as much of that male appealing mindset as possible. Honestly imo being a lesbian is an absolute blessing and we should work as hard as we can to get rid of as much of the garbage instilled upon us and absorbed as we possibly can.

No. 395668

>basically just saying only "pretty" girls can be masculine in the right way.
Literally not saying any of that (I tend to like women with pretty unconventional looking faces, for example, I love a gummy smile) only saying I personally prefer a slim figure as my personal preference, and personally, as my personal preference, don’t like the opposite. Sorry to say. I didn’t even realize I liked masc women for many years because they were all bulldyke types, as you say, and that’s not attractive to me in the slightest. Once I saw some actually elegant looking women dressing in nice men’s formal clothes it finally clicked for me. Again, me personally. So because I don’t have the body type I think (personally, in a personal way) looks good in those clothes, I don’t dress in them because I’m unsatisfied with how the clothes look on me. It’s that simple.

No. 395669

maybe it's because i'm not butch butyeah, I've always had the exact opposite anxiety where I love how put together and classy men's clothing like a sweater over a collared shirt looks, but I would only lean into more masculine fashion if I had bigger boobs and more curves so I still looked distinctly feminine, so girls having this opposite worry make me so confused and honestly jealous

No. 395683

Kek, meanwhile I don't call myself butch because, despite wearing men's clothes, I look baby faced and have long hair. The pic on the left >>395610 that anon posted is an ok example. Still trying to find a hair style that fits my face and thin af hair

No. 395690

i think the issue was taken with anons saying they want to, or "wish they could" dress that way while, as you said, not actually wanting to do that.

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No. 378038[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/377721

This is for diet and fitness related things only.

-Post your goals, your current state, like your weight or measurements;
-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.

Feel free to post charts of your progress! If you're doing daily reports, remember to sage.

Reminder that we're all human and we all have our ups and downs. Don't blame yourself for failing and don't get fixated on small missteps. This is a marathon, not a race. Self-sabotage will only make things worse. Try to stay positive and think of the positive steps you've made to get here and keep moving forward!

Don't get fixated on numbers and give yourself adequate rest days and rewards to keep yourself motivated.

No ana, please.
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No. 395552

I suffer hashimotos and pcos, the only things that helped me shift my weight was cutting carbs (breads and pasta) because it’s an easy win for both problems, high intensity interval training, and weights.
My advice is to start slow until you find a level of intensity and weight you can handle comfortably. From there alternate between the two with the goal to work out every day. Take breaks as needed, your goal is to be consistent so even when you have a day off you can get back to it the next, don’t lie to yourself (if you can do it, do it, don’t let yourself down). Up your weights and intensity as you feel things getting too easy.
Again the goal is consistency because that’s where the sweet spot is in my experience, I feel like it helps keep my metabolism going and gives me more energy. You’ll know it’s working because you’ll start wanting to move, sitting will become uncomfortable and you’ll crave to do something! Embrace it to do some yoga and stretching.

No. 395646

I’ve been stuck in a plateau for months and I’m getting so sick of it. I cannot seem to break out of the 150s.
I lost 65 lbs in the past year and a half, I use to be pretty huge. I would like to lose an additional 20 lbs but I literally cannot lose anymore weight now. Nothing I try has been effective, because i gain and lose the same 5 lbs.

No. 395654

When I used to sprint in middle school and a bit of high school I used to have a bubble butt then I became depressed and laid around so now I have a pancake. I don’t want to sprint; I don’t do the gym but I do have a 20lb kettlebell, any easy exercises to plump my butr? Would a variety of hip thrust and glute bridges 3x a week make any significant difference? I run 3-5x a week 30 minutes just for my mental wellbeing. Thanks babes

No. 395679

Do you weight train? Are you counting your calories and not snacking? Are you getting enough sleep? I hear the last bit of weight is difficult for a lot of people, so don’t beat yourself up over it or anything.

No. 395681

Glute bridges and squats (with the kettle ball if you’re feeling it). Sit less, stand more, core exercises can help too. Running is also good obviously.

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No. 371060[Reply]

Talk about all things perfume, share your favorite scents, and get recommendations.

Previous thread
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No. 395635

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Recently ordered a sample of santal 33 from le labo since it's had so much hype. I really do love it. The cardamom note is strong on me, which is a major win since it's one of my favorite spices. Overall it's a perfume that makes me feel relaxed and lifts my mood. I'm interested in trying more from le labo.

No. 395651

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i’m very new to perfumes, in that i didn’t start trying them out until recently.
i know B&BW do not last at all, so i want to know if there is a higher end and longer lasting perfume that is similar to Strawberry Poundcake? I really love this scent even though a lot of ppl hate that artificial scent. I just want to smell like a strawberry pastry & want something that could achieve that

No. 395653

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kek i feel your pain nonnie my nigel recently made a comment that the dry down of narcotic V smells like old lady perfume. unforgivable. meanwhile he loves when i wear fantasy by fucking britney spears.

i have a sample of this too and it honestly smells kind of bad but its weirdly addictive? top notes are so juicy and sweet then underneath it smells like when you take a remote apart?? which obviously sounds unappealing kek but when i have it on i find myself repeatedly smelling wherever i applied it. such a weird one. part of why i love nasomatto.

No. 395670

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just ordered picrel and i cant wait! the bottle is hideous and cheap looking imo but the scent itself is supposed to be a slightly sweeter dupe for peche cardinal. so excited! i love trying different perfumes!!

No. 395724

avoid anything that's a fragrance mist or any similarly named like body spray if you want a lasting fragrance. you can also layer vaseline to make it last a bit longer. I'd suggest going on fragrantica and searching for strawberry so you will get a list of different perfumes, if you're looking for that characteristic strawberry shortcake scent you might want some vanilla in it too. I can't really suggest anything in specific because I dont know your budget and location but pink sugar and victoria's secret bombshell are affordable options you can find pretty much everywhere. burberry her is extremely popular and smells very strawberry creamy to me.

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No. 121656[Reply]

Hey ladies, can we get a breakup support thread for anons who don't want to clog up the relationship advice thread? We can share stories and advice for moving on after a breakup.
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No. 395613

Can I ask you why you guys broke up? Because you make it sound like there were no issues, maybe you're remembering things with rose-tinted glasses, what sort of issues between you two made you break up?

No. 395615

"Not ready for a relationship" bs and I feel so stupid about it. There were no issues that I know of, he just hit me with that one day. Afaik he doesn't have a gf rn but we all know that his excuse is bullshit.

No. 395642

He just realized he'd rather watch porn than live the girlfriend experience
He initially dated you because he saw that in some random anime and thought it'd be fun but in the end porn does it better for his dick
Settling with you seemed like a boringer option than trying other women
Be happy he at least didn't do it behind your back and gave you an STD in the process

No. 395734

anyone who says "not ready for a relationship" is just lying and either wants casual sex or just to go after someone else

Moids only give up after 3+ divorces

No. 395736

Just proof that using checklists is useless, as bad as it sounds meeting people randomly seems to work better. You could end up falling in love with some retard with zero prospects but I know way too many moids who look awesome on paper but are basically overgrown boys who do nothing but whine and watch sports 24/7

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