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No. 303045[Reply]

Previous thread: >>170544

Post anything and everything makeup here: product reviews, product questions, cool looks, etc. Thinking of compiling a document with products that get mentioned a lot for future OP posts so feel free to suggest your faves!
775 posts and 182 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 390935

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I did that, thanks! I think they look a bit better but maybe I'd be the only one who could tell there is a difference.
Just don't zoom in because a few of the eyebrow hairs I shaved with a face razor were still stuck on my face lol

No. 390943

Pretty eyes nona

No. 392678

I have their 1930 Noir Red lipstick and it's really nice. It doesn't dry out your lips and the color is buildable. Would recommend. What do you mean by "service"? Shipping?

No. 392732

Nona your eyes remind me of Zoey Deutch you're so cute and you have such nice skin sorry not trying to be creepy

No. 394951

So, for the past 8 years I was living as a trans man and took shots for T, 3 years ago I stopped taking shots and now I want to detransition back to being a cis woman (yes I know I was dumbass for falling for that shit) the only problem is that I still get facial hair on my face and when I use hair remover I still have a grey chin and lip area. I'm saving up for laser hair removal, but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone had any tips or suggestions on cover that grey part up. I'm only familiar with using eyeshadow mascara and lipstick so I'm not sure if foundation is better than concealer or how to make the area not look dry and cakey when covering it up. If anyone could help that would be great!!

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No. 48533[Reply]

Please feel free to vent or ask for advice in this thread pertaining to sexual abuse or harassment, etc

I'm looking for advice on how to build a healthy sexual relationship with my partner after my bad past. We've been married two years and he's fantastic. But my libido is very low and I have a feeling it might be tied to poor sexual relationships I'd had before. Starting at 8 years old and then on out. I'm not really bothered by the past but I think my mind is instantly associating sex with bad times, which shouldn't be the case since my husband is lovely. But my brain instantly is telling me that I dont want to do this or that its just a hassle. Often times when we begin fooling around I get stomach aches that will go away basically instantly when we stop, like he can tell I'm not in the mood so we wont continue. I never thought much of it, I always thought it was just something I ate. But today I figured out maybe it could be anxiety related.

I just want to be able to have a normal sex life with him where we can fool around and have fun, but I feel so bad for having something -wrong- with me. If anons have any advice i'd love to hear. I'm too poor for a therapist and I've scoured the internet for advice as well
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No. 392630

children don't know stuff like that is wrong when it's a trauma response (if it was) they're just doing monkey-see-monkey-do

No. 392643

Still if she had any braincells left she wouldn't abuse other children like the nona who posted it, if she experienced pain. If such children or teens can't stop it they should be isolated too. I don't care. Trauma can't excuse everything.

No. 392644

TBH that kinda supports my theory that sexual abuse victims should be able to receive euthanasia, either to not suffer or to not hurt others because sadly some become monsters too (not all of course and most often moids than women).

No. 392677

Today I saw a man trying to take a little boy. Initially a bunch of other men intervened and separated him from the boy, but then they just fucking left. The guy kept following the boy and they just left. I told two other women next to me to call the police and one just said that they didn't pick up and didn't try again. They were so nonchalant about it. Then they left once they saw the boy get on a bus. Nobody did anything. I was the only one who stayed and called the police and followed the man for as long as I could. I don't understand how they can just not care about a grown ass man trying to force a boy to go with him. He was struggling so hard to get away. He was shirtless. He was saying he didn't know this man, but didn't want me to call the police. This man could have been a pedophile trying to rape him and nobody did anything to get the man in trouble. He could've been a sex trafficking victim and nobody helped him. Why tf didn't people care??

No. 392733

I've noticed this a lot online. People will have massive SJWs about stuff like this, but in reality a lot of people won't actually interact in case they could be wrong and then they don't want to be shamed and have the police called on them instead. It could be a situation like yours where you said the boy made it known he did not know the man, but depending on who the guy is too, some people are too intimidated to do anything. It's really sad how crazy they get with how they will act online, but when the situation happens, nothing. Crickets.

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No. 392054[Reply]

Post anything you can think of. Specific clothing, styles, whatever.
>button down shirts
>more suits
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No. 392360

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What male warriors should be wearing

No. 392486

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Lemaire collection can be hit or miss but I like how the clothes fit on him and create a nice silhouette

No. 392497

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Priest attire looks so good and elegant

No. 392616

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it's slutty but you wouldn't get it

No. 392619

Yeah I don’t

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No. 305399[Reply]

Post and discuss all of your sexual fantasies! Don't turn this into "fetishes you're ashamed of #2" though.
Old thread: >>>/g/182352
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No. 392180

He's wearing a DBZ shirt too and the purple RGB lighting signals to me, this guy is a basic nerd.

No. 392403


No. 392419

It feels like I’m watching my kid graduate college. Congratulations nonnie, from one horny bitch to another

No. 392548

I'll never get to fuck a cute manlet. It's awful, I got so close. He has little wrists and small legs and we wear the same shoe size uggh. AND I was madly in love with him. Fondling isn't enough I'm going to fucking die, anons.
I just want to compare the sizes of our body parts, completely nude. I want to hold a little guy down with my body weight just by sitting on him. I want to pin him to the wall and gaze down at him, and feel how perfectly he'd fit in my arms. It would be a dream to be able to lift and carry him and toss him around. I'd condition him so he knew that when I called him "cute and small" it is the biggest compliment I could give, and pointing out his height is always because just thinking of it turns me on. He'd be my little prince but he'd also be a bit scared of me (because I'm insane).
It's not fair. Statistically there are fewer men who are shorter than me than are taller, and out of those only some are my type, then out of those again only a few would be attracted to me. It feels impossible for me to ever experience this fetish but I don't know if I'll ever be sexually fulfilled otherwise now that I've gotten a taste of what could be.
Yes I'm samefagging and I'm still autistic and ready to fuck. Don't want to haunt the vent thread with my horny because it's stupid.

No. 392551

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God I want to fuck this guy in my college class so bad, he is super skinny, looks like a borderline twink with messy brown hair, is autistic about menswear fashion, makes obscure french movie references, I want him so bad it makes me mad. I would peg and ruin him so hard he wouldn’t be able to function afterwards. I sometimes imagine myself, him and this other really pretty-feminine looking guy from my class having a threesome and making them kiss each other while I fuck them.

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No. 391232[Reply]

Thread 1 >>47022
Thread 2 >>63152

We've got plenty of underrated dudes on lolcow but are there any men that you're ashamed to say you'd fuck for any reason? Men who are ugly, unattractive, average-looking, creepy, weird or just plain shameful? It doesn't have to be a big reason that you're ashamed, just say why.

Admit your thirst, farmers.
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No. 392305

I don't know why but this man with leaf wreath

No. 392404

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I can't respect a man who would date the mother of Elon Musk's children, and he seems like he's probably into transhumanist bullshit, but still, I would.

No. 392413

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No. 392470

I watched the clockwork orange for this and he appeared on screen for 20 seconds. Feeling conned. Fuck Kubrick

No. 392877

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I wish he was ugly, it’d make me so happy if he was just ugly like the others

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No. 159633[Reply]

For anyone who is anti-porn, a recovering porn addict, or wants to lower their usage.

>Why are you anti-porn?

>When did you decide to quit?
>Did porn make you depressed?
>Are people around you supportive of this choice?
>and whatever else you want to say
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No. 357342

This is about the anons infighting in the dumbass shit thread and the unpopular opinions thread, isn’t it?

No. 357351

Does anyone have suggestions for quick resources that summarize why porn is bad? I'm hoping to get through to a friend but I don't think she'd have the patience to read a wall of text from me or listen to me ramble, so I'm looking for an image or short video that might get the main points across visually, maybe with some humor. I saw a great visually striking infographic with citations and stuff on it once but I can't find it anymore…
At this point a selfish "here's all the ways it affects you negatively as a viewer" would probably be more effective than the "here's how it's trafficking women" argument…

No. 357358

No. 392359

No. 395636

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No. 255744[Reply]

Let's have a thread for single ladies

1. Why are you single?
2. What are the advantages of being single?
3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
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No. 391675

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never had any interest in romantic relationships tbh
i can do what i want. i don't have to tone down my personality, take time away from my hobbies or get dragged onto something i'm not interested in. i do try to challenege myself and do things out of my comfort zone. i don't need or want someone else to do it for me.
also i was an extremely spoilt only child so i like having things go my way and not having to compromise.
besides im not good at relating to people emotionally so i really don't want to have to help regulate someone else's emotions or anything like that.
>worst parts of being in a relationship
ive seen so many people tone down or even lose parts of their personality when they get into a relationship, it's sad

No. 392337

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>1. Why are you single?
I’m fat now. My weight fluctuates on an annual basis from overweight to underweight and back, and I’ve noticed that I only get hit on when I’m a size 2 or less. I guess I’m one of those people where extra weight hits my face like a bag of bricks. Experiencing this has seriously made me lose all respect for scrote’s interest. You want me? LOL check back in next year buddy.

>2. What are the advantages of being single?

I can be a fat lazy sloppy pig in peace. When I was in my teens I’d get insecure about this but now in my mid-20’s I really enjoy my own company, even if I’m just lazy around all day reading webtoons or watching YT.

>3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?

For me, it’s the anxiety. I guess this sorta stems from point 1. I can’t genuinely believe someone would like me for me so my relationships are never serious or committed. Oh well. I’m fine this way.

No. 392354

>Why are you single?
I'm a socially inept retard who is afraid of rejection and my parents don't make marriage look fun.
>What are the advantages of being single?
Being able to focus on improving yourself.
>What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
I've have never been in a romantic relationship so idk

No. 392357

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>1. Why are you single?
My last potential relationship absolutely went nowhere and I got very sad about it, doing better now. Even if I've had men interested in me since then, I don't feel attracted to them, maybe it's because I can't get over what happened but overall I rarely feel attraction towards real people. I only have felt attracted to fictional characters, so my standards are impossible to meet. I wish I wasn't this way, but maybe it'll be easier once I finish my studies and get a stable job. I just now wanna be happy only by myself and not feel like I need to be tied to someone to be happy.
>2. What are the advantages of being single?
I can be as independent as I want, I can dedicate myself to what I want without changing for others. I don't have to feel self conscious about how I'm perceived either.
>3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
Being always together with someone absolutely is what deters me from getting a relationship. I'm already not super social (even if I have friends I hang out with at least once a week), so having to be with a man all the time just sounds exhausting and annoying.

No. 392362

>1. Why are you single?
Never cared about dating, relationships or guys.
Never been attracted to guys in that way , save for 3 exceptions and one of those was the only guy I ever slept with. I've had plenty of dudes chase me in my 20s. I was way out of their league, they all wanted to brag they bagged a fit stacy, all were fucking bitter I was polite to them kek. I'm not obligated to have sex with you.
Call me pickme or nlog, but I refuse to be in a relationship with someone I don't like , just for the sex, and that would be a fucking chore. Plus it's hard to find people to resonate with, most guys are boring AF. The day is short as is, can't imagine how quick it would pass with a guy.
>2. What are the advantages of being single?
I do whatever I want, whenever I want. I don't have to share my bigass bed with anyone. Egoistical? Maybe, but at this age I can't fucking imagine how it is to have a man chew your time. Nobody tells me what to fucking do. And I did get used to living on my own in an apartment.
>3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
Never been into one so I wouldn't be able to tell lol. But from what I've seen with my friends, the woman always compromises more than the man. And most men have low to nonexistent emotional intelligence, so you have to dumb down to their level otherwise you will stress out for shit they don't even think about. Also I need my me time.

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No. 390854[Reply]

For all farmers who are over 30yrs or approaching that age, let's discuss how our fashion sense has changed (or not) and what you currently like wearing. Ask questions, discuss different topics, etc. This can also include makeup and general trimming / grooming habits.
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No. 392090

Me too lol. I think my legs are nice but i still feel like a pack of sausages in a mini skirt. I also have mini skirts connected to schoolgirl days so it feels weird to wear them as an adult.
My mom wore long skirt all her youth and she looked great. Long skirts have an epic mysterious vibe and that's better than mini "look nice legs over here" skirt.

No. 392099

I like maxiskirts because they allow you to move around freely without worrying about flashing your behind.

No. 392114

Sometimes I want to wear maxiskirts but I feel a bit retarded because I love spinning with a long or midi skirt like a retard

No. 392120

Kek not the spinny spinny

No. 393484

I have a skirt in this style but with a thicker type of textured fabric. I had it tailored to a little below the knee and it's become so much more versatile while retaining a lot of the feeling of the original. It's easier to dress up (obviously not massively up) or down now. My tailor is really good though.

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No. 69267[Reply]

What are your thoughts on getting engaged / married? Are any farmers here already the latter? Did you get a ring or have a proposal? How was the wedding planning experience? Have you discussed it with your s/o or maybe don't want to get married at all?

Just anything you want to add to the discussion!
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No. 391982

32 year old virgin here.
My mom told me “marriage isn’t for everyone”.
Am I missing out on anything if I never get married?

No. 391985

just an expensive party and a legal obligation to someone. it's not the marriage part that's nice, it's having a loving relationship. but if you are not lonely and do not desire a one-on-one type bond like that you're missing nothing. you can be fulfilled in other ways and give and receive love in other ways.

No. 392005

Depends. If youre happy single, no. If you are in a commited relationship and especially if kids are involved, yes.

No. 392016

its letting me NEET the fuck out at least

No. 392105

Not at all. In fact, it’s very self aware not to prioritise marriage if you are content with single life.

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No. 164082[Reply]

What's a weird thing about someone that turns you off.

Unusual and nit-picky things.
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No. 391597

Men be doing this now? kek I've been celibate too long.

No. 391606

>not anorexic
>not short
>not vegan

No. 391932

based and same.

No. 391972

men who play guitar. other instruments don’t bother me so much but there’s just something really annoying about men who play guitar

No. 392091

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I think it's normal to be turned off by possessiveness but i also don't like when moids at some point decide that i'm into being called "his whatever".
I'm bi but the idea of me being that close to a moid disgusts me and in general i don't like the use of it, i don't "own" anyone, only objects.
It also still comes as if they're insecure to me, or that they are scared that i would run away, or just think that any girl feels butterflies in her stomach when they think they mean that much to them, i don't, and things like that will never sound genuine to me from a man, same with them saying "i love you".

When it comes to women though, i don't mind that and it actually makes me feel that warmth.

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