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No. 360179[Reply]

Post women you find overrated or ugly when they're shilled as beautiful. Is it her awful personality shining through? Is it her weak bone-structure or weird thumb? Is it her PR team brain-washing the whole planet into worshiping her?

Lesbians, bi and straight women are all welcome to contribute!

Previous threads from oldest to latest.
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No. 395208

She looks like she would be pretty without the surgery.

No. 395376

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No. 395630

Honestly that's unfair on her because she's on medication that get her bloated

No. 395631

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She just looks weird to me

No. 395634

She’s also an alcoholic druggie who got bad work done

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No. 392162[Reply]

>lazy bitches couldn’t be bothered to make a new one edition
>cristoph waltz posting

Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly, creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.

>>>/g/369161(don't use images/gifs like this or spoiler them)
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No. 395617

You can land ten planes on that forehead

No. 395626

He has a great facial structure and conventionally attractive features, but the other thread thinks any 80s singer in makeup is a tranny

No. 395627

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Honestly still would. 76 and Starfield's reception really kicked his ass though no arguing that. At least the show's reception has him glowing again.

No. 395692

psychotic behavior, even boy george hates trannies

No. 395701

can't post anyone in the conventional thread but the same 3 dudes

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No. 361134[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/g/339130
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No. 395601

I thought omorashi was weird when I first heard of it, but then I happened to come across 3 omorashi fanarts of my husbando, and it was kinda hot. Now I really like it.

No. 395614

I thought I was the only one anon, this is perfection

No. 395628

This sounds like it could be an Ingmar Bergman film

No. 395637

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t. Delilah

No. 395771

I want a footfag boyfriend. Not the deviantart kind to be obsessed with stinky feet or dirty soles but he would just like pretty feet and kissing/sucking them. It’s weird how footfags are the most made fun of but fetishes involving beating/choking women are considered normal.

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No. 335170[Reply]

for anyone dealing with sexual problems that may or may not stem from sexual trauma. no active thread specifically for this topic. a place to vent and/or discuss, to feel less alone in these struggles.
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No. 395604

talking about trivialising abuse kek
if I was a child and another child did it to me I would want the other child to be isolated and punished obviously
would you be equally soft on this if you heard from a moid that he raped a girl when he was a boy?

No. 395605

stop defending pedos. once a pedo, always a pedo

No. 395609

Thanks for your brave words, this inspired me to report all the 5 y.o. pedophiles that flashed me in the kindergarten to the police

Anon… if she was uncomfortable and it was done by force it's understandable that you feel bad about it. Have you talked about it with her? Still, you didn't have a significant age gap and it's clear you didn't really understand what sex was. You interpreted that purely as an act of love in a broad sense or something, I suspect you just wanted to repeat what you saw on TV or internet if you had a free access. At most, it can be seen as violation of boundaries if your sister didn't want to do it, but then again, children have shitty understanding of boundaries and can violate them this way or another because they're clueless or curious about the consequences (or lack thereof). If the relationships with your sister is ok now, then I'd assume it's not a big deal to her. You can try talking to her, it's not even necessarry to mention what happened (because obviously it can be super awkward), you can say you're sorry for making her uncomfortable/scared/whatever in childhood, that it's bothering you now and you wish you didn't do it. Don't demonize your 9y.o. self, it seems like you're filled with toxic shame and intrusive thoughts, and you're looking for reasons to hate and punish yourself. Stop sleeping with an old moid, how is it supposed to make things better?

No. 395616

I'm not trivializing what her sister went through, her sister has every right to feel abused, I'm not taking that from her nor have I said that was ok. I'm just saying she isn't a pedo for something she did when she was 9. If she repeated this as she got older, then absolutely, but the post implied it was one single time. I don't know if she is a pedo or not, nothing in the post indicates she's still attracted to kids or fantasizes about doing it again.
>would you be equally soft on this if you heard from a moid that he raped a girl when he was a boy?
If he was nine years old, then yes? The understanding of a child is not the same of an adult idk what you want me to say. It wouldn't change the horrible thing her sister went through, nothing will ever change that and I am not denying that.

No. 395706

Nonnie,this is definitely something you'll need therapy to properly work through but please do your best to forgive yourself for it. Children constantly do stupid/dangerous/wrong things because they're only learning how things work, and you shouldn't let your actions at 9 yrs old haunt you forever. I was similar age when I starved a baby bird to death. It was an older fledgling and would have done fine on it's own but I caught it and kept it because I felt I was "saving" it even though I had no idea how to keep it alive. Despite this I'll obviously never consider myself an animal abuser. I was a child who didn't know better, who wanted to act with the conviction of an adult, and you were too. Forgive yourself.

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No. 54209[Reply]

Maybe it's just me, but I feel as though birth control is something that women don't talk enough about despite it being so complex and many people using it regularly. Let's post our comments/questions about birth control!

- contraception
- acne control
- PCOS management
- hormonal treatment
- ring vs. pill vs. non-hormonal
- side effects/benefits
- weight gain/loss
- etc.
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No. 395535

This is the first time Ive ever been in a sexually active relationship and were looking into birth control. Does anyone else have experience with the arm implant? My greatest fear is the acne that might come along with it. I plan on consulting with an OBGYN first before anything else.

No. 395558

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i've been struggling to stop taking the pill for years. i was diagnosed with pcos when i was younger (15 y.o) and have been on birth control ever since. recently (i am 24 y.o now), a more experienced doctor suggested that i might have been misdiagnosed, so we did an intravaginal ultrasound and found out i no longer have cysts.

however, every time i try to stop the pill, i develop dry patches that start as ?liquidy? irritation and lead to intense scratching. i also experience acne, but the irritation is the main issue.

has anyone experienced the same? it happens mostly around the nose and neck.

No. 395598

Anon could it be seborrheic dermatitis that gets triggered when the testosterone and therefore sebum production gets higher in our body? Best choice is visiting a dermatologist about it if you can, i hope it gets resolved soon.

No. 395620

Have you tried herbal remedies to manage your hormones instead? I use spearmint tea for PCOS since I stopped taking the pill. Even if you don't have cysts anymore (I don't either) you might still experience hormonal issues.

No. 395712

I'm on my second implant, I got my first as a teen. I didn't notice any more acne than what I already had, and as an adult with a cleaer face I didn't notice anything with the second implant either. I do get these sparse longer hairs on my face, but never in patches or even super noticable if you aren't looking

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No. 146601[Reply]

A thread for everything vintage fashion related

>What decades and subcultures of the past are you interested in?

>How did you get into collecting vintage?
>Do you go for authentic vintage or vintage inspired clothing?
>Who are the style icons you like to refer to when putting together a look?

And of course, questions from novices are welcome as well
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No. 395573

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No. 395574

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Love this particular outfit with the necklace

No. 395582

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Idk if vintage but I've been obsessed with Y2K lately

No. 395586

Early 2000s fashion is technically vintage but let's be real this thread wasn't made to discuss zoomer y2k revival fashion. You can take this to the regular fashion thread since it's trendy anyway.

No. 395597

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>mfw this is vintage now

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No. 355199[Reply]

A home to post your nerdy crushes here. Whether he just wears nerdy glasses, or if has nerdy hobbies, or is just, a plain nerd.

Previous Thread: >>287864
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No. 395522

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Oliver Newton, art dealer

No. 395524

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No. 395526

Thought this was AI with how weird the hand on his knee looks

No. 395531

Guy sitting like he's gotta pee

No. 395555

Inward leaning feet, like some child reeling from embarrassment.

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No. 331392[Reply]

Last Thread: >>252508

Thread for:
>femdom images and media
>femdom fantasies
>female subs interested in women
>advice and stories

Some things to get us started:
>What are your main kinks?
>What is your ideal sub like?
>What experiences have you had?
>What advice do you have for new dommes?
>Where to find subs? How to avoid unhealthy ones?
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
853 posts and 136 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 395514

Cant you go cape for cocksucking and bending over backwards for moids in a differnt thread? Gargling dick and balls isnt femdom.(bait)

No. 395525

I wonder if this is the same anon who said wearing tight latex corsets is the only correct way to do femdom and you have to make yourself feel uncomfortable in such outfits if you want your sub to find you intimidating. and then claimed even normies are scared of dommes in bondage gear (kek) and argued with everyone who said they didn’t want to peg a moid while wearing tight fetish outfits and stilettos.

No. 395542

I thought the same as well.

No. 395568

it wasn't me. I'd never suck a dick

No. 395570

Idk why but this sent me

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No. 220643[Reply]

A thread for the loners here (all of us). Venting, how you deal with it, how you spend your time etc.
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No. 395143

Thanks anons, glad I’m not alone in being this way
>why do people say it about you, if you don't mind me asking?
Where do I start. People say I’m way too opinionated and intense, loud and unaware of my loudness, slow to pick up on conversational subtext and ask the exact questions the others were trying to leave unsaid, my baseline is “anxious and high strung” which causes me to worry and become tense about small inconveniences to the plan— there’s probably more but these are the ones people have remarked on. All combined, they make me unpleasant to be around. But I don’t feel ashamed of how I am and I don’t want to change, i doubt I even could, so if other people don’t like being around me then that’s fine. I like myself and enjoy doing things alone. It feels very freeing.

No. 395366

My problem is that I like interacting with others but don’t want to be friends.

No. 395407

I'm so disgustingly desperate to just have one good friend again. Just one. I feel so lonely and I just, I don't know what to do. I just want some kind of connection again.

No. 395510

Im in the same place. It’s hard to believe I’ll every be as close with someone again as I was with her.

No. 395529

Went to a Mitski concert tonight with my mother because I had nobody else to go with. Even at a show where half the artist’s songs are about loneliness, everyone I could see around was in groups of friends. Lots of women my age having fun with their friends while I cried listening to a song about having nobody and not even my own mother noticed.

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No. 300321[Reply]

A thread to talk about everything related to your menstrual cycle and ovulation! Please don’t be creepy or make any sexual posts about period “fetishes” that’s gross however discussion of sexual feelings during different times of your cycle is acceptable as long as you’re not being egregious or overdescriptive
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No. 395226

>days before the storm: horny, affectionate, insecure, want to kms
>day 1: mild cramping, but at least I don't want to kms anymore. Almost no blood, just brown discharge
>day 2: mild flow and period shits, cramps
>day 3: heavy flow
>day 4: mild flow
>day 5: almost nothing
>day 6: won't bleed until I change into nice new underwear and lose the panty liner, then my body will find a way to stain the nice new underwear no matter how long I keep using panty liners

No. 395294

So, I took plan B for the first time ever, condom broke. Happened one week before ovulation and I wasn't that worried but I had to make sure anyways. All the symptoms came a week after and I bleed for three days, first and second day heavily. I wasn't sure to consider it a period (My periods usually last that long, at most I have pink stains during the fourth day) or just ''spotting'' (It was too much to consider it spotting). Now I shoud be getting my period, but I don't know if I should wait for it or not… Anyone has experiences with it? Is that bleeding you get just spotting or can you consider it a period?

No. 395434

My period gets irregular once a year too. For at least the past 3 years once a year my cycle would be extremely long. It would regularly be within 28-32 days and then be around 45 once a year.
I used to have long cycles like that years ago as the norm. It's strange that it happens only once a year. And frustrating because I get extremely anxious that I'm pregnant.

No. 395463

>high anxiety and aggravated before period starts, diarrhea sometimes (happened this time)
>Day 1: lucky if I use the bathroom and notice blood early, bleeding usually heavy by the end of the day
>Days 2-3: Super heavy bleeding and have to change fem products every couple hours, cramps if I'm not active enough
>Day 4: Can use one or two pads for an entire day
>Day 5-6: If I feel safe I'll just wrap some TP in my underwear and replace it whenever I go to the bathroom
I only buy nighttime/super pads so it weirds people out sometimes if they ask if I have a spare. But if I use smaller ones I'll bleed through my underwear and whatever pants or shorts I have on.

I had a bit of a hassle wearing reusable pads whenever I was at work, so I use them if my period is during time off. It made it easier to rinse/clean them.

No. 395503

Is it normal to get burnt out easily or lose motivation while ovulating? I have work to do and my mind is somewhere else, I can’t bring myself to do it. I used to get really suicidal during ovulation but it’s got better now. Now I get migraines and nausea.

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