File: 1674722036489.png (148.03 KB, 300x300, kimi.png)

No. 278737
Kimi/Kimani aka LilEcchiGirl
• 23 years old Florida native
• Cosplayer/OnlyFans Girl
• Asian Fisher
• Supports pedo-baiting, EA-baiting, cosplaying in children's uniforms, and as underage characters in a sexual manner
• Guest for Waifu Expo 2023
• Falsely accused Youtuber HeavenlyController of SA when all he did was drink with her and invite her over
>Was recently exposed online for having wishing further suicide attempts on another OnlyFans girl @cyberstephanie (whom she supposedly was buddies with personally.
>When group chat logs were released, it was evident that Kimi and other OnlyFans girls in the mix were all bullying, bodyshaming, accusing others of being racist (while capitalizing off of asian fetishes), fatphobic, and just unnecessarily mean.
>Kimi proudly encourages others to reach out to her in an effort to dox other successful OnlyFans girls out of pure hatred and jealousy, all while pretending to be buddies with the same girls she supposedly cannot stand
>Heavily photoshops her own photos while mocking other OnlyFans girls for doing the exact same thing
>She routinely lies about being Japanese and Puerto Rican. I don't doubt that she is Puerto Rican since she resides in Florida, but she has frequently mentioned that she is both 50% Japanese and 25% Japanese. She will also randomly trauma dump about being black/African American which is what I would believe she is truly mixed with.
>Got plastic surgery to appear more East Asian, and uses face-tape to emphasize a slanted eye shape.
>Changes voice to sound like she has an asian accent randomly
>Keeps deactivating and reactivating her accounts as the saga continues, all while not acknowledging anything
>Lies about being engaged to her supposed "Sugar Daddy" (is never seen with a ring, ever)Links: No. 278738
File: 1674722442277.jpg (29.79 KB, 450x401, kimi2.jpg)

This was Kimi's appearance before the identity crisis
No. 278739
File: 1674722500182.jpg (35.48 KB, 430x496, kimi1.jpg)

Here eyes might be almond shaped but this face and hair texture isn't that of someone who has even a drop of Japanese heritage in their blood.
No. 278741
File: 1674722563070.jpg (34.45 KB, 450x501, image18.jpg)

Notice her "new face" has both eyes and brows in completely different area codes. Nose looks a little different too.
No. 278742
File: 1674722795098.jpg (44.17 KB, 585x900, chat 1.JPG)

Here's a chat log of Kimi demanding cancellation of other girls doing the exact same thing as she does. There's enough sponsors to go around.
No. 278743
File: 1674722972697.jpg (51.71 KB, 415x901, chat 2.JPG)

Chat cont. where Kimi encourages suicide of her beloved "friend". Sickening.
No. 278744
File: 1674723042612.jpg (44.76 KB, 550x897, chat 3.JPG)

Chat cont. Kimi is down to dox whoever, just point her in the right direction.
No. 278746
File: 1674723119123.jpg (48.93 KB, 546x903, chat 4.JPG)

Chat cont. Body shaming? From someone who photoshops their entire face and hips? Pathetic.
No. 278747
File: 1674723343056.jpg (27.55 KB, 404x809, chat 5.JPG)

Chat Cont. Kimi + Fatphobia is so bizzare since she recently was asking for tips on how to gain weight so that should could get "thick". Yet another OF girl who wants to make their body fit a trend to appease to sick perverted individuals.
No. 278748
File: 1674723397365.jpg (33.04 KB, 408x655, chat 6.JPG)

Chat Cont.
No. 278749
File: 1674723454411.jpg (31.86 KB, 410x705, chat 7.JPG)

Chat Cont. More fatphobia.
No. 278750
File: 1674723508845.jpg (29.06 KB, 413x643, chat 8.JPG)

Chat Cont.
No. 278751
File: 1674723673640.jpg (77.92 KB, 682x677, kimi 4.JPG)

She looks so different, and this is from 2015
No. 278753
File: 1674723740261.jpg (10.32 KB, 450x164, image09.jpg)

East asian bating? I think yes.
No. 278754
File: 1674723806088.jpg (4.47 KB, 255x119, image04.jpg)

Here eyes are clearly not tapered like they appear to today. I have nothing against plastic surgery, but morphing races or attempting to look ambiguous is pretty embarrassing.
No. 278755
File: 1674723917998.jpg (50.64 KB, 432x862, tiktok.JPG)

> Constantly complains about having her tiktok accounts deleted
>Posts weird shit like this that is clearly against TOS
No. 278756
File: 1674724011200.jpg (37.91 KB, 418x716, chat 9.JPG)

I don't support fat folks either but this is just weird to do to people who you smile and act friendly too online. All e-girls are the same lol
No. 278757
File: 1674724154712.jpg (48.26 KB, 528x795, chat 10.JPG)

Chat cont. Extremely insecure women. The irony of this conversation. All grown women crying about other women who are minding their own business online.
No. 278759
File: 1674724327632.jpg (41.87 KB, 785x870, chat 11.JPG)

While I can agree the photoshop on this one is hilariously lousy, Kimi herself has some weird shoops too, even in video. We know she facetunes to death, body and face.
No. 278760
File: 1674724688983.png (29.08 KB, 585x412, account delete.png)

Lotta locked account activity going on since the leak
No. 278761
File: 1674725030405.jpg (99.42 KB, 1232x881, waifuexpo.JPG)

I really do hope she gets kicked off of this panel for Waifu Expo. There's finally an adult only con I can attend that isn't too long of a drive away and I'd hate for it to be tainted with this vile person.
No. 278765
File: 1674727365608.jpg (48.96 KB, 599x421, jennalynn.JPG)

Jennalynnmeowri calls out Bishoujomom on allowing Kimi to be a guest after finding out she is spewing hatred online about other cosplayers. Bishoujomom follows up saying that she will be releasing a statement to clear things up. Looks like Kimi is in hot water for this one, you love to see it!
No. 278766
File: 1674727942047.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.33 KB, 453x607, photoshop1.JPG)

Sure does photoshop their waist and thighs a lot for someone who complains a ton about others doing the same thing
No. 278767
File: 1674728581075.jpg (22.69 KB, 300x533, lilecchigirl_0064_300px.jpg)

Why on earth is there a huge bulge? wtf
No. 278769
File: 1674729148874.jpg (Spoiler Image,12.04 KB, 202x337, preview (3).jpg)

Yuck! More Asian fishing.
No. 278771
File: 1674729380701.jpg (31.1 KB, 634x835, noway.JPG)

lmao no way she deactivated
No. 278773
File: 1674730432819.jpg (25.13 KB, 592x506, stillhere.JPG)

>>278771This acc is still active
No. 278775
File: 1674731389427.jpg (561.76 KB, 1606x2048, 20230126_060739.jpg)

I'm glad this thread was made, I went straight here after seeing g twitter drama. Here is mimsy and tsuwukii, I've never heard of them before today but they have large followings. The amount of Photoshop in this photo (and every photo they post) is insane, no wonder they are so insecure about Stephanie.
No. 278779
File: 1674732585998.jpg (78.08 KB, 1069x1645, 20230126_062627.jpg) adding another I don't see upthread, here is tsuwukii getting upset over another egirl making out with another girl in front of her boyfriend
No. 278782
File: 1674734789563.jpg (31.91 KB, 602x597, stolen user.JPG)

Looks like someone stole her username. I'm guessing she tried to change it so she could avoid being linked to all the drama and all the call out posts mentioning her and dragging her to filth.
No. 278784
File: 1674734900022.jpg (47.92 KB, 305x575, baedshoop.JPG)

>>278775 I cannot seem to tell if they really believe they look like this or if she just has a super distorted view of herself. Like body dysmorphia. Is facial dysmorphia a thing too?
No. 278785
File: 1674735187848.jpg (60.61 KB, 512x640, mybpd.JPG)

>>278757Rori (@lilrorivert) made a hilarious attempt at explaining why she was such an asshole in groupchats. Absolutely no accountability, just "muh BPD". What a loser. Mental illness doesn't make you say disgustingly awful things like that about people you're supposedly friends with. So far this is the only groupchat member I've seen respond to the commotion in any capacity.
No. 278800
File: 1674740929617.jpg (40.08 KB, 630x858, nuke2.JPG)

This was basically the message that was sent out into the groupchat initially before all the drama and bashing. It seemed innocent except for the fact that not EVERYONE had been deleted. This was pretty much moments before the mocking and bullying occured. I'm curious as to who leaked the entire conversation in the first place. Any ideas?
No. 278801
File: 1674741006281.jpg (38.74 KB, 692x993, nuke1.JPG)

>>278800Here they are keke-ing about booting everyone, and so, the shit talking begins! Fuckin' freaks.
No. 278802
File: 1674741691034.jpg (Spoiler Image,12.91 KB, 250x444, 2k6ne0.jpg)

Please tell me this is NOT the sugar daddy in question? Kimi is always making fun of white people and people who like white people. But this guy? YUCK he looks old and creepy.
No. 278805
File: 1674742286627.jpg (58.65 KB, 596x662, shiharaaireditout.JPG)

>>278800I found out who leaked it. Apparently a user by the name of @siharadesert was within the groupchat. She had gotten her account back after being suspended and was still inside of the groupchat when she gained access again. She was the one who screen recorded and took screenshots of the chat itself and basically snitched on the girls. What a shame! You'd think they'd be smart enough to create a brand new groupchat instead of booting everyone and shit talking amongst themselves. Silly girls. No wonder they just went silent and deactivated, they were completely blindsided.
No. 278806
File: 1674742745361.jpg (54.74 KB, 590x534, siharadesert.JPG)

>>278805ngl I'd feel like a bad ass. What a revelation.
No. 278807
File: 1674742924093.jpg (21.02 KB, 591x531, byebye.JPG)

Bye Bye Ms. American Pie!
No. 278813
File: 1674744294234.jpg (66.93 KB, 1547x687, racistmimsyamber.JPG)

>>278786Amber is a racist my guy
No. 278815
File: 1674744421036.jpg (78.58 KB, 520x801, mimsyracist.JPG)

Amber is gross what the fuck is this
No. 278818
File: 1674745024233.jpg (50.88 KB, 675x804, racistamber.JPG)

>>278813Just lil Amber making up her own vocabulary uwu
No. 278828
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It's so funny when she makes her skin lighter. Bizarre editing fr.
No. 278829
File: 1674748201564.png (80.75 KB, 357x360, 3k0002.png)

Why her neck like that?
No. 278830
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Kimi is trying really hard to rebrand lmao. Here's an active account.
No. 278833
File: 1674749107433.jpg (65.56 KB, 1366x479, Wishlist.JPG)

She is really wiping out everything, even her Amazon wishlist. Prob afraid of being doxed somehow.
No. 278877
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>>27886010k retweets and 11 million views in 15 hours but sure totally a vendetta thread mhmm
No. 278902
File: 1674768471552.jpeg (332.29 KB, 828x789, 2E4354EE-1223-40F1-81F7-73BE70…)

>>278813>>278899Not sure if the ‘high school’ part is a lie coming from Amber/Her friends or something she’s making up on her own but I guess she hasn’t done the math
No. 278908
File: 1674769450945.png (63.27 KB, 598x610, BA27A51C-01D5-4393-8902-A9C7F3…)

>>278902I doubt someone would steal her phone and post this (not my screenshot)
No. 278933
File: 1674778951876.jpeg (203 KB, 1242x924, 3C384A4B-B3A3-436F-83DF-C797AF…)

She’s right. They all have beef with each other and talk shit but I hate how Moo is trying to throw herself in for relevancy. Are we forgetting all the vendettas shes had against Vamp or how shes assaulted people. I hate her “live let live sigma male” vibe she’s trying to go for
No. 278941
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I’m crying, there no way she’s making herself out to be the victim
No. 278945
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>>278908she was 21 years old when these were posted, you should know better
No. 278949
File: 1674785504041.jpeg (133.98 KB, 1169x1069, 0C797294-401C-44FD-8374-C61E1D…)

If you and Mariah Mallad are on the same page, you’re a loser. Hands down.
No. 278953
File: 1674787614011.jpeg (291.41 KB, 1170x1166, 5EA30028-59EF-4C96-A822-D6400B…)

Someone made a tell all “Truth About Lil Ecchi Girl” website: it looks like Kimi has caught wind of it and is looking for validation
No. 278954
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>>278953Pathetic, hang it up Kimi!
No. 278957
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So she admits she got some kind of surgery? Interesting. I like the phony transparency. Like she’s an advocate for body modification or something.
No. 278962
File: 1674788699106.jpeg (809.37 KB, 1170x1405, C4E912BA-6E9C-42BB-B27B-178E8B…)

Me when I’m delusional as hell. That’s not why anyone thinks that. It’s because your eye shape changes every upload.
No. 278971
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>>278970Looks like she got the Arigato Grande Special to me
No. 278973
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There’s no way she’s serious. She proudly joked about this woman’s suicide and is like “I didn’t do anything”. The jokes wrote themselves
No. 278976
>>278973What…is she telling people she meant she should try graduating again? As in go through school again?
She must be completely convinced by the people she talked to that her desperately grasping for straws is creating any kind of narrative that could be believable when the reality is they just don’t care about her or how she acts.
No. 278986
File: 1674796537276.jpeg (210.22 KB, 1170x624, 968486EE-2FE4-408B-8D2F-B9138A…)

Of course you all know this was going to end with her and a Twitlonger. Here we go! No. 278987
File: 1674796715095.jpeg (166.19 KB, 1066x467, F5FF876B-4F8C-4774-A9E9-288BAE…)

You don’t get to “expose everybody” after having been exposed. This isn’t a game of Uno. What an idiot.
No. 278991
File: 1674797254226.jpeg (134.76 KB, 1079x299, 7685742F-E8F0-4DE6-B0E0-897FF0…)

>>278986Is she serious? She’s the one who went private and deleted all of her accounts, even going as far to changing her usernames and deleting wishlists to vanish and save face. I hate the pseudo-sob story. Have some accountability.
No. 278992
>>278987She’s trying to save face although it’s funny those girls now are like “oh I’ve curated an audience that fatshames and bullies so I’ll be fine” like girl, put down the face tune and maybe just get therapy to not be vindictive.
Kimi is only doing this to save face and make sure she retains some income
No. 278993
File: 1674798146897.jpeg (168.25 KB, 1242x1295, 288A055A-64E4-47E1-8AE4-AF3458…)

She’s turning on them lmao
She was laughing at her jokes and making horrible statements with her, now suddenly she’s MLK trying to advocate against racism and bad tweets. Accountability is just saying “yeah im a bad person and I need help and I said what I said and I’ll work on it and not throw others under the bus to get heat off me”
No. 278994
File: 1674798296990.jpeg (606.87 KB, 1040x1026, FBF74F31-40C3-4D50-8C82-105120…)

Obviously these girls don’t feel any sort of remorse for their actions but I think it’s funny how Kimi is “exposing them” like I don’t see her trying to convince the people she was in cahoots with that she was in the wrong, or that THEY too are in the wrong.
No. 278995
>>278986>Guiz don’t believe your eyes! Believe meShe’s literally insane to think this could work kek
Either way, she’s burning her last bridge and should have just leaned into being a huge bitch publicly
What a dumbass
No. 279004
File: 1674801950444.jpeg (281.43 KB, 1062x1028, 95FBB962-4EC6-4AE5-9161-E594AA…)

These women do not care. Kimi is such a master manipulator, it wouldn’t surprise me if she baited these kinds of responses so she could “call them out”.
No. 279005
File: 1674801996551.jpeg (76.02 KB, 1170x253, 47653C3A-D6E1-49D4-A79D-D25D1F…)

Gotta love Amber, at least she stays true to herself as an evil witch
No. 279008
File: 1674802150980.png (262.96 KB, 952x1236, 9D213091-CAF9-4588-A5CC-4C5FFD…)

>>279004What a circle jerking echo chamber
No. 279011
File: 1674803077997.jpeg (390.39 KB, 1170x1084, C6C19005-2536-49E6-BFE6-B4780D…)

She must really think everyone is a fucking idiot oh my goodness
No. 279013
File: 1674803264149.jpeg (384.83 KB, 1069x916, D79ADE99-78B8-4DFE-9355-3C8A24…)

>>278991What a fucking coward. I would rather her just say nothing, zero, silence
No. 279015
File: 1674803570364.jpeg (234.35 KB, 1066x587, DD8AD6CE-B9EA-428D-9AAC-C3A414…)

>>278987I’m sorry but LEAKING NUDES that you sell online is not stalking. It’s awful, sure, but it is far from stalking. It come with the territory.
No. 279017
File: 1674803869802.jpeg (111.78 KB, 1057x403, FDB6287C-0504-4C4D-8740-EEB67E…)

TFW you get exposed
No. 279018
File: 1674804217438.jpeg (102.42 KB, 1284x564, 4FCE7CD2-64C9-4E15-A2EA-269966…)

Shameless, wow.
No. 279034
>>279032She’s being obliterated. It’s actually funny watching them scramble. Idk where Rori went she’s been laying low and Amber hasn’t been online at all. I feel like those two decided not to post their apology tours after the others were mocked and no one cared. Kimi deleted her Twitter again
Oddly seeing more scrotes calling off their support. Guess they don’t like knowing what hot* women think of them as fat losers
No. 279035
>>279032Her “I’m serious idc my audience is haters like meeee”
Also her “guys it was just a joke we were just having laughs”
You’re either mean badasses who don’t care or you’re whiny insecure PLUR egirls?
No. 279041
File: 1674818401897.jpeg (174.49 KB, 1074x1074, 16505A2D-87BF-48AE-A163-39623D…)

I’m surprised! Waifu Expo and those who run it actually have some dignity and got rid of her! Love that for them.
No. 279043
File: 1674818774806.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1170x2150, F3CA507D-E226-4187-9A41-D7A770…)

>>279041She’s still on their website but I’m sure it’ll come down. This image is so fkn creepy.
No. 279060
File: 1674823360046.jpeg (63.6 KB, 1079x356, 3238180E-3A12-4732-93F0-ABDB9A…)

>>279040No words for this man
No. 279061
File: 1674823900024.jpeg (67.36 KB, 458x538, 9DCC33B1-9EF8-423A-B95D-FED725…)

No. 279062
File: 1674824070151.jpeg (109.81 KB, 1170x1487, 10EA7CFC-8475-40C5-870E-C3108A…)

Imagine uploading images like then boldly laughing at other people for editing their pics
No. 279065
>>279054>>279058You sound incredibly retarded. You type like a twitter fag.
Nobody really cares all that much about your ghetto whore circle.
No. 279069
>>279061Is this from a character creation menu? Did she really think noone would notice? These are the same that cry about Asian fetishism (while not being Asian themselves)
God imagine hating your race that much
>also integrate twittfags No. 279092
>>279072It's 8AM and you're obsessively checking a thread about an ethot you're obsessed with.
The fact you have no concept of timezones tells me everything I need to know about you
No. 279106
File: 1674845656055.png (375.88 KB, 863x1373, Screenshot_20230127-135300.png)

Look like someone is releasing the full version of the group chat, I wonder if anything else interesting will be found No. 279108
File: 1674846850613.jpeg (480.22 KB, 1170x1564, EAF765CB-86FD-49AF-BDC1-09C88E…)

>>279106There’s no such thing as being an e-girl that isn’t trying to build up off of another girl’s popularity. That’s the whole purpose they’re meet-ups and collabs.
No. 279109
File: 1674847012873.png (59.58 KB, 797x670, 95A9FAE6-D7CB-4FC0-9236-7C7F9B…)

>>279101It’s not even written by her 1/2
No. 279110
File: 1674847053122.png (64.01 KB, 746x549, FB0E09C0-665C-4B82-977D-D95C4D…)

>>279109These girls are not sorry at all and you can expect the behavior to continue
No. 279114
File: 1674847461807.jpeg (567.26 KB, 1170x2160, F26E3595-2D1C-4658-B68F-6FA0B8…)

“I haven’t done anything to anyone”
Sure, Jan.
No. 279115
File: 1674848006061.jpeg (355 KB, 1170x1578, EEFBBDE0-1B45-4908-BEAC-6F1A38…)

>>279114Why are girls who do Only Fans pretending that Belle Delphine ruined a generation of women? Tone deaf.
No. 279118
File: 1674848449362.jpeg (704.19 KB, 1170x1406, FB2BD855-AB16-46F9-ACC9-44FBA3…)

There’s literally nothing wrong with this woman’s look besides the overdone airbrushing. Just say you’re jealous of her because nothing about this pic says “e-girl aesthetic”
No. 279122
File: 1674849481879.jpeg (524.31 KB, 2048x2048, 057BC7E0-CD13-43D4-A85F-6932EA…)

Is this body dysmorphia?
No. 279128
File: 1674850331250.jpg (120.25 KB, 900x506, 1634007296457.jpg)

No. 279140
>>278737 Kek this chick is just like fellow cow HimeAhri
>From Florida >I am insert random race with Japanese/Korean >Fake Asian animu name >Photoshops + got procedures/surgery to slant up eyes to appear azn desu >Hates on costhots when a costhots themself I'm guessing she looks completely different IRL too. It's hilarious how weebs think they can photoshop and surgically alter themselves into being Asian, that's not how shit works.
No. 279141
>>278737Just a couple of questions:
Does anyone have evidence of her flip flopping between being a quarter or half Japanese?
Does anyone have context for the situation with HeavenlyController?
Does anyone have any copies of her old videos of her pretending to have a Japanese accent? I’m not saying these allegation’s aren’t true but I just want to know if anyone can shed light on these things since I don’t see any evidence ITT. I know her socials are nuked but I’m sure someone has old screenshots
No. 279185
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>>279183You’ll likely have to find it yourself anon
As far as the heavenly situation goes, a few days ago I found this where she tells this story about it No. 279187
>>278786Why are you surprised that she’s a raging bitch when she’s one of the most botched editors to ever grace the internet? Mimsy’s editing always looks ridiculous, and she freaks out and tries to prove people wrong when she’s called out. If you have eyes and a brain you can tell her body isn’t even close to real, neither is her very edited face.
I thought she might at least be somewhat self aware but that AI apology really shows that there is absolutely nothing behind those eyes. We need to stop platforming people like that. She adds nothing to society. None of these people do.
No. 279189
>>279185Thank you, I didn’t bother reading the entire post. Not reading an apology that starts with backstory from a decade ago, especially because it seems that it never actually tied in to what she was being “called out” for.
Ironic that UglyPilled was trying to cancel other people for sexualizing Japanese women and pedopandering or whatever because iirc she had a bunch of school girl/loli nsfw stuff all over her Twitter. I can’t believe she’s pretending to be Japanese to make money off of scrotes with an asian fetish while also pretending to be an SJW about it? One look at her old Twitter and you could tell she was unhinged.
No. 279193
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>>279189Yeah I had only seen it by chance (without having heard anyone talk about it before) but didn’t post the link because it seemed uncomfortable and not milky
Know what’s sad though? On the link to the original tweet this Venus girl she was talking so much shit about had replied
No. 279194
File: 1674905639094.jpeg (39.87 KB, 341x700, BBD4E200-BAEF-4B78-BA54-45E9CD…)

>>279190He has and there’s a lot of information about it
Searching ‘heavenly allegations’ should bring up a huge amount of results
It’s something I’m not really interested in because I find it believable but she did say a lot of stuff afterwards like how the flirting was mutual and that she was on a break with her boyfriend and was doing whatever she wanted
No. 279196
File: 1674907291831.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x2007, 529B539C-1069-4B4C-8E9E-B9B48A…)

>>279141Here’s more evidence of her claiming to be both. Sadly she had deleted her accounts as well as her routinely having her accounts suspended so it’s difficult to recover.
No. 279198
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>>279141She’s claiming to be half Japanese on TikTok after being called out on that platform . She 1) doesn’t look half Japanese and 2) doesn’t seem to embrace her other “half” despite ODing on the “Japanese” part
No. 279202
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If I was 1/2 and 1/2 id probably be milking both sides on Reddit and twitter. Why wouldn’t I be posting myself as some sort of Latina like that isn’t popular in the porn industry in this era, just like the whole “Japanese” thing.
No. 279205
>>279202It’s because she wants that sweet, sweet weeb coin. She knows people like Belle Delphine were able to capitalize on creepy, basement ridden incel anime boys and she wants to cash in. The more I look at her the more I realize that she actually looks like a caricature of a mixed asian person, not a real one.
She’s probably threatened by other women so much because some of them are making money without having to lie about being asian. She’s been anxious this whole time that this would get exposed and get in the way of her making bank off of asian fetishes.
No. 279206
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>>279141She calls herself 50% PR and 50% Japanese but posts herself in “Black Cosplay Girls” Reddit. Which is a reason why it’s suspected that she is truly half black and half PR.
No. 279207
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>>279141Corny description of herself online. If she were truly these things I highly doubt she’d be describing herself like this. Also in just about every town/county in Florida there’s Max 1% of Japanese people inhabiting it. I’ve witnessed her crying more about being treated poorly because she was perceived as black versus Asian. She tries hard to be an advocate for women’s rights and SW rights but never Asian rights, despite COVID, etc.
No. 279208
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>>279141She does not look Japanese at all. At some point she claimed her grandmother was “Japanese”. Even if this were absolutely true it would make her less than half. Her mother is like PR and her dad is Afro Caribbean. I’m a black person with almond shaped eyes and I don’t look Asian AT ALL. Just have angled, smallish eyes.
No. 279210
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She has a Puerto Rican last name so that eliminates any possibility of her dad being fully Japanese.
No. 279215
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here’s a pic of ana-chan @lilrorivert who was promoting people starving themselves in their little group chat after it came to light that they had been exposed. sorry about the quality, i haven’t seen anyone put a face to the name and i dont want her to get away with any of it. looks like her eyes are edited unevenly.
No. 279216
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>>279215Just gonna assume this is thinspo since she’s hiding her face. Hope she gets help soon, she has a model thin body yet she seems to obsess over fat people. Maybe she secretly wishes she was curvy, poor angry bone thug
No. 279217
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>>279216Do they seriously think this looks real? The eyes look like cartoon eyes, yet they were tearing other women apart for editing pictures. You cannot make this shit up. The lack of self awareness genuinely makes me worry for the future of humanity.
No. 279222
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> Twitter user @minato_mei accuses @mimsy (Amber) of sexual assault.
Still looking for more context and info.
No. 279226
>>279224Yeah profiting off of coomer’s asian fetish is the new “it girl” thing to do I guess. I’m just surprised that she took it so far, she literally will not shut up about being Japanese. She’s used the fact that she’s Japanese to justify when her white egirl friends got called out for sexualizing Japanese culture or pedopandering. Bet both her and the friends that tokenized her feel really stupid right now.
>>279225It’s sad that a lot of these girls come from ED tumblr where they were taught that they’re more valuable than other women for eating 400 calories a day and hating themselves. It seems like a miserable life to live. Kim’s old Instagram also had some pictures that looked like thinspo on it.
No. 279227
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What’s up with the 2014 ana-chan to OF pipeline? It feels like the most self hating girls from Tumblr mastered the art of angles and photoshop to profit from the men that never liked them when they were younger. They also get to play high school bully to take all of their anger out on other girls. She also has bragged about having an 18 inch waist.
Funny that she’s body shaming people with Mimsy, who has clear extra skin and stretch marks and is someone that Rori, Kimani, and Usagi would consider to be fat.
No. 279234
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Things that aged poorly:
> Kimani trying to call out another girl on Tiktok for uploading a tutorial on how to achieve “asian eyes”.
The jokes write themselves.
No. 279263
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She’s trying to clear up the AI generated apology
Link: No. 279265
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Why is she thanking people?
No. 279281
>>279280As soon as Natalia’s mentioned, here comes the bullshit. There’s no need to stretch here, this girl is clearly altering her looks to appear more asian and is trying to capitalize off of coomers who can only get it hard for women if they’re animated or a very specific type of East Asian.
It’s just interesting that she known to be friends with loser weebs who make speaking Nihongo their entire persona.
No. 279282
>>279280If you’re turned on by a kids uniform then idk what to tell you man. Just weird that she was pretending to be Japanese while also apparently defending EA baiters. Pinkii isn’t an EA baiter as far as I know though, just a weeb and she’s not even important to the discussion.
I wonder if Kim will go full femcel when she gets back.
No. 279288
>>279284but that’s the thing, people believed her for a long time. she advertised herself as your “thicc japanese waifu girlfriend.” and to be fair, she did pass as japanese and puerto rican. but at first glace, i would guess middle eastern. she aimed for japan but missed and ended up looking from a different part of asia entirely. kek
>>279202not sure why very skinny girls with a slightly defined ass insist on calling themselves “thicc” while being fatphobic to people who actually fit that category.
No. 279292
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Another alt of Kimi’s
No. 279293
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Ahhh, that explains the fatphobia. She hates the body she’s in. If you hate yourself at 110 pounds of course you’re going to hate anyone heavier who is comfortable in their own body.
No. 279294
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>>279292>said i look like rupal>she doesKEK
No. 279295
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The gossip chats that were leaked were screaming “ED”. Willing to bet there isn’t a single e girl who hasn’t suffered from that.
No. 279296
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Sad. Oh well, she hates herself.
No. 279298
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Nobody is saying that to her LOL
No. 279299
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No. 279301
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No. 279303
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Kimi with her mother. I’m not buying the whole “I’m Japanese” thing
No. 279304
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She looks so different here. Even harder time buying the half Japanese thing.
No. 279311
>>279304Well, she’s lying about either being black or Japanese. If her mom is a non-black Hispanic person, I doubt her dad is blasian, he’s probably one or the other.
So she’s either Hispanic & Asian (not black) or Hispanic & Black (not asian), my guess would be the latter, especially because of her hair texture and features. Her mom has lighter skin and seemingly straighter hair. So, the black must come from her dad.
No. 279315
>>279314Someone should
definitely make a thread on Mimsy at least. Her photoshopping is ridiculous, especially considering that she cries every 3 weeks publicly about how people are attacking her for photoshopping but she can’t help it bc she’s an irl waifu. Not sure who she thinks she’s fooling, especially considering that she’s definitely plus sized and body shaming other women.
No. 279317
>>279313She apparently did post photos of her “dad” but it wasn’t her dad it was a random unrelated asian man? Someone made a Carrd on her explaining this. I vaguely remember the video of her showing her parents, but at the time I didnt really care or pay attention. I assumed that it was bitter weebs who were mad that she was black and Japanese, especially since her eyelids were taped to all fuck on Tiktok.
Link: No. 279321
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>>279318The side by side…
No. 279325
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>>279317Honestly, I can't believe anyone thought she was ever Asian at all. Many black women have almond shaped eyes, even in the shooped 'after' pics, she just looks black with almond shaped, upturned eyes. I can see that she may be using tape, or makeup, but she never doesn't look black to me. picrel, Foxy Brown, a black woman with upturned almond eyes. Obviously they don't look exactly alike but…
No. 279330
>>279321I hope she didn’t actually get surgery on her eyes because she does not look Asian she looks fucked up
Kniteyama/Oli London behaviour honestly
The way she’s gone this long doing this is a testament to how gullible people are as well as how scared even all the asian people she knows must have been to say anything
Enjoy your wrinkles before even hitting 25
No. 279371
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No. 279440
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She still calls herself a tattoo artist
No. 279471
>>279321People who pretend to be asian online always look kind of off, but what bothers me about Kim in particular is that she looks like such an offensive caricature of an asian person. She clearly is trying to emulate their features, is this what she thinks asian people look like?
I know everyone is saying they can’t believe people fell for it, I can’t believe I did either after taking a second look. I just thought she was mixed in an interesting way, which I think is what she was going for.
Sad to see these egirls sell their souls and make themselves caricatures of “exotic” women to please ass scratching, basement dwelling moids.
No. 279480
>>279453NTA, but honestly sounds like general costhot stuff. Probably should've just posted all this in there. Someone made another thread the other day too and it wasn't worth it about that girl either, about the same amount of milk too, and it got moved into a JFash general. Unless there's interesting, not just racebaiting and photoshop, milk I don't think these girls need their own threads on /w/. Otherwise you have people posting stuff no different from HimeAhri, the Gyaru thread, and then there are the cosplay generals. She barely cosplays and it more of an ethot, which has a thread on /snow/.
>>279473The milk involved other people though, otherwise it's just complaining about her racebaiting. You can't base her whole thread on just a quick viral slap fight that didn't even have her as the center. That doesn't hold up longevity-wise.All the greentext doesn't even have anything milky at the top of OP like the SA stuff. The only thing about it is
>>279222 and it involves Mimsy, not even OP's cow.
No. 290185
>>290124She’s also claiming to move to Japan. She contradicted herself in the announcement thread. Said she was a quarter after saying she was half.
She’s definitely moving to Japan soon to try and continue her lies.