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No. 188007
Gackto Kristian K Takaida / Gacktstream / Kristian Kato / Kristian Tam / AZFoodGuy, the 38-year-old owner of Taiyou Con and mid-sized food tiktoker with a long history of creepy behavior and lying about his age, has been accused of sexual assault.
>Known in the Arizona convention community for over a decade as a predatory creep>Would regularly and knowingly hit on and discuss sexually explicit things with underage girls as young as 14 or 15>Would consistently lie to girls that he was 21, 18, or even younger, despite being in his mid-to-late 30s>As he gets older, the act becomes more and more "how do you do fellow kids" with each passing year and just reeks of a man who can't accept the passage of time>Would keep up this lie even in his long-term relationships, including with former cosplayer @itselectriclady whom he groomed as a teen and later cheated on>Would also lie about his real name and his race (claiming he was Japanese)
>Yesterday, a woman (from the k-pop scene, unsure if she has any connections to the convention community) made an FB post alleging that Gackto came up, groped, and began fingering her in the middle of a club>He responds, claiming that it was some other guy entirely who had been kicked out that night, and not him who had done it>Woman responds, saying that she remembers the guy that was kicked out but guarantees that she knows it was Gackto and that the assault happened after the other guy was kicked out>Many in the AZ convention community use this as the opportunity to finally condemn Gackto for all of his creepy (but up until now, non-illegal) behaviorSocial media:
- Personal As Gackto (mostly been abandoned for a year): As AZFoodGuy: No. 188008
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Her allegation (sorry in advance that these next couple of posts are gonna be tldr) No. 188010
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Her response to his response
No. 188011
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Small collection of /cgl/ posts showing that people have known about his behavior for the past decade
No. 188012
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Few examples of people from the allegation post literally saying that they've been waiting for a concrete allegation beyond his typical sketchy behavior
No. 188013
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Post from his ex about the situation alleging grooming, lying, and cheating (anonymized because not on a public post and she's no longer a public figure). I believe she was 16 or 17 when they met but I don't know the EL saga too well.
No. 188014
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General tiktok cringe from this nearly-40-year-old man
No. 188015
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More cringe from his facebook bio
Lastly, he also had a short MUA-guru-esque phase with a website and Facebook page and everything, targeted directly at Asian men, but I can't seem to remember the name. If anyone has any leads on this, I'd really appreciate it.
No. 188872
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Update: The girl's post was taken down by FB and she's been restricted from posting for two days.
No. 188908
Guy is likely a creep but yeah some of the things she said don't add up? It's common for people to misremember and trip up when recounting traumatic things. Her comments about him being exotic are cringe and racist and the arm thing is confusing, but also it's AZ so you can't expect much from people in the scene KEK. Good for her on coming out, more people with stories should come forward since everyone and their mother has been aware of the "whispers" for YEARS.
And inb4 no I'm not
>>188892 or
>>188906 No. 188912
>>188906No anon, it's just a pretty conspicuous continuity error in the account. Please post her response if she gives one though, because I'd be interested to hear the clarification.
>>188908Yeah, I wasn't trying to suggest that this didn't happen, it was just a detail that stood out as making this account quite confusing. Fuck this guy, and good for her for coming forward, especially because it seems he's a bit of a sex pest in general, but she might be playing into his hands a bit by describing things inconsistently.
No. 188922
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Age confirmed at 38
No. 188924
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Also the owner of the largest anime convention in AZ (Sabotencon, also owns Connichiwa, Kikoricon, and others) says that he's been looking for a reason to ban Gackto from his cons for his creepy behavior for a long time
No. 188926
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>>188924Actually looks like Gackto just stepped down as chairman of Taiyou Con, but it's not clear if he's still a significant owner/financial backer
No. 189276
>>189199The entirety of the AZ "scene" has been shit from day 1, our only claim to fame is being the home of the slut who made cosplay into a race to collect the most pornsick simps.
>>188922Not shocked this piece of trash went to WHS. Can also confirm him being a sad creep has been an open secret for years.
No. 189388
>>189281holy shit kara, haven't heard about her in a forever. i was at her going away party. can't believe he was pretending to be 18 then, none of us were 18 then LMAO
been waiting for something like this to drop for well over a decade now, but never knew when it was going to happen. speechless tbh
No. 190245
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>>190185This aged about as well as he did
No. 190246
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No. 190247
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No. 190282
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>>190245>>190246>>190247Holy shit thank you anon, that's exactly the page I was trying to find
Featuring the most generic boilerplate "motivation" ever
No. 190287
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Ya boy's in the news! Merry Christmas!
No. 190302
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The irony
No. 192088
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Meanwhile, Taiyou con pulls in “record breaking” numbers.
No. 192406
>>192373>>192343I am a little surprised that he would when there are three or four other cons this weekend though. It almost feels intentionally obstinate
Like he's expressed preferring out of state cons before so why not go to ALA or something if he needs his con fix that badly, especially when I doubt that he just really wanted to go for guests or panels or other generic normie convention stuff
(sage) No. 192664
>>192650Did this person actually see him or is this just built off of the same "well I heard…" as everything else?
>>192406Lmao mods that was the one post that actually was saged
No. 193447
>>193410Lurk more anon we have his yearbook photo.
>>188922Also what’s up with the mouth. Does he have a jaw issue?
No. 204949
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So I was shared this post.
No. 205625
>>204949This is such horse shit. Now it’s gonna be even harder for
victims to be believed.