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No. 155617
Previous Thread:
>>>/w/146474Lorena “Lori” Cerda, known as Lori Lewd or Usagi Kou, is a 36-year-old photoshop addicted costhot and anime "kinnie" from New York state. With 20 years of lunacy behind her, farmers have been working together diligently to stitch together the madness into a coherent timeline. Lots of interactions and receipts have been lost to time, either deleted or made private. Some archives have disappeared but a lot remain. Refer to the link list at the bottom of this post.
Lori got her start as a rabid Sailor Moon cosplayer in the early aughts which launched her into infamy and Moonie drama that lasted for over 10 years alone. After becoming a joke to the majority of the US cosplay community Lori dropped her Usagi shtick and settled for a short-lived Zero Two skinwalk. Over the last two years, Lori has amassed over 100k followers (through purchasing bots) and
had brand partnerships with multiple online boutiques and jewelers. She is still clawing her way into a Dolls Kill partnership by running herself and her lover into debt. Our story follows the lunatic hag and her bishie prince, Kevin Hanft aka Adollaskye, a 27 year old BNHA cosplayer and general douche. He only feeds Lori’s delusions and is a whole cow on his own. If you lurk long enough you will spot a wild Kevin masquerading as anon. Do not interact. He is retarded.
Vintage Milk:
>Known pathological liar, her entire cosplay career was a farce built upon other seamstresses work and props>Abused partners emotionally and physically, breaking peoples belongings when she throws temper tantrums, threatening rape and suicide >Mooched off friends and family (living rent free and destroying peoples homes with her trash, indoor smoking, making them buy her things, forcing them to sleep on floors and go without bedding, etc.)>Manipulated teenagers, mentally ill/handicapped cosplayers and any others she deemed “beneath” her into false friendships>Held vendettas against better cosplayers, sex workers and artists.>Used her many livejournals to harass and slander other cosplayers like Zan for existing in the community and cosplaying>Her ex-husband raped a developmentally challenged friend of Lori’s and when she found out she pressured the victim, “C”, into suicide. “C” then attempted by taking pills and drinking alcohol. Luckily, “C” survived. She never apologized or tried to right this situation.>Went through husbands like pantyhose and typically only married for housing and money.Condensed Milk from the 10’s:
>Racist anachan with high-school mean girl tendencies>Suicide baited Kevin and demanded he cut himself to prove he didn’t like another women all while she cheated on him>Both her and Kevin are admitted lurkers of /cgl/ and lolcow, often responding to comments made about herself on all forums>They break up and make up constantly, almost every other day>Her latest kin is Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx, truly believes she is her and that the studio copied her to create her likeness>holy mother of Meitu editing >”vampire blood” “anime features” and ”good genes” something something>Will relentlessly tear down other cosplayers who do any cosplay better than her>”Suffers” from an Eating Disorder and is proud of it>Flexes the “loli” title and panders to pedophiles and degenerates without shame despite having many underage followers>Fetishizes East Asian culture heavily, somehow still butchers romaji >Undiagnosed Cluster B / NPD behaviors out the ass>Has a running delusion that fellow cows Mariah (momokun) and Vamplette are the OPs of every farm thread and are solely responsible for the surfacing of her pastLast Milk Delivery:
>Kevin took to reddit to defend Lori against the waves of comments calling out her past and creepy editing >>>/w/146499 >Threatened physical violence against redditors >>>/w/146500 >Lori shifts her focus to posting in Cosplay groups on Facebook resulting in wild cow sightings >>>/w/146578 >Kevin continues his sperging on Facebook, leaning even heavier into the Momo/Vamp conspiracy >>>/w/146741 >Word of Usagi Kou rising from the dead spreads through the cosplay subreddit where Kevin posted her, digital slap fights ensue >>>/w/146876 >Kevin has his meltdown on the Anime Expo Fans page complaining about the "toxicity" of Cosplayers >>>/w/146895 >Commenters own Kevin by pointing out the obvious about Lori and condemning her shoops and attitude >>>/w/146904 >Kevin rage quits and deletes all the L's he took publicly >Lori asks where her "Utah homies" are at AKA "somebody come save me" >>>/w/147542 >Kevin comes to the thread to defend Lori, gets his feefees hurt and threatens to kill an anon >>>/w/147771 >Upset nobody is harassing the neighsayers, Kevin takes to harassing individual cosplayers on Instagram >>>/w/148648 >Lori asks for contact with some sort of Google employee, presumably seeking someone to wipe her threads and drama from the first pages (get owned by SEO Lori 'Lorena Cerda' Lewd) >>>/w/154464 >Lori debuts a naked Umaru-chan cosplay, new skinwalk? >>>/w/154666 >DJ Ranmas is back to sucking on Lori's saggy asshole >>>/w/155149 >Farmers bust Lori's Photoshop before the poor old girl can even refresh the thread >>>/w/155493 With Lori increasing her visibility on social media Kevin doesn't have, his death threats & her cries for help, we can only assume the two are at each other's necks. IRL yandere / deredere drama, not exactly the kind of IRL anime vibe they were going for. Time for another episode of the Kev and Lori show!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
YouTube videos:
>VangelinaSkov's videos>Buffering Cat's breakdown>Lori's racism
>Monster Girl Vibes:>Personal FB: >Kevin’s FB : >Lori’s Instagram: >Kevin’s Instagram: >Twitter: >DA: >Etsy: >OnlyFans: >Patreon: >Amazon Wishlist: Archived Milk:
>pockybox investigations >wank about the rape incident >usagi’s wank page >tgtn attesting to Lori's cancerous nature >Djranma’s site >Lori's psycho response to Scott's confession >cringe engagement video posted by Kevin >cringe ED article >the sailor moon movie Misc.:
>Lori’s KF thread Dead Accounts: No. 155634
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>>155617Nice organization OP, saw some things I haven't seen yet, like the Sailormoon movie.
Even back then she was using extensions that never matched her bleached hair or roots.
No. 155648
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This is from her story today, I turned down the brightness to where it was pre filters, compared it to her posts on insta. The skin whitening is out of control. She's so ashamed of her race it's sad. It only comes out as a "gotcha" to accuse haters of racism. Yuck.
No. 155652
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Samefagging forgive me but oh my god I put clarity on 25% and this foundation is separating so bad, I can't believe she goes out like that. Also kek at the black line where her nose originally was and the blown up bug eyes with sharpened pupils.
No. 155653
>>155650She probably watches YouTube and plays WoW. She's always posting pics where you can see her watching old musicals from her YouTube playlists she made in her Moonie days (sailormoonftw is her channel btw.) She plays dress up, buys clothes, reposts photos, scams on her OF, checks her thread religiously and then sleeps when she wants. Kevin has admitted all this. She is just a slovenly NEET neckbeard in loli clothing.
>>155652Funny how as soon as
>>155648 was posted she posted an unfiltered story that shows her skin tone. Lurk harder you aging hag. You're only getting wrinklier and more bald.
No. 155667
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Convinced still that Lori proofreads every post he makes. Why is he so desperate for this shitty brand to notice him?
No. 155668
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Good job OP. On new thread.
No. 155670
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Meme dump
No. 155671
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No. 155693
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They are broke as fuck.
No. 155714
>>155711They will beg their way into one. They lied about knowing someone sick with Covid to get a free year of WoW. If they had to put Kev in a wheelchair and make him drool on himself and scream to get discounted or free entry to any event, they would. They have no shame and will go to any lengths to get what they want.
And we all know how badly they want to flex on the haters (and Momokun) at a con. They hovered around her at the last AX they went to kek. They won't pass up a chance to harass moo and start drama.
No. 155732
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New low for Looni kek
Her teeth look so warped and she fucked up her hand, the extensions are begging for death.
No. 155733
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Cuck is still on soft or hard block
No. 155737
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fixed it for you lori, this is more accurate to reality lol
No. 155751
>>155652Sage for nitpicking. She's probably wearing some shitty matte foundation. Which, for older women, it's not really the best choice. It really will set into her fine lines and wrinkles.
If I had to wager, she knows nothing about skincare. She probably buys shitty overpriced products filled with shit ingredients and fragrances under the assumption that because it's being sold and Sephora, and expensive, that she's actually taking care of her skin. lol
No. 155794
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I have a theory that Lori is insanely busted right now due to the stress and has been posting month old photos and stories. I thought this post was new because she posted a story in the dress that day, turns out this set is over a month old. I think she's hiding for a reason and throwing up some of her thousands of pics to pretend everything is fine and she still looks good.
I don't believe it for a second. I want to see that hag as she is now, if she's been posting old photos for this long she must be fucked up looking. Probably too poor to do her roots or nails so she's cried herself to sleep the last three days.
For all we know Lori could have taken every photo she will ever post like a year ago. That just makes me want to see her IRL or candids even more. If we thought AX was bad, I don't even want to think about the near future LMAO
No. 155818
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Kevin out here thinking he's creating trends by wearing generic street wear, kek.
No. 155821
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>>155818>Creating trendsI'm going to collapse a lung from laughing. I want to see /fa/ eat this dude alive.
Lori is still spamming the same 3 photo sets to Cosplay groups. She really is the laziest costhot
No. 155826
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Speaking of creating trends, Lori invented elf ears, e-girl blush, and puffed cheeks.
No. 155840
>>155830Oh my god I'm cackling so hard the echo can be heard from S P A C E
he IS an unseasoned raw chicken breast.
No. 155844
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>>155826She really is just repeating the same behaviors over and over. Nose bridge blush and elf ears have trended in Japanese media (where she gets her entire everything from) for decades. Elf ears filters have also been trending in the west since Instagram launched the filter feature. Delulu!
I don't know how someone so painfully average can attribute so much to themselves like anyone even knows who the fuck they are outside of the cowverse.
No. 155854
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Are we supposed to believe he's happy? He looks soulless.
No. 155889
>>155844Yeah but the difference is that in Japanese media, they do the nose blushing correctly. Even loads of actual good cosplayers are able to make it look good which is a stark difference from Lori, who sucks so much shit at all kinds of makeup that it just looks like a huge rash or like she got punched in the nose specifically.
She probably thinks that she started the trend because nobody else has done it as poorly as she has and posted it publicly, where people can actually see the embarrassment. And she's still living in the delusions that she started the elf ears when it's been a popular thing in media for a few decades now. Kek way to be a follower of trends, Lorena.
No. 155903
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Stop trying to make excuses for pedobaiting uwu
No. 155944
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Yeah they're definitely broke.
No. 155954
>>155903Yeah, same excuse used in the early aughts. "My evil
abusive religious mommy who is lesbophobic and daddy with money no care me, somebody please just buy me this little keychain I am so abused and poor" and then that snowballs into "I literally deserve everything because of what I've been a
victim of. I can't believe you would just turn on an abused latina like this. I trusted you. Now you're telling me to move out cause I won't pay rent and I'm messy?" Psycho bitch has made 0 progress in 20 years. How is that even possible. Your broken childhood doesn't excuse being an autopedophile who reposts lolicon. Doesn't excuse draining people with good hearts of their money for crap cause you can't be bothered to fucking work. Doesn't excuse sexualizing children or acting like the typical Asian woman stereotype, sexually insatiable, tiny, stupid and childlike. Deplorable actions, manipulation and hoarding can't be washed away by a boo hoo "muh poverty". She's no better than Mariah with her ADHD crutch. Rapey grifters of a feather flock together and they hate each other for reflecting themselves. I need a shower, I feel disgusting now.
No. 155968
>>155967I mean why wouldn't Moo be here? She reads her own thread all the time.
>>155966It could be a random oldfag, but the comment is such a vapid nitpick and Lori and Kev love coming here and fanning flames. They've tried defending themselves, posting selfies, saying "stay mad" samefagging (I have the feeling they keep kitty posting out of spite since every farmer hates kitty) so it just seemed like the case. It's been a few months since we've had them visit their own thread too.
No. 155969
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Does he have nothing better to do than obsessive brag about his cardboard styling? Get a job or a better life purpose. They are both so tacky.
No. 155975
>>155969>always a pile of clothes, shoes or junk in the back of every photo Lori and Kev takethis makes me reeee how hard is it to clean and fold when you're at home all day? How do they not suffocate themselves in that space that's just accumulating more and more useless impulse buys?
>>155970based old lady cat group anon
No. 155977
>>155968I hope you're right anon because that would be hilarious if it was found to be either one of them, but I also think it's a little more common among oldfags than some farmers might imagine.
>>155969His combover in this is hysterical. I don't understand how some anons itt can thirst over him. He looks like an unwashed autist.
No. 155986
>>155944I'm starting to think that she goes in her car to take pics just because of the more flattering indirect lighting and pretending to go places. Then she goes back inside.
She turned the brightness to whiten her skin really high on this pic, hiding everything as usual.
>>155975It's all dirty laundry and their pics look smelly. Bet the car is a dump, too.
>>155977Bet the thirst posts were his own..
No. 155989
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From KF, wild Lori spotting in a fake makeup shaming group on Facebook
No. 155990
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>>155986Apparently she does have the gall to leave the house.
No. 156001
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No. 156002
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No. 156006
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>>156004Yes anon. She's saying she looks even older. Cropped my petty messages cause not milky but this is her last response, she said she has musty energy. I'm dying.
No. 156008
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>>156001>>156002>>156006>she just looks dirtytop fucking kek.
No. 156011
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>>156009It's the tall tees he wears. They make his torso look really long. I never noticed the baby legs tho fucking kek
No. 156019
>>156006The idea Lori looks
worse than the comparison images everyone uses ITT, plus the fact this anon messaged the person who saw her irl like
ok, but how old are we talking is so funny, and adds an interesting dimension to the recent breakdown Kevin had when he spent a whole day trying to assure strangers on Reddit and Facebook that Lori really looks like her shoops.
No. 156043
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>has to literally beg and grovel for subs
>complains about bills she can't pay
>Kevin can't afford real clothes or a phone
>posts this like it's a flex and not exposing her for being a materialistic cunt who can't stop lying to get shiny things
She's like a retarded ass bird that just collects shiny stuff despite it never making a solid nest.
No. 156050
>>156044A keychain or something equally laughable and for poor people who LARP as wealthy.
>>156047Oh absolutely. Everything she owns aside from the Dolls Kill is Chinese sweatshop crap. The plushies, lingerie, props. Even DK is flammable sweatshop trash, it's just a "certified LLC"
No. 156056
>>156001>>156002>>156006Tremendous, I hope they get candids! It makes sense that she looks grimier and older than the pics IRL because even the pics are taken from a distance and those were from over 3 years ago now.
>>156043Remember her fake LV mask? She probably bought a fake box on ebay for ten or so dollars, since that's the amount she usually spends on everything she does.
No. 156059
>>156056Usually I would say that's ridiculous but Lori is such a materialistic poorfag that she would absolutely buy a box or a fake box on eBay and put another knockoff in it.
Even if she did buy real LV trinkets, you can buy a lot for under $100. Laces, belt buckles, keychains, mini bags, just dumb tourist shit to prove you shopped at LV.
No. 156060
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Lori is fuming because she's limited comments on pretty much every share or public post she has made. Don't worry, hag. Someone posted your Kiwi thread in that makeup group that has tens of thousands of REAL members. Hundreds of which laughed at you and asked for the tea. Enjoy that wave of recognition, you're famous, Abuela!
No. 156063
>>156059Agreed, the overpriced small goods are something Lori would buy online except she was e-begging for her ferrets vet bills just recently.
She would never go to a store in person because she knows she can't afford anything.
No. 156064
>>156060But how can this be? The haters are all momokun! Right?
RIGHT?! /s
I checked that makeup post and it was so active that the admins had to shut off commenting.
No. 156068
>>156067over 300 comments! Most of them saying Lori is Asian fishing and a racist for using Chinese beauty apps and a few white knights saying OP was jealous, but also a lot of them remembered her as Usagi Kou and that she made Kevin stab himself
Her kiwi farms and cow threads were linked and lots of people asking for the tea.
No. 156090
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They went to an actual LV store according to Kevin. He wore a dirty black t-shirt and was complimented.
No. 156095
>>156094If what Kev says is true then they actually did go to the LV store and purchase something after begging for money.
No. 156097
>>156090Why would he post this a day later? And not take a pic at the store or something?
"They complimented me" sounds like Loony fiction. Anyone working in luxury who compliments them like that is doing it because they're calling attention to how they're wearing fake clothes.
No. 156108
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>>156077Not that anon but I'm going through the comments and this person who confused Lori for Momokun is my favorite so far.
No. 156123
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This is sad. She has a shopping addiction and she's baiting people with pity, just like shes always done.
No. 156124
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Samefagging but those purple toes. Cut off circulation is so kawaii.
No. 156271
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Another new faces to add to the pile. No surprise she wasted money on those stupid cat hands. Not even my 10 year old niece would want that crap. Guess she thinks she found a new way to hide her old lady witch hands.
No. 156285
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Looks like she's doing an armpit check to see if it stinks.
No. 156312
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>>156308NTA but here’s the post that says she made it. Other anon is right though. it really looks like a bush.
No. 156322
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The only replies Kevin ever gets on his Lori threads are comments about the over editing. Bottom comment got removed by a mod but you can still see it on the user's page. Screenshot also shows these replies are in the "Moo moo Saber" thread.
No. 156327
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sage for autism. What, exactly, does Lori think this is going to do to get her more "seMpais"?
No. 156439
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from her facebook, this is what she got from LV
No. 156441
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No. 156444
>>156441That's the Louisette Bracelet, $400.
They're really struggling I guess!
No. 156447
>>156439She got the cheapest costume jewels she could find in store.
I bet she's seething because Moo is wearing real gold pieces worth more than her life kek.
No. 156516
>>156507A wallet would be too far out of her range unless it was a card holder.
This was a pointless spend, especially since it will tarnish before she ever has reason to wear it outside.
No. 156530
>>156439It looks kinda used and tarnished already (hence the purposeful blur). Wouldn't be surprised if she got it off of ebay for less.
Hope people take this post into account the next time she ebegs for subs or money.
No. 156537
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I couldn't sleep last night so I made this KEK I really should have added the bracelet she just got
No. 156566
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>>156530Even better it's fake.
Dead giveaway is the cable chain links. Her knockoff chain links are larger and round where the real LV chain is tighter with little to no gap.
There's a reason she blurred the image and didn't focus on the LV engraving.
Side by side comparison
No. 156568
>>156521Costume jewellery from LV is literally designed and priced for uneducated people like her.
>>156566She probably bought it from amazon or aliexpress.
No. 156572
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>>156566Holy shit. Just when we thought it couldn't get more pathetic.
No. 156592
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No. 156604
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>>156566>>156592And the absolute cherry on the top is Kevin's fake story about the LV employee that complemented his aliexpress ugly shoes.
Like, goddamn these two make me laugh so hard
No. 156629
>>156592it's also alllll over taobao since it is one of LV's more basic pieces, it is easier to replicate.
A lot of the sellers are shady af too, and are using authentic LV stock photos for their listings.
No. 156693
>>156689There's no way those two would dare go in any store other than F21 dressing the way they do. If that did happen, we would have seen at least some pics or video of them looking like clowns.
Even for something on the lowest tier of products, where it was clearly a lot of money for them, she would have been offered to get it engraved or personalized for free. It's unusual she didn't do that, and toaster quality pics aside that's the biggest giveaway.
No. 156696
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It’s been decades sweetie. You need to move on.
No. 156715
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>>156696>hotter than you low bar
No. 156760
>>156756I can see her having been bullied for being a weebshit herself by normalfags, then bullying other weebshits during the Sailormoon skinwalking phase.
The way that she's using memes to pretend she's "hot" and able to afford things is such a cope for how her real face and bottom feeder lifestyle turned out.
No. 156777
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Classy, baby's first props on top of baby's first counterfeit. Imagine how dusty everything is. The way she keeps boxes and constantly has to have her most expensive stuff out in plain view drives me insane. Its not even in places that make sense. Just randomly strewn across the floor and crammed into nooks on her cluttered dresser. Just go full hoarder.
No. 156789
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(Took the image from another thread, but i checked the news as well to verify). So, looks like OF is looking to get rid of adult content. Will she look for an actual job or try harder to ditch Kev?
No. 156814
File: 1624316736658.jpg (44.88 KB, 1280x546, IMG_20210621_155655_643.jpg)

That's okay. If OnlyFans isn't an option anymore, Lori can always be hired as a cosplayer or a booth babe at conventions!
No. 156827
>>156814I work in an account coordination firm that supplies/reaches out to influencers for gaming cons and such and I can tell you right now they are massively strict about who they hire. One second google and all of lori's drama is everywhere and they would
not want that associated with their game. Not even talking about how ugly and haggard and old she looks, that's a whole other thing– but you don't hire anyone whose personal life takes attention away from the cosplay/game. It just becomes a waste of money for the clients. There are very few exceptions (EG jnig, kamui who have their own drama, but nothing like this) if they're very famous/well known/liked/talented. Not even ready raider would touch her lol.
Kevin's "I'll kill you all" sperg was probably the biggest nail to that coffin on top of her own drama. I really hope she tries some how to apply because she would be laughed at so hard.
No. 156828
>>156814do they have plans to attend any conventions this year? cons are coming back and kev said he was going to work on some cosplay. i can't imagine they would attend knowing people would want to get candids of lori.
>>156827anon, what happens in the con scene if someone says something like that on social media and it's capped? some anons in here said that would get them banned from events but am pretty sure Moo was "banned" and still showed up to cons
No. 156829
>>156827It really is incredible. Lori was laying low and hadn't really made any waves since the late 2000s. She could have reinvented herself, made a half hearted apology to the community (if it was necessary), and been accepted back into the cosplay world. They're a bunch of degenerates anyway and I don't think they would've cared about old drama from over a decade ago.
But that isn't what happened. She got with Kevin (seemingly only to stick it to her ex Rikki) and this is her life now, managing a sperging man-baby by providing him with gaming accounts so he will stop crying on the internet about how bad the relationship is.
What a gift for us on lolcow though.
No. 156832
File: 1624326381836.jpg (69.44 KB, 1280x897, IMG_20210621_184321_192.jpg)

Kevin updated his Instagram bio to let us know that a YouTube/Twitch account is coming soon. I sincerely hope this happens.
No. 156833
>>156811>40yo weeb in retailAt that age people expect social skills and experience. Nobody would want her, not even Hot Topic.
>>156814When was she ever hired for a con or booth? Usually when someone is hired for this, they have a track record of bringing value. I bet she has been applying non-stop with her catfish pics and people keep finding her real pics.
No. 156834
File: 1624326594917.png (3.52 MB, 1525x2048, Screenshot_20210621-184811.png)

uwu forever loli desu
No. 156848
File: 1624335523878.png (3.06 MB, 1440x1471, deshoop.png)

>>156845Definitely a deshoop, no way would Lori out herself like this. The exposure has been turned down, the face enlongated and the waist straightened.
I added the Instagram photo on the right for comparison, right is what Lori posted 10 hours ago. Left is an anon's deshoop.
No. 156853
File: 1624338137077.jpg (106.35 KB, 1080x1080, 11fatt1535583949862.jpg)

>>156848nice job to the original deshoop anon, many keks
reminds me a fair bit of this unedited nugget
No. 156856
>>156829You're absolutely right. She could have easily pulled a "that was over a decade ago! I'm a changed person!" and kept up appearances, but unfortunately for her, her brain is too small and her ego too massive. kek
>>156848I really hope she attends some cons in some of her new outfits. I don't doubt for a minute that deshop is at least 90% accurate
No. 156872
File: 1624355777485.png (2.49 MB, 1440x2143, SDpidKFWRbLt.png)

I just can't imagine anyone would want ass pics this fucking weird. Does Kevin not take her pics anymore?
No. 156897
File: 1624375297509.png (1.98 MB, 1151x2048, Screenshot_20210622-082032.png)

Sempai pls
No. 156911
>>156872Especially with the stupid expression.
I wonder what colour her skin really is because she makes hers look so white to hide imperfections that everyone can tell it is over edited. There are probably veins and stretch marks all over.
No. 156951
File: 1624397278908.jpg (4.43 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_06-22-02.24.32.jpg)

Her editing is so bad. It's the most inconsistent I've ever seen. These are untouched, just compiled for comparison.
No. 156952
File: 1624397378873.jpg (3.3 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_06-22-02.25.17.jpg)

Loli elf queen goddessu, do you think she left the house like this?
No. 156965
File: 1624403958648.png (2.03 MB, 3403x1279, perfectfeet.png)

If you say so, Lori.
No. 156973
File: 1624406764214.png (Spoiler Image,3.61 MB, 2048x1982, Screenshot_20210622-170211.png)

>>156965Perfect petite gentle loli feet uwu
No. 156975
File: 1624407496595.jpeg (89.9 KB, 365x302, 73352EF9-23A7-4A1F-8C19-594A05…)

Why is the space so fucking big.. ugly ass gremlin feet
No. 156976
File: 1624408084212.jpg (162.14 KB, 911x1280, IMG_20210622_172602_304.jpg)

After driving off hundreds of friends and people who were genuinely interested in Kevin's cosplay, he now half heartedly begs for people to pay him for prop making tips.
No. 156991
>>156975That shit needs to be spoilered. She has misshapen feet with hammer toes. It's sad that she continues to insist she has a perfect uwu body when nobody is paying to see it.
>>156978It's quite shameless how they've resorted to begging.
No. 156993
>>156983It's from body filters kek
>>156988>did somebody message himNobody talks to Kevin but his brother I can promise you that much. He's just doing what Lori does, hell it might even be her typing it since he's proven to be quite unhinged.
No. 157002
>>156998Just like Loony telling people to join her OF to find out where on aliexpress she bought her LV.
I can't get over the sheer audacity of the two of them. Both thinking they're famous, interesting and even worth paying to interact with kek.
No. 157023
File: 1624455898198.png (433.82 KB, 1080x1831, Screenshot_20210623-064122~2.p…)

>>157006Funny you bring it up, she has an Amazon Influencer storefront but abandoned it because nobody cares. She thinks that she's going to "influence" people (specifically younger women) to buy her Amazon clothes and copy her faces so she can become a popular girl and trendsetter. The hag forgot her only followers are bots, AGP goblins, sissy maskers and people's stepdads.
Meaty Kek at her profile pics and how edited they are.
No. 157024
File: 1624455996363.png (645.92 KB, 1212x2048, Screenshot_20210623-064107.png)

If you look long enough you can find her Amazon reviews talking about how tiny she is.
No. 157028
>>157006The irony is they don't even listen to what their miniscule audience asks for.
If Kevin made a video documenting how they're cosplaying at walmart or an OF exposing Loony's candids, people might actually pay to see the cringe.
>>157023Wow this is so edited, are you able to get it larger? It would make great fodder for those transformation gifs across all her face edits.
No. 157031
File: 1624461927026.jpg (3.81 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_06-23-08.24.11.jpg)

>>157028Collaged so I don't have to spam pics. These are only from early to mid 2020. Her editing changes so much and so drastically. These are her two pfps and worst edits from that era.
No. 157032
File: 1624462097598.png (2.98 MB, 1829x2048, Screenshot_20210623-082726.png)

>>157031Sorry this is the right profile pic, I dropped it
No. 157040
File: 1624468253342.jpg (182.04 KB, 1600x869, intro skin-movietheater1564691…)

>>157039Right on with that read. That's been said for the last few threads, everything she does is a response to farmers. At this point "making it" and money are secondary. Lori realizes that our attention and contempt is the closest she'll get to a large community of women giving her attention for her looks and boyfriend. She so badly is trying to continue her Usagi golden days by retracing her steps and trying to do all the same tricks. We're all she has, all the other eyes on her don't know her history so to them she looks like a cracky loon in teen clothes.
No. 157044
File: 1624470747427.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1880, Screenshot_20210623-103342~2.p…)

Baby face? She looks so fucking gross what the hell is with her body dysmorphia hahah
No. 157046
File: 1624472546813.png (119.26 KB, 328x499, Gilgamesh_Babylonia_Singularit…)

>>157044Looks like we can expect to see Kevin dressing up as Gilgamesh from Fate/Grand Order based on the thing on her head.
No. 157050
File: 1624472844190.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1125x2087, D7052D98-30F2-43EF-84BD-0E0A06…)

Same fag what is that black spot on her leg if that’s a mole she should get it checked out cause black moles could be cancer but then again they don’t have money to go see a doctor they need to buy cheap cosplay hats lol
No. 157060
File: 1624477473906.jpg (172.88 KB, 1080x1681, 666e.jpg)

She never vacuums, explains why she's always covered in hair, makes me wonder if her 'moles' are sometimes just crumbs and dirt sticking to her. Sooo gross.
No. 157062
File: 1624477542466.jpg (50.55 KB, 1080x295, Gross.jpg)

Smoking and never dusting is also making her ceiling and walls musty. She really is rank and probably smells like bong water and Body Fantasy Japanese Cherry Blossom.
No. 157063
>>157060Thanks I would have never guess!
good to know it’s just poop on her leg haha!
No. 157069
File: 1624478873818.jpg (2.17 MB, 1829x2031, Screenshot_20210623-082726_mr1…)

>>157032I have too much fun deshopping. I think I'm getting closer to her real face
No. 157073
File: 1624482370570.png (3.06 MB, 1080x1923, Screenshot_20210623-140023~2.p…)

>I love archive fashion
He says with his secondhand Moschino knockoffs. Cheap hardware, the foil is cracking, everything is awful. He looks like he raided a Ross dress for less.
No. 157074
File: 1624482455707.png (1.16 MB, 1443x2048, Screenshot_20210623-140120.png)

These are very yellow, their filters wash everything out
No. 157093
File: 1624497237048.png (2.22 MB, 1080x1884, Screenshot_20210623-181219~2.p…)

>>156537 must have gotten to her KEK
No. 157094
File: 1624497291141.png (3.88 MB, 1995x2048, Screenshot_20210623-181224.png)

Love how shes forcing a worse expression just for farmers. Everyone clap for the cow!
No. 157095
File: 1624498740633.jpg (154.88 KB, 791x1279, IMG_20210623_183809_249.jpg)

>>157094Here's the pic with feet included..
No. 157096
>>157031That top right pic is pathetic, she wishes she was a child but doesn't understand anatomy.
>>157039>>157040She's running herself and Kevvy deep into debt trying to impress us.
No. 157103
File: 1624505621021.jpg (65.36 KB, 1280x948, IMG_20210623_192036_633.jpg)

Kevin changed his Instagram bio again and now it says "hypebeast cosplayer." Lori must have allowed him to put her back in his bio but she still won't follow him.
No. 157107
File: 1624510674440.jpg (153.26 KB, 782x1280, IMG_20210623_215629_844.jpg)

Kevin's a shoe reviewer now.
No. 157142
>>157140I thought Loony's trashy room was for show since it had her desktop pc up until Kevin said those were "his" toys.
I bet when they get along, they sleep on that slouchy air mattress thing and at other times he's just on the couch like
>>157129 said.
No. 157145
>>157069This isn't PULL, stop
>>157094Is she wearing a Burger King crown to show that she supports racists or to try to associate with memeing teenagers or literal children or what. I mean I guess we know she can't cook but yikes
No. 157146
>>156976It's honestly hilarious and a little sad. If he had taken the time to build up a portfolio, build a website and continue to build his following like he started out, he could be making some money on selling armor tips/tricks or commissions.
No one is looking at his content now because of his freak-outs, and no one is just going to give him money for "tips". He's just trying to find ways to beg for money at this point.
No. 157147
>>157145It was
>>156537 that set her off. She's wearing it to let us know she's 'watching us' or whatever.
No. 157149
File: 1624552496582.png (2.21 MB, 1159x2048, Screenshot_20210624-093148.png)

Yeah, like what? Youvimi and Apsanil? None of them are reputable or quality Lorena. You respond to bots and take codes from dropshippers. She's literally just looking for a reason to get compliments on her hair because she knows how fried it is. It looks like it won't grow much further which is even funnier considering how much she loves to brag about her perfect princess hair. You're shedding at a staggering rate so maybe you SHOULD invest in some wigs, hag.
No. 157158
File: 1624560873220.jpeg (815.91 KB, 1242x1256, 97EFDD70-4527-4208-A5D2-CCBD80…)

Kevo confirmed to be stuffed in the living room. Lorena even let him get his own floor length Walmart mirror. How sweet.
No. 157163
File: 1624563326709.jpg (63.46 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8…)

No. 157167
File: 1624566693370.png (2.54 MB, 1137x2048, Screenshot_20210624-132909.png)

>>157163Thanks for the bump, sage your autism next time.
She's just straight given up
No. 157183
File: 1624574438489.jpeg (259.55 KB, 1080x1440, E4p63hlVIAAIMvk.jpeg)

Dirty towels on the floor, trash bags stuffed into closet
No. 157219
File: 1624590727893.png (2.28 MB, 1166x2048, Screenshot_20210624-200939.png)

Okay… Me too and I'm 5'6" we own a few of the same pairs of socks and I can promise you that's not indicative of you being 5'0" EXACTLY. 0 days without Looni mentioning how short she is.
No. 157220
>>157219kek i think
>>157060 got to her, she's sitting on a blanket now. also looks like she might be trying to show how clean her room is now with showing more bg. lurk harder loony
No. 157224
>>157219Her height isn't why those socks are long. Her short stubby legs is why. She wears them high to fake having shape.
>>157221If she was offered money to be on an episode of hoarders she should take it. Imagine her and Kevin in HD wearing weeb counterfeit goods crying as their life's work of collecting junk is thrown into the trash.
No. 157242
File: 1624616074359.png (1.92 MB, 1280x2062, makesmemad.png)

Kek, even Lori's real followers are calling out her bot followers without realizing it.
No. 157243
>>157242I dunno, that person's profile pic is an ass so they are probably also an ethot. Which means they would know how common it is for losers to purchase bot follows
I bet that person is calling attention to the wonky numbers on purpose as a kind of dig at Lori.
No. 157247
File: 1624627593112.png (1.52 MB, 1183x2048, Screenshot_20210625-062244.png)

She wants to look 8 years old but the hands say AARP member
No. 157253
File: 1624633406162.png (344.15 KB, 1173x2048, Screenshot_20210625-080115.png)

Posts incoming; here's why your ranking doesn't mean shit Loti
No. 157254
File: 1624633447756.png (425.97 KB, 1488x2048, Screenshot_20210625-080203.png)

>0 likes in 9 minutes but you're in the top 2.9% of the creme de la creme
No. 157255
File: 1624633474032.png (327.67 KB, 1165x2048, Screenshot_20210625-080216.png)

Her engagement is the lowest it's ever been since she started OF
No. 157256
File: 1624633519035.png (311.37 KB, 1188x2048, Screenshot_20210625-080233.png)

Previous posts would get 10-15 likes now she's maxed out at 9 LMAO
No. 157260
>>157253 It is possible she is making that much. The low engagement could just be because she does most of her stuff in ppw and therefore 1 on 1 contact instead.
But it is also incredibly easy to go take a schreentshot from someone else and say oMg u gUyS iM toTeS tOp 2%, and we already know she lies a lot so im gonna lean towards that.
No. 157280
i'm not a mathfag but let's try this.
>How much approximately does she bring home in a month as top ~3% creator? Follow along if you'd like, link is here for lazy anons. sense to start at June. From the first all the way to today, excluding days without posts, lets look at the likes. It's not exact but it shows who is actively liking her stuff, they likely buy her dm content regularly.
>June 1st7 likes
>June 3rd (3 posts)9 likes
>June 5th (old content pre-new phone)12 likes
>June 7th11 likes
>June 8th (3 posts)9 likes
>June 9th (two posts)10 likes
>June 10th13 likes
>June 11th11 likes
>June 12th12 likes
>June 13th 12 likes
>June 15th 10 likes
>June 16th13 likes
>June 18th7 likes
>June 19th (two posts)9 likes
>June 20th (two posts)7 likes
>June 21st6 likes
>June 22nd4 likes
>June 23rd6 likes
>June 24th 6 likes
>June 25th (today as i'm writing)currently one post at 3 likes
10 likes per post on average, we know she at least has 17 active subscribers. If she's charging $10/mos and we assume they're buying single month memberships, that's $170 a month. If they buy longer memberships its actually less for her. But lets stic with this since we can clearly tell each month the numbers drop. Signs point to most people only staying a month. OF allows tips too we can't forget, with those in account she probably rakes in near or a little over $200. Now OF takes a 20% cut so that'd leave her with $140-170 give or take. I'm sure there's random fat tips here and there and it's rough but even then this is sad. Why would you ruin you reputation, risk employment discrimination, family issues and risk parasitic sexual relationships with random men when your state offers a minimum of around $100 and a max of $780 for disability? Especially when you supposedly have a disability severe s spinal injury/deformation. I guess being a cheap trick is her dream after all?
No. 157288
>>157257I made around $200 a month when I did OF and it said I was top 30%. the % ranking means nothing.
sage for thottery
No. 157289
>>157253I would bet she’s managed to hook a couple pedo/weeb scrotes who whale for her. Since OF ranking is based on monthly earnings, and her interaction is so low, I think if she is actually in top 3% she’s doing personalized vids/pics and a handful of gross dipshits are paying BIG bucks for them. There are a lot of sick fucks out there willing to pay big money on “young looking” girls doing personalized shit on video for them. She mentioned foot fetish stuff too, which can make big money, but her feet are hideous and strange so idk how that works for her. In addition to all that, she probably gets funds from curious people subbing to her OF from her insta every month.
2.9% isn’t /super/ impressive. I’m sure with dedication a lot of women could hit top 5% in their first month or two. And on OF those decimals matter. The difference in the earnings of a 2.9% and a 2.5% is thousands of dollars. Plus the constant influx of women trying out OF and either stopping or not doing well will continue to push top earners up, since the ranking is based on your earnings compared to others. You don’t start making absurd amounts of fuck-you cash until you break 2.0%. But 2.9% would still be over $5k a month probably.
Also keep in mind the type of men who use OF. They don’t care about the filters. They don’t care about the spazzy movements. They don’t care about barely getting content. They don’t care about Lori’s past. They just want to get off.
No. 157293
I don’t know how reliable this site is but if these stats are correct there’s no way she’s top 2.9%. Estimates only 200+ subs.
Also huge kek at “ Listed in categories: #big ass, #feet” No. 157300
>>157261The recent meltdowns must be over getting exposed on the fake LV.
She never tags the stores or takes pics at the stores because she can't and didn't shop anywhere in person.
>>157295Also, most ethots I assume know how to hold a conversation. I can imagine hers are all about begging for more money.
>>157289>gross dipshits are paying BIG bucks for themIf that was true, we'd have seen major changes in her life. She hasn't improved but has actually regressed in the past months.
No. 157304
>>157300My guess is if she is actually a top 3% earner (possibly $3.5k~$5k / month or more) and not just straight up lying, then the reason we haven’t seen her situation improve is because she’s either:
1.) paying for all of her and Kevin’s expenses and rent. Neither of them seem to be responsible with money at all and are constantly blowing cash on overpriced, retarded Chinese garbage.
Do we know if Kevin even has a job currently?
2.) Saving up a lot to move out of Utah and away from Kevin and maybe get a place in CA or NY or some other overpriced shithole
It’s so hard for me to believe she’s a top 3% earner given the situation her and Kevin are in, though. She was literally just begging for help with $600 vet bills a month or two ago and Kevin is constantly complaining about his lack of funds.
No. 157305
File: 1624652655716.png (2.25 MB, 1202x2048, Screenshot_20210625-131905.png)

STFU Lori you're infamous for being a raging narcissist and bully to literal teenagers as a 35 year old. You're an insecure sagging cunt and I hope Momo eats you whole at the next con you attend. I can't wait for all the candids. So many more people are watching her and most of them are in the community. Ugh, it's going to be like the keek leaks all over again.
No. 157306
File: 1624652710541.png (2.29 MB, 1104x2048, Screenshot_20210625-131841.png)

Bakadouche at it again with the moon boots.
No. 157310
>>157304>Saving upLori would never.
She's just too retarded. Anytime she a little money she spends it all in one go in attempts to impress us. I imagine their credit card debt is massive.
No. 157311
>>157261"Local stores" aka swap meets
>>157305"conventions are opening back up so be kinder to each other" oh yeah? like when your husband raped a disabled girl and you told her to kill herself? or do you want people to be nice when they see your haggard ass unshooped granny face kek
No. 157337
File: 1624664715465.jpg (14.02 KB, 319x319, 5IOFLpwf_400x400.jpg)

>Brown lady
My sides, wtf did he mean by this
No. 157341
File: 1624667596953.png (3.16 MB, 1549x2048, Screenshot_20210625-173139.png)

I need an art anon to do a detailed Lori portrait like the ones anons make for Mariah. The absolute state of her room.
No. 157342
File: 1624669199807.png (543.31 KB, 2048x1273, Screenshot_20210625-175934.png)

No. 157349
File: 1624680972747.png (1.42 MB, 1153x2048, Screenshot_20210625-211601.png)

Some beautiful fan art from kiwi
No. 157351
File: 1624681335722.png (2.31 MB, 1212x2048, Screenshot_20210625-212045.png)

Miccostumes side account reposted Lori but confused her with another shoop costhot KEK
No. 157352
File: 1624681396513.png (1.41 MB, 1114x2048, Screenshot_20210625-212119.png)

The acct in question if anyone wants to look, it's nothing milky but she's absolutely FaceApped into oblivion.
No. 157354
>>157338>>157340Good catch, the colour of the mirror changing shows how extreme Loony is filtering her skin to look white.
Imagining them carrying that stupid mirror around the apt to make selfies because they can't simply ask the other to take pics.
>>157337Maybe he saw her candids and is pointing out her
WOC status as a Spanish lady.
No. 157355
File: 1624685175851.jpg (158.1 KB, 787x1280, IMG_20210625_221440_378.jpg)

New feet pic
No. 157359
>>157354Something I didn't realize until now is there's actually three mirrors in her room, the silver or white one the detailed border, a bright teal one, and then the one a couple posts above me that's plain white.
The recent ones with different mirrors than the usual intricate border mirror give an um, interesting perspective into what her room really looks like.
No. 157384
File: 1624713359362.jpg (72.5 KB, 446x1152, 3ADAu9p2gg8WjlWzUWYXfFvUBPOCbt…)

>>157355she is posing like tracer to hide her jowls lol
No. 157390
>>157382I’m sure that’s her bedroom cause it’s the room with that computer in it as pictured here
>>157219 so they must have moved her couch to the bedroom and made Kevin make the living room like his bedroom you can also see in Kevin’s photos he always has that dirty flower styled carpet on the floor and you can see the sliding door for the patio or backyard in his photos
No. 157392
File: 1624717545982.jpeg (1.53 MB, 2880x3840, 4DBEB879-28EF-4651-9BF7-71A33D…)

You can see the same poster and cosplay prop they have up on the wall in the living room
No. 157408
>>157399I bet they aren't engaged anymore and it's all just an act to keep farmers at bay. I don't believe for a second that they even like each other or that it's going to last past the end 2021. Once that lease is up, Kev is gonna be on suicide watch and Lori is gonna be on some other dick.
>>157392This is why I think they hate each other because who the hell puts their fiancé in the living room? She treats him like a literal dog. Collar and everything. Disgusting
No. 157433
File: 1624739385077.jpg (90.64 KB, 821x1280, IMG_20210626_152821_031.jpg)

What did Kevin mean by this?
No. 157450
>>157432>>157408Kevin had his insta description as Lori’s fiance not even a week ago. It’s changed now but he seems to still think they’re “engaged”. He’s so delusional, honestly.
Meanwhile she doesn’t even follow him or engage with him online in any way lmao.
No. 157483
File: 1624771040040.jpg (571.82 KB, 2048x1146, Screenshot_20210626-221326_mr1…)

Filter glitch on a Facebook video
No. 157485
>>157483Was this the video? looks like a troon with stuff in her mouth. Hope someone saves it before she deletes it.
No. 157494
File: 1624788888050.jpeg (152.34 KB, 1203x1020, 0AF43A4D-FCAE-4178-A906-900B11…)

>>157483When the actual face looks just like de-filtered edits lmaoooo
Why the long face loon?
No. 157495
File: 1624789258404.jpeg (337.87 KB, 1194x1727, EE9C3FEC-6679-4A21-903F-3419F1…)

I wish they would’ve hit her with “a store in the city!”
No. 157545
File: 1624810506473.webm (1.41 MB, 720x964, 192846580_1544560705875364_263…)
here you go
No. 157559
>>157549It annoys me because not wearing a wig is like not wearing any makeup. It just looks off in cosplay.
And doesnt this character have flax hair anyway not almost white?
No. 157579
File: 1624824521311.jpeg (90.35 KB, 750x1000, CD681F2A-8F77-4F91-BEB2-907BB2…)

>>157576She be looking like lord Farquaad with that head shape
No. 157585
>>157549The bun is so different shade from her bangs that I wouldn't even be surprised if it was some kind of add on she can't take down since she seems to think extensions=natural hair anyway
Idk why but the vid looks like she has something in her mouth and it's super weird
No. 157601
>>157495She hasn't changed since skinwalking Sailormoon.
>>157549>>157585Lorena has fried damaged hair and is wearing cheap extensions. Sure hits differently when you're balding doing a "poof pout" to hide your nasolabials.
No. 157613
File: 1624834501963.png (1.47 MB, 1084x2048, Screenshot_20210627-155323.png)

Wtf is with her knees
No. 157615
File: 1624834585535.png (2.43 MB, 1151x2048, Screenshot_20210627-155531.png)

No. 157642
>>157060>>157062compare these to this
>>157615cleaned her carpet and put up LEDs over the musty ceiling. she's lurking incredibly hard
No. 157647
>>157617Ehhh I mean she HAS gained weight but I don't know if she's
gaining. She's certainly not thin like she was in 2017 when she was hashtagging her posts #under100lbs. I'd say she's put on a good 10-12 lbs since those days after getting with Kevin. She certainly isn't fat but she has to stretch and position herself in ways that hide her flabs. She's skinny fat. She doesn't exercise at all so that makes sense.
No. 157663
>>157654She doesn't want to admit all of her outfits amount to less than a whopper at burger king.
At the same time she wants to seem like a fashionista who found one of a kind rare gems at an adult entertainment shop kek.
No. 157666
>>157615She does look like she gained a bit of weight which is no big deal but makes the edits look even more obvious.
>>157613The shape of the calf post shoop is ridiculous.
Everytime she uses that peasant top you can see how flat chested she is.
No. 157682
File: 1624895369909.png (716.43 KB, 2048x1902, Screenshot_20210628-080128.png)

Again with the non-answers despite people already outing her for her AliExpress trash. That girl she's responding to probably intimidated her by virtue of being young KEK.
No. 157683
File: 1624895774290.jpg (378.97 KB, 1080x2037, 20210628_105558.jpg)

Did she edit this to have more hip fat than usual?
No. 157685
File: 1624897079284.jpg (928.19 KB, 1183x2048, Screenshot_20210628-091332_mr1…)

>>157683Yeah it was prob closer to this, the waist and side of her face are entirely blurred and real messy when you look hard.
No. 157703
File: 1624909090242.jpg (116.69 KB, 981x1280, IMG_20210628_143626_028.jpg)

This is that cow that self posts in the fellowship of the rainbow thread, kek.
Also "already baller lips" lmao Lori really thinks she's something special.
No. 157717
File: 1624916954821.jpg (98.19 KB, 717x1280, IMG_20210628_164658_528.jpg)

Kevin lost his fiance status and took it out of his Instagram bio so he's trying to get back into Lori's good graces by posting her to Reddit again.
The only comments that he's ever gotten on her pics have been negative. It's quite something to see. The "best" comment they have received has been that the quality of the photo is too low. Nobody wants your pics, Lori.
No. 157722
File: 1624919397136.png (1.91 MB, 1170x2048, Screenshot_20210628-094043.png)

>Kevin fucked up and owes me big time because I'm influencer royalty so I'm plotting on how I'm going to waste another $600 on Dolls Kill
Dolls Kill won't even post her to main anymore, she's not being posted as often as other e-girls on the brand Instagrams (YRU, clubexx, etc.) and her quality is declining due to the amount of filtering. She's really fucking herself over big time with this charade.
No. 157723
File: 1624919595951.png (415.16 KB, 1648x2048, Screenshot_20210628-152443.png)

Three likes in seven hours compared to the typical 2-4k she gets on insta within the same amount of time. Oof. What are you gonna do when it's con season and the mask slips Looni!?
No. 157724
File: 1624919759116.jpg (2.64 MB, 1919x2560, vnj88seigq771.jpg)

Holy fuckin shit you guys. Is she trolling us?
No. 157732
File: 1624921316167.jpg (1.58 MB, 2328x1876, fidler-crab-PS-2008-08-28-20.3…)

>>157722her hand sizes be like
No. 157740
>>157685KEK did she blur her carpet instead of running the vacuum?
No. 157758
>>157740looks like it, either that or used the acne remover/clone tool in snow/meitu
she has her PC set up in the back so who knows if she goes full kotakoti and has photoshop up at all times. wouldn't be surprised
>>157724images you can smell. we know she walks around in filth and wears shoes/smokes/has pets inside which must be pretty musty.
also re: the plushies everywhere, she's trying to keep up with the zoomer trend of squishmallows (vid attached related), hence the hoarding of them. she considers it a flex, even though she's pushing 40 and should be giving those to her children like a normal woman.
No. 157760
>>157703>baller lips>baller lighting>homiesLike a cool boomer mom. You can sense how jealous she is of 20 year olds on that post.
>>157724The same dirty room, ugly poses and faces every time…
No. 157762
File: 1624931680925.jpg (38.68 KB, 1280x537, IMG_20210628_203324_953.jpg)

Kevin and Lori switched up their Reddit bio again. They took out the "Zero tolerance for negativity. You will be reported." bit and added "influencer" to Lori's description, lol.
No. 157789
>>157785This. She never genuinely likes the things she's buying to impress us.
It's all part of her low cost attempts at skinwalking people or characters.
No. 157845
File: 1624982736539.jpg (3.18 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_06-29-09.02.47.jpg)

I put the best still from that AX fan video posted here through Remini and compared it to her cosplay pictures on Instagram from the same timeframe. Meatiest kek.
No. 157867
File: 1624992926679.jpg (207.94 KB, 512x511, Remini20210629085138086_mh1624…)

this app is beautiful
No. 157903
File: 1625004082907.jpg (1.46 MB, 1352x1720, Remini20210629145149516_mr1625…)

No. 157912
>>157907>>157903I dunno if I agree. Remini uses machine learning to fill in the gaps in a raster image. That means that a lot of times, depending on the amount of sampling the app gets, the 'gaps' are usually cloned around the pixels nearest. Essentially, her skin is way more smoother than it would be IRL. A lot of her pores, wrinkles, acne scars etc, are most likely smoothed out due to this. She 100% looks way worse than this image. You can
almost see it because the app cloned a bunch of pores all over her face. That means that irl she probably has a ton of blackheads/pores especially around her nose and cheeks around her nose. Not to mention the dry skin under the eyebags which are notoriously the first thing to show your age even through surgery (look at madonna for example, even all that surgery and her eye bags are obvious).
TLDR - App smooths it out. She is wayyyy uglier in person, and this is an old photo to boot.
No. 157935
>>157706I wish she would use a different pose other than this one. It s not in character. Makes her look harsh and stern/sharp with the same constant expression to boot.
Not to kitty fag, but the plushies are creepy part of her skin walking kitty. Kitty posted an elf IG photo and Lori put her elf ears on in the next set of her own photos. Fucking creepy man.
No. 157960
File: 1625018376871.png (672.53 KB, 1303x2048, Screenshot_20210629-185309.png)

Abuela decided he's had a long enough time out.
>>157935Don't listen to rabid anons prior, she is absolutely watching Kitty like she watches this thread. She makes her little clapbacks at farmers which includes Kitty whether the girls like it or not. I'm sure Lori's autopedophilia has to do with it too.
>>157939No, Lori just wants to flex her "real hair" and how she is too good of a cosplayer to use ugly wigs. I bet she thought she was the hottest one out of the whole video.
>>157912Yep. The app does that and all this footage is amateur and blurry anyway.
>>156001 >>156006
>>156002 solidified the fact she is haggard as fuck irl and fighting for her life to hide it. Anons are so soft on her and don't realize that we have still NEVER seen her true face.
No. 158011
File: 1625060344300.png (980.92 KB, 1080x1522, Screenshot_20210630-063612~2.p…)

Oh my god her smile is so scary what the fuck LMAO please Lori just go back to bitch face this is serial killer level shit
No. 158012
File: 1625060393743.png (2.13 MB, 1881x2048, Screenshot_20210630-063633.png)

Imagine if you saw a 27 year old man like this in public
No. 158019
>>158011She's not smiling she used facetune to edit her poof pout into a smile
>>158012He's not helping the "used q-tip" comparison with this picture topkek
No. 158036
>>158012i’ve only ever seen those shirts worn by cringey middle schoolers and here we have a grown ass man wearing one unironically
i’m gonna barf
the scene kid hair is killing me too, what a fucking disaster
No. 158046
File: 1625069219675.png (1.3 MB, 2048x1500, Screenshot_20210630-090423.png)

Uh, is that normal? It looks like her iris is falling apart. Those eyelashes need Jesus.
No. 158048
File: 1625071069205.jpg (1.05 MB, 1404x1404, PicsArt_06-30-09.36.34.jpg)

>>1580121080p for the Kev fags who might still think he's cute
No. 158052
File: 1625073961932.png (1.23 MB, 1303x2048, Screenshot_20210630-102030.png)

Can't speak for anyone else but, I'm WAY younger than Lori and me and all my friends know of Rayearth, Slayers and all these other series she thinks are so obscure and only elite oldfags know of them. We get it, Lori. You've seen Clamp series and watched all the classics. Doesn't matter anyway because we know you don't actually like or care for any of it. If you DID you would probably be a better person for all the moral lessons and nuanced political stuff seen throughout the golden age of anime. You can pretend to have taste all you want, hag. The 19 year old e-girls have already seen it, they have better Shoujo tattoos, no wrinkles and they're coming for your subs. Cope with your YouTube OP playlists and Squishmallows.
No. 158069
File: 1625084272084.jpg (60.68 KB, 700x510, 83734e6277bece9d8f0fa6b3dcf366…)

>>158011She's over-filtering to hide that it's a FaceApp smile pasted onto her face.
The tells were pointed out in an earlier thread but they're still visible.
No. 158079
>>158076Lori and not smiling in pictures is a thing. She has a missing tooth (I'll try to find a picture) and is desperately afraid of getting wrinkles.
In addition to her fear of aging, Lori is obsessed with the idea of looking like a "real life" anime character. She's an insane otherkin.
No. 158129
>>158120Back in her Sailor Moon skinwalking days, Lori created a cosplay club named the Kewl Kou Klan (KKK). She treated the members like complete garbage and did horrible things to them. Eventually, the KKK'ers officially told her to fuck off with a big public letter on social media detailing how she abused them. At the time, it was a big deal in the cosplay community.
Lori is always looking to start a new KKK because she's a narcissist. Lori doesn't have or want friends. Instead she prefers minions she can control.
No. 158132
File: 1625108457693.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x1704, 503CB2BF-1FD9-45BD-B686-BAF684…)

Looney was pretty with the face she has. The problem is she has now over shooped herself that now when you compare her current face with her filtered one it’s a complete catfish. She fucked herself doing that because people wouldn’t give a shit about how she looks if she wasn’t lying about it. This is one of her cosplays when she was with Steven this is when she was the most attractive/normal I had ever seen her.
No. 158142
>>158079>>158080She would have bought false teeth before she buys fillers, but if her OF is anything to go buy she can't afford basic dental care.
>>158132The pics from this set were shooped really well, I guess the guy she was with did it.
No. 158144
File: 1625112031259.jpg (409.31 KB, 1080x1993, 20210630_225846.jpg)

>>158046I think the image is just so over edited and blown the fuck out that it distorts all that is natural to look unnatural
No. 158151
>>158147I know it sounds completely insane to zoomers but being overtly offensive was considered edgy humor and very common among dorks back in y2k. In general it was seen as super cringe but otherwise wasn't considered that big a deal at the time, not like it would be today.
>>158149>It's a cult of popular cosplayers harassing us>It's impossible to find out who it is>It's the same fucking peopleWhich is it Kev? Do you know or don't you?
No. 158152
File: 1625116381677.png (743 KB, 1460x3291, whinyliarkevinreddit.png)

Great response to Kevin:
"Um, now I know you threatened me this morning, you have a bunch of people who hate you already. I couldn't agree more with the comment above, sounds like lies to me and you know why people are "bullying" you. I never knew what lolcow was but I googled your name Adollasky and WTF! You really are sick pedo baiters! I knew it when I saw that picture of your "GF" LOL! Apparently there's a lot of awful things posted about her. Now I know why you reacted the way you did, your both crazy. Ok I'm done, blocking."
No. 158153
>>158150I know. I'm just more surprised that it wasn't ever called out even back then.
>>158151I'm a millennial and I remember edgy humor back then, I just feel like this would have been a bit too far for all people to be silent about. Especially since they were plastering it everywhere. There was a lot of stuff acceptable back then that wouldn't be today, but I remember people not being ok with the KKK even way back then.
No. 158155
File: 1625119126496.jpg (Spoiler Image,996.57 KB, 1227x1488, PicsArt_06-30-10.56.46.jpg)

>>158152Only "doctoring" we do here is unphotoshopping. I wish I could see the legendary tantrums Lori must throw when she sees haters and reads her thread. Hi Abuela! I know you'll see this later. You look like Nosferatu when you wear elf ears.
No. 158156
>>158153Hope it didn't come off as wk, I definitely think it's fucked and would have been red flags to people but there wasn't a whole lot of public call outs back then for shitty inappropriate humor. As another example, look at the stuff koots and keeks got away with. There were definitely people who thought it was gross, but their behavior wasn't widely shamed until later.
>>158154Kek how can he sperg about doctored images seeing her irl every day compared to her crazy overshooped photos?
No. 158189
File: 1625150044584.jpg (547.86 KB, 1110x1092, PicsArt_07-01-07.31.33.jpg)

fixed some old candids that were blown out and blurry
No. 158190
File: 1625150087162.jpg (3.26 MB, 2606x4096, PicsArt_07-01-07.34.23.jpg)

This one is pretty good KEK
No. 158191
File: 1625150398184.jpg (1.63 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_07-01-07.40.03.jpg)

No. 158199
File: 1625151851787.png (798.01 KB, 825x1431, lori-witchy-handmadenecklace.p…)

>>158132>>158143Agree that Washington Witchy Lori was a good look for her. Also my favorite of all her personalities. Maybe because she was doing things she seemed to be actually interested in at the time, like making that jewelry.
Picrel includes handmade by Lori necklace
No. 158206
File: 1625156041460.jpg (103.12 KB, 1124x1280, IMG_20210701_111236_557.jpg)

Two new Reddit posts. 21 upvotes on the bottom one, 0 upvotes on the one saying "Someone says I use too much Photoshop." Sure Lori. Just a single someone said that lol. No replies of course.
No. 158219
File: 1625157689133.gif (813.25 KB, 320x180, Crazy_Eyes_Anai.gif)

>>158206>Someone said I use too much photoshop. XD I know, the bows are just in the worst spots right?c;How does she still type like an LJfag? It's so painfully obvious that she herself writes everything. Constantly complimenting herself on reddit and facebook, spamming the same low quality sets to cosplay groups over and over. She probably sits in that dent on her mattress all day looking like pic rel when she does it. Just hit me; she's rapidly approaching 40 and will likely still be doing this when she is. Holy shit.
No. 158227
>>158191This is the funniest candid of them together holy shit
Also I love that this was back when Kevin was fat
No. 158228
File: 1625159846788.jpeg (242.43 KB, 827x1464, 2F359E64-D183-4324-A27C-5F9F3E…)

I searched the Lori lewd hashtag on ig and stumbled upon this gem. Who did this lmao
No. 158264
File: 1625172628222.png (711.08 KB, 1279x2048, Screenshot_20210701-134903.png)

I guess I'm getting a cease and desist for commenting on his reddit posts? I came here from googling her name when I saw that other comment. He probably removed both but they mentioned Usagi Kou. This guy is strung out or something.
No. 158267
File: 1625174553813.jpeg (276.75 KB, 828x592, 7D8E8A25-3536-4089-903E-900425…)

>>158228That neck looks older than my mom’s, and she’s over 50
No. 158276
File: 1625178650210.png (61.6 KB, 574x381, theresnophotoshophere copy.png)

Comment from 1 hour ago from Lori/Kevin responding to someone linking an Imgur album of candids on Lori's Reddit post.
Kows, if you're actually starting a lolsuit, the first thing your "lawyer" should have told you to do is stop interacting with the haters.
No. 158282
File: 1625180856482.jpeg (Spoiler Image,702.09 KB, 2448x3265, 737EC13D-2617-476E-AC7A-6194E3…)

The table shes sitting on looks so nasty and it’s making me wonder how grimy her whole home must be
No. 158283
File: 1625182114949.jpeg (944.09 KB, 1242x1841, 4934DE17-7640-43DC-8DB2-3C04DA…)

>>158282Bitch is trying to kill herself and her doormat
No. 158289
>>158264Is this not harassment itself? And now you have proof of him harassing you.
How about we bring up Lori's taxes? I severely doubt that she's been writing down any earnings that she's been making online.
Or should we bring up when you recently threatened to harm/kill people at a convention Kevin?
They seriously need to shut the fuck up before they seriously get in legal trouble. Everything here and on KF is posted with screenshots and proof so they literally have nothing.
He's just trying to scare people, but it's going to backfire on him when somebody with legal connections gets sick of him and actually does something about it.
As someone who has actually filed a harassment/stalker case, his lawyer would have advised him to do everything with a paper trail through tangible mail/through email and not through a social media message with unnecessary information in it. Nice try, Kevin.
Also notice him saying "I'd never give out HD content for free" and talking about how "people are about to owe us a lot of money". These two are seriously such struggling money grubbers, it's sad.
He's seriously the most pathetic person that I've ever seen on social media and that's really saying something. Literally acts like a preteen going through some bad puberty.
No. 158291
File: 1625184997435.jpeg (234.9 KB, 750x1288, EB942D1E-34E5-4AC1-866D-0B76A2…)

No. 158293
>>158291“Support my content or get fucked?”
Who even speaks like this?
No. 158294
>>158291Imagine thinking that people are going to support you after speaking to them like this.
Lori come get your dog, it's out of control and is going to land you in jail.
I really hope that Vamp and or Moo actually take legal action against them. I feel like they'd have a somewhat solid case against these pathetic hobos.
No. 158310
>>158276This imgur album and another one of Lori are being downvoted en masse. Anyone got an in for friends only posts? The only time she gets this kind of support is when she makes Kevin recruit LoYaL hOmIeS to defend her and report accounts. Also, Kevin has started to clean his comments up. Two have already been deleted from today.
It's funny how he used to go on and on about how Lori is the first person to bite and put people in their place, yet she hides behind her retard manchild like a coward. You're a woman, Lori. Act like it. You give women and bisexuals a terrible rap.
No. 158311
>>158310I don't believe they've deleted any comments. If you go to the main adollaskye page everything still seems to be there. When mods remove your post, it still shows up on your page so I'm sure that's what's happening.
Interesting about the imgur albums though.
No. 158323
>>158294They'd have a good case for defamation if someone ever compiles all the receipts.
Free money for them and more debt for Kevvy and Loony is how that story ends.
No. 158344
>>158323Kevin and Lori have been publicly calling Moo and Vamp out by name
for several months despite none of us being them. I would love to see this blow up in their faces. Fortunately for them, Mariah and Vamp don't give two shits about Lori and Kevin so nothing will happen.
No. 158359
File: 1625220366682.jpeg (112.91 KB, 640x480, 2B5111F7-5D68-4A5E-951E-A46C30…)

Gotta love when history repeats itself!
No. 158379
>S-stop bullying me! Hey! That's my catchphrase! You can't just flip it in a way to mock me. I…. I'll SUE YOU!11!!Now:
>S-Stop posting photos of me I posted! You can't just post tagged and untagged photos of me and compare them to my filtered photos! That's literally LIBEL! I HAVE ALREADY STARTED THE LAWSUIT!!!11!The hag never changes. Not even a little bit. Not one bit.
No. 158406
File: 1625245965788.jpg (189.32 KB, 720x1026, IMG_20210702_120333_552.jpg)

Found this on Reddit. This person leaked a bunch of Lori nudes in these imgur links. No. 158411
File: 1625247898913.png (Spoiler Image,1.94 MB, 1635x2048, Screenshot_20210702-104449.png)

>>158406Oh my god these are so much worse than I imagined. Who can actually cum to this? I will never find my sides again, anon. Thanks for sharing this. What a milky few days.
No. 158416
File: 1625249341622.jpg (Spoiler Image,74.99 KB, 459x612, blurryfeet.jpg)

>>158406Christ it looks like she was just flailing around on the bed shaking her feet at the camera and this was the best she could get. Are these recent?
No. 158430
>>158416B-but anon that's the best she could do! Abuela hurt her back you know? Did you forget she's injured her spine and can't work at all?/s
So much for high quality pictures for the paying customers. Of course everyone would love to look at her blurred feet. For a person who edits her pictures so much, you'd think there would be some quality control but nah
No. 158452
File: 1625268224316.png (195.92 KB, 960x1281, BB_girl_things_♡_2.png)

Reddit anon here. My experience with Lori was extremely limited and quite a few years ago now but if you have any questions, feel free to ask. For transparency sake, I did originally post something similar over on kiwifarms but it seems that has been blocked? I'm not sure. I've read rules on both sites but apologies if I make new fag mistakes. I can confirm that her onlyfans is a bargain bin version of her IG. You very seldomly get a slip of nipple/butthole and the private images/videos she sends via messages almost always have a sticker over them like you see in her promotional content. Saging just in case.
No. 158454
>>158452Hi Redditor anon I got a few -
How did you meet Lori?
What husband was she married to when you met?
Do you remember what year it was?
What nonstop threats did Kevin give you in DMs?
No. 158455
>>158450The mods of r/Ahegao_IRL (or whichever sub she posted in) removed the post but it still shows up on Reddit anon's main page because she didn't delete it.
>>158452KiwiFarms has been experiencing DoS attacks for the last several days; is that what you mean by blocked?
I'm also curious about the Kevin threats, kek. Are there more screenshots of messages you could share?
No. 158458
>>158454We met through my sister, the three of us used to play WoW together. I don't remember the guys name but this was around 2013/2014. She had a falling out with my sister after stealing her art as her own and just being a bad house guest. She would put cigarette butts out in our carpet, eat whatever she wanted without paying a dime only to complain about there being no food "she could eat" in the house and eventually started stealing personal belongings. She was with us for maybe 2-3 months before up and vanishing after a particularly bad spat where she full on punched said sister in the chest and broke a bunch of shit. I will see if I can dig through old Facebook messages because I'm almost certain they're still there.
As far as the spam goes, it was primarily through discord and reddit puppet accounts. I started getting them not long after my original comment so I'm almost certain the two events are linked.
I'm not sure how either sites work as I am a passive lurker so again, apologies.
Saged because potential blog post.
No. 158460
>>158458Goddamn Lori is such an
abusive piece of shit. So sorry you and your sister experienced that. Was one of the Reddit accounts StandardLog6262? That is another of Kevin's accounts that he used to post to Reddit to whine about people "harassing" Lori. Can you share the spam threats anyway? I'm sure they were all him. They are such garbage people.
No. 158461
>>158460if receipts are given, this means Kev has an ongoing history of jumping onto sock accounts to harass spam people.
Pretty funny he likes to claim ""harassment lawsuit"" when he's the actual harasser.
No. 158462
>>158461I noticed Kevin projects
a lot whenever he goes on rants. One of the things he "clapped back" with, when Redditors would insult Lori's pics, is he would accuse them of posting from fake accounts. But I've been watching his Reddit pretty closely and most of the people who were critical were frequent posters who posted in many subs. Meaning those are their main accounts. I wondered why he kept going on and on about "people making fake Reddit accounts" and now I know why.
No. 158463
File: 1625272156693.png (65.96 KB, 581x456, Reddit_Harassment~2.PNG)

Should I compile it all into a google drive or something?
No. 158466
>>158463An imgur album might work, or a Google drive as long as you don't require us to sign into our Google accounts.
Also lmao this is GOLD, anon. "We get lots of comments every day about how great and model like we are." My sides.
No. 158483
>>158463Every successive post is a massive projection of how ugly, unsuccessful, fat and not-model-like they are.
I love this song.
No. 158485
File: 1625280811223.jpg (87.97 KB, 1024x1024, CollageMaker_20210702_19440008…)

>>158466It seems he/she/they have been lurking as they have been mass deleting but not fast enough. I am tempted to leak the remainder of her content as it is honestly terrible but gives you a good chuckle all in one.
No. 158489
>>158485This is nuts. Leak it, anon.
It's a shame about your friend who is subbed and obsessed but simps will be simps.
No. 158492
>>158484Has your friend not seen the real pics? Maybe he should go to an eyedoctor.
>>158485>your ugly>stay jealous>XDImagine being 40 years old and doing this.
>>158491Plus thinking they'll get away with it. These leaks are the best thing I've ever seen.
No. 158495
File: 1625282660456.png (1.49 MB, 1767x2048, Screenshot_20210614-075726.png)

>>158485Anon, you have to leak. Please. This is amazing. I haven't been this giddy since the Moo leaks.
No. 158499
File: 1625283728711.jpeg (331.91 KB, 828x1269, 2CC719F6-774A-46F0-958A-4676A1…)

>NationPresident When I look this user up on Reddit, it takes me to an account that moderates a ton of cosplay and nerd-centric subs. This is one of Kevin/Lori’s socks?!
Sage because no idea if I’m reading this completely wrong.
No. 158505
File: 1625288193809.jpeg (298.58 KB, 1080x1440, AUDOsjR.jpeg)

>>158496Bless you, Redditor anon, this is amazing. And horrifying.
I've never been one of those who made fun of Lori's feet but good GOD are these some stompers. Her feet are H U G E.
No. 158508
File: 1625289792039.jpg (100.8 KB, 1080x1079, lolwtf.jpg)

>>158496holy fuck the two videos at the end. What the fuck am I watching? I'm laughing so hard, Jesus Christ.
No. 158510
>>158485I've never had a greater urge to a-log until reading those "threats". Lori should really reflect on the way she acts before someone taller than her
obviously with much smaller feet makes her. I'm dumbfounded it hasn't happened yet.
No. 158512
File: 1625291548247.png (1.51 MB, 1440x1284, sexy.png)

>>158496Please never make this expression again Lori
No. 158517
>>158506If the account gets reported for harassment, she should get de-modded.
I wouldn't be surprised if she used accounts like these to sockpuppet compliments or boost Kevin's posts.
No. 158532
>>158530All three of these accounts attacked the Redditor anon in the same way using the same insults after they called Lori out. Two are from Reddit and one is from Discord.
That one Reddit is weird though. Why would any of them be mods on subs where other people are posted and promoted?
No. 158540
File: 1625309146989.png (9.55 MB, 1640x2360, 1CFB311C-3931-41EF-AAAC-41D358…)

Brush your tongue.
No. 158541
>>158532All of Lori's posing or clothing is copied from other OF girls, wouldn't be surprised if she did modding on the side as insurance in getting people to her OF for when she leaves Kevin.
>>158485> :)> XD> :3The granny emojis, claiming jealousy and hyperfixation on looks or youth cement it as old Lori and not Kevin.
No. 158550
File: 1625318181518.jpeg (Spoiler Image,171.01 KB, 640x853, C3A17CD6-3625-4DF9-B45C-5C7339…)

>>158496She forgot to edit her nose in this one kek
No. 158555
File: 1625321783037.png (Spoiler Image,471.32 KB, 961x586, what.png)

>>158550she was too busy editing her ass. what is this even?
No. 158559
File: 1625322597104.jpg (685.8 KB, 1440x1926, Screenshot_20210703-001609_Vid…)

Redditor anon leaked a whole bunch more Lori pics and vids on page 97 of her KF thread, kek. (Link to videos: I haven't watched these yet because they crashed my browser 3x lol)
>>158525Have another cursed image, anon.
No. 158560
>>158559ayrt and I am fucking deceased kek
>>158555literally the most shit tier shoop she’s ever done what the fuck
No. 158564
File: 1625326699171.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1440x1926, 31D47A68-48DC-44C2-890B-019555…)

>>158562Not that anon but here you go lol
No. 158570
File: 1625333149302.png (936.07 KB, 2048x575, Screenshot_20210703-101648.png)

This is true, Lori. You wasted your best formative years being a leech. You put all your energy into being a queen bee and even then you failed miserably each time. You place all your worth on your youth but now more than ever you're old. You're only getting older and more unstable. You're only losing money. Eventually, Kevin will either leave you, kill himself or you'll be abandoned. Every time it happens you end up more and more behind. You're going to be 40 shooting videos of you naked, seizing like a child with mental disabilities on a dirty table for change. Literal change, like dollars and quarters. You will have nobody and your body is already well in its decline. If you wanted to make bank doing porn you should have done that years ago. You're aging out unless you become a GILF. So yeah, what a life. It's fun to watch, I'll give you that. Everyone loves watching people suffer and be cringe.
Don't forget Lori, you're stuck here forever.
No. 158575
>>158574KF has been being DDOS’d the entire week. It’s probably a temporary security change.
Sage for unrelated.
No. 158579
>>158576I can't imagine actually paying for this garbage. She's not even trying. Her room looks like a hoarders haven, her shoops are off the charts BAD, and she makes those stupid faces while doing what looks like taking a seizure.
Sure, Lori. Keep spamming the spicy.
No. 158586
File: 1625341414660.gif (14.94 MB, 400x541, ezgif-2-55a62b0997b6.gif)

Just like a sped peep show KEK
No. 158587
File: 1625341631618.jpg (135.64 KB, 720x916, IMG_20210703_144453_103.jpg)

>>158585The answer I always see given is that OF is more personal than porn and given that Lori sends personal dms if you pay to chat to her, maybe it's that? But given her OF bio says to "keep fantasies about me to yourself" she probably sucks at that too. Pic related Kevin "liking" a status where she sexts with other dudes. Lol pathetic.
No. 158596
File: 1625347680168.jpg (65.65 KB, 613x613, CollageMaker_20210703_14182513…)

She really does do her sets in one go only to slowly release them over time. I've even noticed a few instances where she just reposts older content to pad her feed. Her premium content is the true scam though as it's just the same crap she's already posted, a bit longer or in a slightly different pose/facial expression. I'm hesitant to share those in the event that she can figure out the account I'm using resulting in a ban. With that in mind, you seldomly see her bare chest, let alone anything else. I have yet to come across any video, premium, or feed that wasn't censored with those ugly, childish stickers she uses on her feed. Just because you add a filter onto your sets, doesn't make them new, Lori.
No. 158599
File: 1625349390072.png (1.06 MB, 1227x2048, Screenshot_20210703-145403.png)

>>155617Too late we leaked everything there is to see! I've archived the Imgur but I need to back up the leaks on a secure site. Here and Kiwi could get DMCA'd but encrypted private links are above Lori's intelligence lmao. I've also got the first leak too from a couple threads back. Congrats Lori, here's your first real taste of doing sex work!
No. 158600
File: 1625351460242.jpg (1.2 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_07-03-03.29.41.jpg)

The editing is sooooo bad in her new pics. Unphotoshopped is on the right
No. 158613
>>158587How pathetic that she has to act like she's getting DMs. We know that inbox is drier than your personality, Lori.
>>158600Big big yikes. She looks like this and Kevin spends all of his free time defending and promoting her while she withholds sex from him? What a fucking loser topkek. Bargain bin Kurt Kobain needs to get some therapy.
No. 158620
File: 1625358815916.png (234.67 KB, 2048x1171, Screenshot_20210703-173108.png)

Tinfoil but I think Kayla is her only friend. She's the only person consistently liking her stuff and being tagged in things.
No. 158626
File: 1625362012584.png (1.68 MB, 1187x2048, Screenshot_20210703-182451.png)

>this body is 100% natural
fucking cope boxchan
No. 158634
>>158633Maybe. It seems more likely that she would be indirectly responding to us because anons post de-photoshopped images of her using candids as a basis. She really publicly seethes over that and her new favorite thing to screech about is "doctored images" that constitute as "libel" or "defamation" as if her edits are herself in the flesh. More than anything she's really just trying to convince
herself that she is that small and curvy. She's insecure about it to the point of self harm and suicide and it's blatantly obvious. In no time she'll be begging for plastic surgery funds on GoFundMe while bullying Mariah on Facebook with her privacy setting on Friends Except.
No. 158637
File: 1625367971629.jpeg (Spoiler Image,309.79 KB, 1242x1561, 849E0F70-94ED-4925-A31B-910360…)

Does Lori not know which way a butt crack is supposed to go?
No. 158638
File: 1625368072821.jpeg (Spoiler Image,312.2 KB, 1229x1470, A842104B-A5F5-4F89-AD43-C403A3…)

>>158637The butt looks like it’s melted. “100% real body here” she claims. But it’s 100% photoshopped.
No. 158645
File: 1625374192711.jpeg (Spoiler Image,316.56 KB, 1080x1440, UnUPxgd.jpeg)

wtf I know that's got to be her thigh but with how it's shooped it almost looks like a sack falling out.
No. 158659
File: 1625381834100.jpg (Spoiler Image,279.28 KB, 1080x1704, Screenshot_20210704-165638__01…)

>>158645I thought this was an overreaction but then I zoomed in…
No. 158660
>>158587She's only saying she has DMs because anons here said that's the only way she can make money with no subs, but to get DMed you'd have to have people interested in you to begin with.
Imagine being so ugly IRL and role playing having pretty privilege after hours of insane shooping, but still being poor from buying bot followers.
Loony you're just too old and undesirable, you won't be able to fake it till you make it. Nobody wants to sub to your spedcy.
No. 158672
File: 1625389909411.jpg (203.69 KB, 1080x1400, Screenshot_20210704_031050.jpg)

>>158665>>158656>>158648Like actually are we all looking at the same thing here what the fuck is this
No. 158675
>>158674>>158673I'm sorry but are you actually looking at it? Like adjust your screen brightness or something it doesn't look anything like what you're describing
Don't get me wrong it's obviously not actually a ballsac but her ass doesn't hang that low and her thigh doesn't make any sense, it's gotta be some malformed shoop filter shit she didn't catch… Like look at where her hips are even with shoop that can't be where her flat ass is sagging ???
No. 158676
>>158672it's a shadow baby girl don't trip too hard. lorena just sucks dick at photoshop.
wait shouldn't say that, sucking dick is probably the only skill she has.
No. 158700
File: 1625413522626.jpg (50.83 KB, 600x337, 1485970246681.jpg)

>>158645>shadows of her pectus are lighter implying she's sucking in big time>collar rings are warped>pixelated splotches and black lines blown out from liquify show where her waist extends to naturally>abused sharpen tool but blurred other areas into oblivion to feign "high quality">cheap Leg Avenue tier fake silk panties pulled up as high as possible and knotted right at her waist >doesn't even give her shape anyways, looks like that turkey plush in a bikini; sad saggy boxchan body cope>shoes aren't even buckled correctly implying she threw all of this on haphazardly after makeup>black/grey cuticles and visible glue lines on the underside of the nail where her real nail tips are>editing warped the strings on her bottoms >edited boobs, still looks like a tranny>bean head with the Karla Holmoka signature poof poutShe really looks like a whole ass tranny. K E K. It's so funny seeing her seethe over naturally beautiful and feminine women. She wishes she had soft angelic features so bad. That's why she gave up on trying to be a model, now she knows the best she can get is doing puffer faces through 6 filter apps for someone's pedophile uncle.
No. 158706
>>158703poor Kevin JUST got done with time-out and Lori finally followed/unblocked him after how long? …months? now he’s back to being blocked again kek
the fact that he stays with her and defends her is so pathetic, their relationship is such a disaster
No. 158709
>>158703I just checked. She didn't block him, just unfollowed him lol. The way to tell when she blocks him is when he stops following her and all his likes disappear from her account. He's still following her and the likes are still there.
Lori never follows Kevin for more than a few days before unfollowing him.
>>158701Kevin truly is the cow that keeps on giving. I really hope he starts that YouTube and twitch channel soon!!!
No. 158711
File: 1625420044868.jpg (2.39 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_07-04-10.32.03.jpg)

>>158705These accounts stand out to me. I blocked out kids faces. The elkokoro dude has an OC waifu and she has her own account. It's really funny. Will reply with pic.
No. 158712
File: 1625420183363.png (1.47 MB, 1214x2048, Screenshot_20210704-102428.png)

>>158711Also that Tekaiii person looks REALLY young. It creeps me out. Her followers look and seem even younger if they aren't Jason Womack types.
If the anime art guy makes Lori free fan art I feel like it's a safe assumption he is a loyal subbie to the forbidden spice.
No. 158717
File: 1625425023604.jpg (Spoiler Image,266.9 KB, 1080x1440, NGmNfqd.jpg)

surprised no one has mentioned whatever the FUCK is happening with her tits in this one
No. 158723
>>158721Hi, WK. For anyone reading and lazy, its here. Link is archived. Kiwi is also hosting the photos.
>>158599 has archives. It's not going anywhere and neither will the first leak.
No. 158724
>>158723Not that anon but they asked
where they were being leaked, not why. I don't think they're being a WK lol.
No. 158729
File: 1625427356302.png (2.82 MB, 1080x1440, imagen_2021-07-04_143553.png)

why the fuck does she do this with her feet????
No. 158732
No expiry date, if it 404's it's not on my end.
It's compressed, I'm going to find backup places to upload the whole thing unzipped. Unless you're a tard, you'll figure out how to unzip the folder.
You can't sue for copyright now because you've got public record of your lackey threatening to kill people both on and off anon. You can't do anything. Just in case you're reading and scheming on how you're going to own the
jealous fat anon bitches, Lori.
No. 158733
File: 1625428504252.gif (968.05 KB, 245x245, 1468719007744.gif)

>>158729edited skin color vs. the toes
No. 158735
>>158717 Her photos look like they come from one of those gore websites.
God punched her crumpled chest so hard it wasn't even good as fetish model material no matter how hard she rephrases "UWU UBER SPICY BEEP BEEP HOMIE CONTENT".
I kinda want her to change her name to MonsterChest.
No. 158760
>>158735Lori really do be out here dropping the ball on weird niche fetish opportunities, though.
MonsterChest would prob get more simpbux than this egirl skinwalk shit she does now.
No. 158769
>>158761Kek it really is hilarious how much Lori hates Kevin. From the constant replies to people about how she's "just passing through Utah," to the mentions where she basically says she'll do whatever a sub wants as long as they buy her a house, to the private Facebook post about how Kevin ruined her life and her dream, it's clear she's looking for an exit strategy out of the relationship.
I hope she finds it tbh. I feel a tiny crumb worth of sorry for Lori, being stuck with someone as pathetic as Kevin. But really I'd just love to watch a new chapter where these two buffoons are split up and telling the internet all about it.
No. 158779
File: 1625462578739.jpeg (Spoiler Image,780.22 KB, 828x1049, 3B669A0F-39FB-427A-B223-3907B1…)

>>158776Holy moly they’re like frog flippers
No. 158780
>>158776Did she change her filter settings?
She looks like a tranny a lot more than usual.
No. 158782
>>158779eeew her feet look like they belong to gollum, what the fuck is going on with the toenails they're so ugly
also holy shit they're as long as her entire calf, bet you could hear a slapping noise when she walks on a flat surface
No. 158784
File: 1625464014768.jpg (39.16 KB, 484x613, Untitled466_20210704224345.jpg)

Speaking of her legs, what the hell is going on here?
No. 158787
>>158784That's a calve muscle being squished to the side because it's on top of the other leg. Calves do this all the time. Not shocked her calve muscles are at least toned enough to do this considering all the heels she wears 24/7. Bikers and swimmers have these muscles pretty prominent too.
I swear, some of you have never taken an anatomy class or have just got to be trolling around nitpicking.
No. 158793
>>158790This. People who don't work out have no idea what actual muscle looks and moves like. Loony is naturally heavyset and never exercises, her shapeless legs were just being pushed against the bone because she was straining to pose in a specific way to hide her numerous flaws.
She wears flats outside according to candids and heels have nothing to do with it. If she could afford to eat, she'd blow up to her natural weight again.
No. 158809
File: 1625483307947.png (2.23 MB, 1399x2048, Screenshot_20210705-060112~3.p…)

Nevermind the calf and frog feet wtf is going on with her thighs and why does it look like a large chicken bone?
Is the purple area supposed to be her ass crack, if so she has an alien ass with no definitive split or asshole.
No. 158832
File: 1625493912952.jpeg (Spoiler Image,244.85 KB, 1080x1440, zye9XyC.jpeg)

>>158809c'mon anon it's just a shadow from her hand as you can see
No. 158838
>>158779>>158793The filters dont hide her age either, the shape is clearly that of an older woman. Even if she worked out, working out only tightens the body, the shape still changes with age. She clearly has never worked out, she looks doughy.
Also these are the most boring nudes I've ever seen. Nude and still just laying there covering it all up. Is this a response to anons who said her OF was boring sensored porn? If so, it's not any better, sexy or interesting.
No. 158840
File: 1625497751982.jpg (163.72 KB, 1072x1057, Screenshot_20210705-100726_Duc…)

They cant go that long without flipping their shit. I think for a while they tried to keep quiet but they couldnt help themselves on reddit. Comments always being deleted since they cant handle the truth, that people know her and shes not well recieved or liked by most. All comments are always deleted because they run from thread to thread begging mods to delete them since their all negative. I'm sure they try to preempt telling mods their being stalked and bullied.
No. 158842
>>158779Uwu dainty teenage lady feet
She must have a specific deranged fetish simp who loves closeup high res feet photo to make them a focus like she does in so many photos, this will put off most normal people - maybe a longstanding fan who pays well.
No. 158872
File: 1625505329304.jpg (132.81 KB, 720x1180, IMG_20210705_121420_600.jpg)

Fuck you, forest fires! Lol
No. 158928
File: 1625524414265.png (1.78 MB, 1080x1878, Screenshot_20210705-152951~2.p…)

She loves pushing this image of her being naturally graceful and natural in club wear. We know for a fact she never wears the heels out and goes for orthopedic ass slippers. The riskiest she gets is her Anthony Wangs and even those look spotless like she has never stepped foot outside her carpeted room. We know you wear the same shirts and vests from 15 years ago so you can feel like you never aged or got fat. You're so fake everyone sees through you. It's not even like wearing Dolls Kill is fucking weird or out of the norm. It is the norm. Every egirl dresses like this. They are all carbon copies that lie about the same shit and bite each other's styles intentionally like the BPD psycho stalkers they are.
No. 158929
File: 1625524491238.png (1.31 MB, 1195x2048, Screenshot_20210705-153000.png)

>implying you coined the poof
lori looks like a bulimic stripper trying not to yak on stage.
No. 158935
File: 1625524900989.png (1.12 MB, 1273x2048, Screenshot_20210705-153909.png)

Succubi are immortal anyway so it's redundant to say 'ancient'. It's so clear she's just inadvertently admitting her age so she can go "omg I literally talk about how old I am all the time" so she can get away with being an "ancient" loli. Also she just thinks admitting being a hag is owning the '4chan trolls'. Sage for nitpicking autism but she's just so stupid unintentionally it hurts. She makes women look bad.
No. 158953
>>158935I agree with whatever anti-lori sentiments you expressed but
>Succubi are immortal anyway so it's redundant to say 'ancient'.Is a weird hill to die on.
No. 158980
File: 1625534403694.png (133.71 KB, 532x690, B5DD0D75-02CF-400E-8031-BEAB04…)

>>158979i always assumed it was part of her ~uwu smol animu loli~ schtick of poorly copying japanese makeup. picrel, the red eye liner, pink brows, and harsh blush
No. 159006
File: 1625555354811.jpg (38.25 KB, 460x393, skinwalking.JPG)

>>158980nah man, the blush is her attempt at skinwalking this other chick from Kevin's friends list. She even lifted that "smol bean" bullshit. This other chick does all of her shoots in her room as well, and also has it cluttered af, but it at least looks clean.
No. 159029
>>159016Man out of all the places to promote oneself why would anyone do it on a
toxic gossip site? Not even the most braindead ethot is thirsty for that kind of attention, stop tinfoiling. Nta but I’m sure they just brought her up since she’s on Kevin’s friend list.
No. 159048
>>159006Not to mention Lori has been using the term "smol bean" for years, maybe even a decade, at this point.
Not to WK Lori or anything, but reach harder self-poster.
No. 159049
>>159029>She's on Kevin's friends listWhere? Lori never lets him add women that aren't fat or old looking. She has rules set in place for him because she would lose her mind if he cheated on her.
>who would look for clout hereA dumb whore who posts all her info publicly and has 5k friends and 6k followers on that same account she just posted. Sorry, someone totally random posted for no reason.
No. 159054
>>159029Are you blind, willfully ignorant, a massive newfag, the self poster or all of the above? Retards do it all the time, some even try to start threads on themselves. It's incredibly transparent and usually phrased a lot like how that post was because they don't have 2 braincells to rub together to conceive what someone else would actually say about them at a glance.
In the off chance it isn't a self post (which I honestly don't believe), the op is a retard for thinking it had any relevancy or was worth posting here and needs to lurk moar (apparently you as well, miss "Nta"
… Kek)
No. 159081
File: 1625605296356.jpg (25.8 KB, 720x447, IMG_20210706_160014_841.jpg)

New Reddit post! 32 upvotes, no replies, not bad not bad. One of their more successful posts, kek. Maybe r/Ahegao_IRL is more harsh than r/RealAhegao.
No. 159082
File: 1625605536712.webm (337.9 KB, 720x1280, 212634448_326700788999391_7278…)
Picturing this aging NEET holding ridiculous puffer faces and wiggle dancing from third person is depressing. You can see its just her playing dress up in front of a tripod in her dingy room. She's just in there most of the day rewatching the trailer for Belle going "that's so me", playing WoW and posing like a heaving cat for a few hundred bucks. Even other e-girl OF types have friends they go out with, they do fun things and document it without it having to be forced and processed to shit. The peak of her year was probably going to the mall to get Louis Vuitton, if it even happened. I can't imagine this being me at 36. That's scary and sad.
No. 159090
File: 1625608361963.webm (1.2 MB, 720x1280, 211152968_235753511486159_3177…)
>>159082>Even other e-girl OF types have friends they go out with, they do fun things and document it without it having to be forced and processed to shit. Lori makes comments sometimes about being a hermit. But I think she's just content leeching off Kevin.
Also you reminded me! I forget to upload this video of her from the other day pitching up her voice to sound like a little girl and begging for subs.
No. 159096
If anyone gets harassed by accounts and can check emails, here's a list of some emails Lori would probably use for throwaways.
>> > > >>earthen.serenity@gmail.comAlso any email with the following is a giveaway
>varah lune>416>klaxo or anything DITF>endymion (less likely but possible)Kevin's only known email
>krookedk3v@gmail.comAnything MHA or WoW related is probably a good bet. Wouldn't be surprised if he used his WoW name for accounts like Lori does.
>>159090Funny she thinks she can get away with that voice when she actually sounds like link below. Her accent is probably softer but there's no way a squawking smoker like her would have a little voice like that. No. 159105
File: 1625612931609.jpg (19.65 KB, 872x272, luls.JPG)

>>159103also, picrel. I bet it makes Lori fucking seeeethe that this chick follows him, lul.
No. 159107
>>159100Yep, almost 7 minutes of pure Lori sperg.
>Oh, Jesus Christ, I am, like, beyond upset right now, like, it… The majority doesn't even have to do with me. But, like, honestly, people, Scott is a motherfucking asshole. Like, I just stumbled upon a very, like, fun little exposé testimonial little thingy that he wrote in the last month about me. And it's funny because me and someone else were talking and we were pretty much saying, 'Well, replace Lori's name with his name and that's closer to the truth of, you know, what really happened.' And it was just…it's really no fun. Like, I feel really bad because, like, I've been talking to, like, a couple female friends that, you know, had gotten involved with him. And, like, each one was a little upset at me for, like, not warning them what type of person he really was. So, I've pretty much decided that this is the last straw and that people need to be warned the type of person he like really is. He's not a fun guy. Like, his online personality compared to his real life 3D self is a totally different thing. Like, I'm going to explain it one day, like, I'm honestly… This is the last straw. I saw that post. It's, like, he hates drama, he says, or you know so he claims, that he hates drama and he just wants to forget about me but why is it that he keeps on fucking feeding the fire? Why does he keep on crossing that line and doing stuff like… Oh, the ring drama, it was just like… I'm not even going to think about that. But, like, even like after that, I would have assumed that he wanted to stop the drama. I didn't think I'd find this little online testimonial thing. It's like…he says all these horrible, mean things about me. Doesn't he think that maybe, in some way, people aren't really going to believe him? Like, I don't know. Like, I'm just sitting here just wondering what type of person was I like involved with? Like yeah, I was eighteen years old at the time so I was a little young and a little stupid, you know. Like, I'm going about to turn fucking twenty-one and, like, I don't know. Like, I don't know if two years is that much… like, two and a half years is that much of, like, a difference to totally jar somebody out of the type of person they used to be but anyway. Just talking about me right now. I'm still… Jesus Christ, things are about to get really, really ugly. Like, I've been trying to let this go, but he just keeps on crossing that fucking line. Like, I just want this [indecipherable] calling me out. I want him to stop talking about me. I want him to stop bitching to my friends about me 'cause, like, he's dumb. Like, he assumes that, like, my friends aren't going to tell me. He assumes that, you know, my friends aren't going to tell me that he, you know, wishes that he choked me harder the first time and that, you know, if I so much as look at him funny at Katsucon, he just might do it again. It's, like, people really need to know the type of person he is. You know, he's a psychopath. He's got so many delusions and it's ridiculous. Like, I feel really bad for all the girls now that, like, he's fucked with mentally, that have actually spoken to me about it. Like, Jesus Christ, in the next month he's about to have, like, a brick house fall on top of him. I have so much shit on him. I have so much information. I have so much backup that I haven't yet used because I wanted this to go away. I wanted this to just stop. I wanted people to just let it go. This was…over a year ago, you know, well over a year ago. And, like, I guess maybe I should have spoke up sooner. Maybe I should have posted my side of things sooner. Maybe I would have been a little bit more credible had I posted these things before he did, had I complained before he did. But, you know, I like being a bigger person. I like kind of ignoring the things because, you know, I've had to deal with drama a lot during my life. But, like, I don't… He doesn't deserve people to be nice to him. Like, he's, yeah… It's going to be a lovely, lovely five page essay that I'm going write on the bastard. And like, hopefully, people can actually see him. Well, no, people have already started to see him for the person he is and, like, mutual friends that are no longer mutual friends because they've decided to ditch his ass, have them come up to me and been like, 'Yeah, sorry. We didn't see this sooner.' I'm like, 'No, don't worry, not a problem. You've figured out he's an asshole now. That's all that matters.' You know, in the end people see, you know, who's the better person in that type of situation. But, um, But, yeah, he's crossed to the fucking line now and about to get royally fucked. Like, if you stay neutral, like you might have to take sides, I suggest you tell me because, like, if you don't want anything to do with him, I'll filter you [on LiveJournal]. You know, the less leakers I have the better. I will start deleting people pretty soon, though, that I think will tell him. It's like maybe three people. Then, [indecipherable] leak to him. So, like, you might want to tell him he's about to be royally fucked with. If he dares to try to do anything at Katsucon, because, knowing the type of person he is, he will. No, actually, no. He knows. He knows not to do shit in public. He's always been hoping that's more… But, um… But making a little… post about him, so are a couple other people. And, um, it's going to be for the entire public to see because I was getting sick of girls getting fucked coming to me and being like, 'Why didn't you yadda yadda?' Like, people need to know that he's an asshole, a complete asshole. And, um, yeah. So, I'm going to go now. And this, um, I'm utterly annoyed by all this. And, at least now, by taking some action, it puts a stop to it…to this bullshit. It really needs to end. Anyway, tomorrow, so I should really be getting to bed soon. I'll talk to a few of you later. Bye! No. 159174
>>159107Every time Lori says "like", take a drink.
Its as if the way she spoke never changed from the early 2000's to now. Outdated linggo isn't very Kawaii lori. And trying to appeal to the new generation isn't working out either. No one likes to watch softcore seizure porn.
No. 159216
File: 1625668313487.jpg (911.46 KB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_07-07-07.29.51.jpg)

Finally I got a pic where you can see the shading and wrinkles when she poofs. Put it thru an HD filter and ran it backwards through Meitu to take the face filters off.
No. 159228
File: 1625670166151.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1125x1400, A1751624-3F74-4BED-BD8E-BA1C73…)

she's got a white and a pink dresser in her room and a foam black chest to keep her junk in she looks like she lives in a resale shop nothing works together it’s just put there also them pigtails gross your not a baby Lori and don’t sexualize baby’s
No. 159233
File: 1625671438073.jpeg (525.11 KB, 1125x1754, 1625650613453.jpeg)

One of her and Kevin's fave photographers got cancelled for being a sex pest to underag girls. Birds of a feather flock together. He took their AX pics as well as some other ones that have since disappeared. He deleted every account so unfortunately those candids are gone unless farmers have it archived or saved. End of an era, those photos are worth more now in cowcoin.
No. 159299
File: 1625685174702.jpg (107.28 KB, 605x1280, IMG_20210707_115126_166.jpg)

>>159233I have the Gil Photography stuff saved but it's on a separate sd card. I'm sure other farmers do as well.
Someone left a negative comment on their Reddit post from yesterday lol.
No. 159311
File: 1625689373058.gif (277.26 KB, 640x360, 2021_S1_E19_Satoko_Twitch.gif)

Kevin wishes he was dating the loli woman she photoshops herself as. Unable to cope with aging and their poor decision making they've just fully sunk into a daydream. The kind that only appeals to other coomer escapists with porn addictions and naïve teens who like e-girls and j-fashion. How the fuck does someone let alone TWO people end up like this? Can they ever becoming functioning people with realistic goals and real friends? She really is stunted mentally.
No. 159320
>>159228She pulled the chin and head shrinking slider all the way to the maximum huh.
>>159311The pandemic made it all possible. If they were still going to cons at least we'd get candids and maybe they'd be outside more.
No. 159338
>>159317I didn’t know just cause other weebs do it that makes it ok to do also.
yeah pigtails are fine but when you go and put little pink ribbons in it and sit next to stuff animals and pose like a child and try to make it sexy. sorry if I hit your home there are other ways to be sexy don’t have to make little girls look like a sex toy’s when your 40 years old and using apps to make your self look young for the perverts
No. 159381
>>159329it's so funny to me she brags about top percents on onlyfans. people making real cash on OF like Trisha Paytas or Momokun just drop cash as a flex.
can you afford a $30,000 unnecessary cosmetic procedure Lori?
of course you can't, otherwise you'd have paid long ago to fix your missing tooth and caved in chest.
No. 159399
File: 1625707595871.jpeg (643.42 KB, 828x1415, 42FAD905-2BC8-40C7-A92B-7E9397…)

>>159392I think it was /u/timoteiiii
They’ve been reposting the Imgur album in comments on Lori’s Reddit posts. This was their last comment. Kevin’s response was deleted.
No. 159400
File: 1625707850692.jpeg (244.37 KB, 630x725, 9AD45645-C979-4638-B839-2B1132…)

>>159399Samefag.. the user above was banned from the subreddit and Kevin had this to say to the mod.
No. 159412
File: 1625710392476.jpg (15.1 KB, 229x275, 1566862076487.jpg)

>>159400KEK Timo just looks like another random on reddit who's into cringe weeb stuff and came across Lori and Kev's account. They really can't help but accuse EVERY single naysayer of being a dedicated stalker. Don't you think after all these years of supposedly being stalked you would have an airtight case against multiple perpetrators? They act like thinking Lori is fake and disagreeing is grounds for a class action lawsuit. How insecure can you be?
No. 159416
>>159400The two funniest things Kevin's said on Reddit so far are "I thought people on Reddit were supposed to be cool" and now this: "Mods on Reddit actually come to the rescue"
Both said unironically. Absolute lol. I should start a Kevin quote database.
No. 159487
File: 1625752777132.png (511.67 KB, 1765x2048, Screenshot_20210707-213337.png)

It's Timo again. Lori or Kevin or whoever is trying to make this story up that I spend weeks harassing them with multiple accounts and that I am stalking. This is only my 5-6th comment I've left on anything. I rarely post and I don't talk to or message anyone except when Kevin used adolla to message me and threaten me
This is what he or Lori (idk who) said to me but it's only part of it because the mods deleted it so they stopped making everything worse lol
No. 159496
>>159400I love how they pathetically lie to every mod but have to run from one sub reddit to another. The mods can see that the comments are all coming from different ISP addresses but probably dont care and just need to keep the rules of the boards so they delete comments when their just doing their jobs. This kid actually thinks the mods believe him. I'm sure the two of them know its way more than one person. They can keep lying to others, but they know the truth.
Still, even if it was the way the try to portray it, where's all the other positive comments supporting her supposed "un shopped all natural" photos? There are NONE!! EVER! Never a possitive comment, so obviously not only do the "haters" know the truth about her but everyone who looks at her pics can tell they are fake as fuck. There never being any possitive comments is more telling than the negative ones.
Watch, now her posts will be full of sockpuppet compliments, wait for it.
No. 159519
File: 1625764222432.png (289.82 KB, 1271x2048, Screenshot_20210708-101023.png)

Wow, that advertising must be working. No wonder she's top 2.6% I mean, look at that engagement. The last few days she's been blowing up. She got 9 whole likes on a post this week. I don't know guys, they're like really successful and rich and I'm really jealous and ugly with no money.
No. 159549
>>159548Different Anon here, but actually
>>159542 is correct too. Those percentages are based on "account performance", not income alone and that's within a month period based off what she charges. So, her percentage is not based on what someone else may be doing, but the algorithm determined compared to people with same number subs per cost, interaction, etc…she's whatever 2.6 percent. However someone making 80K that's int top 3% is not ranking againt her stats.
Therefore, percents on OF is a big asspat from their pimp to pushing out content and bring Daddy OF's his buckeroos.
No. 159565
File: 1625773802869.jpg (327.23 KB, 890x887, sue my fat ass lori.jpg)

Here you go @monstergirl on OF, Monster Girl Vibes, @iota_zerotwo AKA Lori Lewd AKA Usagi Kou. I would love to see Reddit user u/AdollaSkye and their numerous sockpuppet accounts come defend this or threaten a lawsuit. If you wanna fake play the legal game we can just double down and go out of our way to be as hamfisted as possible with fair use. SEO sucks ass, you suck, you're a scammer and a pedophile and I'm so sick of seeing you in my community and every where else. Your enabler Kevin Hanft AKA AdollaSkye and formerly known as KrookedK3v is just as disgusting and has threatened to kill people over posting criticism. Guess what? You cannot and will never be able to do anything about it. Ever. This will be here forever just like the rest of both of your histories. Cope. Seethe. Sperg.
No. 159566
File: 1625774003451.jpg (132.33 KB, 652x750, 47389395.jpg)

>>159565Text covers some of it, heres this. if the quality is too poor.
No. 159567
File: 1625774612018.webm (754.81 KB, 314x426, 213859593_498864684533244_8690…)
No. 159570
File: 1625775297398.jpg (63.5 KB, 720x541, IMG_20210708_130419_434.jpg)

New Kevin outfit. Lol
No. 159577
File: 1625776066406.jpg (1.07 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_07-08-01.24.12.jpg)

>>159573She's probably using someone else's screenshot.
>>159565>you're editing my photos and that's a crime Then you're going to maximum security prison for your internet felonies.
No. 159579
File: 1625776488091.jpg (59.41 KB, 640x360, 5e31959c645a48fb64d02ec81717f9…)

>>159570future apartment mgmt clearing the unit after they move out
No. 159581
>>159553OF top % isn’t only based on how much they earn
It’s a really weird algorithm that makes each creator feel like they’re doing well, even if they’re not. That’s why you see so many people brag about being in the top 5 or 10%. I don’t remember exactly what the metrics are, but it’s not based solely off of how much the person earns. It’s something to do with how often they post, their profile is viewed, clicks, messages/interactions, and a few other things.
No. 159589
>>159579Omg hahaha, I almost lost my iced coffee
>>I’m just passing through quoteis such a joke. bitch you have been living in Utah forever now your way past the passing Through
No. 159592
File: 1625779814594.jpeg (53.17 KB, 613x578, 7F55B3CC-6105-4B05-A4F7-95ADB8…)

Clearly the face of someone who is thriving
No. 159600
>>159570his obsession with these ugly ass hand me down shoes is hilarious to me.
still can't believe he bought used SHOES of all things, you may as well buy someone's used underwear
No. 159628
File: 1625790764495.jpg (511.6 KB, 2048x1866, Screenshot_20210707-150724_mh1…)

Let out a laugh when I saw Lori's reply to this post.
Sage for not milky.
No. 159640
File: 1625799597333.jpeg (76.51 KB, 945x2048, body shaming.jpeg)

>>159629That's funny considering when she did this to a 16 year old lmao
No. 159646
File: 1625803669701.jpeg (704.42 KB, 1242x1650, age rant.jpeg)

>>159640This is even funnier now than ever, I forgot about these.
No. 159647
>>159570The difference in lighting edits between his pics and
>>159577 is so huge, her hair color is probably piss yellow like her teeth.
>>159589How many years have they been together in the scam state at this point?
>>159629>>159646Nice midlife crisis cope. Imagine being so ugly and desperate for money due to being a failure, then constantly shouting into the void about how you're totally cool.
No. 159747
File: 1625849847474.png (1.22 MB, 1170x2048, Screenshot_20210709-095657.png)

>>155617Weird how she only shows 2/4 ferrets now. Watch her post her other two to prove she didn't let them die.
No. 159748
File: 1625850045782.png (1.9 MB, 1172x2048, Screenshot_20210709-095815.png)

Looking like white trash loitering at the Walmart nail salon while her tweaker husband steals stuff. What the hell is this outfit? The little kids Pusheen shorts with a mesh shrug and a ribbed bodysuit that's probably from Rainbow or some other sweatshop store in the mall. The cherry on top is her hooker money hoops. She looks like a streetwalker no matter what she wears but especially this People of WalMart garbage.
No. 159767
>>159567She talks like her tongue is too big for her mouth or something or all those years of chain smoking and weed are catching up to her lol
>>159748Kek she looks even more haggard than usual. The disgusting floor blanket is still there, how can she not see that the blanket makes her look even more retarded?
No. 159809
File: 1625871280176.jpg (105.88 KB, 720x941, IMG_20210709_155351_914.jpg)

>Make sure to save my posts
No. 159816
File: 1625873771917.jpg (674.68 KB, 2000x3000, MV5BZjMyYjc3YjUtMjI4Yi00YWU4LT…)

>>159809She shooped out her belly button KEK
No. 159919
File: 1625931978856.png (2.31 MB, 1231x2048, Screenshot_20210710-084156.png)

Another day about to be wasted playing dress up for lolcow and begging reddit pedo scrotes to give you a few bucks. Lori, we know you think that you're a master troll because you're still making $100/mos dressing like shit and seizing like an old dog on camera. Please, keep making yourself look worse.
No. 159962
File: 1625951255188.jpeg (1.32 MB, 2566x3499, 1F4A9E28-70A2-4632-8821-EA43B1…)

It’s funny that she so desires to have a Dorito face shape so I was thinking about what you said and used snow on Superman cause she’s got that Man like chin and sure enough his head shrunken just to get it the same way Lori does also notice there is one button on that app to fake a waistline
No. 159988
File: 1625962295437.png (1.5 MB, 1219x2048, Screenshot_20210710-170856.png)

Kevin's captions are stuck in 2010.
No. 160013
File: 1625978648215.jpg (102.03 KB, 720x780, IMG_20210710_213508_301.jpg)

Kevin changed his Facebook a bit today. He changed his header image to his cool Jeremy Scott shoes and changed up his bio to beg for more only fans subscribers for Lori.
No. 160018
>>160013i’m sorry but there’s something so incredibly sad and pathetic about a man shilling his fiancé’s onlyfans every chance he gets. it’s so gross and weird and i don’t understand how any guy could be okay with that sort of dynamic in a relationship. you’re literally begging OTHER MEN to come watch your fiancé be a whore, kevin. and for what? money? how materialistic and vapid
No. 160024
>>160018It’s because Kev and Looni are lazy slobs and want to live the lazy slob life: not work, not pay for their own shit, basically they wish they could live like Moo. Because apparently being what, 36? And having nothing to speak for, no career, no home, no assets, is their life goals. Hate to break it to them but she’ll never be even Moo tier, so once OF dies out she’s done for. It’s not even like she loves that good off it, so once it dries out more, what are they gonna do? Work mall jobs/factory jobs in Kevin’s case til they’re geriatric? The jokes write themselves with these two.
No. 160115
>>159988>>160018>>160032If I didn't know better, he has Lori's gay best friend vibes.
>>160024Kevvy said he didn't want to work for Amazon but I bet it's because he tried and they didn't want him.
No. 160118
>>160013I can't wait for them to go to cons and interact with real people. I can see it now.
>tween comes up to take picture with them >Bakugou leans in with his butter teeth and squints through his mask>"Did you subscribe to Monstergirl on the forbidden extra spicy?">kid is frozen in place At this point Kevin should just cosplay as her business card.
No. 160133
File: 1626022835474.jpg (144.27 KB, 720x1260, IMG_20210711_095244_222.jpg)

Kevin doesn't care about mean words on the internet because he abuses his body. This is a funny read. He ever tops it off with a sad slumped selfie to show how the internet cannot break him.
No. 160136
>>160118>Bakugou leans in with his butter teethTopkek. I bet Kevin honestly wants to go to cons because he likes cosplaying but Lori won't let him because she fears candids and him meeting normal people.
She likely will threaten him or spin a story as to why he can't go to conventions without her, too.
No. 160138
>>160133Has he tried not being retarded (or self harming)? Making cosplay should not involve impaling yourself, he also clearly burns himself cooking weekly (the 1-3rd degree burns)
A lot of these injuries could be avoided, and yet
No. 160139
>>160133"I'll make sure we have a good life"
and yet he doesn't have a job, & relies on Lori pay their bills with porn and grift free WoW time for him to sit on his ass all day.
No. 160144
>>160016Anon I laughed at this twice last night and now I'm laughing even harder because his aunt liked his current status here
>>160133Kevin has no shame. I bet he's tried to get his aunt to subscribe to the "tasteful lewd cosplay" stuff Lori does. He probably shills it to all his relatives like an MLM.
>>160138>Making cosplay should not involve impaling yourselfI love how a lot of the injuries Kevin talks about he acts as if they are completely inevitable but, like you said, he's talking about cooking injuries like dropping hot oil onto his bare feet lol.
My brain still hasn't processed the entire message yet.
No. 160154
>>160144If you’re hurting yourself during cosplay, you’re not doing it right. Injuries can happen when you’re working with some of the supplies, but it seems like he purposefully hurts himself and then calls it passion.
He shouldn’t be bragging about his recklessness. Normal cosplayers don’t lose “more blood than you’ve probably seen in your life” on their workspace.
No. 160166
>>160133It's the fucking illidan quote that sent me. Then also knowing when he says his "idols taught him" he just means anime characters.
This mfer out there doing the Naruto run away from the "big mean internet boolies" in his mid to late twenties, I can't.
No. 160172
>>160133What…what does this post mean? What is the point? All I’m getting from it is Kevin is proud that he puts himself into needlessly reckless situations and hurts himself doing relatively easy and simple tasks.
Kevin, what?
No. 160176
File: 1626030443964.jpg (130.24 KB, 400x400, i-was-not-prepared-for-the-fri…)

>>160168More than friendzoned, she detested him. Maybe it's fitting for kevvypoo, kek. WoWfaggotry but I get the impression he's the kind of person to poorly play an edgy DH belf unironically. I bet he spergs out on people in game, too. One of those players who gets votekicked from an instance for being
toxic/obnoxious, then whispers everyone still there while logging out between screeches so they can't reply.
No. 160185
>>160176He does actually main a DH, kek. Night elf though.
His character is named Dezastra on Stormrage iirc.
No. 160247
File: 1626041749396.jpeg (Spoiler Image,29.78 KB, 250x445, B472E454-7762-4B70-A6C3-A52502…)

>>160133He forgot to mention the time Lori made him do this
No. 160267
>>160133bruh the most you should injure yourself doing cosplay is burning your finger a little bit on a hot glue gun or something minimal like that. way to brag that you're not good at crafting cosplays.
and if he didn't care he wouldn't continously be posting about it. be in denial harder kevin
No. 160277
>>160259SAME. thank you. There's no doubt Lori is batshit crazy but this seems more like Kevin self harming and crying "LOOK WHAT I DID FOR YOU! LOOK HOW I LOVE YOU!" to Lori rather than "oh yeah? Cut yourself to prove you don't like that girl!" I really just don't think he is as innocent as his former friends and other farmers want to paint him as. I think he's just as much of a manipulative shit as Lori is, just with less
No. 160278
>>160133Everyones a Nihalists now? LMFAO!
Wow, they will really try and find any way possible to blame anyone but themselves. So the world is so negative but their so possitive? If that was even true what self delusion would lead them to believe the world targeted them?
Not Nihilism Kevin, Narcissism and point that finger in the right direction.
No. 160282
>>160185Kek not too shocked there either, I can see him playing alliance even for the whole "hero white knight" shtick he idolizes from anime. Ironic all things considered.
>>160259I've always thought this, too. I think anyone with two braincells to rub together can put together she can't have truly "forced" him to do it, it's just that everyone was caught up with the Lori witch hunt at that time. I recheck the thread for his antics more than anything, Lori has learned to mostly keep her mouth shut in public it seems
No. 160311
>>160133I thought they already loved the good life according to Kevvo. Yet he can't even afford a new pop socket and phone case to hide the fact that he has to use Lori's old phone.
Kev, keep the updates coming for the lolz but you're not convincing anyone that you don't care about the shit show you started in all this.
No. 160336
>>160324>>160277>>160282See this Lori? We believe Kevin is the problem. Stop editing your pics into pedo bait and drop the proof that we know you have in text messages from Kevin acting weird
I remember when those messages leaked where Lori was basically threatening Kevin in an argument they were having to say that he raped her. I'm wondering if there is actual proof now, like chat logs where he admits to it?
No. 160338
>>160337Well, I wonder if he really did force her or pressure her until she said yes now. Remember when she did that post that said he yells "witholding" at her when she doesn't feel like having sex?
No. 160361
File: 1626085080804.jpeg (529.51 KB, 1407x1993, 45C1F836-D9A6-497A-A3B4-1F949B…)

Looks like the zerotwo ski walk chapter is coming to a close, and the Saber saga has begun.
No. 160366
File: 1626088440902.jpeg (441.85 KB, 828x735, 55729C61-5091-4138-9F19-C8D9B4…)

>>159962Lori skinwalking this character with her dorito shoops
No. 160383
>>160361Of course she's reverting back to skinwalking really pale and blonde tweens. She wishes she was a blonde bombshell so bad, it's so clear through her character choice. She wants to be the stereotypical American hot girl.
>>160377Just those three so far.
No. 160397
File: 1626105228572.png (1.83 MB, 1165x2048, Screenshot_20210712-085118.png)

Posting black cosplayers doesn't make the racist things you've said for years go away Lori. You don't get away with calling Japanese women flatfaced and stuff Ghetto for decades, then get to act like you're so inclusive. You've been racist for most of your adult life! You just think making fun of people's features is normal and not racist cause you're a self hating brown woman who wants to be a blonde 14 year old little girl.
No. 160401
File: 1626105383269.png (2.11 MB, 1263x2048, Screenshot_20210712-085100.png)

Samefagging but I love how visible it is that all of his stuff is banished to the living room. Coats hanging on guitars, creased shoes. It's like there's a desk in there, his laundry basket, clothes, shoes, the front door, the sliding back door and a mirror. That's it.
No. 160427
>>160361Saber seems like such a weird character for her to choose. while her, Usagi, and 02 all have that "beautiful tough girl who eats a lot" trope going on, it just seems like a weird pick. her mannerisms aren't particularly obvious or cutesy, and so far in her cosplay posts Lori hasn't gotten them right.
I don't think it'll last as long as 02 did, it'll be until the next popular FotM main girl. Lori needs more attention then she'll get from the Fate community.
No. 160431
File: 1626108335275.jpeg (158.98 KB, 1280x720, ADB936E0-AD39-4CA3-AFE6-57E56E…)

I have this sneaking suspicion that Lori’s next skinwalk may be Belle from that upcoming anime movie of the same name. Lori posted about her once already and she already does half of her makeup like the character. Would be an easy transition from 02.
Although she’d probably only do it if the movie was a big hit so she could get those sweet, sweet instagram likes and more subs to her spicy.
No. 160450
>>160447It's try-hard at very least. I see why you could feel that way, though. She has a habit of mimicking languages and vernacular when it suits her aesthetic or she thinks it will appeal to who she's talking to/shouting out.
>Yas, Queen and Slay are used when complimenting black and brown women or anyone LGBT>"Sempai", Waifu, Loli and other buzzwords or bastardizations of Japanese will be used in contexts where she is really selling the sex fantasy of a real life anime doll with a virgin/whore complex. Always underage and always sexually forward.Her appeals to black and brown women stems from her own disconnect & racism within herself, which is why it comes off like a white girl using AAVE. It's not in her daily lexicon and doesn't fit where it is applied. The next point is obvious, we all know Lori uses stereotypes of East Asian women to make money and porn. She's old enough to know what she's doing is inherently racist and ill-spirited but she won't ever accept the truth. You're not reaching or anything, you're just observant.
No. 160482
File: 1626119087678.jpg (59.84 KB, 720x648, IMG_20210712_121720_020.jpg)

>>160433Kevin answered this question actually.
No. 160486
File: 1626119778246.jpeg (211.57 KB, 1330x981, 28595A22-F815-4476-A951-AADC61…)

Instantly thought of Lori. Kinda funny this is what she is known for.
No. 160502
>>160498Yeah it really seems like Kevin lives in the living room/kitchen area. Someone on KF speculated that the layout of Lori’s room means they have a 2 bedroom, but we’ve never seen pictures of it. Kevin always takes pictures in Lori’s room or living room/entryway. His computer is set up by their back door, Lori’s computer is in her own room.
If they do have a second room I really can’t imagine it’s being used by Kevin, because why wouldn’t he take his pictures in there? Probably floor to ceiling full of Lori’s cheap Chinese garbage if it even exists.
Pretty pathetic for an “engaged” and “in love” couple. How does Kevin justify this?? lmao.
No. 160504
File: 1626126189207.jpg (151.5 KB, 1080x1920, 217413885_253788189461600_1625…)

The feet comments hurt, she finally did something about it. Kek at her sticking her witch finger between her leg and strap to show how uwu smol she is because its at the last grommet.
No. 160507
File: 1626126380602.webm (508.51 KB, 720x1280, 216547691_548458303192936_1798…)
Note how she never breaks eye contact with her reflection. The phone is upside down to make her jaw look smaller. She's so full of herself.
No. 160530
File: 1626130268532.png (3.08 MB, 828x1792, 4691CF30-594A-43D6-A225-0776D3…)

Right, shadow banned. That explains your lack of a following. Banned for what Kev? How does one come to that conclusion? Nobody likes you Kevin, stop being so delusional.
No. 160534
>>160530this excuse has been popping up more and more lately from people who get low interaction on social media.
oh?? i’m not getting any likes or comments?? i must be shadowbanned!!! ):
kevin, people get shadowbanned for saying offensive or controversial shit. your hypebeast/e-boy/scene kid instagram is not shadowbanned. people just don’t care about your strange fashion and obsession with ugly shoes and creepy shilling of your fiance’s OF.
also that pose and hairstyle lmao i’m dying. this man is 27
No. 160538
>>160535I think he’s just super casual/kinda bad. Former friend of Kevin’s here and I played LoL with him a bit. He’s never gotten out of silver, even when he was playing a ton of ranked. Idk how good he is at WoW, but his progression isn’t great.
His WoW guild is also full of his friends from his teenage years so I don’t think he was a space filler.
No. 160540
File: 1626132437591.jpg (68.35 KB, 720x996, IMG_20210712_162632_870.jpg)

Beep beep homies. Some very desperate Reddit shit coming through. No. 160543
>>160540Other posts to Cosplay subreddits
>good photo quality>Sets with props >professional editing software is clearly used>decent to excellent costume and prop quality>some semblance of craftsmanship, even the titty cosplays>girls know how to smile and pose for their face and body typesAnd then Lori is over here
>Amazon outfit>Dollskill to prove you own brand>Terrible quality>Auto edited with free beauty apps>Mirror selfies>No sets or interesting props >0 photography skill >Same stiff posing that makes her look weird>Everything is fake to the point of her being unrecognizable >Has to literally paste on fake smiles in apps because she's so bitter, insecure and haggard No. 160555
>>160401>>160504They're both full on homelesscore at this stage. I wonder how much longer they can stay before getting evicted from the struggle unit.
>>160534"Shadowbanned" without receipts is a silly cope for their shit content getting barely any interaction other than bot. Actual shadowbanned people would just make multiple accounts and continue to post offensive shit.
No. 160565
>>160538Yeah I noticed he was "Rank 2" in the guild so he's an officer in his guild but the GM and other officers haven't done the new raid and it wasn't through the Looking for Raid, raid finder so someone invited him to do it. Just strange he'd have skipped the mid raid bosses.
>>160555Is their state still doing the eviction ban from covid? I know a few states you can't be evicted right now so maybe that's why they have so much money for clothes they're not paying any rent perhaps? Not to sure.
No. 160590
File: 1626150502574.jpeg (343.79 KB, 828x1414, 2CFEFC12-FB4E-4E12-BD04-11CC76…)

He’s on a roll, ego tripping hard today. Yet still nobody cares, and his outfit looks dumb as hell.
No. 160674
File: 1626190627790.png (757.67 KB, 1080x1863, Screenshot_20210713-083541~2.p…)

The fact you don't have plastic surgery doesn't make your appearance natural. You're as fake as can be. NOTHING about you is real. It's all filters and acting. How embarassing to be convincing yourself of your own lies, publicly to boot.
No. 160675
>>160674>filters set to maximumLoony won't admit she can't afford to do anything about her unfortunate appearance.
I hope her threads always begin with those transforming GIFs. To remind her of what she looks like naturally.
No. 160686
>>160674LMFAO! I have to wonder if this pic is in response to this post
>I'll never not be confused why she goes through so much trouble to filter/edit her face to this. It's not pretty and even if was natural I wouldnt think she was pretty.How hard you have to lie to yourself to type "all natural" on that clearly ugly over edited pic is pathetic.
No. 160733
File: 1626210481856.jpeg (123.27 KB, 1124x777, 5CE7D33A-6A89-42C3-A76C-5DBE56…)

I found out trigger studios is working for star wars and I’m sure I found Lori’s new skin walk
No. 160742
>>160733I don’t think Lorena skin walks because she genuinely likes something. She has never come off as passionate with any of her hobbies/interests like others in the fandom. All her cosplay/skin walk attempts just look like she’s doing it to spite someone she knows. She’s always copying to prove that she can do it better for whatever reason. I know she’s hilariously delusional but I do feel sorry for her. She’s living such an unfulfilling life and she only seems passionate at responding to trolls.
On another note, her spending habits have always baffle me. Why is it that she’s spending more than she’s earning? She spends so much on niche wear for her insta or OF, but how much profit is she actually receiving? The whole point of having a career is to earn a profit isn’t it?
No. 160747
>>160681I was about to say, her poof face isn’t helping hide her new heifer cheeks and is actually making it more apparent kek
Look at that arm too
No. 160762
>>160702the peach or? regardless I guarantee her and kev lurk both here and her thread/kiwifarms. she is an oldfag after all
the cow bikini shit is a dead giveaway imo
No. 160797
File: 1626232186451.jpg (230.49 KB, 888x1043, PicsArt_07-13-08.07.31.jpg)

Her hand, not even fully extended, is as big as her face. Her full hand is probably the size of her edited head if not bigger.
No. 160798
File: 1626232265316.png (1.3 MB, 1162x2048, Screenshot_20210713-200529.png)

Another pathetic shout out, hi Obaachan!
No. 160825
File: 1626255824555.jpg (95.95 KB, 480x768, clompclomphomies.jpg)

No. 160835
File: 1626263280539.jpeg (873.6 KB, 828x1397, 49720F52-F177-4FB9-9C56-884BB3…)

So classy and kawaii /sarcasm
No. 160839
>>160835Thoughts as to why she won't post any real nudes?
Is it because she thinks she'll lose some dignity or has Kevin forbidden her from showing bob and vagene?
IIRC from the leak only 1 pic had nips in it
No. 160846
File: 1626271209353.jpg (127.54 KB, 720x999, IMG_20210714_065942_243.jpg)

This is new.
No. 160856
>>160840Nobody is subbing now with all the money she spent on bot followers, and they sure aren't going to be subbing later.
>>160846Tinfoilhatting here but I think this confirms Kevin relies on her for money but the place is probably in his name.
Loony's sexting in hopes of catfishing someone stupid enough to take her. She probably thought she had someone baited but that fell through, so this new desperate sentence was added.
It's been ages of her doing the same shit over and over and failing. She's the textbook definition of insanity and I can see her still trying to do this at 50, kek.
No. 161033
Kevin baleeted his Facebook. Wanna bet they’re fighting over
>>160846 ?
No. 161035
Ok after reading this
>>161033 I redact this
>>161032 and tinfoil that this
>>161018 in all it's unsaged, reddit spaced glory was infact Kevin angst posting here while they fight
No. 161098
>>161035Amazing, the timing lines up. They always post unsaged when fighting even though they've had years to integrate.
>>161092He posts "as her" on Reddit and even writes like her so much that we can't tell them apart anymore. I can totally see this happening and him justifying it as a way to get another stupid wingshoe.
No. 161105
File: 1626369933748.png (647.36 KB, 1739x2048, Screenshot_20210715-102104.png)

Neither of them follow each other and Lori is straight up ignoring answering any questions about her relationship status. Is this finally it? Or is Kevin too retarded to fend for himself?
No. 161107
>>161033Interesting. His Facebook is back now and he changed his profile pic from a couples' pic of him and Lori to an individual pic of him.
Lori also blocked him on Instagram. He's not following her anymore and all his likes are gone.
They're definitely fighting.
No. 161121
File: 1626376501881.jpg (88.4 KB, 738x743, image.jpg)

The fact she purposefully makes herself look bad to troll is so insane to me. This is what happens when you literally close your eyes and and pick out lingerie. Anyone who cares about fashion would rather rope than be caught in this ever. Saged for non-milk. We totally need a relationship timeline and a collage of her worst looks. They're so funny.
No. 161224
File: 1626426226552.jpg (45.61 KB, 540x960, d7j2xe3-e51bd7b8-3b77-4817-b49…)

she has such a mature face, she could cosplay as a lot of non-uwu characters and nail it if her and kev buckled down with their builds/handmade shit. now is the time, it's actually wild to me she went the loli onlyfans route when she could easily do the dom/findom path and maybe make some money.
No. 161225
File: 1626426343285.jpg (39.65 KB, 470x705, d5mlstr-e4730175-ba9c-47ca-b99…)

sorry to samefag but this is kind of an example. this has some character to it at least. it's also wild she leaves these up on every site/her fb for anyone to see, that SHE posted, that proves what she really looks like, then has the audacity to cry photoshop.
No. 161289
File: 1626443313289.jpeg (90.67 KB, 640x640, C01150D7-13A6-45CD-A45A-B2BE1B…)

Bombass lighting in a shitty apartment does wonders, kids. Take it from Granny.
No. 161303
File: 1626446918575.jpg (71.78 KB, 550x518, Remini20210716104647650.jpg)

>>161297The blue eyes are real. It's one of the things she thinks makes her so speshul, since latinx people with blue eyes are not the most common. She also used to use her eye colour as proof that she was meant to be Sailor Moon since they both have the same eye colour.
(Deleted my previous post with same body text because picrel didn't show eye colour very well)
No. 161326
File: 1626448884139.jpg (54.39 KB, 600x480, 0ed03eee8edab34be3ec416f2eacdb…)

>>161303I bet she still thinks she looks like that 20 years later. It's funny that that's all it took to make her feel special. Even by sPeShUl lAtInX standards, she's so average. Pic rel is a beautiful blue-eyed Latina girl. Even as a kid she was still goofy looking. Lori looks like a potato with a widespread melanin deficiency, KEK.
Why does Lori think that she's a model again? Is it just because she surrounds herself with uggos to make herself pop?
No. 161341
>>161303Her editing is so bad. For 20 years her eyes are never a proper circle because she keeps liquefying them.
I assume she did the editing on this 20 years ago bc these pics look like they're from the 70s or something.
No. 161401
File: 1626463130733.jpg (780.64 KB, 1075x1168, A.jpg)

Lori is on the YRU app somehow
No. 161402
File: 1626463211795.jpg (68.72 KB, 494x370, 1625991972503.jpg)

>>161303>latinx>>161326>latinx>>161392>latinxJust say "latinos". No one here's going to get
No. 161437
>>161401I cannot believe any professional company is okay with this low quality advertising lmao.
Her room is a disaster, it’s literally a low quality mirror selfie taken on a phone, barely any focus on the product. What the fuck lmao how is this real.
No. 161445
File: 1626476084305.jpg (57.46 KB, 720x494, IMG_20210716_150416_023.jpg)

Good god why
No. 161447
File: 1626476386323.jpg (388.99 KB, 1080x1774, Screenshot_20210716-175803_Ins…)

Comments on a yru post @ing her
No. 161452
>>161447"false and damaging information"
Kevin there's literal photos of it. And everything. None of it is false.
No. 161455
File: 1626477399323.jpeg (404.08 KB, 828x1323, A22AA459-4A2A-4139-81D6-819969…)

>>161447“Organized crime” I’m wheezing
No. 161456
>>161455… did he get inspired by the Creepshow Art drama? IP addresses, really?
i hope when he starts that Twitch channel he gets to do a NordVPN ad.
No. 161457
>>161455God I love these Kevin spergouts. >Organized crime.
Maybe Lori will unblock him and let him back on her friends list again!
No. 161464
>>161455Oh Shit!!! I'm choking on my damn drink from laughing so hard!
Top Fucking Kek Kevin!! What an idiot. Now Lori has two reasons to be humiliated today, that ugly outfit you posted just took a back seat.
No. 161465
File: 1626478659555.png (711.46 KB, 1531x2048, Screenshot_20210716-163535.png)

No. 161466
File: 1626478691084.png (835.83 KB, 1282x2048, Screenshot_20210716-163551.png)

No. 161469
File: 1626478977799.png (741.88 KB, 2048x1591, Screenshot_20210716-163939.png)

>>161465Threatening people with lawsuits and commenting "get ready to owe us $$" absolutely would constitute extortion. Instead of keeping the case about their safety, he went full on money grubbing. It's documented forever now. Good luck, bitch boy. You'll get fucked real hard in your ass in your own state.
No. 161470
File: 1626479179244.jpeg (300.96 KB, 828x1224, 7BF96727-F67E-4BF4-992A-FBF4F9…)

A failed doxxing attempt was made. He’s so cringy
No. 161471
>>161455Imagine being so retarded and believing fake threats on the internet would scare people.
I can't wait till YRU takes her ugly pics down for his efforts.
>>161466>case worker>ipsTopkek how uneducated is he? Instagram will never divulge IPs or any personal data to random poors in the scam state of Utah.
No. 161473
>>161455kevin seriously makes them look even more unhinged i can't stop laughing at this
lives/relationships ruined? i think you're talking about your own kevin KEK
No. 161474
File: 1626479727428.jpeg (105.15 KB, 828x414, 8F109BA6-63C0-4551-BABF-94A4CC…)

I cannot believe he keeps replying to these comments, he’s just digging a deeper and deeper hole for him and Lori.
Yes Kevin, because people asking about a (proven) rumor are the crazies.
No. 161480
File: 1626481129409.jpeg (340.07 KB, 1640x1460, 4F6F0A76-0CEF-4449-9C05-605C6C…)

No. 161482
File: 1626481271307.jpeg (385.04 KB, 1124x1854, 3D3577C0-BA57-48AE-8777-AB14A4…)

Wtf is klarna
No. 161486
>>161473>lives/relationships ruinedI thought he was talking about his own. How confusing.
>>161482He entered a contest for poors who want to get poor faster.
No. 161509
File: 1626486420946.jpeg (174.29 KB, 1030x662, clydecash skinwalk.jpeg)

>>161326Clyde Cash skinwalker Lori
No. 161530
Kevin's keyboard warrior insanity is exactly why I don't think Lori could even tell Kevin she's only leading on guys for the money like anons suggest
>>161074>>161092Kevin would immediately post on Facebook about it kek he's the kind of guy who if he managed to rob a bank he would immediately boast about it on Instagram and tag the cops
No. 161539
File: 1626495311263.png (454.19 KB, 1149x2048, Screenshot_20210716-211434.png)

Keep deflecting, abuser.
No. 161546
File: 1626497862850.jpeg (493.05 KB, 750x928, E2963504-3782-47A2-A1CF-46C336…)

old milk but wtf is this??? imagine posting this and being almost 30 or in loris case being steps away from 40
No. 161550
File: 1626498396709.jpg (204.97 KB, 959x1280, IMG_20210704_123505_437.jpg)

>>161546I remember this lol. Kevin's caption was something like "Head pats, the answer is always head pats," Speaking of older pics, I was trying to find something else and ran into this image lol.
No. 161690
File: 1626536360585.png (937.37 KB, 1080x1873, Screenshot_20210717-083608~2.p…)

Looks like Lee Pham is a decent LoL cosplayer. Now I understand why Kevin wants to pin this on him. He thinks he can do what Lori did and just throw everyone better than him under the bus until they cave due to harassment or quit. He does LoL armor builds and photography. Going to assume him and Kev may have been friends or colleagues when he was still actually cosplaying and not pretending. Lori's nastiness has rubbed off on Kevin fully. Is this his Zan equivalent? No. 161692
File: 1626536619051.jpg (37.8 KB, 720x488, IMG_20210717_084114_890.jpg)

Lori you idiot. You're the one who adds items to your own wishlist. She SUCKS as an influencer. "A store in town!" "A homie bought it for me after I requested it" wtf
No. 161696
File: 1626537548312.jpeg (Spoiler Image,156.82 KB, 1080x1401, 336CAB8F-62E2-4523-8483-736544…)

Pretending to ride dildos on her dirty table again I see
No. 161701
File: 1626537777713.jpg (80.41 KB, 720x960, 135247215_3488223917954381_752…)

>>161693I don't remember the laugh react thing but I think they were facebook friends. Anyway, lee's shit looks kinda cool. he doesn't look like an anemic meth head and he has a lot of friends who actively engage with him online. So of course Kev wants to blame him for all his woes.
No. 161774
>>161674Either way it seems like Kevin is back on his usual routine of blaming his old friends who (likely) tried to reach out and help him for all the misery in his life.
I've never heard of this guy brought up before but whenever Kev brings up a rando cosplayer, that's usually what it is.
Is this the Cali friend who ""hacked"" his bank account?
No. 161777
File: 1626545560071.jpg (120.79 KB, 972x1296, FB_IMG_1626545425899.jpg)

>>161739That's a cool story, bro.
No. 161779
>>161778A while ago, Kevin said something about how people who make 3D printed props aren't really talented and take no skill because all you do is paint.
I wonder is it because of this guy?
No. 161788
File: 1626548631669.png (Spoiler Image,4.54 MB, 1536x2048, E5Pf1s6VkAAdcGJ.png)

>>161700Why doesn't she ever change up her content? It's all the same sets, same poses, same everything with her flailing around her room like a fish out of water.
No. 161789
>>161692>homieA white middle-aged woman saying this while lying about the bulk garbage she buys from aliexpress.
>>161777>>161480Lori and Kevin are probably seething over these people with jealousy.
No. 161826
>>161795Too bad nobody made another gif that transforms into her real face that uses a candid. Maybe
>>158189 since it's a candid of them both.
>>161798The big hands, square bodies, long philtrum, and jawline edits on
>>161546 and
>>161550 just screamed M2F to me.