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No. 13673
>>13668samefag to get us started
Who we know about so far:
>>Mariah Mallad infamous chubo Samus who came to lolcow to defend her stuffing down dollar menu items and being a cheating ho. whines about being called a fatty but has no motivation to change that.
>>Mariah Mendoza/Yuuhi TakahiroThe one who started it all. A true lolcow deserving of a hall of fame induction. Our kawaii desu protagonist made history with her PULL thread, then quietly exited the internet. When she returned he was a hot ass, nigga-loving,
#import model #asianfantasy #rachet dream girl! We all lightly clapped as we were happy to see yuuhi morph into every other embarrassing high school student, but then surprise, surprise! It seems Mariah may be up to her old tricks and have started threads on here about other flakes.
>>Kimmy Chu/KikitheWannabeeDdlg whore. Lived with Tavia at one point but was apparently a nasty fuck and so they had one of the weebiest, lulz worthy internet fights ever. Complains about not having any money or friends and is also an ana-chan on instagram. Wants to fuck her dad, brother and whoever else will put their dick in her incest cave
>>Sam flowersPossible snowflake with vendetta-chan problems. Another suspect in the "who framed Yuuhi takahiro" thread debacle. More to come.
>>Tavia Olsen/MissHimenaCosplayKotori-chan snowflake who has slept with 99% of Vegas and apparently lied about being raped. Cheats on all her boyfriends, dates 30 year old pedo-sans, uses people for money and is generaly like most weebs who have no ambition to do anything but weeb for the rest of their lives. Has a plethora of Vegas snowflakes who hate her which should bring some top keks for us. Current question is who started her thread.
(there are a lot more vegas snowflakes but i couldn't think of how to include them so post anymore you can think of guys)
No. 13677
>>13675juat don't fuck with the anime scene/k-pop scene anon. Almost every person in those two scenes is a hot snowflakey mess.
Never heard of this Andrew guy but most guys in vegas take advantage of the fact girls here are so naive and desperate for affection. It doesn't surprise me at all
No. 13683
File: 1460498949867.jpeg (42.21 KB, 390x389, image.jpeg)

>>13675His name is Andrew yeti Olson he is totally famous in the cosplay community for being a creep!
No. 13685
File: 1460500006410.jpeg (136.63 KB, 750x818, image.jpeg)

The infamous Kim Do! The former owner of anime ramen and pretty maid cafe. Known for her poor management and evil schemes.
I'll give you some examples!
>didn't pay her animegacon maids, over worked them, one fainted on the job.
>called employees fat on multiple occasions and pressured them the take on her obsessive "healthy life style"
>racist and sexist
>refuses to hire girls if they "don't look the part" leading her to hiring girls who didn't even know what anime was. Then threw them into skimpy "cosplay"
>photoshopped her face onto one of her employees bodies after they quit. Lulz
>her maid cafe at sabakon consisted of girls bending over and dropping panties and they served chicken nuggets and pretzels.
No. 13687
File: 1460500402268.jpeg (153.01 KB, 485x720, image.jpeg)

>>13685Believe it or not that was hernia chan in the middle
She made a really big deal about this, it was so lulzy. What would you expect hernia? Your autistic boss hates you from the start and you just left her in the dark! You're so ugly she just had to remove you're face.
No. 13695
File: 1460500908835.jpg (92.49 KB, 960x960, rin.jpg)

>>13682I got you anon
>>Katherine DunnInfamous owner of K-Krew Las Vegas
-Used to throw tons of parties and make people buy alcohol but then proceed to drink it all herself
-alcoholic lulz
-Hates Tavia
-was abusive to her ex boyfriend and used to make him pay for all of her shit including her expensive ass Lush collection and a plethora of Kate Spade
-Dropped out of high school and started getting homeschooled because waaaa people are mean (she's graduated now)
-kicked multiple admins out of kkrew because she didn't like them
-gained 30 pounds and is a fat whale now
-doesn't even really like kpop but rides the hype wagon for every kpop event in Vegas just so she can ain popularity (see Aomg concert)
No. 13706
>>13673 anon. I only included her because she was brought up in Tavia's thread. If she is not a snowflake I apologize but other anons have stated she may be involved
No. 13715
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No. 13716
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No. 13717
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No. 13719
File: 1460502512825.png (1.57 MB, 1439x1434, 20160412_160746.png)

>>13712>>13695>>13714Even though rin needs her own threat this is good enough.
No. 13737
File: 1460502906883.png (1.83 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

This one cracks me up
No. 13740
File: 1460502975935.png (1.64 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Stop stuffing your face rin chan. Zelo won't notice you anymore.
No. 13743
File: 1460503095623.png (Spoiler Image,1.21 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Sorry anon this is just too good
No. 13747
File: 1460503506448.png (Spoiler Image,539.21 KB, 1151x1968, 20160412_162209.png)

She's all about that uljing life. She try to make that dumb cross eyed look in photos then when she looks dumb enough photoshops her face to be slim and skinny.
No. 13761
>>13753She dances like a gorilla!
Also to add, rin was all over yuuhi and tavias threads. What's a cow like you doing in a place like this rin? Currently she thinks I'm her friend so she talks to me a little bit. Kek
No. 13763
>>13715 >>118241
This photo is when she got a hotel room for her birthday party and only like 3 showed up. Wonder why?
No. 13769
>>13767Yes!!! He is the guy that used to supply rin with alcohol.
He's almost 30 I think, well he looks it.
I've been told by a few of my friends that he's tried to get with them. This is only from what they have told me, sorry but I don't have proof.
No. 13772
>>13770 >>118303
Hes harmless,Just comes off creepy sometimes
No. 13776
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You're forgetting akidearest
No. 13777
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'Idol aiya'
No. 13778
File: 1460507921462.jpeg (128.13 KB, 750x823, image.jpeg)

'Akidearest' is a fat weeaboo man lady who thinks she's a hot-shot because she has a handful of subscribers on YouTube. Not to mention that mustache.
No. 13779
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>>13778lol keep trying, you pig.
No. 13787
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You're hurting everyone's eyes!
No. 13793
File: 1460525828457.png (1.03 MB, 957x912, animeteahost.png)

Wow. As a vegas anon I don't know what to say about vegas getting a general thread here, though I am in awe. I'm not sure if this counts as snowflake material, but since this is a weeb thread I'll contribute with this thing called Anime Tea Host. I'm hoping there are some anons that have heard or gone to their "events" that can contribute to this!
For starters, they want to be the next Anime Ramen restaurant with maids or whatnot, judging by links from last year.
No. 13794
>>13793Why do they keep making these anime resturants? The target audience is a very small group of people (weebs). Thats a lot of money wasted.
But anyways, whats the milk on them?
No. 13809
File: 1460582796751.jpg (2.46 MB, 2056x1371, 70857-866dc9fae49863194c05aadf…)

forgetting someone?
No. 13822
File: 1460593647927.png (1.93 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Oh god no. She's so fat. They must have fired her because she was too disgusting compared to the other girls. Kek
No. 13839
>>13837You bitches are stupid enough to believe anything you read on the Internet
I'm out
No. 13847
File: 1460595753362.jpeg (103.42 KB, 475x588, image.jpeg)

>>13846I got you anon
I actually know her from meeting her this year briefly at otakon.
looks like a dike.
Is she lesbian now
No. 13864
>>13860He is pretty hot irl
makes me wonder too~!
No. 13872
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>>13871>>13871I'm really thinking about posting these things because her ex boyfriend told me some juicy stuff about her. His name was earl.
No. 13878
>>13872When he broke up with her she went bat shit crazy throwing things and threatened to
kill him. He was talking to this new girl and she went to her house and wouldn't leave the door! sarena went around telling people that he raped, abused her, and that he told her to not eat. There's a lot more but I'm not sure if you guys want to know. ?
No. 13879
>>13878She has a big past of sleeping with a lot of Vegas guys too. I know of her personally, she's no worse than this Tavia chick.
Earl told quite a few people of this story. I've even heard of it through the grape vine.
No. 13881
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Look at this little diamond in the rough
apparently she has a law degree and working in retail now.
No. 13886
>>13885Yes seriously.
What a downgrade
No. 13887
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>>13886I remember when this photo was taken. Kek
No. 13895
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>>13889I have more milk to bring. You can see this photo is of them sleeping in a hotel from a convention. There were at least 5 people sleeping in that room. My friend Kari said that her and earrl were having sex "secretly" while they thought everyone was sleeping.
so disturbing No. 13896
File: 1460599255250.jpeg (391.15 KB, 1366x2048, image.jpeg)

>not weebish
No. 13899
>>13895that's so wrong……
' pukes '
No. 13909
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"I'm I have anorexia now because earrl told me I'm too fat!"
No. 13917
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No. 13923
>>13794My info on them is pretty old, but I hope it's informative. As someone already said here, this Tea Host thing is somewhat affiliated with SoGood, AKA the place that is co-owned(?) by Tavia's current boyfriend since they had an event at SoGood last year in the summer.
The Tea host thing works by having events at Desert Breeze park, which is kinda why it's low on the radar lol. Apparently they had a event on Halloween last year where the time changed repeatedly, though I'm hoping a vegas anon went there and can give better info than me.
Otherwise, think of Anime Tea Host as a poorly planned event at a local park. During their event with SoGood last year they were charging 20 bucks for entry and people were just walking in (Which happened at their next event after that one and probably happened during the halloween one), not helped by the fact that SoGood's arcade machines were for whatever reason not working so they had to let people play them for free. Since Anime Tea Host is a volunteer thing they tend to attract high school volunteers which is pretty unfortunate because the previous or whatever "lead maid" in that photo was bossy, though that's all the information I have on her since she's not exactly to my knowledge snowflake material unless anybody else has info on her. And Tavia was at the event after the SoGood one, if that's juicy.
No. 13928
File: 1460601361536.jpg (79.55 KB, 640x960, 10253978_10152748233998368_414…)

look who i found in Nica's pictures from Sabakon kek
No. 13930
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>>13926Everyone meet Dasia.
Picture below is her and her old ass bf.>lied about her age said she was 19 but people claim she is around 15-16 y/o>dating super old Asian guy named josh >only cosplay is some slutty one piece out fit and some poorly put together Harley Quinn and some street fighter slut costume. >constantly puts other cosplayers down publicly.>very active in the Mariah thread>wears super skimpy outfits all the time.>calls other girls sluts when she's known for sleeping around. No. 13938
File: 1460602377236.jpg (55.07 KB, 540x960, dasia.jpg)

>>13933she has a nice body, but god i wish girls would stop using slutty outfits and claiming they are cosplay. This shit is not cosplay it's just a glorified slutty halloween costume
No. 13943
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>>13941I come baring cringe worthy photos
No. 13945
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No. 13953
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Racist bitch
No. 13954
File: 1460603371831.jpg (Spoiler Image,722.83 KB, 1225x1482, Screenshot_20160413-200801.jpg)

No. 13956
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>>13953Actress? Model? Cosplayer?
You're none of those, you rat faced bitch.
No. 13961
File: 1460604297900.jpeg (171.57 KB, 750x1071, image.jpeg)

talking about yourself Dasia?
No. 13962
File: 1460604329935.jpeg (153.45 KB, 750x698, image.jpeg)

here's some of her drama earlier this year
No. 13964
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Behold! Biggest hypocrite in Las Vegas!
No. 13975
File: 1460606888101.png (2.05 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Take a look at this gem I found
No. 13976
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No. 13980
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No. 13987
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Tavia go to hell.
No. 13988
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No. 13989
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Two snowflakes, one pic kek
No. 13990
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No. 13998
File: 1460627054303.png (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 1439x944, Crossed eyed chicken faced bit…)

Any who
No. 14004
>>14003That doesn't surprise me she wouldn't hire blacks girls. All the girls she hired were either Asian or kawaii sugoi white girls like Tavia who could "pass" for Asian with the right makeup. Black girls can't pass for Asian and therefore don't fit the animuuu aesthetic. Kimmy isn't cute and is nasty on social media so she probably wouldn't have gotten hired regardless.
That's so fucked up, she should have paid out of her pocket for another room for the girl. That's some grimmy shit right there.
No. 14007
>>14004Not only did Kim treated the girl like a retard for been dyslexic, but one of the "maids" kept bulling her constantly.
Not all the "maids" where assholes, but one in particular was known for just been a bully.
No. 14012
File: 1460734824350.png (990.38 KB, 1440x2560, lol4.png)

What about Mikayla Nam/HimeButt?
I don't really know much about her, besides that as soon as something comes out movie/anime/cartoon, she immediately has to make a crappy cosplay about it?
No. 14014
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No. 14016
File: 1460737418050.jpg (201.08 KB, 540x833, BeautyPlus_20160415092312_save…)

Is she underage?
No. 14018
>>14017I think she wants to be the first one to cosplay something. She wants it to so bad, that she just goes to her closet, takes whatever looks similar to any character and "finishes it" with bad photoshop.
Like the fake spots on the ladybug.
I remember that for her Ariel "cosplay" she pretty much used a bra on top of a shirt and she cut the lower part with the camera.
Im more annoyed at her constant fanservice than to her lazy-cosplaying though…
No. 14020
>>14012holy fuck this is gold op, this bitch really photoshopped the ladybug mask onto her face, it's too easy.
Cosplay is dead lol
No. 14021
This Mikayla was Yuuhi's sissy lol xD
No. 14023
File: 1460750485093.jpg (56.95 KB, 1080x1080, 11349417_1176060029074046_1028…)

Dat photoshop lulz
No. 14029
File: 1460784853699.jpg (72.4 KB, 540x619, 13022304_261296594213601_17396…)

Rin tries so hard to look like all these Kpop Idols yet she got no brows bruh.
No. 14031
>>13668does Vegas have a big weeb/cosplay community? Is it because it's such a convention town and attracts transplants?
Asking bc I have serious plans to move there soon (for non weeb reasons) and I'm curious.
No. 14037
>>13683Not surprised to see Yeti posted here one bit. He turned into a rude douchebag. He wasn't always an ass but he was always a creeper.
>>13685Kim is a very special kind of snowflake who deserves her own thread. I still laugh at how she majored in business and philosophy and yet, her family has nothing but a string of failed business ventures. You'd think one would learn.
>>13777The worst. We don't want her back in town.
>>13809Kalika is fucking cringy as fuck. She goes by Midnight Purrsona or some shit like that as her cosplay handle. She'd always cry about people not liking her cosplays and not getting attention because she's "fat, black and ugly." Bitch, your personality is the
main problem.>>119154
>>13872>>13878>>13879>>13883I didn't know this about Sarena. I'm… honestly, quite disappointed in her. Jesus.
>>13926Daisha is a fucking bitch but when you call her out on how she acts shitty toward you? Boy, is it easy to make her cry. Not everyone is going to sit and take being treated like crap, little girl.
>>14036Can't forget that the jobs here are total shit.
No. 14046
File: 1460938325069.jpeg (186.92 KB, 750x712, image.jpeg)

Introducing Sharon kim
Aka @sharonchan_cosplayer_
>home wrecker on multiple accounts
>compulsive cheater
>best friends with yuuhi takahiro (secretly hates her because her boyfriend is in love with yuuhi)
>cheated on her boyfriend and brags about it
>posts nude photos to Facebook
>her boyfriend is ok with her sleeping with other boys
>her parents buy all her cosplay and circle lenses and throws tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants
>best friends with kimmy chu
>may or may not be laolic
No. 14048
File: 1460938725662.jpeg (121.69 KB, 747x625, image.jpeg)

Those flabby ass cheeks
Real cute flabbychan
No. 14050
>>14049I'm sure he knows what she's doing
He's probably afraid of being alone or something
No. 14052
File: 1460939158508.jpeg (70.2 KB, 750x402, image.jpeg)

^ Sharon and Yuuhi together ^
No. 14053
>>14052At least yuuhi knew how to do her hair
That comb over 'cringe'
No. 14054
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>>14048>>14051I got you anon.
No. 14055
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No. 14056
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>>14054SHIT lol I thought these pictures would be gone forever!
Are those her nipples Lulz
No. 14062
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>>14054Pls no Sharon. How many eyes do you plan to burn. I can't keep my food down.
No. 14064
>>14063Someone told me that Sharon and her bf Lance would give yuuhi rides everywhere. Sharon said that she used them a lot.
Asking for money and rides ect.
I heard that lance had a mega crush on yuuhi before Sharon started dating him and to this day he still talks about her. Poor Sharon. lel
No. 14069
>>14054Her bf was ok with her posting this to fb? Damn
They can't
really be together
No. 14076
Sharon's white knights riding into the farm.
Get of lolcow newfags. Lulz
This thread is for bashing all Vegas weebs if you have a problem get off fucktard.
>>14073>>14074 No. 14077
>>14073Who do you think it is? Sharon? Yuuhi?
Looks like someone hurt their dirty little bum.
No. 14081
( . )( . )
The nipples speak words of wisdom
"Trust me fam I only fucked one guy but told everyone about how I cheated on lance"
cough >>14056 No. 14083
>>14081Her best friend told everyone about her threesom for crying out loud
Fucking hell
>only one guy Bitch, Hernia and Sharon can both be sluts! there's room for everyone to be milked! Lulzzzz
No. 14099
>>13695Gained 30? more like 200
LOL she really dropped out? What a little bitch. Is it just me? or weebs just don't like highschool? The EASIEST part of life lmao.
No. 14102
File: 1461103511406.jpg (312.24 KB, 540x646, Thatbellydoe.jpg)

What about Ashley Mageras?
I don't really like to talk bad about disabled people, but this girl is easiest the bichiests, most entitled, ugliest inside-and-out person I have ever met in the cosplay community. I love lolcow, but I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't here talking bad about everyone.
She is "body-positive", but "fuck you" if you are skinny, because only fat people can love their own body.
You are doing a cosplay better than her? she will talk shit about you.
You are not taking pictures of her cosplay?!! DISCRIMINATION!!!
Your cosplay is too good? Well she worked harder than you so stop cosplaying!!!!
Most people knows that she treats others like shit, but everybody is too afraid/nice to say anything.
No. 14103
File: 1461103623217.jpg (Spoiler Image,191.79 KB, 540x540, Ash.jpg)

No. 14107
>>14086Well… People are staring at her not only because of her cosplay and that ugly ass wig but it's also because she's a tiny Asian girl with a fat gross creep. Who
wouldn't give that a side eye?
Her voice is so annoying, holy shit. And I feel so much second hand embarrassment because I used to be friends with this dude until he started being an ass to me for no reason. I guess it's because I made it clear that I wouldn't date him?
No. 14122
File: 1461369762534.jpeg (583.62 KB, 2000x3190, image.jpeg)

Not taking the hernias side but fuck this is funny. I wouldn't mind if the bitch jumped into traffic either, she fucking deserves it. but why would you tell us who you are? Are you trying to be edgy? cringe I did some research.
Should I tell your sergeant?
Did Sharon suck your little dick and tell you people where bullying her?
No. 14125
>>14122He posted his Instagram user??? Kek
Why even post as anon.
So much autism
No. 14126
>>14122>>14125She's crying to all her friends, she's flowing with milk now.
It's so funny she's blaming all of this on hoe-bag hernia chan. I want to see them both squirm.
You do know more than just one person doesn't like you, right Sharon? You seem to have made a couple enemies along your cosplay journey.
No. 14137
>>13809Ah the lovely Miss Midnight Pursona. I'm going to have to agree with the other anon that mentioned her on here.
Like 90% of her posts are her complaining about how she isnt popular or pretty like other cosplayers, which are obvious attempts to get her whiteknight friends to butter her up. And any time she gets called out on this or at least is given some actual advice on what could help her, she shuts the fuck up or somehow turns it into a "boohoo pity me" situation. Ive seen several other people comment on her posts, trying to help her but its like she doesnt want to listen and just wallow in her self-pity.
No. 14143
>>14141That chick is crazy. she made some post on facebook a long while ago about how people who have mental disordered are possessed and need Christ.
Last I heard was she was dating some pedophile who had glaucoma or something, so we should all pity him and donate to his fund.
No. 14147
>>14122Unrelated to thread but you honestly never know here. Best to keep it dl. Could be someone trying to get him into shit.
sincerely jessicanigri
No. 14150
>>14108I'm surprised Cat has not been posted on here. She's one of the most self-entitled attention-whores in the Vegas community. She's talented for sure but is pretty cringeworthy with her posts. She speaks about people learning to like themselves but then goes off with her "GET ON MY LEVEL BITCHES." Hypocritical, really.
And dont get me started on her constant "MY SQUAD IS BETTER THAN YOURS" posts. Jesus fucking Christ, what are you 12? It makes me laugh when she gets mad about adults "talking down at her" when she just comes off as immature period.
No. 14151
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>>14142I found a picture of that Pocky girl from her cosplay page
No. 14155
File: 1461424162987.jpeg (Spoiler Image,97.42 KB, 540x960, image.jpeg)

>>14142Found one of her 'professional' cosplays
No. 14159
File: 1461427497764.jpeg (149.62 KB, 399x708, image.jpeg)

>>14142I found one that she apparently made with her mom she says she's Cosplaying 'pink assassins creed Harley Quinn'
No. 14166
>>14108Hahaha just saw her latest post about her haters being mad about her squad being better.
Bitch, I dont need a squad to make me look better. I stand on my own but whatever just stay the delusional, self-absorbed special snowflake that you are Cat. You're talked about behind so many peoples' backs because you're embarrassing lulz.
No. 14171
>>14169She says her haters mad because of her squad being better than theirs.
Oh yes, I mad. I mad at your telling people to find confidence in themselves but then turning around and shitting on them for not "being on her level." Like what are you even trying to do? You're inconsistent as fuck. You either build people up or you shit all over them. Pick one (preferably the former).
So insecure that she constantly had to post photos of herself and how great she is. I lol'd at her photos saying that she has a big ass. Im like "BITCH WHERE? YOU FLAT AS A BOARD."
No. 14174
>>14172Yes, well she's in denial that's why. Instead of taking the criticism as something to build upon like a MATURE person would, she gets butthurt.
I also find her hoodrat "COME AT ME BOO" manner of talking hilarious because her scrawny ass would get physically destroyed in an actual brawl.
No. 14176
>>14175I love how she posts nsfw photos of herself and then when she riles anon up to comment, responds in a fake "umm this is awkward" way. Trademark of an insecure, attention-whore lol
She seems to not know that there's a difference between someone stating facts and someone who is just "mad" about her. FYI, someone can make TRUE statements based on observation without being a hater. But of course her immature ass wouldnt understand that concept.
No. 14182
>>14159…why the fuck can't she just call this shit an original costume? Oh right. Attention.
>>14178Seconding this.
No. 14195
File: 1461469322873.jpeg (255.21 KB, 1280x960, image.jpeg)

>>14194Pocky Amara also known as Rabbit Rebel Cosplay
No. 14199
>>14195Who are you anon and why are you so interested in Pocky Amara lol
The Cat girl thinks she got rid of her hater on here but blocked the wrong person and Im gonna just keep quiet for now and let her dig her own grave lulz
No. 14206
>>14205All the popular Vegas cosplayers know how to keep their shit quiet. That and they're older than most of the children posting and have
been posted here. They've seen their fair share of drama in their day, I'm sure.
No. 14209
>>14208That's to be expected on this site, just so you know.
But yeah, this is a huge grudge thread. I don't even know who the vast majority of these people are.
No. 14216
>>14210>>14211Agreed anons. When I made this thread it was specifically to point out the actual
problematic people that everyone agrees is a problem. Now its just a bunch of vendetta chans posting nobodies in Vegas they are either jealous of or want to make fun of for dumb shit. Come on guys, post ACTUAL milk or don't post your shitty frenemies at all.
No. 14222
>>14221sounds boring tbh. Also, please refer to
No. 14232
>>14231Plot twist
No one started it and it was Tavia Who did. xDD
No. 14242
>>14228With how popular Love Live is, what makes
any of you think it'll easily expose whoever made this thread? You children don't know how these boards work and stop using it for petty drama and post more snowflake gems like Yeti.
No. 14243
>>14242Yeti isn't really a snow flake tbh
He's just a creep.
Sounds like vendetta to me
Girls just use him for free shoots and he's the fedora that thinks that if he's nice to them, that he will have a chance.
Nothing more to it honstly, unless you have more to add.
No. 14262
File: 1481409990107.jpg (579.14 KB, 1280x1280, 16-12-08-14-19-24-091_deco.jpg)

This is herpie chan
No. 14265
File: 1481604782630.png (155.24 KB, 1440x998, Screenshot_2016-12-12-20-50-55…)

What a broke ass bitch…..might as well be a slut on the streets than do commissions broke ass bitch
No. 14268
File: 1481724769078.jpg (74.6 KB, 726x972, FB_IMG_1481724725589.jpg)

Dva more like sutva ??
No. 14269
File: 1481837770439.jpg (589.95 KB, 1080x1920, 1481508295921s.jpg)

Wait what are happy together again??
No. 14270
File: 1481892914424.png (2.24 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-12-16-04-53-53…)

Oh wow……she actually cosplayed love live………
No. 14274
>>14273Who is the Cosplay Bunny? is it the other Filipino weeb chick
not Yuuhi that lies about being Japanese, did the whole cosplay/model thing, and cheated on every single person she dated? cuz she just started dating a David guy?
No. 14291
File: 1484952830896.jpg (102.54 KB, 810x1440, FB_IMG_1484952756892.jpg)

Aawwee that's cute herpie Chan lol
No. 14293
File: 1485766466928.png (59.69 KB, 478x536, Untitled.png)

this made me LUL since Yeti is the biggest pedofuck at every convention.
No. 14294
File: 1485801134253.jpg (416.49 KB, 1024x1024, 17-01-26-00-17-48-621_deco.jpg)

When will she ever stop cosplaying dva
No. 14295
File: 1486012512428.png (266.79 KB, 1440x1428, Screenshot_2017-02-01-21-13-19…)

Well haven't the tables turned for herpie Chan. Losing more friends there herpie Chan? Lol bad day to be her
No. 14296
>>14295>>14294Lmao she's self posting now.
…sharon, please.
No. 14297
File: 1486234493292.png (1000.87 KB, 1078x1675, Screenshot_2017-02-04-10-51-16…)

yuuhi is getting with sharon's ex now.
No. 14299
File: 1486258552813.png (821.16 KB, 1440x1625, Screenshot_2017-02-04-17-32-28…)

I wonder what he had planned
No. 14302
File: 1486436047290.png (134.05 KB, 1080x494, Screenshot_2017-02-04-10-57-54…)

Why do you always post about how happy you are with your new relationship, and yet here you are going back to lance trying to start shit.
No. 14304
File: 1486547365898.png (2.25 MB, 1440x2106, Screenshot_2017-02-08-01-46-20…)

Yuuhi and herpie Chan's ex might be getting a little too close here
No. 14305
File: 1486547513342.png (1.74 MB, 1440x2108, Screenshot_2017-02-08-01-46-44…)

Liking that look huh you sure you don't like yuuhi lol
No. 14307
>>14306>have any of you even tried talking/hangout with any of theseIt's pretty obvious most of the posters in this thread are from Las Vegas and personally know these people / have a bone to pick with them.
>do some of you just judge/ insult them based on looksNitpicking looks is common on this board. A lot of posters are only interested in the drama and embarrassing shit snowflakes do but there'll be some who can rag on someone else's looks for days because they're insecure or have a vendetta.
No. 14310
File: 1486770563951.jpg (86.31 KB, 1280x720, FB_IMG_1485901238843.jpg)

But I mean let's talk about how herpie Chan doesn't have any eyebrows in this lol
No. 14312
File: 1486779515087.jpg (503.95 KB, 1024x1024, 17-02-09-02-32-09-420_deco.jpg)

Lol really umaru lol
No. 14315
File: 1486949826572.png (164.77 KB, 1440x1086, Screenshot_2017-02-12-17-35-11…)

How usual of him lol
No. 14316
File: 1486978294345.jpg (556.55 KB, 1024x1024, 17-02-12-23-50-44-374_deco.jpg)

The fuck since when was she into Mystic Messenger lol
No. 14317
File: 1486978508113.png (132.12 KB, 1440x735, Screenshot_2017-02-13-01-33-01…)

Maybe you're the one that's fake around people lol like you talking to yourself lolol
No. 14318
File: 1487033978328.png (1.67 MB, 1440x2110, Screenshot_2017-02-13-16-57-59…)

I thought he wasn't into cosplaying lol
No. 14319
>>14311>>14312>>14316Sharon can you please stop self posting.
It's embaressing.
No. 14320
>>14319Why are you so
triggered by lance?
>Everything being posted here now is vendetta shit about your ex and your frogger head-ass selfies.+
No one wants your snapchat, sharon. You're a nobody trying to stay relivant on a fucking lolcow thread.
No. 14321
File: 1487094851069.jpg (61.65 KB, 675x232, pic_1487094431664-1.jpg)

>>14317So this must be a confession because you posted this. Kek
No. 14327
File: 1488436573949.png (301.33 KB, 1230x1835, IMG_6395.PNG)

But seriously, Sharon is kind of a whack job. Her relationship with David is disgusting, she acts like she's in fucking middle school. And it's not just this conversation, it's everytime someone talks to him on a public platform, she always has to interject with something.
No. 14336
>>14335makes me wonder if she's lost her mind and tried killing herself yet lol
even i think that's to far you should never wish that on anyone no matter how much you hate them or find them annoying
No. 14338
File: 1491205354526.png (2.26 MB, 1440x1440, edit.png)

Having confidence problem there Sharon You gonna cry if you suck at cosplay lol
No. 14343
File: 1491371590631.png (245.68 KB, 1440x1601, screenshot.png)

Well well look at what we have here pedo much?
No. 14345
>>14344No one gives a fuck I don't think

No. 14347
File: 1492289459728.png (182.34 KB, 1440x941, screenshot.png)

Looks like Sharon is losing friends lol she's so pathetic
No. 14348
File: 1492293350563.png (2.92 MB, 1303x2312, screenshot.png)

First Aya now Cat what's up with him thirsty much? Lol
No. 14349
>>14348And sharon is still self posting lol
This is cringe to the max…
No. 14353
File: 1493137319686.jpg (14.11 KB, 320x320, 11259532_375876842613711_58231…)

I almost forgot about Misha Yamada, the original Yuuki Takahiro, I met her in that animegacon convention…
Her real name is Mariah Castelo but she has lived her whole life as Misha Yamada… she was sooo cringy…
She is also Filipino…
No. 14359
File: 1493886739614.png (70.88 KB, 487x244, Mis.png)

>>14353Lol she hates when you call her weaaboo too
No. 14361
File: 1494234560192.jpg (151.36 KB, 1439x1196, screenshot.jpg.jpg)

I don't mean to call out names but I think Cat is being a big bitch for saying this. Like c'mon Cat. Really? How about you try making a effort for once.
No. 14367
>>14363holy shit this is so cringy to read and its so obvious that this is from King Lin. Shut the fuck up you coon ass nigga no one believes you and your Sasuke ass personality. Ya'll got a problem then settle it IRL you coward.
My name is Dalauan
No. 14377
File: 1495769835414.png (385.5 KB, 483x565, LOL.png)

So this happened too…
No. 14379
File: 1496287222011.jpg (7.36 KB, 240x240, XAlYQW8J[1].jpg)

i just moved to Las Vegas a few weeks ago does anyone have anything on Sean Lazarus? before i moved i knew he was scamming my friends by selling them anime merchandise at double the price and had his scamming operation shutdown
pieces of shit that scam anime fans like this should kill themselves
No. 14385
>>14379Yo! Wondered when I'd get posted here!
Honestly I was expecting something much worse.
Though, I haven't had anything shut down. If you want to think I'm scamming people then power to you, I sell at market average! And
>>14384, that's blatantly a lie. If people show me online prices, I always price match.
>>14381 I don't know who you are obviously, but there's definitely a possibility I thought we were friends. Guess I was mistaken, sorry! As for being desperate for a girlfriend, there's moments when yeah, I definitely can't deny it, but it's not THAT big a deal to me either! Good to know I come off that way!
>>14382 I THINK I know who this is, which either way - I have NO care about facebook followers and likes, and I'd never meant to seem cold if I was. But that's my bad, and I sincerely apologize. But ironically on the flip side, talking shit about someone behind their back without actually ever bringing the issue to their face is the trait of - a shitty person.
>>14383No lie, I was waiting too!
Now that those are out of the way - It's MY turn!
I'm a huge flake - I know it! I always have a long list of shit to do, so I'm really bad at keeping to plans I made with friends - SUPER shitty of me.
I have a few outstanding debts that I've yet to pay off to some people - though I've been working on it now, some people it took a LONG time to get their money to them, despite the fact that they took their time and gave me money to help me.
Let's see… What else… I mean, if you wanna talk shit about how I LOOK, I've got a derpy ass face. I mean - gap in between my buck teeth? CHRIST it looks back, not to mention my other facial features are just odd, mixed together with an always unruly hairstyle and I am just a MESS of unattractive!
I mean, with my dental issue I must imagine my breath can't help but stink a lot of the time, so that's definitely gross!
Oh, not to mention the fact I've been homeless 3 times - great as it is that I've fixed that, it is definitely NOT a wonderful track record! (Which is part of why I don't care about the girlfriend thing - my life is CRAZY, I really don't want to drag someone else into it!)
OH! And then there's my undoubtedly over exaggerated personality around people! That HAS to get annoying. I'd LIKE to make the claim that I have a huge ego, but I really don't have that. I kinda wish I did, would fix the self-esteem issues at least!
As for the rest:
I don't use ebay for my pricing, and while I DO make large margins off of what I pick up from Japan, I base my prices off the market price and then if I can based on how much I pick it up for. I'm not really afraid of anything besides the fact that I know a lot of my friends lie and say shit behind my back thinking I don't know leading to me finding people that I care a lot about doing the same thing. That and dogs.
I won't really bother defending myself, lolcow is where you go to talk shit, not defend yourself, but I WILL say -
You can call me a shitty person if you want, some people are completely warranted on it even. I've fucked up badly before and have my regrets.
But even if I did OR didn't do it, if you think someone should KILL THEMSELVES over overpricing fucking ANIME PRODUCT? Holy shit you need to re-evaluate your life.
And if anyone feels like talking shit directly to my face/without anon tags, feel free to let me know! Not a threat, like legit. If you got something to say, then I'd love to hear it.
But yeah, continue your shitty business!
No. 14397
File: 1497321994501.png (359.92 KB, 1440x1594, Screenshot_2017-06-12-19-26-35…)

Really Mariah XD right after she's told her fans. "I'm not lewd kanna I swear." Yeah sure not make lewd.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 14402
File: 1497974340019.png (277.72 KB, 1242x2012, IMG_7966.PNG)

Nice job lewding up a child, Sharon.
No. 14405
File: 1499415229799.png (2.93 MB, 1440x1802, screenshot.jpg.png)

Boohoo! Well Sharon maybe if you didn't do the things you did. No one would distant from you. Also if you didn't lie about getting raped. You wouldn't be this depressed.
No. 14416
File: 1506212149249.png (1.82 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5257.PNG)

Lol she performed at the Asian festival, so stiff, this looks so sad.
No. 14420
>>14418Not a lot of white people work in casino's.
They hire immigrants for that. its hard to get a job in vegas.
No. 14421
File: 1506366078795.png (1.73 MB, 1440x1168, Screenshot_2017-09-25-11-58-00…)

So I recently found out about this event. And a lot of people have been saying that the owner of this event or con is racist and puts down overweight girls. And targets more small cute Asian girls. Idk if its at all any true. Ya guys know anything about it lol
No. 14423
>>14419It really depends on how ambitious or irrational they are.
I know for a fact that most of them are working min-wage jobs, but very few were smart enough to realize that cosplay was just a hobby and they either finish school or at least have good jobs.
No. 14426
>>14421I'll go to this.
Might be lulzy.
I need something new to do.
No. 14430
File: 1506715247571.jpeg (544.18 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpeg)

The Akiba Vegas idol is none other than Mariah Castelo "Misha Yamada" it's funny because her idol name is supposed to be Momota Misha but they messed up.
The artwork was stolen off the internet it's a MLP fanart.
No. 14436
File: 1507809087322.png (1.11 MB, 1242x2208, 92A6CE7A-8125-495D-86AC-5D9293…)

>>14430Oh God… she is “performing” at Akimatsuri as Misha Momonga.
And I heard that she forced her new chinese boyfriend to change his last name to Takeshi…
No. 14439
File: 1508273163684.png (1.04 MB, 1440x1998, Screenshot_2017-10-17-13-43-11…)

Isn't this Sharon lol
No. 14440
File: 1509648267229.png (1.19 MB, 1440x2294, Screenshot_2017-11-02-11-42-29…)

Oh god. Sharon went from a weeb to koreanboo lol
No. 14441
>>14421most small Asian girls want money or connections. if they want to do it for free they would volunteer comic-con.
one day I will make a blog that lists black people friendly cons.
No. 14442
Met the guy organizing Akiba Vegas, he seemed like a pretty regular guy. Like I get it, I personally want to see attractive, interesting, talented people on stage. That’s just a human thing, most famous people are pretty much that. If you saw the Akimatsuri cosplay contest, they definitely had no standards, (not because people was unattractive) because most people didn’t have good skits and most of the cosplay were not well made (I will assume for lack of resources)
I get it, you want everyone to be able to participate and have the same chances. But that guy wanted to give a somewhat professional show.
He promotes cute Asian girls because he is into Jpop, he didn’t get into it by watching Hispanic guys singing in German.
I get it we should promote diversity, but personally I appreciate it the fact that sometimes I get to experience things close to the source material. I honestly prefer watching cute Asian girls perform in Jpop style shows (I’m a Hispanic woman, that enjoys Japanese stuff)
No. 14444
File: 1512639165187.jpg (924.62 KB, 1242x1906, IMG_2045.JPG)

>>14439Sharon… you do realize you can blatantly tell this is your own screenshot right? It said "edit profile/promote" and the bottom right icon is not on the search button, it's selected over the "profile" button.
super cringy……
No. 14445
File: 1512653832150.jpg (79.77 KB, 599x449, IMG_9643.JPG)

>>14444>>14440Everytime this happens I swear an angel gains its wings kek
No. 14446
File: 1512986070855.jpeg (Spoiler Image,146.51 KB, 1280x1920, received_1411103388934957.jpeg)

So I found Sharons dva lewd shoot lol
No. 14447
File: 1514038753253.jpg (458.3 KB, 1440x1915, screenshot.jpg.jpg)

Well then lol
No. 14452
File: 1518904767360.jpg (15.37 KB, 320x320, rini.jpg)

Anyone have any milk to share on this Katherine girl? She added me on facebook after we met at party and we talked a little bit but nothing crazy. She was at a party I was at last week with my bf and after the party she started messaging him and a bunch of other guys who all have girlfriends.
She's definitely a huge attention whore from what I can tell.
>Told people on facebook that she was walking on the highway when she got hit by a car going 75mph or something. said she got up and walked just fine and a uber driver saved her and took her home. (A bunch of people called bullshit)
>Befriends a lot of people in the weeb community, (especially guys), and posts bait statuses to get attention and compliments.
>Friends with other terrible Vegas weeb girls like Kimmy
No. 14456
>>14452She's on hella dating sites and adds all the guys from there onto her fb. Always making posts how she wanted to find a boyfriend and a hundred guys would start commenting on there. It was hilarious.
She constantly makes posts on her fb that are fishing for compliments or negative to herself.
She claimed to be in a movie.
She told me her mother died of breast cancer. (later I found out she did not)
She's constantly got herself in some drama on Facebook.
When ever a guy rejects her, she freaks. She's psycho.
She threatened to slash my friends tires and "expose him"
The bitch is 25 years old, doesn't own a car or even know how to drive, lives with her mom. She said she has no plans to ever move out unless she's married " because her dad said so"
Katherine loves attention.
Wouldn't be suprized if she even made that post herself
No. 14458
File: 1519449634750.jpg (171.44 KB, 1080x769, IMG_3860.JPG)

>>14452a thing she made a big deal about because a guy that rejected her was going to a party she was invited to
No. 14462
File: 1519529432148.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1811, AC8B19D1-0FD5-41EC-A8E4-4F1F27…)

I swear, some snowflakes should be literary fiction writers because they come up with the most fantastical stories known to man. Who writes bragging posts about their ass past the age of 15 lmao.
No. 14463
File: 1520633408443.jpeg (132.49 KB, 720x960, 49EB715B-30A1-471B-A00E-115FDB…)

Anyone else heard of Mzre Yuen. Porn star turned “cosplay model”. Total bitch in person and cringey af cosplays.
No. 14464
File: 1520633454925.jpeg (169.62 KB, 640x640, 8C135615-9643-442A-AE4D-24A5CF…)

No. 14465
File: 1520633507882.jpeg (120.64 KB, 720x960, 302FFF9C-ED9E-4769-B062-813805…)

No. 14474
>>14472Lmfao the reaching is incredible. Steff is my age, like 28, sit the fuck down.
From what I've seen of any Vegas cosplayers without even living there, they all look like trash and act like trash…and they all are babies. I can't blame Steff for not wanting to hang out with kids 5-10 years younger than her that she probably has nothing in common with since none of them seem to know how to hold a real job or act like adults?
No. 14475
File: 1523615368751.jpeg (346.03 KB, 1207x1036, C24ABEE5-3B26-482E-8FAD-2632CA…)

Someone screenshot this and send it to Rin if she has you unblocked. Katherine, seek help. You made what was a situation of your own doing into an even bigger situation and now you are threatening people? Please stop. You are 25. Be a big girl and stop sending people thot pictures to get attention. Stop adding men from dating sites who only want to fuck you . I don’t like you at all but I do feel sorry for you. If you want someone to be your friend just ask for fucking friends, stop using your sexuality as an ice breaker and develop an actual personality. I hope you come to terms with yourself and find enough peace to admit you are mentally unstable
No. 14479
File: 1524427759843.png (321.88 KB, 1440x1760, screenshot edit.png)

Awe man rini you really changed all right.
No. 14480
File: 1524427810023.png (924.15 KB, 1440x2112, Screenshot_2018-04-22-13-00-18…)

I feel like she's lying lol
No. 14481
File: 1524428863766.png (169.9 KB, 1440x1167, Screenshot_2018-04-22-13-21-46…)

Have anyone heard of this girl? Idk she seems relevant in the cosplay community. This is just one of her post. But I heard she can pretty toxic in the community and runs hunniecon
No. 14491
File: 1527289016038.jpeg (137.16 KB, 960x960, 1EFCDB67-6435-4976-A744-36DE6C…)

Anyone else think Yeti’s photos are cringe as fuck? Who would pay $70 for this shit, it’s not even in focus.
No. 14537
File: 1527576151206.png (417.71 KB, 1242x2208, 21B478E4-3D98-4A3E-8447-2C03FE…)

Who would pay $500 for his crap?
No. 14550
File: 1527655639937.jpeg (179.93 KB, 1242x1579, E0D1F25C-DA99-4745-93C7-FA7D20…)

>>14489Why is she going by Brittany now? How many times is she going to change her name?
Her photoshop to fix her football face is horrid.
No. 14569
File: 1527887986695.jpg (405.26 KB, 1440x1895, screenshot_edit_.jpg)

Apparently yeti took this photo
No. 14579
>>14577Yeah she’s fucking fat in person. She’s not fooling anyone with that soccerball face.
It’s hilarious when she blasts online about herself being so fit and breaking guys necks.
No. 14580
File: 1531987319993.png (1.12 MB, 1440x2142, Screenshot_2018-07-19-00-58-33…)

She at it again lol
No. 14608
File: 1531987340891.png (374.09 KB, 1440x2369, Screenshot_2018-07-19-00-58-39…)

No. 14610
File: 1532805490172.jpeg (Spoiler Image,246.25 KB, 1242x1102, 208B0043-7EED-482E-ADA6-2F7F12…)

>>14550Remember when she sent everyone this ass pic and started freaking out because someone shared it in the group chat?
She sent tons of lewds to people and cried about it.
No. 14620
File: 1532971358789.jpeg (239.47 KB, 1242x2208, 2833B65A-41DE-49CB-8950-9CE993…)

So I wasn’t gonna share these because she’ll probably guess who am based off of the context in which the messages fit but fuck it lol. So this bitch was added into a rave group chat i’m in which focused on meeting up with local ravers or whatever and doing different events across town. As soon as I saw she was in the chat I had planned on telling the people in charge to get her kicked the fuck out but nobody in the chat knew her so it would have just came off as vendetta. She was chill and didn’t cause to many problems at first until some people she did know were added into the chat and started roasting the fuck out of her.
I don’t have screenshots from those messages but basically she had invited herself to a party and got kicked out of the party because no one knew who she was lol. Anywho she blocked the guys who were roasting her because unfortunately she has mod privileges and that caused some drama as they were well like by everyone. The guys were readied by other mods then they started to go back and forth with Riki or whatever. Eventually they settled it.
Fast forward to three weeks later. We planned a pool party at a friend’s house. The day of the pool party everyone who didn’t have rides was asking to get picked up and everything. So this dumb bitch who lives in buttfuck no where asks to be picked up right? Multiple people offer to come get her and she doesn’t respond.
So what does she do? She starts completely nuking the chat. She deleted about 50 people from the group chat and everyone was like wtf? The guy who initially made the chat was livid and at the party everyone was asking what was going on so I explained her to them and told them about her psychotic behavior.
Later on the head mod messaged me and sends me some of the messages she sent him about “why” she did it. Here they are;
No. 14621
File: 1532971493496.jpeg (126.91 KB, 1189x1067, 596C7BD4-1BC4-4A68-B285-3851A3…)

No. 14626
File: 1532971524559.jpeg (162.9 KB, 1240x1838, 4508B554-8E8C-4DEA-8D94-BFBE44…)

No. 14627
File: 1532971659303.jpeg (168.41 KB, 1242x1826, 1CCFC1D7-96FE-48F8-AEF3-D03368…)

No. 14641
File: 1532971684820.jpeg (208.62 KB, 1242x1849, CDD8F5CC-1AFA-4586-9D56-5E098F…)

No. 14643
File: 1532971708870.jpeg (238.11 KB, 1227x1813, 7850FC61-81AA-4E86-A186-0F251F…)

No. 14649
File: 1532972055222.jpeg (461.33 KB, 1240x1829, 1AC3B6BA-CA0A-4DAC-B1AA-F3DD17…)

No. 14650
>>14649She did lie about her mom having cancer. I’ve actually met both her parents. I brought up the cancer thing in front of everyone.
I have a family member who had passed away from cancer as well, I just wanted to ask how they got through it and stayed so strong.
Her mom had no idea what I was talking about, I didn’t address it any further, I could tell that Katherine was obviously embarrassed so I didn’t want I make the situation worse.
No. 14651
File: 1533007512835.jpeg (284.9 KB, 1242x584, A540C3B5-4FA2-4864-A778-254D8D…)

Also not too sure why all these weebs like to announce they are going to magical japan land and never actually go.
No. 14664
File: 1545988159015.jpg (285.13 KB, 1440x2046, PicsArt_12-28-12.12.18.jpg)

I've heard this guy is going out with a minor. He said that he doesn't wanna be seen as a pedophile. But is being a pedophile. Shouldn't someone report him by now?
No. 14667
File: 1545989914598.jpg (134.36 KB, 1440x2368, screenshot.jpg.jpg)

>>14664Is this what you're talking about??
No. 14670
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I heard this girl has some milk. Anyone have milk on her?
No. 68508
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Guys Sharon identifies as Trans now wtf is this
No. 86199
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This creep is having another event and surprised he's not on here.
Omar U Senties
> Huge idol creep
> Doesn't pay or compensate staff members, uses them to get closer to Japanese idols then tosses them.
>Has a huge boner for Momoi Haruko to the point he would take her on secret dates in America and sleeps with her (He would go into gross details on dating her during staff meetings on how he takes her to baseball games and shows off his photos)
> Uses ticket money for said dates to the point his events are not profitable.
>Multiple accounts of him being racist and calling black staff member "blackiechan"
> When he was called out on it, didn't apologize and blamed other people for spreading false lies when multiple people during the meeting heard him say it.
> Goes to local anime conventions that even remotely have a Japanese guest and use his slimy ego to try to get contacts.
Fuck this guy and his events.
No. 86209
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>>86199Are they legitimately dating or is this some sort of weird sugar baby situation. I had to google who she was and laughed a little that the dude is trying to brag about bagging a 42yo "idol". Asian fetishists are the worst. Any receipts on the other stuff?
No. 86213
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>>86209He doesn't have much money to be a sugar daddy ironically. Everytime before an event he would book her ticket with a few extra days for them to go to California. The ex staff members were in a group chat that I can go through and censor.Have to dig for a bit to find it.
No. 86214
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>>86213>>86209It's also a bit of old milk but he removed all of the ex members and still holding events.
No. 86422
>>86199Oh Jesus tittyfucking
Christ I remember this! I felt so awful for the band this fat ass Goomba made sleep on the floor at this ratty ass apartment. How the fuck do you have no furniture and expect people to be your guests?! I remember this jackass also treated their translator like shit just because she was a black woman. Fuck his racist ass. I can’t believe he’s trying to do another event after how he handled all his past ones.
No. 102580
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This is a call out thread of @latulacosplays. She trheatens, manipulating, and toxic to her ex and her friends who genuinely wanna help her. But she treats genuine and caring ex's and friends. If anyone else has tea on her please expose her on here(emoji)
No. 108149
>>107391I remember Shinecon announced Steff as a guest before shit hit the fans.
We're infested with attention seekers.
No. 114199
Damn. Surprised there's no mention of The Sphere Hunter/Sue Lightning.
I could go on and on but (ironically) the best source of information on her is a lost media wiki article that details a stream where she had a crywank, trust me though there's more out there:"Final_Chatterbate_Stream"_(lost_adult_livestream_of_trans_sex_worker;_2017)
No. 252918
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Heard some milk on this dude. His name supposedly is Waleed. He comes down to Vegas often for cons. He's apparently done some shitty things. He happens to be racist and homophobic as well I'm not surprised lol idk if this forum still alive but yeah. Anyone else got any dirt on this dude.
No. 253479
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Not sure if this is milk but his stories always consist of white girls loving Starbucks jokes, and when it doesn’t he gloats about his popularity when it’s hardly even anything. 4,000 plays and 200 likes that’s hardly anything dude kek he’s really pathetic
No. 253673
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The dude looks creepy even out of cosplay
No. 266126
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He's always making the same white girl jokes. This is becoming cringe
No. 281235
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Is the dude still hung up on Sharon? Lol
No. 288824
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The cosplays are always well made but when it's just him without cosplay he looks so gross looking lol
No. 291784
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It's ironic he says this but he did the same thing and was openly racist to his own friends. Hypocrisy much?
No. 297089
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>>291784It's funny you mention that cause he just made these comments lol