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No. 981597
Steve McRae is a 50 year old wannabe YouTube "philosopher" and "educator" who spends most of his time online throwing temper tantrums on twitter, making creepy comments to younger women on his YouTube hangouts and harassing a YouTuber named Katie Joy Paulson
Steve "McBoomer" McRae gained notoriety after his involvement in another milk (Lille Jean and Laur Trueman) when he and his army of sealions would go in circles asking for "evidence" of Laur and Lille Jean's well-documented history of harassment and buying fake followers. But after a closer look it's easy to see McBoomer and his sealions are cows in their own merit.
McRae used to co-host a YouTube debate channel named "The NonSequitur Show" or NSS, which has over 6 million views and, in its prime, had over 30k subscribers; until he was kicked out from the show by his co-host Kyle Curtis due to his constant fights with the show's guests on twitter. The NSS situation is being settled in court after McRae decided to sue Curtis for "stealing" the channel from him (McRae claimed they had a 50/50 partnership), which made little sense since after getting kicked out from the show McRae incited his sealions to massively downvote the NSS's videos and unsubscribe from that channel.
After people lost interest in the the NSS drama McRae tried to get attention by getting involved in numerous dramas, mostly related to teenage girls' interests such as makeup and Teen Mom TV show (remember: he's a 50 year old man). But he spent most of the last 10 months harassing an YouTuber known as Without A Crystal Ball (real name Katie Joy Paulson aka KJP), who claims she's now getting a restraining order against him.
>McRae is notorious among the atheist community for spending the last 5 years debating the definition of the word "atheism", which literally nobody but him cares about;
>McRae claims to be a "critical thinker" debater yet he and his current co-host created a blocklist with over 200 people on twitter, including a dead man who criticised McBoomer (Link to the blocklist:;
>He demands his followers to follow his blocklist, and blocks anyone who follow his critics (he also blocks people who subscribe to channels that criticise him or leave positive comments in said channels);
>He berates and blocks literally everyone who asks him uncomfortable questions, disagrees with him or criticises him on social media, and later claims these people are just "trolls" and "haters";
>He swears he welcomes criticism, but besides blocking people on social media he also blocks critics on his YouTube channel, deletes comments, occasionally disables comments, and hides the like/dislike ratio;
>Whenever he has a spat on social media with someone with a large following or a prestigious position he almost immediately starts a live-stream on his channel to incite drama and get attention;
>He is extremely delusional over his "achievements" (like being 32nd on feedspot's "atheist channels that every atheist should watch" list) and his intelligence (he always comes up with excuses when challenged to debate someone who has debunked him);
>He claims to be anti-PC but plays the victim and claims to be bullied and harassed every time he is mocked or called out; he has notoriously said CreepShow Art was using an "ageist slur" when she called him a "boomer";
>He often makes creepy sexual comments and advances towards his female co-hosts and female guests on his show, and after one of this guests (KJP) decided to call him out as a sexual harasser, McRae incited his sealions to stalk and harass KJP for several months;
>McRae's harassment of KJP led him to get heavily involved in the "Teen Mom" community (KJP covers the Teen Mom TV show on her channel), and this 50 year old male boomer wannabe philosopher is an admin of a Teen Mom related Facebook group;
>Recently he tried to play the victim of KJP by writing a laughably poorly written blog post ( and when he tried to gain sympathy from the women who dislike KJP on a subreddit dedicated to criticise her, the women called him out as a creep and kicked him out of the subreddit (;
>He had a sudden inexplicable gain of 3k subscribers on his YouTube channel that most believe to be from bought subscribers. Also a number of bot accounts were observed leaving the same comments multiple times on his videos;
>One of his critics created a Reddit thread to post memes and fresh milk (
YouTube: No. 981619
Steve McRae, who goes by many aliases, Steve McCreep, Steve McCrazy, Putative Prince of Prescriptivism, Petty Officer Shipwreck, et cetera, is a graduate of the navy nuke school, and while this school is normally two years long, he attended it for 3-6 months.
He is known for projecting wildly, and has accused several people of getting his videos taken down falsely. At one point, he even accused an American with an obviously American accent of getting his video taken down in the UK.
Known for being hypocritical and incredibily petty, he will go after any female YouTuber he perceives as week. If he finds out he made a mistake, he will cease mentioning that person by name. (See also Heretic's YouTube channel.)
Recently went on the air with David Silverman, the disgraced former head of American Atheists to continue to openly sexually harass Katie Joy Paulson.
Known to strem wit a co-host who believes second-hand smoke is not a thing, who believes it is safe to give chocolate to dogs, and that you should be able to "abort" children up to 3 years of age.
No. 981624
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After a while posts like these will become repetitive and not even funny anymore, but McBoomer is retweeting someone criticising KJP for blocking someone with a different opinion… when he literally has a blocklist with 238 people and counting. And he deletes every comment critical to him on his YouTube channel smh
This absolute lack of self-awareness is the kind of shit that makes McBoomer a cow hahahah
No. 981834
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Apparently Trashire is being "stalked" and "threatened" by the callout accounts.
Yet, no evidence of threats or stalking was presented. Interesting that the sealions demand evidence when people are calling them out, and keep demanding it even after when it's been rubbed on their faces, but when it's one of their clique who makes claims they just take their word for it.
No. 981959
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It's been over a year that the boomer keeps talking about "stuff happening"… for how long will his sycophants keep buy his bullshit and realise this guy is full of shit?! lol
What I am more curious to see is if KJP is really coming up with a restraining order.
No. 982324
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So McBoomer's great announcement seems to be a new twitter account and intro for his stupid "show" nobody cares about.
The real milk is the fact he kept the account protected (only Cult members allowed) and he actually calls his show, unironically, "critical thinking and commentary" loooool
No. 1089504
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A member of the r/woacb subreddit (documenting milk on Steve’s fave girl Katie Joy Paulson) made a bizarre (potentially ironic?) claim about Steve McRae (SM) working with other YouTubers and Tati Westbrook’s lawyers to generate a “take down” on the woman who accused him of workplace sexual harassment. There could be a lot of truth to it considering current YouTube drama mirrors this perfectly. And Steve is known to be closely connected with teen mom fans who primarily post on and run the r/wocab sub The post is also alleging Nick Snider and Rich Lux getting involved. The people covering wocab are some of the most unstable I’ve seen yet. They’re already infighting about theats to call cps and the fundamentalist housewives clashing with the teen mom fans and non-sec atheists. It’s probably a matter of time before the wocab drama farm on Twitter/Reddit starts imploding like the Onision critics and “haydur nation” have all cannibalized
No. 1661723
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Steve caught Chris Hansen’s attention