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No. 97668


>white woman inspired by Cambodian culture of the Kayan women to stretch her neck

>did a photoshoot with Penthouse supposedly
>accuses Kim Kardashian of copying her
>now wants the longest neck in the world

No. 97669

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From the penthouse photoshoot

No. 97670

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No. 97671

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No. 97679

Theres a link to an article about her from 2014


>Smith's obsession led her to wrap cut-up coat hangers around her neck when she went to bed.

>"I had missed the comfort from the pressure on the top of my neck and shoulders and had been thinking about doing it again for awhile," she said. "The comfort and exhilaration of this process was really all I was after."

>Smith's extended neck carries health risks, according to Dr. Jonathan Nissanoff, a Southern California orthopedic surgeon. "If she's finished growing, then all she's doing is stretching her skin or putting the bones into traction by pulling them apart," he told HuffPost. "The rings aren't going to make her bones longer. Once she removes them, her neck will come back to size."

No. 97680

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No. 97682

seems like a fine upstanding gentleman.

No. 97684

such disgusting attention whoring

No. 97685

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you can see the crazy in her eyes

No. 97725

Saw her in a MSA episode. She seems to be dumb as fuck.

No. 97740

Someone should tell her: "Your neck isn't even long."

No. 97742

Her face looks longer than her neck.
She should be called the horse woman.

No. 97777

Her real name isn't Sydney she's from MD, and never once did she wear thick necklaces or even hint at admiring tribal culture. All she did back then was butcher her eyebrows, abuse eardrums, and try to get attention. Oh, she also sucked up to every goth at college. Can't forget that.

This is just a stunt to post her failed acting career, which followed her lame modeling career (most for local fetish photog Larry Bradby), and music career (Abbey Vain).


No. 111331

I think saw her on my crazy addition a few months ago… what a bizarre woman

No. 111335

Feel I need to add, these brass rings do not actually stretch the neck in any way. What happens is that with the continued added weight of the brass rings the clavicle and ribcage is compressed over time, specially during physiological development, giving the appearance of an elongated neck.

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