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No. 963149
Shallon Lester is a 36 year old youtuber, pseudo-internet psychologist, and celebrity gossiper with around 300k subscribers. She hid the number yesterday because of recent drama it's dropping like hell. The reason is because another youtuber called D'Angelo Wallace made a video bringing all the below to light.'Angelo's Video:
>She makes false claims about celebrities and presents them as fact. Often stating that she has a mysterious credible source that gives her this information. Some examples include claiming that Angelina Jolie has had 7 abortions. Ellen is controlling and
abusive to her wife Portia, and doesn't allow her to have children. Kris Jenner has a narcissistic personality disorder and caused Khloe to have bipolar disorder through abuse. She has a habit of arm-chair diagnosing celebrities with anything from psychopathy to personality disorders based off random checklists of symptoms she finds on the internet. She also unironically compares celebrities like Ellen to Hitler and Ted Bundy.
>She's a pedoAt the age of 25 she wrote various sexually thirsty tweets aimed at a 16 year old Justin Bieber. In a recent statement she used every BS excuse in the book for why she did it, including "it was 10 years ago. I had depression. I was cutting myself. I was in an
abusive relationship". As if any of that makes grown women thirst after teenage boys. She is also known for proudly boasting that she only dates men who are
much younger than her. Though often vague about how far the age difference is, only stressing (boasting) that it's a lot.
>She has a bizarre obsession with Justin Bieber and an extreme loathing for Selena GomezShe has a photo of a shirtless Justin Bieber framed in her living room, as well as photograph of him that she takes everywhere. Says that it doesn't matter if she has a boyfriend in the house, the photo stays. Coincidently she also has a boiling hatred for Selena Gomez. In some of videos she has claimed that Selena is a heroin addict and an alcoholic with zero receipts. She has also made up bullshit stories about having an "inside source" that overheard Selena having a drunken meltdown when the news of Justin's wedding broke. She repeatedly mocks her for her kidney transplant including saying that she was "stealing" organs, and has a whole video about how she "used and manipulated" her donor into giving her the transplant. In another video she gleefully talks about how Selena will definitely die at an early age. She does not have this hate for Hailey Baldwin, in fact she said in a video that if someone comments that she looks like Hailey, she shrieks and screenshots it.
>She's racist.In a recent video she claimed all the members of BTS and other Korean boy bands all look the same, and were effeminate. In another video she weirdly pretends to be clapping back on a hate comment by saying "At least my mom is not an illegal immigrant. At least if I call ICE they won't send my family back to where the fuck I came from" Hmmm…Selena is Mexican.
>Generally sprouts total bullshit lies that never happenedShe claimed Harry Styles made out with her. According to her, Harry saw her for the first time, said "you're gorgeous" then pushed her against a wall and started "snogging" her while she had no idea what was happening. If that were true it would have meant that he sexually assaulted a woman without her consent. It sounds like something from a crappy rapey teen romance.
>She thinks men with mental illness should stfuShe minimizes and makes a mockery out of men who have anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts or really any kind of mental health problem.
No. 963247
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Just to show what Shallon and Bieber both looked like in 2010. Remember he was a late bloomer and looked like a little kid. In January when the first tweet was made he was still 15.
No. 963248
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No. 963313
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She posted this 'apology' on her subreddit two days ago.
I honestly didn't expect her to do this as she's said in videos before that she hates when celebs address scandals and you should just let it blow over if you find yourself being criticized for something. But then again, we know she's a hypocrite.
No. 963317
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D'Angelo is denying he doxxed her on is twitter @dangelno
No. 963338
>>963316it's a lie. a couple of D'Angelo's followers said on her reddit that no one saw him tweet that. she also refuses to show any proof of it despite claiming she took screenshots for police.
what i find funny about her "fans" who are defending her is that she is deadass manipulating and gaslighting them with this apology… the very same thing they claim Shallon taught them how to avoid in
abusive people. clearly they didn't learn anything.
No. 963888
>>963871Just imagine a 29 year old man tweeting those comments about a 15 year old girl. Do you feel any differently about it now?
Anyway Shallon actually being 39 and lying about her age for years (back in 2011 she was making herself 2 years younger, now it’s 4 years younger) and that even her husband didn’t know ?? I wanna know the milk on that.
No. 963971
>>963959Ironic since tumblr got nuked because of cp blogs. We don't give pedo passes here, ya nasty.
>>963965Definitely giving those vibes. Why else choose such a stupid hill to die on.
>>963968Receipts, anon? Which video?
No. 963976
>>963971nta, there's a clip of her conducting some sort of interview with two 18 y/o boys who are in a band. Her behaviour in it comes off as super predatory. I believe she was in her very late 30s back then. Idk how to embed videos, but D'Angelo Wallace plays some parts of it in his newest video. Starts at 27:39. (
No. 964083
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>>963976That clip is so creepy! The boys are clearly trying to shoot her sex questions down. And then she starts pressing herself up against the one and aggressively running her hands through his hair, calling him adorable. Says at 18, he's older than most boys she dates, and that 17 is the legal age of consent in NYC, that she "looked it up"? Poor dude looked so uncomfortable.
>>964056We get it, you were thirsty for baby beiber, anon. You're still a pedo. And so is she, just watch the clip. Bitch is basically a female Onision.
No. 964115
>>964083>if you defend someone it's because you are the same as themCalm down your outrage anon, I was too busy with 2d anime boybands to care about Bieber.
>>964095I did watch his video and while she was a creep on some interviews there was no hard proof of anything. I'm sorry but unless someone find a past underage bf of cp collection she's not a pedo.
No. 964257
>>964247Lol nta but, anon, how can you tell that two anons are the same just because they disagree with you?
Why don't you go suck D'Angelo's cock on twitter?
No. 964304
>>964257nta but if you go type in shallon lester on YT you'll find that d'angelo is
by far not the only one criticising her. most people have a problem with the way she's conducting herself.
No. 964336
Does anyone know anything about her personal life? Like is she married, has a bf, or what?
>>963248Pedo or not why the fuck would you post this on twitter?
No. 964349
problematic tweet in 2010. Shocking. Why would anyone have done something like that?
No. 964619
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The real reason she blocked D’Angelo
No. 964625
>>964620Nah, not clicking on this
>Women are just as bad as men and nobody ever talks about it! episode 274Of course this guy is jumping on this drama too…probably to mention a story of him too being lusted after by creepy cougars who fetishized him, an innocent asian boy. And then all his little fangirls will tell him how strong and amazing and cute he is. He's so punchable looking and obnoxious, he'd deserve his own thread too.
No. 965271
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>>964838>the fact that she is unhinged enough to post these kinds of vids for the entire world to see.most of her supporters don't seem very bright. screenshot is from her subreddit.
No. 965512
>>964586>>964600She literally talks about how she has made out with and dated 17yos. Has made sexual remarks about 15-16 year olds. I don't know what else ya'll want. I get there's a double standard for female predators, but this is ridiculous. She was close to 30 when this started and is just a hair shy of 40 now. It's not like she's some 20yo saying and doing these things.
>>964654So many cows seem to have this weird "nordic viking blood" thing. kek.
No. 965583
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no wonder she always has bangs
No. 965711
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No. 965935
>>965779She tries too hard not to sound racist whenever she talks about black people. A few weeks ago she started a vid talking about how she went into a 'black womens wig shop' She claimed that being the only white woman in there they all fussed over her and gave her special treatment which she totally didn't want.. whole story came off strange.
And no wonder she was in a wig shop, I followed her for about a year and her hair has visibly thinned in that time, having noticed that.. I'm not surprised to hear she's older than she tells people.
No. 971880
>>971829Why do you newfags think that every annoying e-celeb/youtuber that you don’t like is deserving of a thread?
He’s pretty cringe but that alone doesn’t translate to him being a lolcow.
No. 981473
>>971991PierreXO became known for the 'Friends With Benefits Secretly Share Their Feelings For Each Other' video of Jubilee. In it he was an obvious fuckboy stringing an older woman along. He made a video claiming he was depressed and just couldn't help himself, later he also claimed that she was a narcissistic abuser. He got to know Richard Grannon through this (some sort of amateur NPD expert). In reality Pierre is more of a narcissist than all the people he claims are narcissistic. This is is especially apparent, because in one of his videos he talks about being strung along himself and he doesn't see the full irony of the situation.
You will notice he uses female friends as props in his videos. There are quite a lot of hints that he sleeps with these friends. Some don't even get a shout out and they just suddenly disappear, to be replaced with another female friend. He is also just a generally annoying person to be friends with, because he wants to make everything into a vlog or film it, for obnoxious artistic reasons (he has an entire video about it).
He's anti-feminist and a men's rights activist. He struggles to go even one video without shitting on women or his 'It's always myyyyy fault!!111!' shtick. Well yeah, it is always your fault. He's an emotionally unavailable, narcissistic, wannabe artist fuckboy. He is even conning the amateur narcissist expert. To not even speak of the older female fans he flirts with and cons to get them to donate money to him. I think there would be at least enough on him for a thread on /snow/.
No. 1176366
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Shallot Molester doxed some woman that comments on her Reddit and made fun of the way she looks etc. It's pathetic to see someone do this especially since it's some random she could have ignored.
No. 1176823
>>964625Hard agree. So many scrote uwu soft boi youtubers lately fishing for pickme simpathy. D'Angelo also has a bunch of pickmes sperging about the importance of "male mental health". Like how many males advocate for women't mental health? Exactly.
These softbois act all progressive but push their own interests aka "gimmie more female emotional labor" under the guise of wokeness.
No. 1177381

this is her interviewing "the cab" back in whatever before times that was, where she's being CRAZY creepy to them and their ages keep coming up, and you can clearly see how uncomfortable that boy is who wants nothing to do with her. I think in interviews playful flirting is cool, but she's a whole ass entire adult, if that were me I'd feel an obligation to be more encouraging and to ask the best questions that make them look professional yet fun and relatable for their demographic. nothing wrong with shooting your shot, but what the fuck. if he had come to her off camera idk, but this is such a train wreck and she claims to be so professional.
part of me in a very quarantine fueled fever dream wants her to just be this crazy red haired she devil cougar doing literal myspace antics in this social climate, but there's so many younger people who take her seriously and get seriously hurt.
>>1176367she's sober writing these, and used a Cher quote that she can't stop saying and makes no sense in context. for someone who talked MAJOR shit on bipolar disorder (Selena and Pete the guy who dated Ariana) and drug addictions, she acts like the stereotype only she has no involuntary behavior to give reason to this. Like she's 40 and that girl she's blasting right now is probably fucking mortified and it breaks my heart. she looks like a nerd girl who yeah definitely needed some female friends and that's what fucks me up, her demographic is really searching for their identities. seriously what a mother fucking bitch, and she doxs this girl right after she claimed people did it to her? fuck off. this girl is sooo much younger than her, that's when you privately contact her and lead by example with maturity and grace, not this
toxic fuckshit.