File: 1586305409156.png (Spoiler Image,852.34 KB, 2248x1752, Ilikapie's Kisame Li Lee Polit…)

No. 955676
This may be considered esoteric, but I feel the subject has earned this thread. The subject here is Kisame17, named after a Naruto character. For over half a year, he's been mindlessly harassing people in the pregnancy fetishism community.
What apparently started out as some disagreement in a roleplaying Discord has turned into impersonating IRS agents, lawyers, hospital workers, chefs, and more. As others have pointed out, impersonating an IRS agent is a federal crime, as is being an IRS agent and sending threats like he has. He spams the pregnancy threads on 4chan /d/ constantly, ventures to other artistry and pregnancy websites to make a mess, and has made a habit of harassing artists and others through any other venue he can find, usually threatening government action, which has made people wonder if he's schizophrenic.
He's African American, apparently in his thirties, claims his name is Vladimir, and supposedly lives in New York. He's been offered forgiveness if he apologizes and stops spamming, but has refused this. He's been so obnoxious that some artists have taken to mocking him through their work using the same terms he's been spouting for months. This image is the newest I'm aware of, but is still pornographic, so it's been spoilered.
Here's one of the artists sending out a warning to others near the start of this drama:'s an artist trying to get him to stop by offering something in return: are some of his accounts I'm aware of: (deactivated) you want to see how he's been acting on 4chan, almost all of this is him or related to him: regularly posts artwork which isn't his on some of his accounts, claiming he's now the rightful owner of the women featured, acting as if they're real people. He also regularly posts rants, here are some excerpts:
>I am a screenwriter by trade and trained to do tightly woven scripts.>I can leak it to your work place and have you fired from your job if you keep this up. I can also have you fined, and give them your Patreon Account, Discord Number and email.>We at the the IRS don't care for your problems. Just admit you are a cuckold, call yourself a lesbian and take your Prozac and get back to work.>I can impregnate Large Short Stacks with my 5 inch penis that can grow 10">I'm a high functioning sociopath whose job it is to harass trolls like you for the good of all law abiding users.>*Protip: Never insult a civil servant behind their back. We at the IRS are the kind of guy who do paperwork for fun!>Not only are you lying, but you're also guilty of medical malpractice on a lot of OCs by upping the dosage on their fertility drugs and not feeding them properly, Between that and the circumstances I here by take away your OCs permantely as your a shitty pharmacy tech, not a doctor>Fuck Vegan Diets, my Blood Sugars are fucking low! I am ready to penetrate and impregnate any woman who looks at me funny! Don't mess with a man that has Type 1 Diabetes!>Can't cause now I have a School Shooting in Cali on my hands around the Santa Clarita area, on to of Rep. Hill out for blood.>The thing is, my job is to make sure hyper preg arts don't like to the US Treasury. Since many revenue exceeds 200 dollars yearly, that is taxable income that must be reported. No. 955677
File: 1586305468716.png (Spoiler Image,66.82 KB, 838x1878, Kisame Khronikles.png)

Here's one of his "tightly woven scripts" and another image used to mock him:
>Li Li carefully hide herself in the corridors on the office building. She successfully entered the lobby during nonbusiness hours. The security guards at the front entrance didn't care that a hyper pregnant women the size of a boulder bypassed them. They got paid enough to make sure ex-employees and competitors don't make it inside but not enough to patrol the cubicles. As long as Li Li didn't do anything to threaten their paychecks, she could go wherever she wanted without being thrown out. Besides all those security guards the looked pretty out of shape with their bulbous guts, double chins, and tiny legs crammed in ill-fitting corporate casuals. Just one look at those orcs in human skin gobble of donuts as they "guarded" the office from the safety of their desks watching it on CCTVs made Li Li's skin crawl. 'It's no wonder private firms begun to outsource all the tough tasks to ninjas. These slobs wouldn't know a criminal if it walked right past them' Li Li thought.
>The workers were even worse than the guards in their obliviousness. When they arrived at work to start their shift in the morning, the employees just walked right past Li Li or in certain cases just bump into her massive belly. Despite being trained in the art of stealth and dressed as a stagehand, Li Li didn't have the tolerance for idiocy. The salary men and office ladies who make up this company looked as if they didn't get good night sleep. They spoke in hushed whispers about the new bean bag chair ordered by the company. Li Li just rolled with it as from their expression, she's just furniture that just mysteriously appeared overnight. The ninja's head and thighs got obscured by her epic breasts and belly all covered in black garb, making it hard to see her face. If they do see Li Li's face and meaty bottom then they assume she's some kind of unique piece of furniture ordered by the boss. After all, no woman in the country whose diet consists mainly of rice, fish, and vegetables would be so overabundant like Li Li.
>The ninja enjoyed the silence of the room and the fact that the employees were too caught up in climbing the corporate ladder and bettering themselves financially to interact with her. It made for the perfect environment for a sabotage. In truth, Li Li got hired by the competitor to take out the boss of this company, so they may merge and become one big company. The pregnant woman didn't see any problem with it as she got the freedom to dispose of the boss by any means and got paid six figures to do it. She silently observed the workers for three whole hours and bides her time until one of them approached her. He appeared to be a skinny looking fellow who struggled to get to his office because Li Li blocked it with her body. Since she's nothing but furniture to them, there's nothing Li Li could do to move except wait for a bunch of big burly gentlemen to carry her off. His puny hands touched a part of her belly in a pathetic attempt to move it out of the way. This sad display of strength alerted the female coworker who approached him with a stern look on her face.
>Unlike the other workers who dressed conservatively, the bespectacled brunette wore her hair in a singular bun and donned a top that revealed lots of cleavage and a sliver of lacy black bra. Li Li saw the large breasts on the older lady as a threat to her fertility. The gravid ninja prefers to be unmatched in terms of breasts, belly, and butt so it comes as no surprise that when another woman with bigger attributes that her own appears, Li Li feels the need to compete with them to show who's the real alpha female. Fierce competitiveness aside, she listens in on their conservation. The boss naturally spoke first to ask why the employee's not back at their station.
>"Why are you not back at your office?" The young and meek male salary man tried to explain the situation.
>"I'm trying, but it feels like there's a gigantic soft thing in the way…"
>Li Li took offense to being called gigantic. She saw herself more as a fertile force of nature that can't be reckoned with. She's pretty fine with being compared to furniture but calling her gigantic really gets under her skin. She mistook his comment as to mean he's calling the ninja fat, which Li Li didn't like very much. Being huge was a necessary evil for her to birth more ninja and lure horny men into traps. 'Watch who you're calling… Creep…."
>"I don't see anything. Stop screwing around!" Judging by the tone of the woman's voice, it sounded like she's the boss of the company. Li Li's going to make that woman a big pregnant blimp AND make that male employee the father of her babies once she gets time to move. Those stressed-out salarymen and office ladies had to leave their offices for lunch sometime. When they do, Li Li's going to strike and steal their food before making a quiet escape.
Here's part of a story he posted on a different website. This incomplete copy is the only one I can locate:
>It was a dark and stormy night when a lone drifter rolled into town. A tall black man dressed like a teacher just stepped out the last train from the city after a night out from work. The trip from Bastion, to Eden, to the Community of Fertile Valley was long.
>"How is Ms. Sato? Never though she'd be Empress of the Nadesico Kingdom with Pappy as PM," John said. Jin let off as she turned around and looked at his package. Those Orc genes are kicking in and now the size of a club. How many girls have you knocked up with that thing?" Jin asked.
>"Oh a few like Viper, Slick, Ms. Bolette, Rain, Elesa, Juniper, and Ichika," John chuckled. Jin rolled her eyes and grabbed the cock, making him moan.
>"You sure know how to control a man's sperm, Ms. Jin!"
>"That's Ms.Jin Mei Woo to you! I gotta daughter now!"
>"Is she as big and beautiful as her mother? I hope she's not like Li Li. Poor girl birthed six daughters that look like her, an another hundreds." He said.
>Jin let go and sent him to the staff. John's pecker lowered as he's introduced to the cast.
No. 956028
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No. 958359
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I checked back and he's gone even further since. Now he's calling himself "Kisame from Jupiter and the Outer Space Experiment" with this profile image and description:
>An Artist who fuses the old order of Christianity and the New Order of the Modern World into one Big Project
Here's some select quotes:
>I had to be smart talked by my own Philly Cheese Steak Supplier and pestered by 4chan's /co/ and Conservative Articles on Porn Epidemic to Speak Out. They care more about my Soul than the Democrats and their Army of Perverts.
>I do humbly apologize, it's just I am not really the bastion of evil that the Hyper Preg Community is looking for. Subverting the Rule of Law just to play hero doesn't make you hero. The decision has already been made and I am trying to abide by it.
>I am saying that I don't really have a soul due to being a creature of the night and active in the nightlife. I am a demon and I need a journey to gain a soul. That cannot be fixed with pointing out my hypocrisy. I am a demon, I don't care for order and laws. That's for humans
This tweet makes it seem like he's now aware of this thread but if he were he'd be posting here by now:
>I am laying low right now, I think the pregnancy Community is now a Safe Space for Women and Male to Female Transgender. I was wondering why the atmosphere was so oppressive till I checked my Discord. Yeah, I am gonna lay low.
Despite this, this is now one of his older tweets. That's not really laying low.
This quote is now my favorite from him:
>In short, I am proud to admit that I am shallow due to having no ambition and no morals. So taking the moral high ground with me isn't going to work.
Does anyone know the cartoon this profile image is from? I don't know if claiming to be a demon has anything to do with Naruto but this is probably only going to get worse over time.
No. 964160
Let's be real, half of you here would have gotten your shit kicked in by Harlem, by Homeless Man on the Subway, NYPD, Latin Kings, MS-13, Triads, and the Mobs, Bloods and Crips, Islanders Fans for insulting women and children.
You ain't a hero, you just a bully and a fag and deserve to be beaten to death.
New York isn't like other city. It's Roll with the Crew or meet the Bottom of a Nike!
I'm warning you cause the mob is still active. Take this fake shit down, you chumps just want attention like special Ed kid
It's been a decade since 9/11 and we don't like it when some fucking hero try to put us in a category. Go to Jersey if you want to be Frankie Vallie. It's Frank Sinatra and Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey Country you lame ass mark!
No. 964179
>>964176You just a toddler. There is no such thing. You just repeating shit adults tell you like a mindless Robot.
You thin it's funny to make fun of special ED Kids? We are home to Rosemary Kennedy's center and we take educating them.
No. 964191
>>964180What is this Napster? Lots of places know who you are. They have Disqus. The US Government know who you are. It's been this way since school shooters use Social Media to post manifestos and Conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones use it to promote conspiracy.
I've told Satsuma Lord and Verd and Lady Alarune multiple times that nobody likes you for being an insensitive asshole
Young People don't like our generation
Actual 16-22 years olds have told me they hate you and your friends on Discord
No. 964202
File: 1587667774732.jpg (18.74 KB, 256x512, 8c64eb68b52066d7d5a170a55aad16…)

>>964194>>964193You guys can thank OP for this collective ass whipping of 8 months I just handed the internet. I'm not Mammy or Pappy. I warned Hyper Preg fans that I will throw them in prison with the same cell as Suge Knight if they don't behave.
Sometimes you just have to be a Zamasu and wipe out Ningen
Zamasu was right to save us from Shonen Fags and Moe Fags and Waifu Fags
No. 964204
File: 1587667927629.png (163.12 KB, 680x544, 8b9.png)

>>964201I am on vacation. Covid-19 shutdown everything. I write stories and commission art as a hobby and sleep, eat, and play games. I am a NEET at the moment
Pic related is my Nigress. OP is too much of a raging toddler con to handle dark meat
No. 964208
File: 1587668015008.jpeg (21.18 KB, 223x226, download (1).jpeg)

>>964203I have been sleeping and playing games and being a NEET. Pic related is who We unironically like in NY
No. 964214
>>964207>>964206Aspies don't understand that Arching is a 9-5 job in NY. We don't care for internet trolls.'s your Lolcow, his name is Ian Doughty and he hangs with Tracy Houston (Cross Crescent) and Clement Reboul (Marrazan)
No. 964215
>>964202what are you gonna do, track my TCP packets into my DMZ port, hack my mainframe and leak my info
I don’t think you’ve ever touched a pussy or anything other than your own diaper
No. 964218
>>964215No. being a retard Linux Fag. I am doing this on a cellphone.
Suck it IBM Subculture Bitch!
No. 964219
File: 1587668418534.gif (1.35 MB, 262x275, 1531534792826.gif)

>see an anon put name in field
>scroll past
>wait hold on let me just peek
>this glorious idiot bumping his own dead thread
No. 964227
>>964225if you really were you would know everything I said was bullshit
sincerely a European sysadmin
No. 964234
>>964231Psychology student that works with the big names in show biz spends his time arguing about fetish weeb comics on an anonymous image board.
Yeah, buddy, somehow I’m having trouble buying it tbh.
No. 964237
>>964233I am 2-4 years younger than Lindsay Lohan and Mara Wilson.
New Yorkers know about internet rumors. Some Aspie named Parafine acted super autstic in his DnD game and I made him booty blasted by insulting DM, DMs Girlfriend, the Greifer, and a troll by playing a murderhobo
No. 964240
>>964238good excuse, except it’s been going on too long to be a joke
nice attempt at saving face though, schizo
No. 964241
>>964237what the fuck
did I ask? no
New Yorkers don’t give a shit about anything
No. 964244
>>964239>>964240>>964235>>9642341. Actor's get paid per word and only SAG actors get paid millions
2. Restaurants are closed because it's easy to cook at home than sell $15-20 dollar burger and tenders. We get the food from the same meat supplier and charge you $10 dollars more. It's all MSG and not Transfats and huge proportions
No. 964255
>>964253swearing has nothing to do with this, schizo
the more this goes on the worse it gets, your thoughts are everywhere and they don’t make sense. you’re talking like an anime villain. you’re obviously having some sort of episode, get help
No. 964258
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>>964255You don't get it aspies.
Men are literally dominated by their shrewd Jewish Princess in NY. My area is home to Valley Girls and Princess who want to be spoiled.
No. 964260
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>>964255I get paid 18/20 hr to fatten up women till they are like Pierce Bronson's wife
Fattening up pregnant women and Wives is a high paying job. That's what U do
No. 964265
File: 1587670365126.jpg (113.76 KB, 590x700, Cannes-2018-Pierce-Brosnan-put…)

WG and Belly fags just hate me cause I admit to fattening up pregnant nurses and women for a living.
No. 964267
>>964265no you don’t, this literally sounds like you wrote it while dreaming of it and jacking off to the thought of being able to even come close to a woman
I’m sure they smell you coming a mile away, NEET
No. 964268
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I don't know what OP wants. I did concessions where I fastened up pregnant women for a month at the US Open last year. Pregnant women are angry and guy thank me for fattening their wife with Tenders to shut her up
No. 964274
>>964260And you need a psych degree to do that?
Tell me more!
No. 964281
>>964274>>964278Psychology isn't taken seriously in the United States because it's a social science. Biology, Chemistry, Astrology, Space, and Earth Science are considered real science.
You're quoting a Neurologist who was discredited in favor of Maslow's path to Self Actualization
I've joked that Belly fuckers alternate between Oedipus and Lolita Complexes.
No. 964301
>>964281You’re not answering my question.
I do take psychology seriously. So much, in fact, that I don’t see how someone would need a degree like that (or, any degree for that matter) to fatten up women.
No. 964303
>>964301I know you are that retard spouting the Dark Triad Personality, chicks don't like Scumbags. You read too much of the Otome Genre where the bastard boyfriend is common.
I've asked Saburo Multiple times what is with with his wife being Korean, and them being up with Rape and University TeacherX Student Pairings
No. 964366
>>964343Thank you retard.
I just lied and made everything up to diagnose you with Oedipus and Lolita Complex
No. 964372
There is nothing wrong with Kisame 17. You aspies never asked questions or contact him is OP. A pathetic aspie hanging with Trannies
No. 964448
>>964217>I live in New York buddy none of this is trueSame, this dude is delusional AT BEST. Also kek calling Brooklyn all gangsta and shit my sides.
This dude legit claims all this shit about psychology then spams "aspies" when that isn't even a thing anymore. Must be afraid to say autists, poor baby.
Also still calling us all males. He has no idea. This is a female imageboard, idiot. Scrotes are banned on sight (keywords being "on sight").
Go outside and see what happens outside your delusional snowglobe. Corona is a million times more of a threat than some supposed gang members, especially in NYC. Dumbass.
No. 964484
File: 1587697529052.jpg (1.07 MB, 3072x4096, EWTa6oqWAAAJzee.jpg)

>Behold! The Room that makes Hyper Preg Mom's Faint!
Clean your room, Kisame.
This is from his Twitter.
No. 964587
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>>964484lmao he thinks he got us traumatized by that.
Like we
didn‘t know that guys who are into hentai fetish shit are gross af in any other aspects of their lives, too.
No. 980395
File: 1590692310721.png (50.71 KB, 1010x190, co.png)

I took this screenshot from a thread he was disrupting in /co/. By now there are more examples of his shitty behavior since breaching into other boards. This thread makes him really upset, he's posting screenshots of it in random 4chan threads.
No. 980409
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I just came across this fraudulent invoice he sent someone. If he keeps this up, he's looking at prison time.
No. 998901
>>980409Yeah, I am an IRS Agent, and right now people want their stimulus check. Nobody cares that they Taxpayer is too chickenshit to stand up to Black Lives Matter, or even Neo Nazis.
It's your own fault, faggot
No. 998903
File: 1593479812629.jpg (94.63 KB, 650x312, TrumpMake-America-Great-Again.…)

>>980395I am a psychopath. Turns out I can hold myself accountable and just ignore you.
PS, everyone is ousting Gnarly Otaku because it turns out society hates sex offenders like him and Norgorim and the Left are cleaning house.
We're getting 4 more years of Trump. Make America Great Again! We're gonna build that Wall. We just had to get rid of Bannon, Comey, and that retard Bolton.
Also, Local Elections are going Full Socialist. The Future of America is going to be Red and Bathed in the Blood of Incels!
No. 998911
>>998905You better start giving a shit because the animation and gaming industry is now crumbling,the just got rid of Mike Z.
It seems like Zoomers and LGBT are leading the change.
I am Generation Y, a full blown slacker
No. 998913
>>980470Fuck No. Trump thinks I am Q Anon, the Left Thinks I am undermining them. Truth is I have been BBQing and chilling. The person who started this thread about me is a Pedo. He likes Idol Shit for fucks sakes.
I am merely good at Gambling and have a mind made for Vegas. OP won't shut up about his dark triad personality and I told him friends I am a psychopath. Psychopaths may not be smart, but we're not delusional.
No. 999112
File: 1593508752749.jpg (270.54 KB, 3840x2160, TrollFace.jpg)

U Mad Incels?
No. 1014133
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He still won't stop. He's now claiming to be half French. He claims to have revealed his address, but I haven't found it yet.
No. 1014496
>>1014133Yeah, came here to say that he's back at it again on 4/d/. First, the spamming got so bad that /d/'s mods had to move the hpreg thread to /aco/. Then, it continued being so incessant that his incoherent ramblings made a brand-new thread hit the bump limit in 3 days flat. (For reference: the average hpreg thread on 4/d/ usually lasts weeks if not a month+.) Now, the mods just mass-deleted a boatload of off-topic schizoid drivel…which was like 40% of all posts in the thread.
Either his parents yank his internet access or ship him off the loony bin. This shit isn't going to stop without one or both of those things happening.
No. 1014818
>>1014778>>1014496>>1014133't listen to him, he's a /cow/.
Bey Fags are pure cancer. AOC have been driving us nuts with her demands. I just want to work. Cuomo is also driving us nuts with his hamfisted rules. I am near sighted and not wearing glasses
File: 1596137709795.jpg (180.01 KB, 960x1280, 1595992032142.jpg)

I can't confirm if this is a picture of Kisame.
>>1014818Give us a picture with a timestamp, Kisame.
No. 1015003
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>>1014818>>1014872>>1014894>>1014895>cow tries turning accusations of trolling on some other pregfag but nobody caresl o l
>>1014778Instagram checks out. That's definitely him.
No. 1021313
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…aaaaand he's back. Projecting like there's no tomorrow.
No. 1021670
File: 1597222355067.png (98.21 KB, 1573x675, kiameemail.png)

You could have waited for a reply instead of choosing to spam the thread with gore. Twelve days ago.
No. 1021693
>>1021656Listen Mr. Big Shot, I have been working since I was 17. I went from making sandwiches and getting paid off the books to making 7.25 to do concessions, to 18/19 a hour doing manual labor at 28.
I used to work from 8 in the morning to 3 at next day and sleep 2 hours and head back to work next day. I spent the later half of my 20s sacrificing sleep, happiness and safety just to make money or entertainment to please others. I also risk going into the wilderness and injuries.2020's the first time since I was a kid that I can actually relax and be goofy for a change.
The problem is that you guys want to be famous for doing nothing and get upset when the working man calls you out on your bullshit. Nobody cares about gossip. Now If you will excuse me, I have some sleep to catch up on. I haven't had a good night's rest since I was 16.
No. 1021825
>>1021821>>1021799Everyone in the East Coast knows what Trolling is and can do it. It's just like making a prank call. I already answered everything.
Again, I don't even know who you guys are. I thought you were on drugs or schizophrenic
No. 1021905
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>>1021831>>1021851I don't know what you are talking about. I just cut off the power due to a Thunderstorm.
You guys are on way too much Meth and LSD. I don't even know who this guy is.
>>1022390>You guys are retardedSays fetishist that calls himself a sociopath and begged Admin to delete his thread while simultaneously bumping it.
Also apparently people from New York are retards, because for some reason you feel the need to continuously state you're on the East Coast. You sound like how a guy wearing a fedora drinking a monster looks. If you stop bumping your thread it will go away on it's own.
No. 1022419
File: 1597336881709.jpg (46.67 KB, 680x510, 3c2.jpg)

>>1022408>>1022408>>1022401>>1022397>>1022394Fuck Mods, Fuck Jannies, Fuck Admins
Hoes Mad!
(lul) No. 1022507
File: 1597347768384.jpg (515.56 KB, 1080x1853, 20200813_154139.jpg)

Posted then deleted. Stop bumping your thread.
No. 1022878
File: 1597422084823.jpg (128.96 KB, 1323x175, lol.jpg)

It's funny, he tried to mask his speech patterns in a /d/ spergout a couple days ago but hilariously failed.
No. 1022880
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>>1022878and whenever he tries to pull this shit, he just ends up massively projecting. Sounds like you're describing yourself there, Vlad.
No. 1022886
File: 1597422356145.jpg (153.04 KB, 971x128, JUST PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED…)

This FA entry from the day he got banned takes the cake, though. "…I merely put up a facade of internet troll just to mess with others".
Yeah, great facade. One that results in you being shunned by pregfags and artists like, unable to blow your unemployement check on more jerkoff material.
No. 1023372
File: 1597505201554.jpg (617.65 KB, 1080x1838, 20200815_112658.jpg)

Another deleted post from Kisame, since he likes to keep bumping and deleting.
No. 1023818
>>1023808Oh no, anon, don't you see? By his own admission, he's trolling us! He's only pretending to be retarded! Because he's from ~New York~
>>1023816How long before you delete this post, Kisame? I give it 10, maybe 20 minutes.
No. 1026001
File: 1597902930066.jpg (170.56 KB, 1296x407, lol (1).jpg)

Screenshotted for posterity. I give it a week tops 'till he starts posting gore again, autistically screeches about some pregfag he has a grudge against, or claims to be capable of performing Haitian voodoo magic.
No. 1026002
File: 1597902968410.jpg (190.9 KB, 1295x316, LOL (2).jpg)

>>1026001At this rate, he might just deserve his own ED page.
No. 1027455
File: 1598165614933.jpg (231.31 KB, 1324x416, 2020-08-22 (1).jpg)

aaaand he's back on his bullshit. So much for the "black man who craves order and stability in this chaotic world".
No. 1029885
File: 1598595925221.jpg (98.64 KB, 1038x166, lol.jpg)

>"what I lack in book smarts and medical knowledge, I make up for in street smarts due to being from the inner city"
You live on Long Island, dude. That's like saying you're from the mean streets of L.A. when you live in Beverly Hills.
No. 1029887
File: 1598596118921.jpg (69.5 KB, 865x177, LMAO.jpg)

>"your stubborn refusal to admit you suck and Kisame can change that makes this hard"
Says the guy still seething over imagined slights from other pregfags, posting laughably poorly-drawn fetish art on a Japanese cartoon bulletin board, and whose greatest claim to fame at the tender age of 29 is getting kicked out of multiple preg fetish communities. Another trophy for the king of projection.
No. 1029888
File: 1598596222088.jpg (91.04 KB, 1323x136, lmfao.jpg)

>"I have a lot of menial tasks I need to complete before getting back into the swing of things"
…Yeah. Speaks for himself.
No. 1048220
File: 1601435717487.png (157.47 KB, 954x903, nigger.png)

This stands out to me:
>Fuck Vegan Diets, my Blood Sugars are fucking low! I am ready to penetrate and impregnate any woman who looks at me funny! Don't mess with a man that has Type 1 Diabetes!
This is like every negative stereotype about African Americans rolled into one person. For some reason, he thinks "penetrate and impregnate any woman who looks at me funny" is anything other than a bizarre rapist fantasy that would leave him beaten to death. This is what people who hate African Americans claim they're constantly thinking about, and I keep coming back to this phrase as so fucked up it stands out.
Anyway, here's more stupid shit:
>Anyone else want to get a bullet or neck broken? Uncle Kisame just finished a shift at the Burger Jointand had a Red Bull. Go ahead and make my evening
>Yeah, I thought so. Now Shut fuck up about Patreon and pay your dues, you fucking bums! Nobody gives a shit about your E-Drama.
He thinks he's a fucking anime character. I'd feel sorry for his parents, if they weren't the reason he exists. Has he really been doing this for an entire year now? I'm seriously tempted to call his mommy and tattle on him, so he finally loses his online privileges.
No. 1052052
File: 1601878249763.png (88.94 KB, 1849x477, ten months.PNG)

jesus fucking christ
No. 1057327
File: 1602556461662.png (21.72 KB, 939x115, scared nigger.png)

It seems like Kisame is scared of ending up on Kiwi Farms, maybe because his mother may find the thread, since Null does SEO for the cows. He's still doing this daily, and keeps calling for the /d/ thread to be deleted. I really don't want to have to make an account there just to mock this nigger, so will someone else do it?
No. 1059687
File: 1602820703283.jpg (114.94 KB, 1044x241, wtf lol.jpg)

>>1057331>>1057335"I don't have the mindset to be a Lolcow"
No. 1059688
File: 1602820733864.jpg (75.73 KB, 1323x138, lmao.jpg)

Shit's just sad at this point.
No. 1089372
File: 1606136356195.png (339.95 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20201123-064310.png)

Here's your "Kisame" I cartoonist with way too much free time on his hands LARPing as a serious adult using a sock puppet. The real Kisame17 account was actually deactivated by Deviantart last year.
No. 1089558
File: 1606155253343.jpg (44.26 KB, 700x394, 36145078_401.jpg)

No. 1103524
File: 1607500194934.jpeg (200.53 KB, 2048x2048, EJY6SwFWwAAXyYR.jpeg)

kek. a preg fetish artist drew this a while back
No. 1103704
File: 1607530008510.jpg (76.92 KB, 1024x698, a_birthwhile_dance_lesson_by_i…)

We all know it's Ilikapie pretending to be Kisame to push is pro life agenda
No. 1118234
File: 1609361916224.png (323.28 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20201230-155542.png)

Look, Ilikapie is LARPING as Kisame again. He's not taking meds
No. 1139098
File: 1611328610703.png (246.25 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210122-101626.png)

>>1121906I know you guys are LARPing. Nice try, Corporate Shill
No. 1139231
File: 1611337372864.jpg (214.11 KB, 1080x958, 20210122_124207.jpg)

>>1139228Says the closeted pedo fag raiding mpreg boards. Kek!
No. 1141653
File: 1611572474957.png (289.56 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210125-060058.png)

Ilikapie the Turbo Aspie everyone!
No. 1152709
File: 1612503043002.jpg (37.98 KB, 525x83, 1.jpg)

Now sperging on pregchan.
Apart from regular slapfights with the right-wing preg drawfag (whose OCs he's obsessed with) on 4/d/, he appears to have moved on in recent months. He even branched out to other fetishes' threads on 4/d/, once popping up in the "same-size vore" thread.
Guess which posts are his by the unnecessary capitalization and irrelevant political references.
No. 1152713
File: 1612503188671.jpg (180.95 KB, 568x529, 3.jpg)

>>1152710Says this like he's _not_ constantly stroking himself to poorly-drawn art from this extremely autistic fetish on the regular. Top kek m8.
No. 1161422
File: 1613313602772.png (239 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210214-093955.png)

Ilikapie the Turbo Aspie everyone
No. 1161520
File: 1613327159888.png (431.46 KB, 1385x1422, Just Fuck me Already.png)

>>1161422Just Fuck me already, Jesus Christ.
No. 1165707
File: 1613776002681.png (213.65 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210219-180341.png)

>>1161520Sure you are Kisame, incel
No. 1165733
File: 1613777424789.png (161.24 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210219-182909.png)

Imagine being so cucked that you need to dox for porn. This is so pathetic that I will just leave for a month. Holy shit, I maybe a sociopath, but even I won't simp for preggo porn
No. 1165781
File: 1613779569085.png (366.58 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210219-190534.png)

Look at these losers defending their anime porn.
No. 1165804
File: 1613781769992.png (196.1 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210219-194126.png)

Just look at how pathetic Coomers are. All for anime porn. This is why normies make fun of them behind their backs
No. 1165862
File: 1613787648041.png (246.65 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210219-211909.png)

Last pic of these losers celebrating their worthless lives and lack of self awareness. In honor of Feldusk quitting due to depression, I choose to abstain from porn for a month!
No. 1165866
File: 1613787996891.png (146.27 KB, 238x216, 1F2339A4-48B0-4FA6-8293-55DE07…)

>kisame posting in his own lolcow thread
This is some epin shit
No. 1165881
File: 1613789194197.png (257.21 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210219-214426.png)

>>1165874Just look at how pathetic you truly look, a slaves to your own sins. Sucking off to Mods like some sleezy hedge fund exec.
No. 1165884
File: 1613789452094.jpeg (115.59 KB, 592x386, 36694001-E3DD-4C57-9FFC-60FB4B…)

>>1165877Who do you even think I am lmao
No. 1166377
>>1166180Is everything you say confession through projection?
Really, I want to know
No. 1166650
File: 1613822162334.png (214.98 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210220-065446.png)

>>1166377No, because you guys are actually that pathetic. Now all of lolcow gets to revel in your e begging for pics
No. 1166870
File: 1613858487151.jpg (17.72 KB, 358x47, lol.jpg)

>>1166862>>1166864Explain this then, Vlad. No other pregfag projects and accuses 4chan anons of being schizos out of the blue.
No. 1167262
File: 1613913590387.png (271.35 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210221-081806.png)

Imagine being so limp dicked that you want to sexualize a Jewish Opera Singer, who is related to Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire. Holy Shit, this is hilarious
No. 1184777
File: 1615777775300.png (149.77 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210314-230817.png)

Nice try Ilikapie, this is proof you are pretending to be Black just to peddle your stupid election conspiracies. Kisame is merely a pen name.
No. 1184779
File: 1615777946364.png (146.92 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210314-230755.png)

It takes pure retardation to deny an election result and to ramble on an art site like DA.
No. 1188597
File: 1616198953275.png (263.77 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210319-200847.png)

Look, Ilialy is still Larping as Kisame and evading 4chan's ban
No. 1188672
File: 1616208963513.png (118.77 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210319-225550.png)

And here is his confession
No. 1190010
File: 1616380615262.png (388.98 KB, 827x854, EshfZcbVoAEqDWY.png)

Daily Reminder that Ilikapie is a Conspiracy Nut
No. 1191599
File: 1616558078276.jpg (269.95 KB, 1323x509, jesus dude.jpg)

Hiatus was fun while it lasted, I suppose. Was wondering where he went. Guess /d/ is unusable again.
No. 1191859
File: 1616601358826.png (246.42 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210324-115458.png)

>>1191599Nah you are definitely crazy. First you think Dima is Kisame, now you think /d/ is Kisame. The rot is setting in your brain
No. 1192190
File: 1616621392408.png (190.41 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210324-172854.png)

Nope. Not stalking you. You the one who set up this thread and Josh isn't going to take it down. Have fun with paranoia!
No. 1192274
File: 1616627711064.jpg (177.73 KB, 1200x1200, gettyimages-517350526.jpg) Honky! I do have a job. You started this with your buck breaking for Massa Trump. Black Power!
No. 1192302
File: 1616631059451.jpg (588.16 KB, 2880x2000, s1Ax8ms0u.jpg)

Here's Ilikapie this is his thread now.
No. 1192306
File: 1616631348814.jpg (515.04 KB, 784x1019, KisameCWC.jpg)

>>1192302lol you're so butthurt.
No. 1192334
File: 1616633867236.png (277.71 KB, 700x350, get_a_load_of_this_by_ilikapie…)

>>1192328Very Well. You are Kisame now
No. 1192335
File: 1616634314956.gif (498.63 KB, 500x316, 1543350595099.gif)

>>1192334oh god watch out kisame is gonna post more work that isn't his, followed by a shitty phone screen cap, then finished off with some shitty meme he found on the interwebs.
Why don't you commission another picture of some underage girls you fucking pedo?
No. 1192347
File: 1616635207318.jpg (179.04 KB, 960x1280, A litteral Pedophile named Vla…)

>>1192341And you are a paranoid schizophrenic that blames every minor insult thrown at your person on a single person regardless of the fact that not a single person likes you. You are such a pathetic piece of human garbage that you actually think you can take the years of hate you have generated for yourself and sling it onto another as if that will change the fact that you are a pathetic man child living with your mother, working at a fast food joint, commissioning pictures of underage pregnant girls, and posting images of yourself on the web like some fetishist version of chris-chan. You are and forever will be a failure in the eyes of your family, your weird fetish community, and your own eyes. But go ahead nigger, just post some more random insults your cro-magnon brain can spew out from an image board you saw earlier today. At this point we're just waiting out the inevitable moment you are incarcerated for sexually abusing your nephew like the sick degenerate fuck you are.
No. 1192348
File: 1616635330333.jpg (29.17 KB, 500x558, EAsgfdzWwAYHHv0.jpg)

>>1192347Go back to your cave, incel. You are just salty Trump lost and you are losing clout.
No. 1192361
File: 1616636017970.jpg (25.88 KB, 441x350, beach_val_and_li_by_ilikapie_d…)

Don't bother coming here, all you did was expose yourself as a flagrant racist who makes negative assumptions about people based.on their race and gender, Ilikapie.
For that, your Deviantart should be deactivated since you are there for a pedophile and a pervert for exploiting women.
No. 1192366
File: 1616636423428.jpg (32.24 KB, 550x325, armond-white.jpg)

>>1192347Truly the mind is a terrible thing to waste, but here we have the entitled Consevative Millennial using the N-word to justify his heartland values. This clandestine and infantile display of behavior is the reason why networks should stop coddling Millennials with cheap cartoons and start putting back to work
No. 1192393
File: 1616638272125.png (93.59 KB, 500x580, preg-of-lamb-by-ilikapie-on-de…)

>>1192347You drew furry and preg porn an old character from a Droopy Cartoons and lust after Frankie Foster. Doesn't that make you a pedo? I don't watch cartoons anymore.
No. 1192431
File: 1616642909773.jpg (480.87 KB, 1200x1653, 1200px-Malcolm_X_NYWTS_2a.jpg)

>>1192347 this is your facebook, which I assume you use to stalk me on Instagram, which is runned by Big Tech. Nice Try Honky. But I have 5 to six different emails on Yahoo and don't maintain any of them. Brothers know how to code too.
No. 1192584
File: 1616670343882.png (200.17 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210325-070441.png)

This is also Ilikapie complaining about Feminists and Woke on a pregnancy fetish site of all things. It's his handwriting.
No. 1192682
File: 1616679167466.jpg (258.54 KB, 1080x1359, Screenshot_20210325-092851_Chr…)

This is also Ilikapie drawing underage digimon girls under his furaffinity, he is a massa serving pedophile like his idol Trump!
No. 1192689
File: 1616679991838.png (410.45 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210325-094509.png)

>>1192682 try but you children on a Pregnancy pic, making you a Pedo
No. 1192707
>>1192682Also your journal celebrating Uncle Tom's that betrayed their race to back Trump! In short, Ilikapie is a hypocrite and should be canceled.
No. 1192718
File: 1616681771747.jpg (168.03 KB, 1024x1023, tumblr_p6ieuoFsiE1wx1i8jo6_r1_…)

>>1192707This is your cartoon with political rants. It's how unhinged you look
No. 1192891
File: 1616691786480.png (132.99 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210325-130158.png)

>>1192809>>1192809Isn't this you on your account with your fan a month ago? I don't see how lolcow is a problem now you are in trouble
No. 1193243
File: 1616716558862.jpg (91.39 KB, 1024x683, GettyImages-1163552539.jpg) reminder that Ilikapie is from Ohio, a state that sucks at NCAA March Madness so bad that their GOP is pitching their ideas to Trump, who is in Florida
No. 1193321
File: 1616724115428.png (132.89 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210325-220023.png) Media Sites are all dominated by the Radical Left. Even OnlyFans is pro BLM.
No. 1194654
File: 1616858846712.jpg (2.12 MB, 2720x1540, west-chester-trustee-lee-wong.…)

If Ilikapie is not racist then why doesn't he support Lee Wong, a Proud Chinese Immigrant who got the Wounded Knee for defending his country? I support Lee Wong and his family, maybe Ilikapie is racist
No. 1195766
File: 1616949732353.png (246.53 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210328-123955.png)

You snooze, you lose Ilikapie, or I sho say Kisame. I save a lot of money by not commissioning art and managed to take in 7K by cutting entertainment. It must suck operating on racist razor thin profit margins. Have fun starving, Ilikapie and Gnarly Otaku
No. 1196107
File: 1616981245282.png (556.54 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210328-212523.png)

Oh this is Hemingway levels depressing, Imagine being a 35 year old man who blows money on Porn, and a Guy with a Flash DeviantArt Account steals it and upload it for free. This is not even my work. This is Professor Zoom levels of Supervillany
No. 1196375
File: 1617011081892.png (186.3 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210329-054411.png)

What are you idiots talking about? It's your Credit Card Companies and PayPal trying to shut you down this time.
No. 1196408
File: 1617015316498.png (194.42 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210329-065452.png)

>>1196397Lolcow has documented proof of Gnarly Otaku being a total loser.
No. 1196414
File: 1617015634341.png (184.15 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210329-070019.png)

This is proof of Gnarly Otaku's name as a lolcow
No. 1196432
File: 1617016557027.jpg (388.6 KB, 1284x980, 1615254792231.jpg)

>>1196414>i'm not the lolcow, no no no it's this other guy>search result only shows Kisame's namekek
No. 1196437
File: 1617016842676.png (365.07 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210329-072034.png)

>>1196432We're laughing at you, tranny weeb.
No. 1196448
File: 1617018072426.jpg (57.69 KB, 720x405, original.jpg)

It's only thanks to Jim Watkins and his son Ron that you are even able to consume your Anime Porn in secret. Too bad they've been outed as Q Anon and are operating in the Philippines
No. 1196453
File: 1617018541161.jpg (140.82 KB, 1500x1125, Backchannel-Frederick-Brennan-…)

It's also this guy who made your precious 8chan and now wants to take it down because he hates you.
The owner of 4chan knows them
No. 1196473
File: 1617020552751.png (515.11 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210329-082206.png)

>>1196468See. We're laughing at you and your vain attempt to be anonymous.
No. 1196486
File: 1617021048575.jpg (668.57 KB, 1919x2560, james-golden-scaled.jpg)

I the grand scheme of things, I am Bo Snerdley, The Based Black Guy behind every Consevative
No. 1196505
Contact me here if you want to get out of Lolcow
No. 1196517
File: 1617024246681.jpg (86.76 KB, 594x676,…)

>>1196468I can keep this silly prank war up all day. Too bad you are a Fed who wants to sell out to Fuzz and I am a Free Black Man and Private Citizen
No. 1196561
File: 1617027302773.png (234.8 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210329-101410.png)

>>1196468Checkmate. We now have proof you how pathetic pregnancy fetishist are truly
No. 1196571
File: 1617028193785.png (180.77 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210329-102843.png)

In short, I am not on Preg chan and I sure as shit don't watch or even like Disney or the Simpsons. I watch live action documentaries now. I hardly watch television.
No. 1196573
File: 1617028353223.png (308 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210329-103152.png)

Let us press F for Gnarly Otaku, a man so cucked that Flash 218 stole his art while he wasn't looking
No. 1196651
File: 1617034165744.jpg (29.96 KB, 340x505,…) get me Gnarly, I am stealing your art!
No. 1197185
File: 1617074782995.jpg (53.23 KB, 1008x567, Professor_Zoom_Justice_League_…)

Don't bother using that shitty block button on your Picarto, Gnarly, I have ways and means of stealing your art.
No. 1197418
File: 1617106726945.png (283.55 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210330-081716.png)

I going to give you losers some pointers. Maybe I will stop stealing your art if you stop projecting and calling each other Schizoid, Pedos, and other insults. It's kinda getting sad watching you fight over commission lots and pretend to like each other
No. 1197476
File: 1617110967749.jpg (220.75 KB, 1080x1069, Screenshot_20210330-092521_Chr…)

Kisame's delusions of grandeur are quite spectacular to be completely honest. He literally thinks he's the "tie-breaking" deciding force on what constitutes racial persecution. A bit sad given he has no real influence in his own fetish community let alone the real world.
No. 1197482
File: 1617111281619.png (222.95 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210330-093400.png)

>>1197476I literally don't really decide what's art. You guys are getting mocked for being afraid of Black People.
No. 1197486
File: 1617111583726.png (221.86 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210330-093911.png)

>>1197476Cancel Culture is being promoted by the Young People.
No. 1197497
File: 1617112542464.png (1.17 MB, 1606x904, Reverse-Flash.png)

>>1197476Tea is the one who sets the rules for the Community. I am just here to watch you neophytes pretend to be nice for commissions. Maybe you can end your misery stop faking niceness for commissions
No. 1197537
File: 1617116130173.png (250.17 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210330-105342.png)

Look, I don't have an answer to the Blacked thing. That's a White Persons fetish.
No. 1197757
File: 1617135716091.png (295.65 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210330-162112.png)

This is just plain sad
No. 1197993
File: 1617149460632.png (Spoiler Image,182.05 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210330-200958.png)

Nah, you guys are that pathetic without me. The fact that you gamble your wages and cry mods only makes it more sad. Like, get a job or something
No. 1197995
File: 1617149703505.png (264.21 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210330-201333.png)

I mean I pay my stuff on time and adapt to the rules in spite of having ADHD and being an idiot savant, but watching you guys spread conspiracy over gestating Is pathetic
No. 1198003
File: 1617150701371.png (155.08 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210330-203126.png)

See, nobody cares. It's you guys being clinically retarded and making references nobody knows
No. 1198012
File: 1617151926768.jpg (174.47 KB, 824x1236, mattanderson5.jpg)

>>1198010Do it and offer yourself to the Sabbatical Goat! I will offer your children to the Moloch!
No. 1198013
File: 1617152142704.jpg (516.57 KB, 1757x2304, moloch-2-2.jpg)

The Moloch is waiting!
No. 1198044
File: 1617156255845.png (176.52 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210330-220228.png)

See, nobody cares. you are just making crap up and leaving people even more confused. Hyperpreg is already full of weirdos to begin with, lying to save face is only making you awkward. Also, you are confessing this on a loli board of all things to alleviate your White Guilt
No. 1198045
File: 1617156477925.jpg (106.91 KB, 800x560, 6wyi5v.jpg)

Porn is already illegal to begin with in the US the fact you honkies can't fap to Black Tail without using N-Word proves you are racist
No. 1199414
File: 1617287845390.png (212.36 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210401-103548.png)

Servers you guys right for being Conspiracy nuts. Conspiracy has no power over the simple autistic working man
No. 1199425
File: 1617288761844.png (181.27 KB, 500x250, tumblr_inline_ponhdsqpRc1rai64…)

It's all part of God's plans to punish you for misdeeds and straying from his path
No. 1199427
File: 1617288815008.png (265.99 KB, 1200x2278, Tree_of_life_bahir_Hebrew.svg.…)

Here is something to reflect on as I have gained the Wisdom of Solomon
No. 1199886
File: 1617326656785.png (233.63 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210401-212245.png)

Nope. DDOS in America are issued by Government if sites are suspected of fostering white supremacy, or non American Values. You had your fun conspiracy nuts, time to take your meds
No. 1199889
File: 1617327146841.jpg (1.65 MB, 1732x1732, Kabbalah.jpg)

>>1199886Also don't work for the IRS. I now spend my time studying organized religion as a hobby and trying to codify it in a Cyber Grimiore
No. 1200543
File: 1617395893923.png (206.18 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210402-163703.png)

I feel bad for you techno dweebs. How is it that you have 18 GB of Pregnancy Porn, yet none of you twits bother to install anti virus software like Norton to purge CP. You guys have swiss cheese security and it shows
No. 1200549
File: 1617396701277.jpg (77.34 KB, 907x1360, 618zxido tL.jpg) your ignorance and summoning me to blame on your infidelity, I summon a Pentagram to punish you. My nervous system works well enough to articulate my thoughts.
No. 1200616
File: 1617404141875.png (197.23 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210402-185144.png)

How do I put this? I don't use VPN or any tech dweebs stuff. This like a bad episode of CSI where the tech nerds hack and the janitor just shuts off the computer. Your Internet providers must be lacking at your lack of people skilly
No. 1201509
File: 1617534101282.png (258.21 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210404-065020.png)

And like clockwork Ilikapie shows up to talk to a dead account. White People are hilarious
No. 1201541
File: 1617540750388.png (221.68 KB, 640x480, 1493960012534.png)

>>1201509You mad cause you getting cock blocked by the Aspie? That Li Shenhua story got deleted didn't it? Sucks to be you
No. 1201544
File: 1617541427950.jpg (286.89 KB, 1920x1080, cassandra-lim-2020-spring-art4…)

Time to finally go back to sleep.
No. 1201545
>>1201509I saw ilikapie at a grocery store in Columbus yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
No. 1201563
File: 1617545101056.jpg (20.25 KB, 333x500, 41ncQpywEIL.jpg)

>>1201545I never been to Ohio because the state sucks at sports, business, and even cities, and NCAA. Go back to your crappy state and stay there
No. 1201566
File: 1617545296883.jpg (198.27 KB, 1920x1080, lebron-james-05262018-us-news-…)

>>1201545This is your star athlete, sucking as God Intended
No. 1201575
File: 1617545914438.png (184.64 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210404-101613.png)

Easter is not really an official holiday. I am Evangelical and even I know that state sanctioned religions from Rome are a sham. I also read Revelations where Jesus activate God Mode
No. 1201580
File: 1617546437600.jpg (57.92 KB, 500x667, Sleepy_Dragon_full.jpg)

So yeah, leave me out of your sham of a religion and Conman Christianity. I am content with what I have and need nothing more
No. 1201588
File: 1617547565797.jpg (78.07 KB, 500x262, Nebuchadnezzar.jpg)

If I am being honest, Ilikapie have the psychosis of Nebuchadnezzar. Go sing Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves elsewhere, Nabucco
No. 1201592
File: 1617548453753.jpg (41.9 KB, 768x432, plymouth-gettyimages-102843951…)

>>1201590Again, Protestant, not Catholic
No. 1201682
File: 1617556769330.jpg (371.53 KB, 1600x1759, joe-biden-aviators-embed01.jpg)

Might commission Rain getting sniffed by Biden. Him and Trump are the most gangsta presidents I have seen. It only coomsovertives had the balls to do what they do
No. 1201695
File: 1617557452596.jpg (196.12 KB, 887x1331, joe-biden-aviators.jpg)

>>1201686I am too busy watching Liberals abandon Georgia over the MLB games. I knew they were gonna turn on each other, I didn't expect it to be fast.
No. 1201920
File: 1617581432726.png (218.23 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210404-200918.png)

See this is why artists don't really make any money. I don't really use Discord that much because everyone is emo and depressing or complaining about suicide. At least my psychotic rage are funny
No. 1201923
File: 1617581614402.png (339.88 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210404-200907.png)

I am screencaping this just in case that cop does get acquitted and Blacks riot again. I read the toxicology report and he OD'd. 2020 was maximum kino because of how metal everything was.
No. 1201927
File: 1617581908816.jpg (84.99 KB, 780x574, d6575d14-8627-11e8-a8b0-5206b5…)

It's a shame because The Proud Boys were formed in the Liberal Leaning NYC and Canada. I think it's foolish for Liberals to assume that Hamilton will free them. Oh well, I managed to save a lot of money thanks to the bans, and have been watching the preg community beg Government to bail then out of their own mess
No. 1201934
File: 1617582876630.jpg (22.97 KB, 477x268, MV5BOWMwZjE1OGEtOWVmNi00ODY2LT…)

People are going be in for a total shock with how arts and hobbies do more to help psychopaths than singing and crying. Sometimes we need feel good movies about White Supremacy instead of angry rhetoric to heal the heart
No. 1201951
File: 1617584742990.png (155.7 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210404-210548.png)

And that is how you get Lefties to shut up
No. 1201974
File: 1617589161380.png (205.65 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210404-221802.png)

They do know that Marrazan is French, and Frenchies and Canadians hate the Left far more than Americans, right?
No. 1202001
File: 1617594161731.png (209.04 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210404-234059.png)

I got into the preg community to avoid Rap. I outlived Easy-E, Tupac, Big Pun, Proof and now DMX. Also got a chuckle when Megan Thee Stallion got shot on the leg by her BF
No. 1202156
File: 1617628563992.png (297.25 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210405-091421.png)

Yeah, I am not getting lectured on the evils of toxic behavior by someone who play league of legends. I swear,anime weebs have horrible taste in anime, I blame Le faggot man for getting them hooked on Soy Toons
No. 1202449
File: 1617663623502.png (171.28 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210405-185925.png)

Gee, it's almost as if being a discord admin who draws smut makes you some kind of pedophile!?
Glad I don't have that responsibility and traded that for meds
No. 1202515
File: 1617674945044.png (214.56 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210405-220317.png)

Yeah, I made improvement.Just look at the Moral Fags get BTFO cause they called out on their racism
No. 1203050
File: 1617750757401.png (299.99 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210406-191025.png)

About the cuck shit. I don't know why Lefties draw this and donate to BLM. They're mentally ill
No. 1204349
File: 1617933344467.png (187.48 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210408-215450.png)

I have no idea what Slick is talking about. The US Government had to wipe Porn Hub clean because Biden's drug dealing philandering son filmed a sex tape and posted it in Porn Hub, like a god-damned amateur
No. 1204739
File: 1617984959749.jpg (1.12 MB, 4000x3500, 2019_The_Dinner_Party_2002.10_…)

Have fun with explaining the Dinner Table to your art friends
No. 1205464
File: 1618084260503.png (203.71 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210410-154913.png)

Holy Shit, what a loser. The key to my success is that I spent the pandemic goofing off and sleeping before getting back into the swing of working. I also made sure to study, read, and ask for advice before attempting to do things. I even started a Barbeque during last summer.
All of the rest paid off as I now have the stamina to perform tasks.
No. 1205468
File: 1618084377067.png (197.03 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210410-110748.png)

I don't even know what these people are talking about. I actually stopped RPing to focus on household chores and exercise. Now I have tons of energy to do stories!
No. 1206201
File: 1618193094623.png (229.27 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210411-220349.png)

The average character is only 7.5 heads. In Cartooning, we just enlarge the second head (Chest) and Third Head (Abdomen) just to mess with your mind.
No. 1206645
File: 1618257744394.jpeg (261.28 KB, 1280x1280, im-323545.jpeg)

It was fun, but I gotta get ready for work. Have fun with explaining the looting to BLM. I'm sure they care after the founder bought a fourth home
No. 1206925
File: 1618276850300.jpg (97.62 KB, 894x247, LOL.jpg)

>"heh, all these pregfags are a bunch of pedos and losers, I'm morally superior to them all"
>continues jerking off to and obsessing over poorly-drawn preg fetish art
>tries contacting an artist who he personally harassed, identifies himself, and gets told off
No. 1206932
File: 1618277158262.jpg (264.96 KB, 1200x1200, malcolm-x.jpg)

>>1206925Look, I cannot be held responsible for whatever happens in the home. Maybe half theses artists would be successful if they stopped blaming the Black Man while begging him to break them out of their problems. I read these Feminist Theories and Marxist Theories
No. 1206950
>>1206947Kisame, do you legitimately have a mental debilitation? I ask because no matter what, no matter the situation, you always seem to find some random non-sequitur that had nothing to do with the situation. I mean what did the user you replied to say that immediately made you assume that they were a gambler? Was that some sort of insult that just lacks any context? Or do you legitimately believe that by merely making a statement you can imbue an individual with whatever negative character traits you come up with?
Please, any insight would be worthwhile.
No. 1206976
>>1206966a wise man speaks when he has something to say,
A fool speaks because he has to say something.
-Plato referring to Kisame… probably
No. 1206981
File: 1618283425305.jpg (156.41 KB, 1180x664, Hero-Vodou-in-Haiti-Photo-cred…)

>>1206976If you don't stopp bugging me, I will cast a hex on you and the pregnant community to be impotent
No. 1207119
File: 1618313471784.png (309.9 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210413-071816.png)

Just like that, Fetish Art Man uses tweeting to rationalize looting a Dollar Tree, Gamestop, and Stores. Holy shit you guys are pure ghetto, and I am from the hood
No. 1207227
File: 1618324484954.jpeg (7.46 KB, 251x201, images.jpeg)

It's a shame because I only tithe 10 Percent of my income to Art. If only Communists can do the same
No. 1207630
File: 1618347085089.png (311.72 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210413-165051.png)

Holy Shit My Sides, Imagine shilling your NSFW community on Social Media only for Apple to shut your down. Glad I use a Dell with Windows 10
No. 1207812
File: 1618360244023.png (208.11 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210413-202954.png)

Here's the thing: I am old enough to remember Channel 69 and Playboy, I don't recall politics being in Porn. Sounds like the Myth of the Sexual Revolution or someone who hasn't read Foucault
No. 1207819
File: 1618361263633.jpeg (517.1 KB, 1667x1667, Ey33_YQWYAA8n4j.jpeg)

So how does it feel knowing that you honkies donated to a corporate lobbyist similar to the NRA?
No. 1207823
File: 1618361475324.jpg (168.9 KB, 1024x680, 29trumpsharpton-jumbo.jpg)

Donating to BLM is akin to donating to Al Sharpton
No. 1208231
File: 1618414882927.png (235.16 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210414-114004.png)

Not sure what Fandom is. I merely take the design from the Anime Model Sheets and just improve them making the characters pregnant. I don't play/watch Pokemon, Digimon, or Gundam from the plot. I play those games as a break from GTA
No. 1208478
File: 1618431908814.jpeg (152.35 KB, 1100x790, 56a52a0958c32319008b4b95.jpeg)

>>1208350Haitians have the military to protect them from the Clinton and UN kleptocracy
No. 1208702
File: 1618451797402.jpg (69.24 KB, 600x400, ssafd.jpg)

>>1208693In what retarded mind does this look like New Orleans or Miami?
No. 1208740
File: 1618455732473.png (197.04 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210414-230050.png)

I forgot about that. I invested in animation and used a few frames to get the sequence. Animators keep marketing themselves as Disney level
No. 1208744
File: 1618456061065.png (84.41 KB, 500x874, haitian-men-have-been-voted-mo…)

Truth be told, nobody really sees the value of Animation. So by hating the Haitian for financing 2-D, you insult the medium and arte that 3-D is Superior.
No. 1208754
File: 1618457182301.jpg (79.48 KB, 720x528, f677a774e608bdaa8dfa2de889cf39…)

Man you Americans are hilarious. While you play grabass and cheat, Haitians are building our own house.
No. 1208810
File: 1618460526911.jpg (74.33 KB, 520x781, With text _7bc1ba7315d8fd15fa3…)

I do have a sense of humor.
No. 1209882
File: 1618589703449.png (209.12 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210416-121423.png)

How is Fossil different from DocGyara, or Gnarly Otaku or Ilikapie? The way I see it, pregnancy fetishist just want an excuse for compulsive behavior
No. 1210337
File: 1618629739593.png (277.85 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210416-232121.png)

SaburoX doesn't like you guys. Him and Darien never liked preg
No. 1210473
File: 1618658281015.png (222.99 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210417-071647.png)

I am heading back to Gym. Nobody owes you Incels anything
No. 1210501
File: 1618661362756.jpg (71.92 KB, 1080x1080, ddjn3k7-ff5eaef2-1413-4a70-a21…)

>>1210497Nigga please, you just overcompensating for your tiny dick and subscribing to some fantasy White Folks dreamt up to sell houses and mansions
No. 1210517
File: 1618664583733.jpg (19.66 KB, 360x360, Kisuke_Urahara_2.jpg)

>>1210497The community must be lousy at advertising and making cash if it can't sell something as simple as pregnant sex dolls to the general public
No. 1210681
File: 1618689068676.png (233.52 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210417-154925.png)

Holy Shoot you Coomsovertives and Lolbertarians are pathetic.
No. 1210684
File: 1618689215676.jpg (102.39 KB, 1200x911, EjU-n4LXsAgGzMm.jpg)

When Will You Coomsovertives and Socialist admit your theories suck?
No. 1210848
File: 1618703899914.png (245.16 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210417-195625.png)

Do you now see why us Ideas guys are needed? Without us, your favorite artists won't improve and you go to 4chan to complain,then comeback to lolcow for a dopamine rush
No. 1210986
File: 1618716783260.jpg (139.13 KB, 1200x947, EjU-n3YXYAMeHHX.jpg)

>>1210980The Hyper Preg community keeps using this thread to brag about how awesome they are, so I mock them and their fried neurons for thinking of porn in the middle of the pandemic
No. 1211015
File: 1618720024753.jpg (158.88 KB, 1080x783, Screenshot_20210418-002413_Chr…)

>>1210986You are literally bragging about commissioning porn. You've got no room to shit on coomers
No. 1211037
File: 1618722812384.png (463.8 KB, 924x485, Screen-Shot-2018-04-30-at-5.06…)

>>1211015That doesn't detract from how tiny the Hyper preg community's dick is for coming here to brag about their awesomeness. Your hat, Porch Monkey
No. 1211044
File: 1618724224386.jpg (12.17 KB, 250x375, armondwhite090223_250.jpg)

>>1211015>>1211009This sanctimonious display of trying to expose the hypocrisy of the other side while remaining pure is childish at best, and immature at worst as it's proof that White Millennials are doomed to be slaves to Illegal Immigrants and Blacks.
No. 1211304
File: 1618761216756.png (403.4 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210418-115219.png)

I don't own a German Shepherd or live in that house. Holy Shit, your dopamine receptors are fried from that porn
No. 1211313
File: 1618762067655.png (194.9 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210418-120644.png)

This is like watching a five alarm fire on the turnpike, or a brawl at the food court. Good thing I got back into exercising and cut down on video games
No. 1211314
File: 1618762528793.png (204.49 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210418-121325.png)

You DnD nerds are sad and your word play aren't clever. Dnd Nerds are just Uncle Toms of the hobby community: thin veneer of respectability while getting their buts whipped by Massa
No. 1211530
File: 1618781533728.png (197.79 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210418-173140.png)

This is why SaburoX isn't drawing for you guys.
No. 1211996
File: 1618841853506.png (176.77 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210419-101558.png)

-Claims to hate Li Li
-Uses her hairstyles and proportions to create a new MC
See this is why Hyper Preg is plummetting.
No. 1212063
File: 1618846832468.png (233.7 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210419-113649.png)

Nevermind, HyperPreg is going downhill because it's run by the one Boomer who still thinks the Bush Years and Conservatives were good
No. 1212270
File: 1618856317810.png (192.61 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210419-141756.png)

Do you guys ever stop posting and lurking on 4chan?
No. 1212398
File: 1618865268366.jpg (335.69 KB, 1090x613, cover8.jpg)

>>1212358Could you repeat that? I don't speak Coonsoomer
No. 1212537
>>1212358He's a schizo and a deflector. He's not going to answer your question because he's unfortunately mentally incapable of doing so.
>>1212481Take your meds.
No. 1212570
File: 1618875284917.jpg (474.02 KB, 1620x1620, 18WHITE-superJumbo.jpg)

>>1212537Why don't you get a job? Nobody is going to listen to some White Milliennial who believes in Memes.
No. 1212583
File: 1618876214421.png (462.86 KB, 660x372, Uncle4.png)

>>1212578I have never seen such niggardly behavior coming from a white man. You porch monkeys jump up and down howling schizo while Mr Trump and Mr Biden are putting kids in cages like the Lord intended.
No. 1212612
File: 1618878477861.jpeg (304.89 KB, 1500x900, joker-joaquin-phoenix.jpeg)

>>1212578Why don't you put on a happy face?
No. 1212697
File: 1618888151682.png (289.71 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210419-230802.png)

>>1212537Why should I take a porch monkey who can't afford pics seriously?
No. 1212777
>>1212697None of the rest of us posting here have anything to do with whatever it is you've been ranting about this entire thread. We're literally only here to laugh at you.
Take your meds you schizo.
No. 1213019
File: 1618942061342.jpeg (477.02 KB, 2880x1920, 2880.jpeg)

You wine sipping, sexuality experiment, avacado eating losers should go back to your homes. Leave the work for the working Man
No. 1213233
File: 1618961410949.jpg (1.08 MB, 2705x1997, a-reverend-al-sharpton-civil-r…)

>>1213191You need to kiss Reverend Al's ring finger. Good lord you Inbred bucktoothed Liberal Shills are retarded
No. 1213235
File: 1618961802489.jpg (35.39 KB, 600x280, 26farrakhan_1_600.jpg)

>>1213191It's only by the hand of the most Honorable Louis Farrakhan that you Honkies can draw breath
No. 1213261
File: 1618965779759.jpg (71.47 KB, 980x653, snider1.jpg)

>>1213191Also screw you inbred hill billy bohemian for attacking Dee snider.
No. 1213292
File: 1618970646353.jpeg (95.95 KB, 840x571, download.jpeg)

>>1213290>>1213290You dumb hillbillies need dianetics. You flubbed a benediction for a man who died of a drug overdose by acting like comedians. That was Rupert Pupkin bad.
No. 1213584
>>1213092Lord, why couldn't you have been the shooter? Or at least been one of his
victims. The world would have been a better place without you in it.
No. 1213726
File: 1619035852910.jpg (80.68 KB, 1600x900, rtx2c9ws.jpg)

>>1213693>>1213693Honky Please, I am from South Queens and live in Nassau. That's Homicide, Robbery, and Drug Dealing, and Mobs. You must have me confused with Manhattan, and Upstate where the pussies live
No. 1213742
>>1213693I have done many thing to make my mom proud like
-Pay the Bills
-Help Pay the Loan
-Go to Church on Sunday
-Give her Driving Instructions
-Get a College Degree
-Watch the my siblings
- Get a High Paying Job with Benefits
-Getting good grades in School
-Participate in Extra Curricular Activity
-Read Proverbs
-Learn Creole
What have you Incels done aside from whine?
No. 1214177
File: 1619103955319.png (356.27 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210422-110358.png)

You Hawks and Doves better leave me out of your Wage Disputes. We privatized everything in Nassau to avert this nonsense. I get paid to wear BLM shirts and say Black Lives Matter
No. 1214969
>>1213742>Pay the BillsDoubt, but even 8f you did that's not impressive in any manner, it's typical.
>Help Pay the LoanYou can't even pay off a loan you took out? Pathetic
>Go to Church on SundayOh wow you sit in a building for 30 minutes each week to hear about your imaginary friend, how impressive.
>Give her Driving InstructionsSo you're a backseat driver?
>Get a College DegreeYet still work as a fry cook, glad you wasted money on a worthless degree
>Watch the my siblingsSeeing as you have no friends and live with your mom like a loser that's more because you have no other choice.
>Get a High Paying Job with BenefitsYou're a frycook, you don't make decent money or benefits you lying sack of shit
>Getting good grades in SchoolAny idiot can get good grades in school and this is just a retread of your worthless degree
>Participate in Extra Curricular ActivityJerking off is not an extra curricular activity
>Read ProverbsWow Christian Harry Potter how quaint
>Learn Creole A worthless language only swamp hillbillies and niggers know
No. 1215069
File: 1619207457911.jpg (291.83 KB, 1970x1095, d98zoyd-045e410e-7214-428e-8bf…)

I currently make more money as a fry cook while you office cucks are stuck at home during the pandemic
No. 1215292
File: 1619226434035.jpg (37.92 KB, 800x450, pZTfOzibAPTaWni-800x450-noPad.…)

I am trolling Zoomers
No. 1216259
File: 1619367842897.jpg (75.35 KB, 1280x1285, lola_by_fertileeros23_ddgcpws-…)

>>1215741Not sure why people are secretive about this stuff. I used to do fashion design, so I know how to make custom made attires that fit.
No. 1216266
File: 1619368303190.png (671.09 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210425-122931.png)

Seriously, the old pics are on Pinterest. I am baffled people want to own the rights to license art since those are legal slap fights
No. 1216267
File: 1619368507727.jpg (53 KB, 768x662, stan-and-jack.jpg)

Fun Fact: Jack Kirby didn't get paid for Stan Lee's work despite getting credit. I think he died of heart failure in Commiefornia
No. 1216336
File: 1619375671173.jpg (404.03 KB, 1506x2077, 20201113_220312.jpg)

>>1216259You didn't draw that you lying faggot
>>1216267And Stan Lee was always adamant about the talent had by the artists he wrote for. And don't get the retarded Idea you're like Stan Lee since you can't write worth shit.
No. 1216357
>>1216336Stan's writing is horrible. It's repetitive and robotic. Also, Ditko's ideas such. They were Jews with no formal training in writing.
It's just Kosher without embellishments
No. 1216366
File: 1619378288697.jpeg (79.2 KB, 1280x720, 1_h0azOhTBeHD70KsDkHQt4g.jpeg)

I grew up watching Public Television so I lean towards Edutainment than outright business
No. 1216472
File: 1619389596522.png (155.91 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210425-182455.png)

What are you talking about? Porn had always been made by Ultra Orthodox Jews from Hebrew School. You Fags aren't man enough to take on Fiorello Laguardia or Based Ed Koch
No. 1216793
File: 1619435769887.jpg (190 KB, 1051x1360, 71k5J1tBckL.jpg)

>>1216358Oh jeez sorry I didn't realize I was working with a modern day Da'Vinci. Allow me to provide you with your next great artistic challenge.
No. 1216915
File: 1619451338720.png (234.34 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210426-113424.png)

Writers such as myself don't have a fetish for pregnant women. It's conventional Wisdom to make the protagonist an adult over some dumb college student with no control over their lives.
No. 1216921
File: 1619451809581.jpg (161.79 KB, 1073x745, bathing_suit_malfunction_by_il…)

This is why Ilikapie's O'malley's suck. It's like Baby Blues as written by Seth Macfarlane.
No. 1217025
File: 1619459208167.png (223.63 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210426-134412.png)

I can answer this: Artist are taking influence from R.Crumb, Frazetta, and Andy Warhol and Jean Basquiat and Keith Haring and Saul Bass without giving credit. Science Fiction is kinda boring without any music to set it to.
No. 1217064
File: 1619461499032.jpg (42.36 KB, 600x494, 3mLydMU.jpg)

>>1217052You literally post screenshots of dozens of different artists and writers with whatever online drama they've got themselves in. Why do you blatantly lie? You obviously have an unhealthy obsession with these faggots, just stop.
No. 1217068
File: 1619461682591.jpg (26.15 KB, 490x323, Sternn.jpg)

>>1217064What are you going to do about it, Honky? We already decriminalized prostitution and drugs in New York. Are you going to whine? Oh wait you can't because you are in Europoor
No. 1217074
File: 1619462024101.png (328.38 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210426-143247.png)

>>1217064They are doing a good job of embarrassing themselves. I am just drunk and watching them be pure cringe
No. 1217180
File: 1619469240110.jpg (119.02 KB, 935x859, came here to laugh at you.jpg)

>>1217156You seem to be mistaken on the subject of this thread. Let me remind you that it's your name on this thread Kisame, not any of your stupid fetish community bogeymen. They're boring as shit, and the only entertainment we get from them is the fact you screech about them nearly every other post. None of them are nearly as fascinating or as self-destructive as you are. You are literally your own worst enemy and that's what makes you so entertaining. From your (mostly factually incorrect) screeds on politics and current events to your incredibly wild delusions of grandeur, you literally make every time I come back here a laugh. You are so far up your own ass that you believe your own bullshit. Nobody comes here to have an argument or a discussion with you. We simply came here to laugh at whatever antics you're up to. And you've certainly failed to disappoint so far.
No. 1217200
File: 1619470296562.jpg (138.73 KB, 1280x688, captain-stern-screenshot (1).j…)

>>1217180So, what you are saying is that the person who starred this thread is a loser? Thanks, now you Honkies have admitted that this was a waste of time and pregnancy fetishism is boring
No. 1217205
File: 1619470584272.jpg (22.19 KB, 360x450, Sternn.jpg)

>>1217180I have been laughing at you and your lame internet culture the entire time.
No. 1221249
File: 1619904268824.jpg (160.83 KB, 1126x339, look who's back.jpg)

Oh joy, look who's back.
No. 1221250
File: 1619904339717.jpg (236.43 KB, 1023x597, classic.jpg)

Vlad loves spamming his thread here, as if doing so vindicates himself and damns his A-logs. The simple fact that he can't just do nothing is astounding.
No. 1221834
File: 1619985451395.png (60.46 KB, 414x414, Li says fuck you.png)

Vlad, I know you're reading this. Know that while there's plenty to prove how much of a pathetic, obsessive, talentless hack you are all that matters is this. While you were bitching about me online, I was having sex. Enjoy your day incel.
No. 1221838
File: 1619986326936.jpg (139.91 KB, 1280x720, Captain_Sternn_Sequence.jpg)

>>1221834>>1221834Take it easy, that menstruation is taking in hard
No. 1221989
File: 1620004814757.jpg (44 KB, 1200x900, blessu-2-robot-priest-offers-a…)

>>1221834>>1221834Are you even married? Bragging about Adultery on the Lord's Day is Cardinal Sin
No. 1222147
File: 1620020131949.jpg (467.09 KB, 982x982, disgusted sheffield.jpg)

>getting this mad over someone else having sexHoly shit you're pathetic.
No. 1222914
File: 1620092934377.jpg (50.28 KB, 640x435, d99978938a92679b6b7564766fbad3…)

>>1222610No. I am a Cyber Lovecraft like Entity at this point
No. 1223213
File: 1620131372709.jpg (191 KB, 1200x628, communism-topic-gettyimages-89…)

>>1223210Daily reminder that Ilikapie is a coomsovertive like Razorfist who can't create art
No. 1223214
File: 1620131614141.jpg (580.33 KB, 2100x1228, THE-MUSIC-MAN-1-e1571526203934…)

>>1223210Artists are just suckers, what's the point of creating when you can con the gods out of their work and give it to man
No. 1223318
File: 1620144338636.png (128.1 KB, 530x475, bafkreiealoaqbncgtzrx7yhjg7ayo…)

>>1223222>thinks he's being witty by implying his bogeyman is as creative as a toddler>self disses himself worse by saying he's less creative than thatJesus Christ, do you even pay attention to what you type, or do you just vomit out the first insult that comes to mind?
No. 1223482
File: 1620158520159.jpg (69.21 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>1223318I thought Content Creator Man was supposed to be smart, I guess you are failed businessesman and Art belongs to the masses. Get back to your Wage cage, Corporate Shill
No. 1223618
File: 1620170120159.png (301.4 KB, 680x437, 7d0.png)

>>1223602There's no such thing as talent. China is beating the US six ways to Sunday because they excel at Robotics,Math, Literature, Science, and Law and values education. Talent is made up by Liberals to keep your dumbass in line. And that is why you and Patreon Suck while Happy Time Jose is paying for his kid's college tuition and Private School
No. 1223726
File: 1620180449898.jpg (88.79 KB, 900x675, Adolf-Hitler.jpg)

>>1223708>>1223708So? Hitler was an artist just like you and he became Chancellor of Germany, funded Triumph of the Will and designed the Swastika. Why aren't you motivated like him?
No. 1223731
File: 1620181402809.jpg (43.15 KB, 460x615, fecd707f38890de8f6af621b0efcdb…)

>>1223708You can babble on another Muh Art, but you will be forgotten, just like how Aspies like Anthony Hopkins don't care for art
No. 1224022
File: 1620233459369.jpg (82.18 KB, 1600x900, rtx2c9ws.jpg)

>>1223977Anon is A Globo Homo who went to NYU and School of Visual Arts
No. 1224154
File: 1620245908902.png (664.35 KB, 766x1050, Scott_Adams_2017.png)

>>1224031Ok, Ojisan, better take your meds. The Japanese and Koreans do cartoons now. I swear you sound just like Dobson
No. 1224214
File: 1620249937625.jpg (44.22 KB, 600x600, title.jpg)

>>1224209Easy there Gramps, that Arthritis and Dementia must be setting in
No. 1224327
File: 1620262463487.jpeg (8.57 KB, 300x168, download.jpeg)

>>1224247Pic related is the average anon from SVA
No. 1224411
File: 1620277832098.jpg (40.09 KB, 487x274, notsurprisedkirk.jpg)

>>1224214wow, you definitely are special. you're so retarded you don't even know you're being led along. you'll literally just respond to anything, believing 100% that what the post says is total truth and not any bit a lie. then get super retaliatory and act smug like you've won by stringing together a bunch of insults you found from various boards on 4chan. you're literally so dense you can't tell you've been played, and then go even further by embarrassing yourself further. you're standing there all smug acting like you've won an argument when all you've been doing the entire time is shitting on the floor in the middle of the room. and the most amazing thing about this is that you just keep doing it, over and over, without realizing that you keep making yourself look like an idiot.
please, respond to this post by insulting me and calling me something completely off-base. please make yourself look foolish by not realizing that literally nobody takes you seriously. it never stops being funny.
No. 1224498
File: 1620295861281.png (75.56 KB, 500x384, look-mom-i-can-type-memes-com-…)

>>1224411You forgot something downiee. Now go back to the homeless shelter where you candy from. I am not reading that chicken scraty
No. 1224501
File: 1620296112336.jpg (32.18 KB, 373x521, qxqBsRk6WxP6.jpg)

>>1224411I am not surprised that you are a downie who can't type correctly or even spell. Have fun with your loser friends on 4chan, downie
No. 1224505
File: 1620297003729.jpg (437.55 KB, 1594x2057, Christopher_Poole_at_XOXO_Fest…)

>>1224411I am not surprised that you believe that being on the internet or knowing Moot is the greatest thing to happen to you since Sliced Bread. I bet you don't have any friends and your girlfriend kicked you out of her apartment, or you lost your job
No. 1224531
File: 1620301005039.png (187.46 KB, 400x400, WedgieRudlin_400x400.png)

>>1224411I don't know why you are picking on Black People. Black People such as myself are indifferent to comics, cartoons, Anime, and Manga because it doesn't make money.
No. 1224607
File: 1620313418964.jpg (60.71 KB, 680x1000, EmXPrgjU8AAFPpe.jpg) you really think you can escape the Dark Side of the Moon to evade Justice, Joseph? This is no country for old man. We are operating on CPT
No. 1224831
File: 1620327062198.jpg (36.68 KB, 384x480, 4e51d4a128a42d6e03ac9067c9adb6…)

>>1224662>>1224694Whatever you say, loser
No. 1227808
File: 1620746651934.png (211.66 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210511-111925.png)

Riddle is just standard Massachusetts Liberal just like Moviebob and Mr. Enter. I think he's by New Hampshire, Vermont where a lot of activists tend to flee to when they're done with the City. I've been up there and I think he hates those elite schools in Connecticut
No. 1227819
File: 1620747903042.png (323.52 KB, 736x565, Wally.PNG.png)

Pardon of the intrusion. I am back to drinking Red Bull and two coffee a day to focus at work. This is just water cooler talk.
No. 1228184
File: 1620774643880.png (323.01 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210511-190948.png)

You guys are being played by a glowie. Nobody would ask about right wingers openly in a porn thread unless they were a Fed
No. 1230180
File: 1621021928782.png (180.92 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210514-154918.png)

What Growing Leftist Movement? The Weather Underground, Black Panthers, Sandistas, and May19th Organization went defunct around the 1980s. Huey P.Newton was killed around 89. The Radical Left are bankrolled by Susan Rosenberg and the Ford Foundation. Used to work for them in the City
No. 1230497
File: 1621050732543.png (185.08 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210514-235000.png)

Uh no, Vladimir Lenin was pretty gun ho about executing the Bohemians and the Boughisie on the grounds that they will cove Material Wealth, which is what Marvin here is doing. Art is Material Wealth, which mean the Peasants must tear down the Oppressive Establishment that supports it!
No. 1230704
File: 1621090503840.png (245.45 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210515-105236.png)

I have to give both sides credit. You can plagerize Triumph of the Will, Das Capital, The Fountainhead, and Malcolm X, yet none of your can submit a pic in two days because of carpel tunnel syndrome.
No. 1232202
File: 1621286739797.png (206.56 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210517-172406.png)

Don't worry, an Albany native is now the No.3 GOP, we just need Yang as Mayor, and that should get rid of the crazy partisan Dems
No. 1232233
File: 1621289521757.png (280.76 KB, 364x500, 1621289304550.png)

It was fun but I am not spending my money on these Pride Parade, Pride Apparel, and Neoliberal Products. I made more money by pretty much cutting on entertainment
No. 1232997
File: 1621369609815.png (764.35 KB, 1024x1280, 1620689839972-0.png)

Whoever drew this, thanks. Guliani's son is running for Governor to bump off Cuomo. We're going to make The Empire State Building Blood Red Again. I just need maybe Swila or Adams as Mayor and I'll have more latitude
No. 1233590
File: 1621432257830.jpg (375.5 KB, 2000x1332, Sanford-Biggers-Rockefeller-Ce…)

I feel bad for whoever in HyperPreg keeps shilling for BLM, because Y'all lost to a Black Man who put his sculpture up on Rockefeller Center
No. 1233909
File: 1621453123985.png (188.37 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210519-153637.png)

I read of Mice and Men and say the televised special. Nobody likes Curley. Getting his boxing hand broken by some violent tard like Lennie, then having his wife killed by a violent tard is the status of a beta male
No. 1235218
File: 1621613725419.png (222.61 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210521-121238.png)

Real Answer: People want cookie cutter anime characters. That's why everything looks the same on hyper preg. Since genetic engineering women into becoming baby factories is autism, fascism now nobody wants to do it. Hyper preg is that easy to succumb to peer pressure, which baffles me
No. 1236254
File: 1621783259207.jpeg (117.29 KB, 1533x1002, EvqXC6TWYAAITVr.jpeg)

I feel bad for Communists. They want us liberals to fight skinheads and Israel, and we go back on our word when they trash the city or glorify sectarian violence. I wonder they feel about selling out their clout for monthly shakes and corporate influence
No. 1236471
File: 1621806376580.png (241.3 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210523-174515.png)

Japan just does not flat out like anything of western origin, or overseas. They see it as propaganda.
No. 1237077
File: 1621888920840.png (182.13 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210524-164040.png)

What are you talking about? Parents have been pushing back against elite schools and school boards pushing illicit LGBT materials in schools for months. It is just a quiet revolution against Critical Race Theory
No. 1238219
File: 1621998420756.jpg (88.36 KB, 848x588, Zs7zQyZ3Pbw44vfIqtoM8mfTe1WwYI…) Right Wing Bastards, they are trapped in their hell. Also, I kinda want to move on.
No. 1238564
File: 1622051317849.png (201.85 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210526-134347.png)

I change my writing style because Pregnancy is very niche, requiring me to expand on vocabulary. The end result is an animated tale that keeps me and others amused. You guys are simply too autistic to read books and develop your own style. This is why I hate DocGyara, his understanding of current events and human sexuality is very childish
No. 1238584
File: 1622052288902.png (192 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210526-140327.png)

Japan straight up doesn't like you guys. It doesn't matter how much you talk about my persona, 4chan wants you on /aco/, 8kun doesn't want your art, and Patreon hates you.
No. 1239529
File: 1622079371218.png (222.08 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210526-213558.png)

The Average Trump Voter Everyone.
No. 1239546
File: 1622080667151.jpg (127.16 KB, 1066x600, M3A2TNIHDRRN7WIZVACUIF7ZJE.jpg)

>>1239529Remember, Hurt Warnock, Harris, or Abrams and you will get stitches
No. 1241430
File: 1622317422534.png (201.43 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210529-154254.png)

I am convinced that whoever is complaining about Kisame on 4chan is too straight laced for art. He needs to ease and let Blue Magic and LSD set in.
No. 1241432
File: 1622317605490.jpeg (15.5 KB, 220x229, images.jpeg)

Stop fighting the Shadow War and let the fog set in
No. 1247402
File: 1622954933256.png (175.77 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210606-004816.png)

Should I tell Ilikapie that Cross is transgender drag queen, or should I just wait and let him figure it out?
No. 1247405
File: 1622955180802.jpg (105.12 KB, 1200x825, Photograph_of_President_Reagan…)

>>1247402Or should I tell Ilikapie that Cross took one for the Gipper? I knew Reaganites were sodomites
No. 1247711
File: 1622996404624.png (248.54 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210606-121936.png)

Should I tell Ilikapie that upskirt shots are creepy and unprofessional?
No. 1247718
File: 1622997000488.jpeg (12.89 KB, 206x244, images (1).jpeg)

>>1247711Have fun with Buck Breaking Month
No. 1255635
File: 1623632374038.png (719.69 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210613-205720.png)

Oh wow, you guys are dumb as bricks for believing in the things that Tariq Nasheed has said. Buck Breaking never existed. During the Antebellum Period, Plantation Owners would father illegitimate children with the slave, and the child would be a mulatto.
You guys must be using Prison Culture
No. 1255767
File: 1623640157404.jpg (184.49 KB, 1125x1049, 5762943854402837235.jpg)

So yeah, have fun defending Old Man Biden. I plan on just improving my mental health and doing exercises
No. 1256877
File: 1623720273704.png (156.87 KB, 598x568, 1623719244937.png)

This book from his niece isn't going to sell. Wei heading towards inflation meaning I got to cut back on entertainment, and prioritize savings. This is what happens when you turn America into a Soviet Country.
No. 1256889
File: 1623720830813.jpg (21.85 KB, 372x372, 620.jpg)

Donald is 75 now, which means he's a Sith Lord for the GOP like Cheney. We're pretty much stuck with them.
No. 1257415
File: 1623769825079.png (233.08 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210615-111008.png)

Like Clockwork, the Neo Nazi took the bait.
No. 1257417
File: 1623769981180.jpg (865.91 KB, 2500x1301, Brooks-Sith-Lords-Are-Winning.…)

>>1257415Soft Science is a Jedi Concept. Join the Bhuddist Dark Side
No. 1257795
File: 1623813761634.png (492.95 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210615-231843.png)

I dunno man, there's a high probability that Weisselberg committed grand larceny since taxes work like math and not social science. It's like Bannon embezzle money from his wall project.
Maybe Donald is a Glowie
No. 1259164
File: 1623981325808.png (175.1 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210617-215250.png)

I am a Northerner, why would I need reparations? Reparations are for poor inbred hill billies
No. 1259168
File: 1623981566025.jpg (56.18 KB, 1200x675, gettyimages-517350526.jpg)

>>1259164Sorry Buck Breakers, but Malcolm was right about how the Black Enterprise needs to exist to serve the needs of the community. We don't need Massa Biden and Mammy Kamala holding hands to win
No. 1260482
File: 1624144912414.png (393.65 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210619-192012.png)

Candence Owens is Caribbean, not Black. Caribbean Women like to pretend to be Black to fit in
No. 1260876
File: 1624208548843.png (417.25 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210620-130046.png)

Nothing I can do. People are out of work and collecting unemployment. Uncle Biden is about to cut unemployment around September. I am busy with work and simply have no need for idle leisure
No. 1260877
File: 1624208640670.jpg (460.85 KB, 2000x2426, 65278285-29c5-4f80-983f-f1bb9b…)

I have Liberty and Rights, we don't need Carpet Bagger Money
No. 1260952
File: 1624217562592.png (442.96 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210620-152851.png)

I knew I forgotten something. Adams is winning because the progressives turned out to be Hypocrites who have their own security and hold up in rich parts of Brooklyn. It's gonna be Adams vs the Guardian Angels. NY is pro cop! Fuck with our kids and we will fuck criminals up! This is the Last Dance for the Jacobins
No. 1261991
File: 1624364805357.png (258.51 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210622-082251.png)

American was Vulgar during the Great Depression and WWII. The Hays and Comics Code were created because parents were mortified that kids wanna be vulgar. Biden's win depends on whether we want to go back to Fifties style Patriotism
No. 1262440
File: 1624417283080.png (246.85 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210622-230009.png)

The Sucker took the bait. Oh well, artists can produce content while not getting paid in accordance to Socialism
No. 1264777
File: 1624720928205.png (226.44 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210626-111907.png)

Progressives voted for Biden to oust Trump. As for Trump, he will pretty much take a financial hit and bounce back. His reputation will take a hit, but not his legacy.
I might vote someone else for 2024. I am now a wagie. My mom already knows about the pics and I am cutting down on spending until Inflation passes
No. 1264799
File: 1624723955464.png (200.67 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210626-121103.png)

That's Riddle's Problem. Ilikapie's O'malley's and Valerie seem harmless enough to not get censored
No. 1265019
File: 1624743663657.png (226.37 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210626-173912.png)

How long are you guys going to argue? In the 2 years you guys bicker, I already got a pay raise just by doing nothing and getting a job. It's honestly sad how artists think Patreon will subsidize Section 8 housing for them
No. 1265431
File: 1624802254717.png (188.86 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210627-095354.png)

People like the balloon shape because it's easier to animate. Egg Shape is realistic, but harder to draw and harder to imagine a mother carrying 10 children walking. It's just movie magic that makes things work.
It's why animators and cartoonists are kinda bad, or why hoaxes exist. It's silly to think of art as a one man show
No. 1265474
File: 1624805758741.jpeg (329.96 KB, 1024x749, mcafee_cartoon-1024x749-1.jpeg)

Working for the deep state has it's perks. We get free art and advertising from conspiracy nuts
No. 1269486
File: 1625196448061.png (248.86 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210701-232425.png)

Weisselberg could simply commit suicide like McAfee. Let's be realistic, tax avoidance among Seniors is a pastime in New York due to high taxes. They got nothing better to do due to working.
No. 1271805
File: 1625491335673.png (194.59 KB, 1394x1360, 1624289129626.png)

No. 1272203
File: 1625539807618.jpg (167.56 KB, 2000x1001, 1477159633-cvy3c-zw8aal-vm.jpg)

>>1271805I kinda figured that you guys need me to produce the assets more than I need you for art, so I will save money by cutting back on production. Uncle Joe wants to save the American people money
No. 1272211
File: 1625540300397.jpeg (75 KB, 602x319, main-qimg-e411394655ea74ac60b9…)

>>1271805In short, Li Li is property of the Communist Party. She doesn't belong to the bohemian artist who doesn't work hard to support his fellow man
No. 1272339
>>1272203>>1272211You've spent literal months just posting randomly on this thread dedicated to showing your mental instability, by yourself….
Here use this link and write a blog. It'd at least be more constructive and healthy than whatever you're doing here. No. 1272361
File: 1625579305990.jpg (388.66 KB, 890x668, -images-stories-2020-2020-02-2…)

>>1272339I drink Coffee, and Expresso to boost productivity and focus. Face it, you want me to produce more Li Li more than I need you for entertainment
No. 1272369
File: 1625580685829.png (205.62 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210706-094605.png)

>>1272339I figured pregnancy artists need me to produce pics. Without my ideas, they are hacks in it for the paycheck.
>>1271805It's why this dipshit can copy me without making anything of substance
No. 1272731
File: 1625624966845.jpg (33.32 KB, 304x362, Louis-Farrakhan-Nation-of-Isla…)

>>1271805Meet your new Mayor of NYC
No. 1275732
File: 1626131689589.png (210.65 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210712-191129.png)

He's one of these alt right guys that my old clients keep complaining about. Pregnancy Fetishism is full of Liberals who keep using us Black Supremacists as a deterrent. 2020 was the last straw and we're letting Liberals deal with their lolbertarians
No. 1275983
File: 1626192124499.png (292.65 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210713-115923.png)

I listen to conservative radio because it's easy listening and available. It's on AM Radio and available during the morning. Nobody cares for Liberals because all they do is complain and head to their home in the Mansions around the Hamptons. I get paid to listen to them complain.
No. 1275986
File: 1626192424044.png (395.53 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210713-120540.png)

The African American Studies teacher has quit cause he didn't get tenure, a pay raise, or condolences. The Civil Rights teacher isn't going to bail Dems out now
No. 1277175
File: 1626368515346.png (259.43 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210715-125905.png)

Bro, this isn't going to work. The We Wuz Kings brothers don't like fetish art, you just giving them more reasons to hate you
No. 1280359
File: 1626727344820.png (167.18 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210719-164034.png)

This is honestly sad. People know Trump supporters are fascist and the guy who made the Pic of Li Li is one of those Lolbeterians who are afraid of Beltway Media
No. 1280367
File: 1626728510124.png (337.1 KB, 1200x534, flatten.png)

>>1280344This is a Biden Board. How do you know he was back in HyperPreg, boy?
No. 1280383
File: 1626729807738.png (153.49 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210719-172121.png)

What is this guy talking about? Biden won 50, Trump won 48, and Jorgensen won 2 percent of the Vote. Why do I need Trump when I have Libertarian MBA who promise to lower my taxes? This is some serious MAGA Cope
No. 1280405
File: 1626732135848.jpg (52.29 KB, 1280x720, f788aa8c64335bf23d328ab595fd2d…)

>>1280344It was fun but, I'll let ya get back to getting your buck broken by Massa in exchange for Pics. Get back to work, House nigga
No. 1280416
File: 1626732992671.png (163.09 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210719-181503.png)

Guliani's law license in NYC and DC are both suspended for promoting voter fraud. He was also drunk, I love watching non New Yorkers fight over our argyle crime lord politicians
No. 1280460
File: 1626737125351.jpg (65.48 KB, 500x685, 52j4r9.jpg) are the two people going gay for Kisame just so Trump Senpai can notice them.
No. 1280464
File: 1626737774725.png (316.99 KB, 704x1106, a6c.png)

(Marrazan#5412) here is where they get their Buck Broken Good. It's a real Sausage Fest where they fantasize about Kisame's BBC
No. 1280536
File: 1626742964068.jpeg (8.35 KB, 249x202, download (2).jpeg)

To be honest, I am not sure how long the Hyper Preg Community can even survive without my money. I can't be funding artist's and their rent, or bailing them out because they chose a job with lesser pay. The Internet works better for Information and Porn. E-commerce is not sustainable in the long term.
No. 1280587
File: 1626747358222.jpg (188.14 KB, 1231x1280, 1611764625.gnarlyotaku_stream1…)

Here is your Totally Radical Gnarly Otaku and his totally unoriginal Elves. Too bad that Kisame's BBC is infesting his imaginary OCs.
No. 1280590
File: 1626747561010.png (376.88 KB, 1268x826, INbcI8MjL.png)

>>1280587And here is the totally radical pic the pussy deflector was trying to save from Kisame. I am honestly surprised that Gnarly Otaku hasn't put a shot gun to his head and blown his brains out. Uncle Joe Biden sez: Japanese Boy Cartoons are for losers. But American!
No. 1280592
File: 1626747665006.jpeg (203.62 KB, 1232x1936, 7e785744-3d59-4010-99e0-b05871…)

Don't worry, I will make sure that the Senate destroys the hopes and dreams of expansion artists
No. 1280594
File: 1626747945752.jpg (38.57 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f…)

>>1280592Got to check on the New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam again. I am getting bored of MAGAtards
No. 1280616
File: 1626748961464.jpg (20.9 KB, 440x461, 0b51477263227b9d669d59035b1196…)

By the way, the Five Percent Nation still wants to kill Gnarly Otaku because he hacked into their IPs.
No. 1280637
File: 1626751675714.png (1.25 MB, 1420x1080, Not_Normal_028.png)

I mean, I already have Vision, Dental, Medical, and a Retirement Plan at age 30. Now I have to figure out how to spend the next 30 years how to make the fun last
No. 1280780
File: 1626786304648.jpg (11.2 KB, 190x285, 11447710a2d6953864_ca.jpg)

>>1280738We know HyperPreg is Gay for Kisame
No. 1280791
File: 1626787629505.jpg (119.47 KB, 1200x847, E3VzyzaVUAInyEo.jpg)

>>1280738For a guy who complains about virgins, you seem busy hanging around Men. Did a Girl Break your heart?
No. 1281079
File: 1626813084637.jpg (98.75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

>>1281065 crypto much are they paying you? Lolcoe knows Patreon makes below minimum wage
File: 1626818582515.jpg (Spoiler Image,30.81 KB, 625x680, EDzBVIJWwAAdWb_.jpg_small.jpg)

>>1281065Whoops, someone got banned
No. 1281263
File: 1626833815177.png (470.95 KB, 1031x929, TLNydgcjL.png)

I here by give Lolcow Keerlyna, so now if hyper Preg uses her, they admit to being cows
No. 1281265
File: 1626834351720.jpg (132.87 KB, 1280x1060, 1607286635.gnarlyotaku_stream1…)

Gnarly Otaku's OCs are property of lolcow. He must also admit to being gay for Kisame, or I will tell everyone he's a guy pretending to be a girl just to spy on Teens using tech.
No. 1281446
File: 1626868027137.png (393.94 KB, 2907x1155, dde6tvx-63a66e17-a0f3-458a-9f1…)

>>1281444HyperPreg is still full of lolcows who pay each other to call themselves friends.
No. 1281447
File: 1626868132754.jpg (81.85 KB, 804x536, 1290694.jpg)

>>1281444>>1281423I will let you get reacquainted with the GIMPs you call friends, Incel
No. 1281450
File: 1626868646792.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.41 KB, 553x1000, BON023_d.jpg)

>>1281449HyperPreg is full of GIMPs who want Daddy Kisame to love them
No. 1281466
File: 1626872591756.jpg (Spoiler Image,30.56 KB, 1200x373, D68dcJTWsAA2dFi.jpg)

>>1281449>>1281444>>1281423Daily Reminder that Hyper Preg is full of autistic manchildren who plays DnD, watches Idol Anime, and self insert as girls in their mid-thirties
No. 1281494
File: 1626874851194.png (547.22 KB, 1260x638, 1_G0uVqdgWl-scvREPwhkSIg.png)

>>1281491Said,the NPC who is on Lolcow at 9:40am because Kisame ignored him.
No. 1281497
File: 1626875096564.jpg (100.65 KB, 1200x693, ElB0XEtW0AggF_U.jpg)

>>1281491Gnarly Otaku is a loser who has to pay people to tell them he's their friend. IRL, he's the unpaid intern blowing money on Linux
No. 1281500
File: 1626875200325.jpg (64.1 KB, 680x544, 6af.jpg)

>>1281491Get back in your cage wage slave.
No. 1281558
File: 1626880681650.png (737.9 KB, 1246x1146, ffa.png)

>>1281542Says the NPC who coomsooms product, then gets hype for the Next Product
No. 1281560
File: 1626880863237.png (231.9 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210721-111943.png)

Daily Reminder that HyperPreg is getting kicked out of Twitter. Thanks for Consooming the Product
No. 1281599
File: 1626885078280.jpg (256.8 KB, 1920x1080, cover4.jpg)

>>1281542>>1281491>>1281449>>1281444>>1281423Daily Reminder that these Texts are made by the same Discord Mod with Funko Pops. HyperPreg is not that big
No. 1281714
File: 1626894845370.jpg (491.96 KB, 1200x675, covergn.jpg)

>>1281651You gay for government Glowie
No. 1281818
File: 1626901177553.jpg (42.88 KB, 368x500, 51Tk6w3jonL.jpg)

>>1281651It's okay to be Gay Anon, it's rad and hip. Join us!
No. 1281893
File: 1626905653751.png (100.71 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210721-181309.png)

>>1281651Let's make a deal, give me free art and maybe I won't leak secrets to the authorities
No. 1281933
File: 1626908033241.png (Spoiler Image,222.33 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210721-185251.png)

Wooo hoo 2 for 2. That should keep you from using lolcow for clout
No. 1282277
File: 1626959471720.jpeg (Spoiler Image,51.87 KB, 680x509, E6UgcorXMAM89yt.jpeg)

>>1282245Daily reminder that Hyper Preg is full of Incels who never had sex
No. 1282390
File: 1626972019353.jpg (112.32 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>1282245>>1281651 reminder this thread was started by a Discord Mod who got caught fapping to furry porn by his parents, and is trying to cover it up by being gay
No. 1282981
File: 1627063698244.jpeg (79.09 KB, 600x500, 1230733976.jpeg)

MAGA Bitches!
No. 1283001
File: 1627066044940.png (238.92 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210723-144522.png)

>>1283000So much for Pregnant Fetish being mainstream
No. 1283075
File: 1627075368597.png (225.59 KB, 720x405, flash_791193_card.png)

>>1283032Isn't it kind of sad that you are on lolcow on a Friday Afternoon, Discord hyper preg mod? I'ma bout to enjoy some cake at work.
No. 1283084
>>1283077Nope, it's often scrawny man and mordly obese woman, or skinny woman with purple hair with an Anime Shirt. They're that obvious. I see the way they dress and act.
The attractive woman is doing only fans and the whole school talks about her
No. 1283635
File: 1627160835627.png (490.04 KB, 1024x683, battle_of_the_bumps_2017___sta…)

>>1283447Says the person who has his character near a literal male to female Transgender. It's Saturday Afternoon, and I am enjoying a bagel from work and the Olympics.
No. 1283636
File: 1627161049709.png (391.12 KB, 761x1307, CrossRoads_-_Maternal_Mahou_Sh…)

>>1283447Sorry, but I value food more than sex. Have fun with your failing card games
No. 1284081
File: 1627236194060.jpg (196.55 KB, 1280x915, hiding_from_mom_by_ilikapie_de…)

>>1283447Pic is what the average MAGAtard thinks America is
No. 1284399
File: 1627269241694.jpg (54.21 KB, 1025x780, seething_mother_by_newstuff4u_…)

>>1284254I can pretty much bust out Kisame Jr at 31 and not miss a thing thanks to exercise and dieting
No. 1284616
File: 1627302185223.jpg (106.11 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>1284570Nobody cares, HyperPreg Discord mod.
No. 1285085
File: 1627352707916.jpg (850.62 KB, 4096x3706, ZuJc9zcDL.jpg)

>>1284570Daily Reminder that Discord Mods still maintain a DeviantArt page, thot for skinheads, and turn on each other for clout.
I dunno man, I was a teen when I was Kisame 17. You guys are mid thirties, single, and suffering from a midlife crisis. These kids don't care for belly drama.
No. 1285142
File: 1627361400149.png (215.62 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210727-004906.png)

This should keep you Coomers out of my hair, so I can become a normie
No. 1287995
File: 1627744443143.png (253.11 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210731-111251.png)

Take notes Lolcow, this is how you deep with wombfuckers who think they gave the moral high ground over Chris Chan
No. 1288237
File: 1627762783480.jpg (138.56 KB, 1050x788, chandler2.jpg)

>>1288116Daily reminder that HyperPreg are cucks while Chris Chan seduce his mother. Go back to PregChan, incel
No. 1289068
File: 1627852100944.png (80.1 KB, 336x626, Ktreewnames.png)

>>1288116As a writer, I am disinterested in sex since it doesn't add anything to the moment. I find it more fun to write scenarios where characters are pregnant or booby, but it doesn't define them.
No. 1290512
File: 1628052008511.png (198.71 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210804-003800.png)

I knew I forgot something: The ADL of B'nai B'rith is taking your site down under suspicion of anti-semitism. They are patterning with the Internet to do so.
No. 1298682
File: 1628790812154.png (296.39 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210812-135130.png)

Audrey is fine. She's just an annoying kid sister. She just needs friends. Censor gags work better when you are bored and nothing better to do.
No. 1298685
File: 1628791085633.png (271.42 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210812-135644.png)

I am. Writer and I am disinterested in writing for Cartoonists, everyone wants action and drama, which bored me to tears.
No. 1298687
File: 1628791147677.jpeg (52.85 KB, 680x680, 4e9.jpeg)

I am now a New Guy. I am a Frontline Worker with benefits and feeding pregnant women, encouraging to get them vaccinated.
No. 1302721
File: 1629295770638.jpg (20.83 KB, 640x360, new-guy-Valkawounk.jpg) Reminder that Hyper Preg are Coomers talking about the Middle East, three days after the War is over
No. 1302726
File: 1629296164840.jpg (87.95 KB, 1119x714, pregnocchio_vs_the_biden_admin…)

Behold, Ilikapie arguing that Pashtun Men deserve to rape Pashtun Women under the Taliban in Afghanistan
No. 1302730
File: 1629296710427.jpg (31.3 KB, 512x341,…) reminder that Ilikapie thinks the Taliban taking over is good just to own Biden while scoring internet points
No. 1303103
File: 1629326644664.jpg (135.19 KB, 1024x682, mullah-abdul-ghani-baradar-4.j…)

>>1302986Ilikapie is crazy to draw that pic to spite Biden just to agree with Baradar the Butcher
No. 1303170
File: 1629333166202.png (166.74 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210818-203033.png)

Can't believe he's afraid of the 16 Black Brat with a .22 caliber, or the Planned Parenthood clinic. They've admitted that Abortion is 3 Percent of their service
No. 1303592
File: 1629391597197.png (790.25 KB, 800x870, tumblr_78cbaf00551234a4da5c2bb…)

>>1303491Maybe have a troubling relationship with Kisame because you are rebelling against Father. Mother will never love you
No. 1305892
File: 1629610239224.png (189.33 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210822-012837.png)

>>1303491Daily reminder that Discord Mods are so lazy, they catch Covid-19 and die. This is despite the fact that COVID-19 has a 1.2% Mortality rate.
No. 1305903
File: 1629612614769.png (272.28 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210822-020612.png)

Behold, the HyperPreg Mod as his bank conspires against him and his failing mortgage to get that $$$!
No. 1306065
File: 1629641259867.jpg (150.75 KB, 1600x900, covid19-1600x900.jpg)

>>1305994Hyper Preg are losers who are clinically depressed and get Covid.
No. 1306066
File: 1629641462023.jpg (95.77 KB, 1600x900, ventilator-Covid-19-coronaviru…)

>>1305994Pic related is Gnarly Otaku's dad dying of COVID-19, because his son is too ugly to take a vaccine.
No. 1306069
File: 1629641821293.png (1.34 MB, 1226x982, thumbnail_Screen-Shot-2021-07-…)

>>1305994We all know that White Men suffer from PMS. This why you need to wear your tampons, madam. Leave Governoring to Black Man
No. 1306083
File: 1629643294318.png (438.93 KB, 2667x1182, 91883688_p26.png)

>>1305994Daily reminder that Gnarly Otaku's OCs suck and he has to pay people to say he's their friend. Gnarly Otaku doesn't own the right to his work, the Artist does.
No. 1306869
File: 1629731088670.jpg (77.5 KB, 525x350, 1800x1200_virus_3d_render_red_…)

>>1306830>>1306830Daily reminder Gnarly Otaku's friend, G3X died of COVID-19. COVID-19 is literally Denge Fever and Malaria
No. 1306870
File: 1629731368691.jpeg (8.44 KB, 261x193, images.jpeg)

>>1306830>>1306830Chad Kisame: Got 2 Free Shots of Moderna. Virgin Gnarly Otaku: Friend dies of vomiting, pooping, dehydration, cause he doesn't have med insurance
No. 1306886
File: 1629733125709.jpg (103.84 KB, 442x550, 56b89ad02ebecd353bbee8feeb1f69…)

>>1306830I dunno who you are Rasta, I be Carribbean.
No. 1307475
File: 1629811452229.jpg (190.08 KB, 472x600, 0d00e1f9-7adf-4560-955e-82a570…)

>>1307376I am also a silly prankster and love horror movies. Computer Autists are easy to scare
No. 1307725
File: 1629837568807.png (207.54 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210824-163756.png) know you frequent lolcow, Preg retard. Nobody wants to go to your site. We're laughing at you!
No. 1308179
File: 1629898965262.png (584.26 KB, 2270x1916, 1629836223937.png)

Daily reminder that Gnarly Otaku is a grown ass man still watching cartoons, and can't hold down a job..
No. 1308979
File: 1629995490769.jpg (28.01 KB, 512x341, clintons-in-the-hamptons-676.j…)

>>1308840Not sure why Ilikapie is obsessed with the Clintons. All they do is just sit,mope, and power walk across the Hamptons
No. 1311183
File: 1630252654503.png (1.21 MB, 3944x1760, 1629876321265.png) reminder that Gnarly Otaku is a tranny
No. 1312818
File: 1630442947292.png (232.83 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210831-164831.png)

Cheating Spouses to illicit feelings is popular in Japan. Pregnancy Fetishism is for old boomers
No. 1313504
File: 1630534944402.png (165.86 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210901-182112.png)

What is this Boomer talking about? I am Black and I voted just fine in elections. Not my fault Texans are dumb inbred hillbillies who believe Al Sharpton
No. 1313563
File: 1630539241253.jpg (79.91 KB, 1000x664, 1000x-1.jpg)

Vote for Larry Elder in California this September
No. 1313969
File: 1630594746085.jpg (29.93 KB, 450x450, kARRY-eLDER.jpg)

>>1313859Settle down Troon Coon
No. 1314003
File: 1630598313777.jpg (84.86 KB, 587x827, E7lC1MEVEAMscdx.jpg)

>>1313859You will learn to love Larry. As for the race itself, Idunno. Commiefornians need to stop electing the 88 year old Feinstein, or the 80 year old Pelosi
No. 1314440
File: 1630638451195.png (162.49 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210902-230510.png)

Don't look at me, I am saving a fortune on this blockade. I am watching Texans and Commiefornians kill each other for Joe Biden's approval, assuming dementia doesn't rot his brain
No. 1315591
File: 1630762181041.jpg (103.05 KB, 1020x720, image.jpg)

I say vote for Larry Elder. I am bored of Inbred Hillbillies coming up North to run away from their own failed experiments
No. 1315614
File: 1630764990337.png (1.65 MB, 1826x998, Screen_Shot_2020-11-13_at_10.3…)

If you guys want an abortion, go to Cinema Roberto. I am sure he cares
No. 1316065
File: 1630811255135.png (310.27 KB, 679x394, E-dTVEVUcAId2-J.png)

Daily reminder that white people are dying of COVID-19, Crystal Meth, Opioids, and DUI. Whites! 59 Percent of the Population, 100% of the Crime!(Bait)
No. 1321199
File: 1631365729286.jpg (72.02 KB, 700x700, newguy-3.jpg)

>>1320479Sir, this is Lolcow, I advise that you take diversity training to promote a health work environment
No. 1321225
File: 1631369906781.jpeg (340.9 KB, 2048x1463, E-ie1y9XEAIkW7e.jpeg)

>>1320479Humor me, Are you even Married are are you one of those angst ridden Catholics, or Holier than Thou Deacons as the Church?
No. 1321239
File: 1631372656123.png (77.84 KB, 550x729, E--2Pv1VgAA88UP.png)

>>1320479Why don't you go back the Pregchan to celebrate 9/11, Incel?
No. 1321245
File: 1631373367311.jpg (72.77 KB, 400x600, 9076320081_b2d71236b0_o-L.jpg)

I have pretty much gained the Sefirot
No. 1321398
File: 1631390766130.jpg (741.93 KB, 2000x1333, trump-911-088.jpg)

>>1320479You may like Trump, but you will never get the respect of the FDNY and NYPD like him
No. 1322286
File: 1631474686417.png (243.45 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210912-152045.png)

New York is home to a lot of Asians who converted to Christianity from Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, and Polytheism. Unification Church is just targeted because like the late Billy Graham, they had close ties with Republicans. Really, Democrats are just salty that they can't have Close Ties with their Socialist Friends
No. 1322297
File: 1631474978038.jpg (93 KB, 400x400, monthly-subscription1.jpg)

Pat Robertson had close ties with Tatsunoko Productions to make Superbook. He double D's VA, Spike's VA, and Celestia's VA to voice the characters using 700 Club money
No. 1322607
File: 1631493358889.png (249.69 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210912-203543.png)

This is how you troll Coomers
No. 1322728
File: 1631504753397.jpg (225.02 KB, 1280x1905, 1631503134615.jpg)

Zdemian is a Lolcow
No. 1323089
File: 1631552483752.png (204.92 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210913-125910.png)

Yeah, I don't feel like apologize. The problem I have with Hyper preg is that a lot of it's concepts are simply too timid. How am I supposed to justify spending money on something that doesn't have or show consequences?
I think this is why the Suits just co-op Art and give it to Celebrities
No. 1324409
File: 1631675625620.png (335.82 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210914-231241.png)

I got vaccinated twice on my left deltoid. Aside from a mild headache, I did perfectly fine and feel ready to exercise!
No. 1324710
File: 1631713949907.jpeg (75.72 KB, 744x496, kamala-harris-nurse-45.jpeg)

>>1324592>>1324592Hope you like crazy horde faced nurses because that's who agree with you
No. 1324714
File: 1631714721132.jpg (35.1 KB, 744x496, fertility-doctor-accused-donor…)

>>1324592Maybe this is why Fertility doctors are bouncing your wife and giving them the fertility treatment.
No. 1325064
File: 1631738646621.jpg (23.75 KB, 640x360, _103188455_elliottrogerafpgett…)

>>1325001Incels are for White People. Haitian People don't understand your stupid white Culture.
No. 1325073
File: 1631739678805.png (219.38 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210915-170045.png)

>>1325001>>1325001Go back to Pregchan, Loli Boomer
No. 1326234
File: 1631848572301.png (284.94 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210916-231313.png)

Leave China alone. China and the CCP deserves to exist. Trump did the right thing getting America out of the Middle East to focus on domestic issues.
No. 1327720
File: 1632000263746.png (127.5 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210918-172223.png)

I would like to,but I have been reeducated by Chairman Biden to obey his mandates. Chairman Biden demands equality, diversity, and inclusion.
No. 1327833
File: 1632015230098.png (98.86 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210918-213158.png)

I believe I made the right decision. I cannot make Art or Stories for Men who believe they are Women. Under Communist China, Niang Pao and Baizuo are banned from media
No. 1327882
File: 1632021003818.jpeg (718.51 KB, 1125x807, 8A4378FA-1C60-4B87-88BE-383180…)

This is now a Gnarly Otaku thread as permitted by Lolcow
No. 1328250
File: 1632065378940.png (204.61 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210919-112829.png)

See what I mean, Hyper Preg is written by single men who want to be pregnant women.
No. 1333906
File: 1632578942775.png (257.52 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210925-100703.png)

This is kinda sad. Ilikapie is so autistic that he cannot fathom that Biden won Georgia.
No. 1333907
File: 1632579067114.png (275.22 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210925-101002.png), a link to watch a MAGATard argue on Twitter over Arizona long after the race was called.
No. 1333911
File: 1632579286160.jpeg (47.72 KB, 560x560, godly-consumer-art1.jpeg)

I am going to see if I can ask my coworkers about the shutdown. I got information about the vaccines from them, and it encouraged me to get vaccinated twice.
No. 1334881
File: 1632673459519.png (181.65 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210926-122019.png)

This is embarrassing. Trump's speeches clock in at 90 minutes. This clocks on at 3 hours. Furthermore, it's just standard film studies bog like Moviebob. I know critics want to be misunderstood loners of gold, but critics are critics because they can't make Art.
No. 1344508
File: 1633806276471.png (255.52 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20211009-150331.png)

Yeah, not me, I self censor and currently busy at work. This is your target audience
No. 1346326
File: 1634134661288.png (369.07 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20211013-101455.png)

I am super busy now! I work 11-5, so I don't really have time for porn. Those kale shakes made me healthy
No. 1347012
File: 1634184495342.png (180.59 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20211014-000650.png) me this Time. This guy is haunting you. It seems your self trolling has made you enemies on Twitter
No. 1347026
File: 1634185315474.png (32.28 KB, 602x476, FBXCM6YVkAIh5PM (1).png)

I can safely say nobody wants to buy your art. I am the only one who can give art some clout, but I rather let those viewership numbers plummet
No. 1348550
File: 1634340553374.png (253.04 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20211015-192831.png)

Are you guys dense? People do not go to malls anymore. Retail Workers quit during the Pandemic and they're not coming back
No. 1351458
File: 1634681343351.png (194.39 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20211019-180753.png)

>>1351427Yeah, I think that's someone else after you
No. 1351481
File: 1634682727817.png (12.58 KB, 603x179, FBzWPG8UcAEvSM8 (1).png)

>>1351473We're laughing at you, midwit. Your life is a comedy
No. 1352185
File: 1634759108908.jpg (40.67 KB, 960x540, https___specials-images.forbes…)

>>1352101You do realize that H and R Block, Liberty Tax, and Jackson Hewitt are the same thing and the government outsource the work to us, right?
No. 1352195
File: 1634759780271.jpeg (45.7 KB, 960x540, yellen-e1632758040619.jpeg)

It's this retardation that's causing us men to let women like Yellen and Suze Orman take over the Treasury
No. 1361374
File: 1636004444627.jpg (13.51 KB, 831x82, lmao.jpg)

Take your own advice, Vlad.
No. 1378318
File: 1638214666279.png (193.47 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20211129-143437.png)

I live too far Up North to be engaged in Bible Belt Culture Wars. We get more Southerners fleeing their state from their inbred relatives talking about how they were lynched or hated. It's either Ilikapie and DocGyara based on their mannerisms. Only DocGyara uses bigot even though he's white while Ilikapie use conservative on his vocabulary. Your handwriting is that obvious
No. 1382889
File: 1638489071095.png (385.8 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20211202-184740.png)

>>1382354Its complicated. Artists want me to pay them 500-2000 for artwork. The problem? That's how much live action is worth due to the cost of equipment while cartoons are cheaper. It wouldn't be fair for me to pretty much pay that high for commission since I would be charging NBC, Fox, or ABC rates without the unions approval
No. 1383225
>>1380463Fuckhead, if you even still have parents it's more likely that they're comatose and you're doing shit to them that would make Chris-Chan look like a fucking saint, because that's the only damn way they haven't fucking medicated you into a fucking stupor, smothered you in your sleep, or shipped you off to a fucking asylum. Any sane fucking person who saw the shit you do sure as hell wouldn't support it, parents or not.
And if you're so keen on church, why don't you tell your priest about your hobbies, you sick fuck? If you're so proud of it, tell your neighbors, hell, every random person you can find. I've seen some fucking lunatics in my time, Kisame, but you take the fucking cake.
No. 1386375
File: 1638802618942.png (230.75 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20211206-095443.png)

I know full well that Artists do not make that much money. I do not know why they are asking me subsidize their rent. Maybe they shut cut down on drugs and start moonlight as something else.
No. 1386657
File: 1638825575901.png (185.84 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20211206-161749.png)

Of course you can kill a IP. I live in a small college town. I don't like in the city where internet companies are.
No. 1386688
File: 1638827131796.png (237.57 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20211206-164225.png)

I am or rather was a photographer. I was taught how to adjust the camera and format my hard drive by my teacher. I admit I love playing pranks to deal with the humdrum academic life.
It is not hard to kill IPs because I don't have the power to maintain a large server. You Computer Science Geeks are that gullible
No. 1387990
File: 1638968958576.jpeg (287.87 KB, 1586x2048, FFhM1xQWUAci20q.jpeg)

>>1387866Maybe you should stop drawing Disney since it's copyright infringement
No. 1387995
File: 1638969439757.jpg (173.94 KB, 985x1280, 1637976171.gnarlyotaku_stream1…)

>>1387866It was fun, but I will let you get back to devaluing art with fake news. This hurts you more than it hurts me because I am a pirate Y'ARRG! I just don't have a need for art commodities right now. So, I got to cut funding for art to keep up with gym membership.
No. 1406176
Hey kisame, look at someone linking to this thread on Kiwi Farms: you could get your own subforum over there.
No. 1406457
File: 1641072536914.png (493.8 KB, 615x444, b81.png)

>>1406176Take the L for trying to start a thread on New Years.
No. 1407781
File: 1641231373829.png (317.03 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20220103-123409.png)

I mean. What is Hyper Preg's End Game? What do you guys want from me? You guys nitpick too much to be fun, which is why nobody wants to make Hyper Preg or Stories
No. 1421031
File: 1642559125776.jpg (21.05 KB, 1049x100, lmfao.jpg)

Look who I found on bbwchan. lol
No. 1422134
File: 1642652925668.jpg (25.1 KB, 1171x156, no life.jpg)

This is what frontal lobe degeneration looks like.
No. 1423901
File: 1642855386005.png (227.54 KB, 736x960, 52b444.png)

>>1423425See, nobody cares
No. 1425537
File: 1643049205047.png (251.48 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20220124-133123.png)

Holy fucking shit, listen to some emo rock or death metal. I just don't get this depression garbage that these artists have.
No. 1433915
File: 1643920665743.png (441.79 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20220203-153616.png)

It's not that hard to audit the rich. The rich pay capital gains or get tax breaks from local government to operate a business
No. 1461665
File: 1646791170695.jpg (79.66 KB, 1242x521, lol.jpg)

Guess who's back to shitting up pregchan.
No. 1461668
File: 1646791330851.jpg (130.85 KB, 1322x582, 4d.jpg)

…and 4chan /d/.
No. 1463412
File: 1646957674443.jpg (750.74 KB, 2940x4096, Riddler_promo_-_The_Batman.jpg)

>>1461668>>1461665Are you scared? Don't you want to see me?
No. 1463414
File: 1646957794065.png (824.96 KB, 2119x1191, the-batman-riddler-paul-dano.p…)

>>1461665>>1461668You started the troll war. I can go back to society
No. 1463609
File: 1646970977412.jpg (57.72 KB, 669x500, 5c6.jpg)

>>1461665>>1461668Remember, Kisame is rent free in your mind, hambeast
No. 1486854
File: 1648647662223.jpg (96.51 KB, 1024x683, Barack-Obama-Les-Guignols-de-l…)

>>1486670 Remember Kisame rent free in your head espèce de connasse!
No. 1487152
File: 1648668969141.png (166.08 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20220330-153108.png)

Remember Kisame rent free in your head espèce de connasse!
No. 1495575
File: 1649356664371.png (234.92 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20220407-143537.png)

Sorry but ownership of the fictional Li Li is out of my hands due to copyright laws. I am sure that Hyper preg and their limitless Patreon money will think of something
No. 1496633
File: 1649470841585.jpg (23.23 KB, 446x398, l m a o.jpg)

Imagine being such a waste of life that you're a 30-something black guy posting anti-black racist memes on an autistic fetish imageboard.
No. 1496656
File: 1649472441147.jpg (158.57 KB, 690x690, 281.jpg)

>>1496633Sir, your sexual objectification of birthing people is
problematic. Mr. Biden worked hard to nominate the first African American female judge, which means that treating women like mothers is a thing a of the past. I feel bad for the hyper preg community for falling short of the high standards set by the commander in chief. It is your sexual gratification that's causing the Russians and Republicans to win. Don't you have any shame? I bet you are going to hell for being racist, sexist and bigoted
No. 1496681
File: 1649474733309.jpeg (55.87 KB, 1280x720, overlay.jpeg)

>>1496633 Remember Kisame rent free in your head espèce de connasse!
No. 1498994
File: 1649714301866.jpg (2.23 KB, 125x90, 1649694208603s.jpg)

>>1496633I personally think it's sad that a bunch of 30 something's are trying to justify moe shit. What's your excuse for being autistic?
No. 1501734
File: 1649971121942.jpg (205.26 KB, 1300x1005, abundant_aryans_sized.jpg)

>>1501017Also, satsumalord is pure cringe. He's a two faced nutcase who has been causing way too much trouble for the community. You can all thank him for bothering me since I have been getting a shit ton strongly worded personal messages about National Socialism and I have enough pull with Progressive Groups in new york to find dirt on racists like him. I rather not get into details into how my history with satsumalord has granted me some rather sensitive works cultivated by him.
No. 1501949
File: 1649995007916.jpg (147.13 KB, 600x1131, alumni_bard1.jpg)

>>1501944my inner soul is that of a bard and a jester. I am also French Speaking. Not my fault anglos are miserable
No. 1503225
File: 1650137314449.jpg (558.84 KB, 2200x1237, pride-parade-person-flag-jfusc…)

>>1503055Look who's projecting, you are just afraid of my alternative lifestyle. I will not stand for homophobes. I am a strong black homosexual comfortable in my sexuality and succeful in the food service industry. I'm sorry you're threatened by a strong black hero of the lgbt.
No. 1503232
File: 1650138091060.jpg (14.56 KB, 462x352, 9ba464a9e2927f537890252cfd0865…)

This crucible is nothing more than blasphemy before the Lord and his covenant. All I see are two bad faith actors playing the role of Kisame while I am on my lunch break. I suggest the pair repent before they be cast into the lake of fire for the sin of idolatry and demagoguery. I shall depart as to rise on the morrow for the Lord's Day in time for Easter.
No. 1503299
>>1503227You know what? You're right. I'm done wasting time trying to legitimately help you. I thought maybe there was the slightest chance that you weren't already too far gone, but it's clear that you ENJOY being a total fucking lunatic.
Hell, you love God so much? Then fucking neck yourself and go meet him. I'm sure he'll be SO proud of all the fucked-up shit you've done down here.
No. 1503304
File: 1650150078109.jpg (128.15 KB, 1200x779, 3V2KSDWD2UVNILBUFHHRXIWXZI.jpg)

>>1503299Why don't you commit harakiri for the devil? The Lord doesn't care about your diatribe.
No. 1503623
File: 1650197649085.jpg (77.81 KB, 635x422, priest.jpg)

>>1503464God does care about his creations. You are just a bitter nihilist lashing out in the empty cosmos. I wonder why you weren't aborted for being hellspawn
No. 1505021
File: 1650339575626.jpg (29.09 KB, 1169x381, pride.jpg)

Vlad's parents must be proud of him.
No. 1505397
File: 1650374145100.jpg (81.2 KB, 800x571, lDlgG12LLhtnFkldJz0s5hOH_DnDOt…)

>>1505389You are the one jacking it
to cartoons. I don't have the fetish and never did. I am too conservative and emotionally restrained to understand erotica.
No. 1505428
File: 1650377891915.jpg (356.45 KB, 1080x1571, Screenshot_20220419-101652_Chr…)

>>1505397Oh but Vlady boy you commissioned cartoon porn no less than 3 weeks ago.
No. 1505439
File: 1650380223318.jpg (87.94 KB, 644x392, Jay-Ward-with-Rocky-and-Bullwi…)

>>1505428It's a silly cartoon like pic related. You must be really mentally ill along with your lot of fetish artists to think it has any pornographic value
No. 1506047
File: 1650413566910.jpg (109.59 KB, 300x281, niggerbaby.jpg)

>>1505937No, Kisame. Nobody fucking likes YOU. You are perhaps the single most delusional person I have ever fucking encountered. And I don't use twitter either, but you clearly browse it in search of people to throw a fucking fit over. You are an insane fucking porch monkey who thinks he found God, but couldn't be any further from the truth. Genuinely fucking kill yourself. You are a waste of fucking oxygen and everyone's time.
No. 1506203
File: 1650423515602.jpg (56.06 KB, 1280x720, liberalipadhero.jpg.jpg)

>>1506170I honestly think you are a whiny faggot with no life. You deserve to kill yourself. What pisses you off is that you can't monetize hate cause you are a faggot. You are gonna die bitter and alone for MAGA Zaddy while your girlfriend bangs a Russian.
No. 1506206
File: 1650423840573.jpg (24.24 KB, 599x337, BWwVyXpCMAAfIdO.jpg)

>>1506170You and I both know I come hear to drink your manbaby tears. They taste good!
No. 1506666
>>1506620No, they just found you more annoying than funny. I'm doing this because it's fun to watch you splutter in schizo rage.
Oh, and by the way, knowing how to use "inspect element" doesn't make you a hacker, porch monkey. You don't know shit about cybersecurity lmao
No. 1506671
File: 1650463217505.jpg (186.94 KB, 900x682, Bill-Lumbergh-Office-Space.jpg)

>>1506666No, this site's cyber security sucks and you are loser like all the other computer geeks who can't be bothered to install antivirus software. I currently work a mundane job and I am here to watch you act crazy before I start my shift.
No. 1506764
>>1506671The very fact that you think you need to rely on antivirus software shows how much of an idiot you are.
And being from the Caribbean doesn't make you any less of a nigger. Just makes you a tropical nigger.
No. 1507087
>>1507047And yet you are still a perpetual poorfag who understands absolutely nothing. Really doing your ancestry proud there, huh?
Maybe you should go be a farmer. At least then you'd actually fucking contribute something to society
No. 1507210
>>1507193Holy fuck he's accusing people of being cryptofags, this is a new goddamn low for him lmao
Kisame, you are reaching unbelievable levels of retardation. Feel free to keep going, your lunacy is hilarious
No. 1507231
File: 1650494331036.jpeg (31.22 KB, 512x512, images.jpeg)

>>1507210Yeah no. I both this site and the pregnancy fetish community are both loony. My advice is that these internet cults need to go to church.
No. 1507249
>>1507047>Haitians are just as wealthy as Americans.Haiti's gdp per capita
>$1,176.76US gdp per capita
>63,543.58Not even in the same ballpark nigger.
No. 1507310
File: 1650499068085.jpg (69.34 KB, 539x637, tumblr_inline_o2t9f8CoAZ1r7rhs…)

>>1507247>>1507249>Uniornically believing in the Devil even though the Bible clearly states he's just a showman at best and a wagie doing his job.Wow, Christ fags are dumb. You guys deserve the crappy Lucifer from the bad Christian movies instead of the 7 headed dragon with ten horns as described in Revelations
No. 1507357
>>1507310Lmao the brain-damaged porch monkey can't even stick with one argument across two posts
Kill yourself nigger
No. 1507387
File: 1650505394036.jpg (183.9 KB, 1396x785, EpiMLAIXYAEZWFx.jpg_large.jpg)

>>1507357>Christfag so inbred he is talking to imaginary people.Don't worry, God will make sure you get cancer
No. 1516703
File: 1651386566220.jpg (75.5 KB, 1321x395, lolwat.jpg)

This is what brain damage looks like.
No. 1516784
File: 1651403247031.jpeg (339.62 KB, 1080x1440, images.jpeg)

>>1516703Anon, we're laughing at you for bumping a dead thread with irrelevant things. Nobody cares about Kisame because he's not interesting. You are just a poser trying to hang with the bad crowd for clout
No. 1516842
File: 1651410929136.png (207.46 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20220501-091232.png)

>>1516703It's kinda sad watching copying my text on lolcow and pasting it on 4chan. Even more so as I wait for the bus to church. Have fun talking to yourself, turbo autist
No. 1517242
File: 1651440472819.jpg (130.55 KB, 1079x970, FRpqghGVEAQ9NQw.jpg)

No. 1517319
File: 1651445728145.jpg (56.61 KB, 768x432, beran_illustration.jpg)

>>1517242I think you are an incel. I just woke up from a nap and you are posting memes on a Sunday.
No. 1517791
File: 1651507740876.jpeg (43.08 KB, 1133x566, 5fd8e85f78a5740019a158fb.jpeg)

>>1517710We're laughing at you anon cau you keep taking the bait. Nobody cares for your internet humor cause it works one way.
No. 1522533
File: 1651951405399.jpg (28.67 KB, 373x521, yPQFwNG2Cfir.jpg)

>>1522400I don't speak autist. Have fun talking into the void
No. 1522544
File: 1651952269596.png (384.09 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20220507-153629.png)

>>1522400Tbh, I stopped harassing the pregnancy fetish community cause it's whining about Roe v. Wade and larping as liberals or conservatives. There's just no fun torturing a cartoonist with a huge ego. It reminds me of the time Andrew Dobson political comics when he was drawing inflation porn as CattyN.
No. 1523839
File: 1652096007283.jpg (1.78 MB, 3000x1598, 1652094884071.jpg)

No. 1523870
File: 1652097217270.jpeg (10.91 KB, 182x277, images.jpeg)

>>1523838I feel bad for your mom GnarlyOtaku. Maybe she should of died to be spared the burden of a son with an unfulfilled life.
No. 1524119
File: 1652110601632.jpg (31.99 KB, 526x300, c86.jpg)

>>1524098>Cletus is so dumb that he's defending cartoon part just to own darkies.Nah, you are special ed anon. I feel bad for your parents. They should have aborted you or sent you to the Salvation Army
No. 1524147
File: 1652111401560.png (220.25 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20220509-114839.png)

>>1524098See Cletus, nobody cares about Kisame. Why don't you go back and whine about Dr. Who being bisexual?
No. 1524155
>>1524119Literally didn't say a damn thing about the art dipshit lmao
You really think you're winning this, don't you? Every single time you reply you just give me more ammunition to use against you. A few minutes out of my day to fuck with you and you blow up in glorious retard rage. You're free entertainment lmao
No. 1524228
>>1524194It doesn't even have anything to do with the fact that you're black, that's just what makes you lose your shit lol
You're making a fool out of yourself, that's where the entertainment is lmao
No. 1524328
File: 1652119184635.jpeg (98.92 KB, 455x768, fetchimage.jpeg)

>>1524310>It doesn't even have anything to do with the fact that you're black, that's just what makes you lose your shit lolYou're making a fool out of yourself, that's where the entertainment is lmao
No. 1524332
File: 1652119323593.jpg (28.21 KB, 640x480, NPC-header-1-640x480.jpg)

>>1524310>Literally didn't say a damn thing about the art dipshit lmaoYou really think you're winning this, don't you? Every single time you reply you just give me more ammunition to use against you. A few minutes out of my day to fuck with you and you blow up in glorious retard rage. You're free entertainment lmao
No. 1524904
Don't you lose respect everytime you post your garbage OCs on 4chan?
No. 1543834
File: 1653876703739.jpg (64.33 KB, 640x516, Kakashi2.jpg)

At this point, "Kisame" is a scarecrow. That outta keep the superstitiously cowardly lot from bugging me.
No. 1543878
File: 1653880463342.jpg (196.35 KB, 730x1094, naomi_by_gnarlyotaku_dcxzolt-p…)

I learn I can simply take hypepreg's artwork and post it on this containment thread till the community stops posting on 4chan /d/
No. 1544081
>>1543878Kisame is a loser virgin
Doc Gyara is a Chad Pussy Pounder
No. 1544133
File: 1653917655666.jpg (48.76 KB, 764x1045, ishikawa_kentaro_by_gnarlyotak…)

>>1544081Otakus are infamous for not getting sex in Japan. I think GnarlyOtaku and DocGyara are merely mentally ill like Chris Chan and are heading to the loony bin
No. 1544138
File: 1653918150085.jpg (108.88 KB, 1280x646, 1651070109.gnarlyotaku_stream2…)

>>1544081I can keep this up till GnarlyOtaku loses his third job. Come to think of it, how are you affording these pics on a wagie salary? I have a IRA and paid vacation from my day job flipping burgers
No. 1544151
File: 1653919988973.jpg (161.73 KB, 1280x1235, 1635114278.gnarlyotaku_10_17_2…)

The pussy pounder's pic everyone. Truly he is such an expert that he made bad anatomy and improbable sex positions.
No. 1544171
File: 1653921645423.jpg (175.14 KB, 1242x1280, 1618496835.gnarlyotaku_stream3…)

>>1544157>Complains about gore on 4chan and now comes on lolcow for free publicity.Just admit that your nerds are just lonely and pay an escort to like you.
No. 1544187
File: 1653922155322.jpg (98.98 KB, 1280x759, 1594520141.gnarlyotaku_amayafi…)

>>1544157Hyperpreg is pretty much failing porter's five forces. If your market is niche and doesn't pull 10K daily, or needs lolcow then it's an expensive flop. Bear in mind the average artists makes 30K with no benefits,so womb fuckers are dirt broke
No. 1544345
File: 1653934895963.png (409.81 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20220530-141950.png)

>>1544157>>1544081If you are tweeting idols garbage 18 hours a day, then you aren't really a good person. This has all the tell tale signs of insomnia and anti social personality disorder
No. 1544387
File: 1653938058125.png (141.61 KB, 360x346, tenor.png)

>>1544368In short, hyperpreg could just apologize and give me access to their art, but they are such anti-social artists and grifters that they can't be bothered to do so. Reminder, Hyperpreg started the thread. I can keep this going and get a new modem
No. 1544395
File: 1653938609528.png (8.17 KB, 225x225, download.png)

>>1544368I currently don't need pics because living well is the best revenge.
No. 1544432
File: 1653940571353.png (66.9 KB, 475x484, 1653938645360.png)

>>1544157>>1544081Keep it up and I will steal your art and post it on Kiwifarms forums.
No. 1544591
File: 1653956333325.jpg (103.97 KB, 1084x737, oni_hulk_by_dragokaiju2000_df3…)

>Me kink kingdom. Me too retarded to make art and copy Stan Lee because me es sucia y gringo
No. 1554262
>>1554076And here I thought the porch monkey had actually shut the fuck up for a bit lmao
Nigger's just a glutton for abuse I guess
No. 1651380
File: 1663641100952.jpg (25.27 KB, 1280x720, preview.jpg)

>>1646405I found peace in the suburbs far too comfortable to give up and made peace with the establishment. Now I am off to reconnect with relatives and do other stuff.
No. 1715361
File: 1669861562485.png (172.63 KB, 271x365, FF6_Kefkaart.png)

>>1713972People didn't like that I played the jester. So I cut my losses and gave that up for a normal life in the suburbs.
No. 1734208
File: 1672390779465.png (270.46 KB, 683x417, 314280873499fdecf4d829961626ae…)

Here's your new Kisame.
No. 1740103
File: 1673235316671.png (185.26 KB, 2048x1024, Fl_fYdjWQAAaTgI.png)

No. 1740104
File: 1673235372351.jpg (157.75 KB, 2042x1172, SHOOTER04-superJumbo.jpg)

>>1740103Gnarly Otaku is the new Kisame
No. 1792893
File: 1679443344594.jpeg (96.38 KB, 1200x675, Christian nationalism 2.jpeg)

>>1792221I am currently team Christian Nationalist at the moment. I hadn't had time for art. If the preg community wants to sin, then let them.
No. 1794008
File: 1679610525507.jpg (157.75 KB, 1024x768, edwin-yu-north-hollywood-ca-ph…)

>>1793865I am also skeptical about SlickPen's dad being part of Xavier. I just cooked for Xavier's basketball and swim team and they don't look fat. Manila is more known for Protestant and Pentecostal central thanks to Jimmy Swaggart. I met Pastor Carlo and Zahleen of Destiny Church and they were skinny.
No. 1794272
File: 1679653396537.jpg (1.03 MB, 2753x2064, gettyimages-94819143-8128a7167…)

>>1794147Yeah, I think you need Adderall. Your grammar is unfocused and undisciplined. I will let you get reacquainted with the Looney bin
No. 1794491
>>1794371Lol, keep floundering in your delusions, fuckhead. I've got a job I love, and people who care about me. All you have is schizophrenia, a self-perpetuated feud with a few online fetish boards, and people who want nothing more for you to kill yourself.
And the best part is, you're too fucking retarded to figure it out, even if someone practically rams it down your throat.
The only person you're "trolling" is yourself, porch monkey.
No. 1794569
File: 1679689001011.jpg (50.44 KB, 689x1000, 71rBmjlZOHL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

>>1794371Remember to take your ibuprofen and hormone treatment. I will let you get back to working retail
No. 1794585
>>1794561Again, Vlad, there are plenty of people other than your artist boogeymen who wish you'd fucking neck yourself, you fucking retard.
Also, working at a burger joint doesn't make you a culinary artist, you fucking dumbass.
No. 1794604
File: 1679691652611.png (50.54 KB, 1200x1200, Xavier_School_Logo.svg.png)

>>1794585You're just mad that your art jobs are getting taken over by robots. Also, we're working on Korean fried chicken. Those $1000 steaks and $400 wine restaurants went out of business ages ago. We know Millennials can't afford Starbucks, Whole Foods, or those Wagyu imports. Those artists should be upset at those for private art schools and Catholic schools for letting them down. After all, Catholics don't want the SoCal artist doing porn.
No. 1794607
File: 1679691884253.jpg (32.66 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>1794585Tell your art friends that Biden already gave Mindy Khaling her participation trophy. Scranton Joe doesn't need fetish art man because they didn't get their coomer base to vote blue.
No. 1794633
>>1794604I'm not an artist, you brain-damaged porch monkey; I'm just having fun at your expense during some downtime lmao
Also, again, working at some dinky little fried chicken place that just so happens to be in the same neighborhood where you live with your parents isn't anything special. I pity the poor bastards you conned into giving you a job…assuming you aren't just pulling all this out of your ass like you usually do lmao
No. 1794637
File: 1679694823443.jpg (145.24 KB, 1120x767, bg-archbishop.jpg)

>>1794633Look Catholic. I am sure your beef is with the archdiocese. Americanism is already a heresy by the pope and the Second Vatican Council modernize everything. Also, everyone in my family is a pastor for evangelical churches, or youth pastors. Nobody cares what loser dad artists like CrossCrescent thinks. See, Jon Stewart was told he was destined for greatness and look at how that turned out. I am sure conservatives are disillusioned fetish art man is doing porn instead of getting into government.
No. 1794640
File: 1679695029228.jpg (124.96 KB, 1500x1000, VWH_Illustration_What-is-Adder…)

>>1794633Have fun with your Adderall and dopamine coomer
No. 1794776
File: 1679714417443.png (53.8 KB, 720x1512, 346cd471012ecb8dbf7598e735b25b…)

>>1794730Hyperpreg are what we at church call helicopter parents and commando parents. We talk shit about these drone parents with their GPS and IP logging skills and consume 24/7 cable news. Like most anxiety losers, they will die of a stress induced heart attack or blow their brains out with their AR-15. I live far away from computers and machines to care about le Slenderman Kisame. We fired the dysfunctional lefties during the Pandemic at my day job.
No. 1794780
File: 1679714704722.jpg (277.93 KB, 2560x1706, ron-desantis_eva-marie-uzcateg…)

>>1794730I am sure Ron Desantis the torture advocate will make sure fetish artists are locked in the point bin with the 1/6ers. Or they'll all be dead of murder suicide, which ever comes first. I am already happy at church and saving up for a vacation to Yosemite National Park or Big Trees, or Tennessee.
No. 1794927
File: 1679757309023.jpg (29.13 KB, 640x480, MV5BOTQzMDk1ZTUtMjhhMy00OTZiLW…)

>>1794913pauvre pauvre Gnarly Otaku. C'est la guerre. Monsieur Cross Crescent tres Bien! C'est magnifique! Monsieur Gnarly Otaku connasse
No. 1795134
File: 1679786601658.png (27.39 KB, 1200x1025, Simon_and_Schuster.svg.png)

>>1795081The judge ruled that fabulist and fiction are bad and honesty is the best policy. Also, go to the big four publishers. Digital images don't have copyright protection. Go to Simon and Schuster, HarperCollins for the figurative speech
No. 1795312
>>1795134And to think you were shitting on people's grammar, when you're literally unable to form a single coherent thought anymore.
With any luck what little brain you have left will just pour out your fucking ears at this point, you schizo faggot.
No. 1796250
>>1795363Yeah, go ahead and have fun at church, schizo. Hey, why don't you tell them all about this thread and all the other shit you do online? I'm sure that they would absolutely love it.
Also, if you really want to go along with the grammar argument, it'd be "thou", not "though", you fucking retard.
No. 1800733
File: 1680394978943.png (38.29 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20230401-201703.png)

I dunno. I have to think twice before I buy art. I hesitate to purchase commissions from a person with compulsive and addict in their vocabulary. I like art as a hobby, but even I have to be financially conservative. I have to give tithes and first fruits to for a bountiful harvest this month before Easter Sunday.
No. 1800754
File: 1680397425469.png (56.18 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20230401-205832.png)

I have responsibilities as an adult too. I just don't care for creatives complaining about Elon Musk. Artists still need his PayPal for commerce, Tesla for transpiration, and Twitter for communication. This is the 21st Century equivalent to worshipping Bill Gates and Steve Jobs for PC or Mac. I rather join a bus union than an art union.
No. 1807825
File: 1681353485436.png (36.18 KB, 1038x1205, FtfIAvxWcAU3Lhi.png)

Gnarly Otaku is the new Kisame17
No. 1807832
File: 1681355292118.png (24.98 KB, 597x697, 19357660272022.png)

>>1807825You've done it. Kisame is no more. There is only Gnarly Otaku.
No. 1808056
File: 1681398491380.jpg (9.96 KB, 350x350, 1_ESB-UcpwApBfMDuVJ-Np4g.jpg)

>>1807832Just like SlickPen's, Gnarly Otaku's beef is with Catholic Schools. Your servers are easy to break in.
No. 1808265
File: 1681426534319.jpg (124.97 KB, 1099x1600, Judge-Merrick-Garland-2016.jpg)

>>1808242>Retard thinks Merrick Garland gives a shit about Geneva Conventions.It's going to be hilarious when Merrick Garland hunts Null down in Eastern Europe once he runs out of 1/6ers to prosecute.
No. 1808308
File: 1681431394841.png (69.35 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20230413-201541.png)

>>1808242See, Twitter doesn't care. You only average 34 views according to Elon Musk's right wing Twitter. You're a nobody to him.
No. 1808338
>>1808308Nigger I don't even know who that is, you're just fucking insane lmao
Might just be about time to actually call someone on your schizoid ass so they can shove some damn meds down your throat.
No. 1808483
File: 1681471025412.jpg (615.23 KB, 2500x1667, 220212-paris-tear-gas-mjf-1159…)

>>1808309>>1808338The internet is no longer this dark mysterious place to trade goods. Frenchies aren't afraid to bust out the tear gas and commit war crimes for the greater good.
No. 1843717
File: 1686346882286.png (76.18 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20230609-161702.png)

I am saving up for a pickup. You no longer interest me. Lol. Hyperpreg is just a sex cult about to commit mass suicide at this point.
No. 1843725
File: 1686347827361.png (56.11 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20230609-175557.png)

I swear. This is comedy gold. It's like watching Hitler write Mein Kampf or watching Trump lies his way to an indictment. I can't top this insanity. At least I am typecast as a hikkomori. Lol.
No. 1845981
>>1843725For someone who so often proclaims to be a master trickster, you really don't seem to comprehend even blatantly obvious sarcastic humor.
Seriously, fuckwit, you went a whole month without rambling to yourself in your lolcow thread. But then, when someone bruises your fragile little ego, you throw a fit. You are your own worst enemy.
Like, do you realize that if you stop acting like a fucking brain-damaged toddler, people will leave you alone? Hell, if you act like a decent human being for long enough, people will start to forget all this shit and you can get whatever porn you want again. All you have to do is just not act like a goddamn moron. It's not that hard.
No. 1846987
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>>1845981Enjoy quipping into a machine. Lol. Us truckers are letting Ron Desantis be president
No. 1847309
>>1847250>>electrify the workplace and homeNigger, do you think people are still reading by fucking candlelight out here? Jesus christ, your brain is literally fucking rotting because you refuse to acknowledge you have a mental illness.
Seriously, do you realize that going without treatment for schizophrenia can make it get worse over time? You may be able to get by in the world for now, but if you keep it up, you're going to end up running around naked in the streets screaming at people that aren't there.
No. 1847421
>>1847418That's a whole lot of projection, Kisame. Are you on xanax and oxycodone? Do your parents not give you the attention you believe you deserve?
>what's a matter>almao dipshit
No. 1847429
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>>1847421My guy, I am preparing for work. I make enough to finally buy a car. What? Your dope dealer ran out of drug
No. 1847718
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Your dumb art money is going into buying a pickup or a BMW. Digital art has no values. I live in a wealthy suburb. Go bother BLM for your refunds.
No. 1847755
>>1847707This hasn't had anything to do with art for literal years; your mental state is so far gone that you can't seem to realize that everyone just wants you to shut the fuck up and go away. That's it. You're a fucking annoyance, that's the full extent of the power you hold. The only reason anyone thinks about you at all is because you continue to act like an utter moron on the internet, dragging out a problem that should have ended literal years ago.
This thread bothered you enough that you spammed gore to try and get it deleted, but the only reason anyone even looks at it anymore is because you are incapable of shutting the fuck up.
Go ahead and live your life, nobody is stopping you. But nobody wants to fucking hear about it.
No. 1847761
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>>1847755Ron Desantis will fix you with death squads. You had too much fun with Trump coddling you with racism banter and spoiling you with empty promises. Now that Trump is heading to prison, it's time to stand down and let Ron Desantis be the leader.
No. 1847763
>>1847757Looks like I hit a nerve, eh?
Like it or not, you know it's true. The only reason this has gone on for this long is because you refuse to let it die. Nobody would fucking care in the slightest anymore if you'd just stop acting like a fucking idiot 24/7.
No. 1847822
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>>1847763Uh no. I plan on voting for Ron Desantis in 2024. I am currently plotting vacation. KiwiFarms is irrelevant at this juncture. I am sure Ron will send his paramilitary boomers to shoot Null and lynch him for sedition.
No. 1848419
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>>1848299Huzzah! I have achieved normality by being called boring! Now I am going to celebrate by watching the Flash like most boring people do! Have fun with your dwindling site and need for approval, nutcase
No. 1848720
>>1848299I don't know who you are, fellow anon, but thank you for joining me on this journey lmao
>>1848419Eat shit and die, Vernet. Besides, if DeSantis is gonna hunt anyone for sport, it'd be your tarbaby ass lmao
No. 1848732
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>>1848720I live in a Republican stronghold and believe in excellency.
No. 1848816
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>>1848788>Anon thinks NY is full of libs. I live in a Roosevelt-Trump stronghold far from NYC. Adams and AOC are doing a good job fucking over Biden's chances of making the state blue.
No. 1848826
>>1848816New York state is literally the 5th most liberal state in the US, dumbfuck. You think someone who's actively trying to dismantle the only thing that makes his state money is going to have the brainpower to think beyond that statistic?
And let's not forget that being a Republican won't save you from being a tarbaby lmao
No. 1848876
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>>1848816Hope you enjoy your marginalization and know that you won't be becoming rich on your 5 hour work week, shitlips. I'm betting the only reason you're "buying your truck" is because people finally wised up to you and stopped giving you commissions. And by the way - 5 hour work weeks are not full time. That's part time, and that's barely part time. On that note, why the fuck are you bragging about buying a truck at your age like it's some sort of fucking accomplishment? You live with your parents, clearly, and can't afford to live on your own burger flipping for 5 hours a week. Buying a truck at your age when it's taken this long is honestly pretty pathetic and not the W you think it is.
No. 1848893
>>1848826By what metric? I interact with Sikhs Muslims, Pentecostals, Independent Baptists, and Korean Methodists. None of that translates into me being super liberal. I live in a marine-navy town
>>1848876I make 1.8k monthly. That translates to 29k-32k. Don't tell me you fell for the 100hr work week? No wonder these artists are burnt out. All the boring office jobs went digital work from home. Only us retail workers can afford those trucks and civics out on the lot. Maybe these artists aren't making money cause they fell for the scam set up by School of Visual Arts, which is Harvard Business for cartoonists. They teach you how to be a show runner. It's like those film schools.
No. 1848897
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>>1848876Don't tell me you're one of those dumb tourists who want to pay 4k at Trump's or his friend's apartments?
No. 1848935
>>1848893Christ, I make more than you do, and I work strictly part-time. You are ABSOLUTELY failing, holy shit.
Sounds more like your job is realizing that you're insane, and giving you almost no hours so that you hopefully quit. To think I ever thought you were somehow getting by in the world; you're about to fall off the deep end.
I'm giving this one last shot: you are EXTREMELY mentally ill. Seek help before it's too late to pull you back to normalcy.
No. 1848938
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>>1848935Those homeless people in NY used to be bankers before their wife left them and got custody, or vets. Biden isn't going to give you niggers a handout. He wants his cheap electric cars
No. 1848943
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PS, your hyperpreg art was created as cheap as possible with a turn around of 5 hours or 2 days in the past. My money is going into a Toyota Tacoma or Honda Civic Sport now.
No. 1849111
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>>1848893Holy fucking shit. You make 1.8k in a month? I make more than that in a week! I did the number crunching, and if you actually were telling the truth about working full time, you'd be making less than $11 an hour, lower than the minimum wage for your state. Quit lying. Also, what sort of fucking truck are you going to buy with that money? A fucking Chevy S10 from the mid 2000's? That's not a truck, that's a pussymobile. Now I know for an absolute fact you live with your parents and barely support them with your income, you absolute human waste of space.
No. 1849190
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>>1849111>>1849012Here you go. Take the L for still working the 100hr work week post pandemic and blowing your money on garbage. I bet your landlord is kicking you out. Like France,35 hour work week is the optimal way to work
No. 1849461
>>1849186Dipshit, I work maybe 20 hours a week on average at a very laid-back job, and I still make more than that; you're not getting paid shit lmao
Face it, fucko, you're poor as hell.
No. 1849526
>>1849479I make more than what you're making, and I absolutely love what I do, as a matter of fact. I get to talk to people about cool rocks all day, it's great; it doesn't even feel like work. I have a 40% discount if I want to buy anything from the shop, and I get commission on large sales as a bonus to boot.
Not only that, I've been in a nice stable relationship for 3 years now, and am overall just genuinely happy with my life.
So, I have to say, Vernet, it sounds to me like you're just upset that you've encountered someone whose life is objectively better than yours, and even your fucked-up brain can't manage to twist the situation in your favor.
No. 1849539
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>>1849190Nah, I work 40 hours a week which is actual full time, unlike your "full time" of 16 hours doing a job that's way easier and more fulfilling than burger flipping. Plus, unless you're working in the food service industry and getting tips it's actually illegal to get less than minimum wage, dipshit. It's why it's called minimum wage. And no, I doubt it's "what you wanted" that they cut the hours if you're a burger flipper. Cry more, and have fun with your shitty rustbucket you can only afford because people won't take your commissions. You reap what you sow, schizo.
>>1849526Dude nice, glad you're happy in life. Sounds like you're more put together than Vladdy boy here, which is honestly not incredibly hard to do.
No. 1849591
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>>1849526>>1849539I doubt you're paid well. I make 2.4k flipping burgers without the need to work the 40 hours maximum. Sounds like you're stuck in the past, old man. Now that direct deposit handles all the work, I can do as I please while your Teslas go up in flames
No. 1849593
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>>1849526>>1849539I doubt you're paid well. I make 2.4k flipping burgers without the need to work the 40 hours maximum. Sounds like you're stuck in the past, old man. Now that direct deposit handles all the work, I can do as I please while your Teslas go up in flames. It's going to be funny when Lord Biden goes after your capital gains to fund Ukraine
No. 1849596
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My interest is in Lord Zelensky and Ukraine now. Lolcow bores me with their talk of wealth.
No. 1849608
>>1849579The commission is a bonus on top of my regular pay, fucko. Not my fault you have the reading comprehension skills of a brain-damaged slug.
And sure, it's retail, but when the average customer is either a tourist with way too much money to spend, or someone who literally owns a yacht, it's FAR from being dead-end. The place got through the entire pandemic intact, it's doing perfectly fine lmao
And weren't you just saying you make 1.8k a month? Did you start making another 600 selling your tarbaby ass on the streets or something? That's a weak-ass attempt at trying to save face, moron.
>>1849539 Yeah, it's a pretty sweet gig. Sure, it'd arguably be nice to work full time and have a bit more cash lying around, but I'm planning to move across the country at some point in the near future, so it doesn't make too much sense for me to get really deeply involved with a given job anyway. In the meantime, I might as well just earn my keep doing something I enjoy. Hell, with any luck, I might just open a place of my own out there with the experience. If there's one thing I've come to realize, it's that people will always be interested in cool rocks; there's nearly always at least some market for it.
No. 1849611
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>>1849608> Anon works a dead end lululemon or Stew Leonard job to again Spics and their goblin childrenRetail is dead end. Next you're going to tell me you sell Porsche or used Ferraris under the Turnpike. It's the same shit that got George Santos slapped by the feds. I don't know where Trump is getting these hucksters because I am going to miss the way he make Republicans scam their voters
No. 1849624
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>>1849620>Anon believes in centrally planned retail stores. He thinks he's in control when the state controls him.I am pretty sure you're not successful cause you are a communist drone who's intellect just doesn't cut it. I plan to vote for Ron Desantis in 2024, get a car by fall, but that doesn't make me Sosuke Aizen.
No. 1849672
>>1849593You stated you're paid 1.8k, if you can't keep your story consistent then it's even sadder and less believable. That just sounds like you're coping and seething to be honest.
>>1849596lmao you're the only lolcow here schizo, the other anon and I haven't impersonated IRS agents or gone on unhinged political rants.
I work from home bitch baby, I drive a nice car and live alone because my income can allow me to do so. You claim I'm some sort of guy trapped in my job when really you're projecting because you literally are so incompetent you can't do anything but burger flipping. You've filled up 3/4ths or more of this thread with your constant posting to show how upset you are that other people are living happy successful lives with a veneer of superiority that "I'M HAPPY, I'M SUCCESSFUL, SEE LOOK AT THIS," and then continue on your unhinged, completely unrelated schizo political rants and nonsequitor insults.
Grow up, Vlad. You're the only person here who's seeking attention and trying to compensate for their insecurities. The other anon and I have had no problems with our lives and make enough monetarily and emotionally that our lives are fulfilling. You, on the other hand, clearly aren't because you attack everyone around you.
No. 1849701
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>>1849700I told BBwchan that I find lolcow to be losers. Your banal and mediocre ways are pathetic. I lament why your parents haven't aborted you.
No. 1849706
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I'm half tempted to just make another thread for you to continue sperging out in, but part of me just wants to see how unhinged you get on other image boards just to see you cope with somewhere that you can post shit that literally nobody else cares about