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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 93366

I saw someone else make a thread under the theme of laughable twitter users, but it was closed so here we go bc twitter is like American apparel Tumblr. Dedicated to all self-inflated ego owners of TwitteR.

Starting off with www.twitter.com/borerbarbara who got famous for being plus size and modeling for AA and having big lips, thick eyebrows and talking about smoking blunts

She was in a YT channel video about how she "made it".
And pretty much, when it's not her taking the picture you cringe at those super hairy eyebrows

No. 93372

Right twitter name: http://twitter. Com/borerbarbara I messed up

Other two of my personal favorites:
Http://twitter.com/lilpochaco ("make up is empowering and also being fat"kinda feminist)

…And Joanna kutcha http://twitter.com/liljoanna (not sure, my Internet is shitty)

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