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No. 919511
Newly-discovered breed of lolcow Sadhippy AKA Albany Davis Drabot from Winnipeg, Manitoba.
I found out about her from her god-preaching comments on a memepage that was shilling lingerie on instagram, i checked out her "feminist" page, mainly composed of cliche quotes and hate-filled rants about rape culture and men.
I eventually dug a little deeper and found some other instagram accounts that had posts that made me question her general sanity, from taking 5 acid tabs at a time to wanting to gut someone open from the pussy up. There are several screenshots of someone (who will not be named for confidentiality purposes) being threatened by her, threats include, but are not limited to: Selling their dead body as a fuck doll, Dreaming about (
victim) being raped by a thousand knives, Repeatedly saying she will skin them, Raping their neck hole after she cuts their head off and kicks said head around, Eating them for "God" and acquiring their "Power", etcetera etcetera. Pic related.
Links to instagram(s): No. 919745
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went on a stroll through her various accounts, small pic dump incoming. IIRC the girl she’s sperging at here has been posted in the altcows thread before but maybe i’m dreaming
No. 919749
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and finally, some more texts she sent to the same person as the OP image
No. 919783
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this chick is insane
No. 919788
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every comment is basically someone new calling her out. the delusion hurts to read.
sage for samefag
No. 919861
Hey everyone, OP here, I do have more screenshots of the text conversation if anyone wants them. I can dump them into a mega file or just here. Also I’ve been thinking about this a lot in the past few hours and done some background researching. The reason she tard raged in the texts was because a group of her ex-friends got her old instagram deleted. Also, her boyfriend has an instagram. I do not know anything about him, if he’s encouraging behaviour. Apparently she was on 5 whole tabs of acid at the time of the texts, there are pictures of the conversation with her saying she will eat
victim’s memories, and admitting to being on the acid. Pic is of her, boyfriend’s instagram is: No. 920105
>>919511Thanks for thread, this is absolutely batshit and I will follow closely.
Two things/questions tho:
1) In thread pic, her (or whoever it is) phone number is visible. AFAIK you can't just remove pics from a post, but a farmhand might want to take a look at that and start a new thread without it or something. Just saying.
2) Info on why this was sent to the person? I'm with you on not talking about who it is but I'm extremely curious as to what the backstory is here.
No. 920107
>>919862The fucking irony
>girl trust me my bodies nicer than uKekelek
No. 920782
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