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No. 917335
Espi is a cam whore/'sex worker' who is known for putting action figures and other non insertable toys in her rotten vagina. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram @espikvlt, and her personal website is She is also the vocalist in a few black metal "bands", using the term lightly because it's all conducted on the internet with another godforsaken goblin doing instrumentals. Her vocals are rough and the only fans they have are the troglodytes who purchase her rank porn. She is also a horror writer and writes like a 14 year old, claiming she is the next Stephen King. She is non-binary, yet uses terms like pet mom to describe herself and reees for days about gender if someone uses the word woman in context to her. She is a self described anarcho-communist and is pro welfare/taxation. Not only is she physically incredibly gross, she constantly live tweets her dismal life, talks about her crusty boyfriend and refers to him as Geralt of Rivia (photo attached) and cannot stop constantly arguing with others on the internet, complaining how stressful her life is as a poor troon. Not only is her vagina a wreck, she is out of shape and claims to be 90lbs, with a gut of course. She is covered in horrible quality tattoos and says she doesn't care "because they are for her". Says she is married to Orochimaru from Naruto and Per Ohlin from Mayhem (who died before she was born). Lastly, she was featured on Viceland's Payday docuseries, where she cannot hide her disgusting self with the same angle she uses in all photos. Her boyfriend makes a cameo talking about how he loves how empowered she is. This girl is a constant feed of cringe.(shit thread)
No. 917337
File: 1578910285783.jpg (Spoiler Image,530.6 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200113-031117_Chr…)

Here she is with two children's toys inside her vagina, real classy like
No. 917338
File: 1578910370612.jpg (Spoiler Image,450.83 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200113-031109_Chr…)

Her entire porn catalog looks identical as well, same 4 poses, same fake moaning, same grody fingernails and black vagina. Putting porous plastics inside herself that aren't meant for insertion makes my genitals ache.
No. 917339
File: 1578910647802.jpg (1.64 MB, 1440x1820, 20200113_031628.jpg)

One of her worst tattoos to date, the aforementioned Per Ohlin. Samefag but I forgot to mention she is vehemently anti capitalist and cannot consooming, she has dozens of pop vinyls and other toys and is covered in pop culture consumer tattoos.
No. 917345
File: 1578913097464.png (1.07 MB, 639x766, IMG_1195.PNG)

>so br00tal and edgy guys!!1>>917339her tattoos are so bad they look like vicky shingles did it
No. 917402
>>917335>>Lastly, she was featured on Viceland's Payday docuseriesLinks? Caps?
Links to any of this?
She does sound milky but please include sources in your OP
No. 917435
File: 1578932164467.jpg (Spoiler Image,427.29 KB, 1426x758, 20200113_091624.jpg)

What nightmares are made of
No. 917453
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>>917437in case you wanted some confirmation. LOL
No. 917456
File: 1578935877122.jpg (1.16 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200113_101650.jpg)

I am having a very difficult time telling her boyfriend apart from Henry Cavill, man he looks JUST like Geralt, spare tire and crust-stache and all!
No. 917675
File: 1578952836885.jpeg (343.71 KB, 479x1096, 1556210754165.jpeg)

Here is some of her calling out Dolly Mattel from about 8 months ago. Her holier than thou tirades about degeneracy is pretty funny. She degrades herself on camera and has to have a day job she makes so little off her porn and she thinks what she is saying makes her morally correct. Ashleigh, both you AND Dolly are fucking disgusting and just because you don't make Trump porn or underage character porn doesn't mean what you're doing isnt just as fucking foul. Why don't you go sniff your cats shitty feet more?
No. 917690
File: 1578953257382.jpg (949.87 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200113_150538.jpg)

>presents completely feminine
>is CLEARLY a woman, showcases her naked female body for a living
>rages when some boomer in an awful band tries to compliment her
She requires people to know everything about her and read her embarrassing twitter bio and take her 100% seriously. Picture above is the band who asked her to be on their cover, mega yikes. Why don't they just ask the father version of her who's in the band to be on the cover?
No. 917896
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>>917868The last time anyone said anything about her weight to her, it was an anon message on that site she uses complimenting her saying that they appreciated seeing a girl with a tummy doing porn and she said she had no idea what they were talking about and that she hasn't gained any weight since high school. I think she is like 4'11 or 5ft so she looks like she's closer to 140-150 with the gut she's got.
No. 917903
File: 1578978394467.jpg (Spoiler Image,970.46 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200113_220419.jpg)

Wow you can really tell how much she has let herself go in the 6 or 7 years since she started showing her holes off "professionally"
No. 918187
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Has anyone tried to listen to this unadulterated shit yet? The edge is too much I feel I would die of schadenfreude.
No. 918660
So happy to see a thread on this cow, I first discovered her on tumblr while looking for Naruto content, and the Orochimaru stuff horrified me (btw, is she autistic? with the way she exposes her grossest fetishes and spends her life on twitter). Hilarious she turned out that way, her porn is so bad, covered in shitty tattoos (the Overwatch one is going to age so well!) and making the same bad makeup with each "cosplay".
I also lol when she sees herself as the voice of reason and being super wise for being a cam whore, but the Pelle Ohlin waifuism is creepy, how does she not realize that.
I really don't get the NB shit either, she's more feminine than most normie women. I know genderspecials like to claim "but being NB has nothing to do with how you look!!!!1", but come on, this is 0 effort larping, she could at least buy unisex clothing.
No. 918790
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1/2 she is currently sperging out over a man from a foreign country pulling a "hello beautiful, open bobs" on her like this doesnt happen to basically every woman at some point on social media. Welcome to the internet Ashleigh, men who don't speak English well are stereotypically ALWAYS doing this. You're not special.
No. 918791
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He doesn't know your intimate life story with your crusty boyfriend, he barely speaks english very clearly. Love that she got upset that he "misgendered" her as well.
No. 918803
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Uh oh tomorrow is the anniversary of her husband's death…3 years before she was belched onto this plane of existence. Not only is it mega creepy she says she's married to someone she never met, but kinda rapey. Not like that poor guy is able to defend his image from her fetishization.
No. 918829
File: 1579141434680.png (818.97 KB, 900x584, espicreep.PNG)

Nah, he killed himself way back in 1991 (there's pics of him having his brains blown out floating around, be careful), he was a black metal vocalist for the band Mayhem. For some reason and despite being a real person, Ashley has latched onto him as her new husbando, gets his face tattooed on her body several times and collects crappy memorabilia like pic related. She believes in past lives and soul reincarnation, she apparently thinks their souls are entwined and destined to be together.
I wonder, does she asks Geralt to cosplay as Per (and previously Orochimaru back when she was still into him) during sex?
No. 918885
File: 1579148632633.jpg (Spoiler Image,584.79 KB, 1440x867, 20200115_212334.jpg)

>>918865That was probably the worst thing she's made so far, besides the body pillow porn. She needs to work on her faces because she always looks like shes taking a fat shit while diddling herself. Sorry for the pause icon, manyvids is ghetto and it wont go away.
No. 918888
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I swear she only claims to he nonbinary so she can be an "authority" on tranny issues. How does she function in real life without constantly melting down?
No. 918965
File: 1579161655994.jpg (408.89 KB, 1417x1091, 20200116_005812.jpg)

The walking contradiction that is Ashleigh Angell of Sacremento, CA. Posts about being explicitly a communist, and in the next breath is overcome with joy to buy YET ANOTHER plush of a character created to sell toys made by literally the largest multimedia conglomerate in history. Consoomer retard.
No. 919000
File: 1579167860365.png (770.76 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200116-102907.png)

Her Amazon wishlist is super lolworthy as well, expensive cosplays made in China and dildos she already has, so much for being an anticapitalist eco warrior!
Pic unrelated, here she is crying about Dead again. I don't think she would have been into him back then, since he was an unwashed mess obsessed with death, she would have rather considered him an incel. Also, I don't think she's ever shown attraction towards older guys, if he was still alive today he would not play in the NB shit and she would have called him a boomer.
>>918965These are the only things she likes, mediocre mainstream movies and games, I've never seen her being into indie shit. Even her musical tastes are like that, despite the huge amount of tapes from unknown BM bands she buys, she only gets those sounding second wavey who claim to be antifa like her, she doesn't seem interested in the more modern European scene (probably thinks they are Nazis for being close to Germany).
No. 919037
File: 1579174465083.png (Spoiler Image,843.47 KB, 891x538, gross.PNG)

>>918885I think her worst videos are her Halloween specials (and everytime she's caked in corpsepaint but those are getting stale), in this one she fucks fake fingers and the handle of a kitchen knife while wearing a disgusting mask.
No. 919038
File: 1579174560309.png (Spoiler Image,734.21 KB, 895x538, gross2.PNG)

>>919037And here she's fucking a creepy doll, seriously who faps to this? Are horror movie props the only way she can get off?
No. 919104
File: 1579187531616.png (969.88 KB, 901x625, frozen.PNG)

This one's pretty interesting, I thought her parents were her #1 supporters, why would her mom not want her to take part in Christmas? Also, we get the usual comparison to female characters, I thought being called a woman was sooooo triggering to enbies.
I'm also currently browsing her old tumblrs through the wayback machine, I'm finding some interesting.
No. 919169
File: 1579199901404.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1440x1920, 20200116_113802.jpg)

Cripes, I dont know which is worse, the shape of her body or the fact that she has that horrible tattoo that takes up most of her upper leg. I can't believe she paid someone to do that to her and she likes it???
No. 919218
File: 1579205445001.jpg (290.01 KB, 1440x923, 20200116_130853.jpg)

This is just a sample of the many tweets she's made about Per Ohlin. A person who died 3 years before she was born. A person who would have had zero interest in her if he were alive. She is acting like it's her husband of 20 years birthday and she can't go on without him. What kind of delusional retard behaves like this, or is this all just pandering for the internet? Probably the latter but dang dude chill out you look insane.
No. 919611
File: 1579258397132.png (82.34 KB, 994x601, faq2013.PNG)

>>919362With that in mind, here's the FAQ in 2013 from her old tumblr url (luciferslittlewhore) where she calls herself hetero. While I know some people can figure out out their true sexual orientation pretty late in their life, she answers very straightforward, not even questioning or bicurious (notice how she has no problem calling herself a woman either). Do you think she convinced herself she was bi and nonbinary because of Tumblr, especially in the camwhoring community, where being kweer is almost a requirement (afaik she never dated women)? She seems like the type to be easily influenced by her environment…
No. 920189
File: 1579382542812.png (443.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200118-221855.png)

She went private on Twitter, did she finally find out about this thread?
No. 920460
>>920406>>920406This very one I really feel for his family, not only did they have to see him fall with the wrong crowd and his suicide picture be circulated all over the internet, but now you have this gross weirdo who claims to be in love with him and who sells masturbation sessions with his picture.
No. 920586
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No. 920841
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Can’t post all the tweets posted since that one rn but here’s something
No. 920923
>>920841If my life were so empty that plush toys, twitter drama and TV shows were the only things that I looked forward to I'd probably try and kms too.
I can imagine she just choked down a bunch of pills and puked em up onto Geralt 30 mins later while weeping about how much she loves that dead dude
No. 921015
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>>920841Goddamnit, literally pic related, nothing about missing her family, her boyfriend or her pets, or the fear of facing eternal darkness, no, it has to be about dumb shit that doesn't matter in the long run. She has to be autistic, I can not see a normal person thinking about fucking Baby Yoda while gobbling down pills. Godspeed you Anon for enduring this shit for us.
No. 921028
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Twitter anon who posted the last screenshot here - small pic dump of the other tweets I couldn’t post earlier.
No. 921029
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No. 921031
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No. 921033
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No. 921035
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No. 921036
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No. 921297
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The transition from sad blogging to porn comes off as ‘hey I’m suicidal give me money’ and rubs me the wrong way
No. 921300
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Another tweet pic dump incoming
No. 921301
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No. 921302
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No. 921303
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No. 922209
File: 1579756351711.jpeg (Spoiler Image,348.01 KB, 1280x1920, D9e9-WaU4AAMyna.jpeg)

Her twitter is back open. Her vagina rivals Shayna's with what's going on in there. She has a very strange looking vagina and I can only guess it's from shoving shit in there that isnt supposed to go inside a human orafice.
No. 922213
File: 1579756564391.jpg (Spoiler Image,529.35 KB, 1440x1797, 20200122_221503.jpg)

One, you tried to off yourself so you can't possibly be that happy. Two, plenty of her leftist dumb dumb friends refer to her as intelligent, as does she. What smart woman thinks degradation for money is an actual aspiration. I'd also be very worried that my kid was molested or abused if they said they wanted to be a stripper at 7…
No. 922260
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>>922209Where is her lip??
No. 922280
>>922213There is so, so much wrong with those two tweets. First, showing interest in sexual stuff at a very young age is a classic sign of abuse, most often unadressed, you should not brag about this. Second, stop conflating every "sex work" (which is a term invented by pimps btw), you choosing to shoot nudes in the security and comfort of your home has nothing to do with trafficked women forced to walk the street at night in dangerous neighborhoods, I'm pretty sure professional models would be offended to be called hookers. She's always complaining about some US laws which is apparently harmful to prostitutes, but it doesn't affect her at all, she's never going to be in danger for what she does (worst thing would be a stalker, which can happen to anybody). SWERFs are not bad women either, most often they are former whores who know very well how harmful "sex work" is and are trying their best to help other women escape it. She really is the poster model for the sheltered white girl who has no idea how the world works.
>>922255I just think it's hairs, combined with the fake blood it looks darker than usual. When she is clean shaven, it doesn't look that dark.
No. 926063
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Her "brand" is causing internal damage? Weird flex but okay