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No. 91217
>>91214Already offended for one of the most sensible sentences on farms?
triggered. Also gonna copy paste what I said before :
"Sigh. I used to LOVE her. I love her hair. But then she was getting more and more agressive. Like she has thiscalm, serene persona but on the other hand her stance of eating white bread during diet(??) was wrtten really agressively…something along the lines of "my friend eats onlywhite bread and she lost weight!!1!! People should stop listening to the bullshit doctors say!" Alb, do you even nutrition?
Also bawwed she was catcalled(I hate it too obviously) and chased by men (she described it as if they planned on killing her or something) and despite her claiming when runnning away from them they were screaming at her she didnt call the police. Instead made a crying tumblr post. "
Ever since she broke up with The Captain she became a radical feminist. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
No. 91223
>>91217Does anyone know why her and Captain broke up? She never went into detail about it.
Around 6:30 she talks a little bit about their relationship falling apart, but nothing more.
No. 91272
>>91266.. So he's an autogynephile.
Filthy fetishists.
No. 91274
>>91266Here's her yt channel.
I actually like her, I think she is cute and I like her "special" face.
No. 91280
>>91278But she is a trans girl, Anon.
At least she's actually taking estrogen and going through with it and not staying in that tumblr 'genderfluid' grey area
No. 91281
>>91278I'm not TERF and I don't give a shit about trans, I will call people with their prefered pronouns, I don't want to get into any debate, fam.
She is on T-blocker and taking estrogen, it's enough to make it legit to me;
No. 91333
>>91208Finally, I've been waiting for an Alb thread. Something about her grates me so much worse than most cows. It has to be because of her bubblegum snowflakey feminism and her SJW nature. At least other cows and flakes here are just pathetic people overall. Alb seems to have quite a mindless following, though. I think it's just because she's pretty, dyes her hair pink really well, and can charade as a reasonable thinker.
The only reason why I ever followed her, honestly, is to see her hair dye secrets. Does anyone have a vid about it? I think she told how she gets that vivid pink, either on her tumblr or youtube, but I can't remember which it was.
No. 91334
>>91323She does have an oldish face, it's probably all those sharp features.
I used to like checking out her tumblr because of the pretty and cute things she would post but got so tired of the SJW rambling.
No. 91342
>>91208Her and another blogger who is popular now (stella rose) used to talk MAD SHIT on getoffegl back in the day. We all kind of did, and most people grew up and moved on and stopped being so petty, but I've got this feeling that she's still a mean person for some reason, and just says SJW things because she's cute and has pink hair and it makes her more popular.
I liked her back when she was dating the captain and actually drew and made artwork. She seemed cool and fun and normal, now I find her intolerable and I can't place my finger on why.
No. 91349
>>91323>>91342She was a lolita? For how long? Any coord I ever saw her in was super ita looking. I just assumed she was a typical tumblrite that grabbed random fashions that seemed trendy, lolita being one of them, and just threw them on her body. Stefan person strikes me as similar, as if someone just tossed some lolita onto him.
No. 91350
>>91349Learn to link properly
And she never came off as a lolita ever to me. She never said she was as far as I know and I used to watch her back in 2011/2012. She just owned a skirt skirts and accessories and liked how they looked because they were pink.
No. 91357
>>91350So she literally just owns a skirt and some accessories? Why was she talking shit on getoffegl, then?
She reminds me of the scum /cgl/ seems to get, where there's attention whore cosplay girls or non-lolitas that follow lolita drama but have shitty ita coords at most.
No. 91361
>>91315does she have down syndrome?
is she inbred?
what leads a person to look this odd, i think its mostly the fact that she has wide set eyes, yet still puts makeup on the wrong side to make it look wider
No. 91560
>>91361>yet still puts makeup on the wrong side to make it look widerThis bothers me so much unless he's just trying to get more attention by looking more freakish since, who knows, it's a crazy tranny.
I watched the video talking about his disorder a couple of months ago and YouTube still constantly recommends his videos so I'm super
triggered already.
No. 91736
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>>91613i watched this and it kind of enrages me that the mom's side with a HUGE genetic defect are breeding like rabbits.
this world is already overpopulated with unwanted kids yet they still knowingly bare children already aware that they will be both ugly and suffer from health problems for the rest of their lives.
also i was right about the inbred part, most genetic deformities come from inbreeding.
sorry, just really pisses me off when people have a clear genetic fuck up yet have kids anyways
No. 91749
>>91289Of fucking course he's trans now.
>>91315He'd be a unique looking dude if he just remained a gay dude and not a trans shitter.
No. 91833
>>91749I went into this video cold. He's just coming off as a gay dude.
What are these people, who were too gutless to be trans when it was unfashionable and dangerous, going to do when they grow out of this? Because 99% of them will. And they'll be pleading for money for "reversal" surgeries or whatever they'll call them.
No. 91842
>>91832Is she some genderflake, too? I've seen girls who are really hardcore SJW imprint hard onto men who don't really have the will to fight against that kind of self-important feminism. It is hard, if you really love someone and they have unyielding political or ideological views.
He seems like a nice person, honestly. I bet he really likes her and is actually doing that to impress her. He comes off very normal gay to me otherwise. Some women use gay men as their little dollies and boy toys and this is what
>>91350 came off to me as.
No. 92031
>>91833Well, to be honest, what is so weird with hiding being trans WHEN IT IS DANGEROUS?
You say it like they owe someone that, or something. Of course I wouldn't come out like 10 years ago or smth if I were trans.
Also the 99% ones is far fetched. Being operated as trans isnt as easy as you think. You can take estrogen and so on but no doctor will give you a surgery without MRI scans or some shit they do to trannies.
No. 92048
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>>91600you're being way too charitable, anon
No. 92051
>>92031I dunno, ask a trans person who was living the life in the 80s, the 90s. The ones I've met. They stuck their necks out to live this life, because they needed to… not to get snowflake points on the internet.
I don't actually think surgery is that hard to access anymore. If you leave your home country you can get all sorts of things done without a psychiatric review or counselling.
Taking hormones on a whim or for fashion is something no young person should do. But in their clamouring to be seen as non-normative in every way, some of these kids are going to make a terrible mistake. Not all, but some. Some will just wake up one day and realise they are just gay or whatever… too late.
No. 92145
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>>91748Who hurt you, why are you evil cunt
No. 122529
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>>107094>>91615does anyone have caps?
No. 147609
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Alb is now the host of City's Between after show.
No. 147613
>>91289Vaginoplasty- $19,750
Orchiectomy- 4,600
Breast Augmentation- $8,200
They probably want a new face as well though just to go full Gigi
Source; No. 147954
>>147884take a deep breath
it will be ok
there is no need to be so angry over someone disagreeing with you online
No. 148154
>>147884What is science? You can't just have a real working vagina,
triggered tumblrette.
>>147609She'd look so much better with a darker hair color and losing all these pastels. She just doesn't have a cute face at all.
No. 148659
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>>148650Funny you say that. She does look better with that sort of style overall. It just matches her facial features more and her body is definitely a good fit for it.
No. 168678
>>168673yeah, i was thinking the same thing. unless there were people who still thought they were dating and she was trying to clear the air, which i don't think is the case, especially not three years later.
there was nothing else in the update except "i was actually cheated on and by the way i've had a girlfriend for 2 years." is that really the most exciting thing going on for you? that you're dating a tranny?
when i see a life update i kind of want more than relationship drama, especially old and stale drama.
>>91217this comment is old as shit but radical feminist is the opposite of what she is. she's a libfem through and through.
No. 170313
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>>170300SJWs is a word for retards who think there are 76 genders and genderfluid is a thing. Chill. Angelina is a major sjw.
No. 172094
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>>172025She reminds me of Louis Litt from Suits. Pic related
No. 172103
>>172025That doctor shouldn't be doing the surgery Stef wants. BDD cannot be fixed with shaving your jaw and forehead down to almost nothing. It's a mental illness and you will continue to find things wrong with yourself until you keep chasing the next surgery to become "perfect" for yourself. But that will never happen.
Surgeons are not supposed to give any procedures to people who have BDD and are depressed because it will only exacerbate the issues. Stef needs someone, a good friend like Alb, to step in and prevent it from happening.
No. 175084
>>172101she definitely pulled the whole "im not trans!! just a boy who likes makeup" thing once. and a few months later she suddenly comes out and starts posting all of these transgender related videos like shes some sort of trans authority
also her voice is super annoying, her whole persona just seems so forced and obnoxious
No. 224811
>>224807Her forehead looks nice. Why does she always sound so irritated though? I actually want to like her but she always sounds so fucking bitchy (example, the last ~3 minutes of the video)
Is Stef living with her parents now or is she just there for holidays/surgery recovery?
No. 224812
>>224811she's on holiday/recovering from her surgery with them. I want to like her too but she comes off as entitled bitch. also it just bothered me that she asked for so much money just to get barely anything fixed.
the thumbnail is pretty misleading cause it's shooped as fuck
No. 224813
>>224807>>224811>>224812Her forehead looks great and I do see a difference with her upper lip. Her upper lip used to be non existent, but now she actually has a visible one without makeup.
It's going to take a while for the real end results to be noticeable tbh. With any major facial surgery, there's going to be a lot of swelling that will make it more difficult to see what the end result will look like. I think she looks a lot better already, but I suppose we'll actually see in a month or two? It's only been a week.
Personality wise, I think she's alright, but tries a little too hard sometimes, can come off entitled, and can get overly defensive. I feel pretty indifferent though, her personality isn't really awful enough for me to have any real feelings about it.
No. 225207
>>216870I remember a couple years ago when the tranny thing she is dating was still a dude.
I think it feels so forced and try hard because she thought she was a straight girl with a straight guy, ended up with this monstrosity and doubled down with the lgbt rights shit.
Either that or she encourages it to feel special instead of a "boring" cis girl who is dating a man.
No. 225636
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>>225613i wouldnt be surprised if she thought Niko was a fake tranny because they happened to come out a little bit after stef did. i dunno man she just seems like the type who wants to be the specialist of all the snowflakes, since all she talks about in her videos is being theres nothing more to her persona. she brings nothing new to the table creative wise. just another angry marginalized tumblr.
you know what drives me insane about her though she never shuts the fuck up about the huuuuuuge danger of getting murdered. jesus fuck lady you live in Toronto which is basically liberal city,unless she gets mixed up with gym fags or macho man douches nothing is gonna happen. her social circle are all people who are fine with her and what she is and people like that tend to attract other like minded folk. christ i'd get it if she was in the middle bumfuck nowhere kentucky or the south, bitch needs to use some of that gofundme money to see a psychiatrist and psychotherapist to treat her anxiety.
No. 227042
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Here's a comment I found re: Stef moving out. I feel like this is such a cop-out and kind of awkwardly written. It's fairly obvious to anyone with a brain that something happened between the two. They were so close before and now they don't follow each other on social media anymore.
No. 308591
>>227153>>122529Sorry for bringing the thread back but I genuinely enjoy Alb compared to most other kawaii ugu youtubers. Do any of the anons that remember her from her lolita days have any actual milk? or i'll just keep assuming that she's pretty tame?
The sjw shit doesn't really bother me but is she even still dating that FTM person? I get the single vibe from her videos nowadays.
No. 308894
>>308591hes actually mtf which annoys me since when she started dating him he was still a guy and looked better than her old bf
also just check her twitter she posted its their 3 year anniversary
she said hes 'a private person' so most of the time youre lucky if you hear his voice behind the camera
No. 333578
>>333535>>333560what the fuck? did you even watch the video? it's not like this is "(STORYTIME) I GOT ASSAULTED!!!" she tends to make videos to spread awareness about things and this is very in line with. i think this is a good video spreading information about this + what happened to her. she even says in the video she feels like she needed to make it.
what the fuck do you want people to make videos about? alb didn't even do a bad job here at all, i feel bad for her
No. 334203
>>334132>North AmericaWhat? She's Canadian, right? I'm really curious about the so-called "safe and busy neighborhood in broad daylight" aspect if some guys just ran up and started choking her. Did she say if that mark on her face has to do with it?
I definitely think something happened, but her story is really contradictory. She says she's doesn't want to get into details at all, then get into morbid details like how the police officer asked how hard he choked her and if he had rings on. She says it was safe and busy, but there were no witnesses and no one stopped to help?
I wish her the best and fuck whoever did this to her, but she needs to tell this whenever she feels a bit better and can talk coherently about the situation. She's clearly still shaken up.
No. 334229
>>334203Yeah, she's in Canada (part of NA)
But yeah, I agree with you. She seemed clearly distressed over an assault, though it's crazy to think a group of men in broad daylight attacked her unprovoked IN FRONT of her family unless they were stinking drunk.
No. 334235
>>334233I don't know anything about the situation, barely anything about Albin… but you have to realize that what happened was shocking. It's not everyone's first instinct to pull out their phone and record. Some people just freeze up, run or do something that isn't "logical."
It is easy to deem their actions illogical when you've never been in that sort of situation. I hope that the attackers are brought to justice and everyone involved receives the help they need.
No. 334560
>>334235I'm still confused by her supposedly safe and "busy" neighborhood she was in. Why did no one else witness this or help? I think she was clearly alone with her female family member. I really don't like how she acts like it was a random incident when it sounds like she's omitting a lot of important details.
Was she actually out with her girlfriend? Some people made a comment that the "family member" was actually her and the nature of the crime was homophobic.
No. 334588
>>334560If you have ever been in an emergency situation you will know that most people suck and won't do anything but stand there gawking at the disaster. It's actually really rare that someone will risk themselves by stepping in to help. Plus, like she said in the video, the entire assault lasted for only 25 seconds. That's barely enough time to react.
That being said I don't really buy her entire story, but I believe it's possible that no one did anything when she was attacked.
Not related to the rest of my post; but I'm wondering if she was sexually assaulted and that's the part she didn't mention on youtube. I hope she makes a more in depth video at some point.
No. 339768
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The only thing she's said about the attack since the video came out.
No. 339770
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Samefagging, but here's a recent pic of her with Niko. Is Niko even taking hormones?
No. 339957
>>333470It kind of terrifies me how openly aggressive/violent men are towards women nowadays. I don't particularly like Alb but no one deserves this shit. And I 100% believe her, cause I have experienced and witnessed this many times where I live (I'm in a pretty rough neighborhood and there are loads of white trash assholes, but middle class frat guys are bad for this too)
Men have tried to start fights with me and my friends, spat at me in the street etc. I remember I was out with my friends and we stopped outside a store to talk, and this random group of grown ass men (like 30 years old) kept running into and shoving in between us to separate us, like shoving us really hard and thought it was the funniest thing ever. One runs up to us and screams in my friend's face going 'WHAT BITCH?! WHAT?' and like putting his arms out like 'try and hit me'. And we couldn't even respond because you don't know what the reaction will be.
I'm not some pink haired SJW with a MTF partner like Alb, I look about as basic as you can get. But I'm sure it draws a lot of negative attention to her. Especially since pink hair is associated with tumblr, lefties, zoe quinn etc.
Gone are the days when men were gentlemanly and women behaved and were treated as ladylike. Sigh.
(blogpost) No. 339990
>>339988>Gang rape just isn't in white genesGo to back stormfront
>>339957I've experienced all kinds of similar shit from aggressive men of all races and I've lived in Canada my entire life. I actually don't believe girls that claim they've never encountered random violent men on the streets, or it's safe to assume they don't actually leave the house much on their own or they don't live close to big cities.
GTA has the biggest population in the country, obviously crime rates are high. Why would anyone be surprised that a special snowflake like alb got assaulted in a city of 6.5 million? Shit happens.
No. 340009
>>339990>>339990>I actually don't believe girls that claim they've never encountered random violent men on the streetsI've never encouraged anything of the sort and I was born and raised in Eastern Europe. Never been mugged either. I go out plenty and the only time something happened to me was when some gypsy kid threw a can at me because I didn't want to give him money.
Sorry you live in a shithole full of cavemen I guess.
No. 340123
>>340111I don't get why people are seriously harping on her for talking about what happened, or accusing her of lying (one reason being that her attackers were white and apparently white people are incapable of attacking or harassing strangers).
If she spilled all the details without a care, people would call her an attention whore or accuse her of pulling a Tana Mongeau because that'd be suspicious as fuck. Instead, she's handling things as gracefully as possible. I just don't get it.
No. 369193
>>369103It's funny because the Bi+ community is constantly rolling their eyes at people who feel the need to explain "I just don't like labels, I transcend labels" as well as media constantly using the same "I don't like labels speech" in TV and movies instead of simply having characters ID as bisexual. I get it, some people genuinely dislike labels, e.g. Gore Vidal (gay) and James Baldwin (some people say gay, others say bi) insisted they hated labels and love is love and whatnot, but most queer people don't give a shit, they're fine with labels. Sage for blog, but I personally prefer "Bi" because it doesn't require me explaining in depth to somebody my entire sexual identity, like, nobody wants to hear a speech about who I'm willing to fuck and I'm not interested in giving it. Frankly, the "I don't like labels" speech almost always feels like somebody who
A) Is still figuring themselves out and may be uncomfortable with a label just yet
B) Desperately wants people to know their sexual orientation makes them very, very speshul
No. 369963
>>369193I think yall are kinda overreacting. I think she was rather neutral and stayed true to her beliefs. Did you expect her to be all out radical about her sexuality?
She already gets dragged for being an avid SJW/tumblrina but then how dare she have moderate or non-explosive opinion? HOW DARE SHE NOT USE LABELS!!! (that she never agreed to use?)
like what?
No. 374496
>>369193mmm, i mean tbh I dislike labels because…well your whole rant. No matter what I pick, as an girly girl who likes other women, someone has a rationality that I must just be a straight girl wanting attention and that 'real gays pick Y.'
I also tend to avoid saying bisexual because I feel like it's misleading, I am not equally into men and women. I like women mostly but will occasionally sleep with a man.
Like I get that lol le sjws or w/e but I sincerely prefer women and the label thing can sincerely be awkward. I get that she herself only seemed to answer it because people asked a lot. Irl I avoid labels by just sincerely never coming out to anyone and letting them figure it out after seeing me with men/women over time.
No. 376852
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>>376824>>376832there you go. why can't i shake the feeling that alb cares waaay too much about the aesthetics of everything? all the wedding photos are so "perfect", they nearly seem fake.
No. 376854
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more wedding pics
No. 376856
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last one. stef hasn't congratulated them on social media afaik. i'm 99% sure something nasty happened between them. alb didn't congratulate stef on her transition either (or say "get better soon" or whatever in that situation)
No. 376859
>>376856I'm still confused is Niko a FtM, MtF or just a butch NB lesbian?
Either way I wish they would have worn better pants for their wedding photos.
No. 376862
>>376852I'm sorry but who the fuck doesn't want their wedding photos to be perfect? It's the entire reason people hire photographers in the first place.
To be honest I'm actually super happy for them. Alb seems really happy with niko, at least from her tweets and the way she talks about her in videos etc.
No. 376877
>>376854so like are they legit in love? or is some clickbait sjw stuff?
she looks good though, by she I mean alb, her "wife" looks like a complete mess and so out of place, you'd think someone wouldn't want to look like an 80s hobo going to court but wants to look like a rockstar at their wedding, this aesthetic just doesn't fit "her"
No. 376918
>>376856Niko looks like a member of The Ramones kek
I'm glad they're happy though. Hopefully it lasts.
No. 376953
>>376877Idk would you marry someone after 3+ years of dating just for that ~click bait sjw shit~ ?
Come on anon. I don't really see what's supposedly so disingenuous about alb to begin with, let alone to accuse her marriage of being a sham.
No. 377049
>>376859I think Niko is hot as a guy. Looks like Noel Fielding.
Sage for pointless
No. 388303
>>387605they seem so awkward together
they could just be feeling nervous about filming a video together or something but I don't sense any chemistry from them whatsoever.
and Niko just looks like some kind of sissy alt boy, not female at all.
No. 389140
>>388323You must not pay attention. The way Alb tip toed around it for a whiles as a give away. It took months after she got Niko over after years of dating to show pics together, always calling Niko a gender neutral "partner" to avoid it until the recent videos about having a wife.
There is also the timing of the fight with the roomie mtf Steph that clearly happened since they no longer appear in anything to the time that Niko came from the US. Op pic is pretty masculine despite the shop on it as well.
No. 405891
>>405820Yeaaaah, I'm thinking it's about her. People in the comments are asking too and there's someone going around defending ALB saying Stef said in a livestream the other day that they're still friends… yet they don't follow each other on any social media. Hmm.
I mean, anyone who has followed ALB for years would know she's a bit of a narc.
No. 416623
>>387605Niko: "She works SO HARD on her ASMR videos"
Like she opens boxes of shit people send her in front of the camera, what about that screams "hard"?
No. 846343
I know this is old. But for those against Stef based on appearances or thinking this was all for trend,'s kept with it and has made huge strides. If you genuinely think trans people aren't trans and whatever else, fine. But she's definitely putting forth the effort.
File: 1566302159772.jpeg (904.71 KB, 569x1565, DB8E4711-C14A-4C6E-A467-D4BE16…)

Angela and Niko have been dating since early 2015. She claims it’s only been a little over 2 1/2 or maybe 3 years. Her old username was dienikodie. She dated her, then him, under the impression that he was a cis male. I think they briefly broke up, perhaps over the fact that they finally opened up about being trans, and Angela decided to accept the transition and pursue a now lesbian relationship with him. Unfortunate because he was a handsome guy and now a really ugly girl.
No. 991382
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Her ex that she endearingly called “Captain?” He’s an artist too. I think she made claims about him being abusive that he responded to at one time saying they were completely false but I don’t have the sauce for it. I’m sure I could find it.
No. 991485
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>>857302premium agp content
No. 991998
>>991485I had to unfollow Niko for this shit, it stopped being funny after the 90th "ha ha I love being a dumb jersey milf something something morrigan something something goth wife" tweet
Anyone else just feel bad for ALB? Like goddamn, was there even much of a gap between that Captain guy and Niko? Jumping right from the bf she'd had since she was a young teenager (I think? can't remember exactly) to a smug hipster nerd who decides a few years in to BECOME the big titty goth gf. Feels like she's going to end up playing nurse for years to a horny overgrown /v/ poster and only put out videos that are basically them larping the dumbest ever yuri manga
No. 1001203
>>1001045Yeah, she's all but abandoned her main channel and just does asmr now it seems. But her latest videos on her main were mostly boring anyway so like… no loss there.
>>991998yes, honestly the way niko acts feels very much like a caricature of a woman. Like idk how to explain it but it's very 'this is what the media tells me women are like so this is how I have to act to be recognized as a woman, right?'
I'm not a terf or anything, but I do think it's something a lot of trans people do at the beginning to try to overcompensate for not being cis and it makes me cringe so much. The whole calling herself a bimbo and shit is just…. so cringy.
No. 1001401
>>1000946I've been wondering this for so long–I don't think either of them are rich or anything? And Niko's had SO many surgeries in recent years. I can't see this ending any other way but badly. You have these fast and furious early years where it's all fun and new, and Niko's going through all these surgeries, and it's exciting and there's all this attention for being irl Marceline/Bubblegum, wives, blah blah so gay….but after like, five years? Ten?
Sometimes this just feels like a QuEeR fEmMe version of every girl who marries right out of school and talks about how happy they are and how great everything is, only to realize what a self-centered manchild they've ended up with. Maybe that's too harsh, but like anon said, her main channel's dead–she's totally tied to Niko. Whose life seems to consist of smug thirdhand leftist twitter politics and Blah Blah My Titties.
No. 1003893
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>>1001538I used to be a big fan of ALB, but Niko posting stuff like this is just cringeworthy. I wish she’d get back to her main channel instead of ASMR and getting involved in fights Niko has with people on Twitter
No. 1003917
>>1003893I honestly don't understand how ALB can put up with this… Like Niko referring to her breasts as jugs. What woman have you ever met refers to their boobs as jugs?? I don't think I've ever heard that out of another woman's mouth. It just feels like Niko is trying so hard to be ~quirky~ and somehow not-like-other-girls while also trying to be a trope of sexy bimbo woman. It's so odd.
Watching the first ep or so of their days of our wives was also cringy. Idk something about how they interacted in front of the camera was just uncomfortable? And how they interact on twitter has made me kinda dislike both of them.
>>1003897ALB is like 29? 30? I'd imagine Niko is around that or a couple years older?
No. 1256463
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>publicly date man for almost 8 years>soon after begin dating another man and then marry him but he's MTF so it's not straight okay uwu>claim to be a lesbian nowHas she ever once in her life dated an actual female? She was with her ex-boyfriend since she was in like middle school and then jumped into dating Niko like less than a year after. That's two penises in a row and yet she's a lesbian?
No. 1257350
>>1256463Are these people aware the word bisexuality exists? All these people in relationships with someone trans, why don't they ever claim the bi or even the dumb pan label? Obviously no lesbian would be interested in a male, but no straight woman would want a dude who chopped off his dick and tries to pass as a woman, either.
>>1256502Also didn't she sperg in that video about how she doesn't want to label her uwu special sexuality? Unless it's "lesbian" for internet points, of course.
>>1256511>They had the whole "wives" channel together which weirdly went inactive after she posted videos with black-eye looking marks.When did that happen? Skimmed the thread but found nothing.
No. 1270582
>>1257350here is the channel & a video where Niko has a black eye. not sure what is going on here
also in a later video on the channel they say they have an open relationship?
No. 1587816
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>>1271817Yes, they’ve definitely had a nose job. That’s probably what caused the bruising. I feel like Niko goes inactive or deleted their social media whenever they get work done to try and hide it so it seems like a “natural” transition instead of just plastic surgery.
(necro) No. 2064032
>>2064009what makes you think that? she's basically dropped off all social media apart from her asmr channel, i really liked her content before she got married but it just went downhill with the whole 'days of our wives' shit
sage bc dead thread
No. 2064203
>>2064200But apparently her Hunwife got the chop according to up thread?
Also wow, AlbinWonderland
takes long drag of cigarette I haven’t heard of that name is years.