File: 1454694023280.jpg (72.38 KB, 600x495, Lexxy.jpg)

No. 89782
Not entirely sure if this girl qualifies as a snowflake/potential lolcow but she strikes me as an attention whore for sure.
In her most recent video on YouTube she claims that doing porn has improved her life so much and then goes on to complain about people who (mostly on the internet) slut-shame her.
She had a couple of girls sending her tweets and nudes to her job/family and gets pissed off when her followers tell her that it might not be a good idea to post nudes online and have your 'porn alter ego' connected to your regular social media profiles.
She is also currently trying to get into the actual porn industry, so far she has only been posting videos of herself masturbating and stuff on ManyVids.
Also claims to work out a lot but looks really flabby in her porn videos. Probably edits her nudes quite a bit.
Furthermore she's a SJW.
Her profiles: porn stuff: of her social media stuff is NSFW because noodz.
No. 89825
File: 1454706458419.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1805, Screenshot_2016-02-05-16-06-36…)

No. 89838
File: 1454709157362.png (1.27 MB, 2048x938, PhotoGrid_1454709033904-1.png)

>>89831>she has a very pretty faceYou're kidding right?
No. 89853
File: 1454710858722.png (Spoiler Image,896.19 KB, 904x598, stomach.png)

lol this bitch edits her body to hell and back yet preaches "body positivity" gtfo (pic related…had to spoiler it because her vag is on one of the pics)
No. 89860
File: 1454712220880.gif (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 500x286, ezgif-1482567705.gif)

>>89853The screenshot didn't do the actual video justice so I turned it into a gif.
>>89831>>89822>I can't describe her body type.She is fat.
No. 89866
File: 1454712773225.gif (1.23 MB, 500x235, ezgif-2372963248.gif)

I suffered from some serious nostalgia while making this gif because the way the deer's face morphs took me back when I used to put silly putty on pictures of people in the newpapers and then stretched their faces until they were unrecognizable.
No. 89868
File: 1454713446902.jpg (59.23 KB, 600x600, lex.jpg)

>>89838Idk man, I think she's cute
No. 89872
File: 1454714009929.png (238.91 KB, 275x460, Untitled.png)

>>89868She looks so much like that derpy down syndrome cam girl here.
>>89864Yes I definitely agree. I think she pulls her underwear up so high to hide her fupah.
No. 89877
File: 1454714507687.png (483.38 KB, 617x579, Untitled.png)

>>89875Anyone else think she is lying about being 115lbs?
Here's a photo she posted less than 24 hours ago compared to a woman of the same height yet 127lbs.
No. 89880
File: 1454715151688.png (518.52 KB, 421x563, 4776cf08c049cf1e0a8dbe54d2a36a…)

>>89877She's definitely fudging the numbers, there's no doubt about it. We have the "same" height, weight, bust, and hip measurements and I'm not even close to looking that fat. And considering the extra weight in her upper and arms and waist…
Related: Someone "heavier" than her with "similar" measurements and the same body type. Fat upper thighs, but not necessarily wide hips.
No. 89890
File: 1454715630078.gif (4.23 MB, 372x356, ezgif-4200263910.gif)

>>89864Her videos make her look pretty chubby but she has an old Instagram video where she looks thin af, i'll be posting the gif version in a minute.
No. 89892
File: 1454715959271.gif (3 MB, 500x514, ezgif-410938824.gif)

>>89890Tbh, I'm starting tp think she gained weight recently, which is why the weight and measurements are off on her camming page.
No. 89894
File: 1454716161373.jpg (37.76 KB, 584x199, weightgain.jpg)

>>89892Yeah, she actually did.
No. 89897
File: 1454716487495.png (399.07 KB, 895x545, Untitled.png)

>>89844>she is in her prime right nowIn my honest opinion, her prime was a year ago when she looked like this.
>>89896She'll never get abs with that layer of fat resting on top of them. And her butt isn't exactly round, not when she is standing normally.
No. 89900
File: 1454716722631.png (504.45 KB, 810x560, Untitled.png)

>>89897She used to be pretty hot.
No. 89901
>>89897Is this a fucking personal vendetta thread or some stupid shit like that? According to the majority of the filenames ('Untitled.png') the pics are almost exclusively posted by one person.
>>89900Also, it seems like you are talking to yourself buddy.
No. 90044
>>90037This is exactly why I can't stand her. I even agree with
some of the things she says but her sense of entitlement is really fucking annoying. It's funny because she always complains about all the evil white entitled cis men who want her booty so bad that they stop dead in their tracks when they see her but damn girl, glass houses.
I don't get why so many think she is ugly or fat tho. Her looks aren't a problem at all to me, she just looks generic af. Edgy white girl with "crazy" colored hair and a bunch of tattoos, not as special as she thinks but not bad either.
No. 90058
>>90044>I don't get why so many think she is ugly or fat tho.translate to:
>I don't get why so many have opinions that differ from mine tho.Not everyone has the same physical preferences as you, she reminds me of this annoying bitch I graduated with and because of that, I can't help but to find her hideous.
And she isn't
obese but she isn't anywhere near skinny/slender/thin either. She just has a very unfortunate figure with a horribly dispersed fat. I honestly don't believe she workouts as often as she claims, not with flab like that jiggling about.
No. 90059
>>90058Yeah, I don't believe she works out that often either. Or she simply eats a lot of crappy food. Maybe a combination of both. She could have a nice(r) pear shaped body but as of now she has too much fat on her, it makes her body look weird and jiggly.
But even if she was to be more in shape I still wouldn't like the bitch. She gives off that kind of vibe like "I'm better than all of you bitches, look at my sexy nudes, all the boys want me lol" even though she really isn't that special at all.
No. 90075
File: 1454780612939.png (1.03 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

>>90044>uglyI went to her YouTube and watched a bit of her latest video that's brightened as fuck and she's cute.
Amy other videos and she looks like this. I didn't even try to take an ugly screenshot.
Comparing her to Meg is actually an insult to Meg.
>>89847The jowls and big mouth and teeth remind me of alliekay the 30 year old creepy religious girl on YouTube.
No. 90088
>>90075That's not pretty at all lmao. Even sadder that you didn't specifically go for an ugly screenshot.
She looks a little bit demented in that pic too haha
No. 90094
>>90063She's so annoying. I have a bunch of tattoos and people (men AND women) will go to all sorts of lengths to invade your personal space just to get a look at your art.
I got sick of people bugging me and saying weird shit so I typically just wear long sleeves and pants. Problem solved.
I also used to work in a tattoo shop and my boss was a creep of epic proportions, and the guys I worked with were pervy too, but ffs what do you expect from a tattoo shop? They're not known for being "safe spaces" or whatever the fuck she thinks they are. I've seen drug addicts, drunks, pervs, bikers, thugs, racists, trannies, etc. and I only tattooed for 4 years. I had one client who came with his dad, and they both were hitting on me and saying creepy shit the entire time, and that's not even the weirdest thing I've experienced. Tattoo shops attract all kinds of people and usually they aren't the top tier members of society. That's just how it is.
Is she forgetting that having tattoos only just recently became the trendy thing? It's had a negative reputation across all cultures for a really long time. Old folks and sheltered types still aren't used to seeing heavily tattooed young people.
She draws a shit ton of attention to herself by dressing like that and wearing tattoos and unnatural hair colors, then complains about the attention she gets?
She seems sheltered and out of touch with reality. Shop culture is the complete opposite of a tumblr hugbox. They love their crude jokes and it's just a rebellious atmosphere in general.
Sorry about the rant, girls like this just drive me nuts.
No. 90117
>>90063Couldn't make it through the whole video, something about her voice and the way she pronounces words is really off-putting to me.
I agree with both of you
>>90094 and
>>90108, she really needs to get over herself. She seems to be a lot more chill in her earlier videos (her voice is still meh but bearable since she doesn't ramble on like a pretentious bitch) but her 16k on YouTube make her think she's some special snowflake or something, idk. Girl can't handle her e-fame too well
No. 90119
File: 1454795002686.jpg (137.63 KB, 582x783, Twitter.jpg)

Some of her tweets make me cringe so hard man
(pic related)
No. 90149
>>90119She's a grade A, massive bitch.
Hateful as hell too.
No. 90190
File: 1454808649477.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.11 KB, 576x1024, CaajVOtUEAIIJKV.jpg)

She really needs to embrace her weigh gain and buy some bigger panties for fuck sakes.
No. 90332

Ah, supposedly she was raped but forgot it even happened because she blocked out the memory and part of the reason she did that was due to how society views rape?! And all of her mental illness stems off of her rape?
What the fuck did she just say?
She starts to actually go into the details at 4 minutes and 40 seconds in.
>graduated high school
>moved in with 3 guys to be closer to her college
>slept in the same room with one of the guys for around a month
>one night woke up to someone repeatedly calling her name
Cue breakdown at 6 minutes and 15 seconds
>pants were off / shirt was on
>realized "dude friend" was fucking her
>still asleep though
>says she "a high schooler" as she thought back (??)
>officially wakes up in the story, starts to have a panic attack, starts to scream, kicked him and flips over then fell back asleep (??)
>doesn't know what happened after that and also not even sure it happened in the first place (??)
>doesn't understand why she "hasn't told anyone"
later in the video she says:
>society views rape as like you're walking down an alley at night and some dude grabs you and violently shoved his dick through your pants and fucks you in the butt and stuff like that
>it didn't affect my sex life in any way, i'm a pretty average, normal girl, it didn't affect it any way, i love sex, that was fine
>i'm extremely cautious around men and it pisses me off how cautious i am about it
>my new method of dating is kind of stupid now, because of it ummm, i like to text guys for 2 or 3 weeks before i, like, ummm, meet them in person annnnnnd i always wanna meet them in public and stuff and like
>a lot of guys get really really frustrated about it and they're like, making, like attacking my ego and say i'm way to egotistical and i think i'm like too good for all of them and stuff and it's like, i just wanna scream like, I WAS RAPED, ummmmm I DON'T WANNA BE RAPED AGAIN, I WANT TO KNOW THIS PERSON MORE SO THAN I KNEW THE PERSON I MOVED IN WITH THAT RAPED ME… i want to not have that happen again.. but i cant.. um.. i guess i could.. but.. it doesn't seem appropriate
At the end she says she made this video because:
>She has never told anyone about how she was raped
>Guys think rape is super funny, and ummmm, i would like to see how funny it would be to a dude if he woke up and his bestfriend was just fucking the shit out of him
and that's the end of the video, she literally cried on camera about how traumatic her rape was, and after she was done feeling sorry fr herself, she said she would love to see how funny rape would be to a guy after he was raped by his bestfriend.
because rape victims ALWAYS wish other people would get raped. yeah okay. the more videos i watch by her, the more i hate her.
No. 90359
File: 1454866441170.png (240.44 KB, 857x581, lexxynichelle.png)

I'm only 30 seconds into this video by her and she did exactly what Ember did.
Sent herself anonymous hate on Tumblr, then responded to it on her Instagram, where her followers could form a love and support rally, defending her against this unnamed foe.
I can't prove it's self-sent anon hate, but what kind of person says this type of shit? It just sounds forced.
>you're not curvy
>you have a flat stomach
>i can see your ribs
The text at the top right is her caption btw.
No. 90366

>>90359I facepalm'd multiple times while listening to this video.
>so if i was 20 to 50 pounds heavier, i feel like people would be.. praising me for posting half naked photos of myself online
>it upsets people that i'm proud of working out constantly to get a body that after 21 years on this planet, 21 years tomorrow, i've never been happy with my body before and now within the last few months, i am ecstatic. i love my body, for the first time in my life
>since when did we turn curvy into meaning fat?
>i'm a curvy girl! okay, um, PHOTOS! cues photos I'M CURVY!.. i am pear shaped. my upper body is really REALLY tiny and my lower body is significantly larger.
>i'm not proportionate at all. i'm 5 foot.. 5'1. that's just how my body works. i have short little stocky legs, a huge fucking ass, huge hips, tiny waist, tiny microscopic tits
>i had an eating disorder, i dropped from 150lbs to 108.. 105??
>being morbidly obese is a choice, we also need to realize that some people are just naturally thin
>some people struggle to get a body similar to mine because there bodies are just straight, up and down, skinny
>just like how some girls are naturally thin, some are naturally larger. i'm lucky to be in the middle where i can gain and lose weight as i please
>let's get one thing straight, hating other people for having a body type you want will not get you that body type
>i worked so hard to get in the shape i am in today.. so fucking hard, and it's amazing how people are upset with me about being happy with my body God damn, she is so full of herself throughout this entire video, the self sent anon hate in the beginning and the fact that she is now fat is pretty hilarious now.
No. 90367
File: 1454868302261.png (658.78 KB, 833x884, curvy.png)

>>90366These were the images she used to prove she is curvy btw. Jesus christ.
No. 90370
File: 1454868663272.jpg (Spoiler Image,73.13 KB, 291x466, 501f3d15e5aad.jpg)

>>90332I found a model mayhem portfolio of her with images from August 2012 (she was 19 in these) listed her height and weight to be 5'2 and 110lbs here.
No. 90377
>>90359>>90366>>90367Samefagging but she's absolutely full of herself. Girls her like always be preaching about loving your body no matter what but need to let everyone know constantly how they are blessed to be '"naturally" curvy/thin/etc.
She comes across as insincere, bitchy and arrogant. And now she is fat lol, karma bitch!
No. 90379
File: 1454870697344.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.58 KB, 501x279, Syrencove.jpg)

>>90370from her model mayhem portfolio:
"I do not wish to show pink or do pornographic shoots, however. I have my limits. If that is what you are looking for, I'm not your girl."
okay then girl
No. 90385
File: 1454871811272.png (Spoiler Image,303.85 KB, 498x283, ....png)

>>90383Yeah…keepin' it classy.
No. 90387
File: 1454872221012.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.78 KB, 492x268, calves.jpg)

Her calves look really huge in this shot, damn. She really gained a ton of weight, especially in comparison to
>>89892 No. 90392
File: 1454874065604.png (26.78 KB, 578x152, ob.png)

You objectify yourself by exploiting your sexuality for money. You turned yourself into something people can buy and pretend as if your actions are symbols of feminist strength.
No. 90395
File: 1454874354798.png (58.48 KB, 589x409, ob.png)

>>90392She deleted all of these tweets, not sure why but it sounds like someone is a lil pissy today.
Also, if she is now posting nudes of herself on her social media accounts, why does she want young fans still..
No. 90399
File: 1454874876063.png (614.75 KB, 864x574, cat.png)

found a candid shot of her yikes
No. 90402
File: 1454874966882.png (35.76 KB, 588x220, lol.png)

>>90400IDK, someone linked her here but she deleted this too.
No. 90403
File: 1454875083246.jpg (Spoiler Image,101.8 KB, 600x800, CIPMhe0VAAABYNM.jpg)

>>90400Her tattoos are really nice, I'll give her credit on that, but those tits..
No. 90406
File: 1454875453221.png (94.08 KB, 507x487, youtube.png)

>>90400She has her youtube comments turned off but I found this screenshot on her twitter.
I assume she got a lot of backlash for saying so much dumb shit, and turned off the comments on most of her videos because she couldn't handle the scrutiny.
No. 90407
>>90402>>90406Well if you put yourself out there, especially like she does, you have to expect people criticising and talking negatively about you. I mean, it's not like she could, umm, I don't know, separate her porn vids/nudes from her regular stuff, you know. It seems to me that she can't handle criticism at all and expects people to kiss her ass and
progressiveness 24/7
>>90403Her tattoos are gorgeous
No. 90415
>>90348Her teeth are fucked. She should spend money on braces.
>>90403Those nipple are massive. AND they're pierced. That's freaks me out a bit.
This girl needs to go to the gym and not jus do home workouts. She's going to be so saggy in the next few years and those tattoos will look horrible. Also if you come here and read this: Do you know how underwear works…???? Unless we're back in the 80s it goes on your fucking hips, not halfway up your vagina. It doesn't look good, your body does not work with it.
No. 90420
>>89894>>90418I don't get it when women blame their weight gain
completely on birth control. You can definitely gain a couple of pounds due to water weight but 15 lbs??? That's a lot just for water weight, so my guess is that she has an increased appetite due to her birth control and just gives in instead of working out more and/or making sure she doesn't it too much shitty food. I know everyone reacts differently to birth control bla bla bla but still…:/
No. 90423
>>90415Idk anon, I've been working out at home 3-5 times a week for years now (mainly squats, sit-ups and tricep dips) and I have become a lot more toned, been a little bit skinny-fat before. I walk a lot too and eat well most of the time (I have a sweet tooth tho haha). I feel like this girl does indeed work out but it's either not enough or she eats too much crap. Maybe she should do more cardio too, in her latest workout video (>>90116) she seems to mainly focus on exercises that build up muscle. Not an expert tho so of course I could be wrong when I say she should maybe do more cardio. Just saying that working out at home can improve your shape dramatically but you have to be committed.
Sage for slight OT and mentioning personal stuff
No. 90424
>>90420she's an idiot. I've been taking BC (pills!) for seven months now and i've not gained weight, instead i've lost some kilos. I just keep in mind to dring plenty of water.
I guess this girls doesn't work out nor watch her meals, she looks definetely… chubby, if not fat in her recent photos
No. 90428
>>90424Same here, have been taking the pill for years and haven't noticed a significant weight gain at all.
Just workout regularly, eat healthy and drink enough water, it's really not that difficult unless you have a chronical illness or something like that. I don't count my calories or avoid certain types of food either. Just don't stuff your face with literal junk food every week, simple as that.
No. 90429
>>90428I think that she just became more confident with her body and now doesn't think twice about not working out every day or what she is eating anymore. And I only think this because that's what happened to me. I lost a lot of weight and after a while, I felt super confident, stopped caring what I ate, and before I knew it, I gained back some of the weight I worked so hard to lose.
Also, BC caused me to crave food even though I knew I wasn't hungry. So, if you can't control yourself when that happens, I can easily understand why people gain weight while on the pill but it isn't an excuse by any means. It just proves you have no self control, especially when tested.
No. 90433
File: 1454882503127.jpg (104 KB, 540x734, tumblr_ntjutb4N8N1rk1wcvo1_540…)

saw this in her tumblr tag lol
lexxy.. the word you are looking for is "brothel".
No. 90465
File: 1454890093333.png (365.27 KB, 587x468, KoreanFood.png)

>>90431Her stomach used to look quite nice
>>89892but not anymore sadly
>>89860It's unfortunate because she could have a pretty decent body but I think like
>>90429 said she just has become too confident and basically stopped giving a fuck about eating properly and working out diligently (even tho she claims to do so and seriously, is has been established before, gaining 15 pounds entirely because of birth control is bs. There may be exceptions but if she really works out that much she shouldn't be gaining that much weight just because of birth control)
I don't think she's fat but she's really out of shape.
Also she eats a lot of Korean food apparently (pic related). Dumb question but since I don't know anything about Korean food, is it generally beneficial for a healthy diet?
No. 90473
>>90403Her boobs look like those funny u-shaped boobs that cartoon characters have.
>>90432I don't think that's how panties are supposed to be worn…
No. 90662
File: 1454955796559.gif (589.56 KB, 448x200, ezgif-339036650.gif)

She did an interview in one of the questions were:
What was the first porno you remember watching?
>Oh wow I've been watching porn since I was 12 or 13 (about a decade damn) so I can't remember much… but I do remember it being a double penetration.Awesome, that's for making us picture a 12 year old watching DP porn. Wtf.'s the full interview.
No. 90738
>>90734Quotes from this video:
>I didn't think the girls were going to be as much as a problem as I thought they were gonna beWow really feminist like of you, assuming the girls who work at a strip club were going to cause you problems.
>I thought my biggest problem was gonna be girls being like 'hurr you took my customer'There's that lovely false sense of importance that you constantly remind us of. We get it, you think you're hot shit and feared that your hottness was going to cause girls to fight you. But that didn't happen, now did it?
>I got regretted a lot. Umm one day I walked around the club like 7 or 8 times and got regretted by every single guy in there [..] I had one guy even laugh in my face, be like 'ha ha ha no.. no, i don't want company from you"., like okay, um that's fine. I'm confident! I don't let people like break me down but.. that shit got fucking old, really fast… i don't know how girls put up with it. it's so demeaning and disrespectful If only that was humbling experience for you. Lesson lost.
>I know I'm gonna get a lot of girls that are like, "You didn't do it long enough. you only did it for a week, you should stayed at least a month before you decided it wasn't for you"… I understand that, I knew I couldn't handle the environment, deep down to my fucking soul, I can't handle the environment of a strip club. it's fucking depressing.
>I'm not deceiving or manipulating enough to be a stripper.
>A lot of the girls pretty much get off to manipulating these old men, like 50-60 years old, into thinking they're dating them and make them into their sugar daddies and pull money from them.
>I don't submit well.This is a quote by Lexxy from the interview posted the other day "I love being submissive so…"…????
Okay I only got a little over 7 minutes in, I can't listen to this idiot anymore.
No. 90810
File: 1454982798345.png (34.4 KB, 764x161, l.png)

>>90385but anon, anal is her specialty!
No. 91042
File: 1455063128148.png (1.09 MB, 1367x590, Twitter&Instagram.png)

Seems like somebody took the time to go through her thread on lolcow, lmao - also, she conveniently ignores legit criticism that has been made for example here
>>90738 and here
>>90366 and only focuses on ~fat shaming~ and ~anti sex work mindsets~
She can't even respond properly, but I guess it doesn't require much thought to just shove your ass and stomach in front of a camera proving the h8ers wrong.
No. 91043
File: 1455063945509.png (428.01 KB, 745x598, Untitled.png)

>>89853>>89894>>90420LOL she went full retard today and finally replied to this thread.
>Reminder that my body doesn't look as fabulous in a video where Im taking a giant dildo up my ass as it does when Im posing after a 2 hour workout. If you wanna fucking fat shame you better put up some photos of how great your body looks when you have a 9inch cock shoved up your ass.B-but Lexxy, I didn't gif the video of you taking a dildo up your ass. I gif'd the very start of your videos, before you had a "9inch cock shoved up your ass".
>>89860>>89866 No. 91045
File: 1455064467637.gif (Spoiler Image,2.95 MB, 261x310, ezgif-2023067266.gif)

>>91043>Reminder that angles change a person's body drastically. Lighting matters. Yeah, that gut is defo caused by the angle and lighting…
No. 91046
File: 1455064849892.gif (1.75 MB, 500x541, twitter.gif)

>>89853Look what you caused
No. 91049
>>91046I'm so proud of myself, literally crying right now. Suck that gut in girl!
>>91045Omg she's so
hot though amirite?
No. 91052
>>90370oh god she sure looked beautiful at that weight (whichever it actually is there)
I'd bang her. Her face had more definition, or it might be just angles and photo magic (?) but oh god. hello past lexxy.
what a shame
No. 91053
>>91052Yep, the recent weight gain doesn't suit her face especially, it softens her features way too much.
Also, she looks beautiful here
>>89897 No. 91056
>>90432yeah, she still looked awesome, by my standards of course :P i actually have a similar body figure, peary around her bmi at
>>89897 and if she only hit the weights and made a bit of a change in her diet, she would look a m a z i n g.
this disturbs me so much >:C I CAN LIFT MY ASS WHY CAN'T YOU ohgod
also wtf with that rant, relax girl just take our advice
No. 91061
File: 1455070772075.jpg (55.42 KB, 500x500, into the trash it goes.jpg)

>dyed hair
Even one of those is enough to qualify for the trash but all five?
No. 91172
>>91043>Also some women gain weight with their birth control. Theres tons of kinds of bc & just because you didn't gain weight doesn't mean another girl wont.means
>I'm too lazy and lack self-control therefore I blame my birth control on my weight gain #curvygirl #phatass Try harder next time
No. 91183
>>91043rofl!! What does have a dildo up your ass have anything to do with being fat or not?
>2 hour workoutthis bitch has never worked out a day in her life
No. 91185
File: 1455125914791.png (68.77 KB, 509x588, weigh.png)

>>91172I wonder what type of birth control she is on because I have tried two different types (birth control pill I took every day for a full year and an IUD, which I've had for about a year now) over the past few years and neither made me gain weight, though they both increased my appetite.
Also, I did a lil research because I wanted to know
why people always say BC causes you to become a fat ass and found this
>Estrogen in high doses can cause weight gain due to increased appetite and fluid retention. So, 50 years ago they may indeed have caused weight gain in some women. Current birth control pills have much lower amounts of hormones.Pic related is from here: No. 91187
File: 1455126434189.png (28.58 KB, 497x168, point.png)

what point does this prove though? idgi
No. 91191
File: 1455126735731.png (294.16 KB, 1066x542, ok.png)

being 130lbs at 5'2 is literally 2 pounds from being overweight. i'm all for being confident, but please ruin your body because you 'love yourself'.
like you can love your body while staying fit, lexxy. stop pretending your weight gain isn't due to you becoming lazy.
No. 91195
>>91186Can confirm, I'm on bc (pill) and I've gained 3-4 lbs tops. But I also workout on a regular basis and eat well 75% of the time.
>>91191Holy shit. I'm 5'7 and around 121 lbs and I wouldn't even mind losing 2 or 3 lbs. This girl is becoming fat and uses "body positivity" to cover up her laziness. Yet she is editing her nudes lmao
Sage for personal blog post and OT tendency
No. 91206
>>91202I only said 130lbs because her camming page says 115lbs and she recently said she gained 15lbs. I wouldn't be shocked if she was 150lbs though but she is very short and stocky, so any type of weight won't look good on her.
>>91191I meant to say
>but please DON'T ruin your body because you 'love yourself'. No. 91221
File: 1455131047774.jpg (185.4 KB, 919x597, IG.jpg)

Her most recent selfie on IG. Is it just me or does her face actually look extremely puffy and bloated? And why are her eyes so slanty?
> #goth
No. 91230
>>91191People who act like working out and counting calories is a chore are always fatties.
And she's glorifying porn shit and implants? Ah, of course.
No. 91232
>>91221She's DEFINITELY bigger than 130. Like other anon said, she seems closer to 150.
I'm 5'3" and used to be 160 at my highest weight and I was disgusting. Dropped it all in my early 20s. This girl is just LAZY and she doesn't look like she works out at all or even eats properly.
No. 91249
>>91221This particular makeup look doesn't fit her at all IMO. She looks worn out and old. Can't believe she's only 22 years old.
In comparison to
>>90370 her features look extremely…pudgy.
No. 91270
>>91253She looks cute in the video. But I just checked, this video is about 6 months old, so I assume this was before her weight gain? Her facial features are definitely more defined here and she doesn't look as jaded
OT but I have to admit that I also like to use some of the products by Etude House she mentioned in the video
>>91259Yep, and the makeup doesn't help either. Dark lips are a no-go for her, too bad she doesn't get it
No. 91300
>>91230It's quite a shame because calorie counting is not that hard and neither is doing a bit of exercise once you get in the habit.
I can't help but think there is a reason why this girl is disrespecting her body like this.
No. 91313
File: 1455141034728.jpg (16.07 KB, 532x384, my prediction.jpg)

>>91309Looking at the speed of her weight gain surely it will only be a couple of years before she is obese. Pic related.
>>91311Why does she hate herself so much? Maybe the tats and piercings are like self flagellation.
No. 91317
>>91313I hope she will become more self-aware. I'm definitely not a fan of her and probably will never be because she's just way too obnoxious, but she is a potential qt regardless IMHO. It's evident looking at
>>89897 and
>>89898. She's one of those people who look their best when they're slim and toned (kinda like Suzy minus the toned tho since Suzy has never really been toned IIRC).
>Why does she hate herself so much? Maybe the tats and piercings are like self flagellation. Been thinking the same. Also her obsession with porn/being a porn star and being 'empowered' simultaneously.
No. 91324
>>91317Yes, I fully agree with you.
Using gigantic dildos and filming herself is definitely destructive. I know some people won't agree with me but I think it's a kind of self humiliation and punishment.
Opening the videos page on her youtube all the way to three years ago really shows the difference over time in her face chubbiness wise.
No. 91326
>>91324I don't understand why she wants her regular SM to be clogged with her porn shit so badly, seriously, it's common sense: Separate your work life from your private life, especially when your work life includes shoving dildos up your ass. Is she really that surprised that people approach her negatively on the matter? Sure, we can argue about people's perspectives being right or wrong all day long but in the end most people are not as "progressive" as she wants them to be. Sad but true. It's not helping her at all to regularly proclaim how she wants to be a porn star in L.A. and get fucked in the ass.
>Opening the videos page on her youtube all the way to three years ago really shows the difference over time in her face chubbiness wise.She used to be more chill in her older videos too. Her voice is still annoying af but she seems more down to earth and less pretentious overall.
No. 91332
>>91326You're right. I'll add that dramatic and exhibitionist behaviour is a symptom of quite a few mental illnesses. She's pushing people away.
Let's say she does become a porn star. Will that be the end or will she keep going more extreme? That's what worries me.
No. 91335
>>91332Yeah, even though she wants to be seen as tough and experienced, she just comes across as naive and desperate to me - this makes her extremely exploitable as well, so she might indeed keep going more extreme eventually.
How does one in all seriousness think that doing porn is some kind of a lifesaver?
>>91221>#goth Top kek
No. 91359
>>91191She definitely isn't 130 pounds. I'm 5'1" and used to be 210 pounds, and her body (the puffy face, the thick arms and wrists, etc) looks more like mine at that weight. I'd push she's probably 160+.
Why the fuck do people feel the need to lie, honestly.
No. 91522
File: 1455166349777.png (1.05 MB, 1858x942, PhotoGrid_1455166202587-1.png)

No. 91580
>>90190Ew these are control top panties. I'm her (lower) body shape and about her weight, right down to the way my knees bend slightly back, but you can hide a muffin top with non-control panties. They're really just for wearing under dresses. You only need high-waisted ones for pics like this especially if you're lifting up your arm.
Also, what the fuck do you call her upper body shape? She has no waist but hips for miles. Is it all shoop?
No. 91657
File: 1455211917522.png (1.98 MB, 1920x1611, 2016-02-11 12.31.23.png)

>>91652I can only imagine the deep lines these underwear left on her skin after she took them off. This just looks painfully umcomfortable and ridiculously unflattering.
No. 91759
>>91657You're killing me anon, I'm crying
Honestly though this girl is in for a big fucking surprise if she actually thinks she's gonna make it into the porn industry. She probably sent all of those porn companies she applied for her edited nudes and most likely also lied about her body shape/weight like she did on her ManyVids account as well. They're gonna kick her ass when she shows up being this massive and out of shape. I know there's porn out there with fat chicks but she herself describes her body as ~slender~ so she is probably delusional as fuck thinking she is gonna cater to an audience that likes "tiny waists and big bootys" (that's legit what's standing in her 'about me' on ManyVids). I want her "porn career" to crash and burn. She is a liar and a hypocrite, ugh, this bitch is getting on my nerves.
No. 91760
File: 1455231506120.png (194.98 KB, 923x499, IG_Lexxy.png)

Look who's throwing shade, lmao
No. 91982
File: 1455319464849.png (89.83 KB, 1080x343, Screenshot_2016-02-12-18-21-57…)

Tune in next month to see if this 22 year old fuckhead is dumb enough to ruin any chances of her ever getting a real job by tattooing her throat.
No. 91988
>>91982I hope she's content to spend the rest of her life in a fast food kitchen or night cleaning crew.
Imagine being in your thirties with a saggy Pokemon tattoo on your turkey-gobbler neck.
No. 91993
File: 1455321049506.png (19.29 KB, 585x131, Tattoos.png)

>>91982Guys, I'm starting to think that this bitch might be a potential lolcow for real. A fucking THROAT tattoo of your favorite POKEMON? What???
Also I'm currently crying because of this tweet she made a while ago (pic related):
>my skin is worth more than six months of your rentWell bitch your tattoos might get in the way one day when you're trying to pay your own rent because you'll look like a trashy fat worn out camgirl/porn "star" with a bunch of fucking anime tattoos.
No. 92008
File: 1455323564542.png (181.42 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2016-02-12-19-30-37…)

>>92004In case any newfags aren't too sure what a betafag is. And yes, they really used "lexie" as an example lmao.
No. 92015
>>91998Nah, she is a barista I think. You're right tho, Lexxy can only dream of making as much money as Charms used to make in her prime. And tbh I still prefer fat Charms over Lexxy. Even though but are horrific and have tacky tattoos lol.
No. 92464
File: 1455392716488.png (553.41 KB, 941x603, hand tattoos.png)

I ever noticed her finger tattoos before.
No. 92473
File: 1455393624024.png (2.22 MB, 1506x1038, 21.png)

>>89782I wonder why she updated her porn twitter?
No. 92519
File: 1455396704418.jpg (122.65 KB, 1024x848, CZ7FUDMVIAEFj6z.jpg large.jpg)

She looks so much like that weird downsy megan girl in this one
No. 92553
File: 1455400892377.png (58.2 KB, 571x421, dollskill.png)

She's normally very vocal about stuff, I wonder why she hasn't dragged dollskill through the mud for fucking over their customers?
Probably because she already wasted her money on their stolen designs.
No. 92554
File: 1455400981136.png (3.59 MB, 3630x1145, 21.png)

>>92553I just realized their a thread about them in /snow/
>>91806 No. 92555
File: 1455401295031.png (1.22 MB, 1028x1364, dollskill.png)

I was looking in the #dollskill tag for more info on their drama and look who I found lol. No. 92692
File: 1455415438076.png (1.22 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

She always pulls her underwear up and it just looks so wrong especially with the pussyfat fupa roll line thing.
No. 92716
File: 1455418165431.png (2.16 MB, 1965x1360, PhotoGrid_1455418084179-1.png)

>>92692Her body has so many unnecessary creases now.
No. 93434
File: 1455582928991.png (826.56 KB, 1080x1539, Screenshot_2016-02-15-19-30-16…)

She changed her instagram name btw No. 98716
>>92692>>98697She isn't fooling anyone when she stands with her hips pushed back like that.
We all know she looks like dogshit when she's just standing normally. It even looks like she's got those typical knock knees that fat people have.
No. 98728
File: 1456613480302.jpg (19.3 KB, 381x188, image.jpg)

>>98697Her whole body is so ugly holy shit.
She has a vag roll for Christi sake. That swaybacked pose isn't fooling anyone, and the stank that poor yeast sling being swallowed by her ass fat must be murderous.
How do people get so deluded?
No. 98779
There is literally no fucking way this fat piece of shit works out """
constantly""". As one of the many girls with actual hourglass shapes, her and every other fat cunt calling themselves "curvy" can fuck right off - like maybe that's why people associate the term curvy with fat, because of people exactly like you.
And for the love of fuck you do not have "a huge fucking ass" why is it so difficult for some girls to just not say that delusional shit.
And sorry for the obvious rant but this shit is soo dumb. Girls used to have eating disorders and hate on girls with curves, now it's gone the other way but all that's really changed is that wannarexics have turned into girls that do the dumb "big ass" pose to stick out whatever they're chubby body has. Just different shit to lie about.
Also willing to bet money she never had a fucking eating disorder, and if anything just stopped cramming bullshit into her mouth for a few months. 108 pounds at 5'1" is
healthy as fuck.
No. 98806
>>91046Where's her "fucking huge ass"
and who the fuck gets a muffin top from
leggings No. 98977
File: 1456691536252.png (5.04 MB, 2540x1520, american girl.png)

randomly skipped through her newest video and screenshotted the still frames
No. 98980
File: 1456691875783.png (88.31 KB, 621x485, single.png)

she got a boyfriend, lost him, and we missed it lol
No. 98982
File: 1456692215262.png (119.83 KB, 286x380, fg.png)

>>98806>big bootiedbish whur
No. 99145
>>98983Tattoo seems fresh in the picture, it's probably "ink bleed".
For real though, clean that shit up before taking a picture.
No. 99382
>>98982Big booty? Ha.
You're just fat hun.
No. 99824
>>99802I just can't make up my mind about this girl. Seems to me that she's leading a quite pathetic life tho…all she has is her barista job, her porn videos, pokémon/weeaboo stuff and the frequent complaint about evil cis white men who want to fuck her and use her as a side chick. Maybe if she laid off her hateful and hostile attitude she'd actually get more out of life? Idk.
Also who in their right mind gets a fucking Sailor Moon symbol tattooed on their face? And is it just me or is the placement of the tattoo really odd (apart from the odd decision in general that it's right on her fucking face lol)?
No. 99825
File: 1456922996724.png (692.84 KB, 933x594, goodstuff.png)

>>99802>>99824Samefagging but this is the picture that was posted a couple of hours ago on her old instagram account (she changed it to Syrencove). She wants her followers to report this profile because it's a "troll" who has taken over her old account apparently.
-polite sage for samefagging-
No. 99831
>>99824She is a highly defensive individual. I get what you mean though. She'd probably enjoy life a lot more if she stopped acting like everyone was out to get her or secretly try to shag her.
And about the placement - it is pretty terrible. She should have had it placed further back towards her ear because in a few years time if/when she regrets it, her hair could easily have hidden it. She's never going to have a 'proper' job. This coming from someone who is very heavily tattooed. It's her call though innit.
No. 100317
File: 1457052148103.png (2.15 MB, 1440x2205, Screenshot_2016-03-03-16-40-20…)

Her new tattoo is dumb to me but Im not a pokemon fan so idk. Also shes just so ugly to me but i think its her style that has that effect
No. 100329
>>100317I like to use Noivern.
But her Tattoo is just shitty. The placement sucks. Have fun covering that when it's hot outside.
It's going to look even more horrible with colours.
No. 110902
File: 1459006055262.png (667.4 KB, 934x592, hur.png)

eh so i'm kind of into her new hair
No. 112293
File: 1459269125938.png (640.18 KB, 913x551, 70.png)

She is sucking in so much in the left image.
(you can tell by how the area's where her lungs would be located is encaved but her stomach is still fat)
I also only assume she posted the left image next to the right image, because she looks like she has a gut when she is facing forward.. Just look at how the top of her belly button hangs down now.
No. 112428
>>110902I honestly do like this color, but I can't get over that ugly neck tattoo.
>>112293she's so flabby.
No. 114241
File: 1459609666506.png (519.34 KB, 467x573, lexx.png)

god i literally hope this girl gets chlamydia
Oh god, she got it filled in.
No. 114246
File: 1459610595922.png (4.43 MB, 2048x2048, fuckman.png)

so cute tho
Seriously that neck tattoo completely turns me off of this girl. She annoyed the hell out of me before but her looks kept me interested.. but the way she looks now.. Just fuck, she looks like such a douchy try hard now.
No. 153108
File: 1468099985296.jpg (Spoiler Image,147.31 KB, 640x841, image.jpg)

>More kawaii than yo girl
How about no
I tried to like her I really did but the fact that she acts so pretentious while claiming to be a feminist and still supporting the scum like dollskill, Jefree Star etc on top of being a raging weeb is fucking cringeworthy. She's a giant hypocrite and acts like a white tumblr feminists even though she tries oh so hard not to. She gets herself involved with shitty gross men and then starts whining about how all men suck when they fuck her over. Sorry hun you brought it upon yourself by getting involved with slimy men like that "obviously coked out" 30 something year old that you ended up giving the keys to your apt to after 3 months of being with him. She's embarrassing
No. 153230
File: 1468121594827.jpg (39.18 KB, 640x277, image.jpg)

Is she autistic or what?
No. 154797
File: 1468405137647.jpg (54.06 KB, 640x386, snapshot.jpg)

Screenshot from her last video, which wasn't very SJW.
She could be super hot with some muscle mass or less bodyfat.
No. 154896
>>154797kek, she really hates potential male customers 4:25 to 4:45 she's talking about her fans aka "you guys": "young women who may not be legal to look at my stuff"
No. 157334
File: 1468967635010.jpg (40.27 KB, 440x637, 3a9f21ceb670e96d5c83ad6c7e3b6d…)

Something about the way her mouth moves when she talks reminds me of a chubby, fucked up Charlotte Free
No. 158541
File: 1469283838347.jpg (Spoiler Image,156.53 KB, 1200x675, crater.jpg)

Something about her vagina is looks like it smells like fish
No. 158549
>>158541She has no vagina lips. It's just an open slit, Like a gaping wound.
That's a creepy vagina.
No. 158610
>>158575I think it's just a rash from the ass tattoo she just got
>>158549Jesus fuck you're right
No. 161745
File: 1469865962870.gif (423.65 KB, 259x169, giphy3.gif)

>>161503wait does she have a pokemon tattooed on her neck!?
it's not even a goodmon it's a shitmon
No. 161780
File: 1469879329941.jpg (10.79 KB, 178x128, disappointment.JPG)

>>154797Holy fuck, that bootleg Totoro just made me laugh so hard
No. 162060
File: 1469979722975.png (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 876x814, Untitled.png)

What makes her think this looks ok to post. This is so unattractive.
No. 162068
File: 1469981809847.png (143.95 KB, 500x616, tumblr_mv2o0v4GOX1rq0cklo1_500…)

>>162055>goodmon and shitmon are not actual pokemonIt's a pokemon called noivern it's the most random fucking pokemon to have. I've met some saddos before that had pokemon tattoos but it was like Pikachu or Mew, what in the fuck is so important about this one that it's on her fucking neck, it's one that's been released in the last 5 seconds
>it's the equivalent of a new harry potter coming out and immediately having their face tattooed to pride of place No. 162108
File: 1469993467069.jpg (85.89 KB, 905x900, AFL0m.jpg)

the saddest titties I'e ever seen….and holy fuck those areolas. LMAO
No. 162496
File: 1470122202291.jpg (16.42 KB, 477x357, CiK036x.jpg)

Reading through this thread just make me think she has psyche issues. The sort of issues someone gets tats of stupid shit and piercings out the wazoo in attempt to compensate.
Her weird tits are just bad genetics really, and her body shape is straight up and down, she tries to make it look like hips with angling and stuff, but if have serious hips then its something you don't need to draw attention to.
No. 163095
File: 1470334849252.jpg (200.33 KB, 639x912, image.jpg)

No. 163106
File: 1470335938664.jpg (110.61 KB, 640x943, image.jpg)

Someone's lurking
No. 163451
File: 1470452769615.png (12.51 KB, 524x96, Screenshot1.png)

This bitch literally sits on cam either shaking her fupa, whining about nobody tipping, squeezing her sad tits together, or staring at her phone.
No. 163643
File: 1470507920338.png (682.94 KB, 602x600, Screen Shot 2016-08-06 at 09.0…)

>>163451>squeezing her sad tits togetherhaha
No. 166346
File: 1471400685375.gif (2.64 MB, 400x225, 1470923838716.gif)

>>90116I would bet quite a large amount of cash she doesnt do those workouts, her squat technique is terrible, she almost fells over on the leg lifts and she lost track of what she was doing for the last one.
No. 166366
File: 1471408946032.jpg (128.25 KB, 1401x788, LINDSAY.jpg)

>>166364One of the greatest examples of wasted potential. She had the hot redhead market cornered, and then she immediately turned into a 45 year old crack whore with duck lips. Sad. She fits in well with the cows here though.
No. 166405
File: 1471428736964.png (506.36 KB, 600x451, Screen Shot 2016-08-06 at 09.0…)

>>166366>>166394>>166369I think people like Lohan and Britney had breakdowns when they became more aware of their roles as entities of celebrity culture. The explosion of the internet allowed everyone to see the bigger picture of everything and I think people like that suddenly felt like tools.
pic related
No. 171406
File: 1473083981646.png (47.17 KB, 613x304, hard knock life.png)

New youtube vid coming up!
I wonder if she will apologize for her anti-feminism video.
No. 172862
File: 1473530524719.png (46.35 KB, 575x296, prnrtscrn.png)

Preach, sister.
No. 173149
File: 1473608334647.png (Spoiler Image,304.79 KB, 563x544, likeeggsnailedtoawall.png)

shit sorry i derped. I love how shes like when you act trashy it justifies society deeming us degenerates right after she posts her nudes all over her twitter.
kettle meet pot
No. 173363
File: 1473679203809.png (293.85 KB, 660x541, ex-feminist.png)

She has a new video: ex-feminist reads comments.
She also has a new Pokémon Gaming channel, it should be added to the OP: No. 173582
File: 1473744420182.jpg (75.06 KB, 640x526, image.jpg)

Waiting for the "Why I'm no longer a stripper" rant video.
No. 173583
File: 1473744511392.jpg (105.21 KB, 640x718, image.jpg)

She's a train wreck just like Trisha.
No. 173594
>>173582'I was unconscious for over 12 hours but got no brain damage.'
Bitch no you were not unconscious you were fucking asleep and hungover.
No. 181653
File: 1476145109787.png (112.05 KB, 616x920, 1.png)

k den
No. 292865
File: 1492392835938.jpg (Spoiler Image,132.79 KB, 900x1200, CoaIQBgVMAAPg9V.jpg)

Despite her fucked up tits, her body wasn't that awful before the weight gain
something tells me she gained weight to be part of the weight gain trend, to bad it went to her arms stomach and face, not her ass tits or thighs
pic is mid way between weight gain
No. 292878
I'm prob gonna get banned for necromancy soon but here's a montage of stupid shit she posted on insta bitch? you sexualized the word so much it takes away the actual meaning and makes YOU uncomfortable'm sure they can say the same thing about fucking your sloppy fupa and pussy having ass self, no ass and sad tits she shouldn't be telling anyone to exfoliate Oh no there's women who get grabbed, dragged and raped but god forbid your arm be touched to look at tattoos, what a spoilt brat"I hate straight cis men so much thats why I cater to them then deny and get pissed when you call me out"… that so happened pissed you want equality they think you post stupid shit like this pussy must smell like rotting dog vomit"stupid sexist men wanting sex from sex workers what do you think we are sex workers or something"
didn't feel like posting pics, come at me lolcow
No. 293411
File: 1492467785898.jpg (4.83 KB, 150x150, 17077153_307238616359383_67192…)

the fact she thinks she looks anywhere close to these drawings is hilarious
No. 294030
File: 1492541226753.jpg (64.39 KB, 648x432, vintage-adverts-13638950816980…)

>>293411she wishes she was thicc
>>292865 anon is right, considering there's a huge "gaining weight makes you more womanly" trend like #relationshipweight #getthicc "____'s weight gain <3.<3" and people use ads like 50s weight gain ads convincing girls gaining weight will make them hot
just to find out their weight didn't automatically go to their curves ass and tits kek
No. 294231
File: 1492561803213.jpg (37.88 KB, 550x521, 516bd684fa8deae8d52f3da444d916…)

>>294169reminds me of a girl I knew who was 105 lbs and 5'2, as soon as the "omg gain weight to make you THICC" trend came in she started working out a lot with weights and scarfing down any fattening food she could get her hands on until she was like 140, she was super slender and petite with delicate curves now she's chubby and not a lot of weight went to her ass or tits, she's trying to lose weight and corset now, hopefully she realizes the dumb eat like shit to get thicc trend doesn't work
pic related, it was similar to the girls body on the left, she didn't get as balloony on the right but she was heading that way
No. 294245
File: 1492563073352.jpg (34.72 KB, 461x585, url.jpg)

>>294030girl in the ad was super thin, gained some weight to make her tits and ass bigger, id say she gained 5-13 lbs at most and became curvy, girls today will look like the girl on the right and think they're not curvy enough
fatties today like using marilyn monroe as an example of proving curvy can be beautiful, truth is if a girl today had marilyns exact body she would get floods of comments saying her butt isnt big enough, her tits are small, she isnt curvy enough, etc
then there's the girls like lexxy who think they're thicc just cuz they gained weight or think their butt is big just because it isnt 180 degrees flat
No. 294265
>>294245thing is marilyn monroe isnt even thick or curvy or anything at all. she is thin. not super skinny thin, but not chubby or anything either.
not saying her figure sucks, but its often used to glorify being chubby, when she just isnt.
also, didnt all women wear those short corsets in the time she lived? they all have that super slender waist going on.
(and also being malnourished due to post-war)
>Prof Gray continues: 'As underwear has become less restrictive and more sensual, the hourglass fashion or nipped-in waist has been replaced with a desire to have a flatter stomach. Every-day underwear does not hold in the stomach or contort the waist for you, like corsets used to do.' >>294245 No. 294352
>>294247men are morons, most of the "weight gain before and afters" of girls getting more curvy are either of super skinny girls who gained some or they had plastic surgery or did squats and got bigger, not from eating like shit which is what girls like lexxy are doing.
>>294265yeah they had corsets, imo marilyn had curves but she wasn't that curvy, just average womanly curvy
No. 294927
>>294413they were expected to be healthy, or at least look like it, although corseting was damaging as fuck
I know a girl who has a figure similar to marilyns but she has a bigger butt and hips and she thinks she's not curvy enough because of the ridiculous standards, kinda ironic we are talking about this considering lexxy thinks she's curvy as hell and her followers think shes curvy as hell but there's girls curvier than her and think they're not curvy
No. 340830
File: 1498349878871.png (1002.2 KB, 896x1078, whitepowerlexynichelle.png)

>When you're running out of money and get paid to do the white power sign in your YouTube videos
This girl is a train wreck lol
No. 340843
>>292865#1 This is shooped to make her look thinner.
#2 There never was any going back after she got those idiotic tattoos.
#3 She still had a fat person's arms, back handles, and pancake tits so the weight gain really didn't matter.
#4 She was always average at best and the makeup is terrible.
She only looks slightly greasier in
>>340830. Let's not pretend that fat is what ruined her here.
No. 340854
File: 1498352508067.jpg (35.82 KB, 436x265, Laser-Tattoo-Removal-Before-An…)

>>340830"but but my shitty videos of me flopping my sad tits around pay rent!!!!"
honestly if she took better care of herself and get full body tattoo removal and died her hair a color that doesnt make her look hideous and tacky, she can be AT LEAST a 7/10
No. 340915
>>340843 everything wrong with her words and how delusional she is,and the self posting on her tumblr, etc etc
her body, or at least her silhouette looked alright, if she maintained it, got a boob job, got rid the tattoos, wore natural makeup and maintained a good hair color she could be decent looking
No. 340921
>>340904Yikes sorry
I was a dumb bitch & misread I apologize
>>340843 No. 341128
File: 1498405959259.gif (982.65 KB, 500x364, ok1.gif)

>>340918…It's literally just an "okay" symbol, you're reading too far into it. At least post a fucking time stamp and link next time so I don't have to watch an 11 minute video of her awkwardly spazzing out to find what you're talking about. She's a massive weeb and that hand gesture is a pretty common pose in anime/japanese culture besides the peace sign.
No. 345259
>>342471Well just think about it. After her I'm not a feminist video she started to get the ALT right yt demographic. She posts videos of herself in a tub with bananas. I have no doubt guys pay her to do stupid shit in her videos.
It's not that uncommon. Eugenia Cooney does it to for ana fetishists. Yall ain't fun at all.
No. 345840
File: 1499134053921.png (148.5 KB, 464x476, Sad.png)

>>345259No we're just not a bunch of dumb asses. The videos of herself with bananas was just her shitposting and attempting to be like filthy frank and those other shitposting ytbers. Saying she gets paid for those videos is reaching. Anyways, hi Lexxy, how much longer are you gonna attempt to leech off of more successful youtubers?
Whatever happened to the funds she received to move to Seattle? Now she's saying she wants to move to Cali. I wouldn't be surprised if she opens another gofundme to scam people. On her most recent gofundme for her cat, she promised to send people stickers yet there hasn't been any whispers of stickers being sent/received.
No. 347042
File: 1499322125386.jpg (Spoiler Image,49.3 KB, 752x575, syren.jpg)

Such unfortunate tattoo placement, it accentuates her lard body.
No. 357630
>>90366well, it's not that she has no ass, it's that she emphasizes it so much and claims to have this big ol kim k ass, so when you see it, you expect a big butt and get a normal butt
when she was thinner and has less tats, she looked good, besides her tits
IMO she should go back to getting fit, get tattoo removal, get a boob job, and when she does lose weight she should get the loose skin on her arms removed
>>90370she looked hot here, but her tits are just odd looking, she tries to hard to be quirky
for her face, it looks fine, she actually has a nice face, its just she ruins it with ridiculous makeup and ugly white trash hair
No. 358029
>>357630>claims to have this big ol kim k assThis. She keeps calling herself "thicc" when she's nowhere near having a stereotypical "thicc" ass.
She looked hot in the pic but ruined herself with poorly placed tattoos and chalky makeup that makes her look dirty, it's embarrassing.
No. 384747
File: 1505095413338.png (85.82 KB, 1082x816, wat.png)

why is rep obsessing over her
No. 385054
>>384837that's what I'm thinking, he always complains about the ex he had in court, the he talked about one girl he did collabs with in 2014 or 2015 who was an alcoholic and lead him on turns out she had a bf, then we have mystery gf who he apparently had a bunch of wild sex adventures with but doesn't say anything else about her or show her so either
>they broke up>rep lied about mystery girlfriend to make someone jealous >lied to seem cool or some shit>rep is a cheater who obsesses over some chubby white trash girl because she made anti fem videos while having a GFdont mean to derail the thread about rep btw
No. 413952
>>413554she'll never quit porn because its the only job where she doesn't have to do shit but whine on twitter for money and make a product every like…two months?
she went back to stripping for like a month too so. can't wait for that twitter mental breakdown.
No. 413972
>>413554Oh you bet she'll be back once twitch doesn't give her enough money and gets over this honeymoon phase. She always drops things whenever she's not personally gaining anything or getting asspats. It's so funny seeing her have a mental breakdown realizing she can't just get money for sitting around and trying to disguise that as hate for the "shady" industry.
>>>At some point my entire identity became my sexualityNo shit dumb ass, that's the only thing you promoted constantly.
>>>the thing is that the money is stemmed from how much effort you put into itLike most jobs? She sits around on her phone the entire cam time and expects people to throw money at her for doing absolutely nothing.
No. 415805
>>384747He comments every yt video. Dude is gay for Peter Monn too
Lexy should stick to porn. She's the utter definition of uneducated rural American camslut. I just watched the fat acceptance video of hers. She has the vocabulary of a 13 year old
No. 450750
File: 1514026662546.jpg (Spoiler Image,205.32 KB, 797x599, OMG1.jpg)

Did you guys know she got her entire boobs tattooed?
No. 450752
File: 1514026775814.jpg (Spoiler Image,193.1 KB, 795x597, OMG2.jpg)

>>450750Even her areola! I almost can't believe she went that far.
No. 451610
File: 1514133596883.jpeg (48.3 KB, 400x400, 91EE3F47-A860-4D27-83FE-910013…)

>>450752Arieola tattoos can actually be really pretty, anon.
No. 452238
>>452086same, I like areola tattoos as well but those look sooo bad and hideous, I also feel like she got them because she's insecure about her areolas maybe, I could be wrong though
> As she can't be a sex worker with an anti feminist audience, as they'll just call her a whore, a hypocrite etc. There's no winning there.well it's not so much that she went to some lauren southern level anti fem, she basically just said "feminists are meen so I am anti feminist now!!" It is dumb as hell that she's starting to cater to alt right neckbeards, which I don't understand why she would since men like that tend to be extremely picky over their women, not really smart career moves, she should just stick with catering to stoners who would fuck anything that walks
No. 459604
File: 1514908512638.jpg (33.94 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>horrifically executed with scratchy linework and poor shading
literally what are you on about? You can think her anime themed tattoos are corny or not your cup of tea but to act like they're quality is scratcher tier is beyond overdramatic. Do you need glasses anon?
No. 469499
>>456735She used to play it, I think.
>>468873I called it. You nailed it right on the head. She can't chose one "career" to focus on and bitches when it flops. It's sad that she refuses to get a real job and wants to mooch off of other people.
No. 469930
File: 1515953424530.jpg (Spoiler Image,247.57 KB, 1920x1080, DSRrmg5XUAATZQD.jpg)

Here are her boob cabbages retracted or something.
>>468873From 10:18…
>I kinda got fucked for a minute because I didn't read twitches terms of service, cuz I didn't think I'd have to read every little dot in the terms of service>When you get paid out for the first time you have to wait like 2 months, so I've been waiting on a check from twitch since like November. I don't get it till February.Top kek!
No. 470521
>>469930is that a fucking meme tattoo on her arm?
also, I know she has too much pride to admit she regrets getting tattoos she gloats about but how long do you think it will be before she regrets it or does something about it
No. 495027
File: 1517927351846.jpeg (424.91 KB, 1536x2048, E1CDB8AD-A02D-48CD-BC85-DAFB14…)

>>495020This is an image board you retard
You bumped this thread over this? Yeah she looks like shit ..When doesn’t she?
No. 570964
File: 1525175145001.jpg (410.32 KB, 1080x2220, payme.jpg)

looks like she started camming again
No. 575779
>>570964Lol she's so damn full of herself, then again most sex workers are, I knew guys who would fuck anything that walks that would turn her down and vomit if they ever got that close to her
Whats her obsession with being thicc and pear shaped anyway and why do her fanboys fuel it? She's chubby with no ratio or propotions, chubby girls who think they're thicc or curvy by default for being fat are the worse. Also I'm surprised her skeptic and june milk wasn't posted her "thicc secret"
No. 606091
File: 1528572514554.png (289.89 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180609-152511.png)

She's back and pretending she's relevant again. Everyone knows youre too desperate to say no to actual money, Lexxy.
No. 609529
File: 1528906909514.png (642.91 KB, 710x1009, Screenshot_2018-06-13-11-20-33…)

Her boob shape is looking better at least, she claimed to go up 1 or 2 cup sizes while losing weight, I'd say she had implants but they are still far apart and saggyish, maybe she took hormones or something?
As bad as the cabbage tattoo is, it does help hide her deformed areola
At least she lookers cleaner and her hair looks better as well as her body, she should work on her skin though, something about the texture on her face looks so off, she should get a skin peel
No. 609776
she made a 40 minute youtube video talking about how her fans can feel free to send her shit. her ego is amazing.
>>609529and her body doesn't look that different to me, especially if you look at the porn previews she's posted but I don't really give a fuck about that.
i honestly just can't wait for her to constantly be getting into twitter shit storms again. she's one of my fav cows because she's such an insecure attention flake.
will she stay an edgelord or go back to being an sjw for the ten thousandth time? we just don't know.
No. 609873
>>609781I mean the same description could be applied to Pixyteri
She's not committing crimes and shit but sometimes simple milk can be the most refreshing.
I can't see her ever growing out of being a cow as long as she stays addicted to starting drama on twitter and complaining about things she does to herself.
No. 610770
File: 1529008146766.png (300.55 KB, 376x399, lexxy1.png)

>>609776the way this bitch pronounces "ing" as "een"
triggers me to no end. It's like a serious speech impediment
No. 612145
>>611632Then go be salty with the cows you love fucking kek.
The only milk police here is admin-sama and her mod maids so you can turn in your badge, anon.
No. 612146
File: 1529118921682.png (289.18 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180615-231402.png)

Anyway she went from bitch about her tattoos and tattoo tours to posting one smfh
No. 612148
File: 1529118946051.png (183.81 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180615-231452.png)

No. 752885
File: 1545536511594.jpeg (430.05 KB, 750x779, B816594F-7224-401C-A18E-911831…)

>>752875Here’s cap because anon is too stupid to image board and who’s also from the 40s apparently when fucking a black guy is milk
No. 762177
>>762156OT but people have been using AC music and Wii music for years now as backing tracks for their videos
Nintendo just doesn't want their games in your videos…er, they didn't, anyway.
No. 762297
>>762156Ended her anti feminist phase so of course the Harley Quinn soooo real cosplayer for daddy phase commences.
Also kek imagine pandering to /pol bros and getting mad that they hate your black bf.
No. 801041
File: 1556493404484.jpg (199.33 KB, 901x1200, D5HMp9VWwAEriYn.jpg)

"pear shape"
No. 920748
File: 1579497805371.png (2.01 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200119-232322.png)

No. 925990
File: 1580421587564.png (523.72 KB, 2048x1368, Screenshot_20200130-155928.png)

She baleted all of her videos save for the BluePotionCo one.