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No. 88820

In order to not clog up the Wonderfinch thread, I'm going ahead to make a thread about Ina. She is full of milk too. Ina is a crazy Bosnian chick from Chicago who practices Islam. Unlike Ellejay, she was born into the faith. Hates black people and gets mad when something is not right in her own views. For example, Ina recently made a status about some lolita wearing a lolita dress for her wedding. Ina was going to wear the same exact one for her own wedding.

No. 88824

I have no idea who this is but she's hideous.

No. 88825


No. 88849

she was banned from one comm already and her local community hates her

No. 88864

While her family is bosnian and parents religious, Ina didn't usually actively participate in Muslim religion herself until around the time the hijab lolita trend popped up. She's known ElleJay for a long time and decided abt the same time as her to wear a hijab once or twice to a meetup, and when no special snowflake attention was given to her, she stopped. She's also been known to selfpost on cgl and btb.

No. 88916

Does she like Asian men?

No. 88920

I'm sensing a vendetta too. She makes cringy borderline SJW posts on her Facebook but idk if an entire thread about her is necessary.

No. 88924

File: 1454463499110.png (340.55 KB, 445x1575, most embarrassing behavior.png)

commencing ina dump. what a gem

No. 88925

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No. 88926

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No. 88928

File: 1454463579048.png (670.19 KB, 3324x2110, diagnosed autist.png)

No. 88929

File: 1454463588180.png (90.16 KB, 1916x332, actually retarded.png)

No. 88930

File: 1454463598788.png (280.75 KB, 3202x970, nice note from ina at the end.…)

No. 88931

File: 1454463614884.png (584.72 KB, 2728x2326, nobody likes u girl.png)

No. 88932

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No. 88934

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for posterity, remember: ina considers herself a Brave Girl and you should too!!

No. 88936

File: 1454463925878.png (281.75 KB, 503x1773, ina angelic.png)

accidentally posted the obscured version, gomen

No. 88937

Don't namefag, stupid cunt

No. 88942

y u gotta be this way ina :(

No. 88946

Is this even a question? Look at this weeb lol.

No. 88949

Are you fucking serious? I'm just some random faggot who knows that it's stupid to pretend you have a fancy Japanese name and use it on lolcow. I didn't know who Ina was until I read this thread. Fuck off.

No. 88967

keeeek. Oh Chicago, your comm has so much milk. I was trying to piece together all the drama and vendettas, but that made it all clear. What a cringey thing to do.

So, Ina hates black people? Or just Wonderfinch? I can't really blame her for being salty at Wonderbitch, as I think all lolitas everywhere have something against that power hungry psycho.

Do you guys have more milk from Ina, though? Any pictures of her in this hijab? More posts where x'D she talks like dis? She has really annoying behavior, but I'd like to know more.

No. 89012

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No. 89013

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No. 89020


Can we get some context for these?

No. 89026

Yeeeaaah she has a reputation for being an ~edgydesu~ shit stirrer and being able to dish it out but not take it.
Also, she's hardly Internet famous. INfamous maybe..

No. 89058

Ina is anti SJW though.

No. 89073

The posts >>89012 and >>89013 are about a lolita dress Ina was going to wear for her wedding, but found out someone else was doing the same too.

No. 89074

I have not a clue who she is but half of my Facebook is talking about how they unfriended her for whatever reason.

No. 89075

she got banned from the Chicago Comm, but for some reason she was allowed back in later.

i don't think everyone in the community hates her. rachel hates her stemming from the poor behavior over the BTSSB scepter incident >>88936 on LSE.

No. 89097

She was asked to step back from the comm and let the mods know when she wanted back in, they basically told her to lay off and go reassess her behavior. She was banned from the gyaru comm because even the fucking gyarus couldn't stand her bullshit and kicked her out, and then she came crawling back to the lolita comm because she had nowhere else to go.

No. 89108

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Hijab coord feat spraypaint blouse

No. 89211

Holy shit, this is actually some decent milk. This bitch is cray cray.

No. 89212

wut. She literally spraypainted the blouse? JFC, that must be awful smelling, flakey, and hard to move in. Why would you do that? I'm sure there's golden accented blouses on taobao or something.

No. 89217

that's awful she ruined a perfectly good blouse in order to match her gold shoes.

this is a bad coord all around. wearing a hijab in black makes it even worse.

No. 89268

hijab wearing lolitas are scum. It never looks good.

No. 89364

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what dis abt?

No. 89391

Some girl (I'm assuming the OP) wore some tacky AP dress for her wedding and Ina chimped out because it was totally her super speshul original idea first… even though Ina doesn't even have a date set lmao. Bet whoever's unlucky enough to have her leeching off them is too scared to commit.

But yeah, Ina took the classy route and harassed a stranger for "stealing" the idea, and got all her friends to help harass her too.

No. 89625

File: 1454627107230.png (24.08 KB, 511x386, vengeanceisminebitch.png)

good she's going fuck off

this is what you get for insulting black lolitas

you are such a vile, crazy, and racist bitch

No. 89647

Holy shit you cunts are so retarded. If someone talked shit about me like that, I'd crush their skulls. Looking forward to meeting some of you again, you'll have a nice surprise to look out for.

No. 89654

Wtf are you talking about? Are you wonderfinch or Alexandra?

Ina has done a lot of stupid things but she's not a racist lol

No. 89659

She sure as hell ain't racist. Some of these bitches need to jump off some cliffs it looks like. Literally can't even understand how some of yall are so fucking dumb. Seems like you don't even know how the fuck to behave in society let alone on the web.

No. 89685

If only these bitches knew when to keep their cunty mouths shut. I mean, I personally don't hang out with this Ina girl, but you twats really are a bunch of sad little bitches. I doubt you'd say shit to anyone face to face too. Like the scared insecure bitches you are. Ina won't take ya on, but I'll gladly fuck you up :D

No. 89687

>those timestamps
>that samefag
>trying this hard
I honestly can't find the words for how pathetic Ina and her little herd of fellow cows are.

No. 89690

Hi wondercunt.

No. 89695

Mohammed piss be upon him, you look ugly you muslime rat

No. 89704

Cry harder little bitch :)
Waahhh Waaahhhhh I'm a little bitch waaahhhh.

Here's a hint, only the second post you quoted is mine. If it makes you feel better, you're still a cunt. And you'll always be a cunt.

No. 89733

Either I'm tired or I lack reading comprehension, but I can't figure out who's trying to whiteknight whom here.

No. 89893

you do realize this is

the internet

right, tough guy?

No. 111032

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Reviving this thread bc this cow is spewing more racist crap on FB. We get it, you hate white people.

No. 111120

Anywhere in the world– if you open something before paying for it, it is considered stealing/shoplifting. I have seen signs lately that tells people to not open bottles of food items before checking out. How do people think this is okay? And buying your kid a soda? Real fucking healthy.

No. 111165

I work in retail and it makes me raeg when people open items. 90% of the time they're opening it to steal it.

No. 111166

Honestly, it's ratchet to eat/open things you haven't paid for yet. Do you seriously lack such self-control you can't wait 5 minutes to make the purchase? It's fucking rude.

No. 111183

Lol that seems a lot more likely for a black person to do

No. 111330

Agreed. Ina has to get her jabs in at anyone that isn't her race in one way or another.

No. 113685

jesus what happened to her hair tho

No. 113755

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Here's some milk around the time she was told to take a break and then return to the Comm.

She's hella crazy and doesn't know much about Islam in general.

No. 113756

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No. 114305

File: 1459627561722.jpeg (42.46 KB, 750x362, image.jpeg)

omg wut a goddamn shitposter whore ass fatass!!!!! (︶ω︶)

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