>>99887She's basically just another screaming tumblrina that's self righteous and all about that "iM GonNNa FIGHt yOU!!!1!!!" when in real life she's just a fujoshit that can't say / do half the shit she posts online.
She constantly posts about her insecurities online so people can pat her ass and try to make her feel better, no fucking reserve at all.
She claims she has a boyfriend but is willing to go poly, as long as she likes the other party.
Hangs out with other uggos to make herself look better.
Over-filters and shoops every single photo she's posted, and when she does post un shooped photos, we can automatically see why she does shoop.
She's a proud supporter of ahripop and is willing "to stand up for her" but never publicly said anything to back her up on insta when she was being exposed.
Always goes for the fakebois and pretends to be one on the inside too.
Is actually just a redneck girl constantly whining on social media.