File: 1567973030047.jpg (21.66 KB, 400x400, obayed.jpg)

No. 866142
Because outside of the raging AL vendetta that gave us that last shitshow thread, he's actually a pretty entertaining cow.
Here's a short rundown:
>obnoxious indian rich kid, parents are loaded>notorious MCM Expo Group (the biggest UK comic con) troll, all edgelord all the time, lots of misogynistic and homophobic shit which he excuses with the presence of 'the harem'>refers to his group of female fame orbiters as his harem, jury is out on whether he's fucking some of them, creeping, or actually just friends with them>got heavily involved in the campaign against Mike Towers (UK con scene nonce, has his own thread) but quickly twisted it to his own publicity, to the extent that many people now actually doubt that Towers is a nonce because Obayed has made it seem like a personal feud>has a habit of sending his inexplicably vast online following to harass and threaten anyone who criticises or even contradicts him- interesting cow vs cow mashups here as this has included people like Sindy Pop and Grace Mellody>after having publicly crusaded as the Champion Against Nonces for years, one of his close friends is exposed as a nonce with evidence>Obayed has been radio silent over this and trying to draw attention to low-tier AL drama insteadTwitter: MCM Facebook group where most of his antics take place: books (yes, really): No. 866146
File: 1567973216799.png (168.29 KB, 685x561, transphobia bad.PNG)

One of his entertaining qualities is that he can't make up his mind whether he wants to be an edgelord or an SJW.
No. 866458
File: 1568036152909.png (95.33 KB, 460x340, Untitled.png)

>>866142Those books are cringeworthy, his coloring book is just shitty filters over pictures
No. 866572
File: 1568056420020.png (560.16 KB, 671x601, she's not your girl dude.PNG)

>>866458This isn't even recognisably cosplay. What's with his constant cringey sucking up to anything with a cunt, anyway? Some of the captions on his retweets make my skin crawl.
No. 866574
File: 1568056696637.png (429.34 KB, 676x546, bro aren't they all your fave …)

>>866572Like from anyone else this would be an immediate 'yikes, stop orbiting', but somehow he's created this cult of personality where he gets away with it. It really is interesting.
No. 866605
>>866572Towers, your syntax is still easily recognizable. Learn to sage.
also, wasn't this book a whole joke or something? If i recall it wasn't meant to be serious, hence the shitty editing
No. 866612
File: 1568060361161.jpg (167.45 KB, 502x681, hitlist.jpg)

He also has a secret "Fight Club" group where he and his "harem" shit on people who don't agree with everything they say. This is their current hit-list and most of the information there is out of date by a few years. If you are actually going to send a mob after people - get your information right first.
No. 866935
>>866612Should I feel sad that I no longer appear on anyone's shitlist/blacklist any more?
Or is this a sign I might be getting my shit together?
(blog) No. 867388
>>866935I feel like theres more people like this on lolcow than we realize, just other cows making fun of other cows
>>867041its funny how someone who calls their female groupies a literal HAREM can still play the woke world. My god, is the late 2010s stupid as fuck.
No. 867535
File: 1568251010974.png (782.22 KB, 2048x1915, Screenshot_20190912-021501.png)

Obayed and Adam were never really friends, that's just something Towers and Mel are trying to spread. Obayed has never even met Adam and it seems he only recently added him on Facebook. Adam's ex gf of two years didn't know who he was and Obayed has never hung out with any of the people from his friends group.
No. 867671
>>867642I think people are over exaggerating how well they knew each other just for the chance to attack him for it. It looks like they were only facebook friends for a few months. Apart from commenting on each other's posts a few times there doesn't look like there was much else between them. Nobody even knew they were friends till Adam got outed and the anti-Obayed hate crew tried to jump on it the chance to bash him and call them "best friends".
If we're gonna talk shit about this guy here I'd rather try and stick to facts about what he's done instead of running on some obviously sensationalised bs because that'll just make me sceptical about anything else that gets bought up.
No. 867697
>>867671The facts suggest otherwise
>He didn't share the post about Adam publicly, where he would have been sharing it everywhere for anyone else.>He hasn't added Adam in to the black-list he posted publicly, and no one has yet offered up a screenshot from his private group to prove that even that has been edited.>Obayed himself said in his reply to the original post on Adam that they were friends, so it's not like he barely knows him.>He continually kept throwing up smokescreens to distract attention ranging from it's all Mike and Mel's evil plot to wah 4chan hates me.Very best friends, probably not, but it's obvious they were pretty close.
No. 867705
File: 1568304620768.png (1.78 MB, 1324x2048, Screenshot_20190912-171009.png)

>>867697He's been making memes of the whole Adam Joestar situation as soon as things kicked off
No. 867763
File: 1568312292600.png (791.01 KB, 1667x2048, Screenshot_20190912-191436.png)

>>867703Proof he's actually taken steps to prevent Adam Joestar getting away Scott free
No. 867766
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No. 867767
File: 1568312521178.png (654.72 KB, 1417x2048, Screenshot_20190912-192129.png)

>>867766These were on the posts about Adam Joestar that he shared.
No. 867916
File: 1568330154573.jpg (112.81 KB, 548x781, adam1.JPG)

>>867697>>867072>>867057Check the edit date: Adam was added pretty much as soon as shit came out.
>>867913>hurr durr lets tell mummy and daddyHi AL staff, here's that (you)
No. 868162
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No. 868184
>>868162So either he’s lying to stir the drama or he literally just admitted to posting solely so people will be more on his side?
Either way; it’s a yikes from me. We’re less than 100 replies into the thread and he’s already showing true cow material…
No. 868755
>>868555I've been using this site for two years you silly cunt, and asking farmhands to check IPs isn't against any rule.
>>868548There's no ban message for any of the posts containing screenshots, unless i'm incredibly blind. I'm interested to know whether we can immediately debunk his claim that he's posting them himself.
No. 868756
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>>868752Here's one example I've seen. Proper creepy.
No. 868763
File: 1568507308973.jpg (40.63 KB, 640x640, 1172623_160701407474253_204085…)

Again doesn't know whether he wants to support women or objectify them
No. 868793
File: 1568513920906.jpg (265.07 KB, 1080x1162, Screenshot_20190915-031529__01…)

>>868756I mean in the 4chan thread where this was posted there were screencaps from Firdaus herself BTFO'ing this BS, but sure, creepy
No. 868811
File: 1568517766903.png (438.56 KB, 2048x1426, Screenshot_20190915-041458.png)

>>868793I'm the one who linked Fir to the 4chan thread when I recognised comments from her post were being posted, (here's proof) we both thought it was incredibly cringe how someone cropped out those heart reacts and replies to try and make him look bad (note: I've never met Obayed in person or have him as a friend so I can't vouch for how he really is, just that this is a poor attempt to make him look "creepy".)
No. 868842
File: 1568526651364.jpg (337.78 KB, 1080x1693, obayedkhanreminde.jpg)

Reposting this one from yesterday just to show what a cow we're dealing with here.
No. 868974
>>868941Personally if a male friend made frequent comments to me about wanting to share a bed etc, that guy would not be a friend for very long. It's gross, have some self-respect.
>>868961Costhots love efame and being a notorious edgelord is close enough.
No. 869015
File: 1568579046686.jpg (29.75 KB, 450x250, 9587785281_4e47d678de_z-59642f…)

I found a picture of Obayed's family hotel chain. He's getting really cocky building hotel chains so close to where Towers lives…
No. 869618
File: 1568708425468.jpg (16.8 KB, 300x242, s-l300.jpg)

This entire thread is basically just fan fiction. There's a distinct lack of screenshots to prove any of these so called claims. Just looks like some real hardcore projecting.
No. 869691
>>869679any real proof? like screenshots of him being creepy or girls calling him creepy?
this is lolcow, if you're going to post shit like that it has to be with some kind of proof, if not stfu until you can confirm anything you say.
No. 869692
>>869691Then have you seen the rest of the topics where they don't back up anything? This must be a very special thread. Also are we
victim shaming women now?
No. 869708
>>869697i've been using lolcow for years, also dont know obayed or towers personally.
If you're going to bump threads with this kind of shit it need to be accompanied with proof. Why not post any? I dont know the full situation but all i see is baseless accusations so the milk is dry and boring as shit.
Real the rules and learn to sage.
No. 869725
File: 1568732694972.png (479.48 KB, 620x804, obobayed.png)

Obayed posts in the mcm group with fake news on Alcon, only for Alcon to respond by posting proof he's lying.
Legal action on Obayed next maybe?
No. 869726
File: 1568732742937.png (147.56 KB, 720x1440, obobayed2.png)

No. 869728
File: 1568732803410.jpg (101.16 KB, 1920x1080, obobayed3.jpg)

No. 869733
File: 1568733041518.jpg (123.13 KB, 720x1042, Screenshot_20190917_160812.jpg)

>>869725Proves Obayed has never fundraiser for an event before. You don't need to be registered or partnered unless looking for sponsorships. But he can post about 'Save the Amazon' but not actually donate
No. 869759
File: 1568735628844.jpeg (9.74 KB, 300x168, download (3).jpeg)

Making up fake harassment claims to deflect from AL and their improper fundraising from Towers.
No. 870037
>>870017Hi Obayed
Someday I can't wait for your ass to get exposed by a bunch of girls who aren't afraid, fuck your vendetta mob for making that difficult and fuck you for targeting girls you know probably who don't want to make drama by doing so.
No. 870108
I saw Obayed at a grocery store in Birmingham yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
No. 870143
>>870108You know Obayed is a narc when this thread is so new and already he's posting shit like this
Can someone IP ban Obayed so we can keep it genuine thanks
No. 870204
File: 1568830873934.jpg (77.85 KB, 499x575, twat.jpg)

Biggest hypocrite!! He hugged me at MCM and didn't even ask if it was OK. I don't like people touching me at the best of times even friends though he just thought it was OK to do it and near my breasts too…
No. 870217
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No. 870230
File: 1568833646370.jpg (106.31 KB, 492x582, nonce.jpg)

Jokes about proposing to a minor. Joke or no joke that's a bit noncy to me especially when it is a bit creepy he is at Disney essentially by himself.
No. 870301
>>870299I am hoping that if there is any
victims that they have the courage to follow through with it as the khan harem will definately harress and attack them in order to get any police charges drop :-(
No. 870314
File: 1568848355697.jpg (106.8 KB, 515x773, manipulation.jpg)

Yes and you would know all about this wouldn't you? Tell us more Obayed
No. 870325
>>867763"proof Obayed actually taken steps to prevent Adam Joestar getting away Scott free"
I call bullshit on his intentions, look at the date. He made this claim weeks after Joestar was found out. Previously he was a close friend so this reaks of a desperate manipulation to put distants between himself and Joestar? Does anyone have a screenshot of his commercial response when the news broke?
No. 870332
File: 1568850680378.png (78 KB, 639x533, obayedsfriend.png)

>>870325You're correct though his private fight club post was 7 days later not weeks (otherwise your point pretty much is correct). His original response was very weak and consisted of not publicly sharing the
victim's post but making a single reply to it instead. Basically doing the bare minimum. Here was his solitary reply publicly and only real response for days privately.
His failure to share the
victim's post resulted in her only getting 125 shares, about as many as Obayed's obviously fake news about Alcon charity which has been shown to be fake. If he had properly shared the Adam Joestar post it would have got easily as many as Lewis Williams and Mike Towers posts got (ie: several hundred).
No. 870446
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No. 870549
>>870446Lol, for someone who has spent years doing this to everyone else..>>870491
But.. but.. Obayed-Kun always fact-checks his evidence! Right?
No. 870605
>>870549Its worst than that, The Clown will purposely supress information if it would exhonerate an individual.
This guy is the worst kind of scum.
No. 870761
File: 1568944761842.png (761.64 KB, 660x442, die.png)

wish he would do this to himself. still find it gross he's at Disney like…shudders
No. 870768
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not only making the MCM Expo Group his troll space, also killing other groups I see?
Anyone have any more information on this?
No. 870881
File: 1568985428468.jpg (163.48 KB, 1564x1271, IMG_20190920_141342.jpg)

>>870849Incorrect, as you can probably guess from the screenshot already posted above one of the admins of the group (Chris) was openly racist and posted about how he thinks all foreigners are scum, Obayed added him to the black list, Chris eventually got kicked from the group after he added one of his friends who liberally used the n word and he deleted the kink group Discord before they removed him as admin on there too so they had to start a new one.
No. 870882
File: 1568985498812.jpg (179.1 KB, 720x1389, Screenshot_20190920_141719.jpg)

Apparently you can't ask his opinion on anything because he sends his harem after you and tells you are wrong. Such a nice guy
No. 870979
>>870939Seriously? WTF is wrong with this guy?
All it takes is for you to fall out of his grace and you will immediately be on his hit list.
Am guessing thats why alot of his
victims are scared of coming forward.
No. 870986
>>870979>>870939Anon with a bunch of uncomfortable sexual messages from Obayed, I stand by this. I've wanted to expose him for so long but it's not worth all the vendetta and drama it would cause so I always wait until he gets called out by someone who doesn't mind the drama and hope multiple
victims come forward because that would be a lot less intimidating.
He's not only a creep but he's a bigot. I'm guessing he messages creepy sexual shit because he knows he can get away with it because he does it to people who don't want the drama so they stay quiet.
If anyone has him on Instagram lurking his following is enough to put two and two together on how much he loves approaching girls in the dms.
No. 871034
File: 1569013356897.jpg (217.41 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20190920_220105.jpg)

Are we also going to ignore the facts that he likes to say he is the biggest person to help everyone. Isn't racist, is caring and is there to support when he infarct joked about abortions and when people were offended, told them to grow up and get over it.
No. 871062
File: 1569016585340.png (1012.22 KB, 1152x2048, 322156186.png)

I found the actual post. It's so disgusting him and his girlfriend actually chose to get an abortion, he even posted a picture of the ultrasound. Shameful.(obayed ban evading)
No. 871115
File: 1569022937328.png (555.29 KB, 1152x2048, Screenshot_20190921-004107.png)

>>871111He's so horrible, ugh…
No. 871117
>>871062> It's clearly a jokeAgain does it have anything to do with the MCM group? Joe Black is just as much in the wrong here as he was saying "Obayed-chan didn't break the rules" yet he continually let's Obayed get away with being a prick. Jokes are joke but that's a private thing not being a cunt to people who legitimately have had miscarriages as much as he likes to not
trigger people and had screamed at other people for doing that he's happy to do the same. Double standards much?
No. 871235
>>871062kek obayed is really posting this shit here himself? Christ, looks like I've did a 180 and switched my opinion.
True classic cow material.
No. 871291
>>871119Agree with that, however Joe is causing a nasty situation that will back fire in a few years or so.
Once Khan has had his fill on Alcon he will most likely move against the next convention. Attack! Attack! Attack! then rinse and repeat till the only target left is MCM.
Out of interest, this guy must be 28. Does anyone know what he does work wise? As he seems to always be posting on MCM group. Or does he leech off his parents?
No. 871507
>>871401you fucking normies need to lurk more before posting cringe shit like this.
Mods will not check any IPs for you hun
No. 871607
File: 1569169921824.jpg (34.6 KB, 491x187, ugly.jpg)

Just wants the ugly people to himself it seems or the thots who'd bend over for anyone
No. 871747
File: 1569188042031.png (652.25 KB, 493x745, agn.png)

>>871607Similar post even though he is this 'truth'
No. 871856
A man of great wit! XD
No. 872728
File: 1569367406711.jpg (43.24 KB, 503x209, 2ndgroup.jpg)

Remember that time when a bunch of people started their own group and then Obayed sent his edgelord fans after them
No. 872926
File: 1569420971964.jpg (214.7 KB, 1080x1178, Screenshot_20190925_151408.jpg)

Look at me being eco friendly when I'm damaging the world being alive
No. 872961
It's very obvious from all of the posts on this thread that none of you have actually met Obayed before or know anything about him because you can't see how clearly obvious it is to everyone else who does know him that everything here is just made up by people trying to make him look bad. Obayed has had cancer since he was a child and has been physically disabled his entire life, the guy can't even walk properly and you guys are really out here desperately trying to make it sound like he somehow physically harasses and assaulted women despite not actually being physically able to do so. This entire thread is a travesty, as if you're all actually going out of your way to bully a disabled kid who's been dealt a shit hand by life, encouraging people to harass members of his family, making up fake harassment claims without screenshots, making fun of how he looks, calling him "autistic" as an insult, wishing death upon him, when all he's ever done is post edgy memes and help out a handful of rapists in the UK con community. It just looks like everyone here is incredibly desperate to try and "ruin" him because he probably outed all of you as rapists publicly and you're trying to get back at him for it, going by how vague you all are about hating him and calling him a "cunt" because none of you want to admit it's because "He outed me as a rapist". All this anonymous stalking and harassment, scrolling through six fucking years of his tweets and not finding anything worth posting here (outside of him giving a shout out to his female friend) is desperation on a whole other level. The way you all believe that he MUST have done something bad because you all refuse to believe maybe he just is a good person going about his life without doing anything wrong just seems like worrying levels of projection.
No. 873048
>>873031People are slowly realising what Obayed is like and you don't seem to like that. Suggest you go back to Obayed and ask him why he has -
>continually posted sexists, misogynistic and homophobic crap as well as laughing at those who have suffered miscarriage/abortion>sends his mobs of people to harass and bully others almost on a weekly basis which is almost illegal and outright horrible on those who are innocent and most proberly undermined any REAL police investigations on the guilty all for his own self-aggrandisement>had a close friend who was himself proven to be a sex offender and nonce>ignored the fact he was a nonce, unlike everyone else including several who are likely innocent, to share this important info>and that there are several accounts now coming out about him acting inappropriately at the very least with females who are too scared of his mob>has been exposed by the mods on lolcow here as posting on his own thread and pretending to be others to spread fake information>and there is also a screenshot proving that he has been doing this and is trying to "steer the topic" >has used his supporters to tear apart groups including an anti-trolling/bullying group often only because he just doesn't like the adminsCome back to us when he answers those questions.
No. 873053
>>873037Go ask him yourself, he posts about it often enough on his personal profile.
>>873048He doesn't post Homophobic anything or make fun of people who have had miscarriages, he mocks people who do with satire. You have to be as dumb as Liam Kirwin if you actually believe his post about aborting an alien. The only people he's mean to are pedophillies and rapists that have already been publicly exposed. We've all seen the black list and even on lolcow people have confirmed that pretty much everyone on that list deserves to be on it. Nobody here is disputing that. If by "close friend" you mean Adam Joestar Obayed has black listed him as soon as the news broke and shared all the posts, this has already been proven on this thread already. It's sad that the ONLY thing you guys are fixating on because you have nothing else is that he was Facebook friends with Adam for a few months. From the looks of it he's never met Adam in person before and their only interactions are that Adam liked and shared his posts. If they really are "best friends" then prove it by showing me screenshots of them together then because otherwise it's just more bull shit. All he's posted on this thread were screenshots of his own posts and star wars memes, from the looks of it since his ban there haven't been any screenshots posted here so it's pretty obvious the one posting them really was Obayed.
No. 873065
File: 1569440985955.jpg (78.87 KB, 514x582, razist.jpg)

>>873056such racist content…..also look above already sorted Chris boohoo
No. 873066
>>873053They weren't public posts and he didn't send a hate mob after his buddy Adam. He also didn't make any memes about Adam and quickly swept anything to do with Adam under the rug and moved on to "save the amazon" cause he's such an echo guy. You are basically saying he isn't allowed to
trigger people when he constantly says "I respect everyone's issues", joking about abortion yet then saying you can't joke about killing yourself as that's attention seeking seems a bit hypocritical to me.
No. 873073
This thread is entirely pointless, it's just going in circles.
>>873066>He didn't even make any memes Except
>>867705 he did and
>>867535 proof he's never met Adam and
>>867814 it's already been posted that he's made his posts friends only so if your problem is "I can't see anything" then add him as a friend if you're so desperate to see his posts. This might as well just be the Adam Joestar thread, he's the one you all seem to talk about here. I'm done answering questions that have already been answered in this very thread, holy shit you guys are actual fucking morons…
No. 873080
File: 1569443792779.jpg (163.16 KB, 1080x957, Screenshot_20190925_205658.jpg)

He basically tells people to kill themselves while apparently seeks attention for having cancer.
No. 873084
File: 1569444992092.png (44.73 KB, 491x354, received_507627963388494.png)

>>873080Are you really so desperate for content you're digging up posts from an archived group and cropping them to make him look bad because you can't find any genuine examples of him being a bad person?? Poor attempt at slander.
No. 873115
>>873056Not liking Chris is fine, but Obayed and his friends went into the groups that Chris moderates and attacked completely random people, including people who had never even spoken one on one to Chris and did nothing to defend him.
If Obayed is such a ~uwu nice and wholesome friendo~ then why would he attack people who have nothing to do with it? Anyone who actually still believe he’s a “nice guy” is so blind and it’s just sad.
Saged for sperg but people need to open their fucking eyes and see what’s right in front of them.
No. 873116
File: 1569449126315.jpg (154.13 KB, 960x960, makeawish.jpg)

>>872961my best friend Obayed has cancer uwu stop being a meaniebobeanie to him he hasn't got long to live. His recent tripz and cons are paid by Make a Wish to raise awareness for Anal cancer. you guyz need to stop in the name of love!
No. 873145
File: 1569453663398.jpg (114.03 KB, 494x715, baby.jpg)

>>873053Even though it was a joke about an alien and I've seen this type of "joke" shared across social media when it was popular doesn't make it ok and people can be offended. As a person who has had a miscarriage I do get upset when this type of thing is joked about especially in a group about fucking COMIC CON. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CONVENTIONS. When the admin basically told me to suck it up, I'm sorry but he didn't feel the guilt I had when my child died before he could even breathe.
The bottom line is he needs to learn boundries because obviously he is allowed to be a dick but when you hit back you're a SJW
No. 873702
File: 1569596148579.jpg (19.04 KB, 918x164, Screenshot_20190926_192507.jpg)

>>873496>>873463Sent me this on Instagram
No. 873833
>>873496NAYRT but it'd likely still be obvious who posted it, unless he sends exactly the same thing to everyone, which I imagine he doesn't. I'm assuming you haven't been on the receiving end of the Obayed mob but it really is quite extreme and scary- 20+ people in your inbox in a matter of minutes who you've never even talked to but they hate you because you criticised the Big Man. I can fully understand why they're not posting. Posts like
>>873115 aren't an exaggeration or smear, that's exactly how he acts towards anyone who challenges him and anyone associated with them.
No. 874095
File: 1569689972623.jpg (75.54 KB, 493x523, NeverLearn.jpg)

You can tell he only made this post because he reads/posts on his lolcow. The guy never learns and apparently has cancer so should appricate other peoples sensitivities or is faking it.. I wouldn't be surprised
No. 874141
File: 1569694394847.jpg (292.1 KB, 1564x1564, 71048258_10157549176266241_874…)

>>874107You have to be a mental case if you're doing this stupid 'OK' sign everywhere. Maybe it's his way of communicating with his cult?
No. 874226
>>874141Naw dude, it's a stupid games that kids used to play in high school. You see that okay looking sign below the waist and you get two punches in the arm for looking. Nit that deep. This was a game waaay before all the alt right pepe shit
Sage for useless input.
No. 874275
>>874115Did you evew heaw the twagedy of the wowcow anon who cwaims they wewe hawassed by Obayed?
I thought not. It's not a stowy an actuaw con attendee wouwd teww you. It's an Animeweague wie. Obayed was a Shitpostew, so powewfuw and so wise he couwd use memes to infwuence the con community to cweate stwife… He had such a knowwedge of con cweeps that he couwd even keep the ones he cawed about fwom being assauwted. His bwack wist is a pathway to infowmation about peopwe some considew to be unnatuwaw. He became so powewfuw… the onwy thing he was afwaid of was being hawassed, which eventuawwy, of couwse, he was. Unfowtunatewy, he pubwicwy posted evewything he knew, then it was posted to wowcow. Iwonic, he couwd save othews fwom dwama, but not himsewf.
No. 874381
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No. 874424
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>>874275Talk about not hiding your identity! How does Obayed’s arse taste, seeing as you’ve been kissing it every day?
I find it fucking hilarious that some people think they’re special for hating Anime League but then will wk for someone who the community hates just as much.
No. 874442
>>874424>>874436Jokes on y'all cause he's said to me himself he can't comment on lolcows as his internet won't allow it
I'm feeding him the screenshots, so, well done on exposing yourself, Grace, lmao
No. 874446
>>874436Jesus the shit being posted in the towers thread is so cringe. Veteran con goers didn't develop a decade of nuanced 'Towers is a nonce' culture for this.
>>874442'as his internet won't allow it'
okay maybe I'm showing my oldfaggotry here but I remember when Annie May said this and then get caught sending herself rape threats to get her thread deleted. it don't work like that, champ
No. 874454
>>874446He's using mobile data as he told me his WiFi is off.
Surprisingly enough, Grace
Some phone companies will ban sites like this, isn't that CRAZY?!
No. 874580
File: 1569783818144.jpg (65.22 KB, 960x640, 2617816_4480261.jpg)

>>874574Why not join him on his couch. Can make an audition tape together. Put a paper bag over his head if thats your kink
No. 874648
>>874580I'd tap that
>>874637 don't be a bigot now
No. 874672
File: 1569798942301.jpg (381.36 KB, 746x742, joestar_LI.jpg)

remember Obayeds best mate Adam was asking nudes from minors. Such a legend!
No. 874677
File: 1569800581265.jpg (373.24 KB, 1444x1440, Karli_Rae.jpg)

So Obayed's new best buddy Karli Rae seems to keep lying about Towers. She accused him of raping in September 2014 at Alcon but these screenshots show she was basically wanting to see him again after they had sex and that he was not particularly interested. Butthurt much?
No. 874703
File: 1569808483301.jpg (56.96 KB, 600x583, obayed_sad.jpg)

>>874574You dont like frogs?
I met obayed in person at mcm in may, hes annoying online but in person you kind of just feel sorry for him, dude doesnt have much going for him.
Also at the same con he hid away in his hotel most of the day, said he was feeling ill but most likely it was to avoid towers. Obayed always said towers was banned from mcm yet he was walking around with his friend, theres pictures of their alcon group sitting on the green.
No. 874813
File: 1569863174129.jpg (198.57 KB, 1190x737, Towerszerofucksgiven.jpg)

>>874738that event was at night, heres a pic of towers on the green like i said, obayed was shitting himself hiding away all day and only emerged from his pond after towers had left.
No. 874845
File: 1569868551821.png (211.46 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190930-192707.png)

Omg Obayed got called out
No. 874846
File: 1569868587757.png (642.15 KB, 1152x2048, Screenshot_20190930-192312.png)

People are posting screenshots of his messages
No. 874847
File: 1569868616211.png (512.71 KB, 2048x1280, Screenshot_20190930-192617.png)

He's finally getting exposed
No. 874850
File: 1569868761023.png (520.31 KB, 1152x2048, Screenshot_20190930-191835.png)

I can't believe he would do stuff like this…
No. 874859
File: 1569871260512.jpg (51.97 KB, 486x750, 888.jpg)

Being part of a religion is inappropriate now.
No. 874887
>>874844Where has Towers once said he would confront Obayed?
Also, can the mods sort out Obayed's latest thread "steering" attempt? It's just downright embarrassing.
No. 874903
>>874813From a neutral standpoint,
realistically, who would be scared to bump into string bean greasy looking ass Towers? Was Obayed generally scared to bump into that? He looks like a strong blast of air could take him out for a couple hours
No. 874945
File: 1569881867578.png (1.23 MB, 1920x1696, received_411342802859549.png)

>>874677I would say actually Mike is more butthurt when she started realizing he was a peice of shit and broke it off with HIM.
But, of course, Mike wasn't playing on her anxiety or anything.
Funny how you try and make out she is the needy one when he's trying desperately to keep her and tries to put her down.
Bet you didn't think anyone saved this.
Keep this to the Towers thread you dipship.
No. 875007
File: 1569893099740.jpg (41.83 KB, 540x960, abuse.jpg)

>>874945oh dear we should arrest a guy for organising a meet up. maybe we should arrest everyone in the mcm group for making meets? Karli we don't give a shit - go back to Obayed.
No. 875022
>>874945Do you find it odd how screenshots not here are being released? It's almost as if those there are out of context. But you'd know about that now wouldn't you Karli?
This one probably deserves her own thread soon..
No. 875027
File: 1569897619704.jpg (29.11 KB, 275x274, karliraething.jpg)

A reminder on what's come out so far that is not in her screenshots. Why release a load of shots out of context when you know the other side can do the same?
No. 875076
>>875027Yet Mike also showed one captures.
This is doing nothing but showing she's being harassed by AnimeLeague so congratulations?
These captures got put up on Grace Melodys status and she deleted it so I'm more inclined to believe Karli.
And yes, Grace threatening her that Mike will show everything is indeed revenge porn.
This is pathetic now, you tried to start this in the Towers thread to no avail, make your own one, or are you afraid it'll be traced back to you?
No. 875132
File: 1569940502228.jpeg (867.46 KB, 2048x2048, A6F6D205-E0A0-4E84-AA54-D259D5…)

>>875076Funny because if you ask Grace to show you what she said to Karli you can see she was actually just warning Karli that there was screenshots that put holes in her story, you can even see her say Mike didn’t show her any of the pictures (assuming that means the lewd ones) she offered to send
But oh yes, much blackmail, so scary
No. 875164
File: 1569949124089.jpg (78.55 KB, 504x315, 1569795597585 (1).jpg)

>>875153she claimed this but lets be honest do you think noodle towers could beat a chick black and blue and no one would question the bruises and she wasn't hospitalized for being beaten "black and blue".
>>874945 Obayed made that screenshot and shared it on a status bitching grace deleted "evidence". 1) Can't see most of the conversations there and it just seems like she's being needy after an argument. 2) If Obayed wanted to defend Karli properly he wouldn't be arguing with two 20 years on facebook, the guy is almost 30 doesn't he have better things to do - you know like that Filming career he wanted but has done fuck all with?
In addition, if she was so traumatized and abused she should've gone to the police. I don't think the police would look at a beaten women and go "mahh not enough evidence love"
No. 875205
File: 1569954618083.jpg (121.86 KB, 1080x639, 1567627881026.jpg)

>>874424Remember Obayed doesn't post on cringe forums such as these…
>>875076Hi Karli by the way. If you want to start shit make sure you got evidence to back it up and not anxiety BS.
No. 875370
File: 1569974360044.jpeg (42.94 KB, 1080x763, received_2448767385202860.jpeg)

>>875132Seems she used the "rapist" well.
No. 875372
>>875370One wonders if she has shown Obayed these screenshots.
Will Obayed now (like as he should Adam) expose her for being what she is?
No. 875374
>>875372Don’t be silly, that would require him to ACTUALLY call out people who’ve done something wrong!
We all know he’d much rather just target random people that will result in him getting more female attention.
No. 875414
File: 1569979644490.jpg (178.39 KB, 750x1334, CalledOut.jpg)

uwu I totally called him out when I posted my evidence of him asking if I was ok and my evidence was so amazing that no one can really see what it says… owo how convenient for me cause I'M THE
VICTIM>>875370I was raped he made me cum 6 or 7 times! Totally don't want to be raped by him again!
No. 875429
File: 1569981538241.jpeg (214.45 KB, 750x1040, 7CD79E92-A93B-4690-AD40-EEEC66…)

>>875425Don’t worry, Obayed Senpai told her to send proof of the blackmail that doesn’t actually exist! That’ll show ‘em!
No. 875612
File: 1570037473700.jpg (125.68 KB, 750x1334, 68988761_349434742661567_25409…)

its when I see decent cosplayers stick up for this guy, but obayed be like "he's a twonk"
No. 875657
>>875429Imagine being afraid of two girls who don't even talk about you, yet these two are so
triggered by them they talk about them all the time
No. 876183
File: 1570150241489.jpg (237.93 KB, 1080x1970, Screenshot_20191004_014955.jpg)

Ohmygod can't believe she actually said this. She should be banned for those outfits
No. 876207
File: 1570161694494.jpg (365.47 KB, 1080x1924, Screenshot_20191004_050012.jpg)

iM oNLy MeAN tO RaPISt aNd pAeDO
No. 876319
File: 1570192719566.jpg (126.69 KB, 1080x713, Screenshot_20191004_133640.jpg)

This Bethany chick needs to realise that Obayed has called her ugly before. She needs to come back to reality.
No. 876367
File: 1570202424179.jpg (268.06 KB, 1080x1284, Screenshot_20191004_162004.jpg)

Time to set the furries on this shit show
No. 876673
>>876572Oh, she is? I thought she was just all kinds of ugly. How do you know?
Wild if it's true, ugly-passing is a crazy phenomenon.
No. 876711
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No. 876821
File: 1570308289638.jpg (53.5 KB, 1080x357, Screenshot_20191005_214402.jpg)

It seems to me that obayed, in continually egging Bethany on, is 100% taking advantage of her very obvious mental illness. Very manipulative
No. 877398
File: 1570454190415.jpg (287.62 KB, 1080x1971, Screenshot_20191007_141454.jpg)

These are the people Obayed is manipulating. People who think looking up on Google and believe anything someone tells them without proper research or common sense.
No. 877400
File: 1570454224953.jpg (304.3 KB, 1080x1959, Screenshot_20191007_141512.jpg)

Logic doesn't work on the mentally ill
No. 877674
File: 1570487251112.jpg (171.62 KB, 1280x2048, 17761103_10154222298047234_483…)

forgot about the time he joked about shooting up mcm
No. 877676
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No. 878673
File: 1570724597296.png (11.74 KB, 475x154, Damage Control.png)

Looks like Obayed is getting Li to do some damage control lol
No. 878786
>>878673Poor girl probably doesn't even know she's been brainwashed by him. Yikes.
Either that or she's willingly friends with a misogynistic creepy fuckboy, but i'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt here.
No. 878832
File: 1570744202824.jpg (82.5 KB, 510x616, daddykhan is home!.jpg)

>>878673Daddy-Khan must've arrived home early
No. 879707
File: 1570994825012.png (206.17 KB, 454x405, KillingKids.png)

wants to get drugs off kids now. such edgo content lads pewpew
No. 879719
>>879707>he wants to get drugs off kidsI can only assume that his bad stolen joke just flew drastically over your head because you're not familiar with the drugged/razorblade candy rumor in the U.S.
or just typical lcf reading comprehension
No. 879779
File: 1571013624145.jpeg (62.6 KB, 1200x630, 5d02073a210000a718ecb30a.jpeg)

>>879764maybe it just a disorder of chubs and fucked up eyes the chinese would ban him due to censorship
No. 879891
>>879764I can so see that now that you mentioned it!
No. 879893
File: 1571054867050.png (130.12 KB, 610x343, W5TfPeB.png)

>>879779Actually he is more the unholy spawn of a toad and pedobear
No. 880044
File: 1571086704230.png (6.43 KB, 612x93, Sweetie.png)

>When you type in obayed khan to google
So the king of making accusations and attacks on others has gone running to his lawyer about attacks on himself. lol
No. 881017
File: 1571266285363.jpg (114.2 KB, 502x635, OBI.jpg)

>I tend to drug my girls and force them into my harem. That's how I roll.
No. 881019
File: 1571266380200.jpg (13.97 KB, 464x77, ChrisCockSucker.jpg)

>>881017Also Chris you suck Obii's cock to high heaven. You may of graduated from University, but it is very easy to fuck a lecturer to pass these days. Wouldn't surprise me if you manipulate girls the same way in normal circumstances.
No. 881489
File: 1571354249465.jpg (201.43 KB, 974x696, footfetish.jpg)

My best friend is now promoting cam girls. I can see what fetishes yet will moan when an 'inappropriate' photo is taken at con.
I think we all know what he is into.
No. 881496
>My name is Ketchups92. I'm a disabled gamer with nerve damage living in the U.K. I also have cancer and slit my wrists for attention everyday at 4pm and then cry for tit pics from my camgirls. I stream games on Twitch, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink coke zero. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.
No. 882191
File: 1571500001626.jpg (262.43 KB, 1080x1435, Screenshot_20191019_164641.jpg)

Talking about yourself?
No. 882701
File: 1571613483039.jpg (562.37 KB, 2048x1536, 72471752_10157618568051241_583…)

>>882594the bf and virgin that he couldn't manipulate cause she's too ugly and not even up to his taste
No. 883443
File: 1571781601322.jpg (20.99 KB, 487x147, trig.jpg)

my friend is still triggered I called her out. Really needs to move on and get a real life rather than expecting pitty from other men
No. 884641
File: 1572038628420.jpg (2.73 MB, 2560x1920, MYXJ_20191025222233_save.jpg)

If you hate Obayed Khan send drinks to table 17 at The Fox(ban evasion)
No. 884729
File: 1572054127237.jpg (139.7 KB, 553x941, Screenshot_20191026_024138.jpg)

Wow they let anyone have a press pass nowadays don't they? Even with a wannabe magazine publisher
No. 885184
>>884644OMG, I just realised that he has been hiding his chrome done with a comb over!