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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1453492262002.png (502.57 KB, 382x555, milk.png)

No. 84547

No. 84548

At least give us something to start with

No. 84553

File: 1453493214909.png (675.59 KB, 942x667, c53a494c2037eefc4da29479c84db1…)

No. 84554

- She is currently on the koreaboo and kpop band wagon
and before the korea phase she was just a scene weeaboo with bad eye makeup

No. 84557

File: 1453493857895.png (728.06 KB, 664x555, dem shoop.png)

I don't know if she admits to modify her pictures but it's pretty noticeable

No. 84559

I think she's pretty cute tbh, she has a twin brother too

No. 84560

File: 1453494361326.png (350.99 KB, 1024x495, neko.png)

23€ ???????
for badly sewn car ears on a headband ?

No. 84564


Super Pinky Grey I see you.

No. 84565

Another lazy poster. Sigh. lolcow has turned to complete shit.

No. 84566

There's a thread about her on PULL and the OP said that she does admit to it

No. 84571

Who in the fuck keeps making all these threads ASKING whether someone is a cow or if there's any milk lingering. No fuck you. Either you bring the milk to the table or you stick to /pt/ threads as a lowly poster. Stop shitting up /snow/ with your spam tier threads. The only reason to laugh and bitch about cows is because they are obviously painful people to follow. If you're unsure whether a person falls into that category, then they OBVIOUSLY FUCKING DON'T.

No. 84572

Agree. It's turned into a playground for pulltards, robots, and tumblr fags.

No. 84575

Agreed, this is getting so annoying

No. 84588

I just watched a vid of hers on yt yesterday, stumbled upon it randomly… weird to see her posted here just the next day.

She's pretty when she puts on make-up. Never heard of her before, tho.

No. 84590

I was gonna comment on this this morning (like 10 hours ago) on yet ANOTHER similar thread, but I barely slept and couldn't bring myself to it. Thanks anons. <3

Would putting a rule in place that mods enforce by actively deleting this shit change it? I feel like PULLtards are incapable of learning at this rate. Every thread is full of them going xD lol savage!!! o.O and even when people call them out they just keep going.

Either way, I posted in the /meta/ thread, so hopefully we can do something about this shit.

No. 84609

I pushed play on the video and paused it like a second in.

No. 140429


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