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No. 834187
-Meet Cruelchulita everyone's favorite messy sex worker bad bitch
-Agender sex worker who is tough but also ~soft~ as the giant tattoo on her upper stomach says
-Gets themselves into drama and posts about it on their work social media
-shits on aesthetic blogs but flaunts aesthetic tattoos
-Calls themselves an alt model even though they have a lack of professional modeling experience
-Messages people on tumblr to start drama and then posts screenshots of said conversation on her blog playing the
victim-Anger issues
-Beyond delusional
-Exposed her
abusive ex on you guessed it, Tumblr and brought his current girlfriend into it
-Exposes the girlfriend's name, hometown and ip address to her Tumblr followers
-Doesn't consider that maybe the girlfriend is being abused like she was and can't do anything about it
-Acts like they're a great preacher of sw's and sw culture
-uses terms like "whorephobic" "sexphobic" and " slutshaming" incorrectly and out of context
-Gets into drama on Twitter too with other sw's
-Got into drama with Lanabee that no one cares about but made a video about it and unloaded it to Google Drive
-Makes fun of Lanabee for talking about being depressed and suicidal and says that Lana is making it up for attention
-But is also so brave for being open about their mental illness
-Is actively trying to get her ex's girlfriend kicked out of college because she's "dangerous" and can't be around "marginalized" students
Social media
https://cruelchulita.tumblr.comTumblr #2:
https://chulabrand.tumblr.comTwitter #1: #2: VENDETTA OR DOXXING
(shit thread) No. 834188
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I was scrolling through her tumblr, and i saw this. Who is this girl and do they have beef together?
No. 834345
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No. 834355
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No. 834359
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Messages their ex sent to someone (from Lita's Tumblr)
No. 834386
>>834345This reminds me how on Tumblr Chulita will start drama through personal messages, make themselves look like the
victim and post screenshots when the other person didn't do anything major to them
No. 834510
>>834389On a whim, I decided to transcribe this for the sake of practice for any anons who can't be bothered to watch, or if the video is taken down. By the time I realized how long it was taking to type out all this shit, it felt like a waste to stop, so I just kept going. Enjoy.
>Okay. So, I wasn't going to talk about this, like, extensively, cause I really just wanted it to die out, but…it's not stopping. So, this is going to be, as much as I can, an explanation of the "LanaBOfficial" and my "drama", for lack of a better word. Lana was consistently messaging me, um, for emotional labor, which was fine, cause at the time, I wanted to, like, be her friend, obviously. I was doing my best to make connections in the cam community, regardless of if, um, someone maybe like, wasn't, like a POC or trans or whatever. I know Lana considers themself uh, NB, but I'm not sure how much that goes 'cause today (laugh) during fighting with me, uh, knowingly misgendered me multiple times. Um, so I don't really know how serious to take, uh, their trans rights stuff, if this is how they, like, respond to a fellow NB person when they argue with them.
>Anyway, um, they were constantly messaging me, and I can prove that. I have tons of receipts of them asking me "Can I talk to you about my boyfriend? Can I talk to you about this person?", sending me screenshots of when models would argue with them, just tons of stuff constantly asking me for my opinion on things because I'm an outspoken person. I talk a lot about politics, and they consistently came to me because they "respected my opinion", and would even, uh, come to me saying "I have like, dumb white people questions. Can I ask you?" and I tried to do my best to be nice, and always answer and be willing to um, listen to all of them. Uh, I got really tired of it. I would wake up in the morning to messages from Lana complaining about her boyfriend, complaining about other models, and it got emotionally exhausting. And Lana wouldn't use her big following, um, to help me at all. She hardly ever retweeted any images of mine, 'cause she has like 10k followers. Never really, like, returned that emotional labor, and I never came to her with issues of my own, um, and like, the one time I did try to talk to her about my own (laugh) issues when she was constantly coming to me, she just proceeded to talk about her own issues. She's incredibly self-absorbed. Increeedibly selfish! Which was a problem.
>Anyway, uh, and I have all the screenshots from this conversation. I'll do my best to put them on here. I'm not sure how I can do that, 'cause I'm pretty new at video editing, so…but, I do wanna, oral((???)) attach receipts, whatever, 'cause I definitely want to show (laugh) the proof that I have. Um, so I told her, uh, on the day that she contacted me the last time, for the last time, for advice, um, that I wanted her - 'cause she was complaining about a white vegan. Uh, Lana is white, and it is incredibly tiring to constantly, like, be validating people's feelings, and, like, as a PoC, dispensing emotional labor every time she wants to ask me a question about "PoC this, racism this", it's super tiring. Um, so I told her (laugh) and I
have the messages, "I appreciate you being so gung-ho on correcting everybody else's behavior, too, as well as your own". Uh, she responded
okay at first, and was asking about it, um, 'cause I was referencing her…obsession, honestly, with like hentai ((she pronounced it "hent-ayy")), and anime, and like, East Asian…imagery, like,
parts of it. Only
parts of it. Um…(laugh) because that really, like, struck me as being stupid. Like, you're not talking about any of the cultural shit, any sexualized violenced issues…just nothing. You don't care about anything about, like, the culture and the people, you only care about the fucking cartoons and the cartoon porn, and emulating it. And
profiting off of it, at that! Which was a problem for me.
>Um…so, I told her that, she was arguing with me, and saying (mocking voice) "It's just….It's just, eh, it's just porn. What's wrong with trying–It's a HUGE part of, of, porn. Hentai is a BIG part of porn, what's the point–what's wrong with trying to emulate that?" and I was trying to explain that the face that she uses in particular, "ahegao"- which is the crossed eyes and the tongue out - has history in being, um, for lack of a better word, and trigger warning for rape, um, "rape face"! You can even look it up, it's on Wikipedia, um, it was used to display, uh, orgasm from like, unwanted sex. (cough) And, I mean, that's problematic for anybody to be doing, but obviously, that's something that a white model shouldn't be monotonizing ((I think she meant "monetizing")). That's…that's disgusting, and…In no culture, really, like, we don't have, like, that in American culture. You know what I mean? We don't have like, "the face" to signify….orgasm from sexual assault. So, there's no real parallel to draw that to, but it's disgusting, um…Anyway, she argued with me in the conversation, uhh, and I didn't want to be rude to her, but she definitely wasn't…being receptive to the information that I was trying to give her. I even offered, "Do you want to speak to an East Asian person who feels the same?" because I would and have paid people to go and, like, enlighten people, just as, like…I'd take this effort to listen to marginalized people, and I do my best to tip them, if I'm able to, in like, a position I'm in financially. Um, I would've done the same thing, like, been, like, to one of my friends "Hey, um, would you mind dispensing some emotional labor and teaching this person, and I'll pay you?", um, and she was not receptive to that, either.
>So, I chose to leave the conversation, and I even said "This conversation's making me uncomfortable the way you're speaking to me as a white person, um, and me as a POC, so I'm choosing to leave this conversation 'cause it's making me uncomfortable." And, uh, she (laugh), she got mad at that. Which is…you are not entitled to interaction with people. You are not entitled to conversation. You are not entitled to emotional labor. You are not entitled to education. So, if I choose to say "This conversation is not working. You are not listening or taking me seriously, so, I'm going to withdraw from the conversation before I get mad" (laugh) and you have a problem with that, that's emotional manipulation. That's emotional abuse. That's entitlement. That's a problem. Uh..(voice cracks, like she might cry) and that's exactly what she did. And I told her, like "I have every right to just leave the conversation instead of being an asshole, 'cause this whole narrative surrounding me is that I "harassed" her, when I've done everything that I could to be nice, to be cordial. And I have those screenshots. I've never cussed at her, like, in a direct way, being rude, like, I say like, "ass" and stuff like that in my regular conversation, but I've never called her names like that. I've called her a culture vulture.
>It's not a cuss word, it's facts! Um, but I have that message saying even that I don't wanna be like, an asshole, and that I don't wanna have, like, a negative conversation, um, she proceeded to lay the biggest guilt trip on me, and proceeded to say "I thought that our friendship was better than that" or "I thought that our friendship was different than that" (sigh) No. Anybody who's been in an abusive relationship of any kind has probably heard something similar to that. It's, uh, it's manipulation. It's fully trying to guilt trip you for your boundaries. It's not okay. And I told her that! And she argued with me and told me it was not emotional manipulation. And she said "Well I guess our friendship was just not what I thought it was", and so I agreed with her and I said "No, it's not, I guess". 'Cause my friends I educate! If you have a problem, I'm not gonna call you out publicly, and make a big spectacle of it. I'm gonna come to you privately, cordially, respectfully and try to talk to you about it. If you choose to not be receptive, and you choose to fight with me, that's your choice (laugh), that's your choice! And if you act like that, then I'm gonna put you on blast, obviously. 'Cause if you can't handle yourself constructively and healthily, in a cordial, private conversation, especially regarding, like, microaggression, racism, appropriation, that deserves to be aired out. (sigh) Um, she blocked me, basically, just for saying that our friendship wasn't what she thought it was. I didn't say anything mean, and I have the entire string of conversations. Um, anyway, I leave her alone, and I just post "Hey, if you're following her, don't follow me." 'cause I'm a very loud and outspoken person when it comes to politics, so it's kind of like, counterproductive, like, to follow me, and follow somebody who's participating in those things.
>Do you see what I mean? Um, not even like, regarding, like, the personal fight type of deal. It's just counterproductive to follow somebody who's an activist and calling out these behaviors versus somebody who's doing those behaviors! Ummm, anyway, a month later, someone claims that she has taken accountability. So, she's finally community again, apparently, 'cause she'd been accused by a couple sex workers of appropriating black culture this time, uh, by using words like "thot" and, uh, "hoe" and things like that, which are words to, uh…that are reclaimed by full-service black sex workers. Um, she argued with multiple people and took accountability to select people publicly, apologized publicly to select people. I was sent screenshots of this. Um, being told, like, "Oh, she's taken accountability! She's…she's sorry for what she did!". So, I messaged her sayin–like, obviously confused she had unblocked me too, mind you. (laugh) She unblocked me. Um…so, I assumed "Okay, if she's taken accountability, she's unblocked me, then, um, let's, like, see what's up". I clicked her page, and she was still doing ahegao on her profile page, for one. So, then I just got annoyed. How can you say that you've taken accountability, if you're still doing the behavior you're apologizing for? Which she still does, even with like "thot" and "hoe", and like, all of those words she still uses on her onlyfans, on her Instagram, 'cause I get told all of the stuff she's doing, constantly on Curious Cat, and it's really obnoxious, but it just goes to show she's a liar. You can't say you're "sorry" for your behavior and continue to perpetuate that behavior. Umm, so, essentially, I message her that.
>”How are you taking accountability if you're still doing this? Like…how are you still profiting off of these things that you've apologized for, if you're apologizing for them? That doesn't make sense. You can't feel remorse for something, but then still do it. Uh, to which she responded telling me that I need to focus on work, um, that I'm drama-obsessed, uh, just a bunch of just stuff that had nothing to do with what I actually messaged her about, and on top of that, why did you unblock me? Why did you even give me access to your page in the first place again? That doesn't make sense, unless you just wanted to try to creep on my stuff if I hadn't blocked you back, which is…that's still weird!
>Anyway, um, she says this big, long message at me and blocks me again. No accountability, no apologies, nothing. So, I post, again, that Lana is not–has not taken accountability, since so many people had come to me saying that she had, because of Tweets that she made, um, but she hadn't taken accountability, and that if you're following her, don't follow me! That's it, which is…a very simple request. Uhh, and I guess, uh, after blocking me, she made her own post, and proceeded to call me a girl, call me "she", even though Lana and I have talked many times about the fact that I'm agender, I'm NB, I've liked posts, I've even posted saying that I was legally changing my gender, my pronouns are in my bio, my gender's in my bio! Like, was blatantly misgendering me just to hurt my feelings(sigh) attacking my looks, just doing whatever she could (laugh) to…try to hurt me.
>Um, and I never attacked her looks. The only thing that I said was that she was a culture vulture, and she was profitting off of, like, sexualized images of (laugh) rape! You know? Like, you can Google these things. It's not like I'm making it up. Um, anyway, for a whole month (sigh), it just…I have to deal with tons of, uh, white models coming to me, yelling at me, because she had apparently said that I doxxed her, or that I tried to dox her. I don't even (laugh) know Lana's name! The only thing I know about her is that she lives in Oregon or something. Like, the PNW? That's it, and that's information she posts publicly. I know nothing about her like that. Like…I don't care! So, that information was just ridiculous, I didn't even know that this rumor had happened, and then I hear it from someone coming into my mentions yelling at me, misgendering me, saying that I'm doxxing models. So, then, I have to go private, because of all the harassment that I'm getting. Models are not even talking to me about the situation, but just believing her when she says I'm "harassing" her, I'm "bullying" her…I've, at this point, literally just had the one conversation from the beginning of March, and the one conversation asking for accountability. That's it. Um, my Curious Cat messages get filled up with tons of, just, racist garbage, umm, yelling at me for standing up for East Asian sexualization?? Um, it's just ridiculous, and I do my best to ignore it as best I can, but Lana is saying every day that I'm harassing her, I'm harassing her, when she–we have each other blocked. I block her on Instagram when I found out she was making one, so, uh…And I didn't even know she had a Tumblr until she followed meeee! And I blocked her immediately. (Sigh)
>And, um, she apparently, have doxxed herself and just blamed it on me. When she'd made her Instagram, she'd left a picture of her personal account or something with her name attached to it on the Instagram that she intended to use as a sex work Instagram. Somebody apparently screenshotted it, sent it in to her. She flipped out and assumed it was me. Now, that is going to be the biggest thing that you need to understand here. She thinks everything that anyone sends her is me. I don't do the anonymous shit! Every problem that I've had with her, I came to her like an adult, cordially, respectfully and talked to her about it. I don't do the anonymous messages. I'm 24 (laugh) I'm not 14. If I have a problem, and I genuinely want you to fix it, like racism, I'm gonna do my best to talk to you directly, like an adult, as respectful as I can, because we don't make change by screaming at somebody and threatening them. That's not how change happens. Yeah, it's like an act of radical resistance that's necessary in certain situations, but that's not how we change our friend's minds about stuff. So, obviously I wasn't going to go into a conversation trying to educate somebody like that, but that just seems to be the narrative she continues to push. (Sigh)
>Um, and she's….greenlit so many conversations about, like, the way that I look, and my gender, and I've never (laugh) let people disrespect her like that! I haven't attacked her looks, like, I don't post stuff like that publicly, and it's getting really hard 'cause I'm…I'm like, a normal human being, and when someone keeps attacking you, you have to attack back at some point, or defend yourself. And the only things that I've been doing are responding to Curious Cats about Lana. That's it. Curious Cats. That's it! And not even all of them, 'cause I get tons of them. Anytime that Lana starts talking about me, I can always tell, 'cause instantly I get like five different messages saying "You're harassing Lana, you're harassing Lana". Never said shit to her! I have screenshots of every interaction that I've had with her, and she won't stop talking about me. Check her Tumblr, check her freaking Twitter. She doesn't stop! And, my thing is…She doesn't want to learn. That's fine. I've left shit alone until I get bombarded with Lana shit . When I keep getting told "Lana's saying this, Lana's saying that", that's the only time that I react, and it's bullshit to expect me to not react when someone's constantly talking about me!
>This is, just, like, such double-sided bullshit. And everyone wants to sit here and say that I'm harassing her over one conversation that I was cordial as fuck in, when she's literally harassed me! Literally misgendered me! Literally attacked my….((voice shaking like she's about to cry again)) being, like, my, being on a fundamental level….I've never done that. (Laugh) She's let people, like, threaten my life. She's gone so far in the name of "defending herself from harassment" when I have never done anything like that, and Lana, if you see this, (laugh) stop it. No one's attacking you! Yeah, there are anonymous people, but, like, am I sitting here blaming every anon on you? I'm not, 'cause I understand we have followings. We're public figures, to an extent. When we post about stuff, that influences the way people think. I'm not sitting here responding to every Curious Cat saying (mocking voice) "Hi, Lana. Hi, Lana", so you really should stop doing that shit with me, 'cause then people run with it and think I'm being a big bad bully. I'm. Not. A bully. (laugh) If you want to fight me, you can. If you wanna let this die off and just, like, shut up, that's totally your power to. I don't know what you want from me at this point. I'm not gonna just be like "Yeah, I'm totally cool with Lana!", 'cause Lana is a racist. (Sigh) But I have left her alone. We have each other blocked on everything. I don't talk to her. I have no reason to. So, I don't really know what to tell you guys anymore. I'm tired of this shit. She's the one who continuously keeps digging this, like, up over and over again.
>Check her social medias. Only thing I continue to say is that I'm tired of repeating myself. And anybody who's ever actually dealt with issues with me knows that I don't attack people. (sigh) I've, like, I've blocked people. If I attacked people, I wouldn't have a Twitter. It's so easy to get your stuff, like, yanked. I've never, like, talked out the side of my neck to people. I don't cuss at people, or threaten them. The only thing that I've said is that I'll consensually fight somebody if they want to fight me, but this is just bullshit. It's tired bullshit, and (laugh) and I'm tired of it. I'm not speaking on this shit anymore. The only thing that I really have to say is, like, Lana can be quiet, and this can die off, 'cause it's not going anywhere. She doesn't wanna learn, and I'm not gonna change the way I feel about racist-ass issues. I'm not. She can apologize, she can shut up, or she can fight me! I don't have any other solutions for you guys, at this point. I've been so transparent, so honest and so patient, and I'm only a human being. A marginalized human being, at that, that's been put through hell regarding this situation. And she wants to like all…victim complex with her, like, self-harm and stuff like that. Yeah, like, a lot of us have self-harm issues and mental health issues, too.
>I have borderline myself. So, she's sitting here, using this as an excuse as to why she's acting like she is. That's not an excuse. Plenty of us have borderline. Plenty of us have bipolar disorder. Plenty of us have depression. But that doesn't make us make up lies consistently about other sex workers in an attempt to slander them, and make people hate them. Lana's already been the type of person who's wanted to "end" another model's carer, and I have screenshots of that, too. This is what she's trying to do to me, and I'm not gonna let it happen, 'cause I have screenshots, I'm transparent, and I'm not a bully. I know what I am (laugh), and I'm not gonna ever let some dumb white girl let me….act out of character. That's just it. All of the information's there. All the screenshots are there. She doesn't have any screenshots. She has one screenshots of one of my friends saying stop lying about me, and that's it. She has no screenshots of her "harassment" by me, because it doesn't exist, and that's it. No. 834521
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Screenshots from the video, in order.
No. 834529
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>>834527just sharing all the screencaps she used in the video so no one else has to watch it to get her side
No. 834530
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(dropped my sage, sorry)
No. 834536
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(she said this was after she was told lula had "changed" by other people)
No. 834540
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(lana's friend targeting chula)
No. 834542
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(response to
No. 834543
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chula showing that lana randomly followed her on tumblr despite claiming chula was harassing her
No. 834551
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>>834539i'm not involved with any of these people, i just have too much time on my hands and this distracted me for a good amount of time. it was definitely pretty disappointing, but i find any retarded drama interesting
No. 834646
>>834553>>834551i think it's interesting and fits with the normal subject on snow, just not enough to carry a whole thread. super sjw-y tumblr "sex workers" are dime a dozen nowadays, and there's nothing about this chick in particular that make her thread-worthy. maybe OP should have posted this in the megathread.
that being said, wow this bitch is absolutely intolerable and barely makes sense. incredible amount of big words to say nothing. lana should take legal action at this point.
No. 840130
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>>839765Lana posted that herself.
No. 840246
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>>840162Omg Lana does this to a new sex worker that isn't white every couple of months and then literally jerks off to other sex workers by name(Chula) or has a picture of them (Lisa) on cam without their consent too she probably posted this thread about Chula and the thread about Lisa just to slap her clit off about it on her sad loser stream. Why else would anyone post this stupid shit about Chula and then Lisa when Lana right here telling people to follow her Twitter? Fucking weird ass bitch even for a cam whore even other mentally ill cam whore bitches hate her and post about her being racist psychopath freak constantly. Of course Lana turned to lolcow when she wasn't getting enough attention for doxxing herself for attention again -practically admitting in the comments
No. 840251
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>>840164Just an internet slut that caters to rapist fantasies gtfo out of here trying to promote your incel stream we get it you wanna hate fuck Chula so bad you made an lolcow thread about it because talking about it and catering to those rapey losers is the only way you can make maybe $10 during your registered users only streams to rape play weird rapist loving cunt
No. 840256
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>>840251Lana's face Unedited in case anyone was wondering