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No. 822774

Does Frank Tufano have a thread here already? He follows a carnivore diet and advocates for this too.
I'll give a short summary:

>His twin sister has a disability and he claims this is the result of his mother not eating enough meat when she was pregnant

>He himself has a somewhat narrow face and claims this is, again, caused by his mother not eating enough meat when she was pregnant with him. He claims he is thus ''underdeveloped'' but it's just an insecurity and it shows. He even got jaw surgery to get it fixed
>He brags about being a cute Italian boy uwu but he's actually quite pale. He only looks tanned because he uses a tanning bed all the time
>He lives in New York City though, I'm not sure if he's ever been to Italy. I think he's Italian-American but he calls himself Italian all the time
>He used to be a bartender but now he does YouTube full-time, I think. I don't think he ever went to college. He doesn't have a degree in nutrition whatsoever but still gives people dietry advice (general via YouTube and personalised when you pay him)
>He makes cringey parodies of vegans and makes fun of gay vegans too. The jokes are very sexualised too (e.g. sucking on a cucumber)
>He himself has starred in a few amateur movies though, and he played a gay man…
>He has beef with Richard, better known as Vegan Gains, and does 3-hour long debates with him that literally go nowhere at all. It just creates pointless drama. The both of them are being willfully obtuse during the entire debates
>Mocks vegans but also jokes about wanting to go out with pretty vegan girls
>Has started a KickStarter for ''high-quality'' beef (''Frankie's free-range meat'') but it's most likely a scam considering it's probably not high-quality meat at all
>Oh yeah: calls himself ''Frankie boy'' all the time because he's such a cute uwu Italian boy
>Asks his fans to draw fan art of him

Social media:




https://twitter.com/franktufan(post in gen. youtubers thread)

No. 822826

I've seen this guy around. He's absolutely mental, doesn't he eat like cow brains and shit for funsies.

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