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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1453045836749.jpg (30.94 KB, 250x333, tumblr_o0lu0azzEc1u8ucdso2_250…)

No. 81735

A weirdo from Tumblr. Claims to have multiple personalities (though it's obvious she's just creating characters and roleplaying), when accused of faking dissociative identity disorder says she never claimed to have it. Constantly begs for attention, says she's gonna kill herself every few days. Uses a dozen of names. Otherkin, claims to be a god in human body. Talks about herself in plural.

Tumblr - miserycord.tumblr.com
Twitter - twitter.com/pyritohedra
DA - manyface.deviantart.com/

No. 81740

Why couldn't this go in the Tumblr thread? What makes her so special?

No. 81788

Please move this to the tumblr thread.

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