File: 1555934842432.jpg (Spoiler Image,159.44 KB, 1270x706, r0Q2pI1.jpg)

No. 799465
Copy from /cow/, Jahan Faxx
✔ brought a hamster to orgasm
✔ soundly rejected by the online hamster community
✔ had his pumpkin smashed by a foreigner
✔ carried a dead rat around with him
✔ buried multiple goldfish alive to make compost
✔ played with animal carcasses
✔ smashed a child's head into the ground repeatedly screaming "why won't you die"
✔ made a dalek and cuckshed in 3D
✔ low intelligence
✔ aspiring BBC script writer
✔ aspiring BBC cuckold
✔ obese
✔ told by an endocrinologist he is too fat
✔ founded Green Nothing Productions (not registered at companies house)
✔ vowed to review Twilight and Fifty Shades Of Grey while cosplaying as Bella if a facebook post about GNP got 10,000 likes (it didn't)
✔ owns an inflatable dalek
✔ wiped his cat's arse with his finger
✔ wrote about intravenously injecting women with cum, shit and piss
✔ wrote about removing and eating organs from living women
✔ wrote about cutting women into pieces
✔ wrote about wanting to shrink women and keep them as pets
✔ wrote about roasting Amy Pond alive
✔ quit after one day as a trolley boy
✔ threatened to strangle every member of an internet club
✔ made multiple topless youtube videos, once asking the audience to masturbate
✔ licked his own nipple on cam
✔ got banned from multiple facebook groups for transphobia
✔ his own sister is terrified of him
✔ wrote unsolicited torture porn of Laura K Dale and Jim Sterling
✔ handed said porn to Laura K Dale in person
✔ terrified a deeply autistic man after performing oral sex on him
✔ killed a tarantula by crushing it under foot
✔ founded Project MIRTH
✔ pronounces bickers as "bickers"
✔ attempted to physically remove his father from the house
✔ got scolded by a policewoman who then told him to tidy his room
✔ demanded that his mother pay him £50 to move a chair
✔ got angry when she only gave him £30
✔ broke his wrist falling over after flamboyantly storming off when his mum made him pay for a bed with "his own money" (her money)
✔ blacklisted by multiple feminist communities
✔ blacklisted by the labour party
✔ threatened suicide bickers the requirements to receive welfare are too strict
✔ threatened suicide if terrorist sympathising communist corbyn didn't win
✔ cut his own hair with disastrous results
✔ refused to come downstairs when a friend came to play
✔ received a valentine's day card but did not appreciate it
✔ can't be a computer technician bickers quantum computers
✔ can't learn to program bickers new languages will come out
✔ can't learn to drive bickers self driving cars
✔ autism makes him too efficient to work full time
✔ showing many symptoms of diabetes (pain in extremities, slow wound healing, headaches, blackouts, lack of energy, intense thirst, sugar craving)
✔ not even white
✔ burned a gastropod to death in a toxic isobutene and propylene glycol solution
✔ rejected by the straight community
✔ encased a deeply autistic man inside a latex envelope and induced a negative air pressure
✔ genitals are like two tic tacs and a slightly larger tic tac
✔ soaked his socks in his own piss (while wearing them) as a dirty protest against going to the zoo
✔ privatised all his vids on his main channel (secret tory?!?)
No. 799467
File: 1555935490662.jpg (67.62 KB, 616x385, xm6vkRJ.jpg)

Some gems from twitter
No. 799471
File: 1555935729688.png (Spoiler Image,482.6 KB, 631x1369, mwoCPjz.png)

No. 799475
File: 1555936331877.png (98.47 KB, 629x806, koBigda.png)

Jahans defending stealing from sex workers because he's disabled and therefore entitled to fap material
No. 799492
File: 1555945037724.gif (Spoiler Image,1.62 MB, 320x200, 5b4b5b0c35525612dc1ab0083e297b…)

>>799490He was low T so he started taking it to get rid of the extra fat, he's really genetically fucked
No. 799533
>>799465sorry if i'm missing something obvious but what the fuck is "bickers", like why is it being used in that context?
also i wasn't even aware that there was an 8chan /cow/ forum until this thread and holy shit what a disorganized edgelord infested hellsite. lolcow has sort of become its own entity, so much so that i forget how god-awful chan culture is
No. 799647
File: 1556014460815.png (16.41 KB, 588x109, Screenshot_2019-04-23 I am Ale…)

Jahans is back on his meds so he hasn't been as crazy but he's still on twitter
Hopefully lolcow archives more of his stuff from now on
No. 799648
File: 1556014493966.png (82.41 KB, 628x626, Screenshot_2019-04-23 I am Ale…)

No. 799661
>>799465>✔ received a valentine's day card but did not appreciate itWith shit like this included (and some similar statements), it's hard to take it seriously.
This really is a shitfest compared to lolcow.
The pics of him shirtless and that fucking gif however are nightmare fuel and I wish I had never seen them.
Without sources he just seems like a nobody though.
No. 1219431
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