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No. 795946
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No. 795947
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No. 795948
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No. 795949
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No. 795950
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No. 795952
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No. 795953
>>795945New threads belong in /snow/
OP is shit.
No. 796048
>>796046She claims she makes money online and says her mother is dead.
Honestly after reading some things she's written I just feel bad for her. She just seems so desperate and lonely.
No. 796049
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No. 796050
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No. 796051
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No. 796074
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Did some digging because I felt bad.
She's a pitiable character to be sure, but also on full cope mode.
She posts about not being into anything remotely sexual, like in pic related.
No. 796076
File: 1554799684090.png (2.13 MB, 1076x1250, 09.png)

>>796074But she's also reblogged full on ABDL shit and tagged it specifically as "mommy kink".
No. 796078
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>>796076She also owns pacifiers, sippy cups, and baby bottles. This is on top of her fixating on the concept that she stopped developing specifically at age 12.
She's pretty clearly an age regressor and a little, but denies it for whatever reason.
No. 796079
File: 1554800529398.png (611 KB, 1828x1442, therapy.png)

>>796069>>796059She had a therapist previously, but it went sour after she got over-attached. The therapist got pregnant, and she felt abandoned.
She's tried to get a replacement, but according to her, she's been told she needs at least 1 hour of outside social interaction per week for 6 months before they'll give her a referral. Her attachment to her therapist instead of an actual support system of family/friends did more harm than good. Not sure how the UK system works.
Besides that, she's become very jaded on therapy as a whole and doesn't feel that it helps her at all.
No. 796082
>>796078She's doing a poor job denying it when she tagged it
>#single little>>796074This actually sounds thoughtful and intelligent though, which makes me sad.
Was there some time gap between this and the more blatant little/mommy kink stuff?
Or maybe she justifies it to herself with the logic that SHE, as the age she identifies, doesn't want to be involved with NSFW stuff..? Also since she's fixated on a mommy, it makes sense that she wouldn't be into men abusing women, which is what most porn is.
It's a sad disconnect when she tags stuff with things like kink and domme… Those aren't innocent terms.
No. 796084
File: 1554800997733.png (47.87 KB, 1062x348, S.png)

>>796082This is how she explains it.
The kink/domme stuff seems to be from 2017/2018, while her avoidance of anything sexual seems to have cropped up mid-2018 (but she still tags everything as "md/lg", "single little", etc).
No. 796085
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>>796084More of her addressing her use of the tags.
No. 796087
File: 1554802171454.png (400.93 KB, 1616x1018, screens.png)

I don't even think she actually "stopped developing at the age of 12" as she claims, in any way. She's too smart and jaded. It's more like she's trying her hardest to induce arrested development, however she can. For some reason, it's easier for her to present to the world as someone with Peter Pan syndrome than to admit that she's just a grown woman with issues looking for companionship.
She's frustrated that she attracts nothing but roleplayers and creeps, not understanding that the way she shows off only the most exaggerated aspects of her vulnerable side would only ever draw in such people. "Normal" people are naturally driven away by that sort of thing, but it's like she just can't fathom that. It's not even like someone hasn't pointed this out. Here's one person on Reddit pointing out that her whole account seems like a weird trap for neckbeards.
No. 796088
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>>796087She basically just rejects the advice given and voices exasperation at not being given a chance.
No. 796092
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>>796088One guy was nice enough to break down exactly what's wrong with her "Looking for Mommy" posts (pic related), and she basically said she does it because she's just that focused on finding a Mommy, and that anything less feels like she's tricking them. He gave her another reply, but she didn't respond that time. hasn't made another "Looking for Mother Figure" thread since then (but it's only been 2 days, and she's had multiple Reddit accounts that she's deleted), so I wonder if she'll actually listen.
No. 796094
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>>796092She also has a pretty rigid, pessimistic view on what adult friendships are like.
No. 796097
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>>796094>Imagine forcing a 12 year old to sit in a room alone all day every day in front of a screen where all they can do is type to adults they have nothing in common with, who are at a totally different life stage to them, and are not allowed to have any peers, so they can't go outside and play or go have school or school friends, no one to go to the park with or laugh with or share their life with, no family members even, no sleepovers or parties or holidays or any life at all. Just stuck in a room, alone, typing to adults on the internet. It's mind numbingly boring and I hate it, I hate it so much and nobody can tell me how to make myself enjoy it other than "keep trying" but that hasn't worked.She mentions here that she's "not allowed to have any peers". She says her mother died, she makes no mention of her father, and she claims to currently live with her brother. If the "not allowed to have any peers" part wasn't just a metaphor, is it safe to assume her brother might be playing a role in her isolation somehow? I just have so many questions, I don't know why I'm digging so deep.
No. 796099
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>>796097It really seems like whenever anyone offers her advice, she either ignores it or shuts it down.
No. 796100
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Ironic pajama picture. I don't know if I'd call her a cow or flake at this point yet, though, just…weird and sad.
No. 796129
>>796085>I haven’t socially developed much past age 12So she doesn’t have any IRL friends and didn’t go outside much since age 12? So? Many, many other people had the same experience. Sick/disabled kids. Homeschooled kids. Neckbeards who live in their moms basement. They don’t call themselves “socially undeveloped since age 12”. She has many friends online so idk wtf she’s talking about since most people who don’t have friends/don’t leave the house also don’t have friends online and aren’t ~uwu $5000 wardrobe kawaii Venus angelic lookalike~ who have multiple social media’s, are able to film their face for YouTube, and have thousands of followers that they get to interact with with thousands of comments, notes, likes, views. She just wants attention and sees that acting young online gets you that. If she really felt she hadn’t developed and is fusterated by it then she wouldn’t be trying so hard to match her outsides (physical appearance and clothes) to her “developmental age” with typical kawaii ageplayer tumblr twist to it. She’s full of shit. She does “socially act like an adult”. She’s able to have many long intelligent self-aware conversations with other adults, she’s able to do online shopping, make money for an online platform and transfer it to her account, able to edit her photos, edit video footage, interact with other youtubers and tumblrinas, able to interact with adult strangers with no issue, able to mention teenage experience she’s had in the past in her videos (but claims she had none? Lmao), able to understand kinks/fetishes/communities, interacts with adults IRL when she goes shopping often, etc.
My bet? She comes from a financially well off family and is either a lesbian who wants an older woman or just wants an older female friend. Maybe her parents divorced or her mom left the family or died. Her posts are almost verbatim of male members of the little community who, instead of looking for “daddy” are looking for “mommy”.
This obsession with saying “12” is such a red flag, people who regress usually only have a specific age if there was a pivotal traumatic incident, but it seems she just chooses to say “12” bc it’s what appeals in kink communities and is when one would start gaining responsibility.
This cow is interesting, but the OP write up sucks, but thanks for the milk anon!
No. 796186
>>796179Yeah, definitely zero chance this is a kink thing.
No. 796191
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>>796188Try reverse image searching her pics.
No. 796193
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At first I thought OP got her age wrong, but nope.
She lowered her age by 5 years in her most recent posts.
No. 796196
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>>796191She has a profile on Plenty of Fish.
No. 796206
>>796203This was already posted
I appreciate all the research you're doing, anon, but I don't want us to end up going in circles.
No. 796222
File: 1554835514044.png (35.65 KB, 800x187, Screenshot_2019-04-09-11-30-15…)

She has a profile on or (search for "sephi solihull", some of the links forward to the latter) but the sites are not working and I can't be arsed to install the app and create an account.
>>796206Sorry I missed the previous post. I did archive it. I have a feeling she will DFE if she finds this thread.
No. 796226
>>796203This doesn't make any sense to me. I don't want to blog but I'll just say this. It takes extreme and bizarre circumstances to end up stunted in the way she claims. Meaning that you stop going to school at a very young age, have zero contact with people your age, and rarely talk to your own parents or have mentally ill parents.
Even if she's autistic you don't end up stunted at 12 if you went to high school. Maybe she's not autistic but actually just a retard.
No. 796239
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I screencapped her entire reddit post and comment history Incase she baleetes.
Here’s some long ass posts about therapists, diagnosis, how she talks to sooo many people online allll dayyy, and other cringe shit.
No. 796240
File: 1554837425028.jpeg (272.41 KB, 1162x760, 9A3C2E64-FAA5-41B2-9BB9-F56440…)

Her talking about her high school experiences while claiming she has none. Seems to not understand that “teenage experiences” can be bad or good. Her logic: didn’t have any great times in high school? well I guess I’ve had no life experiences after age 12!
No. 796241
File: 1554837660373.jpeg (331.41 KB, 539x1712, 211BC33F-EEDC-4F74-BD52-C9CFB8…)

And this gem of an interaction where she demands any friend of hers never speak of any experiences or stories they have, never speak about their family and other friends, never speak about anything they’ve done previously bad or good. Once they become friends with her it’s all about her and fuck what the other person wants! They can just make a whole new life revolving around her and replace all their memories with her!
No wonder she doesn’t have irl friends, she must be the most self centered “friend” ever, whew lad.
No. 796243
>>796241Autism is just a label to make everyone feel bad for narcissists.
"Have you considered that not everything is about you?"
"mUh aUtIsM1!1!!1"
No. 796247
>>796241>It doesn't really matter what their interests areI didn't know what to make of her before (and still don't), but this line stuck out a lot to me. This and her admitting in
>>796099 that she went to a card game meetup without knowing anything about card games or holding any real interest. She ended up getting fed up when people were rightfully frustrated at her lack of knowledge or interest, and complained there are no girls anyway.
She doesn't care about other people's lives or interests, she finds herself incapable of adopting new interests, and she's probably the type to get irritated at other people liking things she's not into. It's all about her getting to restart her life with a mommy gf by her side catering to her.
No. 796257
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#looking for a mother
….in a public children’s playground park
No. 796260
File: 1554840017085.jpeg (123.33 KB, 1242x731, 855E2D24-0FF9-475E-B4B4-7AEF5D…)

She lives with her older brother in a multi story house in Birmingham, it’s the same house she’s lived in since high school.
No. 796262
is that codeword for boyfriend kek
No. 796265
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Contradicting herself when she said previously that she’s never been on a sleepover with friends. Now says she misses having slumped parties.
No. 796274
>When i had Friends, i enjoyed doing these activities
>I've never had fiends and no one ever talked to me in my entire life uwu Yet another contradition. We already got: going to highschool but stunted at exactly 12 years old, going to therapy for social anxiety but rejected for being isolated, magically shredding 5 years of her real age. Completly asexual but tags her pedo baiting as mdlg, domme, etc.
>I'm all day caged in my room so sad I'm calling it: this girl is not ~ soo tragically fragil aspie angel ~, the same way soren isn't a traumatized junkie who lost his real love or whatever. She is pitiful, but not for the reason she think she is, she is just a bad LARPer.
No. 796279
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No. 796336
>>796125it genuinely doesn’t come across to me as a sexual thing whatsoever and i think the anons who are reading into that are looking for something that isn’t really there.
having your mother die at a very tender age and never building any other strong female family or friend relationships after can absolutely fuck a person up. i’ve known a girl since childhood whose mother passed when we were 6, she had a really similar age regression thing until her dad remarried a very stable and loving woman whose good influence helped the girl develop into a normal adult. i honestly just feel bad for this girl, she gives off some slight autism vibes or something similar and seems terribly lonely and confused about how to properly socialize. i dont believe she’s stuck at age 12 mentally, but she clearly isn’t thinking like a normal 25 year old.
No. 796342
File: 1554851272145.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 1072x1120, ss.png)

>>796336I don't disagree with the rest of what you had to say, but
>it genuinely doesn’t come across to me as a sexual thing whatsoeverAnon…Posts like pic related are simply not how a non-sexual desire for a mother figure manifests at all.
No. 796348
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>>796196Still finding more dating site accounts.
No. 796396
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She doesn't even have that many followers on insta and no one can find her youtube. How is she making money online?
No. 796455
>>796423she seems pretty aware of what she is doing because there are things she doesn't want to face probably(or just satisfy whatever kink she has)
saying she is emotionally stunned over and over is so tiring.
I recently realised that thing about myself and while I do believe I'm socially "younger" than I actually am,I'm working on it and it goes well and it's great.And not being able to talk to other adults is bs.Anyone can talk to anybody and have even small talk if they practice a little bit and actually put effort
>>796241this is such bs too.Sharing experiences and talking to people is what makes a relationship important.It helps people grow.If all you do is "having fun" then the relationship is actually empty and doesn't help anyone in it.And hell,why not do fun stuff AND have deeper conversations???WHY NOT BOTH??
tl;dr she is full of crap trying to force her "lifestyle" to people to get what she wants.Also such level of self-helplessness is pathetic
No. 796497
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>>796270Its a total lie. NHS gives therapy to shut ins, hermits, and people with the most severe agoraphobia who
actually don’t talk to anyone. They even have to arrange other methods such as at home visits, phone calls, video calls, and even free transportation just to get people into therapy. There is no such policy at the NHS about “if you can’t socialize outside for one hour per day/week/month we will drop you from the program and we won’t even give you 1 therapy session until you do this for 6 months!” Utter bs. The only way I could see this happening is if she’s in some sort of young adult program where the 1 hour of socializing is needed to “graduate” the program, but they wouldn’t
not give you therapy until you did it, that makes no sense and the NHS would be sued for refusing to give you access to needed therapy. And she wouldn’t be “discharged” as she keeps saying because she’s not inpatient. She just made that shit up so she could better convince others to hang out with her (“you have to hang out with me! My therapists said so! They’ll DiScHaRgE me if I don’t! I don’t want to but there making me! So be my lesbian mommy, my therapist said you had to!”)
>>796396This is what’s bothering me. I’ve searched all her usernames and can’t seem to find this YouTube account that she “makes enough to live off of” (even though her brother pays the bills/housing). There are no links or usernames mentioned for her yt channel on her tumblr/reddit, just her mentioning it in tumblr asks. Is that another lie too or…?
>OP where you at?! Send us the yt plz x3 No. 796603
File: 1554921167384.jpeg (214.61 KB, 750x963, 4B8C697E-079C-4449-9F28-449BEA…)

Can’t find her YouTube but I did reach out to her. This is some of our conversation
No. 796632
>>796603This sounds like someone who is either
1) too busy writing other people
2) completely passive and expecting you to make all the effort in conversation. I think this fits, considering she's basically looking for someone who will care for her.. She only wants to take, not give.
No. 796775
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These filters are supposed to be cute, not make you actually look like barnyard animals…
No. 797078
>>797069Yes, she mentioned it on Tumblr. I'll try to dig up the post where she mentions making enough money to live off of YouTube.
Since no one can find the account, I wonder if it's another one of her tall tales.
No. 797128
>>796843>>796813That’s bullshit. Most cows on here are thieves, scammers, abusers, or bullies or all of the above. I fail to see how this girl is worse than the average cgl fag? You can look in the age regression tag on tumblr and there are a fuck ton of “uwu kink don’t interact” elitist weirdos in diapers.
This thread is filled with nitpicking about her selfies, debating whether someone would lie on the internet about personal life (but y’all call others moralfags lmao) even though you said yourself she’s not scamming anyone, and debating how she’s making her money or whether she had friends like?? The only basis you’ve shown is she’s a cringy autist. You’re probably the type of cunt who thought CWC deserved his harassment because he was retarded. It’s obvious vendetta and annoying af.
No. 797256
>>797128I agree this shouldn't be a whole thread, she should have been posted in some kind of general, but it's interesting pieces all of her story together. This thread is mostly curiosity and scepticism about how her posts don't add up, rather than people making outright fun of any learning disabilities.
Farmers go rogue try to adopt cows all the time like venus, spoony and kota, so maybe this thread will even net her what she wants
No. 797338
>>797128Chill out and quit mini-modding. Did this thread hit close to home or something?
People clearly want to talk about her, and it's pretty obvious that no one from here is attacking or harassing her.
>>797256 is right that she'd probably fit into a general, to be honest.
>The only basis you’ve shown is she’s a cringy autist. And what do you think Pixyteri was exactly? Are you new?
>You’re probably the type of cunt who thought CWC deserved his harassment because he was retarded. It’s obvious vendetta and annoying af.This is a false equivalence, and you know it. You sound unnecessarily pressed over literally nothing. Hide the thread, sperg, no one is getting hurt or harassed.
No. 797405
>>796188Trust her to be from Birmingham as well, I bet she sounds just as stupid as they usually do from there. Americans - Birmingham people or 'Brummies' are known to be stupid as fuck and their accents are a joke.
She'll be lucky to find a femme lesbian. All that is ever around in the UK lesbian communities are overly painted bimbos who want to be on Love Island, secretly straight and want to try pussy for a quick min or big, fat, hairy, truckers with piles of piercings and tattoos. Proper ballsy bloke looking bitches. If anything she may as well request for a Daddy.
No. 797406
>>796265Ew, you know she was the type of 'friend' that would probably ask something weird at a sleepover in secret to another girl like "Do you want to make out and touch each other?" or something weird.
And you'd kind of inch away from her and ask if you could sleep on the other side of the room.
No. 797896
>>797404Bedlam, aka the Bethlem Royal Hospital is part of an NHS trust.
sage for psych ward sperg
No. 798288
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>>796364that’s not a bad theory at all. it actually makes perfect sense. maybe she wants a mommy figure to assist her with “becoming a woman”.
No. 799229
>>797405>>797407Who hurt you? Did you get dumped for a girl, anon?
Also she lives in Solihull, there's no way she lives on a council estate. It's an expensive place to live.
No. 799601
>>799536My uneducated guess is that she either still lives with her parents (or parent assuming she's telling the truth about her mum being dead/not around), or she's living like most 24year olds with housemates and working.
I'm skeptical that she has zero life outside her bedroom.
No. 800170
>>800164It's not, an anon did it here
>>796603. Please go ahead, we've been drained of content lately.
No. 800549
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I'll give a little background information so that the screenshots make sense.
She joined the site using the username Milky_Angel, and began spamming groups looking for a real 'Mummy'. Many people were confused as what she was looking for didn't really seem 'kinky' - she said she was looking for an actual mummy to look after her and take her virginity. People gave her some sound advice, and gently suggested she look elsewhere, as she seemed very vulnerable. However, she just continued spamming lesbian and DDLG forums. Eventually she changed her name to 'Goodnight' and now 'I Give Up', and also flipped all her vital information - going from 20 something, female, lesbian to 59M, straight etc so she wouldn't get any more messages. Her last activity on the site was 8 days ago. I wish I had pictures of her page when she was actively searching.
No. 800550
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No. 800551
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No. 800552
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No. 800553
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No. 800554
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No. 800555
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No. 800556
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No. 800557
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No. 800558
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No. 800559
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No. 800560
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No. 801331
>>800551Not a kink and not a little but here she is. Whew sis.
What she wants is pretty impossible. She could have a motherly figure look after her and support her and stuff, but the lady will be freaked about her wanting an actual relationship or sexual shit and bail. Or she gets a mommy dom/kink mom who wont really be able to fufill an actual motherly love/guardian role. Cant really have both hun.
No. 802873
File: 1557242016493.jpg (16.11 KB, 567x235, vham.JPG)

Her youtube/twitter is vanillahamham, which seems to be her source of "income" as she says. Also her fet has more pics/vids just some are set to friends only, if you directly search the username on fet you can see she has more.
No. 802881
>>802873…wait, this is her channel?'ve been following it for a while, it's got a lot of subscribers. Are you sure this is her?
No. 802883
>>802881not other anon but looks legit. you see her hair and pusheen pyjamas. Also various kawaii tat in the videos that tie into her interests. Not proof exactly but pretty likely.
>not a little>blatant sippy cups in backgroundGirls in some real denial
Cute vids though. well done. kinda surprised
No. 802886
>>802881Yeah spoke to her on pof before in one of her rare talkative moods and we got talking about hamsters and she told me. I agree with some other posters, I can't quite fathom her angle or her logic at times.
It more than likely is her, given all the cutesy evidence.
No. 802888
File: 1557244477167.jpg (211.9 KB, 1224x1372, seph.jpg)

>>802883did some further research (watched a handful of videos). Its definitely her. Aside from the hair, pyjamas, amuse hamster plushes which are all seen in her pics. The real giveaway for me is this blanket here. Its from b&m. I got the same one for my Puppy
No. 802898
>>800759Lmao yeah. She's such a purely pathetic person that it does muster a kind of maternal feeling in me, but it's one that motivates me to yell at her until she sorts herself. But she doesn't want to actually grow or improve, as evidenced by her shooting down every single suggestion or piece of advice offered to her. An actual mother figure wouldn't accept being shouted down and ignored like that, if she was really a twelve year old she'd get disciplined for it and have her hamster youtube taken away lmfao. Tough love innit.
If she didn't seem so completely devoid of empathy and understanding of the reciprocal nature of relationships I'd be inclined to reach out to her. Her dismal view of adult relationships particularly makes me really sad; I've done all the fun shit she wants to do with friends recently.
No. 802907
Last streamed live on Apr 27, 2019
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No. 802908
>>802902Yeah, I'm surprised, those videos are super polished and well edited. Not to mention the little things she makes for the hamsters are also really well done, she clearly has a creative eye. I expected someone who acts the way she does to be a talentless NEET but this channel is honestly a pretty good achievement.
I almost feel bad for her, you would think someone who has a successful and beloved YouTube channel with almost 1 million subscribers would be able to make friends and have a kind of normal social life, even if it's all online friends, but I think her loneliness is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
>>802898 is right, she's just pathetic and too stubborn to actually better herself as a person.
No. 802911
>>802902so did i for some reason! maybe it's the rrcherrypie effect ahah.
if it is her editing/filming, she could surely use this experience to look for similar jobs, maybe even something as small as editing vids for other youtubers. her channel is pretty established, like those views alone! more than imallexx despite him having twice as much subscribers and 3-4 times as many videos kek (yes, i checked, wanted to see how she stacks up against other british youtubers)
No. 802936
File: 1557254016103.jpeg (629.18 KB, 952x1234, E4C43A6D-4063-44B4-9644-A7C92E…)

>>802910She must make around a few thousand per month. Probably around 5-8k average not including if she does brand deals and sponsorships. Which means she uses bank accounts and pays taxes….like an adult. Has a job….like an adult. She complains that adults (def not her tho) work jobs and pay taxes, but she does the same?
Weird, guess she spends the money on pink kawaii shit online and saves the rest? She lives with her older brother in their family home that she’s lived in forever, so I assume they either inherited the house from parents and just pay bills. Her older brother pays for the house. Or she contributes some money twords bills or mortgage. But iirc her brother takes care of most of the financial housing costs. I’m going for inherited house or inherited money. Most likely both, because if they didn’t inherit the house and just inherited money, then they most likely would’ve sold their house and most to a smaller cheaper place fit for 2 people. Them keeping the house implys inheritance or morgatge being paid off usually.
No. 802943
>>802936Looks like a typical rental property/new build from the decor tbh. I doubt it was inherited. I also still doubt the dead parents story at this point, but with the reveal of her youtube then who knows. maybe everything is true. also she has a fair bit of kawaii shit but she shops at primark and b&m, budget stores. and doesnt look to live a particularly lavish lifestyle. Surprised she's not pumping it into lolita.. she probably doesnt get as much as you think though
>>802905literally why. this is a troubled seeming young woman with a cute and successful channel that allows her to support herself. Don't be a dick
No. 802949
>>802943read the comment thread again slowly
>An actual mother figure wouldn't accept being shouted down and ignored like that, if she was really a twelve year old she'd get disciplined for it and have her hamster youtube taken away lmfao>implying if she had parents that is the action they'd take in response to her shut in behaviourno one is suggesting doxxing her or whatever
No. 803071
File: 1557286230504.png (488.64 KB, 795x447, Untitled.png)

>>803069You can see two people in the shot around the 2:01 mark. Her on the left and somebody else on the right.
No. 803072
>>803071It could be her "brother"
but are we really sure this is her channel? I kind of don't think it is… Is the only proof we have speculation based on hair shots/cutesy accessories?
No. 803097
>>803072The writing styles are very similar.
>>803073If you haven't seen biological siblings with different skin tones, you don't get out much.
Also, do we know that they are full biological siblings?
No. 803105
>>803071>>803072I don't think that's her brother, the first thing that I noticed about the hand on the right is that it looks like an older person's hand. I'd imagine her brother is probably no older than mid 30s and that looks like the hand of a 50-60 year old man.
If you look at the video you can see the back of his head pop into frame very briefly. He's wearing typical old man glasses and has silver/white hair. Not sure if posting a screenshot is okay since he's not involved in the milk but there's no way that's her brother. I'm guessing the dead parents thing is a lie because it's got to be her father.
No. 803111
>>803072As the anon who brought it up, she told me directly on PoF that it was her channel. At first as I've said it seemed a bit eh, given everything she says about her life but it probably is her; I don't know why she would have reason to lie about it and is clearly financially stable to some extent if her channel is as popular as people have said.
I didn't bring it up to cause problems for her but because people were interested, and was genuinely surprised to find a thread about her; and I'm aware people have taken that "get her you tube taken away" remark someone made out of context.
Anyway pretty sure that's her dad and again can't remember if she mentioned him, and he probably does give her a hand, as practical as she seems. Like most cows on the site, she's bent her view of "reality" into her own narrow distorted way. What she wants isn't healthy as many people have pointed out, I mean somehow she even drifted onto fetlife, and despite people reaching out she just hand swats everyone away.
No. 803129
File: 1557311041546.jpg (44.94 KB, 971x560, okc.JPG)

Final bit of evidence in regards to it being her found on her okc. New Hamster "Butterscotch" and uses that same type of multicoloured bedding material like in the videos. Happy to shed some light!
No. 803183
>>803178It's so strange that she talks about how 'boring' other adults are, when really she seems like the real wet blanket, even just with small talk
>>802952I agree, as much as I love the twist happening here, I hope none of this gets back to her wholesome youtube community
No. 803205
>>802974>>803022No one said anything about doing us anything to her channel at any point. No one suggested it. Can you people actually think before you post shit like this? The fact that so many people just ignored the context of the first post and then the two subsequent clarifications and started posting
>omg no!!!! leave her alone! has really made me worried for the average reading age on here.
No. 803405
>>796775Quoting an old post to point this out, because you can see it best in this photo - she lightens her hair to make herself look younger. The giveaways are that it's the exact same level & tone at the root as it is in the mid-shaft and lengths, and the overall lack of dimension. That Children of the Corn look only comes with albinism in adults. And on the occasions when you can see her roots a little, the blonde has gone more brassy, like
>>796100. Platinum is expensive to maintain, so she's spending a lot of money to look like a kid. Gross.
No. 804353
>>803746Okay, Sephi. Read it again.
She likes that color because it makes her look like a child. I am an experienced hairdresser and can say from looking at thousands of heads that adult women do not naturally have platinum blonde hair root-to-tip, but children do. Adults with white blonde hair have variations to the blonde, and adult women who bleach their hair want dimension to the color, because the flat platinum look is immature - it looks like child hair - and when the toner fades to brassy & the roots grow out, it looks trailer trash - hence frequent maintenance. The fact that she's a natural blonde and still pays a bunch of money to look like this just goes to show how much this is a kink act.
No. 816936
>>816919Not that anon but if the url is posted here shes probably gonna change it.
Its not hard to find
No. 818615
>>816923Aw oops
, u right. Not so milky after all
No. 843469
File: 1563986408596.png (190.5 KB, 800x1159, Screenshot_2019-07-24-09-19-29…)

Not sure how we missed this. Her posting on an adoption site is so inappropriate. predicted she deleted her reddit account. She hasn't posted a video since April 14th; it was outed here May 7th. She probably found this thread.
No. 883219
>>883066she first asked how my day was and after i bounced the question back she started telling me how miserable she is.
she kept saying how there's no hope for her to ever get on anyone's level because she's even apparently tried to pay people to hang out with her and nothing worked. when i offered some advice, she got real angry and started swearing like every third word lol
i oofed and backed outta there and then kept seeing her pop up in my notifs with different names and ages and i was really creeped out
No. 883291
>>883219She seems like that type of person if you entered her house/apartment you would never leave.
Also doesn't help that mommy issues is more common among serial killers.
No. 884916
>>884314Girl? This woman is 26 lol. She was caught lying for her age multiple times because of her weird fetish.
This is a 26 year old woman who let her weird fetish take control of her life.
No. 886193
>>885153I did wonder myself if to begin with she fell into the abdl incest kink because it was biggest source of relatable content for her, in the same way people often start consuming sexual fanfiction/doujins of their favorite fandoms when there's just less nonsexual content to be found.
It's a shame that she seems so unable to actually interact with people like
>>883219 without throwing a narcfest because there obviously is something sympathetic about her case.
>>885224>I wonder what happened when she was 12, causing her to get stuck at that age.All of the ageplayers use the 'being stuck at x age because of a trauma' meme. Imo she picked 12 because it's the a sweet spot where she can act like a blameless kid but still can do the more advanced preteen things like makeup and videogames
No. 893976
File: 1573852352139.jpeg (364.59 KB, 1536x1664, 99E66DC8-1B26-4A4B-AE1A-9A026E…)

Anons don’t feel bad for this autist she says she hasn’t been out of her room since high school and yet constantly posts pictures from things from stores and what about this picture? She said originally that she missed out on birthdays from 12 and then changed it to 14 she’s obviously had experiences since high school but thinks just because they might have not been good ones that she’s had none since 12. She’s just like every other “Little” doing it because “Muh trauma1!1!” except she’s more obvious and hilariously desperate about it. Sephi is the type of person who thinks no one is good enough for her fantasy land of it being all about her she’s a grown 26 year old woman who wants everyone to indulge in her pity party because quoted from her “Society doesn’t think you’re worth anything after you turn 18 so I’m gonna make myself look like I’m 13”
No. 894076
File: 1573862175236.jpg (1.6 MB, 1920x2981, InShot_20191115_185423880.jpg)

>>893976If I'm not mistaken, this is the first we're seeing of her instagram. I made the mistake of checking it out and it's just as creepy as you'd imagine
No. 894198
File: 1573877541317.jpeg (102.37 KB, 636x698, 023DAC76-3DA8-4107-9529-A116A6…)

Samefag as
>>893976 but scrolling through her Instagram more there’s something so creepy and off putting about her eyes and that fake smile she does
No. 894255
File: 1573889222199.jpeg (669.65 KB, 1242x1020, 52A882E6-FE47-4B6A-9B22-77BAD8…)

Posts where she looks more adult/normal 1/3
No. 894258
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No. 894259
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No. 894271
File: 1573892601506.png (643.51 KB, 1440x2141, I like u.png)

Every comment on her IG is like this. People say she's pretty, they want her to be their gf:
>no ur lying, nobody likes me, nobody wants to meet me
Literally the nonstop whining is her problem.
No. 919860
File: 1579303377233.jpg (84.04 KB, 758x598, soooo.JPG)

Sooo her fetlife has been updated, now she's looking for daddies, and sexuality is unsure and changed her location to Gloucs; again can't work out her angle.
No. 978114
File: 1590255167934.jpg (31.83 KB, 652x312, amyorsephi.JPG)

More "random location changing" and buying further into the looking for a daddy, even though she hated guys before.
Is it tragic or sinister at this stage who knows? has a honey trap kind of feel to it now thirsty old guys are lusting after her.
Is anyone friends with her on Insta or Fet?
No. 988240
File: 1592340084600.png (203.73 KB, 750x1334, E1FAA449-83CF-4F9C-B851-E3CE5A…)

Not sure if this is her, but I found this post in r/relationships that sounded familiar. The comments are combative and stubborn like her IG and the user profile history mentions she’s in uni studying education which matches some of the info upthread.
No. 988324
>>988249The location is different too
I don't think it's crazy to imagine that it's another person posting though, these kinds of girls seem to be multiplying
No. 988446
>>988240Nah skimming through the post history and age of the account it's not her, mentions things like a partner and sex; which if you look at her fet etc she says she doesn't want, even if the angle sometimes seems skewed that way, or has in the past. It's just another similar weirdo, they probably have similar traits but Amy/Sephi is way way worse, plus she's too busy with fucking hamham videos.
Her last reddit she used when she was still in uwu mommy mode was LemonLoppy
No. 994428
>>994123And I hope you never spoke again to someone who tries so hard for attention and pity.
She probably already had various girls offering to help. But none wanted to bend over and kiss her feet while she trows tantrums.
She wants all the caring aspects, but a mother has to scold her when needed too.
No. 1165568
File: 1613762030654.png (17.43 KB, 494x319, sephi.png)

I didn't see anyone post this update from her blog so just wanted to add it here. It looks like she's gotten over this weird fixation? No social media I can find, and even her Youtube has been abandoned for a year, which was what made me curious in the first place.
No. 1167208
File: 1613900233669.jpg (98.19 KB, 1047x607, Capture.JPG)

Hmm not to ruin the mood from all of this, but I wouldn't exactly say it had a happy ending; she updated her profile on fet a few months ago and she has a "daddy" so wouldn't exactly say it's normal or healthy.
The update happened in November, that post on August, so it's just her usual self delusion more than likely.
No. 1167292
>>1165568Damn. Well, I hope she continues with this attitude and hasn’t found something else questionable to be obsessed with. I honestly never thought I’d see the day.
>>1167267NTA, but is the stupidest nitpick I’ve ever seen. Some people use the word. Get over it.
No. 1167320
>>1167208That’s depressing. I remember when the caps of her searching for a “daddy” were posted and it felt like a new low for her. I wonder if she’s attracted to men at all or it really is just a desperate grab at whatever kind of caretaker relationship she can get? Does she ever hint at who the guy is?
I was hoping with the abandonment of her yt she had gotten a job irl where she could be more social but seems not, which makes this even more bleak. Like stuff related to her yt (drawing, video editing, hamsters) seemed to be one thing she really cared about that wasn’t totally involved in her weird obsession. I wonder if she’s just a regular NEET now?
No. 1167489
File: 1613936425982.jpg (51.61 KB, 753x510, fet01.JPG)

>>1167320 As someone who posted the fet screens there's no real info on the "daddy" and I noticed it back in November, but it wasn't really "milky" but with people posting a status from August and thinking she's magically now well adjusted, well she's probably just found a daddy who feeds her delusions, rather than challenges her to grow.
Nothing super interesting on fet or giving much, away just some updates really. But here's some screenshots for those who can't view.
No. 1167512
>>1167499 Yeah she has done that with dating profiles, and reddit posts - which on this fet account posts read similar to the reddit ones and the emoji usage.
Always been a bit suspect though from the start though how she operates, I mean scroll back up and some redditor calls her out because her post one seemed like a honeypot or something. Why I can't quite put my finger on it 100%
No. 1167551
>>1167517Everything about her is strange or doesn't add up, why so many cases of her having a different age on posts, why insistent on getting a mommy because her mom is dead, yet she does a 180 and ends up wanting a daddy instead.
Why go on fet when she's asexual or claims to be, knowing all she's going to attract are horn dogs.
From the offset her entire persona has seemed a bit "catfishy"
No. 1167558
>>1167551I stumbled upon this thread today when someone necro'd it. I read through it all, and I absolutely agree with the sentiment that there's something really bizarre going on, not necessarily catfishing, but maybe some very manic larping. As if her writing about her seemingly desperate situation constantly makes it more real for her.
sage for vague armchairing
No. 1167599
>>1167292It isn’t a nitpick, it’s just incredibly delusional to find anything about what this girl has done “wholesome.” As
>>1167208 said she’s not really any different.
No. 1443485
File: 1644903035569.jpeg (34.76 KB, 509x509, u1000.jpeg)

Sorry to necro, as this isn't exactly milk, but I checked her FetLife out of nostalgia and she's been active as recently as December, when she uploaded a set of these pictures and joined a group for littles (as far as I can tell the group is quite nonsexual, focusing on childish activities.)
Her last post was in February 2021, when she wrote that she was 'searching for a platonic babysitter, caregiving family members or friends'. No mention of the 'daddy' that she talked about in 2020. (I really don't buy that this account is a catfish, either. It doesn't even use any of her photos, which is the whole point of a catfish, and she overwrote a lot of the old posts at some point with 'no longer looking', which a catfish wouldn't do either.)
Does anyone know how she's doing? Her insta's been deleted, but clearly she hasn't left social media as she claimed.
No. 1753052
File: 1674768076553.png (233.57 KB, 850x420, awooo.PNG)

Discovered a new side to herself, not really sure if milk, but more confused explorations from our hamster girl!
No. 1915291
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She's back on the market again it seems, verified as well.
No. 1915522
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>>1915291 quite love the juxtaposition of the childlike decorated water bottle/sippy, with the alcohol next to it