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No. 779047
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Prime example of incels being incapable of accepting responsibility for their own shortcomings.
No. 779048
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Folks over at lookism seem to think they're above incels in their quest to achieve chaddom, due to this they've gone through incredible lengths to reach that goal.
No. 779050
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Incels think that if they were relatively normal men, they'd have pornstar like girlfriends? lol
No. 779051
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I don't see how inceldom = depression.
No. 779052
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Found this on inceltears yikes
No. 779056
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It honestly seems like the majority of incels ride on the belief that they were destined to be this way because of bad luck
No. 779068
>>779052Given the age that most of them are, it's not as troubling as you think. Honestly, a lot of them just have to grow up and get out of high school. Not all of them, I'm sure, but a whole lot of them.
Also it's nice to think we can all age out of their target victim demographic so early.
No. 779102
>>779047i mean you gotta respect the mental gymnastics that made them call the self-fanning, apologetic pacification that is
"it's not ur fault booboo, you don't have to shower or brush your teeth!!! evil foids!!!"
the blackpill, and the statements that would be indicative of accepting reality
>if EVERYONE thinks you're gross, it IS you>but you CAN change>looks are NOT in fact everythingthe coddling bluepill.
impressed with the amount of doublethink they're capable of.
No. 780343
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Honestly, I find myself kind of attracted to incels and these looksmaxxing guys. Some of them are just LARPing and are really cute irl but their banter is what really gets me. I used to consider myself a femcel until I was blackpilled and realized I'm just volcel because fatcell == volcel. Oh and I'm black too kek so that lowers my SMV as well. It's hard to reach out to these guys tho, they're so paranoid. tfw no autistic bf.
>>780339 No. 780381
>>780343>all that incel lingoPlease get off these sites before you completely brainwash yourself with that crap. Those guys aren't worth your pity and if all the stories we see of anons dating robots are true then we know it ends badly.
Start talking to nerds at your local game shop and cons if you like gamer virgins by all means but stay smart to their shitty ways or they will break you down
No. 780394
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>>780343What the fuck are you even trying to say here?
>>780344>taco gigamanletThis reads like autistic larping from an inceloid trying to blend in without realizing how insane he sounds to everyone else.
>im female, gotta make sure i make that clear!>btw im black, u sjws love that, right?>id love an incel bf haha women love talking about this stuff, right?Fucking freaks.
>>779047An entire online community brainwashing themselves into worthlessness. Incredible.
No. 780532
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kek this beta wanted to murder in broad daylight over a minor incident
No. 780536
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Incels will always play the victim even when they molest children.
No. 780697
>>780532 the state of mind of these guys is terrifying that the first thing they think of when someone even looks in their general direction they think they're mocking them. they could've been saying "that guy has a cool hat on" or something for all he knows, yet he immediately assumes the worst and wants to literally kill them.
if a woman ever actually was interested in these sad fucks they would just assume she was mocking them or pranking them or something. they deserve to be alone
No. 780831
>>780343Get help. What the actual FUCK is wrong with you???
These men wish the worst on women and have begun terrotistic attacks on the public. Your interest isn’t healthy and is comparable to those who want to fuck serial killers. Seek help.
No. 780847
>>780831It sounds carzy as fuck, but I used to be like this too a long long time ago. It's usually a mixture of motherly instinct and being a doormat with no self-respect. But, like, it's one thing to wish you had a nice nerdy guy, who is a bit shy, and to want to date an incel. Some people see little to no difference until they meet an actual incel.
sage for no1curr
No. 780852
>>780847Lots of girls are like this, they have no self esteem and think that fucking the "ugly guy who can't get a gf" will make him see her as some kind of saviour and it's the ultimate not like other girls move.
The problem is that these men are
toxic mysogynists and not just innocent misunderstood guys. If they're not getting fucked there's a damn good reason for it and it's NOT because girls are selfish meanies.
No. 780862
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>wishes rape on women for existing
>supports pedophilia
>commits rape by deception on an underage girl
>'boohoo someone disagreeing with me on my shit subreddit is cruelty'
If you want to read more, google C&A&A&M&I&B without the &s. Idid not want to summon the sickfuck as he already sperged on both lolcow and kiwifarms (and got banned on both kek)
No. 780897
>>780862I'm from the same country this fucktard is from and I can't believe nothing has been ever done about him.
I even talked to a policewoman (a family friend) and she told he can't be arrested until a
victim of his reports him to the police.
No. 780915
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>>780862ummm what the fuck I just googled and he plans on raping his daughter when she turns 12?
No. 781286
>>780852>Lots of girls are like this, they have no self esteem and think that fucking the "ugly guy who can't get a gf" will make him see her as some kind of saviour and it's the ultimate not like other girls move. It's not an uncommon attitude, although I would have thought it would be dying out as younger generations become more informed but apparently not.
I suspect it comes from wanting to feel secure in a relationship:
my mum always said that it was better for a woman to date "below" her bc the man will be less likely to cheat or leave due to being so grateful that he's with someone who he feels is out of his league.
Obv her thoughts on relationships were pretty
Shame to see that it's still a thing though.
No. 781618
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>>780339I think this is the guy you're talking about. comment section used to be hilarious with people calling him a creep and a psycho until incels found it.
>proves no matter "how much confidence and personality" you throw at any female they will not give a man a chance.Lmao if whining about being ugly and not getting tinder matches for 6 minutes straight is what this man considers to be having confidence and personality then I've pinpointed what the real problem is. Women don't want him because he's legit retarded.
No. 781676
>>780897Justice would be vigilante then.. I can't believe I haven't heard of him until now.
But really, incels spew shit like openly wanting to legalize rape and make sure all women are raped and not complaining about it then wonder why they're not liked
No. 782962
>>781618I'm the anon from before and this is a totally different video but messed up all the same. The one I remember was with a fat girl and she doesn't stick around long to talk to him. This guy doesn't seem like an incel since he mentions having 3 ex-girlfriends but he definitely has the
victim mentality of one.
No. 1894825
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incels have started to spread male blackpill content on tiktok lol. theyre bitching about male loneliness and their little dating app statistics. saying all lesbians are "chadsexual". crying and moaning about how stacy dated chad whos on the football team. and now trying to get young moidlets on tiktok to believe in their retarded ideology.
No. 1894978
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>>1894825I posted this another thread but it fits perfectly here, a lot of young men and teenagers have unironcally started believing this(obviously looks matter, but they've convinced themselves that if you aren't the actual gigachad you are a loser and women won't ever love you)
>half of teenage boys are undisciplined and content with unhealthy habits, such as excessive eating and masturbation.>The other experience deep insecurities due to exposure to Incel rhetoric and may destroy themselves by using steroids and becoming gym-freaks. I wish there was a movement that promotes embracing a balanced lifestyle and encouraging a healthy amount of exercise for both boys and girls?