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No. 76841
Basically a wanna be edge Lord. Used to have dreads and was vegan until she decided that wasn't cool anymore and wanted to become a tru trans rebel. She posts about being trans despite running a sex blog and apparently working as a professional dominatrix (kek).
Kasey also spends her time making shitty overpriced jewellery in her home where she sponges off her boyfriend.
Most recently she's hopped on the Korea trend and is learning Korean of course
Here are her links:
http://tentaclesandteacups.tumblr.com No. 76843
Her sex blog
http://tasteflesh.tumblr.comAnd also her blog that she claims to be a sugar baby No. 76946
>>76902lol, really? Why? Not everybody can afford braces when they're younger.
I'm 24 and I'm getting my own fitted this year, finally. I really don't care about the appearance, I just want the overcrowding gone.
Taking care of your dental health is embarassing? lolwut.
No. 77219
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No. 77222
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Holy shit she actually got work done. Now I'm jealous.
No. 77223
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I thought the black circles above her tunnels were stud earrings but they're actually holes.. Here's a video where you can see through them No. 77447
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>gets surgically modified elf ears and ruins the shape with giant ass plugs
No. 77564
>>77447I don't get it either
>>77454Elf ears are cute and can be very subtle. Not like those giant stretched ears though.
No. 77607
>>77283They? Are those freak twins?
You cant claim theyre nice girls. These cikcs are monsters
No. 77611
>>77227Are you fucking kidding me? Everyone has those and hers are not even that pronounced.
Isn't this chick one of the people that Onision took the piss out of in one of his videos? I'm pretty sure it is.
No. 77681
>>77435Dude that's devastating. I feel sorry for her, and imo I think she looks great now even though I am not a fan of ANY of her piercings/mods. But hey, she was physically attacked IRL because of her appearance yet continues to dress the way she does.
And if that's what
really happened, she's pretty brave.
No. 77696
>>77681of course that didnt happen. Dont you think she would have posted pics upon pics of her smashed face?
She probably read the Christy Mack case and got inspired to use a cheap cop out to fix her ugly ass face.
No. 77716
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>>77696I tried to find some posts where she talked about what happened or maybe some photos of her injuries but there really wasn't much.
What I did find were the screenshots pictured. The one where you can see her teeth is the only one where she almost goes into detail about it but not really.
No. 77721
>>77591I used to be a fan of hers in my edgy teen wannabe model days, and she posted a couple of full nudes from photoshoots. It wasn't open leg so you couldn't see anything, but I find it pretty hard to believe she's ever had a penis. Her boobs look extremely natural, I've never seen any fake tits look so convincing.
Maybe I'm missing some major piece of the puzzle, but I don't think I can believe she's not just some woman jumping on the 'totally trans' bandwagon until there's some more solid evidence.
No. 78398
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No. 78399
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No. 78400
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Definatley a girl
No. 78404
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Taken from her old blog and the file name is "Kas" which her bf still calls her but she is Z or Zephyr to everyone else.
Her bf Alex, inherited in the vicinity of $80 000 from his rich parents. He constantly complains about not getting another gf, how he is broke and working at JB Hi-Fi despite having a degree. JB is an electronics store in Australia… Not sure if it is overseas but it sells DVD's, teles etc. Yet he buys her expensive gifts constantly despite her not working and being on disability. He bought them a house a month ago.
No. 78408
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She is really pretty despite the edgy piercings and shit. I'm just glad she grew her brows out and stopped having weird mohawkes.
No. 78432
>>78422I know a bit about the procedure and actually the point they've achieved at the tip indicates some level of skill as it's exceedingly difficult cutting and sealing the two halves in a way that doesn't cause them to split and become infected as a result of strain or to have them produced too lax and end up with them rounding out again as they begin to heal.
To achieve a dramatic point most have to end up undergoing a revision so this isn't too bad for a first round - it's actually pretty rare to see them this pointy after just one procedure.
That being said, with the scarring and projected cartilage I can say with most certainty that the artist likely sewed them too tight and upon a dangerously dramatic point.
This is likely as a result of her requesting that he get them "as pointy as possible" the first time round rather than being patient and going back for a revision which would undoubtedly produce smoother cleaner, more aesthetic results
No. 78464
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Her teeth and jaw were legit fucked. She got punched in the face by an Aboriginal guy when she looked like this vvvvvv
No. 78465
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Looked like this. Her at 18?
No. 78466
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Her ear mods when the jewellery is gone.
No. 78467
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No. 78468
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I'm glad she ditched the goth face because even though she is a hypocrite sjw, she is cute.
No. 78469
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No. 78470
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Face are braces and surgery. This I do feel bad about. Poor girl.
No. 78487
>>78468she looks like the pinhead from american horror story.
and why is she always doing that eyebrows-raised-pursed-asshole-lips-duck-face thing? it looks so fucking stupid, christ.
No. 78491
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>>78487First thing I thought of when I saw her profile was this. There's something really pinhead about her.
No. 78590
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I used to hang with them before Zeph quit the weeds. I used to be a big gross stoner so I felt like a bad influence. Some of my information is probably outdated as fuck, also I'm sorry about how long this is.
They're super nice IRL, Zephyr comes across as a massive sperglord (and
is one, two of the siblings have autism too) but really effortlessly lovely. Z is living off disability pension and whatever profits there are from the jewellery. Alex obviously has a higher income but nonetheless Zephyr contributes.
Zeph's jewellery isn't a scam, it's expensive, sure, but everything in Australia is expensive, and the jewellery is nice handmade stuff that has a lot of effort put into it. Zeph's health is shit and I've always admired Zeph's drive to get shit done and getting help and never expecting asspats for it.
Alex is living off his rich parents a bit and works a not so glam electronics store job, he isn't a posh cunt. He's pretty quiet but very down to earth. He gets on with shit in spite of having some mental health struggles himself.
The genderspecial stuff and the sugaring and fetish and polyamory shit is kinda gross, but it's not that interesting. They're happy together, and always seem to support the other. Their relationship has been open for a long time, and they've both been at least somewhat public about kink stuff for a long time too. Seems to work for them, even if Alex isn't getting enough side poon lol. Zeph's been genderspesh since at least 2011 so at least there's some dedication to it.
No. 78628
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This is her second ear point surgery. I need to find the name of the guy, sadly I forgot. But over a year ago there was a body mod convention and he was excluded for being a backyard self-taught extreme body modifier.
No. 78629
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Her current ears
No. 78632
>>78590Yeah, she does actually suffer from epilepsy, IBS, fructose intolerance and autism. Pretty sure Alex is bipolar.
I do respect that she never asks for donations and actually does make proper REAL handmade jewellery instead of mooching.
Her twitter has most of her sperging as she doesn't attach her name to it. Her handle is vivesect on Twitter.
I assume she is on testosterone? She claims to be trans and non-binary and has posted a pic of her on twitter with a fake penis under her boxers stating it as her "coming out". Her jaw surgery also made her chin most "masculine" which she liked. So I'm guessing she is a woman transitioning into a non-gendered man?
No. 78659
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>>78635Soft face plus soft lady mustache
No. 78660
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Definitely has a vag
No. 78662
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No. 93811
She's female, she's posted about the breast binder she wears and has mentioned on her sex blog that she feels she should "have been born with a penis", I think she just hopped on the genderqueer/trans bandwagon tbh, also doubt the validity of her multiple "illnesses", seriously, bipolar, autism, epilepsy, ibd, raynauds etc etc, victim complex that all these special snowflake tumblerina's seem to share. She used to be alright tbh, but has been progressively becoming more and more of a hypocritical nasty6 bitch who shits on and attacks anyone that disagrees with her.