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No. 74668
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I remember this girl but can't find her on facebook. Did she delete her account?
No. 74671
Threads like this do not belong in /pt/ They belong in /snow/ (if anywhere at all). If you don't have information, caps, and photos, as
>>74668 suggests, don't make a thread.
No. 74830
btw in regards to
>>74668i had a pretty fun fucking conversation with her and luna that i am more than happy to shove up here if you want to throw shit arround
No. 74849
>>74829>>74828>>74830Aw shut your God damn mouth you idiotic bitch.
I don't even know you but your mere presence is annoying.
Listen if you're willing to do despicable horrible shit to people and then venting it online for everyone to see, don't start crying when people finally realize how much of an harpy you are.
Fucking cows these days I swear.
No. 74871
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>>74828She looks like a male Brendan Gleeson.
No. 76115
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No. 76732
>>75614your banning my ip you retard. my internet cuts out often because of bad weather. everytime that happens my ip changes. i l;earned how to get around forum bans when i was 13
Nice fuckin try
No. 76746
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>>74667>>74673u ready for a shitstorm bitch?
No. 77066
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Amber didn't apologise kek, she begged hollie not to tell anyone because she was desperate to protect her already waning reputation. Y'all wouldn't have defended her if she'd taken photos of her tits but because it was feet, it's magically a-okay.
No. 79832
>>77944Haha, you're disgusting.
>everyone makes mistakesNot like this we don't. You realize that what your talking about is illegal, and frankly predatory behaviour? Ew.
No. 79962
>>79832swill you just givee it up already. seriously. nobody on facebook cared about this so you bring on here like people still fucking care
if u really think wat amber did is a crime. go to the fukin cops. else i might just go and shut the pare of you up. wonder how they might see cyberbullieng and unautherised posting of her pictures on a hate site?
think it makes you even. nah. bruh holly handed that foot shit all wrong. end of the day ur literally nailin your own coffin. and out of compassion for you (what little i have left) i actually empore you to stop before u wind up making a bad enemy.
No. 79971
>>79968its not even a friendship vandetta. holly thinks she was
raoed in the feet by amber
because amber is 2 savage