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No. 744420
Can we talk about the lulzy people and weirdos we have encountered in virtual worlds?
I have one I can think of
>Alias: Prim, Primposter, Hulaprim, Casual (Probably many more because she constantly changes her name)> Long time creator on IMVU.> Started to suck up to the staff, magically ended up on the front page and constantly a featured creator.> Made creating her "full time job"> Created a twitch stream but it slowly fizzled out> Her account was deleted and she was IP banned from IMVU because she reported a staff member who had questionable actions/ dealings.> Now she is trying to make get famous on Second Life> Instagram ( There isnt much on it now) other cows do you know of?
No. 744567
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I used to be a creator on second life ages ago. never a hugely popular one, but it was enough to get me some cash back then.
I didn't involve myself with much drama then, but if there's drama now i'd be mildly interested in reading about it.
Just one look at the second life hashtag on Instagram tells me people are still pretty weird on there.
No. 744675
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Why would anyone want to be famous on Second Life.
No. 744787
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Photo dump of Prim's explanation why she was IP banned from IMVU.
No. 744788
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No. 744789
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No. 744790
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No. 744802
>>744420who the fuck cares
it's not milky and it doesn't belong to /snow/. as someone said above it would fit better in /ot/
No. 744815
>>744420Is this a self post?
This thread doesn't seem promising. How can there be milk if you don't know who they are irl?
Also, I don't see how you can get famous in SL. I've been playing for years and you can be well known in whatever community you're in, but famous in the whole game? Nah.
No. 744886
>>744802>>744815It can be moved to /OT/ if the admins feel it's necessary, when I mentioned making this thread on discord I had some people interested. I figured different cows could be discussed but not many people have cows from vitural world's.
To me she seems like a cow because she thinks she can get famous on a website like Second Life.
No. 744930
>>744802it belongs on snow more than threads talking about instawhore#4298's toooootally gross features
I miss weirdo threads on lolcow
No. 751566
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So does anyone know what exactly happened with Jinx? It looks like she still lost her position as a staff member at IMVU but she is still close with a majority of the creators.
No. 756368
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I have a feeling some good milk is coming.
No. 757849
File: 1546455356695.png (Spoiler Image,902.79 KB, 999x618, wut.png) is a weird as fuck IG account that posts exclusively imvu characters, mostly NSFW.
No. 771260
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Hmm interesting now Prim/ Hua is talking to Jinx. Weird since Jinx is the reason she lost her job at IMVU.
Also I vaguely remember Prim promoting a company called District Files. It created IMVU meshes. I remember it being located in the same area her boyfriend lives. I always wondered if she was secretly running it as a side business. She claimed she had nothing to do with it but now I am not so sure.
No. 778935
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>>778911Not sure the one I am talking about was a staff member until the drama with Prim happened.
Now she runs a vegan Instagram and twitch.
No. 779035
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>>778936I found it.
Here is the full thread he is upset because IMVU made a verbal agreement they would use his products but then backed out.
IMVU seems like a shady business to work for/with.