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No. 71344
Moving this cgl thread ( here before the mods delete it.
Let's talk about cosplayers who shoop too much like Eikkibunny and Ahripop and also cosplayers that you suspect shoop a lot.
No. 71345
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Summary of the thread:
>thread was titled Anzujaamu appreciation thread
>people accuse Anzu of self-posting
>different anons defend Anzu
>anons talk about how Anzu is nothing special and how she has like 3 facial expressions
>an anon brings up how Anzu has a ton of followers so the thread was probably posted by a fan
>"Does Anzu shoop?" debate gets brought up
>someone calls Anzu "the most photoshopped cosplayer"
>an anon posts Ahripop
>another(?) anon posts Ahripop and Eikkibunny
>thread begins to unravel into a overshooped cosplayers thread
What I want to know is how Ahripop and Eikkibunny's fans find them at cons.
>pic is Ahripop's shooped face vs. her unshooped face (unshooped pic was taken this month so she can't claim that she looks different because of puberty)
No. 71352
>>71349Nah bruh, i'm from france.
if there's one person i'm actually jelly of that's her and kooter when i thought she was like her photoshopped self.
>>71351>looks like a stickNot gonna defend her but…
You sound like a butthurt fatty. Though i always wondered if she had bulimia or anorexia or did something specific to be so thin and small framed yet keep a cute round and youthful face.
No. 71353
>>71350There's honestly not much dirt on Anzu.
She stays away from drama and any kind of gossip places.
Doesn't talk smack or anything (at least not publicly) and doesn't claim that she makes all of her cosplays.
She's pretty honest when it comes to her cosplays actually. She always lets people know what company sponsored her.
>>71349Why do you act like Anzu doesn't have real fans? A LOT of people like her because she's cute and has a good sense of style.
>>71351>>71352She probably has an ED. Her face looks like it's bloated instead of just round in some photos.
But in the end, Anzu doesn't shoop her facial features, only smoothes and whitens her skin since she looks the same in unshooped photos and in her videos.
No. 71390
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Well at first I found this girl and thought she looked a lot like anzu and when I looked at the pictures she was tagged in…wait for it..
No. 71391
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Ayyyyyy lmao
No. 71392
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Sorry for constant samefag but I forgot the tag
No. 71394
>>71392Samefagging means you're posting many times as different people, replying or defending your own comments.
Nothing wrong with double/triple-posting though, as long as you're not samefagging.
Anyway, is that Anzu? What's with the IG name?
I'm one of those who don't understand why people praise her looks. When shopped, she looks so average it hurts, and her candids are even worse.
Each to his own though. Even unshopped Ahri is more attractive than shopped Anzu.
No. 71523
>>71400im pretty sure nazu is ana
it only makes sense
only some lonely sad gurl with no friends would have all this time to wear wigs and do makeup and make videos
No. 71586
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Shoop so strong that she actually looks like cgi. Holy.
No. 71720
>>71695>>71697jesus fucking christ. you guys want her to be a perfect little doll with no pores, completely smooth skin, and a tiny button nose but if she shoops herself to be like that, you guys whine and cry about how "OMG LOOK AT THIS FAKE SHOOPING BITCH! UGH SHE ONLY HAS FANS BECAUSE SHE SHOOPS SO MUCH." get a grip.
Anzu isn't scared of showing her makeup and shoop-less face and doesn't pretend that she's her shooped self like ricare/eikkibunny or Ahripoop.
No. 71768
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bakachuu wants to wear anzus skin
No. 71826
>>71392omg that's what Bakachuu actually looks like?
wow that's disappointing
No. 72506
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Shoopless Anzu (1/2)
No. 72507
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I was the one who blacked out the other person btw
No. 73222
>>71930Like, I get that it's long, I do. It's not a bad nose though? In
>>72507, it actually looks cute. Also, Anzu isn't shooped to hell and back unlike the majority of the cows/snowflakes posted.
No. 73241
>>73234yea, i agree
she doesn't look horribly skinny in these pictures, but in her selfies and videos she looks like a skeleton
nobody can tell me thats healthy
>coming from someone whos also a spooky skellington