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No. 687298
Brendan is a deaf pedophile, manchild, welfare recipient, and black-hat hacker wannabe who resides on an Indian reservation near Attawapiskat, Ontario. [[REDACTED]]
Before we go any further, here is a brief answer to the question, “What is PreCure?” Pretty Cure, or simply PreCure, is a long-running Japanese anime series that premiered in 2004 and is currently among the most popular anime shows in Japan; however, it never quite gained the same status overseas. It is essentially a standard example of the magical girl genre, with young girls donning colorful outfits to battle villains with magic, and otherwise engaging in silly schoolgirl antics in their free time. This makes the series quite popular with young girls.
Brendan has been obsessed with monopolizing English language PreCure content for the last decade. He devotes so much of his time to this community for two main reasons: to groom young girls and to profit off the small fanbase of the series.
His financial prospects are dire due to him living on an Indian reservation and his stubbornness to leave the reservation for greener pastures. For his survival, he has been desperately trying to monopolize and monetize this fanbase. He is so desperate to keep his grip over this community, that he is willing to employ black-hat methods to stifle his competition. Brendan has an army of sock accounts on Google, Reddit and Discord to manipulate discussion towards his vested interests. He’s been involved in some infamous hacking forums throughout the last decade, including Black Hat World, CrackingForum, and Nulled. These forums all specialized in illegal activities, and they were all a part of separate data breaches. His data has been found in all three, and it’s not a pretty scene. While Brendan has done a decent job at trying to scrub the past of his previous illicit antics, his introduction thread at has remained: )
Brendan used to own a forum, but this became too expensive for him to run after his failure to monetize it. So, he had to migrate his forum members to Discord. Brendan is the owner of the only active PreCure fan community on Discord. There are around 500 members, most of which are Brendan’s alts. Brendan is so desperate to keep his monopoly on PreCure content that he is willing to buy out and/or make defamatory claims against his “rival” communities. He then actively raids them with his sock-puppet army, and basically make it impossible for people to use these other PreCure Discord servers. Hence, forcing PreCure fans to flock to him as their only choice. Anyone he suspects of knowing or leaking the truth of his antics is immediately banned. Members are prohibited to discuss or link to any other Discord communities. They are also prohibited to talk about any PreCure community that is not owned by Brendan. He will happily make exceptions to this rule to let people say bad things about his “rivals” but will delete any comments defending them.
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Here is one such example.
No. 687300
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He has destroyed websites through sockpuppetry, DDoS attacks, massive spam attacks, and infiltrating communities to cause chaos and disruption. This is all to monopolize content of a little girl anime. Thankfully, his spoofs and alts are easily identifiable by their poorly written English. His first language is French and he is deaf, so his ability to articulate his point in English is very difficult for him.
Pictured: the many sock puppets Brendan has on his server, identifiable by their bad English and repetitive themes. He regularly inflates his own communities using this method to draw in actual members.
No. 687301
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Brendan has also perpetrated defamatory email spamming of his forum members claiming that a rival forum was engaged in copyright infringement of his intellectual property. Which is asinine, as he does not hold the copyrights to the PreCure anime.
No. 687302
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There was a case of Brendan where he mysteriously obtained information from a rival server that contained data involving users' IP addresses and someone (totally not Brendan!) linking them to his own forum.
One of Brendan’s more infamous alts, KN (Kloxplex Network) Alex, was used to hack and obtain the IP addresses of Precure Central forum members and then post them on his own forum, Precure Forum, exposing these people as “spies.”
No. 687305
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Pictured: KN Alex on Precure Forum, Brendan’s official explanation, in which he claims to have reported KN Alex as a hacker, and Pictured: Brendan lying about Precure Central.
No. 687307
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The other forum owner could never figure out how he could do it. However, Brendan has been an active member of black hat world for years, and this can be confirmed by putting his email "" into "":
No. 687309
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Brendan is also known for an abusive moderating style and rocks the boat with his administrators on an almost daily basis.
Pictured: Brendan treating his moderators poorly behind closed doors.
No. 687311
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Brendan often bans his own moderators for “opposing” him and then lies about it, for example this instance.
No. 687313
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Pictured: Brendan banning a moderator for joining a “rival” community. This is typical behavior of his.
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Pictured: Brendan trying to manage a community while drunk.
No. 687317
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PreCure is not the only “childish” activity/hobby that Brendan enjoys. He has oddly gotten into Club Penguin in 2017 ( which is quite bizarre as the original Flash game shut down in 2017. He is also a Roblox user. He also is a big fan of lolicon. He has created loli-themed art in suggestive manners. His DeviantArt gallery, which has since been cleaned up, used to feature his erotic-themed drawings of little girls. Here is one such MS Paint drawing that he has produced: No. 687318
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Brendan is deaf and graduated from the Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf in 2009. Brendan is currently unemployed, but he is trying desperately to make money. He has tried to become a freelancer on his Indian reservation to no success. This man is also allegedly a father of a child despite him being on welfare since adulthood and producing perverted loli-themed artwork. He also hates black people, despite sharing all the negative characteristics that he assigns to them. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (Brendan’s profile page on the Pretty Cure Forum, which has been down for some months due to his Discord succeeding it)
No. 1876436
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So is this the infamous Sak (as he was called while being owner of the now-deleted PreCure Discord server & the Cure Bot)? Also, there is speculation that even though he claims he gave away ownership of Cure Bot to some new owner named Lev: new owner Lev could easily be just another sockpuppet of him.