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No. 68492

The majority of people on here as absolute scum. I seriously hope the same thing that happened to Emily happens to you all. Because you're the most selfish, insensitive people I've ever known of and I hope you realise what she's actually been through. Try being raped and attacked, you're all sick in the fucking head.

No. 68493

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Lmao, what's up, whiteknight. It's really funny; you're wishing BPD and sexual abuse on me– but I guess you got your wish, because both of those things have already happened!

You have no clue where you are. Please, take the advice of all the people who have posted in the numerous threads about Emily, and get help. You're sick in the head for drawing more attention to her instead of getting her help.

Hope you have fun in your delusional little world. :^)

No. 68540

Moved to >>>/b/49431.

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