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No. 679434
Alright everyone, buckle up because this one is a cow for the ages. From fake eating disorders to delusions, she's got you covered. Starting her career as a cow all the way back in the infancy of snark sites, "Gwyn" appeared on GAFF (God Awful Fan Fiction) as Winter Rose. There's too much to say about her without also posting screenshots, so allow me to summarize.
>Around 50, acts like a spoiled 4 year old. Takes pride in and brags about it. >Has many mystical past lives- always a princess, died a tragic death for love.>Also believes (legitimately believes) she is a MerCherub (mermaid and cherub)>Claims to have eating disorder she calls "Analima" (anorexia AND bulimia)>Health mysteriously declined after the deaths of both her parents. Had seizures on top of nerve damage from diabetes, disabled.> Diabetic because she's over 200 lbs at 4'10" (147 cm)>Had mysterious seizures because she was intentionally overdosing on insulin.>Does this for attention and asspats, and also to scam "pretties" and money for her followers to send her.>Constantly fishing for compliments and affirmations.>Lies about everything from her age to her name, to where she's worked and what her life was like.>claimed to work at a Disney park as a Princess.Her diabetes (Type II from her atrocious diet) is probably real, the death of her parents was real. The rest of it isn't.
ED: pinksakuracherryblossom
Twitter: No. 679438
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After fleeing her original asspat service, LJ, Rose started up a facebook, which she had (hertofore) been on only infrequently. Here, she starts up her usual spam of ~*Magickal Sparklie Pwetties*~ and Typing Lyke a Complete and Utter Moron, and begins testing the waters for different illnesses.
No. 679442
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This is shortly after both her mother and father die. Prior to this, she'd been fishing for compliments, stating outrageous claims of many aspects of her life, all while being a ~*tiny fragile delicate faerie*~. After the deaths of her parents, she took a hard nose dive into 'waaah pity meeee' territory.
No. 679444
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Rose begins desperately shopping around for just about anything for attention because her parents stole her thunder by dying. So inconsiderate!
No. 679446
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whoops skipped her magically acquiring BDD. Y'know, because she knows she's not actually 4'10/9/11/whatever the fuck she randomly decides and 200 lbs. Society has ~*poisoned*~ her opinion about her body.
No. 679449
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trying to sell everyone on the ~*analimia*~ Despite her barely eating and a feeding tube looming in her future, Rose never seems to lose any weight. Mysterious.
No. 679452
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A few days after her innocent query if anyone had heard of her mythical and not at all made up eating disorder, Rose starts her way too detailed accounts of her seizures. Which are totally not because she's self-injecting too much insulin to treat her totally non-existant diabetes.
No. 679464
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Oh yeah and then this incredibly disturbing soliloquy for her and her husband’s anniversary which somehow focuses on how Rose is a poor, lost little princess and creepily obsessing over her dead parents. Keep in mind, people- she’s in her mid to late 40s at this point.
No. 679614
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WTF, how did a disgusting blob monster hambeast like this land such a cute twinky husband?
No. 679794
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riiiiight or because everyone knows you try to overdose and scream for attention
No. 679811
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One of her close friends finally caught on once she met Rose in person and realized Rose's claims couldn't be real.
No. 679815
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Here's the article that her friend Bridgett finally put her foot down for. Sadly, I can no longer find the whole thing.
No. 681063
>>679451That would be the kind of anorexia where you sometimes binge b/c out of control hunger cues and then purge it up
But you know, you have to not be like…200lbs for that diagnosis.
>>679464Monkey Jester? Is that supposed to be cute or insulting?
This cow could be really good
No. 683268
Wow, that was the very first cow I ever followed way back on lj. She used to write pretty outrageous stuff about herself, like being a professional coloratura soprano and a model, having colour-changing eyes and long red hair (while posting her photos in obviously cheap wig) and being a reincarnation of "Kathryn" Howard and some other tragic historical figures. Also typical cow stuff, like obsession with Disney princesses, wicca, insisting she's so smol uwu, being an otherkin and suffering from mysterious, but prettyfying illnesses. That "analimia" is just another one of those.
She allegedly has Turner Syndrome, which may explain something about her, including her erratic behaviour. She's been married to her husband for almost twenty years, so either he's that desperate or she's not that bad.
She's also infamous for writing a godawful piece of original fiction for NaNoWriMo, titled Beansidhe's Wail:
She's been at it for a very long time, but I don't think she's that lulzy. Her ED page used to be much longer, but later it was removed for a while and reinstated in a more abridged form, probably because she doesn't really provide that much milk in the long run.
No. 688785
>>679614Some really weird kink, just like the guys Raven always hooks. Some guys are into amputations and fucking goats, others are into fat dwarves. It's better than being a pedophile like Onision, and she can't have kids, so by and large, other than being a laughing stock, he's not doing anything wrong.
>Once made a 55 year old Jack Sparrow cosplayer vomit at the sight of her during a Ren Faire.Are we sure that wasn't Johnny Depp?
>>683268>insisting she's so smol >200 lb>smolOnly American cows can pull that off.
No. 1012861
>>679614>cute twinky husband >cute twinky>cute lol my sides have left the orbit, thank you for the laugh gurll like
>>679622 love yourself chile
No. 1033915
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Compared to pics posted earlier. Granted, these are probably more than a decade later, but still. Her husband looks like he’s given up on life.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)