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No. 677519
> unemployed failed youtuber and lolcow-kiwi editor> claims to be [the devil incarnate]> has a relationship with a toothless sex-worker Rachael Reed whom he calls "girlfriend"> "jokes" being bisex> claims to be in a poly-exclusive-relationship (whatever that means) with toothless-sex-worker Rachael Reed> claims to be independent although he lives with his sex-worker and her mother in a 5 bedroom house (but they're independent)> before that Mr. Smegma lived in a basement with his granny> admits to miss his medications on purpose> Pedophile apologist: supports sexual contact between teens and adults (as far as the contact happened in the past)> supports pedo friend phildo the wizard> constantly calls everyone he doesn't like a pedophile (hypocrisy galore)> harasses @TeamYoutube over their harassment form he refuses to fill up> runs multiple anti-onision blogs with his toothless sex-worker and girlfriend Rachael Reed> Existence: Harasses JoySparkleBS - Exposed by JoySparkleBS - Victim Youtube: No. 677604
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No. 677792
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"that's gonna cost ya: $50 at club, $100 outcall, $200 anal option, $250 with Jarrod, $300 with Rachael on top Jarrod bottom, $350 only Jarrod while Rachael watches.
No. 684637
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Why doesn’t his toothless hooker get him to cut that hair? Male pattern baldness + long hair = sadness.
No. 684661
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I think it’s safe to say one of his Tumblr pages shows he hates whitey. The other is all tits. No. 688509
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Go fuck yourself
No. 739678
File (hide): 1543391438441.jpg (190.02 KB, 1200x715, Gaylord Jarrod Westerfeld - 01…)

Gaylord Jarrod Westerfeld emailed JSBS
Subject line should actually read "just wanted to send you an email filled with vaguely threatening remarks to try and ruffle your feathers and make sure you haven't forgotten about me cuz i miss you in a weird possibly psychotic sort of way and call it talking!"
No. 739679
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part 2