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No. 67073
Wendy Huang, or Wengie, 20-something, Chinese living in Sydney.
Quit her job and became a fulltime youtuber and blogger.
Currently only a few more surgeries away from becoming a legit gangnam unnie.
She's basically a wannabe korean, had loads of surgeries to look more korean. A horrible 'makeup guru' that is known for her extremely messy makeup and crispy yellow hair. She hides the fact that she had a shitload of surgeries and fillers, but admits to photoshop.
After surgeries, a ton of brand makeup and photoshop, she still manages to look like a hag every day.
Few years ago she was spamming the comments section of other blogs and youtube, advertising her own blog, then said that she got hacked and that someone else is doing this.
She also bought A LOT of ads, not sure if she bought followers too, but it looks like it, and said it was very hard work to get this many reader (about 200-300) daily on her blog.
Googled her name once? Great, now you had a huge ass pink banner with her face and name on it everytime you visited a site with ads, because she bought loads of google ads.
Video of her before all her surgeries of her surgeries/filler
Lip filler
Jaw shaving
Chin filler/implant (since first video, intro still has the old chin)
Cheek filler
Forehead filler (both since '3 Back to School K-Style Looks' video)
Uneven Tattooed Eyebrows (since 'Beauty Scenario Tag' video)
No. 67074
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Another nice picture of her before and now.
No. 67075
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More like a few more surgeries away from becoming Park Bom. Jesus christ, she looks so gross.
No. 67079
>>67078OP is likely some fat, White girl who can't be aegyo-sal.
Seriously, someone having cosmetic surgery isn't lolcow. Tons of people have them. Do you live in America or something, where it's this big ass taboo where you guys shame each other over implants and are scared to show nipples on tv?
No. 67083
>>67081I don't really care if someone undergoes surgery, I've also been thinking about a nose job for a while.
But be honest. You can't tell me that her surgeries look good. Her features maybe are considered beautiful now, but they are so badly and messy done. Her face looks like fucking plastic. She should have done less surgeries and invest in a better surgeon instead.
No. 67088
>>67086Koreans think it looks youthful.
Everyone has this aegyosal when they smile. It's probably to make your eyes look like you're constantly smiling
No. 67090
>>67089Wow, people are disliking videos on Youtube! This totally hasn't happened on any other channels, to any other bloggers!
Wengie isn't a lolcow just because you don't like her. I hope admin removes this, because at this point it'll just be OP samefagging to make it seem like there are problems when there aren't.
New bitches, I swear.
No. 67094
>>67092>buys followersI give more of a shit when people like JNigger and cosplay whores do that.
>spamYou mean advertising? Something that a lot of people do?
At this point, it isn't even because I like her. This is all coming off as nitpicking. Unless she's Raven, PT, or Quirky status– she isn't a lolcow. She's yet another Asian on YT wearing circle lenses (which she does videos on, before anyone jumps to that next) and blogging fluffy shit like makeup and product reviews.
No. 67095
>>6709128? Wtf?!
Compared to other youtubers this age she is a joke. Her videos are all nicely filmed and edited, but the tutorials themselves are fucking ridiculous. Utterly messy application, I can't take her serious no matter how hard I try. It's like watching a 13 year old doing her makeup.
No. 67097
>>67096It is, but she still doesn't sound like a lolcow. Just ditzy. A lot of the shit about her in the OP, such as a "wannabe Korean" and her cosmetic surgeries, are really retarded things to try and scapegoat. If she's done dramatical ass, Doe-tier shit then I could buy it, but yet there's no delivery. Plenty of makeup blogs are shitty, but that doesn't mean you need to watch them. Her product reviews are the only things I care for since I'm too fair skinned to use the light colors she wears without looking washed out. Cosmetic surgery doesn't make someone a bad person or even a lolcow. Especially since she's owned up to it before and even made videos on how to shop yourself perfectly for selfies– so, you have her owning up to both things.
Also, 'wannabe Korean', because she's into a facet of a certain culture? Who gives a shit? Where's the threads for the 9001 White girls doing the same by virtue that they purchase Etude House and listen to Super Junior? She likes shit from South Korea, big whoop. That complaint really came off like some SJW muh cultural appropriashun bullshit.
No. 67098
>>37680She set out to achieve a certain aesthetic and she has through cosmetic surgery, photo editing, and makeup. Sounds like a typical Asian to me. I don't want to sound like those morons who take psych 101 and armchair diagnose, but I do hope that she doesn't suffer from any BDD. Props to her for doing so many posts and videos on being formerly pudgy despite being a track runner in school and getting it under control with a better lifestyle.
The only thing I wish she didn't do was leave her accountant job to become a full time YT blogger. It's best to think of the long term, when you know YT money isn't enough to sit on and when people don't want to watch you anymore. Those days will come for everyone. It's her life, though. I hope she will be okay.
No. 67102
>>67100Agree on the whiteknight bit.
Her cosmetic surgeries are hideous and she seems to suck at what she's trying to do, but I do hope to hear some more about shit she pulls. I do think the makeup video blogging world is super saturated at this point (and if we're going to have a thread on anyone on youtube it should be Michelle Phan).
No. 67103
>>67100I just watched one of her videos and yeah, she kinda doesn't know what she's doing regarding makeup.
I don't have anything against her as a person, but she doesn't really seem to know what she's doing at all.
This is the video I watched btw editing skills are good, though. Better than Phan's.
No. 67104
>>67103Her bloodshot eyes make me cringe, like damn girl, give your eyes a break from those goddamn circle lenses. kind of contouring technique is that…? She's just so…amateurish to me.
No. 67108
Her makeup tutorials aren't actually that messy, it's usually her brows, hair and colors that ruin everything.
Her hair has all kinds of colors in it, blonde, yellow, orange, green. And then it's uneven colored, together with the black roots, it looks really selfmade and unkempt.
And to completely destroy the look and makeup, she fills her brown tattooed brows with a red brown pencil, darkbrown powder and uses orange blonde eyebrow mascara on top of it. *shivers
No. 67112
>>67110Yeah she's doing this on purpose, the puppy eye look. If its upwards its a cat eye.
Koreans often prefer the puppy eye over the cat eye look
No. 67114
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Her hair often looks greasy, ew.
I agree that she's not really a lolcow, but she's definitely not a good makeup artist etc.
No. 67116
>>67114What is this???
She could actually look really cute, but does this to her face and hair.
No. 67117
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>>67114That hairstyle looks so ridiculous. She needs to take some tips from Kota.
No. 67119
>>67118omg she got her eyebrows tattooed
poor girl
oh, wengie, you're well on your way to becoming an old asian granny already
No. 67120
>>67117Yeah, sweeping her hair to one side like that makes it even more obvious how straggly and limp it is. Idk and it's so unevenly colored, too. She should go to a salon, and try to get it evened out, or just dye it a darker color.
>>67116 said she honestly could look cute, but she keeps trying so hard to completely emulate Korean stuff, when she should just drop some of it and go for stuff that flatters her facial features.
No. 67122
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So I watched her Halloween Tag, and she looks so much better here. Clean evenly colored hair, and eye makeup that suits her. Eyebrows still messy but yeah when are they not.
No. 67124
>>67123such butthurt
such whiteknight
No. 67128
>>67124>using doge bullshitRetarded newfag confirmed.
I agree with what other anon said. A person getting surgery, being ugly, not doing makeup you personally like or having gross hair isn't lolcow. Shit you personally don't like =/= lolcow. This thread just smells of newfag who clung to the term and applies it to anything they hate.
Up next, beauty blogger number #6424. Reason? I HAET HUR HAIR OMFG N HER BEDROOM IS UGLEHHHHH!!!1!1!112!!!1 MOOOOOOOO!!
No. 67130
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>>67117Tips from Kota? But she's balding…
No. 67131
>>67126That sounds like a good idea. The fact is that Wengie, kailyn, etc aren't lolcows. They're just Youtube personalities who do makeup. There are tons of those and not liking what they post doesn't mean that they are lolcows. If you want a good guru then watch someone like Wayne Goss, but trying to recruit everyone to hate on people who haven't actually done anything deserving of the lolcow status just because you think their hair is gross is fucking stupid.
Also, aren't most people here from /cgl/? Since when was it such a bad thing to be into Korean shit when the majority of that board was weebs who were too manfaced and fat to fit into Japanese clothes?
No. 67132
>>67117>>67130I just don't get how Dakota convinced people she's blonde. She's brunette and uses photoshop and lighting tricks to brighten her pics, but you can still tell she's brunette.
Do people really believe that the only way to have blonde hair naturally is if it's lighter brown?
No. 67133
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>>67132Dakota's hair colour isn't that far off Kirsten's, but it's still lighter and well within the realms of mousey/dirty blonde.
My hair is the same colour and I am always referred to as blonde.
No. 67139
>>67133Many of the women in that pic have brown hair, though. I don't mean to sound butthurt over it, I just literally don't get how light brown hair is called blonde. Are people so used to platinum bottle blondes that they think that natural blonde hair HAS to be that dark?
I guess hair color is like gender now, you are whatever you say you are.
No. 67147
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>>67145You have awful taste and/or are insane if you think this looks better.
No. 67149
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Just watched her newest video, and surprise, I wasn't cringing this time. Brows and makeup look actually good. Maybe she finally got it that her brows looked ridiculous.
Hair colour still reminds me of china cabbage though
No. 67150
>>67149ehhh, her make would look better if the eyebags were less harsh or just not added at all. it makes her look tired and i can't believe i was one of those people who did it and though it looked good.
>>67145idk maybe it's just me but kota's hair is actually adorable imo. i wish my hair looked like hers. i always wondered how kota managed to look good with such thin, straight hair and a round face. my hair is as thin as hers and round too but i look like i have a massive head when i straighten it to look like hers. -____-
No. 67151
>>67150Most people draw these eyebags on but she had injections and still draws them on which just makes them look massiveee.
She should only highlight her inner corner and not the whole lid.
But compared to her last video it really is an improvement.
No. 67154
>>67149omgggg yes she looks so much better than before
No. 67155
>>67143I suffer from alopecia and unfortunately this happens to me.
I can't really do much about it other than control it. Her problem seems to be really thin hair plus straightening to hell and beyond, though. If she added volume to her hair it wouldn't look as bad since she's not really balding.
No. 67156
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No. 67157
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No. 67158
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No. 67159
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No. 67160
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No. 67161
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No. 67162
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No. 67165
>>67156>>67164Why did you resurrect this boring ass thread with nothing happening to post photos with no fucking context
Christ this website is going to shit
No. 67166
>>67164Korea and China have different styles of plastic surgery. Wengie specifically went to Korea to go for that plastic Korean look. She goes back to Korea every few years to get her fillers and face fat transfers retouched
>>67165 Fuck off if you don't like it. Your comment was much more unnecessary than my photos
No. 67169
>>67163To me it just looks like she's wrinkly (almost 30) and has loose skin under her face. I don't know I don't think the surgeries are making her look worse.
Her hair kills me though. She looks so much better with brown hair. I swear the pastel brings out how beat her skin is.
No. 67180
>>67089Holy shit. Her voice sounds like she has no lungs. Did she just decide one day that teehee I will do a cover and run around, show off as much leg and cringe fashion as possible, and just sing talk for some attention? Or does she have a lung condition? Because nothing else could possibly excuse this shitty "singing."
On that note, am I the only one who finds her voice absolutely insufferable? Something about her face + voice + accent makes me rage so hard…
Also, perpetual grandma face.
No. 67234
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No. 77788
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No. 77789
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No. 77790
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No. 77791
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before all her surgery
No. 77814
>>77791She's Chinese? She looks like a southeast Asian posing for her mail order bride profile.
I actually think she looks kind of good now? The jaw shave, nose job, and eyelid surgery improve her a lot but I don't mind the plastic look.
No. 77830
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She was average before the surgery imo. Now she scares me to look at her. I hope she doesn't do anymore because it'll just get worse.
No. 112928
>>77788>>77789The fuck, she looks fine in the before pictures. She should have just stopped here if she had some done in these.
That fucking aegyo sal, omggg.
Park Bom realness.
I also don't know if it's her shitty make-up applying abilities or what but she always looks dirty to me.
Her greasy hair is one aspect of that, obviously, but her face often looks sort of patchy and gross.
She looks sticky.
No. 145715
>>113432sorry to resurrect but i just found out she pays people to go on her websites and click her links? my broke ass friend works on some online microtask thing and:
What is expected from Workers?
1. Go to
2. Search: wengie apartment tour
3. Click on any of the first few videos
4. Watch at least 4 minutes of the video
6. Note the name of one product used in the video for proof
7. Close browser
Required proof that task was finished?
1. What is the name of one product used in the video?
No. 228839
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I just stumbled upon this photo looking for eyebrow tutorials and I could not be more surprised by her complete inability to do even decent basic makeup.