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No. 630717
>>630701Yeah I'd like to know what that's about..
I've suspected her OBVIOUS self posts in a few threads, most notably with her Onion and Lame videos. Not only did were videos posted but they were of course posted with messages of how incredible the videos were and spammed numerous times.
I would like to know more about any milk because she seems like a real attention seeker like all other cows. And I wouldn't be surprised if shes already posted here..
No. 630862
>>630856never heard of GOMI
thanks anon
No. 630890
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>>630687I remember when she made a video mentioning this site calling it "laugh out loud cow" and then came into one of the threads here and told off for name fagging and trying to act like "a cool, hip person". She's funny in a cringy way.
No. 630952
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3 hours ago I told her about this thread and this bad scam artist posted this on twitter. She must be so pissed we screwed up her dose(cowtipping)
No. 631028
>>631001you sound like her. check
>>630952 she's a scam artist
No. 631505
>>631313vendetta plus self-posting, with a bonus side of cowtipping
>>631455>GOMI is a cooler websiteas much as I hate summer lolcow, this made me laugh out loud.
No. 644549
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>>630890You mean on Josh's thread? Interesting that you'd bring up such an old and inactive thread.
No. 662671
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I stopped following her before all this went down but I guess OWL deleted her yt and everything else.
No. 662673
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No. 662856
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Trisha must have threatened her with something. This thread started right after she talked about that crazy bitch. I think she talked about her and her friends threatening her but her twitter account has been wiped out too
No. 663371
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>>663366This is $1400 for a house fire. I don't get the connection with the arrest?
>>663364Can we get some screencaps?
No. 664982
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I don't trust TT, but something else went down with OWL. Here are a few things I've found using Google. Idk why her personal Twitter was for giveaways only that's weird. Or that now deleted go fund me in 2017.
No. 664984
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Her personal Twitter that was used only for giveaways.
No. 665058
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>>664982>I just found it on google!Yeah it's kind of obvious where you found it.
Please learn to sage>>664984Please learn what milk is. None of this is it.
No. 667680
Colbee told Real Stream News Trisha bought domain
but a quick search reveals the domain was created in 2017 ( Creation Date: 2017-01-23T18:48:37Z ) Colbee's lying here.
She also told him Trisha collected her past court records probably about the guy she got arrested, her arrest and current use of drugs btw she's got kids. There was also something about her husband using drugs. She's deleted everything gofundme page, twitter, facebook profile. Looks like she's trying to hide something.
No. 706846
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>>630694this thread was made by TT or Incredible G she's been promoting the rumour OWL's scammer for months now look at this ss.
Incredible G also sent threatening messages to OWL using an account named Mortis but cannot find them anymore OWL must have deleted everything. If you find em upload here for the record thanks
btw TT's back LMAO
No. 707222
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She's afraid of him but dox him? She peddles her victimhood at levels that would make any jehovah witness faint
No. 707264
>>706846>>706861>>707222Why are you posting shit from August? And that has pretty much been posted? Like
>>662671 and
>>662673 for example.
No. 707435
She's endured real abuse she's been honest about that the guy's a nutcase "Scott Short of Robinson drove his vehicle into Robinson resident Colbee Biss' Ford sedan about midnight, Bolivar police said."
but doxing the person that tried to kill you putting yourself and your fam in harms way in an attempt to seek compassion is manipulative as fuck
and fucking irresponsible
No. 707802
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>>707672I don't think josh I've found this on his thread looks like Admins always check shit like this
No. 707889
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>>707802>>707672What thread is that even from? It doesn't prove shit. For all we know Josh is still out there diddling his daughter and sperging on here.