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No. 627410
Name : tacklebox or tacklebawx
>Kicked off the fandom for doing cub art>got lot of hate>this drama: using a real puppy as a reference for drawing yiff>got more hate>regretIs this guy worth it?
No. 627414
>>627413Not "my dog"
Its a famous dog called "zira", he drew CP and porn of that pupper without owners permission
No. 627453
>>627448The owner takes issue with the lack of permission to "use [the dog's] likeness." It's in the OP. No issue with tracing, no, just "your fake dog looks like my real dog and that's… wrong for some reason."
"Heavily referenced" maybe, but not traced. vs. for a less misleading comparison.
No. 627501
Wonder how many furries are in this thread. It's skeevy bestialfag-tier shit to draw an actual puppy for your fetish art the same way Shadman's a fucking creep for drawing Keemstar's daughter in his weird, sexualized art style, even if she never sees it.
Anyway, here's the "cub porn" (gag) backlash: No. 627519
>>627501You could easily, EASILY go on fur affinity and find some skeevy furfag shit with a character that resembled your own pet. It'd be absolutely trivial. And it's not even remotely the same. You cannot compare someone using some puppy on the internet as inspiration for a yiff character design to someone ACTUALLY DRAWING porn of a 12 year old actress who can or has seen said imagery. The dog doesn't care and will never care that someone drew creepy art of it, and will never be emotionally or mentally compromised from the imagery. Is it bad taste? Yes. Is it comparable? No. It's a fucking dog. No one is personally hurting this dog.
You're literally comparing shitty furry art to human CP. You are retarded.
No. 627587
>>627519It's still fucking creepy if the child never sees the art of themselves, though. The intent in itself is bad, not just the after-effect. If you don't think the concept in itself of drawing children in sexual positions is disgusting, you are either the retarded one, or a low-key degenerate yourself.
In the same way, if some dog-fucker sees my puppy and starts drawing their fantasies about it, that shit's disturbing and they deserve whatever backlash they get. I don't give a fuck if my dog never sees or understands it, the fact that you thought that shit through enough to draw it means you're a problem.
Keep your bestial shit locked in a vault where the rest of us humans don't have to see it, or deal with it.
Oh, and actual dogs get sexually abused by freaks like this all the time. There are articles, entire forums dedicated to dog-fucking, etc etc. Only an idiot or an actual furfag would try to defend this shit unironically.
No. 627590
>>627587Yes, bestiality exists. This furfag in particular is not guilty of fucking that puppy though, so it's a moot point. Again - no one is hurting this dog. It is creepy at worst. The fact that he draws cub/pedo shit is more of a crime then tracing a dog.
If this guy drew the actual puppy itself being raped, saying "yes this is my fursona fucking Zira or whatever," then it'd probably be more equivalent, but it's a fucking fursona character loosely based off some dog.
If you want to make an argument that all furries are gross degenerates then I agree. If you think this is the same as drawing CP of a 12 year old actress, you might want to sort your priorities.
AGAIN: It is creepy, but no one is hurting the dog, no one here is advocating puppy fucking.
No. 627593
>>627587Do you ever look at an apparently cute photo of some girl's boyfriend weirdly spooning their dog in bed and say
hmmm to yourself
I totally suspect some guys do this, the dog can never tell on them
No. 627596
>>627590And Shadman never hurt a child, so no one should say anything to or about Shadman as long as Keemstar (who was never actually being fucked in any of the drawings, but it was suggestive enough to be disgusting) and all those other kid's (wasn't just the X-Men actress, by the way) parents make sure their daughters never see the drawings, right?
In fact, why not just draw porn of severely retarded, third world or dead children? They won't be affected, so it's fine. There is literally
nothing wrong with Hartley Hooligans hentai. (This is heavy sarcasm)
Bestialfags, pedophiles and pedophilic bestialfags need to be gassed, and there's nothing wrong with them getting shitted on for being disgusting freaks. (This is not sarcasm)
No. 627677
>>627414Genuinely confused, how is it cp? It's not a child, it's a dog. Idk, I'd also be grossed out if someone drew some weird shit of my cat but at the same time nothing about it is illegal.
Bestialityfags are scum but isn't this just furry? I mean it looks like hard furry (more animal than human?) but it's not an exact replica of the dog on all fours. It's still humanoid looking. So it's just furry isn't it??
Really have no understand of this, but from outsider looking in I guess I don't see a big problem with this either
No. 627702
>>627692How exactly do you know OP is a furfag?
This whiteknight invasion isn't even subtle.
No. 627721
>>627712>>627704>>627682Why would you post thrice? Are you mass reporting, too? You don't like the thread's concept, we get it, but furfags are usually flakes, so I have high hopes for this thread.
I'm personally convinced you're a WK because someone who doesn't give a fuck would ignore the thread or make a single post stating their opinion, instead of posting multiple times and trying to throw furry accusations at an OP we don't even know.
No. 627732
>>627728>doesn't deny samefagging>third personEveryone who disagrees with you isn't necessarily the creator or whoever else you take issue with, you know.
If you really want to convince everybody this thread is so bad, maybe spill some milk about the furfag OP so we can actually have a good time.
No. 627765
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No. 627767
>>627712 so chill out. turns out more than 1 person thinks you're a fucking idiot for flipping out over a tracing of a puppy. again, where's your concern for actual dogfuckers like dragoneer? this is such an obvious vendetta against some cubfur faggot who, by your admission, was already ousted from the community.
No. 627768
>>627745>>627767Yeah, okay. Still waiting for the milk on OP.
I support a Dragoneer thread, but I'm not mad either way. All furries are gross, and unlike you, I'm not going to yell at someone for starting a thread about one.
No. 627821
>>627732>doesn't bother to feed your retardation>yes, third person … again, you're obvious. just wanna say I am pretty touched that you confused me with
>>627712 they seem really fun and cool, so thanks!
No. 627933
>>627920I'm not the vendetta-chan here, but I won't sage specifically because it
triggers you.
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this shit is creepy as fuck
No. 628188
>>628159I agree. Furries are creepy as a whole. Just one rando isn’t enough
>>628099>its just a dog in pajamasKek drawn like a human holding a teddy with its legs in the air. It’s creepy as fuck.
No. 628194
>>627933>I'm totally not vendetta samefagging!!!!>vendetta posts stop as soon as they're bannedrly makes u think ….
anyway yeah, id be down for a general furfaggotry thread.
No. 628395
>>627692I'm this poster. I literally posted once this entire thread. My point was that who OP posted about is literally just as retarded as OP themselves. No whiteknighting at all, just think they're both furfag trash.
I'm down for a general furry drama thread but this thread was clearly done by a furry drawfag who got
triggered by 'cub porn'. Why else would they call it cub porn, and equate it to cp? Seriously, it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together…
And clearly I'm not the only poster who agrees, sooo…
No. 628519
>>627543Me. My dog is especially cute by anyone's standards. I'd find it tucking hilarious tbh. And I really don't like furries at all. . I would probably crop out the sexual bits and keep them.
I don't get, it's ok to reference an animal? That's what they've done. There will be a thousand dogs who look similar. It's just dogs
No. 629247
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>>629006Oh, he did draw porn of it though
No. 629263
>>629253right? the one time some dumb loser tries to get outraged over furry porn, it's actually decently done and not very degenerate (beside the fact that it's still furry porn).
…or are they mad because it doesn't depict a a orange-and-yellow whaleskunk with four penises having mpreg bondage sex with black-and-toxic-green cuntboy wolfhawkdragon as per usual?
No. 629414
>>629263>it's actually decently done and not very degenerate Except it’s furry porn so it’s by default degenerate and badly done. Who is making the furry general thread if it doesn’t already exist?
Also I’m not OP but so many anons are acting like furry shit is ok and normal. It’s not. It’s disgusting and freakish. And drawing someone’s dog having sex in order to get off (not as a joke) is sick. Masturbating to animals in general is sick.
No. 629750
>>629414I hate to play devil's advocate but… there's a huge difference between getting off to furry porn, and literal animals. Furry porn shows personifications of animals, that look more like humans than animals.
also fuck whoever said "a famous pet"… as if that somehow makes it worse. yeah everyone hates furries and they're freakish as fuck, but who gives a damn? yiff does not equal beastiality (although I wouldn't put it past some furries to be into the latter).
No. 629770
>>629414>many anons are acting like furry shit is ok and normal. It’s not. It’s disgusting and freakish. So is literally every single fetish, from the point of view of someone who doesn't have it.
But you're just going to look like a raving lunatic if you point at some tame example of it while screaming that it deserves divine punishment for being "wrong".
We're not even discussing fursuiters or people fucking literal dogs, you're seriously claiming "This one particular fetish is OBJECTIVELY wrong" and that no one is allowed to produce material for it because it's "wrong".
Seriously going for the moral high ground here, of all places, is just ridiculous.
>Masturbating to animals in general is sick.Good thing they're masturbating to drawn cartoon characters then.
No. 629780
>>629414Furryfaggotry has been around for a long time and isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Anyone who has been on the internet any length of time is completely numb to their bullshit. Luckily, it's very easy to avoid because furries keep to their own little safe spaces, so you almost absolutely have to go out of your way to find any.
This particular piece is so fucking tame, there's literally NOTHING showing where most furries spare no expense to show you nasty cartoon dog dicks oozing everywhere. It's downright tasteful as far as furry porn goes. I'm still not seeing why this is something that to be outraged over. You want to be outraged over furries, then give it to the actual dogfuckers, not someone who jerks off to fictional cartoon characters.
>>629058PK is purple kecleon yes. She has tons of disgusting drama of actual dogfucking and pedophilia. go look at her kiwifarms thread. I would make a thread for her here but there's just so much shit to document that there's no point, it would just be copying KF posts tbh.
No. 631035
>>629780You're so right about being numb to it. I think I could maybe find a way to be offended about this if I hadn't been on the internet for the past 15 years and become so accustomed to it. There's so much worse out there than cartoons. People equating it to actual bestiality are either overly sensitive or huge vendettafags.
Thank you, also. Her thread has 950 pages so I know what I'm doing this weekend.