File: 1437724318041.jpg (78.24 KB, 960x540, z.jpg)

No. 60251
File: 1437724390478.jpg (56.14 KB, 960x540, weeb.jpg)

jesus fucking christ
No. 60256
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No. 60258
File: 1437733040175.png (545.12 KB, 1095x537, woww.png)

No. 60260
File: 1437733833132.jpg (39.94 KB, 640x480, dd.jpg)

She's got a lot of pics of her and her baby
No. 60261
File: 1437733857094.jpg (57.34 KB, 640x480, bb.jpg)

In some pics she looks like she's 12 but then there's this
No. 60262
File: 1437733963681.jpg (617.63 KB, 987x631, dd.jpg)

>I don't really like my tummy
then bitch why the fuck did you post it?
No. 60263
File: 1437734098412.jpg (Spoiler Image,580.42 KB, 1025x629, dd.jpg)

whyyyyy would someone post this
No. 60267
>>60250Got anymore links? Clearly ai can see her FB name, but I don't have a FB.
Does she have an Instagram?
Supply the milk farmer.
No. 60277
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>>60262Kind of funny how the lovely Mickey herself posted this screencap. :^)
Good evening Kumicky Chii~
( Look at the bottom icon and match it with her profile picture. )
Trying to derail your own thread with this one? You're probably the one who even made this thread eh. ~
No. 60279
>>60277I noticed the profile pic too but didn't realize it was Micky's.
Top fucking kek. All these bitches are so fake.
No. 60280
File: 1437813947547.gif (5.62 MB, 320x240, mj-laughing.gif)

>>60277>>60278>>60279She probably started this thread.
No. 60283
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No. 60284
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No. 60285
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No. 60286
File: 1437844409613.jpg (79.31 KB, 638x723, image.jpg)

She never have bottoms on :L
No. 60287
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No. 60288
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No. 60291
File: 1437867019394.jpg (353.96 KB, 960x1280, 2015-07-25-19-25-30_deco.jpg)

No. 60292
File: 1437867088055.png (117.35 KB, 665x665, Screenshot_2015-07-25-17-59-29…)

No. 60293
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No. 60294
>>60292She is better looking compared to Ericka, though. Ericka smothers on makeup and still doesn't look that great.
Ericka is one of those truly ugly girls.
No. 60295
>>60294>>60294They're both unattractive.
You can see Panda with less makeup here
>>60261 No. 60298
>>60297 Reeally? She looks trashy and has a bastard child.
>>60275I hate when ghetto bitches like this use sugar daddy websites. Sugar daddies are supposed to be rich older guys right? No chance in hell they'd support or be seem with some alt tramp with tattoos and piercings like her. She's not particularly intelligent as well which is kind of a given for these types of sites. She's better off offering services on backpage.
No. 60300
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>>60299She's filled with self-hate. She went on some random girl's picture and left that comment.
No. 60303
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No. 60304
>>60302It's "self hate" if you're so fucking stupid you look at black people as some sort of monolith (ie the way actual racists look at black people).
She didn't say she didn't like black people, she said that specific girl looks bad because her skin and her hair contrast really hard (which is true tbh. Bleach blonds with super dark or extremely tanned skin are walking disasters). Colorism isn't self-hate. Suew, rhey're both shitty things plaguing the race, and she's still a rude cunt, but they're not the same thing at all.
sage because micky made this thread lmao
No. 60306
>>60304>suew>rhey'reWhat the fuck happened to my fingers, why can't I type?
I meant "sure" and "they're"
>>60305Yeah, that term made me cringe, too, but I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt.
No. 60307
File: 1438224864610.jpg (60.51 KB, 720x960, 11800112_925487854177074_32619…)

That comparison picture is hilarious
No. 60308
File: 1438639129025.gif (204.08 KB, 404x416, keks were had.gif)

>>60277>>60279>>60280Micky, you're not just a lolcow, you're
thee lolcow. You can derail your thread and Himeka's thread with Ami and this Panda chick all you want, but it won't wash the fail off of you. You on thread number 2, and headed to thread 3 fast, and you're still providing material.
No. 60309
>>60308Who is Micky?
Also this bitch isnt a lolcow so delete this thread Micky./