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No. 598145
Australian costhot who constantly posts for attention in the UK cosplay and MCM groups- instagram and other accounts full to the brim of typical thot photographs, but complains about thirst comments
> "ooh I'm so ugly give me praise"
> has a boyfriend but constantly whores herself out to as many thirsty men as possible
> incredibly massive ego special snowflake personality, probably doesn't deserve the patrons she hasI don't know how true this is but apparently she's terrible with taken men and acts like she has every male round her finger
I don't understand why this girl thinks she's royalty, she just seems to be yet another delusional costhot
instagram: No. 598146
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>>598145op again but she and Mariah could be friends with the enjoyment of having half her genitals hanging out
No. 598376
>>598160it drives me mad
go figure she also ruins Fate characters and the quality of her cosplays is really bad
I HATE her lewd Sabers in particular because they're so out of character to have her in bondage and lingerie
No. 598401
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>>598393her entire twitter is just a collective set of deluded "I'm so thicc and special!" comments
I hate self-entitled bitches like this, you're doing the real thicc girls out there dirty.
Also I like how she sucked up to Obahyed Khan for a bunch of attention, the same way she does with every other male. Apparently on her personal she's talked about how her bf is controlling and abusive but I've heard she goes around doing things behind his back
No. 600019
>>598383Um. Her butt is a square. How is this thicc? Like Mariah has a flat ass too, but at least she's a fatty, so I can see why people call her thicc.
Unlike the skinny version of spongebob squarepants over here.
No. 608344
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>>608171And this is what I found without really trying. She shits on her all the damn time.