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No. 59510
tumblr - tumblr - twitter - of posts -
31 years old
Aspiring artist
Still lives at home with parents and grandma (?)
Not sure if she has a job but possibly
No friends outside of online friends
Spends a lot of her money on toys, t-shirts, plushies, instead of saving up to move out - wishlist - the same selfie with the same pose over and over - online friends with Tyler, an aspiring voice artist - his friend, Alfred (aspiring artist) - to move to Texas to live with Tyler and Alfred as room-mates
Visited Tyler in another city to go to a convention and Carrie ended up losing her virginity to him
They weren't in a relationship at the time
Carrie hoped that by having sex with Tyler it would make him fall in love with her and commit to a relationship
They went back to their home states
Tyler only wanted to be friends and made it clear many times that he didn't feel anything more with her beyond friends
That he would not ever date her even if they did move in together in the future
Instead of being the adult she is and accepting that you can't manipulate people into a relationship, Carrie continued to try to flirt with Tyler online to get the result she wanted
Carrie couldn't handle to rejection and tried to be happy being friends with Tyler
Carrie's friend, Lasha, who she has been friends online with for years
Lasha is a working animator - and Tyler started talking and fell in love
Carrie lost her shit and was fuming for weeks alluding to a big reveal that would "make them pay" up being this long-ass explanation artwork of how she felt betrayed, but without using any names, but with many clues to mutual friends about who was involved…
Garnering plenty of notes and sympathy points - airing dirty laundry - to accept any apology from Lasha.
Vague-blogs all the time, uses her artwork to draw other people's "fursonas" without naming them
Lasha's fursona is a dog - a post and artwork alluding to her suicide - tumblr follower called the police on her, leading to this audio post - panic attacks on tumblr every few days - had the police called on here at least twice this year
Seems obsessed with both Lasha and Tyler and refuses to accept responsiblity for her actions
Lasha's explanation after Carrie's big reveal - explanations - this point Lasha seems to have ended her's and Carrie's friendship after Carrie kept blaming Lasha for her depression and suicidal feelings
Tyler's explanation - which seems pretty level-headed
Carrie seems to try to be happy with being "just friends" with Tyler, while being passive-aggressive towards his gf Lasha, although it's painfully obvious that they should probably stop being friends and move on with their lives
Currently out of state to go to a comic convention, staying at a tumblr friend's house.
Crying how she wants to go back home because she's fallen sick while there.
No. 59613
>>59510Honestly, I'd be a bit pissed too in this situation too. Mainly if I kept seeing couple post after couple post, advertising how "super wunderful" your relationship is (though that kind of stuff is annoying to me in general.)
At least the guy apologized, even though he did act like a complete idiot when it came to letting his intentions be known.
No. 59618
>>59613Yeah, ngl I'd be fucked off as well. Obviously she's handling it really badly though.
Pretty much everyone involved comes off like an asshole tbh.
No. 60123
>>60086As far as I can gather, Alfred and Tyler moved in together and Carrie was planning to move in with them so it would be the 3 of them living together as room mates in Texas.
Carrie also donated money to get Alfred out of the ghetto and to Texas so Carrie felt used, like Alfred was only pretending to be friends and put up with her so she would continue donating. They're not friends anymore, I don't think.
I dunno, I feel for Carrie as well, but it's never a good idea to sleep with someone in order to try to rope them into a relationship with you. That's manipulative. Yes it hurts. Yes it sucks to be heartbroken, and I think everyone involved has regrets and could have all acted differently.
but it's a hard lesson learned. I think she should probably chalk it up to experience and maybe get away from tumblr for a good while. Make some real life friends and interests and stay away from those who hurt her, whether intentional or not.
No. 60126
File: 1447742033393.jpg (324.45 KB, 592x720, tumblr_nnpaqqSF3Z1qkb9t9o2_128…)

She cosplayed the guy she banged. Ok.
No. 67623
>>60123There was a very public shitstorm/exchange on Twitter about this when that happened. As far as I remember, Alfred got his side of the story out and Carrie and Alfred made up, or at least they don't hate each other anymore.
I feel weird about this one, guys. She's obviously really sick or something, and it's really only a big deal for those involved… I mean, I guess it stops being that way when someone makes all their dirty laundry public again and again. Anyway, I ramble.
No. 68075
>>67843Basically this
>>67878. It's nowhere near on a big enough scale to be on this board, no matter how I feel about it.
No. 73111
>>73101here ya go second one KILLS me because she drew the other girl's fursona???yelling at her??? its pretty fucked up all around
No. 73133
>>73111Thanks anon!
I cannot believe these are more cringeworthy than I'd even imagined from the description. I think I hadn't anticipated that level of detail in the story. It's insane, imagine how you'd feel if you stumbled across something like that about you, using exact quotes!
No. 73262
>>73259oh like the 1/100000 hints to suicide she has been posting over the past year yeah
shes just looking for people to pat her ass and tell her that what shes doing is OK and JUSTIFIED. not saying her feelings ARNT valid but the way shes going about it is just fucking insane and childish for a 30 yr old woman.
No. 73486
>>73422The cringiest thing about this and her other tumblr posts is that she slurs her typing to make it known she's upset. I'm assuming she's actually taking the time to make it look sloppy so people will be concerned about her and give her attention
Like a literal child.
No. 73489
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>>59510Also I wish she'd grow her fucking hair out or get a pixie or bob that is actually stylish. She looks like a grandma, not a 30 year old.
Seriously every time I fucking look at her I see Jerri Blank from Strangers with Candy.
No. 73502
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>>59562Agreed with everything in this post except I think the subject of the post is the author because OP pic is by far the best picture of her.
>uggo AsianAll of them are pretty ugly (but I'd fug the guy tbh) and this thread is only good for a laugh one time.
No. 73504
>>73502idk i think i look cute in that pic ( > u • )b
and yeah tbh i'd "fug" the guy too
No. 73528
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Why girls be fighting over Jean Raplhio
No. 73543
>>73539Wait what, she took pills and her Dad found her?? Where was this said?
If that's the case she needs to be in a recovery place like…yesterday.
No. 73583
>>73502Did you ever think that outside of sad shallow people like you they want to date someone for their personality???
>>73539tbh I think she's totally playing it up for pity points. This is probably the most positive attention she's gotten in years. She's always 'so upset that she cant draw on most days' yet she's made a turnaround for a plush? I mean it's a terrible turnaround that wouldnt even work for a character sheet but what kind of suicidal person is making plans for merchandise??? Also she's constantly blaming everyone on other people. I realize it DOES happen but most suicidal people blame themselves for how people treat them. The whole 'blaming others' is a very tumblr mindset. She's definitely crazy but not in the way she's trying to claim. She's being VERY planning about this whole thing 'Oh look how strong I am today I DREW something wowee but no I'm still totally depressed I just magically wont post about it anymore now that I've gotten the attention I want' is how this all reads to me.
I honestly feel like she took a cue from zamii's drama and saw how everyone rallied behind her and assumed that she could try it too. I mean even Zamii didnt wholly blame the SU fandoms she said she started believing that she was terrible because they were all saying it.
No. 81168
>>80984I just her post too. I love how he pretty much completely ignored her drawing but reblogged/retweeted his girlfriend's gift art and another friend's right around the time Carrie posted hers.
I don't really understand what she thought she would accomplish by posting that drawing? It's also kind of embarrassing that she posted it on both Tumblr and Twitter and tried to tag him on both platforms and got completely ignored.
No. 81169
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What did she fucking expect?
No. 81589
>>81571God I really wish people would get over the 'bro rule' mentality. I've been fucked over by it several times where someone I liked said they were into me but because their friend was into me they couldnt date me. It's bullshit and only selfish people think 'oh because I like someone my friends cant date them'. Even her super biased side of the story basically said 'she jumped into bed with a guy who wasnt that into her with the intention of manipulating him into a relationship'
You all realize Carrie was engaged to someone and dumped them because she didnt find them attractive anymore? Carrie is a spoiled brat who had a mental breakdown because her usual trick of showering a person and their friends with money/gifts didnt make them fall for her so she could drop them when she wasnt amused again.
No. 81611
>>81571That was kinda shitty of Lasha to hide her true feelings for Tyler from Carrie. but what would the alternative have been? Maybe Lasha didn't want to tell Carrie until it was for sure that Tyler and her were dating, as to not cause drama where there wasn't any.
Like you can't say to someone that has rejected you, "Yeah, it's cool. We're fine. We can stay friends. Yeah, that works." While you're secretly dying inside because you still have feelings for them, like Carrie does for Tyler, what with the cringy birthday artwork.
I think Tyler could have and probably can be straight with Carrie to let her know directly that it's best if they aren't friends anymore, but if you've been in that position yourself, it's awkward to drop a friend because you don't want to hurt their feelings, so you just don't respond to them, hoping they get the hint. Not the perfect way of handling things but I think Carrie needs to take the hint as well.
At some point Carrie had/has to take responsibility for her own feelings and realize that ANYONE that ignores her birthday art probably is just worth dropping and moving on to other people that appreciate her and what she has to offer, instead of intending to get revenge again, like this post is alluding to…'m not really sure how to take that "threat?"
Just let it go Carrie. Don't think about posting more "reveals" or artwork about Tyler or Lasha. Just move on already and forget about this couple.
No. 81614
>>59510even though it's obvious Carrie has some problems, I don't get why Tyler agreed to have sex with her if he just wanted to stay friends. why didn't he stop her and draw the line?
Not condoning her actions but maybe a reason she can't let it go so easily is because he was her first
No. 81624
>>81614As far as I know Tyler slept with her when they were just friends and they had a FWB arrangement going on.
Like how when you go through the motions with someone hoping that the emotions will follow but then they don't? You don't want to hurt them by not even trying to see what is there, but then you fuck things up even more by letting someone get attracted to you that you know isn't going to work out. So in the end both people get hurt.
But even if Tyler did tell Carrie that he only wanted to be friends, but then turned around and banged her, then you just gotta wise up and see that obviously you're only being used for sex.
Honestly I think Carrie kind of tried to manipulate Tyler into having feelings for her by "giving" him her virginity. She was so desperate to make him have feelings for her that she gave it up for him.
Still douchey of Tyler tho to do that. All 3 of them did douchey things. Carrie still seems to be the one hung up on it tho in 2016 however
No. 81626
>>81611LOL. This "threat" is awful.
Was the engagement even real? She seems off.
No. 81629
>>81627if anything that guy is sitting back and not wanting to touch this giant mess with a 10000 ft pole lol
better for him tho cuz he totally dodged a bullet
No. 81669
>>81627yeah same. known him for years. used to be a part of that friend circle before it imploded. he's a working professional adult with his own life now. i dont think he cares enough about her now to be even tangentially aware of this bullshit.
the story goes: they were engaged and she wanted to fuck a 16 year old jake english cosplayer so waited to break up with her fiance when he had flown out to ohio to finalize wedding plans. she made this poor schmuck fly all the way across the country to tell him she "didn't know what would happen on their wedding night" because she was no longer attracted to him.
that situation sucks but hey, if you arent into someone you arent into them. the "thats so carrie" part of it was the night she broke up with him, she got on tumblr to reblog that 16 year old jake english cosplayer with shit like #UNNF #SWEATS #WOW or w/e another person in that friend group had to take her aside and tell her why that was in poor taste. to this day it remains one of the only cringeworthy bullshit things on her blog that anybody has gotten her to delete.
later she commissioned that same ex to draw art of her and her new boyfriend, a different jake english cosplayer wannabe tumblr voice actor.
No. 81690
>>81627Was it R?
I only know because I had dinner with them and a bunch of other artist years ago. I kept seeing him at shows, and he seems to be doing fine, but after that first dinner, I never saw Carrie again. My mind was blown when I saw this thread on her.
No. 82099
>>81686She's 31. 32 in August.
>>81627"later she commissioned that same ex to draw art of her and her new boyfriend, a different jake english cosplayer wannabe tumblr voice actor."
That's so cringe. But her ex should have refused to do that artwork. Shame on Carrie for not respecting R enough to not ask something like that.
No. 90712
>>81669What the fuck.
Honestly really glad for this guy even though he got the boot, seems like he managed to avoid a whole lot of crazy.
>later she commissioned that same ex to draw art of her and her new boyfriendSee that's just gross and wrong. I used to feel bad for her because she's crazy but at this point she needs to grow the fuck up and realize stuff like this is in bad taste.
Also did anyone see that she's going to visit another one of her friends soon, who is also an ex of Tyler?
Betting on her talking about how miserable she is during the entirety of the trip because she misses his lame ass or trying to get her friend all riled up against him.
No. 93217
>>60126Hahaha, omg.
>>73502Tumblr love is so icky.