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No. 58652
I'm really surprised no one has started a topic on this girl already.
She's a 28 year old model weeaboo who is the personification of a 15 year old girls tumblr blog No. 58657
>>58653Although aesthetically the room looks like it's designed for a toddler – her organization is pretty age appropriate and at least the editing is nice and some of the ideas are actually useful to real people (the necklace thing is actually pretty clever imho).
I don't find her to be really lolcow worthy tbh. I mean she's dorky, but not what I would consider a weaboo. From this video alone at least. But that's just my two cents.
No. 58659
>>58657 while I do consider her organization skills to good, there's something almost… TOO organised about it if it makes sense?
Idk I was slightly unsettled by how organized she is, but hey… some people are like that.
I don't know much about her, but it seems she only got into the 'kawaii' phase in recent years, and her voice is 100% fake and forced mannerisms are very 'anime girl'
No. 58664
>>58660 Yeah, shes in her mid to late 20's
>>58662I'm not to sure what job she actually has, she says she's a full time model… but idk, she gives off the vibe that her parents still pay for her.
No. 58667
>>58659If she's doing a video it makes sense she organize beyond normalcy I have to think.
>>58662I think PT is a case of her being stuck in a certain phase (being a weirdo kid) and never quite growing out of it to be a responsible adult. I don't know about the OP girl and her financial situation but if she is paying for it all it might be a last kind of hurrah before adulthood (which now seems to be 30, at least for styling and looking it and all that these days). Her being able to finally afford whatever she wants makes sense too, maybe she wasn't allowed to do it before.
Also, it may be that she just wasn't confident enough to dress strangely or buy cute shit before. Some people grow up weirdly repressed like that until they come into themselves. Plus if she's new to kawaii shit it may explain why the stuff she is so childish, I think older and more mature people can have elements of cute/playful stuff without it being too weird looking.
I think a comparable thing happens for loud Japanese fashions, it is supposed to be their last chance to be loud and expressive before they have to dress like "boring" adults (which obviously in Japan happens earlier).
No. 58674
>>58672I agree that she seems to do it pretty well. Can't say much about her actual life as compared to PT since we know PT is a mess, but in this case everything seems to be clean, neat and taken care of. She doesn't appear to be sloppy or ill suited to things either (she doesn't look bad and actually looks pretty young, I think, from the room video). Her trying to be cute is annoying and some of her decorations like the castle are tacky but she had some cute stuff going too.
>>58673Really? It looks like a standard room set up to me, and if she is OCD I guess I'm worse because I was bothered by some things randomly being on the floor. The only weirder thing was everything in her closet being labeled but some people do do that for whatever reason.
No. 58675
>>58674I mean, she has a huge room. I've been various friend's rooms and no one is that organized. Usually clothing on the floor or in a hamper in the corner of books all over the dresser. I dunno. When a room is too tidy, I get weirded out.
Also I live in an apt, not a huge, so my room is half that size. :(
No. 58678
>>58675True, it's a bit unnatural to be that totally organized but this was clearly staged.
>>58677I think labels look nice too but I also think people do them for the look and to play with a label maker. Her closet was so organized she didn't really need them, it was her stuff so likely knew where everything was to begin with without needing a label.
I will say it was good that she didn't change up her wall and carpet color. She likely isn't able to if she's renting but some idiots try anyway and it ends up being too much. I like the pastels and pinks contrasted to the neutral wall/carpet even if I don't care for that shade of beige. It keeps it from being too heavy.
No. 58685
She's kinda cute I guess. Like, she's pretty, but nothing mind-blowing…
No. 58688
Honestly. These.'s cute and pretty young looking but these were cringey.
No. 58689
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Personally, I think this girl looks better at the beginning of her tutorials. That being said, it surprised me that she's in her late 20's. Grow up, girl.
Here's an off-topic question (sorry!): how old is TOO old to be doing tutorials like hers?
No. 58691
>>58689If the anons within the community are anything to go by, society would dictate that you're too old for kawaii shit by like 25…but a loooot of those people who feel that way are teenagers for whom their 20s seems like a long way away. I was like that too, then I became 25. It's not like you just suddenly grow out of it and stop liking it. It's no different with any other subculture–goth, punk, etc. Like, it's considered kind of dorky or lame to be into stuff like that as an older person but eh, I think that's mostly societal. It's also important that you remain aware of the fact that you are older and sort of grow with it and be realistic about what you should and shouldn't do/wear which, tbh, this girl seems to get.
Among older kawaii lolcow girls, she seems to be fully aware that she is older and she acts like it. Whereas Taylor R dressing like a schoolgirl or PT dressing like a toddler seems sad, she kinda retains the kawaii blogger aesthetic but still seems like an adult…you know? So even though her videos are about her kawaii lifestyle, it's tailored to her personally rather than some kinda sad desire to be forever 13 or whatever.
To me personally and what seems to be the case with a few other anons, the dividing line is whether you mooch off your parents or the government to support your kawaii livestyle vs working and functioning in society. No shame in living how you want if you're funding it, especially if you can pull it off, but I judge the hell out of people who just bum around Japan with their parents' money. I'm sure that's why people have less of an issue with Kota vs Kiki. Didn't mean to get all white knighty, sorry.
No. 58695
Oh hey, this girl is from my town and I know her, her identical twin sister, and her older sister. Good for Alexa being the face of contact and wig companies and whatnot. I admit I'd love that, all the free cute shit. She pulls it off well and I'm pretty sure she moved a while ago, so I don't know if she dresses like this in person. The videos are awkward as shit, though, and for her sake I really do hope she contains her power level in public. This kawaii crap is three or four years old max. Her sisters are artistic in their own ways as well (acrobatic yoga, aerial silks, etc for one and I think the other does photography, her twin has full sleeves too) but aren't weebs.
No. 58697
>>58691This. So much of this and all of it. Not to mention, what is growing into an adult? As long as you got your own source of income and pay your bills/arent living with your parents, arent you an adult?
I feel so many people here are 20 and under to say this, but trust me. Your teens are gone fast and your early 20s will speed by too. As long as you don't act like a total spazzy weeb irl, why not love cute shit and pastels and creepy cute style whatever.
So much I could never afford until I got to 22/23 because I didn't have a good paying job for a while.
No. 58698
>>58697This is really true. You don't just become 25 and decide you don't like whatever style you liked before and descend into wearing nothing but neutral office wear.
There's a time and a place for everything and as long as people are dressing in ways that flatter them and they can afford it I think there's no reason why "older" (and 28 is hardly old) people can't have fun with their fashion sometimes. Or their living spaces, which is even more harmless.
No. 58703
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How does building stuff make you a tomboy? this bitch
No. 58711
>>58710>>58708I always read "tomboy" as a girl who liked to do masculine things. I guess building a deck could be included? It's a bit odd but not completely nonsensical.
Also as far as I saw she just had one Hello Kitty wall decal that wasn't that showy (that castle was worse), it's not like it was an entire Hello Kitty room.
No. 58712
>>58711Being a tomboy is more about the look and attitude and doesn't mostly revolve around stereotypical masculine hobbies. A good example would be if you're a tomboy, you're more often mistaken as an actual boy in general; moreso than you're identified as a girl.
Usually the "tomboy" label is given to you by others, rather than self-identifying as one.
Same as having a "cute" hobby like buying pastel colored shit and sweet lolita cosplays doesn't make you a kowai princess.
Instead she has the look and attitude of someone who has an infantilism disorder.
No. 58716
>>58713P. much.
Learning a valuable life-skill such as DIY, basic plumbing and electrician skills isn't gender-exclusive. It means when you get your own place, you know what the fuck to do if a problem arises.
No. 58719
>>58716I work in a hardware store and women used to come in all the time (mostly rich white women who are used to doing nothing) and actually tell me "For a girl, you know so much" or "I wish my husband would go himself. this place isnt meant for women" and it would make me roll my eyes so hard. Like, are you serious?
One women wanted me to show her how to use a plunger. She had to be in her 40s.
No. 58720
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nyaaaan :3
No. 58721
>>58720she has the maturity of a 13 years old.
so fucking embarassing.
No. 58723
>>58712lol no.
a girl who enjoys rough, noisy activities traditionally associated with boys.
it has nothing to do with how they look or dress. a tomboy can be wearing a frilly pink tutu but and still be considered a tomboy because she's running around screaming and rough housing and playing pirate/cowboy.
No. 58726
>>58724OP here.
I have to agree, she is most defs sponsored by the companies she talks about in her videos. In her newest video,the pokemon favourites she talks about these charmander shoes from etsy. I clicked on the link and for custom painted $100+ they are thee ugliest hand painted shoes I have ever seen. They are poorly painted and look to be painted on generic store brand white canvas shoes. For paying $100+ the quality should be so much better.
My opinion on Alexa is.. I find her personality forced. She can buy as much kawaii shit as she likes, hell I do it too but I don't do forced 'anime girl' poses or fake my fucking voice to be 'kawaii'. She can dress however she likes, but she would be liked much more if she stopped with the fake as fuck poses and voice, her older videos show what she really sounds like. You can't deny a lot of what she does it forced for the camera in a bid to seem 'young' and 'fun'
No. 58728
>>58726Those shoes are hideous! Like the pokemon look terrible haha its really sad she would encourage people to buy them.
I understand her advertising a lot of GLW wigs because she models for them and stuff but surely she could show some others, like there are lots of good wig stores out there.
She does usually have good discount codes though.
No. 58730
>>58729I meant her bigger ones, like that spin for perfect skin thing and the acrylic nail starter set both had some decent discounts.
The discounts on her blog are crap. However, her having all these discounts makes me wonder how much she makes from these companies, like she must get something for endorsing them. When she used to do contact lenses reviews they were usually from the same company too.
No. 58734
>>58730yeh the nails were a good discount.
She is definitely getting all that shit for free, or perhaps shes flirting with lots of older men and leading them on only to say 'no im not that kind of girl, but thank you for all the free things tee hee'
No. 58744
>>58743I've followed her for years (since I was a young weeb, stayed for the dramu) and I think she only posted one time about her ex who was some dude with gauges and tatts. I can't remember anything about her current bf.
Her twin on the other hand is an identical twin who's normal. Iirc in the pic she posted, her twin did her makeup but no wigs or fancy shit. She was wearing sportswear.
No. 58747
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>>58745at least they arent creepily identical like emixlea
No. 58748
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>>58738>>58739theres a line between cute and childish.
i think this is a pretty good balance of cute and childish in her room.
as long as you're not forcing pastel vomit decor onto your family or SO, then… i dont see a problem.
as for the castle thing, maybe she always wanted it as a kid and couldnt have it.
No. 58750
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No. 58751
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Play time
No. 58752
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No. 58753
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Look at that ass!
No. 58754
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No. 58755
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No. 58756
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If you look hard and blow up this pic you can see her lips coming out her shorts
No. 58757
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>>58743Her boyfriend's name is Brandon?Henna her twin dated some guy on homeland
No. 58759
>>58758I agree anon, I was hoping someone else would say it.
Why do so many bitches think anything pastel and babyish is automatically "kawaii". No, you just look like a weird, ageplaying clown with a room full of cheap, claires accessories-tier garbage.
No. 58761
>>58760Seriously, it's pretty obvious this girl is posting in this thread.
Admin can't confirm unless she breaks the rules though. :/
No. 58763
>>58761Samefagging is allowed, self posting isn't. If she's found to be self posting then she'll be exposed. This thread was dug up after the recent exposure of a few other self posters, so it's possible it just hasn't been noticed yet. And given that the very first response is "damn, she looks 15 herself" (when she very clearly doesn't) it wouldn't surprise me at all if it was Alexa that started the thread.
It could also be someone trying to make her look stupid. A sixth month old thread being necro'd by someone called "a" who makes a load of weird comments about her ass, her vagina and some guy her sister dated? Pretty odd, tbh.
No. 140563
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holy shit anyone else remember her camshows on tinychat? she was called LExxELectric or something similar to that. she'd would refuse to use a hairbrush and would always bate with both hands and she'd use her thumbs alot cause she had big rings on her fingers so people started calling her dyslexic then DisLexa. she also had a dirty cat litter box in her bedroom that the trolls loved to rag on her about. she ended up getting really pissed one night and started crying during a show, stopped the cam and never came back to the room again. I was pissed! cause her shows were really fun even tho there was maybe something a little off about her generally speaking.
No. 1960592
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Update: she married a neckbeard, had an intensely ugly baby, and got fat as fuck