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No. 574284
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>>574281She was a mess well before that but yeah, I'm inclined to believe she has a TBI from the overdose/aneurysm. Even she says that's the cause.
No. 574301
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Tornado Thien? I know this bitch is cray but what is this name lmao and omg she is pregnant again??? The last time I checked on her she claimed she was brainwashed by the MK Ultra or whatever the name was.
Does she still live with her mum?
She should have shut her mouth and just continue with this entire porn shit that made her famous.
What the hell
No. 574330
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Tila's real name is Thien Thanh Thi Nyugen, she's vietnamese. I remember her show a shot at love. She's doing whatever she can to stay relevant, I thought she adopted her girlfriend's kid what happened to that?
No. 574336
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It was hilarious when Tila attacked Nikita Dragun for being trans. If anything I thought Tila would be raving Nikita since they are similar in terms of appearance, both southeast asian, both changed their names to some ridiculous white trash shit and both are sluts. Nikita said he won't clap back at Tila cuz she's irrelevant, atleast he didn't feed the troll.
No. 574338
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Some of her Hitler tweets
No. 574339
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She blamed the jews for what happened
No. 574346
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Tila thinks makeup is sorcery and she really hates trans MTF
What happened to her? Drugs? Or did she legit lose her mind?
No. 574381
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Is she still pregnant? This was from early March.
No. 574427
>>574382oh god, now she's going 'quiverfull'? no wonder she is pregnant again.
(that's the crazy-ass brand of Christianity the Duggars follow)
No. 574435
>>574382I hope someone(of authority) takes that child away from this psychopath. Poor baby isn’t even born and is already doomed.
I wanted to think this was all elaborate trolling, But I’m pretty sure she is just mentally ill.
She seems a bit old for a sudden jump in insanity. Severe drug abuse? Not sure if she deserves a thread. Sure she’s sorta milky because she’s insane…but she seems legitimately unhinged. And I feel weird about making fun of someone who has no control over her own brain. It’s just sad at this point.
No. 574680
triggered her to od in 2012?
No. 593664
>>574330No, that was never the plan. Casey Johnson's kid Ava-Monroe was in custody of Casey's mother when Casey died. Tila was just shooting her mouth off as per usual.
They weren't even really engaged, and knew each other for like a month. The "engagement ring" that she was wearing in those photos was 100% fake.
She also claimed that Nicky Hilton was going to put down Casey's dogs to bury them with her… said that she refused to give them the dogs/Casey's stuff, forgetting that she was seen by the paps literally carrying out shit to Nicky's car.
She's always been full of shit
No. 593707
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She is still pregnant with baby #2 while homeschooling and not vaccinating #1 because vaccines are Satanic ritual abuse. No. 612337
>>574330She never adopted any child, she was only babbling about it at that time (after Casey Johnson died). She also faked a pregnancy, claimed rapper The Game was the father. And there was a lot more drama at the time… She's a lying narcissist desperate for attention.
Unfortunately, much later she had her current child Izzy and now she's supposedly pregnant again (there were some theories that she's faking this pregnancy too using a moon bump/photoshopping herself). But I'm afraid that isn't true. Poor kids.
No. 612346
>>612309I don't think she met him on Craigslist, I think he was a "customer"/fan of hers (she used to do paid webcam shows, etc.). The guy, Drake, seemed kind of mentally slow in videos (she's now mostly deleted them), so she probably hoped she would be able to prey on him and use him. She even got married to him, because she's this "godly woman" now and she of course has to prove it to her followers (yes, she still has some psychos following her even after all her insanity). The guy's mom was fighting with her, because to her it was obvious Tila was just using him. I wonder what is going with him and his family now.
Her relationships never last, being with her must be a hell on Earth, she's mentally and physically abusive, etc. - this relationship lasted for about four months and that's a record for her (she usually stays with people for days/weeks at max). I think she married and moved in with him in November and at the end of February, she was back in her parents' guest bedroom in Texas, where she is to this day.
Btw. I wouldn't claim this guy is even the father of her latest child, as she was hanging out with Izzy's dad before moving in with Drake and supposedly they were "trying for a baby". And the timeline of her pregnancy suggests she got pregnant in September. Wouldn't be surprised if she tried to trick Drake and wanted him to help raising someone else's baby.
No. 613173

Btw. this is a video she made shortly after her "aneurysm" (I think her PR manager described it as aneurysm so she wouldn't have to admit that it was a suicide attempt). What most probably happened is that she overdosed on drugs and then attempted suicide.
You can see that she's relatively normal on the video (well, it's obvious even there that she has issues, but she's still relatively normal compared to the present).
Now compare it to any of her recent rant videos:'s obvious to me that she has untreated mental illness. She mentioned bipolar in the past, but it looks more like schizophrenia at this point. But again, she is the one who knows that she has problems (she even bragged about them in the past, because they make her a special snowflake and she loves attention so much), yet refuses to get help and thus potentially endangers her children, people around her, and herself. So it's her decision in the end. And her family is probably afraid of her or doesn't care, otherwise they would push her towards getting treatment. I think it isn't going to end well.
No. 616444
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So I know I will probably get alot of backlash for this but may I please state how I feel about Miss Tila. So I have been a fan of Tila since November 2006. I really really enjoy her music, love it to death. The odd thing is I can't stop listening to her, it has nothing to do with if she's pretty or not it's just the sheer fact that I am so interested in what she is saying or doing now that I truly am addicted to what she does in life. I love watching her really just be herself. Look here is a better way of putting it, she has influenced my whole entire life from 2006 to now. I own her book, ordered her Sex EP off amazon in 2011, have both seasons of her show. I live for her sound check live intro performances, I have even gotten "Tila Tequila" in bright green ink tatted on my left ankle. It's crazy to think about but I have wayne's dedication 5 cover on my left forearm, lil wayne's head on a rocket ship, young money logo from 2009, tunechi and weezy tatted on my wrist. But yet I have just thought about covering them all up with Tila tats. Why, I really don't know, am I like her, I have no idea. Sure she can be rude at times but I just always try to overlook all that and think, well maybe she's having a bad day. I mean to in some sort of spotlight has to work on some very stressed nerves. Please ladies and gentlemen can we give her a chance?? She is still human. I have based alot of my life on her, if I don't have tila music or tila life in my life then fuck I would be scared to see what would happen to me. Let's have real, and normal convos about this topic please….email me anytime at if your going to be super mean to me I just ask you do it in a professional manner. I hope everybody has a very blessed evening and great thoughts when you wake up tomorrow :) Night everybody :)
No. 616761
You are correct about her seeking attention, I can't deny that. In her book she even openly states that. I mean I'm not saying she rules the world or anything like that. It really dates back to Myspace days and in 2007 she actually left a very short comment about saying "thank you love so much. Let's keep kickin ass baby!!!!" and I don't know ever since then I just appreciated such a small gesture but to my a big gesture. Nobody else as far as television actors or music artist commented me back. Anyways I'm not saying I agree with her beliefs or views I just love her music so much. I have never felt so happy, when I listen to her I hear raw talent. She really can sing. I'm 31, work 12 hour shifts mon-thurs, own my own home, I don't have any children or anything so I do have alot of free time on the weekends and I have watched every single video she has "preached" in and again I won't deny that at times she does come off as a tad bit rattled. I am just a legit fan. Mainly her music, but she is entertaining to watch, we all have to atleast admit that :) I know I need a new idol, and I won't ever stop loving Tila or Weezy but as time grows I probably won't feel the same I did almost 12 years ago, to this current moment. But never the less I am a fan still lol. Thank you for the feedback :) and to the first person, I don't want it to seem like I'm jumping page to page telling my tila story lol. But thank you so much for the comment. I just stumbled upon this website looking to see if anything within the past month had been reported about her. Have a great day everybody :)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 616787
>>616444>>616761how sad. a body that's a shrine dedicated to a bunch of washed up, empty, talent-less vessels. a TAD bit rattled? she's a literal nazi. an asian nazi, at that. who would've EVER thought.. that's not a tad rattled that's completely ass backwards and inside out. enough blogposting this isnt a fanpage the woman is hateful, extremely delusional/ill, and shouldn't be looked up to. if someone like tornado thrall influences your personal life that much and is allocated that much attention at 31 then i feel really bad for the dull life you been leading.
i don't feel bad talking about tila, she's definitely interesting - but not a role model tf. more like a case study. or a car crash you just can't look away from.
No. 617322
>>573849I passed this thread several times and didn't recognize her until I read the name. I used to use myspace whoretrains and was her friend on myspace before she got famous. never talked to her or anything though, but i remember she had a mohawk haircut and would say controversial shit for attention. imo if you just look at her life, she has always been extremely desperate for attention, wanted to be the absolute center of topic and wasn't afraid to make herself look
really bad to get it.
No. 621783
>>621187As mentioned here
>>>/snow/612346I don't think this latest kid is even Drake's. I think her ex Thomas Whitaker (who she now hates so much and made multiple videos about) is the actual dad. She just wanted to mooch off of Drake.
No. 626262
>>625975She's being a huge hypocrite constantly. Not a surprise. Most of the time she's ranting about something she's either still doing herself (and not realizing it) or was doing in the past.
For Christ's sake, she was still selling her body for cash just last year (she goes on fuck trips with clients and there's even a video of her leaving and coming back on her Youtube). And that was when she was already "religious" (putting this into quotes on purpose, as she's fake AF). Yet we're supposed to see her as this Virgin Mary now? LOL.
No. 630865
>>630406Yep. "Lesbian Sex Tape" video (Tila Tequila Uncorked) and another fake "sex tape" video, this time with a man (Tila Tequila Backdoored and Squirting) that includes anal scenes.
Her porn can still be watched for free on Pornhub.
No. 633092
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Nobody is a true Christian unless they practice supersonic warfare prayers and want to kill everyone. She truly sounds like a brain-damaged 12-year-old who watches too much anime.
No. 634285
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Tila the Hypocrite, episode 666:
Tila loves to rant about pedophiles or about men who have sex with young girls, doesn't she?
It's funny that this is coming from someone who slept with a 17-year-old boy a few years ago, when she herself was over 30 at the time.
A "nice" bonus was that after she broke up with him, she told him to kill himself and also threatened to post "dirty pics" she had of him.
She's absolutely vile. No. 668856
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Poor child.
No. 668857
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No. 668876
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And she already hates the supposed father of her second child and wishes death on him (this is how basically each of her "relationships" ends). What a trainwreck.
No. 677488
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Hmm, hmm. Seems like she forgot that according to her, it's a sin to wear make-up. I wonder if there's one single thing she's not being hypocritical or straight up lying about.
She looks absolutely terrible. Bloated, unhealthy, and like she aged 10 years during her pregnancy.
Also someone supposedly hacked her Instagram, lol. I guess some vigilante got fed up with all her crazy bullshit and took matters into their own hands, because Instagram refuses to do anything, as always.
No. 696514
I was wondering why she had suddenly stopped ranting on Youtube and it looks like the father of her older child (Izzy) is now finally suing for custody. Took him 4 years though and he doesn't seem to mention her mental state, only that she has a "history of neglect"."Tila Tequila is in jeopardy of losing custody of her 4-year-old daughter after her baby daddy asked a judge for full custody and to cut off unsupervised access to the child from the ex-reality star.
Tila’s ex, Thomas Whitaker, has filed legal documents requesting full custody of Isabella Monroe and argued, “it is in the best interest of the child” that the father is appointed sole managing conservator and able to decide where his daughter lives."
We’re told that Whitaker, who lives in Georgia, does not have a formal custody agreement in place with Tila, who lives in Texas. Whitaker claims his baby mama used to be very accommodating with letting him see Isabella, but says that she has now barred him from visiting, which prompted him to file official documents.
Whitaker also claims, in legal documents, that the former reality star has “engaged in a history or pattern of child neglect,” however he doesn’t want her parental rights stripped away and is requesting that Tila be allowed supervised visits with the child."
No. 755474
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No. 755493
>>755474Her poor parents. I haven't fully caught up with all her videos, as there's A LOT of them and her hateful rants are sometimes really hard/tedious to watch, but it seems there's a lot of in-fighting and conflicts taking place in their household. She sometimes makes it sound like she's straight up abusing her elderly parents (she claims they're "possessed by demons" and she's exorcising them or something; crazy). This bitch should be grateful that they're providing a roof over her head and probably also buying all the food and necessities for her and her kids. Living with her must be quite unbearable for them. I guess no one in her family knows what to do with her.
I hope this doesn't end up with her "exorcising" someone to death.
No. 755584
>>755493>She sometimes makes it sound like she's straight up abusing her elderly parentsElder abuse" is a real thing that happens.
> "exorcising" someone to death.Uh. I wouldn't put it past her. She's nuttier than a fruitcake.
No. 755698 bitch is so fucking crazy. She's definitely an unmedicated schizophrenic. Going unmedicated is the absolute worst thing you can do for this illness.
Video above is 4 solid minutes of her laughing in a hysterical manner and screaming the words "holy ghost fire" at her 4 year old daughter, over and over.
(Embed this) No. 755724
I feel bad for her. I think she is really mentally ill.
>>755474She looks so different without makeup on
No. 755760
>>755584Yeah, I know that the elder abuse happens. It's scary that she has two other siblings and no one is stepping in, instead they're letting their own parents get mistreated. And Tila's kids are growing up in this environment and already picking up disturbing habits, sigh (she has videos on her Youtube with her little 3-year-old girl "fighting demons" and "speaking in tongues" - very troubling). I won't link them here, as it's forbidden to link any content involving children.
Supposedly her sister slapped her, but that's not exactly a constructive solution, is it. Also, it only makes Tila feel like a martyr.
That whole family sounds very dysfunctional.
No. 825058
>>825045Are you retarded? That's not going to give her kid brain damage.
If anything, CPS might need to be involved because she has a loose grip on reality.
The girl needs meds.
No. 935136
>>934898This guy kind of sucks too. He was suing for custody of his daughter and then even didn't have the guts (or didn't wake up in time) to go to court, so Tila "won" by default. Seems like trainwrecks attract other trainwrecks, hm. The main
victims in this shitfest are Tila's kids.
No. 935226
>>935136Eh, from what I have seen he seems like a good guy, he just doesn't always make the best decisions. Sticking your dick in Tila, for example.
I'd take him as a parent over her any day.
No. 935349
>>935226If he's such a great parent, then he should at least try to get custody of his daughter. So far - nothing. The longer the kids stay in Tila's care, the worse outcome for them. His daughter is already showing some troubling behaviors from being in that environment…
Also, from what I understand, he already has several daughters from his previous relationships and lives in a trailer park, so it's not looking good for poor Izzy.
No. 991664
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Back to her old ways, it seems. No more holy, virgin Tila.
No. 991673
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Also, I haven't caught up with her videos (there's a ton of them), so I'm not exactly sure what's going on with her ATM, but it looks like she got evicted from that last place she got when her poor parents gave her her inheritance early. What a failure. Her family must be exhausted from all the problems she's causing them.
No. 1202805
>>1202794More of this Jesus weirdness just from yesterday. (Embedded.)
She is starting to view herself as some kind of saint or biblical figure, delusions of grandeur. I feel sorry for her too, but it’s insane that she is allowed to have custody of her children when she is clearly delusional: also posts a lot of random singing videos, like: and it’s sad because her voice is actually somewhat nice still. If she had just a little more vocal training (and wasn’t batshit insane) she could maybe be a singer again.
Bonus: this video really sums up some of her weird delusions and also has a bunch of unhinged manic laughter.
No. 1203114
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I've been debating whether to post this off and on since the thread's been around, figure why not, lol. Anyway, the dude who introduced Tila to nazi shit has a relatively robust internet history and almost certainly has his claws in some sort of retarded venture. He used to go by Dr. Rice/Uncle Ben's Rice on the original Encyclopedia Dramatica Forums and IRC server, where he was a notable pseud. In his early 20's (probably due in part to all of the drugs he was using), he
developed severe mental illness and began to have messianic delusions, attempting to start at least two cults. At some point he managed to get into contact with Tila via skype or something and started feeding her his bullshit; I'm not sure what he's doing today or what his relationship is like with her now, but this continued for years and he is undoubtedly still being an attention-seeking faggot somewhere. He's the guy in the middle of this picture.
Tila would have been fucked up regardless of Rice's influence, but she probably would have been a less shocking sort of fucked up, like the generic 'spiritual but not religious' New Age variety that keeks is attracted to.
No. 1205232
She posts multiple videos every day, I can’t even keep up with them all, but this one is pretty good. She basically yells the entire time, with her weird manic laughter, and she recounts a daydream she had about Jesus appearing to her on a horse.
She is also claiming she is going to raise DMX from the dead, but this video is less interesting than the embedded one because 75% of the DMX video is just her reading from the Bible.
No. 1225274
>>1225270She posts so many videos. Some of them are just singing and others are just her reading Bible passages and manic giggling. But sometimes you get the ones where she’s just ranting directly to the camera about a delusion she had.
This one is all about dying and coming to life, and now in addition to being Jesus’s wife she is also Michael the Archangel.
There’s a part at the end where she says her children have been acting weird lately as if they’re “under attack” and I feel so sorry for them. Of course they’re reacting strangely to their mom going into what seems to be some kind of delusion or psychosis of some kind. I don’t know the right word and I’m not trying to armchair, I’m just worried for those poor kids.
Her channel is pretty milky though, especially since she posts so often.
No. 1225300

I only check her videos for milk about once a week, and that still ends up being a lot of videos to get through because of how many she posts. Anyway I missed some big ones to share.
The embedded one is her basically doxxing her kids dad and revealing info about his financial situation. I guess the courts see him as just as much of a fuckup as her, which would explain how she appears to have sole custody.
>Here’s a video where she goes even more into her whole delusional “I died” thing:
>And here is a video she posted that basically sounded like a suicide note before her channel went dark for two days:’s just her lip-syncing for sixty seconds, but check out the description, it reads like a suicide note.
I’m kind of surprised that her doxxing her ex and her supposed suicide note didn’t really get any attention. If this were maybe 5-6 years ago, she was still tabloid fodder. I guess everyone has just realized she’s a dumpster fire and moved on.
But I still find her antics milky
and I also feel concerned for her, and some weird misplaced nostalgia for her heyday and the MySpace era in general No. 1225653
>>1225274I swear to God she watched the Lion King and had this delusion. (starts around 1:07)
She is describing the plot of this scene in such a narcissistically scrambled way, from the exact repetition of "Remember who you are" (1:50) except her brain short circuits it to her "father" saying it, and not Simba's, the power being within you, visions of misty figures, "them" "taking" her "crown" (like she is Simba, righteous king of the jungle all along), defeating baddies in a war….
It's quite fascinating, but obviously something is wrong. I hope she gets the help she needs for her childrens sake.
No. 1225662
>>1225653I was thinking that too! Her kids are at the age to be constantly watching Disney movies, and Tila seems to have the type of crazy where she blends things that she reads/watches in with her perception of reality.
I feel awful for her but I also cannot stop watching her craziness.
No. 1225670
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Samefag, but I’ve been wondering recently if her ex is just as insane as she is, because why else would she have custody?
In my light snooping I have found:
>His “music”>>100% Grade A Unpasteurized Whole LolCow Milk, picrel. I am absolutely BEGGING all farmers who see this to please go listen to at least a few clips from his music. It is astoundingly cringey, to the point where I can’t do it justice by describing it.
>His Reddit account>>Mostly dry except some posts whining about custody.
>His YouTube channel called “Tila Tequila’s Baby Daddy” (how classy)>>Contains some old milk from 2019, whining about custody, criticizing tila, and showing off his newer babymom. I had no clue how old he was until I saw these. He’s ancient.
>His Twitter>>I haven’t looked through it for milk yet. No. 1228880
Samefag again. I’m pretty sure I’m the only one interested in this particular lolcow.
Anyway, yesterday she released a couple videos about Jews trying to attack her, calling Israelis “the synagogue of satan” and she called her ex a fake Jew. Here’s that video: she went on livestream to discuss
>how many times she has died and been murdered>that she’s “saying goodbye” now because her “story is over”>says she was molested by satan, who is also her ex and her father>she won’t be on YouTube anymore because she and her children are going to be with god in heavenThat’s the embedded vid on this post.
So what does she mean? Is she quitting YouTube? Is she saying that she and her children are going to die? Is she just seeking attention and making stuff up?
No. 1311618
>>1311495Nowhere to be seen… for now. She was kicked off instagram too.
Vidrel, the latest shitshow that got her banned (from 00:05 to 7:44).
This person talks about her other dramas throughout the years, like the one in late 2020 where she lured/kidnapped children from her neighborhood for a "baptism" (38:55 to 41:14).
No. 1543692
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>>1543468She now believes she is the the messiah and the sister of Jesus…..
No. 1543695
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>>1543692she posted this photo under that post jesus and god are just faceapp male version of her.
No. 1544069
>>1543840who the fuck thought it was a good idea for her children to live with her anyway.
All it takes is one google search for the cps to see she is mentally unhinged.
No. 1597764
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No. 1606373
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This filter is nightmare fuel. She must look terrible right now if this is the face she’s committing to.
No. 1668328
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She admits having multiple personality disorder. What a shocker
No. 1676840
>>1669101She was just larping with that, claiming multiple personality disorder back in like 2010 (when she was still relatively sane compared to the current situation). She thought it would make her more interesting, same as her "bisexuality".
I think what it more probable that she has full-blown schizophrenia now, which unfortunately doesn't look like it's being treated. Plus, she has always been a narcissist.